Peter Shannon shannon at
Tue Aug 7 21:09:37 CEST 2001

Hi Michael,

> Hmm, interesting. Can you describe what OpenSSL-related Python
> wrappers your are implementing?

Yes, sure.   The wrappers are written in C, no SWIG dependancies.  They are 
intended to be pretty high level and cover almost the entire bredth of the 
OpenSSL libraries.  At the moment I have wrappers for:

	asymetric ciphers(only RSA at the moment), 

	symetric ciphers, 

	digests(and signing using an RSA key), 

	preliminary SSL support(connect, bind, read, write, using a key and
	certificate and a getting peer certificate),

	prelininary X509_STORE support(adding trusted certificate, verifying a
	certificate, adding a crl which is not much use until 9.7.

	generation and interogation of X509 certificates(no extensions yet), RSA 

	generation and interogation of CRLs(no extensions yet), RSA signatures and

	miscilanious stuff to do with the RAND library and errors.

	reading and writing in PEM format(X509, CRLs and RSA) no DER support yet.

I have a project on freshmeat, Python Openssl Wrappers(POW).  No uploaded 
code yet.  I wanted to produce some documentation and do a bit more cleaning 
of the code before I announced it offically.  Let me know if you want to know 

Peter Shannon.

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