[Python-Dev] Unicode Proposal: Version 0.8
M.-A. Lemburg
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 14:32:42 +0100
FYI, I've uploaded a new version of the proposal which includes
the encodings package, definition of the 'raw unicode escape'
encoding (available via e.g. ur""), Unicode format strings and
a new method .breaklines().
The latest version of the proposal is available at:
Older versions are available as:
Some POD (points of discussion) that are still open:
· Stream readers:
What about .readline(), .readlines() ? These could be implemented
using .read() as generic functions instead of requiring their
implementation by all codecs. Also see Line Breaks.
· Python interface for the Unicode property database
· What other special Unicode formatting characters should be
enhanced to work with Unicode input ? Currently only the
following special semantics are defined:
u"%s %s" % (u"abc", "abc") should return u"abc abc".
Pretty quiet around here lately...
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000: 38 days left
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