[Python-Dev] Welcome to Chris Petrilli
Christopher Petrilli
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 11:16:10 -0400
On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 11:08:37AM -0400, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Chris, would you mind posting a few bits about yourself? Most of the
> people on this list have met each other at one point or another (with
> the big exception of the elusive Tim Peters :-); it's nice to know
> more than a name...
As we are all aware, Tim is simply the graduate project of an AI
student, running on a network Symbolics machines :-)
Honestly though, about me? Um, well, I'm now (along with Brian Lloyd)
the Product Management side of Digital Creations, and Zope, so I have a
very vested interest in seeing Python succeed---besides my general
belief that the better language SHOULd win. My background is actually
in architecture, but I've spent the past 5 years working in the
cryptography world, mostly in smart cards and PKI. My computer
background is bizarre, twisted and quite nefarious... having grown up on
a PDP-8/e, rather than PCs. And if the fact that I own 4 Lisp machines
means anything, I'm affraid to ask what!
For now, I'm just going to watch the masters at work. :-)
| Christopher Petrilli ``Television is bubble-gum for
| petrilli@amber.org the mind.''-Frank Lloyd Wright