[Python-cuba] Fwd: [scipyla2017] SciPyLA 2017 in Havana, Cuba

Jacqueline Kazil jackiekazil at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 16:28:48 EDT 2016


On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 10:57 PM, Olemis Lang <olemis at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 6/30/16, Jacqueline Kazil <jackiekazil at gmail.com> wrote:
> > This is so amazing! I will definitely share in Pyladies networks!
> >
> > Eeeeeek! So exciting!!??
> Thanks Jackie !
> We'll need all kind of help with distributing this news but , please ,
> make sure to add a reference to the following two Facebook and Twitter
> posts .
> https://twitter.com/olemislc/status/748327060590850049
> https://www.facebook.com/TheCubanTech/posts/620627351425173
> Cheers
> [...]
> --
> Regards,
> Olemis - @olemislc
> Apache™ Bloodhound contributor
> http://issues.apache.org/bloodhound
> http://blood-hound.net
> Brython committer
> http://brython.info
> http://github.com/brython-dev/brython
> SciPy Latin America - Cuban Ambassador
> Chairman of SciPy LA 2017
> Blog ES: http://simelo-es.blogspot.com/
> Blog EN: http://simelo-en.blogspot.com/
> Featured article:

Jacqueline Kazil | @jackiekazil
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