[Python-cuba] PSF Working Group Monthly Report

Olemis Lang olemis at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 13:07:35 EDT 2017

Hello Betsy, Kirby et al.

The report will go through for sure , but I'm not sure I'm gonna meet the
deadline since I'm preparing a meetup about Pandas for journalism [1]_ for
tomorrow (<= and this is part f the report ;) and a few things missing yet
... Sorry if this causes any trouble ... but action comes first :)

.. [1] http://meetup.cuban.tech/events/240372001/

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 2:45 PM, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dunno if this counts as a report but I had a productive meetup with Olemis
> Lang at Pycon2017.
> They've got the conference program nailed down and know that upon
> announcement they'll get immediate attenders signing up, however logistics
> are complicated, especially with regard to Wifi.
> As Steve Holden will attest, conference organizing is high risk.  He's
> been in some tight places thanks to many factors, including clients finking
> out.
> I'm confidant that PyEvents will continue happening in Cuba.
> SciPy / Havana still might, the organization looks solid, unless you hear
> otherwise, from other than myself (I'm not that close to the action --
> following on Facebook and Twitter).
> Kirby
> PS:  I have tentative plans to tour Puerto Rico and Cuba with a
> Palestinian PhD I know, but that's not until 2018 and the plans are very
> tentative as far as my being able to join.
> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 9:49 AM, Betsy Waliszewski <betsy at python.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It's that time again! If you could send me a brief description of what
>> you've been up do for the past month, I will add it to the board minutes.
>> If you could send it by EOD, Friday, July 28, that would be great.
>> Best,
>> Betsy
>> --
>> Betsy Waliszewski
>> Python Software Foundation
>> Event Coordinator / Administrator
>> @betswaliszewski
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Olemis - @olemislc

Apache™ Bloodhound contributor

Brython committer

SciPy Latin America - Cuban Ambassador
Chairman of SciPy LA 2017 - http://scipyla.org/conf/2017

Blog ES: http://simelo-es.blogspot.com/
Blog EN: http://simelo-en.blogspot.com/

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