[Python-de] dijkstra algorithmus
Christian Assing
chris at ca-net.org
Sa Feb 18 19:26:03 CET 2012
Hallo Andi,
Schau dir mal die networkx Library an http://networkx.lanl.gov/ . Diese Lib hat viele Funktionen zur Graphen Berechnung.
Von meinem iPad gesendet
Am 18.02.2012 um 18:16 schrieb sackbard <sackbard at googlemail.com>:
> Hallo Python Community,
> bin neu in der Liste und hab natürlich gleich eine Frage. Ich versuche
> den dijkstra algorithmus in Python zu implementieren. Gegeben sind zwei
> Dateien: die network.txt die die distanzen der einzelnen nodes angibt
> und die route.txt die mir anfangs und endpunkt ausgibt.
> Beispiel network.txt (in diesem Beispiel nodes A-G):
> 0,2,4,1,6,0,0
> 2,0,0,0,5,0,0
> 4,0,0,0,0,5,0
> 1,0,0,0,1,1,0
> 6,5,0,1,0,5,5
> 0,0,5,1,5,0,0
> 0,0,0,0,5,0,0
> Beispiel route.txt:
> B>F
> Am ende soll eine neue txt datei erstellt werden welche die route und
> die total path length enthält.
> Bis auf den letzten Schritt funktioniert auch alles soweit (python 3.1.1). Ich bin nur
> noch nicht dahinter gekommen wie ich am Ende am besten die Route und die
> Total path length berechne. Hatte überlegt den weg vom letzten zum
> ersten node einfach zurückzugehen aber das scheint mir umständlich und
> kompliziert.
> Hier das script soweit ich das hinbekommen habe:
> import sys
> invalid_node = -1
> class Node:
> previous = invalid_node
> distFromSource = sys.maxsize
> visited = False
> #print ("\nReading the file into a list.")
> txtfile = open("network.txt", "r")
> numberOfNodes = 0
> network = [] # array containing array of values for each line
> # reading file line by line
> for line in txtfile:
> # increment nodeCount
> numberOfNodes += 1
> # remove end chars
> line = line.replace("\n","")
> line = line.replace("\r","")
> # split by comma
> chars = line.split(",")
> ints = []
> # convert string to int
> for char in chars:
> ints.append(int(char))
> # append the list of ints to the array
> network.append(ints)
> # read start (dist value = 0) and end node
> route = open("route.txt", "r")
> for line in route:
> nodes = line.split(">")
> startNode = nodes[0]
> endNode = nodes[1]
> # get the ascii value and minus 65
> startNode =(ord(startNode) - 65)
> endNode =(ord(endNode) - 65)
> #print ("Start node: " + str(startNode))
> #print ("End node: " + str(endNode))
> # set currentNode to startNode
> currentNode = startNode
> # create another 2d array with previous node, distFromSource and visited
> # use sys.maxint for distFromSource
> nodeTable = [] # array containing nodeTable visited/unvisited,prevNode
> and distFromSrc
> i = 0
> while i <= numberOfNodes:
> nodeTable.append(Node())
> i += 1
> # set distFromSource of startNode to 0
> nodeTable[startNode].distFromSource = 0
> nodeTable[startNode].visited = True
> #write a function to find the neighbour of current node
> def findNeighbours(currentNode):
> # find nearest neighbour of currentNode
> currentRow = network[currentNode]
> currentNeighbours = []
> i = 0
> for distance in currentRow:
> #get back the index number / position if distance = 0
> if distance != 0:
> #save the location
> currentNeighbours.append(i)
> i += 1
> return currentNeighbours
> #print ("\nCurrent Neighbours (of node " + str(currentNode) + "): ")
> currentNeighbours = findNeighbours(currentNode)
> #print (currentNeighbours)
> # go through currentNeighbour and see if they have been visited or not
> # set dustFromSource and previousNode for unvisited
> def checkNeighbours():
> for neighbour in currentNeighbours:
> if nodeTable[neighbour].visited == True:
> pass
> #print ("True")
> else:
> # calculate their tentative distances from starting node
> # add distFromSource from currentNode with distance between
> currentNode and neighbour
> # check if less than current
> newDistance = nodeTable[currentNode].distFromSource +
> network[currentNode][neighbour]
> if (nodeTable[neighbour].distFromSource > newDistance):
> nodeTable[neighbour].distFromSource = newDistance
> nodeTable[neighbour].previous = currentNode
> checkNeighbours()
> #printNodeTb()
> # go through all distances of unvisited, find lowest and mark as visited
> def setNewCurrentNode():
> global currentNode
> index = 0
> currentDist = sys.maxsize
> for node in nodeTable:
> if node.visited == False and node.distFromSource < currentDist:
> currentNode = index
> currentDist = node.distFromSource
> index+=1
> nodeTable[currentNode].visited = True
> print ("\nNew Current Node: " + str(currentNode))
> setNewCurrentNode()
> #total path length
> tpl = 0
> f = open("09023429spf.txt", "w")
> f.write(str(chr(startNode+65)))
> # check if destination node reached
> while currentNode != endNode:
> #print ("\nCurrent Neighbours (of node " + str(currentNode) + "): ")
> currentNeighbours = findNeighbours(currentNode)
> #print (currentNeighbours)
> checkNeighbours()
> f.write(str(chr(currentNode+65)))
> setNewCurrentNode()
> #add total path length
> tpl += nodeTable[nodeTable[currentNode].previous].distFromSource
> f.write(str(chr(endNode+65)))
> f.write(" " + str(tpl))
> f.close()
> print ("\nTotal path length: " + str(tpl) + "\n")
> for node in nodeTable:
> print (str(node.previous) + " | " + str(node.distFromSource) + " | "
> + str(node.visited))
> Wäre für jede Hilfe dankbar.
> Dankeschön.
> Gruß
> Andi
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