[PYTHON-CRYPTO] complete disagreement (*forgot something*)

Dan Parisien dan at eevolved.com
Sun Feb 11 21:01:32 CET 2001

On Domingo 11 Fevereiro 2001 14:26, you wrote:
> example shelve code:
> import shelve
> import bsddb
> db = shelve.open("filename")
> db["some key"] = "some value"

Oops. I never explained this one...
Modules that themselves depend on other crypto modules (think key exchange,
authentication schemes, secure network transmission) should not have to
include cypher algorithms in their code. They should just import default
ones and make it easy to change them like shelve works with databases.

shelve will take any database (defaults to (g)dbm) but you can replace its
underlying db with any db adhering to the python db standards by importing
 it. simple 'n clean. Plus each crypto algorithm is only written once. It can
 be used alone or by another module that exploits the fact it adheres to the
 standard python interface.


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