[PYTHON-CRYPTO] PEP 272 version 2

Janusz A. Urbanowicz alex at BOFH.TORUN.PL
Thu Apr 18 16:51:36 CEST 2002

Bryan Mongeau wrote/napisał[a]/schrieb:
-- Start of PGP signed section.
> On Thursday 18 April 2002 06:44 am, Paul Rubin wrote:
> >   I think PEP 272 shouldn't exist, because it aims to solve a
> >   non-existent problem, which is providing a standard API for multiple
> >   block cipher modules that plug interchangeably into applications.
> >   There's just no need for that.
> I concur wholeheartedly with Paul. Perhaps someone could provide an example
> of an existing or imagined application that would require pluggable block
> ciphers?

GNU Privacy Guard has a pluggable block ciphers. SILC has pluggable block

In my opinion any program that supports more block cipher algorithms than
3DES shoud support pluggable block ciphers on some level. The world of
cryptoanalysis changes rapidly and cipher once secure may not be such on the
next day (vide latest, still theoretical, attacks on AES published this week).
I consider hardcoding one cipher algorithm into Python standard library a
Wrong Thing.

C _-=-_ H Janusz A. Urbanowicz, stomil at jabber.org, PGP 0x21939169    *  	
 ; (_O :  ----------------------------------------------------------- --+~|	
 ! &~) ?  Płynąć chcę na Wschód, za Suez, gdzie jest dobrem każde zło l_|/	
A ~-=-~ O Gdzie przykazań brak dziesięciu, a pić można aż po dno;       |   

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