[PYTHON-CRYPTO] M2Crypto convert key from PEM to DER ?

Hans Lellelid hans at VELUM.NET
Wed Apr 8 02:42:21 CEST 2009

Hi -

Mads Kiilerich wrote:
> Hans Lellelid wrote, On 04/08/2009 01:02 AM:
>> I'd like to use M2Crypto to to convert a server key from PEM format to 
>> DER. Specifically, I'd like to replace the following openssl command:
>> *openssl rsa –in input.key –inform PEM –out output.key –outform DER
>> I think I understand how to do something similar with the certs, but 
>> haven't figured out how to do this with just the private key. I'm sure 
>> I'm missing something; can anyone provide any tips?
> Using M2Crypto for that might be overkill, though it would be nice not 
> to have to write it from scratch every time.
> Untested and mostly from memory which might be wrong:
> pem = open('cert.pem')
> der = ''.join(l.strip() for l in 
> pem.read().split('-----')[2].splitlines()).decode('base64')
> open('cert.der', 'w').write(der)

Thank you!  -- I guess the better place to start looking would have been 
the relationship between PEM and DER :)  I will give that a shot.


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