[PYTHON-CRYPTO] [ANN] M2Crypto 0.06-snap3 with Win32 binaries

Ng Pheng Siong ngps at POST1.COM
Fri Mar 30 18:04:49 CEST 2001


M2Crypto 0.06 snapshot #3 with Win32 binaries is now available. As usual,
the binary package contains DLLs for both Python 1.5.2 and Python 2.0.

Get it here:


M2Crypto needs SWIG 1.1-786 (or thereabouts) to build from source.
Apparently, that package is now hard to find on the net. I've put up a
source tarball of it at url above.

I'm hoping to start a "testimonials" page. If M2Crypto has done some good
for you, I'll appreciate if you can drop me a note with a few words to be
quoted on my website. TIA! ;-)

Ng Pheng Siong <ngps at post1.com> * http://www.post1.com/home/ngps

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