[Python-cuba] Late report (another draft)

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 23:48:53 CEST 2015

> This is a Reminder for PSF Board Monthly Report
> Hi all,
> This is just a reminder. At the end of this month, please submit your
> workgroup report to psf at python.org.
> Thanks,
> Ewa

I didn't file anything yet.  I was thinking we'd go in rotation or

How about this:

June - July 2015

python-cuba is off to a strong start, with lots of enthusiasm and broad
brush stroke discussion of how we would self manage as a mail-man list.
Using languages aside from English is welcome and encouraged.

"Py-Events" are already happening in Cuba, a recent PyNight for example
[1].  We're anticipating more such Python-related events, whether
trademarked as Pycons, or otherwise branded.

In a surprising turn of events, our Working Group chairman came under
attack from an unvetted subscriber whom our moderator felt obliged to then
remove.  Our chairman then chose to step aside rather than attract more
such attackers to our group.  Consult the public archive if wishing more

We feel the existence of our list is a clear expression of support, on the
part of the PSF and the Python community more generally, for Pythonistas in


[1]  https://twitter.com/pythoncuba/status/618580757028605953

[2]  https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-cuba/


If members are accepting of this report (feel free to make changes), then
I'll submit it to Ewa this week, in time for a next board meeting.

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