[python-committers] Promote Stefan Behnel as a core developer

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sun Mar 24 14:27:08 EDT 2019

On 3/24/2019 12:14 PM, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
> I propose to promote Stefan Behnel (aka scoder on the tracker and 
> GitHub) as a core developer.

Have you asked Stefan if he would like the privilege, accept it, and 
would at least occasionally use it?

> Perhaps not one from us is surprised that 
> he is not yet a core developer.

I'm not.  While it might benefit us if he were more active with the 
core, I presume that he has chosen to remain focused on Cython and lxml 
and has never asked to become one.  Hence my question above.

> Stefan is a core developer of Cython and 
> lxml, two important projects in Python ecosystem. He is a coauthor of 
> PEP 489. His first patch is dated by 2010. He is not so active as other 
> candidates in writing patches (I have counted less than 20 of his 
> commits), but he is active on the bug tracker and mailing lists 
> (reported 95 issues and commented much more). His expertise in 
> XML-related issues was very important. He is assigned as an expert for 
> the xml.etree package.

In other words, he has been more active with the core than most other 
'ecosystem' developers and thus seems like a better candidate than most 
to join the core, even if his main focus remains on cython and lxml.

> Maybe you can add more about Stefan's merits. This is just what I know 
> personally. I worked a much with him and have very good impression about 
> him.

So do I from what I have read of his posts.

> Ah, and the PSF also just granted him their quarterly community service 
> award for
> 2019-Q1. https://www.python.org/community/awards/psf-awards/#march-2019

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