[Python-cuba] Stepping down

Roberto Rosario roberto.rosario.gonzalez at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 20:11:07 CEST 2015

Dear members of the Python Cuba Work Group:

As you are all well aware there is a group of individuals who do not want
me as a chairman of this working group. They used false and misconstrued
statements as justification. As a consequence the vocal member of this
group of individuals was removed.

 Sadly that was not the end of it. This group of individuals have now
shifted their efforts into coercing me to stepping down instead.

 This group of individual have contacted the company I work for as well as
some of our clients. The extent of their campaign is not clear but their
intentions and means to achieve it are.

 This leaves me no other course of action but to step down as Chair of the
Python Cuba work group of the Python Software Foundation effective

 In my absence, the group will continue under David Mertz Co-chair of the
work group, now Chair of the work group.

 Thank you for having included me in the effort to help Cuba bring up their
own Python community and helping them get closer to a PyCon event in the
near future.

 My very best,

 --Roberto Rosario
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