Interested in a Crypto-SIG?

Michael Ströder michael at
Sat Jan 27 15:07:09 CET 2001

Daniel wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Jan 2001 14:09:55 +0100, Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?Str=F6der?=
> <michael at> wrote:
> >I would like to propose a Crypto-SIG.
> >Let me know what you think.
> It would be nice to have the new AES in a Python module, just like
> BlowFish, TwoFish, TDES, etc.   All of these algorithms (written in C)
> can be readily found on the net. 

Yes, there are already a lot of implementations of cryptographic
algorithms floating around. My main concern is that they all have
different APIs. Not easy for application programmers to choose the
right lib.

> Not a very easy subject, though...

Yes. That's why I would like to bring together all the isolated
efforts and focus on creating a unified API.

Ciao, Michael.

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