[PYTHON-CRYPTO] Requirements

Dan Parisien dan at eevolved.com
Wed Feb 14 20:32:43 CET 2001

On Tuesday 13 February 2001 22:21, you wrote:
> > Especially with hardware crypto implementations. How would you propose a
> > programmer use the find alg?
> Most folks would do:
>         des=crypto.symmetric.factory(mechanism='3des')
> which would let the local system find the "best" implementation.
> Some might have an ordered list of preferences:
>         AES=crypto.symmetric.factory(mechanism='AES',
> prefs='hardware:openssl:pycrypto')
> A high-security application, such as for a bank, might use
>         rsa=crypto.asymmetric.factory(mechanism='RSA',
> 'prefs=Fips140-1-Level4')
> Hope this helps.

Goodness. I see why you would want it, but I still oppose this type of
system. It is in my opinion [of course it's in my opinion :) ] anti-pythonic.
This type of registry should be at an OS level/programming language
independant with python wrappers accessing it, not in the pyton crypto api :(

Python crypto should be more simple than this. The pseudo code above makes me
think of OBDC (which brings me back to the idea of making such a registry
OS-wide & programming language independant)... If the python crypto standard
is comprehensible and simple, it will be trivial to wrap any system to it;
especially the one you propose!

Understand that I do think what you propose is good and _extremely_ useful, I
just think that if we focus on that, python crypto will never get out the
door :(

This is just my vote,

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