[Python-Dev] 'stackless' python?

Guido van Rossum guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US
Sat May 15 04:23:24 CEST 1999

> def thing (a):
>   return do_async_job_1 (a,
>     lambda (b):
>       if (a>1):
>         do_async_job_2a (b,
>           lambda (c):
>             [...]
>           )
>       else:
>         do_async_job_2b (a,b,
>           lambda (d,e,f):
>             [...]
>           )
>      )
> The call to do_async_job_1 passes 'a', and a callback, which is
> specified 'in-line'.  You can follow the logic of something like this
> more easily than if each lambda is spun off into a different
> function/method.

I agree that it is still ugly.

> http://www.acme.com/software/thttpd/benchmarks.html

I see.  Any pointers to a graph of thttp market share?

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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