[Python-Dev] Notice of intent: rich comparisons
skip at mojam.com
skip at mojam.com
Thu Apr 22 20:22:51 CEST 1999
mal> There's some good work out there by Skip Montanaro to revamp the VM
mal> into a combined register/stack machine. He calls it rattlesnake.
mal> More infos can be found in the list archive (it's currently
mal> sleeping):
Thanks to Marc-Andre for mentioning this. Rattlesnake is indeed sleeping at
the moment. If anyone is interested in the idea I'd be happy to awaken it.
The main observation was that much of the virtual machine's activity is
pushing/popping objects to/from the stack. By treating a chunk of storage
as a register file much of that churn can be avoided.
Skip Montanaro | Mojam: "Uniting the World of Music" http://www.mojam.com/
skip at mojam.com | Musi-Cal: http://www.musi-cal.com/
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