[Python-Dev] Python bugs database started
Tim Peters
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 00:03:25 -0400
> Please try it out -- submit bugs, search for bugs, etc. The URL is
> http://www.python.org/python-bugs/.
About those "Jitterbug bugs" (repeated submissions): those popped up for
me, DA, and MH. The first and the last are almost certainly using IE5 as
their browser, and that DA shows increasing signs of becoming a Windows
Mutant too <wink>.
The first time I submitted a bug, I backed up to the entry page and hit
Refresh to get the category counts updated (never saw Jitterbug before, so
must play!). IE5 whined about something-or-other being out of date, and
would I like to "repost the data"? I said sure.
I did that a few other times after posting other bugs, and-- while I don't
know for sure --it looks likely that you got a number of resubmissions equal
to the number of times I told IE5 "ya, ya, repost whatever you want".
Next time I post a bug I'll just close the browser and come back an hour
later. If "the repeat bug" goes away then, it's half IE5's fault for being
confused about which page it's on, and half mine for assuming IE5 knows what
it's doing.
meta-bugging-ly y'rs - tim