[PYTHON-CRYPTO] encrypting credit card numbers

Itamar S.-T. itamarst at YAHOO.COM
Wed Jun 12 11:23:21 CEST 2002

--- Mark McEahern <marklists at MCEAHERN.COM> wrote:
> I need to encrypt credit card numbers.  When the
> card number arrives at the
> web server, I plan to encrypt it with a public key
> and send it to a database
> the web server only has write access to.  Then,
> later, a separate server
> reads the encrypted card number, decrypts it with
> the private key, and sends
> it to the payment processor.

Maybe use GPG with some wrapper library - I've done
this, and it has the benefit of letting humans easily
decrypt the data on Windows as well using PGP for

This one looks nice: http://py-gnupg.sourceforge.net/

Itamar Shtull-Trauring, itamar(at)shtull-trauring.org

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