[Python-Dev] Python-dev archives going public

Greg Stein gstein at lyra.org
Tue Jun 8 20:11:56 CEST 1999

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > > [Please dont copy this out of this list :-]
> >
> > It's in the archives now... :-)
> Which reminds me...  A while ago, Greg made some noises about the
> archives being public, and temporarily I made them private.  In the
> following brief flurry of messages everybody who spoke up said they
> preferred the archives to be public (even though the list remains
> invitation-only).  But I never made the change back, waiting for Greg
> to agree, but after returning from his well deserved tequilla-splashed
> vacation, he never gave a peep about this, and I "conveniently
> forgot".

I appreciate the consideration, but figured it was a done deal based on

My only consideration in keeping them private was the basic, human fact
that people could feel left out. For example, if they read the archives,
thought it was neat, and attempted to subscribe only to be refused. It
is a bit easier to avoid engendering those bad feelings if the archives
aren't public.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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