[Python-Dev] A "real" continuation example

Skip Montanaro skip at mojam.com
Thu May 20 15:27:59 CEST 1999

    Sam> I reworked your Scheme a bit.  IMHO letrec is for compilers, not for
    Sam> people.

Sam, you are aware of course that the timbot *is* a compiler, right? ;-)

    >> So what would this look like in Continuation Python?

    Sam> Here's my first hack at it.  Most likely wrong.  It is REALLY HARD to
    Sam> do this without having the feature to play with.

The thought that it's unlikely one could arrive at a reasonable
approximation of a correct solution for such a small problem without the
ability to "play with" it is sort of scary.

Skip Montanaro	| Mojam: "Uniting the World of Music" http://www.mojam.com/
skip at mojam.com  | Musi-Cal: http://www.musi-cal.com/

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