[Python-Dev] Tcl 8.1's regexp code

Tim Peters tim_one at email.msn.com
Wed May 5 17:55:20 CEST 1999

> Question:  has this package [Tcl's 8.1 regexp support] been released in
> any other context, or is it unique to Tcl?  I searched in vain for an
> announcement (let alone code) from Henry, or any discussion of this code
> outside the Tcl world.

[Greg Stein]
> Apache uses it.
> However, the Apache guys have considered possibility updating the thing. I
> gather that they have a pretty old snapshot. Another guy mentioned PCRE
> and I pointed out that Python uses it for its regex support. In other
> words, if Apache *does* update the code, then it may be that Apache will
> drop the HS engine in favor of PCRE.

Hmm.  I just downloaded the Apache 1.3.4 source to check on this, and it
appears to be using a lightly massaged version of Spencer's old (circa
'92-'94) just-POSIX regexp package.  Henry has been distributing regexp pkgs
for a loooong time <wink>.

The Tcl 8.1 regexp pkg is much hairier.  If the Apache folk want to switch
in order to get the Perl regexp syntax extensions, this Tcl version is worth
looking at too.  If they want to switch for some other reason, it would be
good to know what that is!

The base pkg Apache uses is easily available all over the web; the pkg Tcl
8.1 is using I haven't found anywhere except in the Tcl download (which is
why I'm wondering about it -- so far, it doesn't appear to be distributed by
Spencer himself, in a non-Tcl-customized form).

looks-like-an-entirely-new-pkg-to-me-ly y'rs  - tim

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