[PYTHON-CRYPTO] httpslib.HTTPSConnection problem.

Terry Kerr terry at BIZARSOFTWARE.COM.AU
Thu Jul 22 03:54:40 CEST 2004

> M2Crypto.SSL.Context has method "set_options(self, op)". The option
> SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS isn't in M2Crypto yet, so you'll have to
> pass its actual integer value as the "op" parameter. To add the label to
> M2Crypto, modify SWIG/_ssl.i.

I don't see set_options() in 0.13?  Is there a newer CVS snapshot that I
can download?

> I will add this to my code base. Public repository should be up RSN, which
> should make keeping all this stuff updated easier.

Terry Kerr (terry at bizarsoftware.com.au)
Chief Technical Officer
Bizar Software Pty Ltd (www.bizarsoftware.com.au)
+61 3 9530 9182

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