[PYTHON-CRYPTO] PEP 272 version 2

Thu Apr 18 17:34:08 CEST 2002

>I'd like it very much if this PEP was withdrawn and we weren't
>constrained by it.  Let's write an implementation, bang it around for
>a while, and then if necessary rewrite the PEP based on what we've
>found the implementation needs to do.  This is the internet way--rough
>consensus, running code, write the RFC afterwards.

This might be better ...  at this point it seems easier to write code
than get changes made to a set of requirements.

I still feel that padding and IV need to be transparent, modes should
be unique classes and that support for "streaming"  encryption for
large files would be very  useful.

Paul ( another one :-)

At 10:44 AM +0000 4/18/02, Paul Rubin wrote:
>     For good or ill, here's another revision of PEP 272 making minor
>     changes to address some of the comments made in the previous round of
>     discussion.  I have resisted the temptation to increase the PEP's
>     scope by adding padding, or random number generation, or public-key
>     cryptography, because I think those should be separate PEPs.
>I don't think any of them should be PEP's--did we have a discussion
>of that already?  Here's the reasoning:
>   I think PEP 272 shouldn't exist, because it aims to solve a
>   non-existent problem, which is providing a standard API for multiple
>   block cipher modules that plug interchangeably into applications.
>   There's just no need for that.  PEP 272 seems to be written from a
>   1980's point of view when we were afraid of the NSA's influence on
>   DES and everyone had their favorite alternative block cipher that
>   they wanted to use instead.  But that situation has sorted itself
>   out now.  DES/3DES has been a standard for 25 years with no
>   surprising problems.  Its paranoia-inspiring design mysteries were
>   unravelled and published in the 90's so no one is afraid of it any
>   more; and the current AES standard has better performance for new
>   applications while supporting all the operations DES supports.
>   So a new application should use AES and stick with it.  A program to
>   interoperate with a legacy app (say with old versions of PGP that
>   need the IDEA cipher) has to use whatever cipher the legacy app
>   needs--again, it doesn't need pluggable ciphers since it has no
>   choice what cipher to use.  PEP 272 might be a good starting point
>   for the AES/DES cipher module documentation, but it doesn't seem
>   useful as a spec for further such modules.  It would be like having
>   a PEP for the API of trig functions in the math library.  If someone
>   wants to add a hyperbolic haversine function, they should just
>   implement and document it--a PEP for the API just isn't that useful.
>   So I think PEP 272 should be withdrawn, and its text massaged into
>   documentation for a DES/AES module submitted to the standard library.
>   Note that AES and DES will share code to implement the modes of operation.
>   If someone wants to implement another cipher, they may want to share
>   that same code--it will be obvious how to do that, but it's a matter
>   of low-level C interfaces, which this PEP so far says nothing about.
>Anyway though, I'll remark on the contents again:
>     The 'Changes' section reads as follows:
>         2002-04: Removed references to stream ciphers; retitled PEP;
>         prefixed feedback mode constants with MODE_; removed PGP feedback
>         mode; added CTR and OFB feedback modes; clarified where numbers
>         are measured in bytes and where in bits.
>These are fine, PGP feedback mode can be restored too, but these
>things should be optional per-implementation.
>         The following table lists keyword arguments defined by this PEP:
>           Keyword                 Meaning
>         counter               Callable object that returns counter blocks
>                               (see below; CTR mode only)
>What's the purpose of this?  I thought we were just going to pass in
>an integer, not a callable object.  Let's try to keep things simple.
>         rounds                Number of rounds of encryption to use
>I don't remember this in the last version.  IMO it should definitely
>be removed.  There are no ciphers I know of where the number of rounds
>is a user parameter.  In DES, the # of rounds is intimately related to
>the sequents of rotations in the key schedule and if you mess with it
>in the slightest way, you weaken the cipher.  In AES, the # of rounds
>is determined by the key length.  In IDEA, Skipjack, and GOST, it's
>fixed.  OK, it's sort of a parameter in RC5, but this is a rarity.
>Anyway, the PEP shouldn't specify this.
>     The Counter feedback mode requires a sequence of input blocks,
>CTR mode is not a feedback mode.
>     When 'mode' is MODE_CTR, the 'counter' keyword argument must be
>     provided, and its value must be a callable object, such as a
>     function or method.  Successive calls to this callable object must
>     return a sequence of strings that are of the length 'block_size'
>     and that never repeats.
>IMO this is a poor idea since it complicates the implementation and
>slows it down a lot if the callable function is written in Python.
>It means the cipher module has to make back-calls into the interpreter.
>I think we should leave it the way we discussed on the list earlier.
>     The CFB mode operates on segments of the plaintext and ciphertext
>     that are 'segment_size' bits long....
>     Implementors are allowed to constrain 'segment_size' to be a
>     multiple of 8 for simplicity, but they're encouraged to support
>     arbitrary values for generality.
>I don't understand why 8-bit CFB should be required if 1-bit CFB isn't
>required.  I say don't require anything.  Don't require CFB to be
>supported at all, but if it's supported, it's ok if the only segment
>size supported is the same as the block size.
>     Secret-key encryption modules should define two variables:
>     block_size
>         An integer value; the size of the blocks encrypted by this
>         module, measured in bytes.  For all feedback modes, the length
>         of strings passed to the encrypt() and decrypt() must be a
>         multiple of the block size.
>For RC5, this is variable.  So if anything, this parameter should be
>in the cipher object and maybe a keyword parameter to the constructor,
>not something the module itself defines.
>     key_size
>         An integer value; the size of the keys required by this
>         module, measured in bytes.  If key_size is None, then the
>         algorithm accepts arbitrary-length keys.  You cannot pass a
>         key of length 0 (that is, the null string '') as such a
>         variable-length key.
>For AES, this is 128, 192, or 256 bits; it's not a single integer and
>not arbitrary.
>Really though, I think this amount of parametrization is excessive.
>The application should know what cipher it's trying to use, and know
>the characteristics of that cipher.  The cipher object constructor
>should just throw an exception if you pass in a key length that the
>cipher doesn't support.
>     IV
>         Contains the initial value which will be used to start a
>         cipher feedback mode;
>It's used for modes other than CFB as well--different wording is needed.
>IV - contains the initialization vector used by CBC, CFB, and OFB modes.
>     Cipher objects require the following methods:
>     decrypt(string)
>         Decrypts 'string', using the key-dependent data in the object
>         ...
>This really needs to understand the padding mode.  I don't think it's
>sensible for a block cipher API spec to go into such detail about
>feedback modes and say nothing about padding modes.
>Over the past couple of weeks, we've had long discussions on the list
>about the API of the AES module that Bram and I are hoping to write
>tomorrow.  That API departed somewhat from PEP 272 but I thought we'd
>reached consensus about it, at least til we have some code to try out.
>Now the PEP has made another appearance and it's mostly the same as
>before--what's the story?
>I'd like it very much if this PEP was withdrawn and we weren't
>constrained by it.  Let's write an implementation, bang it around for
>a while, and then if necessary rewrite the PEP based on what we've
>found the implementation needs to do.  This is the internet way--rough
>consensus, running code, write the RFC afterwards.


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