From (Skip Montanaro)  Sat Sep  4 22:26:37 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 16:26:37 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
Message-ID: <>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Attached is a context diff against the latest version of Python/compile.c
that checks at compile time for functions that both return expressions or
execute return statements with no expression (or equivalently, fall off the
end of the function).  I figured I'd post it here to get a little friendly
feedback and bug discovery before shooting it off to  I modified
compile.c instead of some preexisting PyLint script because I don't know
what's popular out there.  On the other hand, I'm sure most people who would
be interested in this sort of thing have access to the C source...

The basic idea is that each straight line chunk of code is terminated one of 
four ways:

    1. return with no expression
    2. return an expression
    3. raise an exception
    4. fall off the end of the chunk

Falling off the end of the function is obviously treated like return with no
expression.  (This is, after all, what motivated me to do this. ;-)

This information is recorded in a new bit vector added to the struct
compiling object that's carried around during the compilation.  Compound
statements simply aggregate the bit vectors for their various clauses in
ways appropriate to their semantics.

At the end of a function's compilation, the set of return bits computed up
to that point tells you whether or not to spit out a warning.  Note that it
does nothing to recognize constant expressions.  The following function will
generate a warning:

    def f():
        i = 0
        while 1:
            i = i + 1
            if i > 10: return i

even though the only way to return from the function is the return
statement.  To get the above to shut up the compiler you'd have to do
something like

    class CantGetHere: pass

    def f():
        i = 0
        while 1:
            i = i + 1
            if i > 10: return i
    raise CantGetHere

Raise statements are treated as a valid way to "return" from a function.
Registering them as separate styles of returns serves effectively to turn
off the "no return" bit for a block of code.  Raise is compatible with
either form of return, though they aren't compatible with each other.

The code is run whenever a module is compiled.  I didn't bother to add a new
flag to the python interpreter to enable/disable warnings during
compilation, though a -w switch for Python has been mentioned before.

I ran the modified byte code compiler over a silly test module as well as

    ./python Lib/test/
    ./python Lib/

It uncovered some interesting programming practices and one item I think is
an actual bug.  In Lib/, GzipFile._read returns EOFError at one point
instead of raising it.  At other points in the method it raises EOFError.
There are no other return statements in the function.  (I haven't taken the
time/had the nerve to run it against my own Python code yet. ;-)

I'm firmly of the opinion that more subtle bugs exist in the way people
write functions that return and raise values than in the code that calls
those functions, contrary to a few vocal folks on who may believe


Skip Montanaro | |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="compile.diffs"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Index: compile.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/python/dist/src/Python/compile.c,v
retrieving revision 2.97
diff -c -r2.97 compile.c
*** compile.c	1999/01/28 15:08:09	2.97
--- compile.c	1999/09/04 20:48:05
*** 320,325 ****
--- 320,330 ----
  	int c_stacklevel;	/* Current stack level */
  	int c_maxstacklevel;	/* Maximum stack level */
  	int c_firstlineno;
+ #define R_NORET 1		/* no return */
+ #define R_EXPR 2		/* return expression */
+ #define R_NONE 4		/* return */
+ #define R_RAISE 8		/* raise */
+ 	int c_rettype;		/* how a function is exited */
  	PyObject *c_lnotab;	/* Table mapping address to line number */
  	int c_last_addr, c_last_line, c_lnotab_next;
*** 2053,2061 ****
  	if (NCH(n) < 2) {
  		com_addoparg(c, LOAD_CONST, com_addconst(c, Py_None));
  		com_push(c, 1);
! 	else
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, 1));
  	com_addbyte(c, RETURN_VALUE);
  	com_pop(c, 1);
--- 2058,2069 ----
  	if (NCH(n) < 2) {
  		com_addoparg(c, LOAD_CONST, com_addconst(c, Py_None));
  		com_push(c, 1);
+ 		c->c_rettype =3D R_NONE;
! 	else {
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, 1));
+ 		c->c_rettype =3D R_EXPR;
+ 	}
  	com_addbyte(c, RETURN_VALUE);
  	com_pop(c, 1);
*** 2078,2083 ****
--- 2086,2092 ----
  	i =3D NCH(n)/2;
  	com_addoparg(c, RAISE_VARARGS, i);
  	com_pop(c, i);
+ 	c->c_rettype =3D R_RAISE;

  static void
*** 2299,2310 ****
--- 2308,2342 ----

  static void
+ com_set_rettype(c, in_rettype, stmt_rettype)
+      struct compiling *c;
+      int in_rettype;
+      int stmt_rettype;
+ {
+ 	/* merge the accumulated return type coming into the statement
+ 	   with the return type generated by the statement */
+ 	if (!(in_rettype & R_NORET))
+ 		/* all branches before this statement led to a return
+ 		   of some type, so the return possibilities of this
+ 		   statement are irrelevant */
+ 		c->c_rettype =3D in_rettype;
+ 	else
+ 		/* there was at least one path leading to this statement
+ 		   that did not return - merge the return possibilities
+ 		   coming in with the return possibilities from this
+ 		   statement, which might include R_NORET */
+ 		c->c_rettype =3D (in_rettype & ~R_NORET) | stmt_rettype;
+ }
+ =

+ static void
  com_if_stmt(c, n)
  	struct compiling *c;
  	node *n;
  	int i;
  	int anchor =3D 0;
+ 	int in_rettype =3D c->c_rettype;
+ 	int if_rettype =3D 0;
  	REQ(n, if_stmt);
  	/*'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite] */
  	for (i =3D 0; i+3 < NCH(n); i+=3D4) {
*** 2318,2331 ****
  		com_addfwref(c, JUMP_IF_FALSE, &a);
  		com_addbyte(c, POP_TOP);
  		com_pop(c, 1);
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, i+3));
  		com_addfwref(c, JUMP_FORWARD, &anchor);
  		com_backpatch(c, a);
  		/* We jump here with an extra entry which we now pop */
  		com_addbyte(c, POP_TOP);
! 	if (i+2 < NCH(n))
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, i+2));
  	if (anchor)
  		com_backpatch(c, anchor);
--- 2350,2373 ----
  		com_addfwref(c, JUMP_IF_FALSE, &a);
  		com_addbyte(c, POP_TOP);
  		com_pop(c, 1);
+ 		c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, i+3));
+ 		if_rettype |=3D c->c_rettype;
  		com_addfwref(c, JUMP_FORWARD, &anchor);
  		com_backpatch(c, a);
  		/* We jump here with an extra entry which we now pop */
  		com_addbyte(c, POP_TOP);
! 	if (i+2 < NCH(n)) {
! 		c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, i+2));
+ 		if_rettype |=3D c->c_rettype;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		/* no else clause - have to consider that we might
+ 		   get here without returning */
+ 		if_rettype |=3D R_NORET;
+ 	com_set_rettype(c, in_rettype, if_rettype);
  	if (anchor)
  		com_backpatch(c, anchor);
*** 2338,2343 ****
--- 2380,2387 ----
  	int break_anchor =3D 0;
  	int anchor =3D 0;
  	int save_begin =3D c->c_begin;
+ 	int in_rettype =3D c->c_rettype;
+ 	int while_rettype =3D 0;
  	REQ(n, while_stmt); /* 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite] */
  	com_addfwref(c, SETUP_LOOP, &break_anchor);
  	block_push(c, SETUP_LOOP);
*** 2348,2354 ****
--- 2392,2400 ----
  	com_addbyte(c, POP_TOP);
  	com_pop(c, 1);
+ 	c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  	com_node(c, CHILD(n, 3));
+ 	while_rettype =3D c->c_rettype;
  	com_addoparg(c, JUMP_ABSOLUTE, c->c_begin);
  	c->c_begin =3D save_begin;
*** 2357,2364 ****
  	com_addbyte(c, POP_TOP);
  	com_addbyte(c, POP_BLOCK);
  	block_pop(c, SETUP_LOOP);
! 	if (NCH(n) > 4)
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, 6));
  	com_backpatch(c, break_anchor);

--- 2403,2418 ----
  	com_addbyte(c, POP_TOP);
  	com_addbyte(c, POP_BLOCK);
  	block_pop(c, SETUP_LOOP);
! 	if (NCH(n) > 4) {
! 		c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, 6));
+ 		while_rettype |=3D c->c_rettype;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		/* no else clause - have to consider that we might
+ 		   never execute the loop body */
+ 		while_rettype |=3D R_NORET;
+ 	com_set_rettype(c, in_rettype, while_rettype);
  	com_backpatch(c, break_anchor);

*** 2371,2376 ****
--- 2425,2432 ----
  	int break_anchor =3D 0;
  	int anchor =3D 0;
  	int save_begin =3D c->c_begin;
+ 	int in_rettype =3D c->c_rettype;
+ 	int for_rettype =3D 0;
  	REQ(n, for_stmt);
  	/* 'for' exprlist 'in' exprlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite] */
  	com_addfwref(c, SETUP_LOOP, &break_anchor);
*** 2388,2394 ****
--- 2444,2452 ----
  	com_push(c, 1);
  	com_assign(c, CHILD(n, 1), OP_ASSIGN);
+ 	c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  	com_node(c, CHILD(n, 5));
+ 	for_rettype =3D c->c_rettype;
  	com_addoparg(c, JUMP_ABSOLUTE, c->c_begin);
  	c->c_begin =3D save_begin;
*** 2396,2403 ****
  	com_pop(c, 2); /* FOR_LOOP has popped these */
  	com_addbyte(c, POP_BLOCK);
  	block_pop(c, SETUP_LOOP);
! 	if (NCH(n) > 8)
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, 8));
  	com_backpatch(c, break_anchor);

--- 2454,2469 ----
  	com_pop(c, 2); /* FOR_LOOP has popped these */
  	com_addbyte(c, POP_BLOCK);
  	block_pop(c, SETUP_LOOP);
! 	if (NCH(n) > 8) {
! 		c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, 8));
+ 		for_rettype |=3D c->c_rettype;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		/* no else clause - have to consider that we might
+ 		   never execute the loop body */
+ 		for_rettype |=3D R_NORET;
+ 	com_set_rettype(c, in_rettype, for_rettype);
  	com_backpatch(c, break_anchor);

*** 2477,2486 ****
--- 2543,2557 ----
  	int else_anchor =3D 0;
  	int i;
  	node *ch;
+ 	int in_rettype =3D c->c_rettype;
+ 	int try_rettype =3D 0;
+ 	int tryclause_rettype =3D 0;

  	com_addfwref(c, SETUP_EXCEPT, &except_anchor);
  	block_push(c, SETUP_EXCEPT);
+ 	c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  	com_node(c, CHILD(n, 2));
+ 	tryclause_rettype =3D c->c_rettype;
  	com_addbyte(c, POP_BLOCK);
  	block_pop(c, SETUP_EXCEPT);
  	com_addfwref(c, JUMP_FORWARD, &else_anchor);
*** 2517,2523 ****
--- 2588,2596 ----
  		com_addbyte(c, POP_TOP);
  		com_pop(c, 1);
+ 		c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, i+2));
+ 		try_rettype |=3D c->c_rettype;
  		com_addfwref(c, JUMP_FORWARD, &end_anchor);
  		if (except_anchor) {
  			com_backpatch(c, except_anchor);
*** 2533,2540 ****
  	   anything. */
  	com_addbyte(c, END_FINALLY);
  	com_backpatch(c, else_anchor);
! 	if (i < NCH(n))
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, i+2));
  	com_backpatch(c, end_anchor);

--- 2606,2622 ----
  	   anything. */
  	com_addbyte(c, END_FINALLY);
  	com_backpatch(c, else_anchor);
! 	if (i < NCH(n)) {
! 		/* pick up with the return stuff where the try clause ended */
! 		c->c_rettype =3D tryclause_rettype;
  		com_node(c, CHILD(n, i+2));
+ 		try_rettype |=3D c->c_rettype;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		/* no else clause - just merge try clause return info
+ 		   with return info from all the except clauses */
+ 		try_rettype |=3D tryclause_rettype;
+ 	com_set_rettype(c, in_rettype, try_rettype);
  	com_backpatch(c, end_anchor);

*** 2545,2554 ****
--- 2627,2640 ----
  	int finally_anchor =3D 0;
  	node *ch;
+ 	int in_rettype =3D c->c_rettype;
+ 	int try_rettype =3D 0;

  	com_addfwref(c, SETUP_FINALLY, &finally_anchor);
  	block_push(c, SETUP_FINALLY);
+ 	c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  	com_node(c, CHILD(n, 2));
+ 	try_rettype =3D c->c_rettype;
  	com_addbyte(c, POP_BLOCK);
  	block_pop(c, SETUP_FINALLY);
  	block_push(c, END_FINALLY);
*** 2561,2570 ****
--- 2647,2661 ----
  	com_backpatch(c, finally_anchor);
  	ch =3D CHILD(n, NCH(n)-1);
  	com_addoparg(c, SET_LINENO, ch->n_lineno);
+ 	/* shouldn't start with R_NORET, because it's essentially
+ 	   the tail end of the try clause */
+ 	c->c_rettype =3D 0;
  	com_node(c, ch);
+ 	try_rettype |=3D c->c_rettype;
  	com_addbyte(c, END_FINALLY);
  	block_pop(c, END_FINALLY);
  	com_pop(c, 3); /* Matches the com_push above */
+ 	com_set_rettype(c, in_rettype, try_rettype);

  static void
*** 2886,2891 ****
--- 2977,2984 ----
  				  "'break' outside loop");
  		com_addbyte(c, BREAK_LOOP);
+ 		/* else clause wouldn't get executed, so R_NORET is possible */
+ 		c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  	case continue_stmt:
  		com_continue_stmt(c, n);
*** 3156,3167 ****
--- 3249,3267 ----
  	if (TYPE(ch) =3D=3D varargslist)
  		com_arglist(c, ch);
  	c->c_infunction =3D 1;
+ 	c->c_rettype =3D R_NORET;
  	com_node(c, CHILD(n, 4));
  	c->c_infunction =3D 0;
  	com_addoparg(c, LOAD_CONST, com_addconst(c, Py_None));
  	com_push(c, 1);
  	com_addbyte(c, RETURN_VALUE);
  	com_pop(c, 1);
+ 	com_set_rettype(c, c->c_rettype, R_NONE);
+ 	if ((c->c_rettype & R_NONE) && (c->c_rettype & R_EXPR)) {
+ 		PySys_WriteStderr("warning: File \"%s\", line %d: %s",
+ 				  c->c_filename, c->c_lineno, c->c_name);
+ 		PySys_WriteStderr(" has \"return\" and \"return expr\"\n");
+ 	}

  static void


From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep  7 16:20:47 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 11:20:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sat, 04 Sep 1999 16:26:37 CDT."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This is a valuable service!  Even though I'm sure that it will cause
some pain for people who were used to this programming style...

I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has been
diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has been the

I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?

There are also platform problems, e.g. on the Mac, stderr doesn't
always exist, and on Windows, it doesn't exist if pythonw.exe is

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Tue Sep  7 17:13:27 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 12:13:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>; from Guido van Rossum on Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 11:20:47AM -0400
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> This is a valuable service!  Even though I'm sure that it will cause
> some pain for people who were used to this programming style...
> I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
> traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has been
> diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has been the
> default.
> I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
> warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
> be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?

Yes yes yes!  While adding "-w" is a long way from having a
comprehensive set of compile-time warnings in place, it at least means
that someone is *thinking* about it.

Also, I would suggest that there should be some standard internal
mechanism for reporting errors rather than just calling
'PySys_WriteStderr()'.  Something as simple as this would probably do
the trick:

   void Py_Warning (char *filename, int line, char *msg)
      if (on_a_platform_where_stderr_means_something)
         PySys_WriteStderr ("warning: file %s, line %d: %s",
                            filename, line, msg);

Well, you get the idea.  I make no claim that this is an appropriate
name for this function, nor do I have anything to say about where it
should live.  It should also be smart about unknown filename or line
number (eg. skip filename if filename == NULL, skip line number
if line == -1).

Oh, and of course we'll need to add a global variable $^W so that
programmers can turn run-time warnings on and off as needed.  *duck*
Maybe sys.show_warnings? ;-)  (Of course, that's assuming a run-time
warning system in addition to the compile-time warnings of -t and Skip's

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From  Tue Sep  7 18:04:14 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 10:04:14 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 07 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> > This is a valuable service!  Even though I'm sure that it will cause
> > some pain for people who were used to this programming style...
> >
> > I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
> > traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has been
> > diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has been the
> > default.
> >
> > I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
> > warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
> > be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?
> Yes yes yes!  While adding "-w" is a long way from having a
> comprehensive set of compile-time warnings in place, it at least means
> that someone is *thinking* about it.

I would recommend no warnings by default, and -Wfeature to add specific
types of warnings. This pattern follows that used by gcc (well, gcc has
*some* warnings by default). Rather than invent a new set of switches,
I'd rather steal an existing semantic :-)

> Also, I would suggest that there should be some standard internal
> mechanism for reporting errors rather than just calling
> 'PySys_WriteStderr()'.  Something as simple as this would probably do

Why? Why not just use PySys_WriteStdErr() as your requested function? It
can easily determine "oops. no stderr. let's do something else."

> Maybe sys.show_warnings? ;-)  (Of course, that's assuming a run-time
> warning system in addition to the compile-time warnings of -t and Skip's
> patch.)

There is no such thing as run-time vs compile-time warnings. You always
have a compiler at run-time, and it can be used at any time. Therefore,
you just have "(compilation) warnings" (I could imagine that people will
come up with other kinds of warnings once the feature is provided).

I would suggest sys.warnings be a dictionary.

python -Wbad-return -Wlines-per-func=50

>>> print sys.warnings
{'bad-return': None, 'lines-per-func': '50'}


Greg Stein,

From  Tue Sep  7 18:33:53 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 13:33:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>; from Greg Stein on Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 10:04:14AM -0700
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07 September 1999, Greg Stein said:
> > Also, I would suggest that there should be some standard internal
> > mechanism for reporting errors rather than just calling
> > 'PySys_WriteStderr()'.  Something as simple as this would probably do
> Why? Why not just use PySys_WriteStdErr() as your requested function? It
> can easily determine "oops. no stderr. let's do something else."

Hmm, that makes sense for the "what's the local equivalent of stderr?"
determination.  Probably that actually belongs in mywrite() (the static
function in Python/sysmodule.c that PySys_WriteStdout() and
PySys_WriteStderr() both invoke), so that the same thing can be done for
stdout and stderr.

However, I still think a separate function for printing
source-code-based warnings is a good idea.  This is mainly so that the
association from

  (filename, line_number, message)


  "warning: file %s, line %s: %s" % (filename, line_number, message)

is done in *one* place, rather than everywhere a warning message is
generated.  For instance, platforms that don't have stderr, but instead
pop up a window with all your compile-time warnings nicely formatted,
could take advantage of knowing the filename and line number separately
to nicely format those warnings.  (Of course, this argues *against*
putting the "what's the local equivalent of stderr?" determination in
the low-level mywrite() function... arg...)

> > Maybe sys.show_warnings? ;-)  (Of course, that's assuming a run-time
> > warning system in addition to the compile-time warnings of -t and Skip's
> > patch.)
> There is no such thing as run-time vs compile-time warnings. You always
> have a compiler at run-time, and it can be used at any time. Therefore,
> you just have "(compilation) warnings" (I could imagine that people will
> come up with other kinds of warnings once the feature is provided).

Well, currently that's true, since currently Python's only warning is
the tab warning from -t -- clearly a compile-time warning.  (Is this
true?  I'm no expert on the internals, but I've certainly not seen any
other warnings from Python, and I've included plenty of bugs in my code
-- umm, just seeing if it would catch them, yeah that's it...)

However, one could certainly envision a world where Python issues
runtime warnings.  If my time machine were working, I'd zip back and
suggest to Guido that mistakes with the % operator should issue warnings
rather than raising exceptions.  (Ignore the language philosophy issue
and presume this would be worthwhile.)

There are probably other situations where, ignoring past history and
language philosophy, it would make sense to issue a warning and march on
ahead rather than blowing up immediately.  Sometimes Python has a bit of 
an itchy trigger finger for that ol' TypeError...

Anyways, the focus should probably be on compile-time warnings: I can't
think of any major runtime errors offhand that Python currently does
*nothing* about, so there's not a great need to go scattering the code
with runtime warnings.  But they *are* a theoretical possibility, and
there *is* a difference with compile-time warnings.

> I would suggest sys.warnings be a dictionary.
> python -Wbad-return -Wlines-per-func=50
> >>> print sys.warnings
> {'bad-return': None, 'lines-per-func': '50'}

Makes sense -- true to warn (possibly giving some extra meaning to
"truth", as in this example), and false to not warn.  Or maybe None to
not warn, not-None to warn.  Of course, if there are only compile-time
warnings, then modifying sys.warnings will only affect future imports,
execs, evals, etc.

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From (Skip Montanaro)  Tue Sep  7 18:41:27 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue,  7 Sep 1999 12:41:27 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[ ...Lot's of stuff about details of warning implementation snipped... ]

That's why I only provided the code to check for inconsistent use of
returns, not the flag to turn it on and off!

In a message I accidentally sent only to Guido and myself on the subject, I
outlined my take on things, which really does about exhaust my
knowledge/interest on how/when to enable warnings:

    Guido> I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
    Guido> traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has
    Guido> been diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has
    Guido> been the default.

The only reason for not being able to turn it off was that would require
introducing some sort of -w flag, which wasn't the point of the exercise.
We can have the -w/-t/-W discussion now.  I haven't any particular opinion
on the best way to do it, although I would much prefer it be a run-time as
opposed to compile-time option.  One other issue might be whether or not to
ignore an existing .pyc file and always recompile .py's if warnings are
enabled.  Of course, we're still all adults here (I think), so perhaps it's
sufficient to remind people in the docs to delete the desired .pyc files
before running with warnings enabled.

    Guido> I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn
    Guido> on warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there
    Guido> should be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the
    Guido> default?

-w sounds fine to me.

    Guido> There are also platform problems, e.g. on the Mac, stderr doesn't
    Guido> always exist, and on Windows, it doesn't exist if pythonw.exe is
    Guido> used...

Perhaps on those platforms a file could be opened in a standard location to
catch stderr (I presume you can detect the lack of stderr at run-time?).
While that would force some (more) Unix conventions on programmers on those
platforms, it would also provide more cross-platform uniformity.


From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Tue Sep  7 19:07:01 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:07:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GW" == Greg Ward <> writes:

    GW> However, one could certainly envision a world where Python
    GW> issues runtime warnings.  If my time machine were working, I'd
    GW> zip back and suggest to Guido that mistakes with the %
    GW> operator should issue warnings rather than raising exceptions.
    GW> (Ignore the language philosophy issue and presume this would
    GW> be worthwhile.)

Moderately off-topic, but since you brought it up, here's what I use
in Mailman (since site-admins can make mistakes editing their
templates, which contains %(keys)s... we'd like to make Mailman more
robust so it doesn't totally crap out when that happens).

We (hopefully) always interpolate with a SafeDict instead of a raw
Python dictionary.


class SafeDict(UserDict):
    """Dictionary which returns a default value for unknown keys.

    This is used in maketext so that editing templates is a bit more robust.
    def __init__(self, d):
        # optional initial dictionary is a Python 1.5.2-ism.  Do it this way
        # for portability

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        except KeyError:
            if type(key) == StringType:
                return '%('+key+')s'
                return '<Missing key: %s>' % `key`

From  Tue Sep  7 19:26:30 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:26:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim>

> ...
> I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
> warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
> be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?

The latter, if for no other reason than that new users should get bludgeoned
into good practice from their first day.  If something's serious enough to
trigger a warning, and you insist on doing it anyway, then you should at
least know enough about Python to be able to find the -W switch <wink>.

Note that in response to 1,379 distinct complaints about insane Perl
semantics, TomC's stock answer is that every serious Perl programmer runs
with -w and "use strict".  He's right!  Every serious Perl programmer does.
Perl picked the wrong default, letting naive programmers hang themselves
1,379 distinct ways by default.

Besides, warning by default will enhance your enviable reputation as a
ruthless dictator opposed to freedom and creativity <wink>.

> There are also platform problems, e.g. on the Mac, stderr doesn't
> always exist, and on Windows, it doesn't exist if pythonw.exe is
> used...

But this is already a problem for, e.g., reporting fatal syntax errors, yes?
That is, -w/-W isn't creating a new problem here, it's making the lack of a
solution to an old problem more evident.

all's-for-the-best-in-this-best-of-all-possible-worlds-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Tue Sep  7 19:47:40 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:47:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim>; from Tim Peters on Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 02:26:30PM -0400
References: <> <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

On 07 September 1999, Tim Peters said:
> The latter, if for no other reason than that new users should get bludgeoned
> into good practice from their first day.  If something's serious enough to
> trigger a warning, and you insist on doing it anyway, then you should at
> least know enough about Python to be able to find the -W switch <wink>.
> Note that in response to 1,379 distinct complaints about insane Perl
> semantics, TomC's stock answer is that every serious Perl programmer runs
> with -w and "use strict".  He's right!  Every serious Perl programmer does.
> Perl picked the wrong default, letting naive programmers hang themselves
> 1,379 distinct ways by default.

I agree, but I'm only willing to do so publicly because Tim has.  So
does the Perl documentation (ie. Tom C., I assume); from "man perl":

         The -w switch produces some lovely diagnostics.
         Did we mention that you should definitely consider using the
         -w switch?

         The -w switch is not mandatory.

D'you think that's a hint?

Obviously, there *must* be a way to turn off warnings, so we can
continue to run our crufty, bug-ridden old code without too many

Greg S.'s suggestion for being able to customize *which* warnings are
printed is also important.  Much hair was pulled when Perl 5.004 was
released with a whole bunch of new warning messages -- lots of people
had to go back and "fix" working code, or remove the -w switch from
production scripts to clean up the mess on their stderr, etc.  I suspect
most of those people (myself included) were enlightened by the new
warnings, but annoyed by having to go and fix what wasn't necessarily
broken.  A lot of people now recommend using -w only when developing,
and removing it for production use, simply because of the risk of new
warning messages when you upgrade Perl.

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From  Wed Sep  8 00:01:25 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:01:25 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> Perhaps on those platforms a file could be opened in a
> standard location to
> catch stderr (I presume you can detect the lack of stderr at
> run-time?).

Not really - there are 2 scenarios here.  pythonw.exe, for example, always
has a valid stdout handle - it just goes nowhere.  When Python is embedded
in certain COM servers (such as ASP), the stdout handle is invalid -
operations on it will fail (perversely, this also means a single "print"
statement in your Python code can raise an exception and make your code
fail - and seeing as print statements are the debugging state of the art at
the moment, this is less than ideal - but I digress)

So Im not sure we can check this reasonably at runtime - invalid handles
are easy, but valid handles that go nowhere useful (as in pythonw.exe, and
therefore the majority of cases we care about) is obviously difficult.

OTOH, pythonw.exe doesnt print tracebacks either.  Although not ideal,
people arent loudly complaining about this - they know to develop and debug
using python.exe.  As the warnings we are discussing are compile time
warnings, we could simply document that they should run "compileall" over
their scripts to generate the warnings before attempting to embed it in
some sort of wierd system.

On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool rather
than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the moment, but IMO
is where we should be heading.  Skip's return statement warnings are fine
and a nice addition, but in my experience account for a trivial number of
my errors.  Stuff like warning about a variable name used only once, for
example, will probably never get into core Python but in my opinion is far
more valuable.  So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt give
us the framework we need to actually create a truly useful package of
warnings for the Python developer.

[And I am slowly and painfully starting work in this - a lint tool based on
the Python parser module.  Dont hold your breath though :-]


From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep  8 00:05:19 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 19:05:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 08 Sep 1999 09:01:25 +1000."
References: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

> > Perhaps on those platforms a file could be opened in a
> > standard location to
> > catch stderr (I presume you can detect the lack of stderr at
> > run-time?).
> Not really - there are 2 scenarios here.  pythonw.exe, for example, always
> has a valid stdout handle - it just goes nowhere.  When Python is embedded
> in certain COM servers (such as ASP), the stdout handle is invalid -
> operations on it will fail (perversely, this also means a single "print"
> statement in your Python code can raise an exception and make your code
> fail - and seeing as print statements are the debugging state of the art at
> the moment, this is less than ideal - but I digress)
> So Im not sure we can check this reasonably at runtime - invalid handles
> are easy, but valid handles that go nowhere useful (as in pythonw.exe, and
> therefore the majority of cases we care about) is obviously difficult.
> OTOH, pythonw.exe doesnt print tracebacks either.  Although not ideal,
> people arent loudly complaining about this - they know to develop and debug
> using python.exe.  As the warnings we are discussing are compile time
> warnings, we could simply document that they should run "compileall" over
> their scripts to generate the warnings before attempting to embed it in
> some sort of wierd system.

Hmm...  Perhaps pythonw.exe could use freopen() to point stdout and
stderr to a log file in a temp directory?  The wizards will know where 
to look...

> On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool rather
> than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the moment, but IMO
> is where we should be heading.  Skip's return statement warnings are fine
> and a nice addition, but in my experience account for a trivial number of
> my errors.  Stuff like warning about a variable name used only once, for
> example, will probably never get into core Python but in my opinion is far
> more valuable.  So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt give
> us the framework we need to actually create a truly useful package of
> warnings for the Python developer.
> [And I am slowly and painfully starting work in this - a lint tool based on
> the Python parser module.  Dont hold your breath though :-]

Eventually, I also plan to have some kind of lint in IDLE.  If the
CP4E money comes, I'll start working on that for earnest...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Wed Sep  8 12:53:46 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 04:53:46 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> ...
> > I would suggest sys.warnings be a dictionary.
> >
> > python -Wbad-return -Wlines-per-func=50
> >
> > >>> print sys.warnings
> > {'bad-return': None, 'lines-per-func': '50'}
> Makes sense -- true to warn (possibly giving some extra meaning to
> "truth", as in this example), and false to not warn.  Or maybe None to
> not warn, not-None to warn.  Of course, if there are only compile-time
> warnings, then modifying sys.warnings will only affect future imports,
> execs, evals, etc.

Actually, I had intended *presence* in the dictionary to mean "enabled."
I don't think we'd want to pre-populate the dict with all possible flags
ahead of time, then check for each of them on the command line. (startup
time!) However, if we "simply" parsed the command line, extracted all -W
options and dropped them into the dict, then we're set.


Greg Stein,

From  Wed Sep  8 13:41:18 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 08:41:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] More Python command-line features
Message-ID: <>

While we're talking about Python command-line features, I have a couple
of requests that would make life alot easier for us.

1. I'd like the options given before the script name to 
   be accessable to Python scripts. For example, in:

     python -O bar spam

   I'd like to have a sys variable that told me that the arguments
   ['-O'] were included before the arguments ['', 'bar', 'spam']
   (aka sys.argv).  This is needed if I want to fork/exec (or span or
   whatever) Python with the same option.

2. I'd like to be able to supply environment variables to Python
   on the command line, as in:

     python -O -e PYTHONHOME=/Zope bar spam

   This would be very helpful in environment-variable-challenged
   environments like windows 9x, and might be handy elswhere as

If people agree that these would be good ideas, I'd ve happy
to supply a patch.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Wed Sep  8 13:48:49 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 08:48:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] More Python command-line features
In-Reply-To: <>; from Jim Fulton on Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 08:41:18AM -0400
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 08 September 1999, Jim Fulton said:
> While we're talking about Python command-line features, I have a couple
> of requests that would make life alot easier for us.
> 1. I'd like the options given before the script name to 
>    be accessable to Python scripts. For example, in:
>      python -O bar spam
>    I'd like to have a sys variable that told me that the arguments
>    ['-O'] were included before the arguments ['', 'bar', 'spam']
>    (aka sys.argv).  This is needed if I want to fork/exec (or span or
>    whatever) Python with the same option.

Regarding -O, it would also be nice to have a higher-level way to find
out what optimization level the current interpreter is running under.
Currently, as I understand it, there's no way to predict whether
py_compile will generate .pyc or .pyo files, which is a minor annoyance
in the Distutils installation code.  However, if Jim's mythical sys
variable is guaranteed to canonicalize Python's command-line options so
that something like

   "-O" in sys.python_argv

would always answer this question, I'd be satisfied.

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From Fred L. Drake, Jr." <  Wed Sep  8 14:35:28 1999
From: Fred L. Drake, Jr." < (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:35:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] More Python command-line features
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward writes:
 > Regarding -O, it would also be nice to have a higher-level way to find
 > out what optimization level the current interpreter is running under.
 > Currently, as I understand it, there's no way to predict whether

  I agree.  In fact, I'd even be willing to add support to compile the 
parse-trees produced by the parser module with or without optimization 
(pick your favorite level); that would be easy with the current
  I didn't add this earlier because Guido objected, saying that the
internal optimization flag could change.  That would require that the
parser module implementation change accordingly.  I don't think that
would be a huge problem, other than for my having to send Guido a
pre-forma gripe that he'd given me more work to do two days before a
release.  ;-)
  So, should <ast-object>.compile() accept an optional optimization
level, with the default being to use the "current" setting?


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From (Skip Montanaro)  Wed Sep  8 15:54:20 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Wed,  8 Sep 1999 09:54:20 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Mark> On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool
    Mark> rather than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the
    Mark> moment, but IMO is where we should be heading.  Skip's return
    Mark> statement warnings are fine and a nice addition, but in my
    Mark> experience account for a trivial number of my errors.  Stuff like
    Mark> warning about a variable name used only once, for example, will
    Mark> probably never get into core Python but in my opinion is far more
    Mark> valuable.  So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt
    Mark> give us the framework we need to actually create a truly useful
    Mark> package of warnings for the Python developer.

I'm not sure the stuff I wrote belongs in the core either, certainly not in
C code.  As I mentioned when I posted it though, I wasn't sure where a
PyLint type program already existed that I could simply graft onto.  I've
fiddled around enough with the compile.c code in the past couple of years
that I understand it fairly well already.

I do have some Python code that does peephole optimization on Python
bytecode.  I could have put it in there (it already divides functions into
basic blocks), but again, not many people have it laying about to play with.

Can we start/settle on a Python-based source code framework for this sort of
thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the parser module's
output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason about Python


From (Skip Montanaro)  Wed Sep  8 15:58:13 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Wed,  8 Sep 1999 09:58:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

    Guido> Eventually, I also plan to have some kind of lint in IDLE.  If
    Guido> the CP4E money comes, I'll start working on that for earnest...

Speaking of which, just where *is* IDLE?  I get the Python source via CVS,
but I'll be damned if I have anything called or or even
anything that matches "*idle*" or "*IDLE*" glob patterns.  I just executed
"cvs update -A ." from the top of my tree and checked again.  Still nothing.
Is it a separate module from the main Python source?



From Fred L. Drake, Jr." <  Wed Sep  8 16:04:41 1999
From: Fred L. Drake, Jr." < (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 11:04:41 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro writes:
 > Speaking of which, just where *is* IDLE?  I get the Python source via CVS,
 > but I'll be damned if I have anything called or or even

  Look in Tools/idle/


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From Fred L. Drake, Jr." <  Wed Sep  8 16:09:11 1999
From: Fred L. Drake, Jr." < (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 11:09:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro writes:
 > thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the parser module's
 > output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason about Python

  This was exactly what I wanted to prevent when I created the parser
module!  ;-)
  I think a wrapper that simplifies the parse tree wouldn't be too
hard to do; you simply have to be sure that the simplified version can 
be re-elaborated to pass back to the byte-code compiler via
parser.sequence2ast(<seq>).compile().  Otherwise you can't modify the
tree without loosing line number information, which would be nice to
keep around!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From  Wed Sep  8 16:08:02 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 17:08:02 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <> <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 07 September 1999, Tim Peters said:
> > The latter, if for no other reason than that new users should get bludgeoned
> > into good practice from their first day.  If something's serious enough to
> > trigger a warning, and you insist on doing it anyway, then you should at
> > least know enough about Python to be able to find the -W switch <wink>.
> >
> > Note that in response to 1,379 distinct complaints about insane Perl
> > semantics, TomC's stock answer is that every serious Perl programmer runs
> > with -w and "use strict".  He's right!  Every serious Perl programmer does.
> > Perl picked the wrong default, letting naive programmers hang themselves
> > 1,379 distinct ways by default.
> I agree, but I'm only willing to do so publicly because Tim has.  So
> does the Perl documentation (ie. Tom C., I assume); from "man perl":
>          The -w switch produces some lovely diagnostics.
>     [...]
>          Did we mention that you should definitely consider using the
>          -w switch?
>     BUGS
>          The -w switch is not mandatory.
> D'you think that's a hint?
> Obviously, there *must* be a way to turn off warnings, so we can
> continue to run our crufty, bug-ridden old code without too many
> problems.
> Greg S.'s suggestion for being able to customize *which* warnings are
> printed is also important.  Much hair was pulled when Perl 5.004 was
> released with a whole bunch of new warning messages -- lots of people
> had to go back and "fix" working code, or remove the -w switch from
> production scripts to clean up the mess on their stderr, etc.  I suspect
> most of those people (myself included) were enlightened by the new
> warnings, but annoyed by having to go and fix what wasn't necessarily
> broken.  A lot of people now recommend using -w only when developing,
> and removing it for production use, simply because of the risk of new
> warning messages when you upgrade Perl.

I'd suggest to use the -W <opt>[=<value>] kind of command line
option interface for warnings and to also add an environment
variable to customize the standard settings, e.g. PYTHONWARNINGS.

About enabling warning per default: you should consider the fact
that much code out there will probably produce such warnings,
even if it is perfectly valid (e.g. consider Skip's example
with while 1:...). Enabling it is definitely not a good idea
for production code -- it is during the development step.

Since production code is likely to run using -O, I suggest
disabling warnings when -O is used and enabling them otherwise.

Also, I'd like to second GregS' idea with the sys.warnings
dict. Together with a generic -W <opt>=<value> interface
this would be great for adding customized warnings to Python
scripts (i.e. not only the ones that the interpreter itself

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   123 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep  8 15:57:59 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 16:57:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Accessing internal flag values
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 08 September 1999, Jim Fulton said:
> >
> > While we're talking about Python command-line features, I have a couple
> > of requests that would make life alot easier for us.
> >
> > 1. I'd like the options given before the script name to
> >    be accessable to Python scripts. For example, in:
> >
> >      python -O bar spam
> >
> >    I'd like to have a sys variable that told me that the arguments
> >    ['-O'] were included before the arguments ['', 'bar', 'spam']
> >    (aka sys.argv).  This is needed if I want to fork/exec (or span or
> >    whatever) Python with the same option.
> Regarding -O, it would also be nice to have a higher-level way to find
> out what optimization level the current interpreter is running under.
> Currently, as I understand it, there's no way to predict whether
> py_compile will generate .pyc or .pyo files, which is a minor annoyance
> in the Distutils installation code.

Check out mxTools (from my Python Pages). It has a function which
lets you control the value of the optimization flag:
     The following functions are installed as add-ons to the builtin sys

         If level is given, the value of the interpreter's verbosity flag is set
         to level and the previous value of that flag is returned. Otherwise,
         the current value is returned. 

         You can use this function to e.g. enable verborse lookup output to
         stderr for import statements even when the interpreter was not
         invoked with '-v' or '-vv' switch or to force verbosity to be
         switched off. 

         If level is given, the value of the interpreter's debugging flag is set
         to level and the previous value of that flag is returned. Otherwise,
         the current value is returned. 

         You can use this function to check whether the interpreter was
         called with '-d' flag or not. Some extensions use this flag to
         enable/disable debugging log output (e.g. all the mx Extensions).

         If level is given, the value of the interpreter's optimization flag is
         set to level and the previous value of that flag is returned.
         Otherwise, the current value is returned. 

         You can use this function to e.g. compile Python scripts in
         optimized mode even though the interpreter was not started with

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   123 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep  8 20:20:32 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 12:20:32 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> Skip Montanaro writes:
>  > thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the parser module's
>  > output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason about Python
>   This was exactly what I wanted to prevent when I created the parser
> module!  ;-)
>   I think a wrapper that simplifies the parse tree wouldn't be too
> hard to do; you simply have to be sure that the simplified version can
> be re-elaborated to pass back to the byte-code compiler via
> parser.sequence2ast(<seq>).compile().  Otherwise you can't modify the
> tree without loosing line number information, which would be nice to
> keep around!

This has already been done. Grab the Python2C distribution from There is a module named
"" which does just what you're thinking -- it converts
Python's deeply-nested trees into something human-readable. Each of the
resulting node types are doc'd at the top of the module.

It is also over a couple years old, so it has had some decent


Greg Stein,

From  Wed Sep  8 23:03:07 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 08:03:07 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002801befa45$efed8240$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> Can we start/settle on a Python-based source code framework
> for this sort of
> thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the
> parser module's
> output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason
> about Python
> code.

Actually, I struggled with this a _lot_, then found that P2C has a module
called "transform" which flattens the parse tree down to something I can
understand (which is good :-)

I could simply attach it, but it is grafted to P2C IIRC.  If there is
interest I will rip it out...


From  Wed Sep  8 23:11:35 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 15:11:35 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <002801befa45$efed8240$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> Actually, I struggled with this a _lot_, then found that P2C has a module
> called "transform" which flattens the parse tree down to something I can
> understand (which is good :-)
> I could simply attach it, but it is grafted to P2C IIRC.  If there is
> interest I will rip it out... operates quite independently.

It is a relatively large module, though (33k), so I would recommend
people just grab the P2C distribution from

I have started to put together a page at that includes the various modules that
I've "published". I'll get transformer over there in the next day or


Greg Stein,

From  Wed Sep  8 23:29:47 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 08:29:47 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002c01befa49$a9b74730$0801a8c0@bobcat>

Oops - for some reason I thought we were on Python-help where Greg doesnt
hang out...

> operates quite independently.

It does - however, the only simple way to see what it does is to use P2C.
All I had in mind was a simple "if __name__=='__main__': block to
demonstrate its output.


From  Fri Sep 10 07:16:20 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 02:16:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <000001befb54$0095e240$a52d153f@tim>

[Mark Hammond]
> ...
> On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool
> rather than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the
> moment, but IMO is where we should be heading.

Following the lead taken by other modern languages, like javalint, c++lint,
perllint, dylanlint and even vblint <wink>?  C lint was a hack needed due to
the combination of bad language design choices and poor compilers, but C
compilers are smarter now than lint ever was.  Who still uses lint?  It's
dead, and it's not missed.

> Skip's return statement warnings are fine and a nice addition, but in
> my experience account for a trivial number of my errors.  Stuff like
> warning about a variable name used only once, for example, will probably
> never get into core Python but in my opinion is far more valuable.

The notion that a valuable idea will never get into the core is disturbing.
I don't really care how it's implemented, but a *visibly* separate
"checking" tool is bad UI, one that even the C community left behind with

> So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt give us the framework
> we need to actually create a truly useful package of warnings for the
> Python developer.

No, but adding the "-W" <wink> switch does give us the means by which
(perhaps the illusion of) "a" smarter compiler can be invoked & controlled.

> [And I am slowly and painfully starting work in this - a lint tool based
> on the Python parser module.  Dont hold your breath though :-]

Aaron W has had a capable pylint tool for a couple years, & it remains
virtually unknown; and, far as I can tell, Aaron reciprocated the lack of
interest by dropping active development.

So why was C lint successful in its day while every crack at pylint flops
(btw, yours will too <0.5 wink>)?  I think it's two sides of the same coin:
C lint found dozens of deadly problems that infested almost all C code
(remember the pre-prototype days?).  Versions of pylint offer very little
beyond pointing out unique vrbl names, perhaps indentation checking, and
...?  I'm drawing a blank here.  I suppose they should strive to give better
msgs for runaway triple-quoted strings.  What else?  Skip's "return"
checker, and far as I can tell then we're already at the point of
diminishing returns.

My claim is that pylints don't get used both because they're a separate
step, and because the odds of them catching something interesting are
comparatively tiny.  Python simply doesn't have many errors that *can* be
caught at compile-time.  It's like me firing up the spell-checker at this
point to verify "compile-time" -- the expected payoff is negative.

There's little enough useful a pylint could do that a mod to add those few
smarts to the core would be a fraction of the size & effort of yet another
separate tool.  Better, in the core, it would actually do people some good
because it would actually get used.

Which specific problems do you expect your lint tool to uncover?  Perhaps
there's a world of mechanically-checkable Python errors I haven't yet bumped

you-windows-guys-write-strange-code<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Fri Sep 10 07:28:07 1999
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 23:28:07 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Techniques for scientific C++
Message-ID: <>

In case you haven't seen enough C++ papers, you might find this paper
interesting. It's a good way to learn more about templates without trying
to actually use them, and it's a very good way to decide to stay away from
high-power C++ techniques like expression templates.  Yeeagh!

(I especially like the program shown in section 1.11.1).


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:59:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Todd Veldhuizen <>
Subject: OON: Techniques for scientific C++

I've updated and expanded my slides on "Techniques for Scientific C++"
into a document.  It's available in HTML and Postscript from:


Here's the table of contents.

1.1: About this document
1.2: C++ Compilers
     1.2.1: Placating sub-standard compilers
     1.2.2: The compiler landscape
     1.2.3: C++-specific optimization
1.3: Compile times
     1.3.1: Headers
     1.3.2: Prelinking
     1.3.3: The program database approach -- Visual Age C++
     1.3.4: Quadratic/Cubic template algorithms
1.4: Static Polymorphism
     1.4.1: Are virtual functions evil?
     1.4.2: Solution A: simple engines
     1.4.3: Solution B: the Barton and Nackman Trick
1.5: Callback inlining techniques
     1.5.1: Callbacks: the typical C++ approach Expression templates STL-style function objects Pointer-to-function as a template parameter
1.6: Managing code bloat
     1.6.1: Avoid kitchen-sink template parameters
     1.6.2: Put function bodies outside template classes
     1.6.3: Inlining levels
1.7: Containers
     1.7.1: STL-style containers
     1.7.2: Data/View containers
1.8: Aliasing and restrict
1.9: Traits
     1.9.1: An example: average()
     1.9.2: Type promotion example
1.10: Expression templates
     1.10.1: Performance implications of pairwise evaluation
     1.10.2: Recursive templates
     1.10.3: Expression templates: building parse trees
     1.10.4: A minimal implementation
     1.10.5: Refinements
     1.10.6: Pointers to more information
     1.10.7: References
1.11: Template metaprograms
     1.11.1: Template metaprograms: some history
     1.11.2: The need for specialized algorithms
     1.11.3: Using template metaprograms to specialize algorithms
1.12: Comma overloading
     1.12.1: An example
1.13: Interfacing with Fortran codes
1.14: Some thoughts on performance tuning
     1.14.1: General suggestions
     1.14.2: Know what your compiler can do
     1.14.3: Data structures and algorithms
     1.14.4: Efficient use of the memory hierarchy

- -- 
Todd Veldhuizen     
Indiana Univ. Comp. Sci.
- --------------------- Object Oriented Numerics List --------------------------

From  Fri Sep 10 08:36:39 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 17:36:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000001befb54$0095e240$a52d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <003a01befb5f$39f25400$0801a8c0@bobcat>

[Tim laments the death of lint for C :-]

> The notion that a valuable idea will never get into the core
> is disturbing.

Agreed.  I based my assesment simply on my perception of what is likely to
happen, not my opinion of what _should_ happen.  I do agree that it is far
far preferable for Python itself to be capable of issuing these warnings,
and if Guido feels that is the best direction then it would be very cool.
Only Guido can state if he would support such efforts, and probably should
right about now (the funk soul brother - sorry - just got the Fat Boy Slim
CD, and its going around in my head :-)

> Aaron W has had a capable pylint tool for a couple years, & it remains
> virtually unknown; and, far as I can tell, Aaron reciprocated
> the lack of
> interest by dropping active development.

Which tends to be the biggest problem with it.  A number of people have
tried to use it, but often get stymied by the lack of 1.5.?isms - ie,
"raise" (ie re-raise) and "assert".  It bombs at these statements, and
there is some real magic I didnt want to understand.  Aaron agrees that a
parser module based one would be better.

But your original point still remains - I agree having Python do this is a
better solution all round.

> (remember the pre-prototype days?).  Versions of pylint offer
> very little
> beyond pointing out unique vrbl names, perhaps indentation
> checking, and
> ...?  I'm drawing a blank here.  I suppose they should strive
> to give better
> msgs for runaway triple-quoted strings.  What else?  Skip's "return"
> checker, and far as I can tell then we're already at the point of
> diminishing returns.

Agreed.  However, all of these would be very valuable and account for the
vast majority of my errors.

> you-windows-guys-write-strange-code<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

Only cos we use a strange OS <wink>


From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 10 15:05:23 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 10:05:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 10 Sep 1999 17:36:39 +1000."
References: <003a01befb5f$39f25400$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

> Agreed.  I based my assesment simply on my perception of what is likely to
> happen, not my opinion of what _should_ happen.  I do agree that it is far
> far preferable for Python itself to be capable of issuing these warnings,
> and if Guido feels that is the best direction then it would be very cool.
> Only Guido can state if he would support such efforts, and probably should
> right about now (the funk soul brother - sorry - just got the Fat Boy Slim
> CD, and its going around in my head :-)

I agree it should happen, and Tim's argument about keeping lint and
compiler together is a convincing one.

What stands in the way?

(a) There's so much else to do...

(b) *Someone* needs to design a good framework for spitting out
warnings, and for giving the programmer a way to control which
warnings to ignore. I've seen plenty of good suggestions here; now
somebody should simply go off and come up with a proposal too good to

(c) I have a different agenda with CP4E -- I think it would be great
if the editor could do syntax checking and beyond *while you type*,
like the spell checker in MS Word.  (I *like* Word's spell checker,
even though I hate the style checker [too stupid], and I gladly put up
with the spell checker's spurious complaints -- it's easy to turn off,
easy to ignore, and it finds lots of good stuff.)

Because the editor has to deal with incomplete and sometimes
ungrammatical things, and because it has to work in real time (staying
out of the way when you're frantically typing, catching up when your
fingers take a rest), it needs a different kind of parser.

But that's another project, and once the Python core has a warning
framework in place, I'm sure we'll find more things that are worth
warning about.

I'm not always in agreement with Tim Peters when he says that Python
is so dynamic that it's impossible to check for certain errors.  It
may be impossible to say *for sure* that something is an error, but
there sure are lots of situations where you're doing something that's
*likely* to be an error.

E.g. if the compiler sees len(1), and there's no local or global
variable named len, it *could* be the case that the user has set up a
parallel universe where the len() built-in accepts an integer
argument, but more likely it's an honest mistake, and I would like to
get a warning about it.

The hard part here is to issue this warning for len(x) where x is some
variable or expression that is likely to have a non-sequence value
(barring alternate universes); this might require global analysis
that's hard or expensive enough that we can't put it in the core
(yet).  This may be seen as an argument for a separate lint...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From (Skip Montanaro)  Fri Sep 10 15:16:52 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:16:52 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Where does lint-like functionality belong?
Message-ID: <>

Okay, if Tim's assertions are correct (and I have no reason to suspect
them), a separate pylint will be doomed, so the only reasonable thing to do
is to place it in the core where it will be rarin' to go all the time.
Perl's experience with -w seems to suggest that it's best to always enable
whatever warnings you can as well.  (More and more I see people using gcc's
-Wall flag as well.)

Now, my return consistency stuff was easy enough to write in C for two
reasons.  One, I'm fairly comfortable with the compile.c code.  Two, adding
my checks required no extra memory management overhead.  Consider a few
other checks you might conceivably add to the byte code compiler:

    * tab nanny stuff (already enabled with -t, right?)
    * variables set but not used
    * variables used before set

If all of this sort of stuff is added to the compiler proper, I predict a
couple major problems will surface:

    * The complexity of the code will increase significantly, making it
      harder to maintain and enhance
    * Fewer and fewer people will be able to approach the code, making it
      less likely that new checks are added
    * Future extensions like pluggable virtual machines will be harder to
      add because their byte code compilers will be harder to integrate into 
      the core

In addition, more global checks probably won't be possible (reasoning about
code across module boundaries for instance) because the compiler's view of
the world is fairly narrow.

I think lint-like tools should be implemented in Python (possibly with the
support of an extension module for performance-critical sections) which is
then called from the compiler proper under appropriate circumstances
(warnings enabled, all necessary modules importable, etc).  I believe the
code would be much more easily maintained and extended.  You'd be able to
swap in a new byte code compiler without risking the loss of your checking


From  Fri Sep 10 20:06:28 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:06:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
Message-ID: <>

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi everybody,

I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.

Here are the results...

Demo Package Structure: (see the attached


With the attached patch you can do the following:

# Pretty useless...
import a.b.__.ab

# From inside
from __ import ab

# At top-level (also useless, but shows how this situation is handled):
import __.sys
# __ is bound to None since we are at top-level; sys is still
# being loaded though.

Of course, common usage will be of the form:
form __.__ import submodule_at_higher_level

Please tell me what you think and give it a try. It's a first
try and may have some design errors. Especially the way
head and tail are treated in Python/import.c:import_module_ex
may cause trouble -- I need help here.

Note: The patch is against the CVS version. If you run Python
in verbose mode, the patch will produce some verbose output
of what it's doing.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   113 days left
Python Pages:                 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="parentimport.patch"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="parentimport.patch"

--- /home/lemburg/orig/Python/Python/import.c	Fri Apr  9 19:00:51 1999
+++ Python/import.c	Fri Sep 10 20:51:02 1999
@@ -1572,10 +1572,14 @@ load_next(mod, altmod, p_name, buf, p_bu
 	char *dot = strchr(name, '.');
 	int len;
 	char *p;
 	PyObject *result;
+	if (Py_VerboseFlag)
+		printf("# load_next: (1) name='%s', buf='%.*s'\n",
+		       name,*p_buflen,buf);
 	if (dot == NULL) {
 		*p_name = NULL;
 		len = strlen(name);
 	else {
@@ -1586,10 +1590,39 @@ load_next(mod, altmod, p_name, buf, p_bu
 				"Empty module name");
 		return NULL;
+	/* Handle "__" indicator telling the import mechanism to
+	   continue the search one level higher in the package
+	   hierarchy */
+	if (strncmp(name,"__",len) == 0) {
+		PyObject *modules = PyImport_GetModuleDict();
+		/* Strip the final dotted name from buf */
+		dot = strrchr(buf, '.');
+		if (dot == NULL)
+			*p_buflen = 0;
+		else
+			*p_buflen = dot - buf;
+		buf[*p_buflen] = '\0';
+		/* Fetch the parent module or revert to a top-level search */
+		if (*p_buflen > 0) {
+			mod = PyDict_GetItemString(modules,buf);
+			if (mod == NULL) {
+				PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,
+						"Parent module missing");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+			mod = Py_None;
+		Py_INCREF(mod);
+		return mod;
+	}
 	p = buf + *p_buflen;
 	if (p != buf)
 		*p++ = '.';
 	if (p+len-buf >= MAXPATHLEN) {
@@ -1597,10 +1630,14 @@ load_next(mod, altmod, p_name, buf, p_bu
 		return NULL;
 	strncpy(p, name, len);
 	p[len] = '\0';
 	*p_buflen = p+len-buf;
+	if (Py_VerboseFlag)
+		printf("# load_next: (2) modname='%s', fullname=buf='%s'\n",
+		       p,buf);
 	result = import_submodule(mod, p, buf);
 	if (result == Py_None && altmod != mod) {
 		/* Here, altmod must be None and mod must not be None */

Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed; name=""
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=""


From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 10 20:16:28 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 15:16:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:06:28 +0200."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.

I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
the same directory as the current module.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Sat Sep 11 05:06:54 1999
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:06:54 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] jpythonc: unreachable Python becomes unreachable Java (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward notes on the JPython list:

> Looks like I've found a definite bug in jpythonc -- unreachable Python
> code compiles to unreachable Java code.  Here's a simple example:
> [..]
> Yikes... does this mean that jpythonc will have to analyze Python code
> for reachability?  Is this even possible?  Guess the answer for now is,
> "Don't do that!".

This is another sort of warning that a checker could do in the core which
could catch some errors.  Not sure that it makes sense to try and find all
the cases that an arbitrary Java compiler could find, but presumably
Greg's original code which led him to the jpythonc bug find had a
plain-old python bug in it?  Did Aaron's pylint find any nonreachable


From  Sat Sep 11 11:29:48 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 12:29:48 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> the same directory as the current module.

Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
released) and Mark's win32 stuff.

As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
and more often. Relative imports would greatly reduce the
risk these collisions, because packages could be written
self-contained meaning that they can reach their internal
modules via relative paths only and don't have to know about
the absolute paths by which they are reachable from other parts
of the Python universe.

I could then make all my packages self-contained and
distribute them in two forms without having to change
a single line for the added support:

1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'

Another major advantage is that I could take any other
self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
them manually. 

To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
in the package structures become manageable without user
intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
structures change because they store absolute module names.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   111 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Sat Sep 11 21:29:58 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 16:29:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>

> I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> the same directory as the current module.

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
> is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
> as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
> released) and Mark's win32 stuff.
> As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> and more often.

I never understand package complaints.  Maybe it's the imprecision of the
language people use, or maybe because it's because people don't give fully
fleshed-out examples.  Whatever, in the end, I never have any idea what the
complaint is, or in what way the solution is "solving" anything.

In the above, "absolute" doesn't appear to mean "absolute" in any
OS-sensible sense.  So what does it really mean?  Does it mean the same
things to Guido and MAL?

In MAL's hint of examples, I don't see any problem.  If mxDateTime unpacks
itself into a directory named DateTime, then *of course* it's going to
collide with other packages that want to do likewise.  Install it into
mxDateTime instead, and take "absolute" to mean "any module that wants an
mxDateTime service and does not itself live directly in mxDateTime/ must
import the desired module via a path beginning 'mxDateTime.'", and
everything looks straightforward to me (and that outcome makes me infer that
this is thus probably what Guido has in mind too).  Similarly for
win32.Queue vs mxQueue.Queue vs the Queue in the std library (it *would* be
good to have an explicit way to say "std library" -- "Lib." comes to mind).

> I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> distribute them in two forms without having to change
> a single line for the added support:
> 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'

Ah, so that's what this is about.  I vote screw #2.  Releasing it that way
was a mistake.  Better to live with the brief & finite pain of repairing it
than complicating Python to cover up for it.

> Another major advantage is that I could take any other
> self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
> of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
> org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
> or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
> them manually.

I view that not as an advantage but as harmful complication.  Zope etc add
great value to a Python installation, and when I write a killer app full of
"import zope.this" and "import zope.that", I don't want the possibility that
it's not going to work on my client's machine just because their sysadmin
installed Zope into some silly site-specific path named after his soon-to-be
ex-girlfriend <wink>.  I don't want a way to work around him doing that,
either:  I don't want him to be able to screw me to begin with.

> To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> in the package structures become manageable without user
> intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> structures change because they store absolute module names.

This is a different issue, and may have merits of its own.  WRT the relative
import scheme, its advantage seems to lie in providing a way to partially
recover from the damage the new scheme causes <0.5 wink>.

As is, the package name used by a release is part of its published
interface.  You can't change it without causing pain, any more than you can
make incompatible changes to public class methods or input-output behavior.
In return, package clients are uniform, simple and portable, making life
easiest for the people who know least.  The burden is on package authors to
choose names wisely, and that's where the burden should be.

if-100-pkgs-all-want-their-own-queue-they-already-can-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Sun Sep 12 01:41:16 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 20:41:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Techniques for scientific C++
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101befcb7$85be2b80$4c2d153f@tim>

[David Ascher, concerning]
> In case you haven't seen enough C++ papers, you might find this paper
> interesting. It's a good way to learn more about templates without trying
> to actually use them, and it's a very good way to decide to stay away from
> high-power C++ techniques like expression templates.  Yeeagh!

Didn't these people get to play with m4 in their youth?  Ah, this *is* their
youth <wink>.  As for so much else, this is stuff they could have been doing
with Lisp/Scheme compile-time macros 15 years ago, except the latter are
much clearer, simpler and easier to use.  It's not "a trick" in Scheme, it's
a fundamental approach, and the full power of the language is available at
every step.

If this kind of thing still holds a perverse attraction, check out

These guys produce what are usually the fastest FFT algorithms in the world
across platforms, via a dynamic programming approach that generates
algorithm fragments and times them on the target platform, eventually
"growing" superior platform-specific FFT code for each vector size.  Until
C++ templates can do file I/O at compile-time (to take advantage of timings
from previous runs), they won't even get close <wink>.

    then-so-is-a-skunk's-odor-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Sun Sep 12 03:41:44 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 22:41:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > 
> > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not
> > in the same directory as the current module.
> Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which is
> not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such as
> DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be released)
> and Mark's win32 stuff.

I can see your point (although I also believe that authors - Guido 
excepted - should come up with collision-free names, probably in a 
Java-ish scheme).

But I strongly believe that import.c should be left alone, maybe 
even to die. There are too many people doing import hooks to 
make fiddling with its behavior safe.

I'm also a strong proponent of Greg's scheme, which 
makes it a breeze to do import hooks. And my experience 
disproves the notion that the import mechanism needs to be in C. If 
you don't believe me, try the ZlibArchive stuff (which is cross 
platform) from my Win32 installer stuff. You can pack the standard 
library into one 475K file, and get a perceptible performance boost.

OTOH, I could see doing a framework of packages, in which case 
relative imports might be handy. This seems to work fine:

def relimp(nm):
  rpth = string.split(nm, '/')
  tpth = string.split(__name__, '.')[:-1]
  for node in rpth:
    if node == '..':
      del tpth[-1]
    #print `tpth`
  return __import__(string.join(tpth, '.'))

b = relimp('../packageA2.b')

> As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> and more often. Relative imports would greatly reduce the
> risk these collisions, because packages could be written
> self-contained meaning that they can reach their internal
> modules via relative paths only and don't have to know about
> the absolute paths by which they are reachable from other parts
> of the Python universe.
> I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> distribute them in two forms without having to change
> a single line for the added support:
> 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'
> Another major advantage is that I could take any other
> self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
> of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
> org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
> or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
> them manually. 
> To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> in the package structures become manageable without user
> intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> structures change because they store absolute module names.
> -- 
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Y2000:                                   111 days left Business:      
>                    Python Pages:     
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev maillist  -

- Gordon

From  Sun Sep 12 10:18:16 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 05:18:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001befcff$bf654e20$492d153f@tim>

> ...
> I based my assesment simply on my perception of what is likely to
> happen, not my opinion of what _should_ happen.

I based mine on what Guido was waiting for someone to say <wink>.

We worry too much about disagreeing here; different opinions are great!
Guido will squash the ones he can't stand anyway.

[about Aaron's pylint's lack of 1.5.2 smarts]
> ...
> Aaron agrees that a parser module based one would be better.

You can't beat a real parse, no argument there.  Luckily, the compiler
parses too.

> What stands in the way?
> (a) There's so much else to do...

How did Perl manage to attract 150 people with nothing to do except hack on
Perl internals?  "Wow, that code's such a mess I bet even *I* could get
something into it" <0.6 wink>.

> (b) *Someone* needs to design a good framework for spitting out
> warnings, and for giving the programmer a way to control which
> warnings to ignore. I've seen plenty of good suggestions here; now
> somebody should simply go off and come up with a proposal too good to
> refuse.

The response has been ... absent.  Anyone doing this?  I liked JimF's push
to make cmd-line options available to Python programs too.  Somehow they
seem related to me.

> (c) I have a different agenda with CP4E -- I think it would be great
> if the editor could do syntax checking and beyond *while you type*,
> like the spell checker in MS Word.  (I *like* Word's spell checker,
> even though I hate the style checker [too stupid], and I gladly put up
> with the spell checker's spurious complaints -- it's easy to turn off,
> easy to ignore, and it finds lots of good stuff.)
> Because the editor has to deal with incomplete and sometimes
> ungrammatical things, and because it has to work in real time (staying
> out of the way when you're frantically typing, catching up when your
> fingers take a rest), it needs a different kind of parser.

Different from what?  Python's own parser for sure.  IDLE has at least two
distinct parsers of its own that have nothing in common with Python's parser
and little in common with each other.  Using the horrid tricks in, it may even be possible to write the kind of parser you need in
Python and still have it run fast enough.

For parsing-on-the-fly from random positions, take my word for it and
Barry's as insurance <wink>:  the single most frequent question you need to
have a fast and reliable answer for is "is this character in a string?".
Unfortunately, turns out that's the hardest question to answer too.  The
next one is "am I on a continuation line, and if so where's the start?".
Given rapid & bulletproof ways to answer those, the rest is pretty easy.

> But that's another project, and once the Python core has a warning
> framework in place, I'm sure we'll find more things that are worth
> warning about.

That was frequently predicted for various pylint projects too <wink>.

> I'm not always in agreement with Tim Peters when he says that Python
> is so dynamic that it's impossible to check for certain errors.  It
> may be impossible to say *for sure* that something is an error, but
> there sure are lots of situations where you're doing something that's
> *likely* to be an error.

We have no disagreement there.  What a compiler does must match the
advertised semantics of the language-- or its own advertised deviations from
those --without compromise.  A warning system has no such constraint; to the
contrary, in the case of a semantic mess like Perl, most of its value is in
pointing out *legal* constructs that are unlikely to work the way you

> E.g. if the compiler sees len(1), and there's no local or global
> variable named len, it *could* be the case that the user has set up a
> parallel universe where the len() built-in accepts an integer
> argument, but more likely it's an honest mistake, and I would like to
> get a warning about it.

Me too.  More:  I'd also like to get a warning for *having* a local or
global variable named len!  Masking the builtin names is simply bad
practice, and is also usually an honest mistake.

BTW, I was surprised that the most frequent gotcha among new Python users at
Dragon turned out to be exactly that:  dropping a "len" or a "str" or
whatever (I believe len, str and list were most common) into their
previously working code-- because they just learned about that builtin --and
getting runtime errors as a result.  That is, they already had a local var
of that name, and forgot.  Then they were irked that Python didn't nag them
from the start (with a msg they understood, of course).

> The hard part here is to issue this warning for len(x) where x is some
> variable or expression that is likely to have a non-sequence value
> (barring alternate universes); this might require global analysis
> that's hard or expensive enough that we can't put it in the core
> (yet).  This may be seen as an argument for a separate lint...

Curiously, Haskell is statically type-safe but doesn't require declarations
of any kind -- it does global analysis, and has a 100% reliable type
inference engine (the language was, of course, designed to make this true).
Yet I don't think I've ever seen a Haskell program on the web that didn't
explicitly declare the type of every global anyway.  I think this is
natural, too:  while it's a PITA to declare the type of every stinking local
that lives for two lines and then vanishes, the types of non-local names
aren't self-evident:  type decls really help for them.

So if anyone is thinking of doing the kind of global analysis Guido mentions
here, and is capable of doing it <wink>, I'd much rather they put their
effort into optional static type decls for Python2.  Many of the same
questions need to be answered either way (like "what's a type?", and "how do
we spell a type?" -- the global analysis warnings won't do any good if you
can't communicate the substance of an error <wink>), and optional decls are
likely to have bigger bang for the buck.

[Skip Montanaro]
> ...
> Perl's experience with -w seems to suggest that it's best to always
> enable whatever warnings you can as well.

While that's my position, I don't want to oversell the Perl experience.
That language allows so many goofy constructs, and does so many wild guesses
at runtime, that Perl is flatly unusable without -w for non-trivial
programs.  Not true of Python, although the kinds of warnings people have
suggested so far certainly do seem worthy of loud complaint by default.

> (More and more I see people using gcc's -Wall flag as well.)

If you have to write portable C++ code, and don't enable every warning you
can get on every compiler you have, and don't also turn on "treat warnings
as errors", non-portable code will sneak into the project rapidly.  That's
my experience, over & over.  gcc catches stuff MS doesn't, and vice versa,
and MetroWerks yet another blob, and platform-specific cruft *still* gets
in.  It's irksome.

> Now, my return consistency stuff was easy enough to write in C for two
> reasons.  One, I'm fairly comfortable with the compile.c code.

I don't anticipate dozens of people submitting new warning code.  It would
be unprecendented if even two of us decided this was our thing.  If would be
almost unprecendented if even one of us followed up on it <0.6 wink>.

> Two, adding my checks required no extra memory management overhead.

Really good global analysis likely requires again as much C code as already
exists.  Luckily, I don't think putting in some warnings requires that all
conceivable warnings be implemented at once <wink>.  For stuff that complex,
I'd rather make it optional and write it in Python; I don't believe any law
prevents the compiler from running Python code.

> Consider a few other checks you might conceivably add to the byte code
> compiler:
>     * tab nanny stuff (already enabled with -t, right?)

Very timidly, yes <wink>.  Doesn't complain by default, and you need -tt to
make it an error.  Only catches 4 vs 8 tab size ambiguities, but that's good
enough for almost everyone almost all the time.

>     * variables set but not used
>     * variables used before set

These would be wonderful.  The Perl/pylint "gripe about names unique in a
module" is a cheap approximation that gets a surprising percentage of the
benefit for the cost of a dict and an exception list.

> If all of this sort of stuff is added to the compiler proper, I predict a
> couple major problems will surface:
>     * The complexity of the code will increase significantly, making it
>       harder to maintain and enhance

The complexity of the existing code should be almost entirely unaffected,
because non-trivial semantic analysis belongs in a new subsystem with its
own code.

>     * Fewer and fewer people will be able to approach the code, making it
>       less likely that new checks are added

As opposed to what?  The status quo, with no checks at all?  Somehow, facing
the prospect of *some* checks doesn't frighten me away <wink>.  Besides, I
don't buy the premise:  if someone takes this on as their project, worrying
that they'll decline to add new valuable checks is like MarkH worrying that
I wouldn't finish adding full support for stinking tabs to the common
IDLE/PythonWin editing components.  People take pride in their hackery.

>     * Future extensions like pluggable virtual machines will be harder
>       to add because their byte code compilers will be harder to integrate
>       into the core

If you're picturing adding this stuff sprayed throughout the guts of the
existing com_xxx routines, we've got different pictures in mind.

Semantic analysis is usually a pass between parsing and code generation,
transforming the parse tree and complaining about source it thinks is fishy.
If done in any conventional way, it has no crosstalk at all with either the
parsing work that precedes it or the code generation that follows it.  It's
a pipe stage between them, whose output is of the same type as its input.
That is, it's a "pluggable component" in its own right, and doesn't even
need to be run.  So potential for interference just isn't there.

At present, Python is very unusual both in:

1) Having no identifiable semantic pass at all, parsing directly to byte
code, and enforcing its few semantic constraints (like "'continue' not
properly in loop") lumped in with both of those.


2) Having one trivial optimization pass-- 76 lines of code instead of the
usual 76,000 <wink> --running after the byte code has been generated.
However, the sole transformation made here (distinguishing local from
non-local names) is much more properly viewed as being a part of semantic
analysis than as being "an optimization".  It's deducing trivial info about
what names *mean* (i.e., basic semantics), and is called optimization here
only because Python didn't do it at first.

So relating this to a traditional compiler, I'd say that "optimize()" is
truly Python's semantic analysis pass, and all that comes before it is the
parsing pass -- a parsing pass with output in a form that's unfortunately
clumsy for further semantic analysis, but so it goes.  The byte code is such
a direct reflection of the parse tree that there's really little fundamental
difference between them.

So for minimal disruption, I'd move "optimize" into a new module and call it
the semantic analysis pass, and it would work with the byte code.  Just as
now, you wouldn't *need* to call it at all.  Unlike now, the parsing pass
probably needs to save away some more info (e.g., I don't *think* it keeps
track of what all is in a module now in any usable way).

For Python2, I hope Guido adopts a more traditional structure (i.e., parsing
produces a parse tree, codegen produces bytecode from a parse tree, and
other tree->tree transformers can be plugged in between them).  Almost all
compilers follow this structure, and not because compiler writers are
unimaginative droids <wink>.  Compile-time for Python isn't anywhere near
being a problem now, even on my creaky old 166MHz machine; I suspect the
current structure reflects worry about that on much older & slower machines.

Some of the most useful Perl msgs need to be in com_xxx, though, or even
earlier.  The most glaring example is runaway triple-quoted strings.
Python's "invalid token" pointing at the end of the file is maddeningly
unhelpful; Perl says it looks like you have a runaway string, and gives the
line number it thinks it may have started on.  That guess is usually
correct, or points you to what you *thought* was the end of a different
string.  Either way your recovery work is slashed.  (Of course IDLE is even
better:  the whole tail of the file changes to "string color", and you just
need to look up until the color changes!)

> In addition, more global checks probably won't be possible (reasoning
> code across module boundaries for instance) because the compiler's view of
> the world is fairly narrow.

As above, I don't think there's enough now even to analyze one module in

> I think lint-like tools should be implemented in Python (possibly with the
> support of an extension module for performance-critical sections) which is
> then called from the compiler proper under appropriate circumstances
> (warnings enabled, all necessary modules importable, etc).

I have no objection to that.  I do object to the barely conceivable getting
in the way of the plainly achievable, though -- the pylint tools out there
now, just like your return consistency checker, do a real service already
without any global analysis.  Moving that much into the core (implemented in
Python if possible, recoded in C if not) gets a large chunk of the potential
benefit for maybe 5% of the eventual work.

It's nice that Guido is suddenly keen on global analysis too, but I don't
see him volunteering to do any work either <wink>.

> I believe the code would be much more easily maintained and extended.

If it's written in Python, of course.

> You'd be able to swap in a new byte code compiler without risking the
> loss of your checking code.

I never understood this one; even if there *were* a competing byte code
compiler out there <0.1 wink>, keeping as much as possible out of com_xxx
should render it a non-issue.  If I'm missing your point and there is some
fundamental conflict here, fine, then it's another basis on which bytecode
compilers will compete.

more-concerned-about-things-that-exist-than-things-that-don't-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Sun Sep 12 10:54:36 1999
From: (Ivan Porres)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 12:54:36 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Memory usage in Python
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,

I've been reading this list for a while but this is the first time I
post a message. I am interested on using Python as a scripting
language for small embedded systems. One of the limiting factors on a
embedded system is the memory. Memory cost money, uses space and
drains power.

We have released a big patch to selectively disable some features of a
Python interpreter at compile time. With the patch, it is possible to
disable, i.e., complex numbers or file objects, in order to reduce
the memory foot print of the Python interpreter. The patch is
available at

Now, I am interested on studying and reducing the memory consumption of
Python programs. That is all the memory allocated by the interpreter
in order to run a python program. I would like to know if somebody
else has been working on the same direction. Is there any document
explaining how Python uses the memory? I would be nice to know which
structures are most used, their size, how often are accessed,

I have the impression that most people is concerned about optimising
Python for speed, but I still think that some Python users will
also benefit from size optimisations.


Ivan Porres Paltor                    Turku Centre for Computer Science
Ã…bo Akademi, Department of Computer Science  Phone: +358-2-2154033   
Lemminkäinengatan 14A                             
FIN-20520 Turku - Finland          

From (Skip Montanaro)  Sun Sep 12 15:20:14 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 09:20:14 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000001befcff$bf654e20$492d153f@tim>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Skip> * Future extensions like pluggable virtual machines will be harder
    Skip> to add because their byte code compilers will be harder to
    Skip> integrate into the core

    Tim> If you're picturing adding this stuff sprayed throughout the guts
    Tim> of the existing com_xxx routines, we've got different pictures in
    Tim> mind.

This was precisely my example, because that's the way I implemented the
return warning stuff, by modifying the com_xxx routines.  I believe that's
the wrong way to go in the long run, and I see by the rest of your message
you feel the same way as well.  To the greatest extent possible, I think
this stuff should be implemented in Python.  (We may disagree on that
point.)  Being able to plug in new parse tree analysis/transformation
modules between parse tree creation and code generation could at least be
controlled from Python.


P.S. Something I just noticed: Since the node typedef (node.h) and the
macros that manipulate nodes are shared across multiple files shouldn't they
be named something slightly less likely to clash with other packages?

From  Mon Sep 13 11:05:46 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:05:46 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Guido]
> > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > the same directory as the current module.
> [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> > the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
> > is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
> > as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
> > released) and Mark's win32 stuff.
> >
> > As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> > and more often.
> I never understand package complaints.  Maybe it's the imprecision of the
> language people use, or maybe because it's because people don't give fully
> fleshed-out examples.  Whatever, in the end, I never have any idea what the
> complaint is, or in what way the solution is "solving" anything.

My original post contained an example package using relative
imports. The example uses intra-package imports across subpackage
levels which currently is only possible using absolute module
names (see below for a definition).

Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the

Think of the '__' as an additional feature that authors can use
at their own will. They don't *have* to, just as you don't have
to use relative file paths in your config files. It's
just a convenience that some authors may want to use in their code.
> In the above, "absolute" doesn't appear to mean "absolute" in any
> OS-sensible sense.  So what does it really mean?  Does it mean the same
> things to Guido and MAL?

"Absolute" means fully qualified name, i.e. the complete path to 
the modules from the top-level root via all subpackage down to the
module name itself, e.g. TextTools.Constants.TagTable.

> In MAL's hint of examples, I don't see any problem.  If mxDateTime unpacks
> itself into a directory named DateTime, then *of course* it's going to
> collide with other packages that want to do likewise.  Install it into
> mxDateTime instead, and take "absolute" to mean "any module that wants an
> mxDateTime service and does not itself live directly in mxDateTime/ must
> import the desired module via a path beginning 'mxDateTime.'", and
> everything looks straightforward to me (and that outcome makes me infer that
> this is thus probably what Guido has in mind too).

This is what I intend to do: move all my stuff under a 'mx'
package and then continue reinventing (faster, different,
doesn't-slip-when-wet) wheels ;-). BTW, the queue thingie is just
a proof of concept fun project.

> Similarly for
> win32.Queue vs mxQueue.Queue vs the Queue in the std library (it *would* be
> good to have an explicit way to say "std library" -- "Lib." comes to mind).

I'd prefer 'org.python.core.' or 'stdlib.' or just simply 'python.'
but that's a different issue.
> > I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> > distribute them in two forms without having to change
> > a single line for the added support:
> >
> > 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> > 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'
> Ah, so that's what this is about.  I vote screw #2.  Releasing it that way
> was a mistake.

Not until Zope went Open Source ;-) ...

>  Better to live with the brief & finite pain of repairing it
> than complicating Python to cover up for it.

Screwing #2 is not possible unless I want all those already
stored DateTime pickles to fail loading... ok, I could probably
provide some kind of compatibility package which then redirects
the import to mx.DateTime.

> > Another major advantage is that I could take any other
> > self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
> > of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
> > org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
> > or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
> > them manually.
> I view that not as an advantage but as harmful complication.  Zope etc add
> great value to a Python installation, and when I write a killer app full of
> "import zope.this" and "import zope.that", I don't want the possibility that
> it's not going to work on my client's machine just because their sysadmin
> installed Zope into some silly site-specific path named after his soon-to-be
> ex-girlfriend <wink>.  I don't want a way to work around him doing that,
> either:  I don't want him to be able to screw me to begin with.

Zope is not a package AFAIK (and probably never will be due to the
pickle complications), so 'import zope.this' won't work anyways
unless you add a Zope wrapping package of your own -- and this will
only work for Zope modules not relying on other Zope modules unless
they use relative imports.

> > To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> > alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> > in the package structures become manageable without user
> > intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> > structures change because they store absolute module names.
> This is a different issue, and may have merits of its own.  WRT the relative
> import scheme, its advantage seems to lie in providing a way to partially
> recover from the damage the new scheme causes <0.5 wink>.

I'm not proposing a new scheme... only a convenience for package
> As is, the package name used by a release is part of its published
> interface.  You can't change it without causing pain, any more than you can
> make incompatible changes to public class methods or input-output behavior.
> In return, package clients are uniform, simple and portable, making life
> easiest for the people who know least.  The burden is on package authors to
> choose names wisely, and that's where the burden should be.

Sure, but we are heading into these kind of problems just now and
have no proper solution at hand. Simply coping out by blaiming the
package authors is not the right way to handle the situation; referring
them to some global name registry (the one at NIST) isn't either.

As the Zope example shows, it's not easy to move from half-packaged
to full packaged (relative imports will ease this move, though) due
to external references using absolute object type/class names. Changes
in the package structure produce the same problems.

It's not so much the burden of the programmer having to adjust his
code to the new layout I'm talking about here: it's the user with
all his data stored in object databases that worries me.

> if-100-pkgs-all-want-their-own-queue-they-already-can-ly y'rs  - tim

Not if just one of them decides to make it top-level... grabbing
the name until eternity ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 13 11:17:31 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:17:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > >
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not
> > > in the same directory as the current module.
> >
> > Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> > the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which is
> > not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such as
> > DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be released)
> > and Mark's win32 stuff.
> I can see your point (although I also believe that authors - Guido
> excepted - should come up with collision-free names, probably in a
> Java-ish scheme).

> But I strongly believe that import.c should be left alone, maybe
> even to die. There are too many people doing import hooks to
> make fiddling with its behavior safe.
> I'm also a strong proponent of Greg's scheme, which
> makes it a breeze to do import hooks. And my experience
> disproves the notion that the import mechanism needs to be in C. If
> you don't believe me, try the ZlibArchive stuff (which is cross
> platform) from my Win32 installer stuff. You can pack the standard
> library into one 475K file, and get a perceptible performance boost.

You're probably right in saying that we don't need the code in C.
I just wanted to avoid yet another import hook being incompatible
with all the other existing hooks.

Perhaps we should restart the import discussion all over and
come up with a more flexbile 100% compatible framework based
on Greg's imputil scheme. Then I could add my hook for the relative
imports and be happy ;-)
> OTOH, I could see doing a framework of packages, in which case
> relative imports might be handy. This seems to work fine:
> def relimp(nm):
>   rpth = string.split(nm, '/')
>   tpth = string.split(__name__, '.')[:-1]
>   for node in rpth:
>     if node == '..':
>       del tpth[-1]
>     else:
>       tpth.append(node)
>     #print `tpth`
>   return __import__(string.join(tpth, '.'))
> b = relimp('../packageA2.b')

This is pretty much how my patch works... except that I use the style '__' pseudo package instead of '../'.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 13 11:27:04 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:27:04 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Memory usage in Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ivan Porres wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've been reading this list for a while but this is the first time I
> post a message. I am interested on using Python as a scripting
> language for small embedded systems. One of the limiting factors on a
> embedded system is the memory. Memory cost money, uses space and
> drains power.
> We have released a big patch to selectively disable some features of a
> Python interpreter at compile time. With the patch, it is possible to
> disable, i.e., complex numbers or file objects, in order to reduce
> the memory foot print of the Python interpreter. The patch is
> available at
> Now, I am interested on studying and reducing the memory consumption of
> Python programs. That is all the memory allocated by the interpreter
> in order to run a python program. I would like to know if somebody
> else has been working on the same direction. Is there any document
> explaining how Python uses the memory? I would be nice to know which
> structures are most used, their size, how often are accessed,
> etc...

You should have a look at Vladimir Marangozov's pymalloc (hope this
URL still works):
It has some logging facilities which give detailed reports about
the storage sizes etc.

> I have the impression that most people is concerned about optimising
> Python for speed, but I still think that some Python users will
> also benefit from size optimisations.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 13 13:44:56 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:44:56 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> the same directory as the current module.

I'll second Marc-Andre here.  

A significant headache occurs when you have a package
that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
reference other sub-packages within the same package without
knowing where the containing package is installed.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Mon Sep 13 14:09:59 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:09:59 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:44:56 EDT."
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> > > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > the same directory as the current module.
> I'll second Marc-Andre here.  
> A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> knowing where the containing package is installed.

You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
package name I meant package name (e.g. not
filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

(On reduced bandwidth here, hence not so subtle.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Mon Sep 13 14:14:56 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:14:56 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000d01befde9$f9c70690$0801a8c0@bobcat>

[Jim writes]
> I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> knowing where the containing package is installed.

I certainly dont want to know _where_ the package is installed, but do
want to know the package name.  A package name, IMO, is like a module
name - once named, you are largely stuck with it.

I for one use packages quite extensively, but have never lamented the
loss of __ from the ni days.  If someone, for example, wanted to
change the package name of "win32com" or "pywin", then I would expect
lots of code to break, in the same way as changing the name any
standard module would break code.

I see Marc's issue with pickle, but I dont see the problem with
absolute package names any more than I see a problem with explicitely
naming modules in an import statement...


From  Mon Sep 13 14:32:25 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:32:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> As is, the package name used by a release is part of its published
> interface.  You can't change it without causing pain, any more than you can
> make incompatible changes to public class methods or input-output behavior.
> In return, package clients are uniform, simple and portable, making life
> easiest for the people who know least.  The burden is on package authors to
> choose names wisely, and that's where the burden should be.

Not all packages are part of the external interface. In fact, 
all Zope names are essentially internal, since Zope is an application.
The issue is not so much access to access from outside as it is access
between packages within Zope.

Further, the current support for relative imports allows a package
to be moved into another package without breaking the pulic interface wrt 
the containing package.

Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:

Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
and stringtools.  If mx was installed in the Python path
then a module in the mx.DateTime package could get at stringtools

  import mx.stringtools

So far, so good.

Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages
that are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone
wants to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that 
provides access to an external database.  Now the author of the 
NiftyDB product wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is
not a standard part of Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include
it in the NiftyDB product directory.  Becase relative imports are
allowed in the current import scheme, they can use mx as usual.
A NiftyDB module can import DateTime as follows:

  import mx.DateTime

So even though mx is istalled as a sub-package, the public
interface is unchanged, at least wrt the containing package.

Unfortunately, the internal import of stringtools in the DateTime

  import mx.stringtools

will fail, because mx is no longer a top-level module.

Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Mon Sep 13 14:32:39 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:32:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
> >
> > [Guido]
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > > the same directory as the current module.
> >
> > [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > > Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> > > the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
> > > is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
> > > as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
> > > released) and Mark's win32 stuff.
> > >
> > > As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> > > and more often.
> >
> > I never understand package complaints.  Maybe it's the imprecision of the
> > language people use, or maybe because it's because people don't give fully
> > fleshed-out examples.  Whatever, in the end, I never have any idea what the
> > complaint is, or in what way the solution is "solving" anything.
> My original post contained an example package using relative
> imports. The example uses intra-package imports across subpackage
> levels which currently is only possible using absolute module
> names (see below for a definition).

I agree that this is a valid complaint about the current scheme.

> Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
> relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
> are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
> had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the
> implementation.

And, in fact, the current scheme does let you use relative paths
to go down.
> > > I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> > > distribute them in two forms without having to change
> > > a single line for the added support:
> > >
> > > 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> > > 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'
> >
> > Ah, so that's what this is about.  I vote screw #2.  Releasing it that way
> > was a mistake.
> Not until Zope went Open Source ;-) ...
> >  Better to live with the brief & finite pain of repairing it
> > than complicating Python to cover up for it.
> Screwing #2 is not possible unless I want all those already
> stored DateTime pickles to fail loading... ok, I could probably
> provide some kind of compatibility package which then redirects
> the import to mx.DateTime.

Regardless of how you spell the import, the pickles 
*must* reflect the absolute path.  Otherwise, pickleability
depends on where you unpickle.  If you rearrange packages, 
or rename modules, there is a pickling issue.  This is clearly
a problem in need of a better solution.
> Zope is not a package AFAIK

Nope. If I had it to do over it would be.  It will be
eventually. (While Zope is not a package, it makes extensive 
use of packges. Zope has a total of about 350 modules and 
packages, of which about 44 are in the top-level namespace.)

> (and probably never will be due to the pickle complications),

The pickling issues are solvable in a number of ways, although
it is a bit painfull.  I considered fixing the package layout
in Zope 2, but I ran out of time. :)

> so 'import zope.this' won't work anyways
> unless you add a Zope wrapping package of your own -- and this will
> only work for Zope modules not relying on other Zope modules unless
> they use relative imports.

This is a good example. It should be possible to make Zope package-
portable but it isn't, at least not without writing import hooks, which
make my head hurt alot more than meta-classes. ;)
> > > To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> > > alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> > > in the package structures become manageable without user
> > > intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> > > structures change because they store absolute module names.
> >
> > This is a different issue, and may have merits of its own.  WRT the relative
> > import scheme, its advantage seems to lie in providing a way to partially
> > recover from the damage the new scheme causes <0.5 wink>.
> I'm not proposing a new scheme... only a convenience for package
> authors.

I think that this is an important convenience that is probably not
appreciated until you write a complex package structure.

Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Mon Sep 13 14:35:21 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:35:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [MAL]
> > > > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > > > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > > > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > > > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> [GvR]
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > > the same directory as the current module.
> [JimF]
> > I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> >
> > A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> > reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> > knowing where the containing package is installed.
> You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
> package name I meant package name (e.g. not
> filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
> toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

I wasn't refering to file path location either, but to 
package name-space location.  See the example I just
posted in reply to Tim.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Mon Sep 13 14:40:10 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:40:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:05:46 +0200."
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

> Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
> relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
> are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
> had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the
> implementation.

It was left out of the 1.5 package implementation on purpose, and I
will fight proposals to get it back.  It is an ugly hack that deserves 
to die.  So there!

> "Absolute" means fully qualified name, i.e. the complete path to 
> the modules from the top-level root via all subpackage down to the
> module name itself, e.g. TextTools.Constants.TagTable.

No disagreement there.

BTW, The compatibility issues with class references in object
databases need to be resolved in a different way -- package renamings
are but one of the problems here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Mon Sep 13 14:57:32 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 15:57:32 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [MAL]
> > > > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > > > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > > > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > > > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> [GvR]
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > > the same directory as the current module.
> [JimF]
> > I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> >
> > A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> > reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> > knowing where the containing package is installed.
> You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
> package name I meant package name (e.g. not
> filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
> toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

I think Jim meant the absolute package name just like you and I

I don't really understand why you and Tim oppose to relative

Tim's argument about sysadmins installing packages
under fantasy names isn't really all that realistic, IMHO,
even though it would work.

The ability to host a subpackage inside another package is a
very attractive feature for large package based applications: you
don't have to edit a single line in the subpackage's source code
and can install/update the subpackage without harming its
functionality within the system.

BTW: The patch I posted does not add a circular reference to the
modules as the old implementation (sometimes) did.
Since the __ handling is done dynamically and on import only there
is no need to add a module attribute __ pointing to the parent module.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 13 15:08:36 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 16:08:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
> > relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
> > are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
> > had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the
> > implementation.
> It was left out of the 1.5 package implementation on purpose, and I
> will fight proposals to get it back.  It is an ugly hack that deserves
> to die.  So there!

I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
"ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?

Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 13 15:35:16 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:35:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
References: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:44:56 EDT."             <>
Message-ID: <>

[relative package imports]


> > I'll second Marc-Andre here.  

> > 

> > A significant headache occurs when you have a package

> > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to

> > reference other sub-packages within the same package without

> > knowing where the containing package is installed.


<color><param>0000,7F00,0000</param>> You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute

> package name I meant package name (e.g. not

> filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the

> toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

</color>In between. I can see relative packages as *one* way of handling 
certain problems. Consider:



with both of these having alternate implementations of 
subpackages foo and bar. Then for (the current) foo.a to get to (the 
current) bar.b, using a relative import seems a natural.

This can, of course, be done in pure Python. So can doing things 
in that make the appropriate implementations of 
foo and bar appear to be and On any criteria I 
can think of, this would be a superior solution. (*)

What I am against is further complicating the already over 
complicated built in import mechanism.

(*) such as a that looks like this:

import sys

if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':

  nm = __name__ + '.Win32'


  nm = __name__ + '.Unix'

new = __import__(nm)

sys.modules[__name__] = sys.modules[nm]<bold>

- Gordon

From  Mon Sep 13 15:56:12 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:56:12 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Jim Fulton]
> Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> and stringtools.  
> Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> directory.  

This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He 
should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", and put error 
handling on the import. Otherwise I might end up with a gazillion 
separate copies of the mx package installed on my system and no 
way to clean it up.

Your notion of "self contained packages" is flawed. Reducto ad 
adsurdum, it leads to downloading the OS with every app you 
install. (Crap, I hope I haven't given Sun any new ideas...).

- Gordon

From  Mon Sep 13 16:16:03 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:16:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [Jim Fulton]
> > Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> >
> > Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> > and stringtools.
> ...
> > Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> > are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> > to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> > access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> > wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> > Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> > directory.
> This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", and put error
> handling on the import.

This is unacceptable. People should not have to hack a 
global namespace to get a local feature.

> Otherwise I might end up with a gazillion
> separate copies of the mx package installed on my system and no
> way to clean it up.

Or you might not.  In any case, the ability to have localized 
references should be there.

Actually, Zope does provide a place to share packages
that multiple products use. This involves putting
shared packages in a sub-package of the 'Shared'
package.  For example, Digital Creations
shared packages go in Shared.DC. 

Putting mx in Shared.ACME runs into the same
problem. Although the product author can:


the import of mx.stringtools in DateTime
will still fail.

Now, maybe ACME will hack mx to change the
internal imports:


but their hacks will get broken when 
we make Zope a package and Shared becomes
a sub-package of Zope.
> Your notion of "self contained packages" is flawed. Reducto ad
> adsurdum, it leads to downloading the OS with every app you
> install. (Crap, I hope I haven't given Sun any new ideas...).

I'm sorry, but relying on existing Python installations for
commercial applications is just not practical. In fact, Zope
binary distributions contain their own Python distributions 
because relying on preinstalled Python distributions is just
way too much of a support burden and a hassle for out customers.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Mon Sep 13 16:21:15 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:21:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [relative package imports]
> [JimF]
> > > I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> > >
> > > A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> > > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> > > reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> > > knowing where the containing package is installed.
> [GvR]
> > You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
> > package name I meant package name (e.g. not
> > filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
> > toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.
> In between. I can see relative packages as *one* way of handling
> certain problems. Consider:
>  zope.Win32
>  zope.Unix
> with both of these having alternate implementations of  subpackages foo
> and bar. Then for (the current) foo.a to get to (the  current) bar.b,
> using a relative import seems a natural.

I wouldn't use relative imports for this.
> This can, of course, be done in pure Python. So can doing things  in
> that make the appropriate implementations of  foo and
> bar appear to be and On any criteria I  can think of,
> this would be a superior solution. (*)

I agree. This is not a good motivating example for relative imports.
> What I am against is further complicating the already over  complicated
> built in import mechanism.

The current scheme doesn't seem all that complicated to me.
I wouldn't be in favor of making it more complicated if there wasn't
a good reason.  I think that, in working on the Zope framework, 
I've found some pretty good reasons for relative imports.

> (*) such as a that looks like this:
> import sys
> if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
>   nm = __name__ + '.Win32'
> else:
>   nm = __name__ + '.Unix'
> new = __import__(nm)
> sys.modules[__name__] = sys.modules[nm]

Right, this would be silly. This is not a good example.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Mon Sep 13 16:27:31 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 17:27:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [Jim Fulton]
> > Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> >
> > Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> > and stringtools.
> ...
> > Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> > are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> > to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> > access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> > wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> > Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> > directory.
> This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", and put error
> handling on the import. Otherwise I might end up with a gazillion
> separate copies of the mx package installed on my system and no
> way to clean it up.

The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of
Zope. There's nothing bad about it if you take the POV of a typical
Zope user who doesn't know about the internals too much.

OTOH, if the user does have the skill to install packages
himself, he could install the mx package top-level and then
leave it out of the NiftyDB product dir. Both setups will work
without any source code change... that's the real advantage.

Currently, only the top-level installation of the mx package
will work and this of course introduces other problems like
version control, e.g. the NiftyDB product (relying on mx 1.9)
may not support version 2.0 of mx which the sysadmin installed
at top-level. There would be no way (apart from patching NiftyDB)
to get back to a working setup.
> Your notion of "self contained packages" is flawed. Reducto ad
> adsurdum, it leads to downloading the OS with every app you
> install. (Crap, I hope I haven't given Sun any new ideas...).

While you do of course have a point in that packages should not
be loaded twice (a smarter import mechanism written in Python
could handle these situations along with the relative import),
you should consider that Zope is an application. It could go the
WinXX way and simply hack around in the OS or wrap everything
it needs up in the package itself. Both have their pros and
cons, both are possible using relative imports (I'm starting to
feel like one of those marketing guys ;).

BTW, I really don't care much about this feature being coded
in Python or C. All I would like is to have it enabled and
available per default, so that writing self-contained packages
becomes a standard in the Python world.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 13 17:23:35 1999
From: (Jean-Claude Wippler)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 18:23:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > Jim Fulton wrote:
[deeply nested snippety snip]
> >
> > This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> > should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", [...]


> The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
> scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of Zope.

But why shouldn't it be visible?  The only approach which will not
self-destruct IMO, is to segment on source-of-origin.  Your package in
your namespace, Gordon's in his, and Jim's in yet another.  Given that
there is no ordering relationship, that means three areas next to each
other.  If Jim takes M-A's package and modifies it, then that would be a
reason to put M-A's-modified-by-Jim-package within Jim's area.

> Currently, only the top-level installation of the mx package
> will work and this of course introduces other problems like
> version control, e.g. the NiftyDB product (relying on mx 1.9)
> may not support version 2.0 of mx which the sysadmin installed
> at top-level. There would be no way (apart from patching NiftyDB)
> to get back to a working setup.

Which points to a solution in a completely different direction: version
numbers in package directories, like GNU and Tcl do, to name two.

> [...] have it enabled and available per default, so that writing
> self-contained packages becomes a standard in the Python world.

A noble goal.

Now this may be a silly question, but what's the issue here?  I'm used
to writing things which sort of look like this:
	import myGoobledygook
	utils = myGoobledygook
Couldn't this be applied here as well:
	mxDT = aCoolImporter("Marc-Andre's latest date/time utilities")
In other words: figure out a way to get at the proper modules, then use
an alias in your own code to stay away from naming/access dependencies?

And if a parent wants to tell a submodule how to find it, can't it just
set a variable at module level in that submodule, to reach it?

Aliases, bookmarks, symlinks, shortcuts, env vars, globals, registries,
DNS or LDAP servers, FS mount points - it's all the same issue.

-- Jean-Claude

From  Mon Sep 13 17:56:42 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:56:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> > The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
> > scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of Zope.
> But why shouldn't it be visible? 

Because visibility has a cost.  Making mx a top-level name
means that someone else can't make it a top-level name.
This is why packages are a good idea.

If the need is local, the definition shouldn't be made 
global *just* to get around a limitation in spelling.

> The only approach which will not
> self-destruct IMO, is to segment on source-of-origin.  Your package in
> your namespace, Gordon's in his, and Jim's in yet another.  Given that
> there is no ordering relationship, that means three areas next to each
> other. 

It must be possible to package things together regardless of
point of origin. Otherwise, you have a big obstical to reuse.

BTW, I think that there is ample evidence that relative imports
will not cause anything to self destruct.

> If Jim takes M-A's package and modifies it, then that would be a
> reason to put M-A's-modified-by-Jim-package within Jim's area.

But Jim wants to use M-A's package as a black box. I don't
want to hack all of his imports due to a packaging detail.


> Now this may be a silly question, but what's the issue here?  I'm used
> to writing things which sort of look like this:
>         import myGoobledygook
>         utils = myGoobledygook
>         print
> Couldn't this be applied here as well:
>         mxDT = aCoolImporter("Marc-Andre's latest date/time utilities")
> In other words: figure out a way to get at the proper modules, then use
> an alias in your own code to stay away from naming/access dependencies?
> And if a parent wants to tell a submodule how to find it, can't it just
> set a variable at module level in that submodule, to reach it?
> Aliases, bookmarks, symlinks, shortcuts, env vars, globals, registries,
> DNS or LDAP servers, FS mount points - it's all the same issue.

Yes, these are options, as are import hooks.  While these are possible
alternatives, they are far less attractive than simply making it 
possible to spell relative imports.  Why?  Well, for one, they require
a lot of cooperation among packages that might be written by totally
different authors.  I might come up with a handy relative import function, 
but how do I get M-A to use it? Well, I'm sure I could get him to use
it, but how about all of the other people whose packages I want to reuse.
No problem, we'll come up with a standard mechansism, maybe even a 
standard library module.  Of course, someone is bound to realize sooner 
or later that it's silly to have a standard relative import library module
*and* a standard import statement and add the feature to standard
import. :)


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Mon Sep 13 19:21:08 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:21:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > > Jim Fulton wrote:
> [deeply nested snippety snip]
> > >
> > > This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> > > should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", [...]
> Yes.

Of course ;-) ... but that's not the point. Commercial products
have to come with all batteries included, not just some of them.
But you can't include everything known in the Python
universe just to avoid conflicts when someone writes a cool
plugin for your package.
> > The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
> > scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of Zope.
> But why shouldn't it be visible? 

Because it would probably affect other apps using the same
package. Just think of what happens to Win9x if you constantly
update the DLLs...

> The only approach which will not
> self-destruct IMO, is to segment on source-of-origin.  Your package in
> your namespace, Gordon's in his, and Jim's in yet another.  Given that
> there is no ordering relationship, that means three areas next to each
> other.  If Jim takes M-A's package and modifies it, then that would be a
> reason to put M-A's-modified-by-Jim-package within Jim's area.
> > Currently, only the top-level installation of the mx package
> > will work and this of course introduces other problems like
> > version control, e.g. the NiftyDB product (relying on mx 1.9)
> > may not support version 2.0 of mx which the sysadmin installed
> > at top-level. There would be no way (apart from patching NiftyDB)
> > to get back to a working setup.
> Which points to a solution in a completely different direction: version
> numbers in package directories, like GNU and Tcl do, to name two.

A different topic -- an interesting one too :-) How does Java
handle this problem ?

> > [...] have it enabled and available per default, so that writing
> > self-contained packages becomes a standard in the Python world.
> A noble goal.

And one which is only reachable by getting whatever mechanism
is needed to make it work into the standard distribution --
not only a hook for relative imports but the real thing !

> Now this may be a silly question, but what's the issue here?  I'm used
> to writing things which sort of look like this:
>         import myGoobledygook
>         utils = myGoobledygook
>         print
> Couldn't this be applied here as well:
>         mxDT = aCoolImporter("Marc-Andre's latest date/time utilities")
> In other words: figure out a way to get at the proper modules, then use
> an alias in your own code to stay away from naming/access dependencies?
> And if a parent wants to tell a submodule how to find it, can't it just
> set a variable at module level in that submodule, to reach it?
> Aliases, bookmarks, symlinks, shortcuts, env vars, globals, registries,
> DNS or LDAP servers, FS mount points - it's all the same issue.

True, but please remember that we are not talking about adding
some esoteric module storage to the standard mechanism (the one
reachable via the "import" statement). Relative import only adds
a logical notion to imports that opens up new possibilities which
are not easily available using other techniques.

BTW, would you want to miss relative file name paths ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 13 21:52:57 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 16:52:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> >
> > [Jim Fulton]
> > > Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> > >
> > > Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> > > and stringtools.
> > ...
> > > Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> > > are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> > > to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> > > access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> > > wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> > > Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> > > directory.

First, I am not all that opposed to having a notion of ".."
available in the import statement.  If we can write zope.dir1.mod1
which is a relative import going down, maybe we can write
../dir2/mod2 or something spelled differently.  But I think
there would still be problems.

We would be relying on all package authors to use ".."
or "__" within their package.  But it is more natural to write
zope.this.that or mx.this.that everywhere, and that is what
people have in fact done.  Probably there would be bugs and
at least annoyance.

And it seems unfortunate to need this feature.  A proper
package scheme should really isolate package internals from
the outside world, and if this isn't happening we need a new scheme.

I also don't think there is any escape from needing standard
package names, at least the head name "zope" for example.

Of course all this currently works if (in Jim's example) both
"zope" and "mx" are top-level names.  Then the ".." is not
necessary.  But, as Jim points out:

>> But why shouldn't it be visible? 

>Because visibility has a cost.  Making mx a top-level name
>means that someone else can't make it a top-level name.
>This is why packages are a good idea.

The global shared nature of PYTHONPATH and its name space makes
it difficult to guarantee that all required packages are going
to be present in a complicated installation like zope.  And if
anyone else installs another Python package, it can easily break
the first installation.

One solution is for an application to establish its own
PYTHONPATH which can not be altered.  If this points to "zopedir"
then the installer can freely install mx to the directory
zopedir/mx and be confident that another mx installation
is not damaged, nor used.

The logical extension is to place each package into its own
file using a scheme like Gordon McMillan is using.  If the
package contents is obtained by seeking from the END of the
file, then multiple package files can be concattenated with
  cat package1 package2 zope mx >> bigpackage
and a large installation like zope can be shipped with its
own "bigpackage" library which is essentially a normal
PYTHONPATH archive with everything above the head directory
names thrown away.  The Python library is included under
"Lib" just as it is now.  The bigpackage library implies
its own PYTHONPATH of "Lib;."  If the Python library files are
placed in the root, the implied PYTHONPATH is ".".

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Mon Sep 13 22:55:43 1999
From: (Jean-Claude Wippler)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:55:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>


> BTW, would you want to miss relative file name paths ?

Well, that thought did cross my mind while posting that reply...

I'm not sure.  Yes, they are convenient, but "current working directory"
is not always a pleasant concept (yet more global state - think of tree
walks and the inconvenience of having to get, alter, work, restore it -
when using chdir to implement this).  I don't use .. as often as might
be expected.  I use "cd ~/something" a lot more.  While that may look
relative at another level, it really is not (as "echo ~" shows).  It
does illustrate how nearly equivalent the two approaches are.

DOS/Windows has always had a broken relative path: the current drive.

And the "hash/bang" headers of Unix seem to always use absolute paths.

Some of this may seem to point to the need for relative paths.  But I
think it hides a more fundamental issue: you need to find out context.
Once you do, relativeness no longer matters (obviously).  A system which
has a current directory and ".." is equivalent to one which has no such
thing and passes a "starting directory" in the environment, say.

I think a system with less global state is more modular -> preferable.

Another angle: I have built many types of tree structures, still do.
Less and less of those contain a "parent" link.  Instead of storing a
parent you can just as easily keep state while descending into children.

 - Unix file info does not maintain a parent directory, it's redundant.
 - Directories do, and file system mount points are messy because of it.
 - Afaik, it's considered bad style to use "../header.h" in C includes.
 - Upward pointers can introduce cycles (no not here, as has been said).
 - In C++, member objects rarely need pointers to the enclosing object.

It is not for a module to know where it "is" in a hierarchy, it is for a
parent to (sometimes) provide that reference when it uses the module.

If you want want access to a module called mx, and there may be many of
them - then you ask another module to locate it for you.  One which is
able to choose / decide for you.  Proximity may be a good discriminator,
but the decision of proximity was not taken by you - and you won't know
what rule is best.  So you ask an "importer" (which could well always be
the standard Python mechanism).  Given the task to write such as beast,
I'd probably want to implement the following module search as default:
	- look for the module first in the parent (i.e. as sibling)
	- move one level up, look again, etc
	- all the way to the top
That's just one way to do it - proximity is not *always* what you want.
So if Zope chooses a different packaging style, let it override import.
But please don't build ".." into your modules, it doesn't belong there.

Sorry for all the handwaving generalities.  The issues are the same IMO,
whether relativeness is provided or context, and therefore the outcome
of this discussion will never be conclusive - they both work.

-- Jean-Claude

From  Tue Sep 14 08:02:24 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 03:02:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>

> I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
> namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
> module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
> "ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?
> Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?

There are two sections on why __ was dropped in

They don't refer to circularity, but to "limited use", "poor readability"
and "awkwardness".  A deeper reason may be hiding in the essay's "most
packages will have a relative shallow substructure":  this is Guido <wink>,
the man who invented two-level scoping, and class inheritance without a
"super" hook back to the (anonymous) parent.  For all Python's dynamicism,
it very much favors shallow, static name hierarchies.  I don't think it's
coincidence that Python's own source code is in a two-level directory
structure either!  The only #include with a ".." is in grammar.h, and there
it's in a comment <wink>:

    #include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */

So if we cut to the core here, I'd bet Guido doesn't object so much to
relative imports as to the idea that anyone would go off and create a
package structure so fractally convoluted that relative imports are strongly
more attractive than naming the target package in full.

Or maybe Guido doesn't care about that at all.  I do regardless.  I know
Python's restrictions can grate, but in all, and in my repeated experience,
they force you to rethink complicated designs and refactor them into simpler
schemes that fit what Python is best at spelling.  Nesting packages 8 deep
is clumsy now?  Damn straight, and I'm thankful for that:  the clumsier it
is, the less gratuitous inherited complexity I'll have to deal with in my
future lives <0.5 wink>.

Things that came up in this thread that are worth fixing include:

+ Problems with persistent class references (incl. pickles).

+ Dealing with incompatible versions of packages.  If someone wants to embed
a copy of (say) mxDateTime in their own package, the only excuses are that
they're afraid of overwriting the user's existing mxDateTime installation
(if any), and/or of having some future installation of something else
overwrite mxDateTime with an incompatible version.  Those are bad problems,
but package embedding is no solution.  You have a much better approach to
that already via the DateTime.__version__ string!  "Something like that"
needs to be formalized and imposed on all public packages.

at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim


> Just think of what happens to Win9x if you constantly update the DLLs...

As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
installers that finally play by the rules.  The mean time between crashes
when I installed Win95 a few years ago was about an hour; now it's at least
days and possibly weeks (don't know -- never leave the puter on that long).
When a version upgrade fails, it's not a mystery, it's a bug <0.9 wink>.

From  Tue Sep 14 09:32:38 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:32:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> First, I am not all that opposed to having a notion of ".."
> available in the import statement.  If we can write zope.dir1.mod1
> which is a relative import going down, maybe we can write
> ../dir2/mod2 or something spelled differently.  But I think
> there would still be problems.
> We would be relying on all package authors to use ".."
> or "__" within their package.  But it is more natural to write
> zope.this.that or mx.this.that everywhere, and that is what
> people have in fact done.  Probably there would be bugs and
> at least annoyance.

Think of it as an opportunity: it makes intra-package imports
very simple without hard-wiring paths to submodules
into the package.

In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
plugin your package if it's self-contained.


I have a feeling that this discussion is loosing its grip
on reality a bit. Jim and I are not argueing to change
Python's face, internal structure or look&feel. The '__' thing
doesn't harm anyone, doesn't break any functionality or
code. It is even now already possible using import hooks and
has been implemented before in using just that technology.

All that we are talking about is reviving relative imports
so that its usage is possible *without* adding yet another
hook. This is not about the pros and cons of deeply nested
packages and neither about advantages of shallow structures.
Its only about adding semantics to the string '__' used
in import statements. Nothing more. People are not forced
to use it. Besides, if used it will be a package internal
technique and not be visible to users of that package.

Now why would anyone want to make life harder for package
authors ? Give the people something to play with so that
they have more fun at what their doing for the benefit
of the community !

> And it seems unfortunate to need this feature.  A proper
> package scheme should really isolate package internals from
> the outside world, and if this isn't happening we need a new scheme.
> I also don't think there is any escape from needing standard
> package names, at least the head name "zope" for example.
> Of course all this currently works if (in Jim's example) both
> "zope" and "mx" are top-level names.  Then the ".." is not
> necessary.  But, as Jim points out:
> >> But why shouldn't it be visible?
> >Because visibility has a cost.  Making mx a top-level name
> >means that someone else can't make it a top-level name.
> >This is why packages are a good idea.
> The global shared nature of PYTHONPATH and its name space makes
> it difficult to guarantee that all required packages are going
> to be present in a complicated installation like zope.  And if
> anyone else installs another Python package, it can easily break
> the first installation.
> One solution is for an application to establish its own
> PYTHONPATH which can not be altered.  If this points to "zopedir"
> then the installer can freely install mx to the directory
> zopedir/mx and be confident that another mx installation
> is not damaged, nor used.
> The logical extension is to place each package into its own
> file using a scheme like Gordon McMillan is using.  If the
> package contents is obtained by seeking from the END of the
> file, then multiple package files can be concattenated with
>   cat package1 package2 zope mx >> bigpackage
> and a large installation like zope can be shipped with its
> own "bigpackage" library which is essentially a normal
> PYTHONPATH archive with everything above the head directory
> names thrown away.  The Python library is included under
> "Lib" just as it is now.  The bigpackage library implies
> its own PYTHONPATH of "Lib;."  If the Python library files are
> placed in the root, the implied PYTHONPATH is ".".

This is a possibility and in fact I'm using such a setup in my
current application. Still it doesn't avoid possible conflicts
due to being top-level, e.g. the user could install an extension
which relies on a specific top-level name already taken by the hosting
package, e.g. the host defines a DateTime package and the
extension comes with its own DateTime package. This is the current
situation with Zope and mxODBC (which needs mxDateTime).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Tue Sep 14 09:49:52 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:49:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> Marc-Andre,
> > BTW, would you want to miss relative file name paths ?
> Well, that thought did cross my mind while posting that reply...
> I'm not sure.  Yes, they are convenient, but "current working directory"
> is not always a pleasant concept (yet more global state - think of tree
> walks and the inconvenience of having to get, alter, work, restore it -
> when using chdir to implement this).  I don't use .. as often as might
> be expected.  I use "cd ~/something" a lot more.  While that may look
> relative at another level, it really is not (as "echo ~" shows).  It
> does illustrate how nearly equivalent the two approaches are.
> DOS/Windows has always had a broken relative path: the current drive.
> And the "hash/bang" headers of Unix seem to always use absolute paths.

...and people have turned to /usr/bin/env to get around this necessity
> Some of this may seem to point to the need for relative paths.  But I
> think it hides a more fundamental issue: you need to find out context.
> Once you do, relativeness no longer matters (obviously).  A system which
> has a current directory and ".." is equivalent to one which has no such
> thing and passes a "starting directory" in the environment, say.
> I think a system with less global state is more modular -> preferable.

Agreed. I would much prefer to become a standard -- then I
could add my hook into its chain and wouldn't have to argue for
using relative imports ;-) But then, how would I tell if someone
else already has integrated such a hook in the chain ? I sure wouldn't
want to add another one just to make sure...

If the standard mechanism already knows about '__' then I wouldn't
have to worry.
> Another angle: I have built many types of tree structures, still do.
> Less and less of those contain a "parent" link.  Instead of storing a
> parent you can just as easily keep state while descending into children.
>  - Unix file info does not maintain a parent directory, it's redundant.
>  - Directories do, and file system mount points are messy because of it.
>  - Afaik, it's considered bad style to use "../header.h" in C includes.
>  - Upward pointers can introduce cycles (no not here, as has been said).
>  - In C++, member objects rarely need pointers to the enclosing object.

Note that my patch does exactly this: it resolves the __ while
descending into the package structure -- without any explicit
back reference stored in the modules.
> It is not for a module to know where it "is" in a hierarchy, it is for a
> parent to (sometimes) provide that reference when it uses the module.

> If you want want access to a module called mx, and there may be many of
> them - then you ask another module to locate it for you.  One which is
> able to choose / decide for you.  Proximity may be a good discriminator,
> but the decision of proximity was not taken by you - and you won't know
> what rule is best.  So you ask an "importer" (which could well always be
> the standard Python mechanism).  Given the task to write such as beast,
> I'd probably want to implement the following module search as default:
>         - look for the module first in the parent (i.e. as sibling)
>         - move one level up, look again, etc
>         - all the way to the top
> That's just one way to do it - proximity is not *always* what you want.

Now this is an interesting idea... looks like acquisition at the
module import level. Right now the scheme is as follows:

	- look for the module in the import module's dir
	- look for the module on the PYTHONPATH

You would just add a third lookup step in between the two... it
would cause many more module lookups though.

> So if Zope chooses a different packaging style, let it override import.
> But please don't build ".." into your modules, it doesn't belong there.
> Sorry for all the handwaving generalities.  The issues are the same IMO,
> whether relativeness is provided or context, and therefore the outcome
> of this discussion will never be conclusive - they both work.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Tue Sep 14 10:21:45 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 11:21:45 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [MAL]
> > I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
> > namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
> > module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
> > "ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?
> >
> > Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?
> There are two sections on why __ was dropped in
> They don't refer to circularity, but to "limited use", "poor readability"
> and "awkwardness". 

Ok, so the two underscores look strange... that's arguable. "Limited
use" is not: there clearly is a use for relative imports. Please
remember that we are talking about package internals here -- not
user interfaces of that package. 

> A deeper reason may be hiding in the essay's "most
> packages will have a relative shallow substructure":  this is Guido <wink>,
> the man who invented two-level scoping, and class inheritance without a
> "super" hook back to the (anonymous) parent.  For all Python's dynamicism,
> it very much favors shallow, static name hierarchies.  I don't think it's
> coincidence that Python's own source code is in a two-level directory
> structure either!  The only #include with a ".." is in grammar.h, and there
> it's in a comment <wink>:
>     #include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */
> So if we cut to the core here, I'd bet Guido doesn't object so much to
> relative imports as to the idea that anyone would go off and create a
> package structure so fractally convoluted that relative imports are strongly
> more attractive than naming the target package in full.

This is not the intention of relative imports. Its all about
making packages relocatable. And that's a Good Thing IMHO.

> Or maybe Guido doesn't care about that at all.  I do regardless.  I know
> Python's restrictions can grate, but in all, and in my repeated experience,
> they force you to rethink complicated designs and refactor them into simpler
> schemes that fit what Python is best at spelling.  Nesting packages 8 deep
> is clumsy now?  Damn straight, and I'm thankful for that:  the clumsier it
> is, the less gratuitous inherited complexity I'll have to deal with in my
> future lives <0.5 wink>.

Tim, I promise you not use 8 levels deep ;-) I usually create
my packages using at most two levels (moving to at most three levels
in future mx package releases) and even better: the common
package interfaces are all available at the top-most level while
internal stuff hides in higher levels.

You don't have to think much about the internal structure of
the package while you use it. That's something I have to worry
about and the advantages of relative imports show up in such
a context which is why I posted the patch.

> Things that came up in this thread that are worth fixing include:
> + Problems with persistent class references (incl. pickles).
> + Dealing with incompatible versions of packages.  If someone wants to embed
> a copy of (say) mxDateTime in their own package, the only excuses are that
> they're afraid of overwriting the user's existing mxDateTime installation
> (if any), and/or of having some future installation of something else
> overwrite mxDateTime with an incompatible version.  Those are bad problems,
> but package embedding is no solution.  You have a much better approach to
> that already via the DateTime.__version__ string!  "Something like that"
> needs to be formalized and imposed on all public packages.

So the distutils will have to check for already installed package
versions and warn about conflicts. Right, that's something which 
definitely needs to become a standard (too ;).

> at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim
> PS:
> > Just think of what happens to Win9x if you constantly update the DLLs...
> As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
> get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
> installers that finally play by the rules.  The mean time between crashes
> when I installed Win95 a few years ago was about an hour; now it's at least
> days and possibly weeks (don't know -- never leave the puter on that long).
> When a version upgrade fails, it's not a mystery, it's a bug <0.9 wink>.

My experience is that intra-DLL references simply don't match anymore
and cause the system to become instable. Also, some weird installers
don't care about the version numbers and install older versions at
their will. The outcome is a complete version mess.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Tue Sep 14 13:21:26 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 08:21:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

<color><param>0000,7F00,0000</param>> Agreed. I would much prefer to become a standard -- then I

> could add my hook into its chain and wouldn't have to argue for using

> relative imports ;-) 

</color>Hear hear!

<color><param>0000,7F00,0000</param>> But then, how would I tell if someone else</color>

<color><param>0000,7F00,0000</param>> already has integrated such a hook in the chain ? I sure wouldn't want

> to add another one just to make sure...

</color>Actually, imputil was designed to be used either generally or 
specifically. In other words, a package can install a link in the 
chain just for its contents. The hook can pass on the request as 
soon as it realizes that the request is not "his". The overhead 
involved is probably insignificantly different from having complex 
tests in a single generalized hook.

- Gordon

From  Tue Sep 14 13:20:53 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:20:53 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [MAL]
> > I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
> > namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
> > module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
> > "ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?
> >
> > Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?
> There are two sections on why __ was dropped in
> They don't refer to circularity, but to "limited use", "poor readability"
> and "awkwardness". 

Which are all quite subjective.

> A deeper reason may be hiding in the essay's "most
> packages will have a relative shallow substructure":  this is Guido <wink>,
> the man who invented two-level scoping, and class inheritance without a
> "super" hook back to the (anonymous) parent.  For all Python's dynamicism,
> it very much favors shallow, static name hierarchies.  I don't think it's
> coincidence that Python's own source code is in a two-level directory
> structure either!  The only #include with a ".." is in grammar.h, and there
> it's in a comment <wink>:
>     #include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */
> So if we cut to the core here, I'd bet Guido doesn't object so much to
> relative imports as to the idea that anyone would go off and create a
> package structure so fractally convoluted that relative imports are strongly
> more attractive than naming the target package in full.
> Or maybe Guido doesn't care about that at all.  I do regardless.  I know
> Python's restrictions can grate, but in all, and in my repeated experience,
> they force you to rethink complicated designs and refactor them into simpler
> schemes that fit what Python is best at spelling.  Nesting packages 8 deep
> is clumsy now?  Damn straight, and I'm thankful for that:  the clumsier it
> is, the less gratuitous inherited complexity I'll have to deal with in my
> future lives <0.5 wink>.

Nobody has suggested building 8-level package hierarchies.  In fact,
the example I gave occured when a two-level package hierarchy was
used in a two-level hierarchy.

I don't think the Package structure of Zope is flawed *except*
for the fact that it is one level too *shallow*. The ability to
do relative imports would be very helpful for the work we're doing.


Jim Fulton 
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Tue Sep 14 14:30:38 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:30:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Still it doesn't avoid possible conflicts
> due to being top-level, e.g. the user could install an extension
> which relies on a specific top-level name already taken by the hosting
> package, e.g. the host defines a DateTime package and the
> extension comes with its own DateTime package. This is the current
> situation with Zope and mxODBC (which needs mxDateTime).

Yes, the name conflict at the global level is exactly the problem.
And to repeat, I don't really mind if "__" is added to imports,
although I don't like the spelling.  But...

Perhaps a better solution is a multiple global name space.  Suppose
there is a command line option (or other mechanism such as a special
file in sys.executable) which specifies sys.path for the application.
To be specific, suppose zope is installed in the "zopehome"
directory and the zope package lives in zopehome/zope.  And suppose
zope needs mx, so it installs it in zopehome/mx.  This really is an
obvious structure, and anyone could see that replacing mx/* would
upgrade the mx package.  The sys.path would be zopehome plus perhaps
some subdirectories of zopehome.  Doesn't this solve the problem?
Why not?  And don't complain about wasted disk space.  The smallest
disk you can buy today is 4 gigs and costs $150.

I find the PYTHONPATH mechanism totally unreliable for commercial
programs anyway.  It is a global object, and an installation of
a second Python program can break the first one.  I don't think
there is any solution to this other than specify sys.path on a
per-application basis.  If this is false, what is the other

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Tue Sep 14 13:42:10 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:42:10 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> >
> > First, I am not all that opposed to having a notion of ".."
> > available in the import statement.  If we can write zope.dir1.mod1
> > which is a relative import going down, maybe we can write
> > ../dir2/mod2 or something spelled differently.  But I think
> > there would still be problems.
> >
> > We would be relying on all package authors to use ".."
> > or "__" within their package.  But it is more natural to write
> > zope.this.that or mx.this.that everywhere, and that is what
> > people have in fact done.  Probably there would be bugs and
> > at least annoyance.
> Think of it as an opportunity: it makes intra-package imports
> very simple without hard-wiring paths to submodules
> into the package.
> In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
> of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
> plugin your package if it's self-contained.

Well said.  It really should be possible to provide
*self-contained* package hierarchies.

> I have a feeling that this discussion is loosing its grip
> on reality a bit. Jim and I are not argueing to change
> Python's face, internal structure or look&feel. The '__' thing
> doesn't harm anyone, doesn't break any functionality or
> code. It is even now already possible using import hooks and
> has been implemented before in using just that technology.
> All that we are talking about is reviving relative imports
> so that its usage is possible *without* adding yet another
> hook. This is not about the pros and cons of deeply nested
> packages and neither about advantages of shallow structures.
> Its only about adding semantics to the string '__' used
> in import statements. Nothing more. People are not forced
> to use it. Besides, if used it will be a package internal
> technique and not be visible to users of that package.
> Now why would anyone want to make life harder for package
> authors ?

I don't think nearly enough Python code has
been packagized.  Packages are critcal for large projects
and for reuse of code within large projects.  There are at 
least two people in this discussion that are trying hard to
make use of packages and have observed a significant problem.
If we really want to encourage developers of reusable Python
software to use packages, then I think it would be wise to pay
attention to people who are actively using packages and have
encountered problems.


Jim Fulton 
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Tue Sep 14 14:46:23 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:46:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
> > of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
> > plugin your package if it's self-contained.
> Well said.  It really should be possible to provide
> *self-contained* package hierarchies.

> There are at
> least two people in this discussion that are trying hard to
> make use of packages and have observed a significant problem.

OK, just to make sure I understand this.  You are saying that
a ".." operation is needed in imports so that a package author
with a package which looks like this:

can write "import __.sub2.mod2" instead of "import mypackage.sub2.mod2"
within the file  Right?

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Tue Sep 14 14:24:10 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:24:10 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> >
> > "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > > In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
> > > of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
> > > plugin your package if it's self-contained.
> >
> > Well said.  It really should be possible to provide
> > *self-contained* package hierarchies.
> > There are at
> > least two people in this discussion that are trying hard to
> > make use of packages and have observed a significant problem.
> OK, just to make sure I understand this.  You are saying that
> a ".." operation is needed in imports so that a package author
> with a package which looks like this:
>   mypackage
>   mypackage/sub1/
>   mypackage/sub2/
> can write "import __.sub2.mod2" instead of "import mypackage.sub2.mod2"
> within the file  Right?


Note that sys.modules would still have the absolute paths
for keys.


Jim Fulton 
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Tue Sep 14 15:17:01 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:17:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>; from Tim Peters on Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 03:02:24AM -0400
References: <> <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 September 1999, Tim Peters said:
> + Dealing with incompatible versions of packages.  If someone wants to embed
> a copy of (say) mxDateTime in their own package, the only excuses are that
> they're afraid of overwriting the user's existing mxDateTime installation
> (if any), and/or of having some future installation of something else
> overwrite mxDateTime with an incompatible version.  Those are bad problems,
> but package embedding is no solution.  You have a much better approach to
> that already via the DateTime.__version__ string!  "Something like that"
> needs to be formalized and imposed on all public packages.
> at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim

Been there, tried that, bought the flame war.  I made the mistake of
kicking off the Distutils SIG back in Decemver with a proposal for a
standard version numbering scheme for Python module distributions.  See

for the kick-off of that "heated discussion".  ;-)

FWIW, if I was posting that message today, I would s/must/should/ and
that's about it.  And I would stress that these are "Proposed
Recommended Guidelines" rather than "Things You Must Do or Distutils
Will Slam the Door in Your Face", which is what it must have sounded
like based on some of the responses.

Folks: please don't reheat this flamewar on python-dev -- if you're
interested in it, it will undoubtedly come up again on distutils-sig in
due course!

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From  Tue Sep 14 15:24:06 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:24:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> >
> > Still it doesn't avoid possible conflicts
> > due to being top-level, e.g. the user could install an extension
> > which relies on a specific top-level name already taken by the hosting
> > package, e.g. the host defines a DateTime package and the
> > extension comes with its own DateTime package. This is the current
> > situation with Zope and mxODBC (which needs mxDateTime).
> Yes, the name conflict at the global level is exactly the problem.
> And to repeat, I don't really mind if "__" is added to imports,
> although I don't like the spelling.  But...

Doesn't look nice, but what other syntax would look better ? It will
have to use identifiers and thus is restricted to [a-zA-Z0-9_]+.
> Perhaps a better solution is a multiple global name space.  Suppose
> there is a command line option (or other mechanism such as a special
> file in sys.executable) which specifies sys.path for the application.
> To be specific, suppose zope is installed in the "zopehome"
> directory and the zope package lives in zopehome/zope.  And suppose
> zope needs mx, so it installs it in zopehome/mx.  This really is an
> obvious structure, and anyone could see that replacing mx/* would
> upgrade the mx package.  The sys.path would be zopehome plus perhaps
> some subdirectories of zopehome.  Doesn't this solve the problem?
> Why not?  And don't complain about wasted disk space.  The smallest
> disk you can buy today is 4 gigs and costs $150.

This would solve the problem for Zope (but only after I have
restructured my packages to all go under the mx package -- which
is what started this thread; it wouldn't be needed using relative

But what about other installations or tools like mxCrypto
which plug into existing packages (Andrew's crypto package) ? Today
such plugins only work side-by-side, ie. you have to install one
part which sits in the plugin slot and one part which gets installed
somewhere in a top-level PYTHONPATH dir. The plugin slot part then
imports the Real Thing from outside the host package (this is how
mxCrypto integrates itself with AMK's lib).

> I find the PYTHONPATH mechanism totally unreliable for commercial
> programs anyway.  It is a global object, and an installation of
> a second Python program can break the first one.  I don't think
> there is any solution to this other than specify sys.path on a
> per-application basis.  If this is false, what is the other
> solution?

The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier... 
which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre, 
but people seem to want all those megs.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Tue Sep 14 15:13:13 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 14:13:13 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
> > As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
> > get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
> > installers that finally play by the rules.  The mean time between crashes
> > when I installed Win95 a few years ago was about an hour; now it's at least
> > days and possibly weeks (don't know -- never leave the puter on that long).
> > When a version upgrade fails, it's not a mystery, it's a bug <0.9 wink>.
> My experience is that intra-DLL references simply don't match anymore
> and cause the system to become instable. Also, some weird installers
> don't care about the version numbers and install older versions at
> their will. The outcome is a complete version mess.

This has been my experince too.  I cringe anytime I see some
installer stuff DLLs in my system areas.


Jim Fulton 
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From (Skip Montanaro)  Tue Sep 14 16:34:48 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:34:48 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version numbering, yadda yadda
Message-ID: <>

I haven't been paying real close attention to the relative package import
thread on python-dev, but some way or other I strongly believe something has
to be done to improve the situation I now find myself in or more and more
people are going to start getting bitten by the same sort of problem.  Allow
me to 'splain.

I use a web server based on Zope's ZServer (which is itself based on medusa)
sitting behind an Apache web server as a long-running process to handle what
many people traditionally used CGI for.  It's a big performance boost over
CGI.  Unfortunately, I have recently been experiencing frequent server
hangs.  So far I've been unable to figure out what the cause is.  I do
notice occasional tracebacks like:

    Unhandled exception in thread:
    Traceback (innermost last):
      File "ZServer/PubCore/", line 97, in __init__
      File "/home/skip/src/Zope/ZServer/", line 209, in _finish
      File "/home/skip/src/Zope/ZServer/", line 235, in close
      File "/home/skip/src/Zope/ZServer/", line 307, in push
	if send: self.initiate_send()
      File "/usr/lib/python1.5/", line 199, in initiate_send
	_push_mode = 0
      File "/usr/lib/python1.5/", line 191, in refill_buffer
	self.ac_in_buffer = ''
      File "/usr/lib/python1.5/", line 253, in pop
	# this could maybe be made faster with a computed regex?
    IndexError: list index out of range

and also notice that the server can pile up a huge number of connections in
the ESTABLISHED state, at which point the whole mess grinds to a halt with
not much computation or network traffic happening.  A separate shell script
uses netstat to detect when a large number of sockets have piled up and
restarts the server.  Brutal, but crudely effective. (When in doubt, treat
the symptoms...)

Today it just dawned on me looking at the above traceback that ZServer is
getting the wrong version of (and presumably of as
well).  It's using the version delivered with Python 1.5.2 distribution
instead of the version that was delivered with the version of Zope I'm using

So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of  Here's what I found:

    source		version number:date	owner
    Python 1.5.2	1.2:1999/06/18		guido
    Python CVS		1.2:1999/06/18		guido
    Zope 1.?		1.7:1999/04/09		amos
    Zope 2.0		1.9:1999/07/19		amos
    Medusa 990902	2.24:1999/07/07		rushing

What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have
no content differences, only wildly different version numbers.  The Medusa
and Python CVS versions only have one difference:

    if index > 0:
    	# don't bother reporting the empty string (source of subtle bugs)
    	self.collect_incoming_data (self.ac_in_buffer[:index])

which *may* be what's causing my problems (note the IndexError in my

Somewhere along the way I think we need to apply more restraint to our
packaging and numbering of Python modules.  I don't know what form that
restraint will eventually take, but at this point I'm willing to replace
Greg Ward's s/must/should/ with s/should/must/.

a-nightmare-indeed!-i don't think-this-is-what-Sam-meant-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro | |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Tue Sep 14 17:19:34 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:19:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Path hacking [Long] (was Re: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Finally, something I can relate to.  Although I have a goal of
packagizing everything I write these days, I haven't experienced any
of the problems that lead others to suggest relative imports.  The
most complicated app that I hack on (continuously) is Mailman, which
has a main package and several subpackages off the main one.  I always
use absolute paths in my import statements, so I don't see what the
fuss is about.  But I'm perfectly willing to admit that I don't have
enough experience.


>>>>> "JCA" == James C Ahlstrom <> writes:

    JCA> I find the PYTHONPATH mechanism totally unreliable for
    JCA> commercial programs anyway.  It is a global object, and an
    JCA> installation of a second Python program can break the first
    JCA> one.  I don't think there is any solution to this other than
    JCA> specify sys.path on a per-application basis.  If this is
    JCA> false, what is the other solution?

I completely agree with JimA here.  It's been a pain with the Knowbot
stuff, a pain with Mailman, and a pain with other packages that I've
installed for shared use within CNRI.  The .pth files solve part of
the problem nicely.  They let me install, say PIL or PCT in a shared
location, for access by all the Python users at my site, without the
users having to individually hack their dot-files, etc.

But this doesn't work so well for apps like Mailman or the Knowbot
stuff because we can't expect that the person installing those
applications will be able to install a .pth file in the right place.
Also, .pth files don't let you tightly control sys.path, e.g. you can
only add paths, not delete or reorder them.

Plus you have a global naming problem.  Mailman's top level package is 
called "Mailman", so I can be fairly confident that I'm not going to
collide, but it means that I have an extra directory level within my
install that contains all the core importable modules.  I don't think
that's a big deal, but it's a convention that other packaged app
writers should follow.

The problem is getting Mailman's (or the Knowbots') top level
directory on sys.path, and in exactly controlling the contents of

Our first approach with Knowbots was to do direct sys.path.insert()s,
which is quite ugly and error prone.  Plus if you're adding many
paths, or adding and deleting, that's a lot of gibberish at the top of 
your entry level executables.  And now let's say that you have a dozen 
or two dozen entry level executables that all have to perform the same 
sys.path magic.  That's a lot of cutting-and-pasting (and /highly/
error prone patching when directory structures change).  It's a lose.

So for Knowbots we wrote a small module called pathhack that all entry
level executables imported.  pathhack was good because it put all that
sys.path munging nonsense in one place so it was manageable from a s/w
engineering standpoint.  But it sucked because those executables had
to /find/!  Bootstrap lossage (we've actually gone back to

With Mailman, I could solve that problem because I added a
configure/make phase.  This let me write a module template called which configure flippered into containing path
hackage based on --prefix.  The next trick was that "make install"
copied that file into all the subdirectories that had top
level entry points into the Mailman system (e.g. the bin directory,
the cron directory, the cgi directory).  So now, an executable need
only do

    import paths
    import Mailman.Utils
    import Mailman.Logging.Utils

and absolute paths work like a charm.  I can even provide a
`pythonlib' directory that contains newer versions of standard modules 
that have fixes for folks running older Pythons.  Thus I do

    from Mailman.pythonlib import rfc822

and the rest of my code uses my special rfc822 module with no changes.

I'm very happy with how this works for Mailman, however we can't use
the same approach (or let's say Guido doesn't want to use this
approach) for the Knowbots stuff because there /is/ no "make install"
step.  You just unpack it and go.  But it still has to play lots of
games searching the file system for various things.

What I've been thinking is that Python needs a registry <shudder>.
JPython's already got such a beast, and it integrates with Java's
system properties, so that things like the PYTHONPATH equivalent are
set in the registry and immediately available.  But it's not very
flexible, and you still need an install step in order to bootstrap the
locating of the registry.

I think we can do a little bit better.  Python already knows how to
find it's sys module.  We can add an object into sys, call it
sys.registry, which would contain things like sys.path definitions,
and all sorts of other application specific keys.  This object would
be tied to a file (or files) which might be human readable, a
marshal/pickle (or both).  Bootstrap location of this file(s) is an
issue, but see below.

This would let you do things like the following at the beginning of
every top level executable:

    import sys
    sys.application = 'zope'

I'm sure all kinds of lengthy discussion will now ensue about the
exact interface of the registry object, but I'll make just a few

- There should be a system wide registry and a user specific
  registry.  This let's an admin install shared applications easily,
  but also lets individual users have their own overrides.

- The system-wide registry can be located in say
  sys.prefix/lib/python<version>/site-packages.  The user registry
  would reside somewhere in $HOME.  This could all be platform
  specific so that on Windows, maybe the Python registry is integrated 
  with the Windows registry, while in JPython it would be integrated
  with the standard JPython registry mechanism.

- You should be able to specify registry entries on the command line.

- There needs to be defined rules for resolving registry keys b/w
  system, user, and command line specifications.  JPython has some
  experience here (although there have been requests to change
  JPython's lookup order), and at the very least, JPython and CPython
  should be as consistent as possible (CPython won't have to merge in
  Java's system properties).

- The sys.registry object should be read/writable.  This would let an
  install script do something like:

  import sys

  which would write either the global system registry or the local
  user registry, depending on permissions (or maybe that's spelled
  explicitly in the API).

- In a sense you're pushing the namespace issue up a level into the
  registry, but at least this is a domain we can completely control
  from Python; it abstracts away the file system, and I don't think
  there's any way to avoid requiring conventions and cooperation for
  registry key naming.  I also don't think it'll be a big problem in
  practice.  When I packagize and re-release my Zarathustra's Ocular
  Python Experience virtual reality system, I'll try to think of a
  non-colliding top level package name.

- (oh darn, I know I had more points, but Guido just popped in and I
  lost my train of thought).

Well, this has gone on long enough so I might as well let you guys
shoot this idea all to hell.  Let me close by saying that while I
think the Windows registry is a mess, I also think that it might be
useful for Python.  Does it solve the same problem that the relative
imports is trying to solve?  I dunno, but that's why I changed the
Subject: line above. :)


From  Tue Sep 14 17:47:25 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:47:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[MA Lemburg]
> The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
> complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
> do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier...
> which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre, but
> people seem to want all those megs.

This is fine if you're distributing an app - it's a black box, it's 
standalone, no dependencies outside the app. Cool. I do that 
too. I use imputil to serve modules out of archives - no need to 
tweak the modules at all. In the upcoming version (of my 
installer) sys.path has exactly one entry, and the only python 
that needs to be outside an archive is exceptions.pyc.

(I repeat here: while the pieces of my installer that handle 
binary dependencies are Win32 only, the parts that handle 
pure Python are cross-platform.)

But both you and Jim are aiming for this non-existant in-
between space - in some respects you want a "normal" 
Python installation, but you want to black-box your turf.

I'm sorry, but if you're going to fit into a Python installation, 
you should make public your dependencies. Yes, installation 
becomes more complicated, but you're dealing with *Python 
users*. They're at least as likely to get screwed by having 
multiple different copies of the same thing around as you are 
in having dependencies outside of your personal control.

If you also want to distribute as a standalone, freeze/squeeze/ 
whatever it. Just make sure that what you distribute this 
way won't interfere (or be confounded by) any existing Python 

- Gordon

From  Tue Sep 14 18:23:36 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:23:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] revised import code (was: Relative Package Imports)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > But I strongly believe that import.c should be left alone, maybe
> > even to die. There are too many people doing import hooks to
> > make fiddling with its behavior safe.
> > 
> > I'm also a strong proponent of Greg's scheme, which
> > makes it a breeze to do import hooks. And my experience
> > disproves the notion that the import mechanism needs to be in C. If
> > you don't believe me, try the ZlibArchive stuff (which is cross
> > platform) from my Win32 installer stuff. You can pack the standard
> > library into one 475K file, and get a perceptible performance boost.
> You're probably right in saying that we don't need the code in C.
> I just wanted to avoid yet another import hook being incompatible
> with all the other existing hooks.
> Perhaps we should restart the import discussion all over and
> come up with a more flexbile 100% compatible framework based
> on Greg's imputil scheme. Then I could add my hook for the relative
> imports and be happy ;-)

I'll code up some patches to strip down import.c and replace with and some bootstrap/support C code -- as soon as 1.6 development
opens up. 



Greg Stein,

From  Tue Sep 14 18:36:03 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:36:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> >
> > Tim Peters wrote:
> (snip)
> > > As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
> > > get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
> >
> > My experience is that intra-DLL references simply don't match anymore
> > and cause the system to become instable. Also, some weird installers
> > don't care about the version numbers and install older versions at
> > their will. The outcome is a complete version mess.
> This has been my experince too.  I cringe anytime I see some
> installer stuff DLLs in my system areas.

My experience has been the same as Tim's.  You should generally
upgrade DLL's as a matter of course, because your system will
be more stable.

Installers are required to check DLL versions before replacing
them.  Not doing this is a major sin, and reason enough to stop
dealing with a vendor.

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Tue Sep 14 18:49:41 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:49:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Doesn't look nice, but what other syntax would look better ? It will
> have to use identifiers and thus is restricted to [a-zA-Z0-9_]+.

Maybe "__up__" or "__up" following the convention that
double-under names are special?  Just a thought...

> But what about other installations or tools like mxCrypto
> which plug into existing packages (Andrew's crypto package) ? Today
> such plugins only work side-by-side, ie. you have to install one
> part which sits in the plugin slot and one part which gets installed
> somewhere in a top-level PYTHONPATH dir. The plugin slot part then
> imports the Real Thing from outside the host package (this is how
> mxCrypto integrates itself with AMK's lib).

I am not familiar with this.  Dosen't this work?:


> The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
> complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
> do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier...
> which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre,
> but people seem to want all those megs.

For the record, I distribute a hacked main program which
sets its own sys.path.

I think your and zope's solution may break if another
Python program is installed, and such
program changes PYTHONPATH and/or the registry.  That
is why I never change PYTHONPATH nor the registry.

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Tue Sep 14 18:59:03 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:59:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version numbering, yadda
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
> So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of
> What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
> asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
> without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
> from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
> the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have

Yes, I have had this happen too.  I am unwilling and unable to risk
this sort of problem at a customer's site.  So I ship a complete
app with no external dependencies.  Also crude but effective.

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Tue Sep 14 19:55:47 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 11:55:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version , numbering, yadda yadda
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> Skip Montanaro wrote:
> > So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of
> >
> >...
> > What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
> > asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
> > without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
> > from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
> > the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have
> Yes, I have had this happen too.  I am unwilling and unable to risk
> this sort of problem at a customer's site.  So I ship a complete
> app with no external dependencies.  Also crude but effective.

We did the same with the Python-based apps/servers at Microsoft.

Merchant Server was a big frozen app (based on the non-sensical
requirement to hide the fact that Python was used). In Site Server 2.0 and
3.0, we used a mini-install -- just the Lib files we needed plus our

In the Site Server (non-frozen) case, we did use the registry, but built
the interpreter with a custom "version". SS20 and SS30. In the registry,
this meant we used Python/PythonCore/SS20 (I think that's the layout).

Worked great, no complaints.

Oh, and the DLLs we put into the system directory (pretty necessary for
COM) were named SS20<whatever>.DLL to prevent conflicts.

I'm not sure who said it, but I agree with the following statement:

* ship your app as a complete black box, or ship your app with
dependencies on modules/packages [at the top level]

This monkeying around with "" working where mx is at the top level
or is embedded is just scary.

That said, personally, I would just do something like the following at the
startup of my app: 


[where ZopeImporter is a imputil.Importer subclass]

The importer would just Do The Right Thing for all imports, and only defer
to the Python library for things that weren't shipped with Zope (the empty


Greg Stein,

From  Tue Sep 14 20:11:54 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:11:54 -0400
Subject: Path hacking [Long] (was Re: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports)
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> So for Knowbots we wrote a small module called pathhack that all entry
> level executables imported.  pathhack was good because it put all that
> sys.path munging nonsense in one place so it was manageable from a s/w
> engineering standpoint.  But it sucked because those executables had
> to /find/!  Bootstrap lossage (we've actually gone back to
> sys.path.insert).

Yes, exactly the problem I had, bootstraping the import of pathhack.
Actually it gets worse because Python imports,
and during Py_Initialize(), so if you are having a
really bad day, you might pick up the wrong version of those.

AFAIK, the only way to solve that currently is to use freeze
to build pathhack into the binary executable.  That is what I
do anyway.  But it is not an ideal solution.

> What I've been thinking is that Python needs a registry <shudder>.

Yikes!  As you say, Window's registry is a mess.

> [Lots of good ideas omitted...]

> - The system-wide registry can be located in say
>   sys.prefix/lib/python<version>/site-packages.  The user registry
>   would reside somewhere in $HOME.  This could all be platform
>   specific so that on Windows, maybe the Python registry is integrated
>   with the Windows registry, while in JPython it would be integrated
>   with the standard JPython registry mechanism.

Python already has three directories it knows about: sys.executable is
the directory of the interpreter binary, sys.dllfullpath could be
the directory of the interpreter as a shared library (I have a
patch for this), and there is the directory of the main Python program
as given on the command line.  Perhaps we can put the registry
in one of these directories.  That would be consistent on all

> - You should be able to specify registry entries on the command line.

This is vital because I am worried about a bad registry.
> - There needs to be defined rules for resolving registry keys b/w
>   system, user, and command line specifications.  JPython has some
>   experience here (although there have been requests to change

I am not sure a full registry is required.  Once you can control
sys.path and can get an accurate import of, you
can do everything else there.  Maybe just a command line option
is enough.  But I will think about it...

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Tue Sep 14 20:37:11 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:37:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> But both you and Jim are aiming for this non-existant in-
> between space - in some respects you want a "normal"
> Python installation, but you want to black-box your turf.

I don't really have much choice here.  For some purposes,
PYTHONPATH is better than a black-box.  It is better for
development because it avoids creating the black-box.  And I can
look at and modify Python app and library files directly.
But for a customer install I need a bullet-proof dumb-simple set
of required state which I can explain to customer support staff.
Thus the need for both.

> I'm sorry, but if you're going to fit into a Python installation,
> you should make public your dependencies. Yes, installation
> becomes more complicated, but you're dealing with *Python
> users*. They're at least as likely to get screwed by having
> multiple different copies of the same thing around as you are
> in having dependencies outside of your personal control.

I can't fit into a Python installation because Python installations
do not support commercial software concerns.  I am not dealing
with Python users, my customers are office workers.  They don't
know what Python is, have no other Python apps, and if they did,
my install wouldn't hurt them anyway.

> If you also want to distribute as a standalone, freeze/squeeze/
> whatever it. Just make sure that what you distribute this
> way won't interfere (or be confounded by) any existing Python
> installations.

Yes, exactly my goal.

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 20:57:51 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:57:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:19:34 EDT."
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

I just had a long discussion with Barry and Fred, in response to his
registry proposal.  We quickly decided that a Python registry is
overkill for the given problem.  We also quickly came up with a nice
variant of Mailman's approach which will work well in a variety of

--> The context:

    You have a large complicated application that contains many modules
    spread over many packages, and which has many "top-level" scripts that
    are invoked by the user (or via CGI, for example).  All the code is
    properly packagized, with sufficiently globally unique package names
    being used all over the place.

--> The problem:

    How to get the root directory of your application (where all your
    packages live) on sys.path.

--> The rules:

    Using $PYTHONPATH is right out.

    You can't install new files in the core Python installation directory
    (nor modify existing ones), so using .pth files is also out.

    You don't want to have to edit each of the top-level scripts of your

    You want a cross-platform solution, in particular it should be
    amenable to Windows.

--> The assumptions:

    You can use a reasonably intelligent installer.

    All your top-level scripts are installed in a single directory (or
    perhaps in a small number of separate bin directories, e.g. bin and

--> The solution:

    Suppose your application (as a whole, not the individual top-level
    script) is called Spam -- this may well also be the name of your
    top-level package.  Then start each top-level script with the single

	import Spam_path

    before importing anything else.

    Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
    application's root directory, crafts a file which
    contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.

    Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
    to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python

    Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
    scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.

--> Notes:

    If you are Spam's developer, you probably want to be able to use its
    top-level scripts without having to install them.  All you need to do
    is create a file pointing to the top of your development
    tree, and set $PYTHONPATH to point to the directory that contains it.

    (Perhaps you already have $PYTHONPATH pointing to a personal directory
    of Python modules you like to have accessible -- then you can just
    drop there, or link to it from there.)

    Note that adding a personal directory of Python goodies is about the
    only use of $PYTHONPATH that I approve of -- this way, you can set
    $PYTHONPATH in your .profile and never have to change it.

    I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
    going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best 
    solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
    following up here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 21:09:07 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:09:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version numbering, yadda yadda
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:34:48 CDT."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of
>  Here's what I found:
>     source		version number:date	owner
>     Python 1.5.2	1.2:1999/06/18		guido
>     Python CVS		1.2:1999/06/18		guido
>     Zope 1.?		1.7:1999/04/09		amos
>     Zope 2.0		1.9:1999/07/19		amos
>     Medusa 990902	2.24:1999/07/07		rushing
> What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
> asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
> without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
> from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
> the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have
> no content differences, only wildly different version numbers.  The Medusa
> and Python CVS versions only have one difference:
>     if index > 0:
>     	# don't bother reporting the empty string (source of subtle bugs)
>     	self.collect_incoming_data (self.ac_in_buffer[:index])
> which *may* be what's causing my problems (note the IndexError in my
> traceback).

My bad.  I despise putting RCS identifiers in code I release, but I
don't always freeze them before incorporating other people's code in
my CVS tree.  I will fix this if I can and I promise to try not to
repeat this mistake in the future.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Tue Sep 14 21:57:19 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 22:57:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [MA Lemburg]
> > The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
> > complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
> > do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier...
> > which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre, but
> > people seem to want all those megs.
> This is fine if you're distributing an app - it's a black box, it's
> standalone, no dependencies outside the app. Cool. I do that
> too. I use imputil to serve modules out of archives - no need to
> tweak the modules at all. In the upcoming version (of my
> installer) sys.path has exactly one entry, and the only python
> that needs to be outside an archive is exceptions.pyc.
> (I repeat here: while the pieces of my installer that handle
> binary dependencies are Win32 only, the parts that handle
> pure Python are cross-platform.)
> But both you and Jim are aiming for this non-existant in-
> between space - in some respects you want a "normal"
> Python installation, but you want to black-box your turf.

Actually, I want my stuff to be as flexible as possible. Of
course I'm using it in my product too, but that's a different

I have the unsatisfying impression that this discussion doesn't
lead anywhere. I can't really understand all the evil sides Tim and
Guido seem to see in their views of relative imports. For people
like Jim and me, who have quite some experience in doing
Python packages, this small (! hey, it's only about 20 lines of
code !) additional feature could be of great use.

I'm still waiting for some ultimate argument that blows 
relative imports away. The arguments put forward so far have
all been in the category "evil", "ugly", "I don't like it".
Hey, we can do better than that...

Note that if this doesn't work out, Jim and I could always agree on
some standard import hook that we'd both use, but that's
exactly what we would very much like to avoid in favour of some
established standard hard-wired into the Python distribution.

> I'm sorry, but if you're going to fit into a Python installation,
> you should make public your dependencies. Yes, installation
> becomes more complicated, but you're dealing with *Python
> users*. They're at least as likely to get screwed by having
> multiple different copies of the same thing around as you are
> in having dependencies outside of your personal control.

I am probably going to ship all the mx* stuff in one big
package -- not as separate packages anymore. That way I can
write code which depends on other parts of the mx universe
more easily.
> If you also want to distribute as a standalone, freeze/squeeze/
> whatever it. Just make sure that what you distribute this
> way won't interfere (or be confounded by) any existing Python
> installations.

It won't interfere with anything since the Python interpreter
I use is configured *not* too look in any standard places for
extensions and the like. Plus it's configured to run faster,
but that's a different story ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 22:09:53 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:09:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:21:15 EDT."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:

> I wouldn't be in favor of making it more complicated if there wasn't
> a good reason.  I think that, in working on the Zope framework, 
> I've found some pretty good reasons for relative imports.

And in a later message:

> I don't think the Package structure of Zope is flawed *except*
> for the fact that it is one level too *shallow*. The ability to
> do relative imports would be very helpful for the work we're doing.

But I haven't seen explained what it is that Zope is doing where
relative packages would be helpful.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 23:47:18 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 18:47:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
Message-ID: <>

After more than four years of living with an out-of-dated license for
Python, CNRI has finally agreed to clean up Python's copyright status.
I expect that this won't have any real effect before Python 1.6 is
released, but I am required to start preparing for the transition now.

We will use a new license (a clone of the JPython license) and we will
require that all contributors explicitly allow us the use of their
contribution: either a few email paragraphs in an email message, or a
longer form with a wet signature, depending on the size of the

I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
quite a while.  The words are all on the web:	[proposed license]	[email release]		[wet signature release]

If you are reading python-dev but you never contributed any code to
Python, you can stop reading now.

If you *did* contribute code to Python, however, I'd love it if you
saved me some work and filled out the wet signature form and mailed it 
to me at the given address.

If you need help jogging your memory what your contributions were,
send me email; I can try grepping the CVS files for your name.

If you believe that special circumstances exist that make it
impossible or difficult for you to sign the form, please send me
email, and we'll discuss the matter.

If you contributed something and I don't hear from you, you will
eventually hear from me again -- but I hope I can save myself the
hassle of writing each of you through this mass mailing.

Thanks in advance!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Wed Sep 15 00:08:32 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:08:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
> quite a while.  The words are all on the web:

Actually, I don't like them all that much :-(
[I don't recall any specific discussion about it, but I may have missed it
and/or simply because I've never used JPython.]

The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause. I might
find other items, but that is from a quick read using Lynx on a tiny

Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely like that
license? Each of those companies uses "Python" significantly in their
marketing and their business. I can certainly state that PPSI will never
do anything in an official capacity to recognize that license.

[there is a separate issue of whether "Python" can be trademarked, but the
license does use the term "trade name" which could easily be argued to
include the term "Python" and thus subject the name to the license.]

> If you *did* contribute code to Python, however, I'd love it if you
> saved me some work and filled out the wet signature form and mailed it 
> to me at the given address.

No problem.

Future contributions and agreemend to abide by that license are a
different issue. It doesn't have the "feels good" feeling that the old
license does. I'm not sure that bodes well, and it doesn't sit well with
me at the moment.


Greg Stein,

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 00:31:47 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 19:31:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:08:32 PDT."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause. I might
> find other items, but that is from a quick read using Lynx on a tiny
> monitor...

Hm...  We may have to review the regulation of the Python name.  This
made sense in the context of the previous uses of this license
(JPython and Grail) but Python is a different thing -- the name Python 
stands for more than just the implementation.  I'll discuss this with
CNRI's legal team.

I don't see how the other things you mention can be much of a problem
(most Open Source licenses have a revocation clause these days, I
think, and I don't see how discussing the modifications made can be a
problem with open source users).

> Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely like that
> license? Each of those companies uses "Python" significantly in their
> marketing and their business. I can certainly state that PPSI will never
> do anything in an official capacity to recognize that license.

How can you say that without consulting with the board?  And I am *on*
that board!  I despise your attitude.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Wed Sep 15 00:44:54 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 19:44:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <> writes:

    GS> Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely
    GS> like that license? Each of those companies uses "Python"
    GS> significantly in their marketing and their business.

Data point: I know that there are a number of companies that have
embedded JPython in their commercial products.  So far I've had zero
complaints from them on the JPython license.


From  Wed Sep 15 01:11:56 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:11:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Hm...  We may have to review the regulation of the Python name.  This
> made sense in the context of the previous uses of this license
> (JPython and Grail) but Python is a different thing -- the name Python 
> stands for more than just the implementation.  I'll discuss this with
> CNRI's legal team.


> I don't see how the other things you mention can be much of a problem
> (most Open Source licenses have a revocation clause these days, I
> think, and I don't see how discussing the modifications made can be a
> problem with open source users).

I'll do some more reading. As I said: that was my first cut. The
revocation clause doesn't sit well with me. Maybe other OSS packages have
it, but I believe that is usually because the license was developed by a
company and its legal team. I don't think the GPL, BSD, MPL, and Apache
licenses have revocation clauses, and I consider those to be the "most
open" types of licenses (MPL less so). The Python 1.5 license is just as
open, more so than most.

> > Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely like that
> > license? Each of those companies uses "Python" significantly in their
> > marketing and their business. I can certainly state that PPSI will never
> > do anything in an official capacity to recognize that license.
> How can you say that without consulting with the board?  And I am *on*
> that board!  I despise your attitude.

Because the President (me) runs the day-to-day operation and direction of
the company. The Board advises. The Board typically has other duties such
as replacing me :-), handling stock issues, etc, but the Board is
typically not involved with most issues. This is standard practice for
corporate organization.

Therefore, I *can* make that choice, and even do it unilaterally if I
wanted to be an ass about it. Will I refuse to listen to the board or the
shareholders or the employees? Of course I'll listen.
[further PPSI issues should be taken offline]

Regardless: it boils down to the "Python" requirement in that license.
PPSI simply cannot operate under that license. If it gets dropped, then


Greg Stein,

From  Wed Sep 15 01:16:10 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:16:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> >>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <> writes:
>     GS> Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely
>     GS> like that license? Each of those companies uses "Python"
>     GS> significantly in their marketing and their business.
> Data point: I know that there are a number of companies that have
> embedded JPython in their commercial products.  So far I've had zero
> complaints from them on the JPython license.

Are they using it in their marketing, or simply as an underlying driving
force for their products?

If they *are* using it in their marketing, then they have exposed
themselves to a liability. According to the license that they are using,
they are not allowed to use JPython in their marketing. If they do, then
they are in breach of the license and it could be terminated on them.
Their products could no longer include JPython and they'd be SOL. 

I would be interested to hear from somebody using JPython and marketing it
and how they interpreted that license. Possibly I'm missing something, but
that language seems pretty darn clear to me.


Greg Stein,

From  Wed Sep 15 01:24:25 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:24:25 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> I have the unsatisfying impression that this discussion doesn't
> lead anywhere. I can't really understand all the evil sides Tim and
> Guido seem to see in their views of relative imports. For people
> like Jim and me, who have quite some experience in doing
> Python packages, this small (! hey, it's only about 20 lines of
> code !) additional feature could be of great use.

$| was probably a small addition to Perl, but I don't think you could then
argue that it was a good thing to do.

Small doesn't mean good.

Any change "could be of great use" to *somebody*, but does it make it good
for Python as a whole?

Changes imply doc, maintenance, future compatibility, etc.

> I'm still waiting for some ultimate argument that blows 
> relative imports away. The arguments put forward so far have
> all been in the category "evil", "ugly", "I don't like it".
> Hey, we can do better than that...

People seem to be disagreeing with your stated requirement. In other
words, they're saying that you shouldn't be attempting to make your
package "portable across the module-import-space."

I tend to agree. Fix it at one location. If an app doesn't like that, then
they can individually compensate. I don't believe that Python's standard
machinery is required to handle this particular notion of packaging.

> Note that if this doesn't work out, Jim and I could always agree on
> some standard import hook that we'd both use, but that's
> exactly what we would very much like to avoid in favour of some
> established standard hard-wired into the Python distribution.

No reason the standard hook could not go into I believe people
mostly care that it doesn't become *standard* or *default* behavior --
that it only is available when explicitly requested by an app.


Greg Stein,

From  Wed Sep 15 01:49:35 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:49:35 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002e01beff14$306e5b00$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython
> quite a while.  The words are all on the web:

Obviously IANAL.  However, this language does make me feel less
comfortable than the existing one.  The ability to terminate would
appear an issue - it would seem to take a braver CEO to base their
technology on Python with this hanging over them.  Sure, it may rarely
be invoked, but I certainly wouldnt want to fight it in court if it
was.  If I was writing in C, I could worst-case grudgingly accept
needing to change compilers - but I dont have that luxury for Python.
If my license was terminated, I have nowhere else to turn.

It is a real shame when lawyers get so involved.  Obviously Guido has
no say in this, but IMO the ideal scenario would be to use the exsting
language, but simply change the names and dates.  Im guessing this
would be unacceptable to CNRI.

Being NAL, I suppose I have no choice other than to trust this
licence.  However, Im not looking forward to showing this licence to
people as they are deciding if Python is the appropriate technology
choice - to date, there has never been an issue - all they need to is
not remove any copyright notice from the code (which is not actually
seen in most apps) and add the copyright notice to the documentation.
This new one seems much scarier to me..

Just my $200.00 worth (remember, we are talking lawyers fees here :-)
I dont have a real concern as I dont understand the legal
implications; just a slight uneasiness about it all...Not being
controversial for the sake of it, just airing my possibly il-informed
opinion - no opinions were solicitied, but that has never stopped me
before :-)

Of course, I will be sending my "wet" signature on the form.  Im not
sure what to put in the "contribution description" - maybe just
"various small changes to the Windows port"??  I can't say Ive added
entire modules, but my name appears against a number of small patches
to a fairly large set of files...


From  Wed Sep 15 06:19:48 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 01:19:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000301beff39$ee3015a0$612d153f@tim>

[Tim, speaks of the devil ...]
> "Something like that" [MAL's __version__ string] needs to be formalized
> and imposed on all public packages.
> at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim

[... and Greg Ward of his legions appears!]
> Been there, tried that, bought the flame war.  I made the mistake of
> kicking off the Distutils SIG back in Decemver with a proposal for a
> standard version numbering scheme for Python module distributions.  See
> for the kick-off of that "heated discussion".  ;-)

Greg, if you call that a flame war, your credentials as an ex-Perl'er are in
serious doubt <wink>.  Except for the cowboy contingent, most participants
were moving swiftly to consensus!

> FWIW, if I was posting that message today, I would s/must/should/ and
> that's about it.

No, it's "must" or it's useless.  What wasn't brought up in that thread is
that the Distutil "version number" is an artficial construct created for the
primary benefit of Distutil tools -- it needn't have anything whatsoever to
do with whatever silly string the developer wants to *display* as being
their "version number".  It's instead a coordinate in an abstract but
rigidly defined Distutil space, specifically designed to make programmatic
navigation of that space reliable in a shared and uniform way.  If a
developer chooses, users need never be exposed to it.  I'd use the x.y.z
Distutil version number directly to keep my own life simpler, but if someone
else wants to display a GUID followed by a 3-letter country code and the
number of nanoseconds since the birth of Mohammed, fine -- they still have
to map that to Distutil VN space internally or write their own stinkin'
disttools.  You may have went overboard on the *semantics* of the Distutil
VN, though:  its only real meaning is in what Distutil tools *do* with it.

Fight this battle again.  Without a uniform way for an installer to *know*
when it's thought safe to replace a package with another version of that
package, Python installations will never move beyond the similar hell of
Windows 3.1.

even-herds-of-cats-wear-collars-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Wed Sep 15 06:40:35 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 01:40:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501beff3c$d58a8be0$612d153f@tim>

I dislike the new license.  Selling Python at work wasn't easy, but the
short & straightforward CWI license went a *long* way toward convincing the
suits there was little to worry about.  The new license has several blobs of
lawyer-speak that ensure the next battle will be much harder -- the prospect
of license revocation, some fuzzy concept of derivative works, and vague
"prominent display" requirements?  Boston lawyers charge Really Big Bux to
guess what that gibberish might mean in Virginia.  The only bright side is
that we now get explicit rights to "perform" and "display" Python

> If you believe that special circumstances exist that make it
> impossible or difficult for you to sign the form, please send me
> email, and we'll discuss the matter.

It would less hassle for me if you took all my contributions out <0.9 wink>.

i'll-sign-but-it's-really-really-really-depressing-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Wed Sep 15 07:42:02 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 02:42:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000701beff45$6b51c5a0$612d153f@tim>

Don't tell, but this is getting repetitive.  One more batch of repeats from
me, and I'm done:

+ The notion that Python packages aren't self-contained now is wrong:  a
package module can import other modules in the package without
qualification.  This is good design.

+ Where self-containment breaks down is in going across *sub*-packages.  I
was surprised Guido pretended to cater to them, since Python (wisely, IMO)
stayed away from sub-modules from the start.  Hierarchy is a great tool for
managing complexity, but it also introduces complexity of its own.  And when
a flat package space suffices, hierarchy introduces artificial

+ I agree with Gordon that, if anything, the default "import" behavior is
already too complicated.  By the time you wade thru PYTHONPATH, and
PYTHONSTARTUP, and .pth files, and people mucking with sys.path, and site
config files, and symlinks under Unix, and packages mucking with their own
__path__ attributes, running Python with -v is the only hope of figuring out
why nothing ever works <0.6 wink>.

+ All this dynamicism is in support of a concept that's actually static:
the structure of an installation.  As Barry laments, you can't always know
the structure in advance of installation, but the solution is (I believe)
along the lines he suggests:  invent a way to register/query the structure
once & for all after it is known.

+ JimF and MAL's shared notion that they're the only ones making significant
use of packages is myopic.  Dragon also uses packages, and heavily, although
products using them have not been announced and I can't talk about them yet.
Anything I'm within 10 miles of doesn't use *any* import hooks, or play any
other tricks on the system.  Instead I urge people to write their imports as
explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly as possible (with binding to
a convenient local alias name on the following line).  Do we embed
sub-packages?  Sure.  Do modules move around in the hierarchy over time?  Of
course.  So how do we deal with this supposed nightmare?  Because all
imports are relentlessly straightforward (even intra-package imports are
fully qualified), and none are hiding in dynamic functions, we get into
Emacs and do a global search-and-replace.  Takes 30 seconds, and the new
structure is plain as day to everyone reading the code.

low-tech-it's-not-just-for-breakfast-anymore<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Wed Sep 15 08:31:29 1999
From: (
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 00:31:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
> quite a while.  The words are all on the web:
>	[proposed license]
>	[email release]
>	[wet signature release]

Hi all.  I'm sorry i haven't contributed anything to the
relative-import and python-path discussions of late, but
that's because so far i haven't had any ideas that have
crossed my threshold of being sufficiently insightful to
propose.  I will follow the discussion with much interest.

I'm afraid i have to say that the revocation clause makes
me pretty uncomfortable.  I know that it says CNRI will
revoke only on a "material breach", but i still have a
nasty suspicion that it sounds frightening enough to scare
many people away.  I don't think we want that.

I suppose Greg's other points of contention are valid too
but it's really the revocation that bugs me the most.

-- ?!ng

From  Wed Sep 15 08:42:28 1999
From: (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 09:42:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <008701beff4d$dcebfb10$>

> The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause.

same here.  reading the new one made me feel very
uneasy, but I cannot really say much about it before
I've discussed it with people who know more about

just a few small notes:

the BSD-ish license used up to now has been a major
selling argument for Python, while this one seems to
really push the bounds of what qualifies as an open
source license...

(it also seems to imply that Python is a trademark,
which is, as far as I can tell, is not true at this time.
and archive corporation/seagate already owns the
trademark wrt. software).

the worst thing is that we will have to run this
by our lawyers before we can decide whether to
continue contributing to 1.6 development :-(


From  Wed Sep 15 10:24:43 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:24:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000701beff45$6b51c5a0$612d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> + The notion that Python packages aren't self-contained now is wrong:  a
> package module can import other modules in the package without
> qualification.  This is good design.

Agreed. And we would like to take that notion one step further --
without breaking the two-scope resolution Python uses now. The
'__' tags are just place holders which could just as well be
handled by a simple Python fuction (like the one Gordon posted)
using perfectly valid technology.

Sticking this technology into the import statement is really only
a more elegant approach. Nothing more. The whole thing already
works using the current Python implementation.

> + JimF and MAL's shared notion that they're the only ones making significant
> use of packages is myopic. 

Oh, c'mon Tim, we never did say that. We only mentioned having used
package for quite a while. This includes having seen all the different
pitfalls they have to offer.

> Dragon also uses packages, and heavily, although
> products using them have not been announced and I can't talk about them yet.
> Anything I'm within 10 miles of doesn't use *any* import hooks, or play any
> other tricks on the system.  Instead I urge people to write their imports as
> explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly as possible (with binding to
> a convenient local alias name on the following line).  Do we embed
> sub-packages?  Sure.  Do modules move around in the hierarchy over time?  Of
> course.  So how do we deal with this supposed nightmare?  Because all
> imports are relentlessly straightforward (even intra-package imports are
> fully qualified), and none are hiding in dynamic functions, we get into
> Emacs and do a global search-and-replace.  Takes 30 seconds, and the new
> structure is plain as day to everyone reading the code.

This is perfectly ok if you're just using your own code, but it
gets a mess when third-party packages are involved simply because
you can't be sure they don't use import hooks, local imports or
hacks to __path__ etc. If you still want them to be useable, you'll
have to go down and dive into their structure. This takes time, is
error prone and not necessarily fun.

Also, I don't know how "explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly"
writing module imports is any different from using relative imports.

An example:


In ODBC.Windows I would write:

	import __.__.DateTime

which is just as explicit as writing

	import mx.DateTime

except that the information about the top-level hierarchy is *not*
included in the import information.

Anyway, I'm not too inclined continuing this discussion anymore.
I would never have thought that such a nifty little patch would
have stirred up so much negative response. I'll just hack up my
very own import mechanism using imputil and be done. So there!

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep 15 11:05:27 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:05:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <008701beff4d$dcebfb10$>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> > dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> > prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause.
> same here.  reading the new one made me feel very
> uneasy, but I cannot really say much about it before
> I've discussed it with people who know more about
> this...


Some comments:
4.Licensee may not use CNRI trademarks or trade name, including Python or
     CNRI, in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of
     Licensee, or any third party. Licensee may use the mark Python in
     connection with Licensee's derivative versions that are based on or
     incorporate the Software, but only in the form "Python-based
     ___________________," or equivalent.

Say I want to sell Python 1.6 training, how would I promote this ?
Since I'm not producing a derivative work, I guess I couldn't
use the name 'Python' at all... hmm, I could probably try Pyth*n ;-)

3.In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or
     incorporates the Software or any part thereof, and wants to make the
     derivative work available to the public as provided herein, then Licensee
     hereby agrees to indicate in any such work, in a prominently visible way,
     the nature of the modifications made to CNRI's Software. 

How explicit would that indication have to be ? E.g. do I have
to provide a patch or would a simple run-down of new features
suffice ?

Needless to say, I would not be able to sell products based
on Python 1.6 with the revocation clause in the license. In the
end, I'd probably have to negotiate a separate license with
CNRI not having this clause. Anything else would be unacceptable
in a commercial setting. Is this intended ?

And finally in the "Python Contribution Agreement":
Licensee confirms to CNRI that, to the best of Licensee's
knowledge and belief, the Contribution is free of any claims of
parties other than Licensee under copyright, patent or other
rights or interests ("claims"). 

Best knowledge and belief do not guard against law suit. Why
doesn't this text protect the contributor in some way against
charges forwarded by CNRI to the contributor ? (Note that the
disclaimer in the Python License is not valid everywhere.)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep 15 12:56:48 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 07:56:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <> writes:

    GS> Are they using it in their marketing, or simply as an
    GS> underlying driving force for their products?

I'm not sure that JPython is much of a marketing advantage right now,
so AFAIK none of them are actively promoting their use of JPython in
their product.  However, my reading of the second half of item 4 would 
allow them to say something like "You can even extend your flapjabs
using our keen JPython-based scripting capabilities".

    GS> If they *are* using it in their marketing, then they have
    GS> exposed themselves to a liability. According to the license
    GS> that they are using, they are not allowed to use JPython in
    GS> their marketing. If they do, then they are in breach of the
    GS> license and it could be terminated on them.  Their products
    GS> could no longer include JPython and they'd be SOL.

I hope that wouldn't really be the case, but it's an interesting
point, so I'm sure we'll bring it up.


From  Wed Sep 15 13:20:54 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 08:20:54 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> > uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
> > quite a while.  The words are all on the web:

Oh boy, this is really going to cause trouble.  Where's my flame suit...

> The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause. I might
> find other items, but that is from a quick read using Lynx on a tiny
> monitor...

I guess I am used to reading license agreements, and I am not very
worried about the new one.  Before we all get upset, lets remember
that Guido works in a large company with lots of lawyers, and he
trapped between a group of Internet geeks (hey, I like Internet
geeks) and his buracracy.

And remember that lawyers respond better to specific proposals
for language changes than philosophical discussion.

First off, the license is not revokable.  It is only revokable
on breach.  If a license can not be revoked on breach it doesn't
really mean anything.  This is totally standard.  Suppose someone
else claims to own Python and starts selling "The True Standard
Python" for $100.  Suppose they change the standard library names
so software only runs on their version.  CNRI should be able to
revoke their license to use Python.  This is something we would
all want CNRI to do.

The protection of the Python name is a necessity.  That is really
all CNRI has, since the license gives away use of the software itself.
If CNRI doesn't own "Python" then it can't object when someone else
claims they own it.  Don't we want them to object?
The license doesn't say you can't use "Python", it sayes you
can't use it in a trademark sense.  I think that means you can say
"I am teaching a course on Python, which is CNRI's software" but not
"I am teaching a course on my Python, all rights reserved".  Actually
this is a little unclear, perhaps (4) could be made a little clearer.

Paragraph (3) is a little troublesome.  I seems to mean that if
you ship a modified Python, you must say it is modified.  I
presume it doesn't mean that you must describe your own code
in the event it incorporates Python.  Really, we need to know what
CNRI wants us to do here.

On the contributions side (wetsign.html) it says you are contributing
software free of third party claims "to the best of your knowledge
and belief" not "represents and warrants" which is different.  CNRI
really has to be told that as far as you know, you didn't steal the
software you are contributing.  This is reasonable.  Actually I
might like to see a warranty disclaimer "NO WARRANTIES etc." like
the license paragraph (5) and (6).  I am not sure I need it since
the contribution is free, but I usually ship free software with
a disclaimer for "fitness for any particular purpose etc.".

This is a pretty weak license agreement.  Remember that if it is
too weak, it prevents CNRI from defending Python against others
who would claim they own it or who claim they are the true source
of the language design (paranoia department: Microsoft's Python++).
We want CNRI to defend Python, right?

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Wed Sep 15 13:30:32 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 08:30:32 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>; from Barry A. Warsaw on Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 07:44:54PM -0400
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 September 1999, Barry A. Warsaw said:
> Data point: I know that there are a number of companies that have
> embedded JPython in their commercial products.  So far I've had zero
> complaints from them on the JPython license.

Just thought I should join the tide of opposition: heck, I *work* for
CNRI and I still don't like the license.  I didn't say much about the
new JPython license because a) I trust Barry's judgement, b) it was
certainly an improvement over the old JPython license, and c) I wasn't
especially worried about one part of CNRI (Guido's group) taking JPython
away from another part (the group that Andrew and I are on).

However, that doesn't change the fact that the "new" license is a nasty
piece of legalistic gibberish.  Making it the license for Python 1.6
would be a major setback -- while it was better than the old JPython
license, it's a damn sight worse than the old Python license.  I have
zero sympathy for the legal beagles here with their narrow corporatist
viewpoint; trying to treat Python as just another potential piece of
intellectual property is wrong-headed in the extreme.  The free software 
world simply does not work that way.

BTW, I suspect that the companies embedding JPython haven't minded the
license because they come from the Java world, a world that seems to me
to be dominated by corporate pin-headed thinking.  The idea of
community, openness, and sharing is utterly alien to these suit-wearing,
smarmy Java frat-boy types, so JPython's licensing terms were probably a
breath of fresh air to them.  ("What?  No $100,000 source license fee?
Wow!")  ("But wait Chip -- it's not BUZZWORD COMPLIANT!  I can't find
enough TLAs!!!")

Hmmm, enough flaming Java weenies.  Please, don't anybody take the last
paragraphy too seriously or personally...

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From  Wed Sep 15 13:39:30 1999
From: (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:39:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <003e01beff77$5c87fe40$>

> The license doesn't say you can't use "Python", it sayes you
> can't use it in a trademark sense.

quick check: which of these uses "Python" in a trademark
sense, and thus violates the license:

    pythonware?  professional python services?  pythonworks?
    programming python?  python training?  python powered?
    the viper python implementation?  python imaging library?
    wxpython?  pythonwin?  etc.

all of them?  none of them?


From  Wed Sep 15 14:09:27 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:09:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <> <003e01beff77$5c87fe40$>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > The license doesn't say you can't use "Python", it sayes you
> > can't use it in a trademark sense.
> quick check: which of these uses "Python" in a trademark
> sense, and thus violates the license:
>     pythonware?  professional python services?  pythonworks?
>     programming python?  python training?  python powered?
>     the viper python implementation?  python imaging library?
>     wxpython?  pythonwin?  etc.
> all of them?  none of them?

Using a word in a trademark sense usually simply means using it
in corporate relationships (at least that's how it works in Germany).
If you are a company and talk about, write about or otherwise use
the word in a commercial context then you are using the word in
a trademark sense.

There are several ways to declare a trademark, e.g. there are
word marks, logo marks, sound marks, color marks etc. (don't know if
are the right translations). A word mark, for example, refers
to a specific spelling of the word regardeless of the font, style
or color. Logo marks refer to a specific design including font,
style and color.

Note that a trademark owner can still give you permission to use
the mark in any decent way without paying fees or royalties. So
even if CNRI does own the mark, they could still make it usable
by others. In fact, if done right, this is a Good Thing.

The answer to your question depends on what kind mark CNRI

[There currently is a very strong movement in Germany against
people who are applying what they learned from domain grabbing to
trademarks. Prominent examples include "WWW" and "Webspace". Even
the color violet is trademarked (by a company producing chocolate)]

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep 15 16:43:13 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:43:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
Message-ID: <>

"Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> --> The solution:

Ah, finally a specific proposal...

>     Suppose your application (as a whole, not the individual top-level
>     script) is called Spam -- this may well also be the name of your
>     top-level package.  Then start each top-level script with the single
>     line
>         import Spam_path
>     before importing anything else.

This should not be necessary if you use the name "sitecustomize" instead
of "Spam_path" right?  The file is automatically
Actually all this sounds like all over again.

>     Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
>     application's root directory, crafts a file which
>     contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.

I don't think this is necessary either.  The sys module is available.
So can say:
  import sys
  mydir = sys.path[0]
  if not mydir:
    import os
    mydir = os.getcwd()
  sys.path = [mydir]  # To be really extreme about it
  # Note: inserting mydir as sys.path[0] should be redundant but is not

>     Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
>     to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python
>     scripts*.
>     Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
>     scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.

Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.
>     I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
>     going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best
>     solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
>     following up here.

This is a good idea, but there are a few problems.

It depends on sys.path[0] being the directory of the Python
file being executed as the main program.  I guess I never
really trusted this before.  I think if this is the case it
should never be ''.  A relative path or no path on the command
line (the __main__ program) should be replaced by the full path
in the sys module setup.  Then the "mydir = os.getcwd()" above
is not necessary.  And inserting mydir as sys.path[0] is truly
redundant should the current directory change (as it certainly will).
This is currently a problem with sys.path[0] which should be
fixed no matter what else happens.

The files and must be in all the bin
directories as well as because they are
automatically imported in Py_Initialize().

The above doesn't work when you start the Python command
interpreter (no main).  I know, its a minor point.

It seems to me this totally solves Jim Fulton's and Marc's
problem and makes "__" unnecessary.  You just install zope
and mx in zopedir, perform the above, and presto you have a new
private name space where you can control all your names.  But
there must be some problem here I haven't thought of.

I still worry that this is not powerful enough.  Greg Stein
has volunteered to re-write import.c in Python (using
and this is a Great Idea.  Lots of Python could probably be
written in itself.  I would like to try writing the main
program in Python and eliminating the special freeze main
program.  Once you start on this road (and I think it is a good road)
you have Python code which is more truly part of the binary
interpreter than a library.


Use a special PYTHONPATH on startup to find "special" Python
files which are really part of the interpreter.  There are
three directories Python knows about.  Namely sys.path[0]
(once it is fixed), sys.executable and sys.dllfullpath,
the directory of python15.dll or other shared library (once it is
added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
like the new[c],[c] and[c]
be placed there.

Actually I would prefer sys.dllfullpath if it exists, since that
is where the interpreter is, and I am trying to associate these
special internal Python files exactly with their correct Python

Alternative Proposal:

Py_Initialize() first imports its files from sys.executable + '/' +
PyInternal.pyl (again I prefer sys.dllfullpath).
PyInternal.pyl is a Python library file (like a Java Jar
file) which would contain modules like exceptions, etc.
The PyInternal.pyl file has the standard Python library file
format (whatever that turns out to be).  It is not an error if
this file is absent.

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 17:15:02 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:15:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:43:13 EDT."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >         import Spam_path
> > 
> >     before importing anything else.

> This should not be necessary if you use the name "sitecustomize" instead
> of "Spam_path" right?  The file is automatically
> imported.
> Actually all this sounds like all over again.

But the intention here is for the customization to be application
specific (hence the Spam in the name).  sitecustomize doesn't know
whethere I need the Mailman or the Knowbot root added to my path.

Or do you mean to imply that we can do this with zero text added to
the script, by simply dropping an appropriate in the
script dir?  Unfortunately this does currently *not* work, because
sys.path[0] is added after Py_Initialize() is run.

> >     Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
> >     application's root directory, crafts a file which
> >     contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.
> I don't think this is necessary either.  The sys module is available.
> So can say:
>   import sys
>   mydir = sys.path[0]
>   if not mydir:
>     import os
>     mydir = os.getcwd()
>   sys.path = [mydir]  # To be really extreme about it
>   # Note: inserting mydir as sys.path[0] should be redundant but is not

Hm, guessing based on the script directory might work, but seems less
reliable than hardcoding it through the installer.  But you can use
this if it works for your application.

> >     Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
> >     to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python
> >     scripts*.
> > 
> >     Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
> >     scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.
> Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
> change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.

Yes.  (The registry can add module-specific paths, which will be
searched before sys.path is even looked at, but this is only for
specific modules.  It cannot insert a general directory that is
searched.)  The only way this can fail is if an embedding app fails to 
call PySys_SetArgv().

> >     I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
> >     going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best
> >     solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
> >     following up here.
> This is a good idea, but there are a few problems.
> It depends on sys.path[0] being the directory of the Python
> file being executed as the main program.  I guess I never
> really trusted this before.  I think if this is the case it
> should never be ''.  A relative path or no path on the command
> line (the __main__ program) should be replaced by the full path
> in the sys module setup.  Then the "mydir = os.getcwd()" above
> is not necessary.  And inserting mydir as sys.path[0] is truly
> redundant should the current directory change (as it certainly will).
> This is currently a problem with sys.path[0] which should be
> fixed no matter what else happens.

I have always resisted forcing path items to be absolute, although I'm
not sure that my reasons are valid any more (it has to do with the
fact that getcwd() may fail and the fact that portable path
concatenation is a pain).  In any case, that's a separate issue -- I
agree that if sys.path[0] is '' (as it often is) it's better for or or (or whoever) to absolutize
it (and everything else on the path) so that it will still work if the
app does a chdir().

> The files and must be in all the bin
> directories as well as because they are
> automatically imported in Py_Initialize().


> The above doesn't work when you start the Python command
> interpreter (no main).  I know, its a minor point.

You could add the "import Spam_path" to your $PYTHONSTARTUP file.

> It seems to me this totally solves Jim Fulton's and Marc's
> problem and makes "__" unnecessary.  You just install zope
> and mx in zopedir, perform the above, and presto you have a new
> private name space where you can control all your names.  But
> there must be some problem here I haven't thought of.

I think no simple solution that *I* can come up with will satisfy
JimF's and Marc's desire for obscurity :-)

> I still worry that this is not powerful enough.  Greg Stein
> has volunteered to re-write import.c in Python (using
> and this is a Great Idea.  Lots of Python could probably be
> written in itself.  I would like to try writing the main
> program in Python and eliminating the special freeze main
> program.  Once you start on this road (and I think it is a good road)
> you have Python code which is more truly part of the binary
> interpreter than a library.

Yes, this is the plan for Python 2.0, and some of it may be
implemented in Python 1.6.

> Proposal:
> Use a special PYTHONPATH on startup to find "special" Python
> files which are really part of the interpreter.  There are
> three directories Python knows about.  Namely sys.path[0]
> (once it is fixed), sys.executable and sys.dllfullpath,
> the directory of python15.dll or other shared library (once it is
> added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
> to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
> like the new[c],[c] and[c]
> be placed there.

On Unix, this is a bin directory and it is strongly discouraged to put
non-program files there.  Python already does something similar --
it looks around in sys.executable's ancestors for a specific landmark, 
currently lib/python<version>/  Arguably, it should search
for instead.

> Actually I would prefer sys.dllfullpath if it exists, since that
> is where the interpreter is, and I am trying to associate these
> special internal Python files exactly with their correct Python
> interpreter.

Is the full DLL path available at any point?  This would certainly be
a good starting point -- especially when the DLL is loaded implicitly
as the result of some COM operation.

> Alternative Proposal:
> Py_Initialize() first imports its files from sys.executable + '/' +
> PyInternal.pyl (again I prefer sys.dllfullpath).
> PyInternal.pyl is a Python library file (like a Java Jar
> file) which would contain modules like exceptions, etc.
> The PyInternal.pyl file has the standard Python library file
> format (whatever that turns out to be).  It is not an error if
> this file is absent.

I guess this is all up to the redesign of the import mechanism
(something like Greg Stein's for sure).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Wed Sep 15 18:00:05 1999
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:00:05 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido, maybe it would make sense to explain the need for a license change.
Is my understanding correct that the occasion for the license change is
that the copyright is now clearly shifting to CNRI, and as a result CNRI
has to forge a license?  (BTW, I thought *you* had the copyright transfer 
from CWI, not CNRI).


From  Wed Sep 15 19:10:17 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:10:17 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> > I wouldn't be in favor of making it more complicated if there wasn't
> > a good reason.  I think that, in working on the Zope framework,
> > I've found some pretty good reasons for relative imports.
> And in a later message:
> > I don't think the Package structure of Zope is flawed *except*
> > for the fact that it is one level too *shallow*. The ability to
> > do relative imports would be very helpful for the work we're doing.
> But I haven't seen explained what it is that Zope is doing where
> relative packages would be helpful.

I posted an example in an earlier message.  I'll recast it here, 
hopefully more eloquently. :)  I'll also offer an alternate proposal
that also solves my (and I suspect, Marc-Andre's) problem.

Zope is an application platform.  It provides a mechanism for 
developers to plug their own products into Zope.  The idea is that
someone gets Zope from and installs it.  Then they get
third-party products from other places.

Zope products are python packages installed as sub-packages of the
Zope 'Products' packages.  Products are generally self-contained.  If
they need anything that's not part of standard Python or standard
Zope, they need to include it or install what they need in a
sub-package of another Zope package, 'Shared'.  

Because products come from "third parties", it is important that they
be self contained.  Making assumptions about the Zope or Python
environments or, worse, modifying the Zope or Python environments is a
bad idea.

In this context, consider the following concrete, though fictional

Aaron has written a collection of modules that implement an RDBMS
system for Python, gadfly.  He also has a set of modules for parsing,
kjParsing, which is needed by gadfly.  Currently, these are just a
bunch of top-level modules distributed as a combined collection.  It
would make sense to turn these into two packages, gadfly and
kjParsing.  Now, if this was done, then the gadfly package would need
to use package imports for kjParsing modules, as in:

  import kjParsing.kjParser

So far, so good.  Now, suppose that someone wants to create a Zope
product, ZGadfly, that used gadfly.  The simplest approach would be to
include the gadfly and kjParsing packages in their Zope product.
Of course, this won't work, because the imports, like the one above,
will fail, because kjParsing is no longer a top-level package.

It wouldn't do any good to move gadlfy and kjParsing to the shared
package, although that might be desirable to share these packages
with other products.  They could try to stuff the packages into the
Zope or Python paths, but that would break the rules and lead to
problems in the long term.

Hopefully, this illustrates the problem.  I think that this will be a
common problem in the future, as people build bigger and bigger
systems with Python that reuse other people's packages.

I'd be curious to hear how folks would solve this problem.

Personally, I'd like the problem to go away. :)  I'd like the Python
import rules to change to make this solvable without import hooks or
path hacking.  I can think of two ways to approach this:

  - Relative parent imports:

      import __.kjParsing.kjParser

    Note that Python already supports relative imports for 
    going down.  For example, we use gadfly and kjParsing together
    as a single sub-package of our ZGadflyDA product.

  - Gradually less local searches.

    Currently, when doing an import in a package, two paths are
    searched, the package path and then the Python path.  If there are
    intermediate packages, then perhaps their paths should be searched
    as well.

    For example, suppose we have the directory structure:


    where Products is a top-level package, and we did an import in a
    module in gadfly:

      import kjParsing.kjParser

    Python would search the path of the package
    Products.ZGadfly.gadfly first, as it does now.  This search would
    fail. Then it would search the path of Products.ZGadfly, where it
    would find kjParsing, and the import would succeed.

    This approach has the benefits:

      o It solves the problem. :)

      o It has no impact on un-nested packages,

      o It requires no code changes; it doesn't use the
        ugly __.



Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Wed Sep 15 18:35:57 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:35:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:

> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> > --> The solution:

Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's post.

- Gordon

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 19:17:55 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:17:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:35:57 EDT."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> From: "Gordon McMillan" <>

> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
> > "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> > > --> The solution:
> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's post.

Hm.  We had an email glitch.  Apparently this message got lost:

Subject: Re: Path hacking
From: Guido van Rossum <guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:57:51 -0400

I just had a long discussion with Barry and Fred, in response to his
registry proposal.  We quickly decided that a Python registry is
overkill for the given problem.  We also quickly came up with a nice
variant of Mailman's approach which will work well in a variety of

--> The context:

    You have a large complicated application that contains many modules
    spread over many packages, and which has many "top-level" scripts that
    are invoked by the user (or via CGI, for example).  All the code is
    properly packagized, with sufficiently globally unique package names
    being used all over the place.

--> The problem:

    How to get the root directory of your application (where all your
    packages live) on sys.path.

--> The rules:

    Using $PYTHONPATH is right out.

    You can't install new files in the core Python installation directory
    (nor modify existing ones), so using .pth files is also out.

    You don't want to have to edit each of the top-level scripts of your

    You want a cross-platform solution, in particular it should be
    amenable to Windows.

--> The assumptions:

    You can use a reasonably intelligent installer.

    All your top-level scripts are installed in a single directory (or
    perhaps in a small number of separate bin directories, e.g. bin and

--> The solution:

    Suppose your application (as a whole, not the individual top-level
    script) is called Spam -- this may well also be the name of your
    top-level package.  Then start each top-level script with the single

	import Spam_path

    before importing anything else.

    Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
    application's root directory, crafts a file which
    contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.

    Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
    to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python

    Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
    scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.

--> Notes:

    If you are Spam's developer, you probably want to be able to use its
    top-level scripts without having to install them.  All you need to do
    is create a file pointing to the top of your development
    tree, and set $PYTHONPATH to point to the directory that contains it.

    (Perhaps you already have $PYTHONPATH pointing to a personal directory
    of Python modules you like to have accessible -- then you can just
    drop there, or link to it from there.)

    Note that adding a personal directory of Python goodies is about the
    only use of $PYTHONPATH that I approve of -- this way, you can set
    $PYTHONPATH in your .profile and never have to change it.

    I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
    going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best 
    solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
    following up here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Wed Sep 15 19:27:58 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:27:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
> > "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> > > --> The solution:
> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's post.

My mail system is flakey, so I have been reading this list
directly on  I didn't get it by list either, so
I assumed my mailer ate it.  See:

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Wed Sep 15 19:29:38 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:29:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> But the intention here is for the customization to be application
> specific (hence the Spam in the name).  sitecustomize doesn't know
> whethere I need the Mailman or the Knowbot root added to my path.

Ah, you have multiple scripts in one directory and multiple
Foo_path, Bar_path etc.  I was thinking with my Windows head.
A commercial Windows app generally has its own exclusive
install directory, so I was thinking single directory so a single

> Or do you mean to imply that we can do this with zero text added to
> the script, by simply dropping an appropriate in the
> script dir?

Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking.

> Unfortunately this does currently *not* work, because
> sys.path[0] is added after Py_Initialize() is run.

Yikes!  That kills using  Your Spam_path
still works because it is imported later, but requires an
import in each Python main script just as you said.

Even worse, it means that and can not
be found at all except using the normal PYTHONPATH, and
putting their path in Spam_path will *not* work.

> > >     Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
> > >     scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.
> >
> > Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
> > change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.
> Yes.  (The registry can add module-specific paths, which will be
> searched before sys.path is even looked at, but this is only for
> specific modules.  It cannot insert a general directory that is
> searched.)  The only way this can fail is if an embedding app fails to
> call PySys_SetArgv().

Oh dear, I think I heard no instead of yes. Are you saying that if
someone else installs a Python app on my customer's machine after I do,
and sets a registry entry which sayes to use c:/other/path/to/
for (as he may very well want to do), then if my Python program
depends on getting my copy of from my directory, it will then
use the other copy instead and may very well fail?

> In any case, that's a separate issue -- I
> agree that if sys.path[0] is '' (as it often is) it's better for
> or or (or whoever) to absolutize
> it (and everything else on the path) so that it will still work if the
> app does a chdir().

Point on the curve:  Windows apps generally start from an icon
which contains their path and current working directory, and
these are generally different.  So a Windows app in general will
*never* have had a getcwd() equal to the path of either the
binary interpreter or the Python main script.

> > The files and must be in all the bin
> > directories as well as because they are
> > automatically imported in Py_Initialize().
> Yes.

Well, *no* right?  This fails unless the bin directories are in
fact on PYTHONPATH.  The only way to get is by using
sys.path as it exists within Py_Initialize().  So there is no
hacked sys.path[0] equal to the script dir.  And since the
path hacks in haven't happened yet either, we have
an incomplete sys.path at that point.

> > added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
> > to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
> > like the new[c],[c] and[c]
> > be placed there.
> On Unix, this is a bin directory and it is strongly discouraged to put
> non-program files there.

Ok, point taken.

> Is the full DLL path available at any point?  This would certainly be
> a good starting point -- especially when the DLL is loaded implicitly
> as the result of some COM operation.

I don't know about loading by COM, but if it is a file, its absolute
path is reliably known in sys, the code is identical to that currently
used for sys.executable (on Windows), and I have a patch if you want.

JimA's conjecture:  It is currently impossible to
ship a Python app which can not be damaged by the installation of a
second Python app without using a hacked custom binary.

Jim Ahlstrom

From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Wed Sep 15 19:41:26 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:41:26 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <> writes:

    Gordo> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:

    >> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
    >> --> The solution:

    Gordo> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's
    Gordo> post.

I have a suspicion that lost some email yesterday.

We had a period of time where mail simply stopped getting delivered
(thank you Solaris patch manager) and it took me a little while to
realize that things weren't working correctly.  Since there's nothing
unexpected in the mail queue now, all I can say is that if you didn't
get it by now, you ain't gonna.

However, everything seemed to make it into the archives, so Guido's
message is available at:


From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 19:43:56 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:43:56 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:00:05 PDT."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[David Ascher]
> Guido, maybe it would make sense to explain the need for a license change.
> Is my understanding correct that the occasion for the license change is
> that the copyright is now clearly shifting to CNRI, and as a result CNRI
> has to forge a license?  (BTW, I thought *you* had the copyright transfer 
> from CWI, not CNRI).

Correct on both counts.

CWI owns the copyright on old Python versions through Python 1.2.  I
have personally obtained non-exclusive rights to these from CWI.

CNRI, by nature of my employment contract, has the copyright on newer

CNRI feels the need to protect its intellectual property rights.  It
feels that the old Python license, even with CNRI added, does not
adequately protect CNRI against certain (unlikely) events -- hence the 
desire to draft a new license.

CNRI understands that open source (and now Open Source -- the OSI
board has approved the old Python license!) like Python requires
different licensing terms than a typical product developed solely by

I think that the main problem is that CNRI's understanding of what
truly constritutes open source is limited, and that my own
understanding of legal issues is limited, so that the negotiations
with CNRI's legal department (which is headed by CNRI's director)
often turn in their favor.

I hereby withdraw the posted license.  There still is the need for a
new license, but we need to go back to the drawing board for it.  The
CWI ownership of much of the code probably means that the license as
it stands doesn't hold anyway.

I also think that the Python consortium has a say in the license
discussion -- the consortium agreement actually discusses the
ownership of intellectual property produced by/for the consortium at
some length.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Wed Sep 15 19:46:44 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:46:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    JF> Zope products are python packages installed as sub-packages of
    JF> the Zope 'Products' packages.  Products are generally
    JF> self-contained.  If they need anything that's not part of
    JF> standard Python or standard Zope, they need to include it or
    JF> install what they need in a sub-package of another Zope
    JF> package, 'Shared'.

Jim, from your description, it sounds like Zope should be putting both
the `Shared' and possibly `Products' directories on sys.path.  Maybe
it does and I'm still missing your point.

However if they are not, then wouldn't this solve your problem?  A
user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then all the
import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.


From  Wed Sep 15 18:02:20 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 19:02:20 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > It seems to me this totally solves Jim Fulton's and Marc's
> > problem and makes "__" unnecessary.  You just install zope
> > and mx in zopedir, perform the above, and presto you have a new
> > private name space where you can control all your names.  But
> > there must be some problem here I haven't thought of.
> I think no simple solution that *I* can come up with will satisfy
> JimF's and Marc's desire for obscurity :-)

Never mind, I'll use an based approach to get relative
imports to work in my packages. That is when I get
to work... it doesn't seem to be quite there yet (or I'm using
an old version).

BTW, I'm 100% behind you guys if you choose to reimplement Python's
import mechanism in Python using a similar approach as the one
Greg implemented in imputil. Should make everybody happy: those
who want obscure syntactic add-ons and others with a taste for
zlib'ed packaged byte code, plus those VMS freaks ;-)

Perhaps we should start a new thread on that topic... 

Still needed are:

· Python level APIs for the platform specific magic on
  Win32 and Macs (OS/2, BeOS ?), e.g. access to the Windows
  registry and the Mac forks

· Patches to make the DirectoryImporter 100% backward compatible

Greg's can be found at:

The trick would then be to install an application specific
importer in the setup module Spam_path or MyAppSetup which
then takes care of all the rest... 

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep 15 20:00:41 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:00:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hmm, I'm suspicious of the fact that no message from Barry 
Warsaw ever gets "lost".

Stalin got started by being in charge of the Kremlin's 
telephone system, you know...

> >>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <> writes:
>     Gordo> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
>     >> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
>     >> --> The solution:
>     Gordo> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is
>     Barry's Gordo> post.
> I have a suspicion that lost some email yesterday.
> We had a period of time where mail simply stopped getting
> delivered (thank you Solaris patch manager) and it took me a
> little while to realize that things weren't working correctly. 
> Since there's nothing unexpected in the mail queue now, all I can
> say is that if you didn't get it by now, you ain't gonna.
> However, everything seemed to make it into the archives, so
> Guido's message is available at:
> html
> -Barry
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev maillist  -

- Gordon

From  Wed Sep 15 20:25:24 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:25:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
 <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> In this context, consider the following concrete, though fictional
> example.
> ............

The classical solution would be to add "Shared" to sys.path.  But
how to do this?  And what if another installation changes it?

> I'd be curious to hear how folks would solve this problem.

1) Ship a custom binary interpreter with critical modules frozen in,
and which sets a custom sys.path before anything else happens.  So
you are not dependent at all on PYTHONPATH.  Currently this works.

2) Add a new command line option which sets sys.path and always use
it to start your app.  It lists only critical zope directories so
zope has its own private name space.

3) Add your own import hooks using and boot it as
in (1).  Better if it were part of Python.

4) Use a new Python.pyl file which has seeking from the end and
thus allows concattenation of multiple *.pyl.  Each package is
a foo.pyl, bar.pyl, and to distribute an app, you concatenate
packages.  The implied PYTHONPATH in each *.pyl file is "."
except perhaps for the Python lib which is "Lib".  Boot it as
in (3).

> Personally, I'd like the problem to go away. :)

I have the same problem, so me too.

> I'd like the Python
> import rules to change to make this solvable without import hooks or
> path hacking.  I can think of two ways to approach this:
>   - Relative parent imports:
>       import __.kjParsing.kjParser

OK by me, but doesn't solve the Grand Problem.
>   - Gradually less local searches.

I am currently bewildered by Python's import mechanism, and
this may push me into brain damage.  Well, *more* brain damage.

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Wed Sep 15 20:34:08 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:34:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
>     JF> Zope products are python packages installed as sub-packages of
>     JF> the Zope 'Products' packages.  Products are generally
>     JF> self-contained.  If they need anything that's not part of
>     JF> standard Python or standard Zope, they need to include it or
>     JF> install what they need in a sub-package of another Zope
>     JF> package, 'Shared'.
> Jim, from your description, it sounds like Zope should be putting both
> the `Shared' and possibly `Products' directories on sys.path.

It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some future
python distribution has a Products package? Or a

A product is actually a sub-package of Products. Even if Products 
was not a package, the Product would be and gadfly and kjParsong would
be sub-packages.  There is a similar issue with Shared, since Shared
software is organized by organization, as in 'Shared.DC.ZRDB'.

> Maybe
> it does and I'm still missing your point.

The point is that stuffing arbitrary things into a single global
name space is bad. That's why packages were invented.  Unless 
packages can be effectively nested, you haven't gained anything but time.
> However if they are not, then wouldn't this solve your problem? 

No, see above.

> A
> user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then all the
> import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.

But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package namespace.
Eventually, there will be collisions.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Wed Sep 15 20:59:10 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:59:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
 <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> > In this context, consider the following concrete, though fictional
> > example.
> > ............
> The classical solution would be to add "Shared" to sys.path.  But
> how to do this?  And what if another installation changes it?

This doesn't work, because 'Shared' has sub-packages by organization.

> > I'd be curious to hear how folks would solve this problem.
> 1) Ship a custom binary interpreter with critical modules frozen in,
> and which sets a custom sys.path before anything else happens.  So
> you are not dependent at all on PYTHONPATH.  Currently this works.

This is what we do for our binary distribtions, but it doesn't do
anything for third-party products added to Zope.

> 2) Add a new command line option which sets sys.path and always use
> it to start your app.  It lists only critical zope directories so
> zope has its own private name space.

We have a start script that takes care of this.  This gets Zope's 
top-level names (of which there are too many already) into the
path.  This doesn't help with third-party products added to Zope.
> 3) Add your own import hooks using and boot it as
> in (1).

But imputil has a global effect. I suppose I could implement
what I want with imputil or by otherwise creating my own importer
using the standard import hooks.  I suspect that's what I'll
have to do eventually.

>  Better if it were part of Python. 
> 4) Use a new Python.pyl file which has seeking from the end and
> thus allows concattenation of multiple *.pyl.  Each package is
> a foo.pyl, bar.pyl, and to distribute an app, you concatenate
> packages.  The implied PYTHONPATH in each *.pyl file is "."
> except perhaps for the Python lib which is "Lib".  Boot it as
> in (3).

I'm not looking for a way to replace the current package scheme.
Also, I'm not just looking at an app, but at an app that
contains apps (aka components).
> > Personally, I'd like the problem to go away. :)
> I have the same problem, so me too.
> > I'd like the Python
> > import rules to change to make this solvable without import hooks or
> > path hacking.  I can think of two ways to approach this:
> >
> >   - Relative parent imports:
> >
> >       import __.kjParsing.kjParser
> OK by me, but doesn't solve the Grand Problem.
> >   - Gradually less local searches.
> I am currently bewildered by Python's import mechanism, and
> this may push me into brain damage.  Well, *more* brain damage.

I don't see what's so complicated.  You just use a gradually
widening search, rather than an immediately widening search.
I don't think that this is any more complicated than the current

I actually prefer the second apprach because it doesn't require any
code changes to take advantage of it.  I may implement it for Zope
if nothing is done in standard Python.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Wed Sep 15 21:01:01 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 22:01:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
Message-ID: <>

Back again...

To get a little more constructive I've started hacking away 
on Greg Stein's to make it work with my DateTime
package. The DateTime packages does a lot of from...import...
and intra-package imports, plus it loads a shared lib as

The original version of imputil I fetched from Greg's page
did work out of the box (from...import... hassles) and
obviously did not support in-package shared libs. I've added
both features so that the test script in DateTime can run

Things that remain are:
· the win32 registry stuff (needs C code)
· the Mac fork stuff (needs C code)
· a working __path__ implementation (is anyone using this attribute
  which only is available in packages ?)
· probably a whole bunch of other quirks
· some speedups (there currently are too many stat()s)

Please give it a try:

in color:

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep 15 21:22:34 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:22:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:

> It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some future
> python distribution has a Products package? Or a

Name it zopeProducts. Or Zope/Products and Zope/Shared.
> A product is actually a sub-package of Products. Even if Products
> was not a package, the Product would be and gadfly and kjParsong
> would be sub-packages.  There is a similar issue with Shared,
> since Shared software is organized by organization, as in
> 'Shared.DC.ZRDB'.

See below.
> The point is that stuffing arbitrary things into a single global
> name space is bad. That's why packages were invented.  Unless
> packages can be effectively nested, you haven't gained anything
> but time.

Packages nest effectively. Subpackages just don't 
masquerade as top level packages.
> > A
> > user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
> > all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
> But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
> namespace. Eventually, there will be collisions.

You are trying to do two incompatible things at once. You are 
trying to be both a standalone application, and a Python 
installation. You can be both, just not at the same time.

To be a standalone application, you can use tricks that Jim 
Ahlstrom pointed out, or tricks from my Installer. The major 
point being that sys.path has nothing to do with the 
PYTHONPATH environment variable. You now have an 
installation where you can be assured of no collisions, 
because you control it completely.

Of course, that will make liars out of the people at your 
company who claim you can mix and match pieces of Zope 
and your own stuff as you please. People who want to mix 
and match need Zope to play by normal Python rules - and 
that means packages are installed at the top level. Collisions 
happen, but your audience is people who *want* to do things 
differently and *want* control of their installations.

By creating "self contained" packages and putting them in a 
normal Python installation, you're just pushing your headache 
off on the user. You're co-opting his installation.

Yeah, now you have two versions, but they're 99% the same. 
Build the normal Python one first and distribute it to the 
hackers. Then install some import and startup hooks, and 
distribute that to your "users".

I, for one, still use Bobo, because Zope doesn't play fair and I 
have no need or desire for yet another Python installation.

- Gordon

From  Wed Sep 15 21:43:27 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:43:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Marc-Andre wrote:

> To get a little more constructive I've started hacking away on
> Greg Stein's to make it work with my DateTime package.


You (and Greg) are missing a rather important patch I 
submitted to Greg a long time ago (around line 62):

  def _reload_hook(self, module):
    # gmcm - Hmmm, reloading of a module may or may not 
be impossible,
    # (depending on the importer),  but at least we can
    # look to see if it's ours to reload:
    if hasattr(module, '__importer__'):
      if getattr(module, '__importer__') == self:
        raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
    return self.__chain_reload(module)

- Gordon

From  Wed Sep 15 21:44:31 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:44:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> Packages nest effectively. Subpackages just don't
> masquerade as top level packages.

They do currently when imported from the containing package.

> [Barry]
> > > A
> > > user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
> > > all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
> >
> > But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
> > namespace. Eventually, there will be collisions.
> You are trying to do two incompatible things at once. You are
> trying to be both a standalone application, and a Python
> installation. You can be both, just not at the same time.

We don't try to be a Python installation.  We try to be a
Python application that is a platform for Zope applications.
> To be a standalone application, you can use tricks that Jim
> Ahlstrom pointed out, or tricks from my Installer. The major
> point being that sys.path has nothing to do with the
> PYTHONPATH environment variable. You now have an
> installation where you can be assured of no collisions,
> because you control it completely.
> Of course, that will make liars out of the people at your
> company who claim you can mix and match pieces of Zope
> and your own stuff as you please.

Zope reuses *alot* of code. I think Zope has a pretty
good track record of working with existing code.

> People who want to mix
> and match need Zope to play by normal Python rules - and
> that means packages are installed at the top level.

Sorry, I just don't buy that.

> Collisions
> happen, but your audience is people who *want* to do things
> differently and *want* control of their installations.

Actually, many Zope user's come to Python by way of Zope.
They want to be able to install Zope products without
worrying about what their zope or python installation 
looks like.

Zope developers want to be able to have their products drop
into a Zope installation easily.
> By creating "self contained" packages and putting them in a
> normal Python installation, you're just pushing your headache
> off on the user. You're co-opting his installation.

No, putting packages in the python path coops their installation.
Putting Zope-specific products that happen to include reusable
Python packages in a Zope-specific package leaves their 
installation alone.

> Yeah, now you have two versions, but they're 99% the same.
> Build the normal Python one first and distribute it to the
> hackers. Then install some import and startup hooks, and
> distribute that to your "users".

This is exactly what I want to prevent. I'd like package 
developers to develop their packages once without making them
use esoteric import hooks. OTOH I'd like to be able to *use*
their packages wherever I damn well please. I don't to be forced
to put their packages in the python path.
> I, for one, still use Bobo, because Zope doesn't play fair

In what way does Zope not play fair?

> and I
> have no need or desire for yet another Python installation.

Cool. You don't need to use another Python installation to use Zope.
In fact, for development, we use a totally standard Python distribution.
Developers here are not *allowed* to add anything special to the 
Python installations on the development machines here because we want to
*make sure* that we can run with stock python installations.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Wed Sep 15 22:55:34 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 17:55:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <> writes:

    Gordo> Hmm, I'm suspicious of the fact that no message from Barry 
    Gordo> Warsaw ever gets "lost".

    Gordo> Stalin got started by being in charge of the Kremlin's 
    Gordo> telephone system, you know...

Well, I managed to get rid of Ken so my world domination plan is right 
on schedule!

guido-may-be-benevolent-but-you-can-bet-i-won't-be-ly y'rs,

From  Wed Sep 15 23:07:34 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:07:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <> writes:

    JF> It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some
    JF> future python distribution has a Products package? Or a

Wouldn't collide, because in my scheme, Shared isn't a package, it's a
directory on sys.path.  Everything inside Shared is a top-level
package.  You'd never "import Shared.DC.ZRDB" but instead you would
"import DC.ZRDB".

    >> A user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
    >> all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.

    JF> But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
    JF> namespace.  Eventually, there will be collisions.

Do you really think so?  Someone else is going to write a kjParsing
module?  I think we're safe from this for the forseeable future
through convention and peer pressure.

Or is the concern that there will be two Products which use different
versions of kjParsing?  I'm also not concerned here because if my
product needs a very specific version of kjParsing I can't see any way
around shipping my own version, subpackaging it, and using an absolute
package name to ensure that I'm getting at exactly the one I need.
This is the approach Mailman takes.


From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 23:35:20 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:35:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:29:38 EDT."
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> > But the intention here is for the customization to be application
> > specific (hence the Spam in the name).  sitecustomize doesn't know
> > whethere I need the Mailman or the Knowbot root added to my path.

> Ah, you have multiple scripts in one directory and multiple
> Foo_path, Bar_path etc.  I was thinking with my Windows head.
> A commercial Windows app generally has its own exclusive
> install directory, so I was thinking single directory so a single
> > Or do you mean to imply that we can do this with zero text added to
> > the script, by simply dropping an appropriate in the
> > script dir?
> Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking.
> > Unfortunately this does currently *not* work, because
> > sys.path[0] is added after Py_Initialize() is run.
> Yikes!  That kills using  Your Spam_path
> still works because it is imported later, but requires an
> import in each Python main script just as you said.

Not too bad (who cares about one more line of boilerplate...).

> Even worse, it means that and can not
> be found at all except using the normal PYTHONPATH, and
> putting their path in Spam_path will *not* work.

Why would you want your own and

> > > > Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
> > > > scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.
> > >
> > > Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
> > > change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.
> > 
> > Yes.  (The registry can add module-specific paths, which will be
> > searched before sys.path is even looked at, but this is only for
> > specific modules.  It cannot insert a general directory that is
> > searched.)  The only way this can fail is if an embedding app fails to
> > call PySys_SetArgv().
> Oh dear, I think I heard no instead of yes. Are you saying that if
> someone else installs a Python app on my customer's machine after I do,
> and sets a registry entry which sayes to use c:/other/path/to/
> for (as he may very well want to do), then if my Python program
> depends on getting my copy of from my directory, it will then
> use the other copy instead and may very well fail?

Again - why would anyone register their own

> > In any case, that's a separate issue -- I
> > agree that if sys.path[0] is '' (as it often is) it's better for
> > or or (or whoever) to absolutize
> > it (and everything else on the path) so that it will still work if the
> > app does a chdir().
> Point on the curve:  Windows apps generally start from an icon
> which contains their path and current working directory, and
> these are generally different.  So a Windows app in general will
> *never* have had a getcwd() equal to the path of either the
> binary interpreter or the Python main script.

You're lucky.  It turns out that on Windows, under those circumstances
at least, sys.path[0] is the absolute pathname of the directory.  You
only see '' if sys.argv[0] doesn't have any pathname information;
that's only possible if the script *does* live in the current

> > > The files and must be in all the bin
> > > directories as well as because they are
> > > automatically imported in Py_Initialize().
> > 
> > Yes.
> Well, *no* right?  This fails unless the bin directories are in
> fact on PYTHONPATH.  The only way to get is by using
> sys.path as it exists within Py_Initialize().  So there is no
> hacked sys.path[0] equal to the script dir.  And since the
> path hacks in haven't happened yet either, we have
> an incomplete sys.path at that point.

Sorry, I've lost track of what we were after here.  Indeed the
scripts' directory (which I presume you meant by the bin directory)
indeed doesn't occur in sys.path until after Py_Initialize() has run.

> > > added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
> > > to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
> > > like the new[c],[c] and[c]
> > > be placed there.
> > 
> > On Unix, this is a bin directory and it is strongly discouraged to put
> > non-program files there.
> Ok, point taken.
> > Is the full DLL path available at any point?  This would certainly be
> > a good starting point -- especially when the DLL is loaded implicitly
> > as the result of some COM operation.
> I don't know about loading by COM, but if it is a file, its absolute
> path is reliably known in sys, the code is identical to that currently
> used for sys.executable (on Windows), and I have a patch if you want.

I presume using GetModuleFileName()?  Please send me the patch!

> JimA's conjecture:  It is currently impossible to
> ship a Python app which can not be damaged by the installation of a
> second Python app without using a hacked custom binary.

Sounds right.  All tricks to make the app unique require using a
different registry key, which requires a change to the DLL.  However,
you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used is
embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Wed Sep 15 23:49:38 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:49:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> >>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <> writes:
>     JF> It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some
>     JF> future python distribution has a Products package? Or a
>     JF>
> Wouldn't collide, because in my scheme, Shared isn't a package, it's a
> directory on sys.path.  Everything inside Shared is a top-level
> package.  You'd never "import Shared.DC.ZRDB" but instead you would
> "import DC.ZRDB".

I wasn't talking about your scheme. I was talking about how I thought it should be.

>     >> A user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
>     >> all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
>     JF> But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
>     JF> namespace.  Eventually, there will be collisions.
> Do you really think so? 


> Someone else is going to write a kjParsing
> module? 

No, but sooner or later, two people are going to write two "Parsing" packages, 
or two "Oracle" packages or two ....  

Are you suggesting that package names should begin with some hash
value to assure that they are unique?  (What does kj stand for anyway? :)
I guess we could use some form of GUID to be really safe .....

> I think we're safe from this for the forseeable future
> through convention and peer pressure.


(I feel like I should respond to this in some way but ....
 I just can't understand this kind of argument and don't
 know how to frame a response.)
> Or is the concern that there will be two Products which use different
> versions of kjParsing? 

No, at least not primarily.

> I'm also not concerned here because if my
> product needs a very specific version of kjParsing I can't see any way
> around shipping my own version, subpackaging it, and using an absolute
> package name to ensure that I'm getting at exactly the one I need.

But even in this case, if you used a relative import, you *would*
get the specific version you want.

I give up. I'll just have to write some import hook to get the
behavior I want in Zope. I will probably implement the second
alternative I wrote about in my earlier document. I'll get Python
to look at intermediate package paths before it looks at the main path.
That way, any package that works as a top-level package will also
work as a sub-package without modification.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Thu Sep 16 02:20:10 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:20:10 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> CNRI understands that open source (and now Open Source -- the OSI
> board has approved the old Python license!) like Python requires
> different licensing terms than a typical product developed solely by

Actually, this is a good point.  I know the issue of payment may get
in the way, but it would make sense to have any future proposed
licenses reviewed by a lawyer "on our side" - eg, someone whose
mandate is to give a legal opinion on the risks and liabilities of the
_user_ of the license.  Obviously the CNRI lawers are protecting their
(ie, CNRI's) interests, and everyone on this group is concerned about
their own (ie, personally, their company, or companies they wish to
introduct Python into) interests.

If the legal jibberish can't be removed (which is likely with lawyers
involved) I know I would personally feel much more comfortable with a
legal opinion covering my interests..

But as I said, who will pay?  If nothing else, we should ensure the
OSI approves of the new license...  Or maybe we can convince CNRI
there is real and serious concern, and they could pay for an external
IP lawyer?


From  Thu Sep 16 02:37:17 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:37:17 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> Actually, this is a good point.  I know the issue of payment may get
> in the way, but it would make sense to have any future proposed
> licenses reviewed by a lawyer "on our side" - eg, someone whose
> mandate is to give a legal opinion on the risks and liabilities of the
> _user_ of the license.

Interesting thought!

> Obviously the CNRI lawers are protecting their
> (ie, CNRI's) interests, and everyone on this group is concerned about
> their own (ie, personally, their company, or companies they wish to
> introduct Python into) interests.

Because of these varied interests, I don't think a review by a
particular lawyer will be greatly helpful. The question will still
remain: "did the lawyer review it from [my/our/company] perspective?"
This will lead people back into the same review cycle.

> But as I said, who will pay?  If nothing else, we should ensure the
> OSI approves of the new license...  Or maybe we can convince CNRI
> there is real and serious concern, and they could pay for an external
> IP lawyer?

Definitely having an OSI certification will be great (cool stuff on the
cert for the existing license!). Having Bruce Perens review the license
would also be a great boon (see for some of his writings;
also see specifically).

Licenses are a tough issue. I had to go through this entire morass when
deciding what to do with mod_dav. There are a lot of varieties and
issues and stuff to cover. I've read a bunch of license (not to mention
a bazillion legal documents during the eShop/acquisition days). Not
always exciting reading :-), but usually quite interesting.

At this point, I think it is a great thing that CNRI is reviewing the
license. Unfortunately, the license wasn't as non-controversial as it
was thought to be :-(. I'm more than happy to wait and see where they go
with the license.


Greg Stein,

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 04:32:18 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:32:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:10:17 EDT."
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

I don't like the pressure to allow relative imports and I don't like
the solutions that those who insist on having it propose (they are all 
writing their own import hooks).

The reasoning seems to be something like this:

(a) If my package needs non-standard package X, I can't require that X
be installed as a top-level package, because there might be another
unrelated package also called X; therefore I need to install a copy of
package X as a subpackage of my own package.

(b) Because any non-standard package X now may be installed at the
toplevel or as a subpackage of some other package, X must use relative 
imports exclusively to access subparts of itself.

I find (b) unacceptable for a number of reasons, that have all been
explained by others: duplicate installs (and hence possible imports)
of the same package as a subpackage of various other packages, the
requirement to be religious in the use of relative imports, the
ugliness of the __ notation (I do *not* look forward to explaining
that to 12-year-olds in the context of CP4E).

I think that the fear expressed in (a) is an overreaction to some
recent actual top-level name clashes.  This was a real pain, but
notice that it happened because several popular module collections
weren't packagized at all!

In the Java world, the right solution exist: a better top-level naming
scheme.  I forget what the exact rules are, but I seem to recall that
Java has something of the same relative import rules af Python
currently has: you can import a class from the same leaf package by
its simple name, or you can import a class by its full name.  As Tim
explains, the occasional renames are easily handled with a global
substitute in a smart editor.

I don't want to do the same thing as Java and require everybody to use
their reversed domain name as their package name.  Of course you are
free to do so: there are currently no toplevel modules or packages
that I know of named org, com, edu, gov, mil or net.  Two letter
domains are all free except for re=Reunion (and ni=Nicaragua, but ni
is expired).  Oops, mx=Mexico!  Well, Python package semantics are
slightly different than Java semantics in that shared ownership of a
subpackage of (e.g. :-) mx is harder in Python than in Java (Python
requires that they are installed in the same directory; Java doesn't).

In any case the proper thing to do is to pick a good unique toplevel
name.  Aaron Watters did a great job with kj (not a country code
either!); Marc Andre also has the right spirit with mx.  CNRI will
probably use cnri as the toplevel package name for CNRI-developed
packages that aren't distributed together with Python.

If there are still worries about name choices, I volunteer to run a
toplevel name registry.  This has worked well e.g. for Apple where
application developers had to pick a unique 4-letter code; certainly
better than the Windows world where conflicting 3-letter extension
definitions are common.  In the Python world, I would recommend longer 
toplevel names, so it's more likely that you can use your company name 
(e.g. pythonware).

Note that I still resist the urge to start renaming all the existing
standard modules -- too much breakage.  This will happen in 2.0.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Thu Sep 16 04:38:22 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:38:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim>

Sure is a lot of traffic on this -- can't we go back to hating the new
license <wink>?

> ...
> Sticking this technology into the import statement is really only
> a more elegant approach. Nothing more. The whole thing already
> works using the current Python implementation.

Your point there has been made many times -- I'm not missing it.  My point
has also been made many times, so one more can't hurt <wink>:  it still
looks to me like bad practice, so I don't *want* (more, actively oppose) it
to be made easier to spell.

>> + JimF and MAL's shared notion that they're the only ones making
>>   use of packages is myopic.

> Oh, c'mon Tim, we never did say that. We only mentioned having used
> package for quite a while. This includes having seen all the different
> pitfalls they have to offer.

Well, JimF was laying it on a bit thick in two msgs, and sucked you in as
his implicit conspirator.  My apologies if you feel tarred unfairly.  Yet
you still can't resist implying that only you two are aware of the pitfalls

>> [on Dragon's "relentlessly straightforward" import policies]

> This is perfectly ok if you're just using your own code, but it
> gets a mess when third-party packages are involved simply because
> you can't be sure they don't use import hooks, local imports or
> hacks to __path__ etc. If you still want them to be useable, you'll
> have to go down and dive into their structure. This takes time, is
> error prone and not necessarily fun.

While true, it's much safer to install a "cheating" package at top level,
since the cheats presumably *assume* that's where the package is to be run
from.  If someone distributes a package that does not run correctly from top
level, that's one hopeless package.  Else it does run correctly from top
level, and then the only person with a problem here is one who insists on
running it from some embedded location.  You then buy the need to dive into
their code very carefully indeed -- relative imports don't save you from the
huge variety of "clever tricks" they *may* be playing with hooks and path

But note that, unlike Jim (& perhaps you too), I have almost no fear of
top-level name collisions.  If we do nothing about that, it will be years
before it becomes a real problem; and several months before that <wink>, we
can flock to Java's hokey but effective reverse-domain scheme (which I
suspect you're already in favor of -- fine by me!).

> Also, I don't know how "explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly"
> writing module imports is any different from using relative imports.

Hugely and profoundly different, as your example shows:

> An example:
> mx
> 	.DateTime
> 	.ODBC.Windows
> In ODBC.Windows I would write:
> 	import __.__.DateTime
> which is just as explicit as writing
> 	import mx.DateTime
> except that the information about the top-level hierarchy is *not*
> included in the import information.

Exactly:  now instead of a bulletproof absolute import in a self-contained
importer, whose precise meaning is clear from casual static inspection,
you've got a relative one whose meaning depends vitally on where the
importer happens to live.  As code moves around, the import may fail to work
when you're lucky, or pick up an unintended DateTime package when you're
not.  The semantics of the import are indeed relative now:  you see the
opportunity to type three additional characters <wink> as a strength, and I
see nothing but headaches masquerading as convenience.

As further consequence, simple "search-and-replace" strategies are rendered
at best useless.  That is, a simple grep can no longer find all & only
references to mx's flavor of DateTime:  it picks up all references to all
DateTime guys, with no way short of a structure-aware tree crawler to sort
them out again.  Complexity spreads.

Of course, in the end, I lose no matter what.  If *everyone* used dirt-dumb
fully-qualified imports, all hassles with shifting package structure could
be solved with a text editor in seconds.  But that's not whiz-bang enough,
so people *will* play endlessly dubious tricks with hooks, paths, relative
imports, and metapackages too once Gordon gets around to them <wink>.
Having an explicit way to spell relative imports would make my life easier
because at least those are statically recognizable for what they are.  I
don't want them and won't use them, but it could ease the pain others will
cause by using them.  That's not enough to make me in favor of them, though;
just enough so I won't pout if they do go in.

> Anyway, I'm not too inclined continuing this discussion anymore.
> I would never have thought that such a nifty little patch would
> have stirred up so much negative response. I'll just hack up my
> very own import mechanism using imputil and be done. So there!

Don't feel picked on, M-A!  Opposition is normal and healthy; and the last
idea I got anywhere with was list.pop().

and-even-then-jimf-tried-to-stick-a-default-on-it<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Thu Sep 16 05:19:32 1999
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:19:32 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Mark Hammond wrote:

> But as I said, who will pay?  If nothing else, we should ensure the
> OSI approves of the new license...  Or maybe we can convince CNRI
> there is real and serious concern, and they could pay for an external
> IP lawyer?

Eric Raymond's wife is a lawyer, I believe =).

From  Thu Sep 16 05:28:19 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:28:19 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <004e01befffb$e83a6d90$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> Don't feel picked on, M-A!  Opposition is normal and healthy;

As a (hopefully welcome) tangent to this discussion, I am currently
reading "Dynamics of Software Development" by Jim McCarty.  He has an
interesting section on exactly this.  I will quote it verbatim (typing
it in, so forgive typos).

I present it without comment other than:  It appears we are a healthy


The Problem of Creativity:
Creativity in a group is always limited by the groups defensiveness,
and some amount of defensiveness is healthy.  In the healthy team,
then, no matter how highly valued creativity is ostensibly, change
beyond a certain normative quantity or degree will be resisted.  And
even change within bounds will be accepted only insofar as it can seem
to fall under the rubric of "improvement".  Change must seem to build
on the previously known and accepted reality.  Even if there are only
two steps involved in a change, with the second building on the first,
in a single reality cycle - single product development cycle for us -
the change is likely to be rejected by the healthy team.

What you need for truly creative change, then, is an environment that
transcends good health, an environment that not only accepts a
continuum of change, which is normal, but one that positively
engenders, nurtures and propels forward wholly new dynamics.  The
transcendent organization values radical or revolutionary change and
esteems utterly new modes of thought.  It's possible for a team to be
healthy and not particularly creative, but this state of affairs is
not especially desirable.  What is desirable is team fecundity [MH -
had to look this up - "intellectually productive or inventive to a
marked degree" - synonym of fertile], the radiating of the new and the
original from the normal and the healthy.  This kind of creativity
requires a flexibility and a courage beyond the reach of most of us
most of the time

It's ironic and worth remembering that the healthier the team the more
effective the resistance to revolutionary thought will be.  This is a
natural consequence of the teams overall effectiveness on every
relevant domain.
-- end of quote--

From  Thu Sep 16 10:48:33 1999
From: (Jean-Claude Wippler)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:48:33 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I hereby withdraw the posted license.  There still is the need for a
> new license, but we need to go back to the drawing board for it.

One more consideration: some people may compare the "scariness" of the
Python license against, say, the Tcl license - and choose accordingly.
It's not even about content: seeing that new license, or the Perl
licenses for that matter, it sends out a strong message IMO: you are
entering the world of lawyers.  Proceed with caution.  Guard dogs.

-- Jean-Claude

From  Thu Sep 16 11:44:34 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:44:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I don't like the pressure to allow relative imports and I don't like
> the solutions that those who insist on having it propose (they are all
> writing their own import hooks).

I'm wasn't planning to write my own hook until now. I need this
feature to be able to organize my package internal stuff swiftly
and easily, plus to be able to possibly put it under new top-level
packages. Obviously I seem to be more or less alone with this need, so
I'll stop argueing for inclusion of "something like relative imports"
in the distribution.
> The reasoning seems to be something like this:
> (a) If my package needs non-standard package X, I can't require that X
> be installed as a top-level package, because there might be another
> unrelated package also called X; therefore I need to install a copy of
> package X as a subpackage of my own package.
> (b) Because any non-standard package X now may be installed at the
> toplevel or as a subpackage of some other package, X must use relative
> imports exclusively to access subparts of itself.
> I find (b) unacceptable for a number of reasons, that have all been
> explained by others: duplicate installs (and hence possible imports)
> of the same package as a subpackage of various other packages, the
> requirement to be religious in the use of relative imports, the
> ugliness of the __ notation (I do *not* look forward to explaining
> that to 12-year-olds in the context of CP4E).

(b) is (if at all) a problem only to be taken into account by
the author of package X. He may or may not use rel. imports.
A 12-year old probably won't (but then: you never know ;).

BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about. If it's an
syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really interested
in these things... could you send me an URL that I can send him ?
> I think that the fear expressed in (a) is an overreaction to some
> recent actual top-level name clashes.  This was a real pain, but
> notice that it happened because several popular module collections
> weren't packagized at all!
> In the Java world, the right solution exist: a better top-level naming
> scheme.  I forget what the exact rules are, but I seem to recall that
> Java has something of the same relative import rules af Python
> currently has: you can import a class from the same leaf package by
> its simple name, or you can import a class by its full name.  As Tim
> explains, the occasional renames are easily handled with a global
> substitute in a smart editor.
> I don't want to do the same thing as Java and require everybody to use
> their reversed domain name as their package name.  Of course you are
> free to do so: there are currently no toplevel modules or packages
> that I know of named org, com, edu, gov, mil or net.  Two letter
> domains are all free except for re=Reunion (and ni=Nicaragua, but ni
> is expired).  Oops, mx=Mexico! 

Oh well... I guess they'll have to use 'mex' if they decide to go
the reverse domain way ;-)

> Well, Python package semantics are
> slightly different than Java semantics in that shared ownership of a
> subpackage of (e.g. :-) mx is harder in Python than in Java (Python
> requires that they are installed in the same directory; Java doesn't).

True, perhaps we should lighten this requirement a little when we
recode the import mechanism in Python ? E.g. if a local import
fails continue the search with the fully qualified name and only
if that fails, restart using the local name. This would need some
kind of fastpath cache to make the search reasonably fast though.
> In any case the proper thing to do is to pick a good unique toplevel
> name.  Aaron Watters did a great job with kj (not a country code
> either!); Marc Andre also has the right spirit with mx.  CNRI will
> probably use cnri as the toplevel package name for CNRI-developed
> packages that aren't distributed together with Python.
> If there are still worries about name choices, I volunteer to run a
> toplevel name registry.  This has worked well e.g. for Apple where
> application developers had to pick a unique 4-letter code; certainly
> better than the Windows world where conflicting 3-letter extension
> definitions are common.  In the Python world, I would recommend longer
> toplevel names, so it's more likely that you can use your company name
> (e.g. pythonware).
> Note that I still resist the urge to start renaming all the existing
> standard modules -- too much breakage.  This will happen in 2.0.

Wouldn't it suffice to just put them into one package, e.g.
'python.' ?

BTW, as Tim argued: the breakage an easily be leveraged by using
a smart editor... ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   106 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Thu Sep 16 11:56:01 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:56:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> Sure is a lot of traffic on this -- can't we go back to hating the new
> license <wink>?

The license was withdrawn... I would prefer starting to talk about

> [MAL]
> > Also, I don't know how "explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly"
> > writing module imports is any different from using relative imports.
> Hugely and profoundly different, as your example shows:
> > An example:
> >
> > mx
> >       .DateTime
> >       .ODBC.Windows
> >
> > In ODBC.Windows I would write:
> >
> >       import __.__.DateTime
> >
> > which is just as explicit as writing
> >
> >       import mx.DateTime
> >
> > except that the information about the top-level hierarchy is *not*
> > included in the import information.
> Exactly:  now instead of a bulletproof absolute import in a self-contained
> importer, whose precise meaning is clear from casual static inspection,

Ah, that's a new idea ! Package local absolute names... wow, that
sounds weird.

> you've got a relative one whose meaning depends vitally on where the
> importer happens to live.  As code moves around, the import may fail to work
> when you're lucky, or pick up an unintended DateTime package when you're
> not.  The semantics of the import are indeed relative now:  you see the
> opportunity to type three additional characters <wink> as a strength, and I
> see nothing but headaches masquerading as convenience.

Tim, the intention was being able to move the mx level around, e.g.
renaming it, eliminating it by sticking DateTime and ODBC under
some other higher level package (yes, you'll have to watch out
here because the higher level package might define DateTime and ODBC
too -- but it's not all that likely), etc.
The buzz word here is 'relocatable'.

> As further consequence, simple "search-and-replace" strategies are rendered
> at best useless.  That is, a simple grep can no longer find all & only
> references to mx's flavor of DateTime:  it picks up all references to all
> DateTime guys, with no way short of a structure-aware tree crawler to sort
> them out again.  Complexity spreads.
> Of course, in the end, I lose no matter what.  If *everyone* used dirt-dumb
> fully-qualified imports, all hassles with shifting package structure could
> be solved with a text editor in seconds.  But that's not whiz-bang enough,
> so people *will* play endlessly dubious tricks with hooks, paths, relative
> imports, and metapackages too once Gordon gets around to them <wink>.
> Having an explicit way to spell relative imports would make my life easier
> because at least those are statically recognizable for what they are.  I
> don't want them and won't use them, but it could ease the pain others will
> cause by using them.  That's not enough to make me in favor of them, though;
> just enough so I won't pout if they do go in.
> > Anyway, I'm not too inclined continuing this discussion anymore.
> > I would never have thought that such a nifty little patch would
> > have stirred up so much negative response. I'll just hack up my
> > very own import mechanism using imputil and be done. So there!
> Don't feel picked on, M-A!  Opposition is normal and healthy; and the last
> idea I got anywhere with was list.pop().

Yah well. Last thing I succeeded with was making Python methods
wrap any callable type. 

Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments. Just think
of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience shows
that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.
Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   106 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Thu Sep 16 12:00:50 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 04:00:50 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> ...
> Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
> i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments. Just think
> of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience shows
> that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.

A portion of my threading patches went into 1.5. "Big" things can happen
and they do... it's just a matter of passing muster with The Head
Honcho. That, and the timing (e.g. the thread state changes wouldn't go
into a 1.4.n release, but did go into 1.5).

> Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
> pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
> untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
> strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?



Greg Stein,

From  Thu Sep 16 12:32:35 1999
From: (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:32:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] CP4E
References: <> <> <>              <> <> <>
Message-ID: <004101bf0037$2dca30d0$>

> BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about.

also see:
(on second thought, don't).

> If it's an syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really
> interested in these things...

aggressively python-aware editors are fun.  want
braces?  sure, just change the style sheet ;-)


From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 12:49:44 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 07:49:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:44:34 +0200."
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> I'm wasn't planning to write my own hook until now. I need this
> feature to be able to organize my package internal stuff swiftly
> and easily, plus to be able to possibly put it under new top-level
> packages. Obviously I seem to be more or less alone with this need, so
> I'll stop argueing for inclusion of "something like relative imports"
> in the distribution.

I still hope against hoping to convince you not to do this.  I think
this adds lots of complexity for the reader of your package.  I think
of *all* software that I write as something that eventually someone is 
going to read and try to understand.  I also think of it as something
that eventually someone is going to port to a platform that wasn't
even designed when I wrote the software.  Tricks like depending on a
custom import hook make reading a pain.

For example, the reader who is just starting to browse a large package
often needs to follow the thread of execution from one module to the
next.  If the import statements contain magic like
(actually proposed magic renamed for generality :-), this reader will
first need to understand the custom importer -- which is likely one of
the hariest components of the package.

The same thing applies with even more force to tools like package
browsers.  IDLE for example has a class browser which displays the
true module and class name for base classes.  E.g. if you have code
that says

    from Tkinter import Widget

    class MyWidget(Widget): ...

it correctly deduces that MyWidget's base class is Tkinter.Widget.
(And in a future version it will probably allow you to click through
to that class, show you its methods, etc.)

Custom importers break this feature, and thus make the code harder to
analyze for the reader.

(Not all custom importers are bad; there are plenty of reasons to
augment the standard importer.  But, while custom importers make
different interpretations of the namespace possible, I frown upon that 
particular use.)

> (b) is (if at all) a problem only to be taken into account by
> the author of package X. He may or may not use rel. imports.
> A 12-year old probably won't (but then: you never know ;).

Which severely limits your ability to do what you want with packages
you didn't write.

I know that this sounds politically incorrect in a radical free
software world, but often in the end I find it more convenient to
conform to the rest of the world and "fit in" than to be different in
every little way.  Note that my hair isn't blue :-); I've also
replaced my "signature" glasses with a more conventional model.

> BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about. If it's an
> syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really interested
> in these things... could you send me an URL that I can send him ?

Where have you been?  It's on the homepage, has been
discussed in, c.l.tcl, even c.l.ada, in lwn, and on /.!  The
syntax aware editor (a proposed super-version of IDLE) is only a small
part of it.  See

> Oh well... I guess they'll have to use 'mex' if they decide to go
> the reverse domain way ;-)

Or, in a worse-case scenario, the first Mexican developers using the
reverse domain will probably not be aware of the mx toplevel package,
and by the time their software hits the street it will be too late.

> True, perhaps we should lighten this requirement a little when we
> recode the import mechanism in Python ? E.g. if a local import
> fails continue the search with the fully qualified name and only
> if that fails, restart using the local name. This would need some
> kind of fastpath cache to make the search reasonably fast though.

Now this is something that I would consider.

> Wouldn't it suffice to just put them into one package, e.g.
> 'python.' ?

And somehow make all user code live implicitly inside that package?  I 
don't see how that solves anything.

> BTW, as Tim argued: the breakage an easily be leveraged by using
> a smart editor... ;-)

What breakage?  I think __ is a bit too hard to fix easily with a
smart editor.  And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to
need to rip out your custom importer because it interferes with *his*
custom importer, and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with
absolute package names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to
his importer.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Thu Sep 16 12:57:20 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 04:57:20 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> What breakage?  I think __ is a bit too hard to fix easily with a
> smart editor.  And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to
> need to rip out your custom importer because it interferes with *his*
> custom importer, and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with
> absolute package names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to
> his importer.

This is an aspect of Python's singular import hook. imputil is designed
to allow for multiple Importers to be present and to work in harmony. As
long as each Importer can identify that a particular import is part of
its namespace (e.g. HTTPImporter recognizes _http_... as one of its
own), then no conflicts will arise and everything will be hunky-dory.

btw, it might be nice to allow a string to the import statement. I'd
much rather say: import ""


Greg Stein,

From  Thu Sep 16 13:00:06 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 05:00:06 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
>   def _reload_hook(self, module):
>     # gmcm - Hmmm, reloading of a module may or may not
> be impossible,
>     # (depending on the importer),  but at least we can
>     # look to see if it's ours to reload:
>     if hasattr(module, '__importer__'):
>       if getattr(module, '__importer__') == self:
>         raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
>     return self.__chain_reload(module)

I've folded this in (finally).

New to be published in a bit...


Greg Stein,

From  Thu Sep 16 13:45:39 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:45:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> >
> > Jim Fulton wrote:
> > [Barry]
> > > > A
> > > > user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
> > > > all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
> >
> > To be a standalone application, you can use tricks that Jim
> > Ahlstrom pointed out, or tricks from my Installer. The major
> > point being that sys.path has nothing to do with the
> > PYTHONPATH environment variable. You now have an
> > installation where you can be assured of no collisions,
> > because you control it completely.

JimF, I am still trying to understand this.  Gordon, Barry and I
think a good solution is to put "Shared" on a private sys.path,
but you object to this and I don't understand.  Specifically
Suppose zope users must use the special binary zope/bin/python.exe.
Suppose further that this binary reliably sets its sys.path to
the directories it needs, namely zope, zope/Package*, zope/Shared.
Suppose further that all user's packages must go into zope/Shared
either as files or package directories and so are at the top
level as package imports have always assumed.

Then it seems that your zope app would absolutely work, and no
other Python installation could damage it by changing PYTHONPATH,
and that your zope installation would not damage any other Python
installation either.

Is the reason this doesn't work the posibility of name collisions
in zope/Shared?  I thought before that you were worried about name
collisions in another co-existing Python installation which may have
unknown packages installed, conflicting packages, or packages with
incompatible versions.

If so, you are trying to solve a problem more severe than I
thought.  I have always assumed packages would have unique
names and so a flat name space suffices.  In particular, trying
to design for conflicting names can not be supported by the
current python *.pyl library file design, and in general
would require a PYTHONPATH mechanism.  Such PYTHONPATH mechanism
would have to be "local" to packages.  That is, PYTHONPATH would
vary depending on the package doing the importing.

Are you sure this problem needs a solution right now?

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Thu Sep 16 13:57:46 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:57:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Even worse, it means that and can not
> > be found at all except using the normal PYTHONPATH, and
> > putting their path in Spam_path will *not* work.
> Why would you want your own and

I don't.  I never change Python library files.  I am worried
that they won't be found because I don't trust PYTHONPATH.
> > Oh dear, I think I heard no instead of yes. Are you saying that if
> > someone else installs a Python app on my customer's machine after I do,
> > and sets a registry entry which sayes to use c:/other/path/to/
> > for (as he may very well want to do), then if my Python program
> > depends on getting my copy of from my directory, it will then
> > use the other copy instead and may very well fail?
> Again - why would anyone register their own

I wouldn't, I am worried that someone else will break my installation.
Remember that was invented as a site-specific module, although
that function moved to

> I presume using GetModuleFileName()?  Please send me the patch!

Yes, and OK.

> > JimA's conjecture:  It is currently impossible to
> > ship a Python app which can not be damaged by the installation of a
> > second Python app without using a hacked custom binary.
> Sounds right.  All tricks to make the app unique require using a
> different registry key, which requires a change to the DLL.  However,
> you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used is
> embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
> resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!

I don't understand this.  Is there documentation?

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 14:49:16 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:49:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:57:46 EDT."
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> > Why would you want your own and
> I don't.  I never change Python library files.  I am worried
> that they won't be found because I don't trust PYTHONPATH.

Hmm...  PYTHONPATH gets inserted in front of the default sys.path.
(Many moons ago that was different.  But it has been like this for a
loooooong time.)  So are you worried that someone put a *different* or on their path?

> > Again - why would anyone register their own
> I wouldn't, I am worried that someone else will break my installation.
> Remember that was invented as a site-specific module, although
> that function moved to

Hm, I dug out the oldest I have (used in Python 1.4), and it
doesn't encourage editing it at all -- it tells you to use  I guess they could break your installation anyway,
but only by messing with the general Python installation.

> > Sounds right.  All tricks to make the app unique require using a
> > different registry key, which requires a change to the DLL.  However,
> > you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used is
> > embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
> > resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!
> I don't understand this.  Is there documentation?

The usual :-)

Python/import.c shows that import calls PyWin_FindRegisteredModule()
to find a registered module before looking in sys.path (but after
checking for builtin and frozen modules).

PC/import_nt.c shows that PyWin_FindRegisteredModule() uses a registry
key of the form
where <modulename> is the module name, <debugstring> is empty or
"\Debug" depending on whether we are compiled with _DEBUG define.  The
resource value points to a file (either .py, .pyc/.pyo, .pyd or .dll;
in fact any of the prefixes returned by imp.get_suffixes()).

PC/dl_nt.c shows that PyWin_DLLVersionString is set to string 1000
loaded from the string resource table.

PC/python_nt.rc shows that there's a stringtable with item 1000 being
the MS_DLL_ID string, set to "1.5" in that file.

Note that this value (PyWin_DLLVersionString) is also to Python code
as sys.winver.

I hope that Mark Hammond can point you to a tool that you can use to
edit a string resource in an executable or DLL.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Thu Sep 16 14:46:19 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 06:46:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> The original version of imputil I fetched from Greg's page
> did work out of the box (from...import... hassles) and

"did not work", I presume. From my original testing, I thought
from...import worked. With more testing, I found that something of the
form "from xml.dom import builder" did not work.

I discovered why it failed (xml.dom was imported by Importer instance I1
but I2 thought it could handle the from...import, and this barfed a
check). I've fixed this by delegating to the proper importer (I1 in my
example) to complete the import. Your solution to check the __importer__
variable in the globals is probably incorrect. If I read/eval it
correctly, that would mean that a module imported by IMP1 could not use
modules imported by IMP2. In other words, a package module could not
import a top-level module defined by a different importer.
(note also that your globals.get() could fail if globals is None)

> obviously did not support in-package shared libs. I've added

I did not fold this in. Your change isn't "in the spirit" of the
Importer mechanism. The "Right Way" to do this is to create a
BuiltinImporter and add that to the chain of importers. The
DirectoryImporter should only import from directories -- no reason for
it to know about builtin stuff. As a result, I did not accept the new
methods on Importer for handling builtins/special modules -- those would
go in the BuiltinImporter.
[BuiltinImporter should be written and included in; I don't
really have the time at the moment to write the thing... 7am and time
for sleep...]

However, your change here did raise a very important design issue:
get_code() needs to be able to return a loaded module, rather than just
a code object. I've folded in your patches for that.

I also folded in many of your extended doc/comments (at least in
concept; not necessarily verbatim). You and Gordon are recognized in the
header now, and I've added a "proper" author notice and licensing
(public domain).

I did not include the "misses" feature that you added to the
DirectoryImporter. I would hate to see a miss-cache get loaded, a module
dropped into the filesystem, and the user never being able to import the

I didn't fold in your indentation changes or name changes. I liked mine
:-). The __main__ thing at the bottom didn't make much sense to me,
though, since the call to _test_dir() followed by an exit doesn't really
do anything. And yes, I recognize that you can use "python -i" but I'd rather just see "python" followed by "import imputil
; imputil._test_dir()".

Of course, please feel free to generate a new patch if I've missed
something (thinking about it, I missed the OSError thing).

> both features so that the test script in DateTime can run
> successfully.
> Things that remain are:
> · the win32 registry stuff (needs C code)

And a new Importer to use it.

> · the Mac fork stuff (needs C code)


> · a working __path__ implementation (is anyone using this attribute
>   which only is available in packages ?)

Per the private mail that I sent to you: I explicitly punted on the
__path__ attribute. It can lead to *way* too much confusion. It is also
unavailable for frozen packages (boy oh boy did the win32com get some
ugliness in there to compensate for being frozen w.r.t. its use of

The DirectoryImporter can insert the attribute, but it definitely
wouldn't go into the Importer itself. The __path__ attribute is specific
to loading from a filesystem, yet Importer is generic.

> · probably a whole bunch of other quirks
> · some speedups (there currently are too many stat()s)

Yes. I recognize that the "misses" feature was intended to remedy this.
I don't have an immediate answer to the stat() issue. Does the Importer
mechanism actually perform more stats on an import than Python itself?
(it looks like it does one for the isdir() plus two for fetching file

And a big thanx: I appreciate the patches to imputil! The new module is
now available in its "official" location at


Greg Stein,

From  Thu Sep 16 14:56:00 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:56:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> >...
> >   def _reload_hook(self, module):
> >     # gmcm - Hmmm, reloading of a module may or may not
> > be impossible,
> >     # (depending on the importer),  but at least we can
> >     # look to see if it's ours to reload:
> >     if hasattr(module, '__importer__'):
> >       if getattr(module, '__importer__') == self:
> >         raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
> >     return self.__chain_reload(module)
> I've folded this in (finally).
> New to be published in a bit...

As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.
I have always thought in terms of unique top-level names and a
format which supports import of modules and packages.  But this
does not support the full functionality of PYTHONPATH.  For example,
PYTHONPATH can (and is) used to select the correct plat-* directory
files.  And the format may not support Jim Fulton's fancy local
import scheme.  And what if someone invents a third thing to import
besides a module or a package?  PYTHONPATH is not going away nor
should it.

How about if the *.pyl file format is exactly a directory structure?
I mean that the table of contents is limited to paths starting with
a directory name only, and that the seperator is '/' instead of '.'.
So a listing would be identical to the output of 'ls -R'.  So:

The implied PYTHONPATH for this file is ["Lib", "."].  Since the
format is exactly a directory tree, it is guaranteed that whatever
PYTHONPATH or imports can do now or in the future with a directory
tree, it can still do it with a *.pyl file.

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Thu Sep 16 15:05:42 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 07:05:42 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
> the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.

Background for the readers:

.pyl is an extension that I used in my "small" distribution. I think
Gordon uses it, too. In any case, it is effectively a concatenation of
.pyc files along with a TOC mapping fully-qualified dotted module names
to seek-positions within the file.

[speaking of stat() calls: using a .pyl eliminates them quite nicely --
this may be part of Gordon's observed speed increase when using an

The .pyl format was discussed a bit on the distutils-sig list and "sort
of" accepted as an okay format for jamming a bunch of modules into a
single file.
[by "sort of", I mean that the small group who participated in the
discussion were okay with it :-); it is a great, minimalist format, so
it probably won't please people who like a ton of features in a file
format :-) ]

> How about if the *.pyl file format is exactly a directory structure?
> I mean that the table of contents is limited to paths starting with
> a directory name only, and that the seperator is '/' instead of '.'.
> So a listing would be identical to the output of 'ls -R'.  So:
>   Lib/string.pyc
>   Lib/exceptions.pyc
>   Lib/plat-sunos4/...
>   mx/__init__.pyc
>   mx/...
>   package2/...
>   dir3/...
>   ...
> The implied PYTHONPATH for this file is ["Lib", "."].  Since the
> format is exactly a directory tree, it is guaranteed that whatever
> PYTHONPATH or imports can do now or in the future with a directory
> tree, it can still do it with a *.pyl file.

People import things using a dotted name. Therefore, I think it makes
the most sense to map that straight to the resulting .pyc file. No
reason to put directories into the file... they make no sense to the end
user. During construction of the .pyl, you would walk the tree finding
all the available modules (and their corresponding dotted name) and
insert them.

Note that you can distribute multiple .pyl files. There could be the
Python standard lib in one file, the mx package in another, etc. As a
module is searched for, the system just peeks into each .pyl in turn,
looking for the module.

Search order is currently defined by order of install() on the Importer
instances. I believe the Right Way to do things is to create
sys.importers (as a list of Importers) and deprecate the sys.path
variable. Python could start up with an Importer than simply scanned
sys.path as a backwards compat measure; it could also leave sys.path
empty and create DirectoryImporters for each path component (this could
cause problems, though, for some apps that believe sys.path shouldn't be
empty, or that use it for magic-munging). I've search the standard lib
in the past -- there are only a couple real uses of sys.path if I
remember rightly (test package and the traceback module).


Greg Stein,

From  Thu Sep 16 15:19:41 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 07:19:41 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <> <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [me]
> > > Why would you want your own and
> [JimA]
> > I don't.  I never change Python library files.  I am worried
> > that they won't be found because I don't trust PYTHONPATH.
> Hmm...  PYTHONPATH gets inserted in front of the default sys.path.
> (Many moons ago that was different.  But it has been like this for a
> loooooong time.)  So are you worried that someone put a *different*
> or on their path?

When you jam every file into a module archive, you still have to leave
these two "outside" so that Python can find them when starting up. The
problem then breaks down into two parts:

1) locating them
2) ensuring they're the right versions

In my "small" distro, I relied on the current-dir always being in the
path, so I could always find these. The two files were distributed as
part of distro.

Anyhow: JimA is saying that he doesn't trust PYTHONPATH. Not so much bad
files/versions, but that he won't be able to find them because
PYTHONPATH has been monkeyed in some way.

> > > Again - why would anyone register their own
> >
> > I wouldn't, I am worried that someone else will break my installation.
> > Remember that was invented as a site-specific module, although
> > that function moved to
> Hm, I dug out the oldest I have (used in Python 1.4), and it
> doesn't encourage editing it at all -- it tells you to use
>  I guess they could break your installation anyway,
> but only by messing with the general Python installation.

If the file exists, then somebody can mess with it. JimA is trying to
create a bulletproof app here. To do this, you can distribute a
python.exe,,, and an archive of your other
modules. is scrapped in favor of installing an Importer to
access the archive (this implies you also distribute These
five files are the exact five in my "small" distro. It's pretty cool...
no need for registry changes and a very small "file count" footprint.
Gordon took this basis and added a bunch of features for bundling an
application in there. JimA has also been mixing in some frozen modules
(I forget exactly why/what).
[oh, my small distro doesn't ship a python15.dll, although it easily

> I hope that Mark Hammond can point you to a tool that you can use to
> edit a string resource in an executable or DLL.

The win32api module has resource manipulation functions such as
BeginUpdateResource, UpdateResource, and EndUpdateResource.

Write a Python script to modify your version string :-)

A demo of resource munging can be seen in <win32


Greg Stein,

From  Thu Sep 16 15:56:53 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:56:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> · a working __path__ implementation (is anyone using this attribute
>   which only is available in packages ?)

Yes. I use it for two things:

  - I modify it to allow a (logical) package to be spread over
    multiple physical locations. (In Zope, products can be installed
    in the Zope installation area or in Zope "instance" homes.

  - I use it to determine the location(s) of a package.
    Our packages usually contain many files, such as DTML
    source files, images, data files, etc., that are not Python
    modules.  We have standard utilities for getting at these files
    in packages.  This is extremely useful.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Thu Sep 16 15:58:48 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:58:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <> <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Hmm...  PYTHONPATH gets inserted in front of the default sys.path.
> (Many moons ago that was different.  But it has been like this for a
> loooooong time.)  So are you worried that someone put a *different*
> or on their path?

Yes, and/or  (2) added a with their special
import hook as has been proposed here over and
over, or (3) PYTHONPATH is screwed up and doesn't find anything.

Perhaps this is a prejudice of mine.  I just look at "print sys.path"
and marvel at what I don't understand.  At least I can see it is
not simple.  I hate relying on thing that are not simple.

And I hate custom import hooks.  Unless they are mine of course ;-)

> Hm, I dug out the oldest I have (used in Python 1.4), and it
> doesn't encourage editing it at all -- it tells you to use
>  I guess they could break your installation anyway,
> but only by messing with the general Python installation.

Just adding would do it.  And this is encouraged.

I think Gordon put his finger on the issue.  Either try to co-exist
with other installed Python software and take the risk that everyone
is playing by the rules, or build your own black-box
self-contained Python world and duplicate storage.
> The usual :-)
> [Documentation goes here...]

Thanks.  This is very useful.

But it doesn't help, perhaps as a result of more of my prejudices.
This registry entry is meant to be used by a by-the-rules shared
Python installation, so I must not change it.  And I hate changing
any registry entries at all.  My commercial software keeps all its
settings in a regular .ini file in its install directory, and makes
only minimal and required registry entries.  IMHO the Windows registry
is a software catastrophe which ranks right up there with JCL (anyone
else here old enough to remember that?).  Anyone who doesn't agree
go with me to our money center banking clients, and sit there while they
grill you on every registry entry and why it is required.  Money center
banking clients do not like their registry messed with.

I do however see your point that I could change the version string
to something non-standard and use the registry to control imports.
I will think about this further.  Maybe it would work.

My current "solution" is to use freeze to create a black-box install,
and worry about second Python installations and wasted storage when it
I was hoping that this thread whould result in a consensis of what
to do, but it has not.

So now I am hoping that Python library (jar) files will turn out to
be a practical solution, so I am pestering Greg and Gordon.  We'll see.

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Thu Sep 16 16:16:42 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:16:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <> writes:

    >> I think we're safe from this for the forseeable future through
    >> convention and peer pressure.

    JF> 8^o

    JF> (I feel like I should respond to this in some way but ....
    JF>  I just can't understand this kind of argument and don't
    JF>  know how to frame a response.)
Maybe I should have included half a smiley.  Python may eventually
need package naming rules as strict as Java's.  I think it's a good
idea now for those who are writing packages to consider trying to pick
unique top-level package names.  We might decide to release our stuff
under the `cnri' top level package.  That's probably unique enough.
Or `koe', or if we're really paranoid :-!

Personally, I think `Mailman' as a top-level package name is pretty
unique, so I don't plan to change what I'm doing there.


From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Thu Sep 16 16:37:01 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:37:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <> writes:

    GS> Definitely having an OSI certification will be great (cool
    GS> stuff on the cert for the existing license!). Having Bruce
    GS> Perens review the license would also be a great boon (see
    GS> for some of his writings; also see
    GS> specifically).

Interesting article, but IBM's termination clause was different than
the JPython one.  I fought hard on para7 because IIRC, RMS complained
that an earlier version /could/ have been used to arbitrarily
terminate.  I think the current JPython para7 is better because /you/
have to materially breach, which seems like a much higher threshold.
But it still may not be perfect.

Aside: don't necessarily think I'm a grinning fan and defender of the
JPython license.  It's a huge win over what we had before, and I think
it's good enough that nearly anybody who wants to do Real Things with
JPython, now can.  I've had only one question about the license since
it was published and that was about the "displayed prominently" clause
(i.e. was it okay to include the alternative handle text in an "about"
menu pulldown?  That seemed prominent enough to my nonlawyerly brain.)

I'm glad to see the Python community push hard for the "other side's
viewpoint" with reasoned and rational arguments.  I think that such
responses from Influential Python Users will provide us with useful
ammunition when we re-evaluate the licenses.  It means that ultimately
we'll have the right license for Python (and JPython).


From (Skip Montanaro)  Thu Sep 16 16:54:39 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:54:39 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Jim> As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
    Jim> the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.  

Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I want to remind the folks having this
discussion that there are people reading this thread that while fairly well
versed in Python have little idea what anyone is talking about anymore.  (I
don't know.  Maybe I'm the only one.)

python-dev is clearly the best place to discuss this in the short-term
(anyone for an import SIG?), but whatever is implemented will have to be
understood by lots of people on to be of broad applicability.
Perhaps I'm way off base and there are more than a handful of people who
will ever run into the problems being solved here, but if we can partition
the Python programming community into the package wizards and the mere
import mortals, I worry that the potions concocted by the wizards will send
a few of us import mortals to the hospital...

The Java package scheme, while odious to some perhaps, is extremely easy to
understand for anyone who's ever used Windows Explorer or execute "ls -R".

just-a-cautionary-peanut-thrown-in-from-the-bleachers-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro | |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From (Skip Montanaro)  Thu Sep 16 18:01:58 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:01:58 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    BAW> Or `koe', or if we're really paranoid :-!

Umm, that would be "Knowbots Over Everything" or "Knowledge Of Everyone"?



From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 18:04:37 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:04:37 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:01:58 CDT."
References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

>     BAW> Or `koe', or if we're really paranoid :-!
Skip> Umm, that would be "Knowbots Over Everything" or "Knowledge Of Everyone"?

Actually, "koe" is dutch for cow.  I like the idea of cows over
everything -- reminds me of the flying pig on an old Pink Floyd cover

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Thu Sep 16 18:27:49 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:27:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> Interesting article, but IBM's termination clause was different than
> the JPython one.  I fought hard on para7 because IIRC, RMS complained
> that an earlier version /could/ have been used to arbitrarily
> terminate.  I think the current JPython para7 is better because /you/
> have to materially breach, which seems like a much higher threshold.
> But it still may not be perfect.

Yes, I was aware that it was a reactive termination, rather than
arbitrary. That makes it quite acceptable, but it still isn't a
desirable thing. Especially given some of the grey area in the license
("are we sure we aren't in breach of the license?").

Personally, I'd rather see a license without a termination clause. If it
must be there, then I'd like to see it as tight as possible (see the IBM
and Apple licenses: IIRC, they only kick in when the user initiates
patent litigation against IBM/Apple; the termination cuts them off as an
initial response to the suit).

The other elements I raised actually caused me more anxiety than the

If CNRI finds it acceptable, I'd recommend they use an existing OSD
license. They get immediate certfication and, more importantly, a
builtin awareness in the open source community of what the license
really means. Each time a new license arrives in the community, bunches
of people have to go an figure it out; if the new license is the IBM
Public License with a search/replace on the company and product name,
then people go "oh. all righty. no problem." and move on to doing real

Dang. I keep replying to this stuff. :-) I'm hoping that we wrap this up
pending a new release.


Greg Stein,

From  Thu Sep 16 18:38:03 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:38:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Ahlstrom wrote:

> As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
> the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.
> I have always thought in terms of unique top-level names and a
> format which supports import of modules and packages.  But this
> does not support the full functionality of PYTHONPATH.  For
> example, PYTHONPATH can (and is) used to select the correct
> plat-* directory files.  And the format may not support Jim
> Fulton's fancy local import scheme.  And what if someone invents
> a third thing to import besides a module or a package? 
> PYTHONPATH is not going away nor should it.

The central idea of imputil is that an importer is responsible for 
one little chunk of turf. If the desired module / package isn't 
"his", he just passes the request on to the next element in the 

So I don't think there's a need for one canonical do-everything 
importer (or archive format). PYTHONPATH is outside any 
particular importer. Effectively, you can use a chain of 
importers to replace PYTHONPATH. So the platform specific 
modules might be found by one particular importer. In other 
words, I think it's more effective to specialize individual 
importers and chain them up than it is to try to create an 
overly-generalized importer.

- Gordon

From  Thu Sep 16 18:38:03 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:38:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Greg, replying to Guido's confusion on Jim's interest in and]

> When you jam every file into a module archive, you still have to
> leave these two "outside" so that Python can find them when
> starting up. 

In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've 
got that down to

Background: my (Win32) installer has, as a stated goal, the 
ability to create quasi-frozen Python apps which won't interfere 
with (or be influenced by) existing Python installations (if any). 
And it doesn't require the programmer/user to have a compiler.

Thanks to patches given me by Thomas Heller, my 
python.exe replacement is now a (minimal) embedding app, 
and I do the same things that Greg does in directly 
from C code, (and turn off the SiteFlag, too).

I believe that if I freeze in and tweak the 
resource in python15.dll (which is just the stock python15.dll), 
I can have a completely safe executable.

I think the same techniques can be applied on *nix, (although 
I'm pretty sure programmer/users won't be able to get away 
without a compiler).

This gives me a strong interest in import hooks for two distinct 
 - I rely completely on Greg's imputil to make this work.
 - I rely on freeze's modulefinder to help build these things. 

Bizarre import hooks in a normal Python installation will fool 
modulefinder. Take a look at what Pmw does (fortunately, 
Pmw comes with it's own packager). So I'd like to see import 
hooks follow some sort of pattern that can be followed by a 
tool like modulefinder.

I also want the hooks. Right now I use imputil with archives, 
but wouldn't it be cool if you could add another imputil importer 
that checks for more recent versions at some home site on 
the web and automatically updates the installation?

Summary: I'm very interested in seeing import and import 
hooks get rationalized, and I think Greg's stuff goes a long, 
long way towards that goal.

- Gordon

From  Thu Sep 16 18:38:03 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:38:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:

[Guido explains Windows registry usage]
> Thanks.  This is very useful.
> But it doesn't help, perhaps as a result of more of my
> prejudices. This registry entry is meant to be used by a
> by-the-rules shared Python installation, so I must not change it.

Without trying it, I doubt you have to. It looks like you could 
set the resource to something that won't be found in the 
registry, and then just use normal Python mechanisms.

> ... IMHO the Windows registry is a software catastrophe
> which ranks right up there with JCL (anyone else here old enough
> to remember that?).  

Ah. In a rush to get it down to ops, tripping at the head of the 
stairs and sending the card deck flying... Those were the days.

- Gordon

From (Skip Montanaro)  Thu Sep 16 18:49:12 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:49:12 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've
    Gordon> got that down to

Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
People wanting to ship self-contained packages could then toss
and build the C version of the exceptions module.

Greg, is there anything in Python2C couldn't handle?

Skip Montanaro | |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From  Thu Sep 16 18:47:56 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:47:56 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've
>     Gordon> got that down to
> Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
> verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
> People wanting to ship self-contained packages could then toss
> and build the C version of the exceptions module.
> Greg, is there anything in Python2C couldn't handle?

Nah, shouldn't have any problem at all. P2C will even create true class
objects and expose them in the interface.

I think a person might want to consider hand-tuning the output, though


Greg Stein,

From  Thu Sep 16 19:03:13 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:03:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Why not just run through Python2C,

What is Python2C.  Is it the same as freeze?

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 19:08:01 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:08:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:49:12 CDT."
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
> verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
> People wanting to ship self-contained packages could then toss
> and build the C version of the exceptions module.

Alternatively (and probably easier) it (and could be stored
as frozen modules.  All it takes is some edits to Python/frozen.c.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From (Skip Montanaro)  Thu Sep 16 19:34:47 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:34:47 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Jim> What is Python2C.  Is it the same as freeze?

Nope.  Python in, compilable C out:

Courtesy of Greg Stein and Bill Tutt.

Skip Montanaro | |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From  Thu Sep 16 19:37:58 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:37:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Alternatively (and probably easier) it (and could be stored
> as frozen modules.  All it takes is some edits to Python/frozen.c.

An excellent design, very simple.  A large list of critical
Python-language modules including a new importer, and
a new main could be reliably linked to their interpreter.  It
would open the door writing a larger part of Python in Python.

But editing Python/frozen.c will kill the current freeze feature
since a user currently replaces this pointer with their own.
We can have a second _PyImport_InternalFrozenModules[] array which is 
searched FIRST, so that the existing frozen modules feature
is retained.  Current logic only allows one frozen module array.
This is easy.

A little harder is turning it off, which may be important to
developers.  They will probably want to use etc. in
PYTHONPATH directories.  I would hate to use another command line
Maybe another method in the imp module, say imp.EnablePyInternalLib(x)
to turn on/off the internal frozen modules.  A method to print
the names in the list wouldn't hurt either.

At one time I had code for multiple frozen modules which I may
be able to find.

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Thu Sep 16 20:09:57 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 15:09:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:

> So I don't think there's a need for one canonical do-everything
> importer (or archive format). PYTHONPATH is outside any
> particular importer. Effectively, you can use a chain of
> importers to replace PYTHONPATH. So the platform specific
> modules might be found by one particular importer. In other
> words, I think it's more effective to specialize individual
> importers and chain them up than it is to try to create an
> overly-generalized importer.

Greg agrees with you so I defer to the experts on importers.
The feature is meant to support a chain.

Greg wrote:

> The .pyl format was discussed a bit on the distutils-sig list and "sort
> of" accepted as an okay format for jamming a bunch of modules into a
> single file.
> [by "sort of", I mean that the small group who participated in the
> discussion were okay with it :-); it is a great, minimalist format, so
> it probably won't please people who like a ton of features in a file
>format :-) ]

But I still disagree on the .pyl file format.  If there is no Standard
Format and everyone is linking in his own importer, then we will have
exactly the same situation we have now with PYTHONPATH and novel
import hooks.  There should be a Standard Format to fix this
problem.  In particular, package authors should be able to publish
packages as PYL files and expect them to be usable as is with
no further effort.  Sysadmins should be able to manage everything
PYTHONPATH does with a small (one?) number of PYL files and in
a standard way.

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Fri Sep 17 08:40:18 1999
From: (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 09:40:18 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <00f801bf00df$e45361c0$>

> Summary: I'm very interested in seeing import and import 
> hooks get rationalized, and I think Greg's stuff goes a long, 
> long way towards that goal.

don't have time to say much more than:

    -- ME TOO!

(we're also doing this in the pythonworks
packager, and Greg's module is essential
for that work.  might as well turn it into
a standard Python feature).


From  Fri Sep 17 08:39:51 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:39:51 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501bf00df$d41cafa0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> > you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used
> > embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
> > resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!
> I don't understand this.  Is there documentation?

Vague documentation at

Doesnt explicitely say much about this particular issue, and if I
remember I will update it.

VC will allow you to edit these resources without rebuilding - simply
open the DLL, but select "Resources" as the file type.  I havent
investigated other resource editors as I have MSVC :-)

Greg pointed you to the win32api functions - they do work, as Greg
provided code that uses them (the code he pointed at was done by
him) - although I never actually worked out how to make them work
(  I spent about an hour trying to get code to re-stamp the
Python15.dll with a new sys.winver, and gave up.  Would be cool to get
going tho...


From  Fri Sep 17 08:48:26 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:48:26 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000601bf00e1$072a7d90$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> But it doesn't help, perhaps as a result of more of my prejudices.
> This registry entry is meant to be used by a by-the-rules shared
> Python installation, so I must not change it.

No - the point is that the "1.5" key is "reserved" by a standard
install.  Changing the string value actually allows you to have your
own subtree, and you can assume you own that.

For commercial apps I help with, re stick a "AppName" in this string
(doesnt have to be a number) then simply use

> And I hate changing any registry entries at all.

Well, you should learn to get over it!  That is what it is designed
for.  sure, we dont want the users to muck with the registry, but if
you dont like your install scripts working with the registry, I
definately feel you should get over this prejudice of yours.

> only minimal and required registry entries.  IMHO the Windows
> is a software catastrophe which ranks right up there with JCL
> else here old enough to remember that?).  Anyone who doesn't agree
> should
> go with me to our money center banking clients, and sit there
> while they
> grill you on every registry entry and why it is required.
> Money center
> banking clients do not like their registry messed with.

The registry is a huge bucket.  Changing your own, custom kep under
either HKLM\Software\ or HKCU\Software is perfectly reasonable.

Many apps _require_ you to hit the registry - services, event log,
performance monitor, etc.

The fact the registry _also_ contains critical information is a
problem, and sure, we dont want to mess with that.

> My current "solution" is to use freeze to create a black-box
> and worry about second Python installations and wasted storage when
> happens.

well, IMO this is also the correct thing to do.  any install that has
>100 files is fragile.  So I do both - freeze the app, _and_ a custom

> I was hoping that this thread whould result in a consensis of what
> to do, but it has not.

There is a consesus for people with the same problem.  Different
problems have different optimal solutions.


From  Fri Sep 17 10:33:43 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:33:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I'm wasn't planning to write my own hook until now. I need this
> > feature to be able to organize my package internal stuff swiftly
> > and easily, plus to be able to possibly put it under new top-level
> > packages. Obviously I seem to be more or less alone with this need, so
> > I'll stop argueing for inclusion of "something like relative imports"
> > in the distribution.
> I still hope against hoping to convince you not to do this.  I think
> this adds lots of complexity for the reader of your package.  I think
> of *all* software that I write as something that eventually someone is
> going to read and try to understand.  I also think of it as something
> that eventually someone is going to port to a platform that wasn't
> even designed when I wrote the software.  Tricks like depending on a
> custom import hook make reading a pain.
> For example, the reader who is just starting to browse a large package
> often needs to follow the thread of execution from one module to the
> next.  If the import statements contain magic like
> (actually proposed magic renamed for generality :-), this reader will
> first need to understand the custom importer -- which is likely one of
> the hariest components of the package.

While it will perhaps look funny to him at first sight, I'm sure
that a proper name will make the idea clear to him:

from import bar

or just

from import bar

[Super Foo -- sounds like a comic star ... there's even integrated
fun in these names ;-)]

> The same thing applies with even more force to tools like package
> browsers.  IDLE for example has a class browser which displays the
> true module and class name for base classes.  E.g. if you have code
> that says
>     from Tkinter import Widget
>     class MyWidget(Widget): ...
> it correctly deduces that MyWidget's base class is Tkinter.Widget.
> (And in a future version it will probably allow you to click through
> to that class, show you its methods, etc.)
> Custom importers break this feature, and thus make the code harder to
> analyze for the reader.

That's why I tried argue for making it a standard: all tools will
then know about the syntax used and take appropriate action.
> (Not all custom importers are bad; there are plenty of reasons to
> augment the standard importer.  But, while custom importers make
> different interpretations of the namespace possible, I frown upon that
> particular use.)
> > (b) is (if at all) a problem only to be taken into account by
> > the author of package X. He may or may not use rel. imports.
> > A 12-year old probably won't (but then: you never know ;).
> Which severely limits your ability to do what you want with packages
> you didn't write.
> I know that this sounds politically incorrect in a radical free
> software world, but often in the end I find it more convenient to
> conform to the rest of the world and "fit in" than to be different in
> every little way.  Note that my hair isn't blue :-); I've also
> replaced my "signature" glasses with a more conventional model.

Naa, I don't want to be different just to be plain silly different.

The case here is one of maintenance. I have around 12 Python packages
which I maintain, some of them public, others proprietary. Due
to the large number I try to make them all as easy to handle as possible.
Now I can't just go and rename the imports in case I want to put
them under some other common package name for application A and
then do the same with another package name for application B. I would
have to do the same thing for every new release of the packages since
there are also others who use the standard mx-based name. I just
want the packages to work whereever I put them, e.g. I could
link them into the new location using symlinks and be done
with the work.
Of course there are other ways to make this work (and I want
to thank everybody who contributed to the sys.path ideas), but
they just add omplexity to a whole different area.

> > BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about. If it's an
> > syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really interested
> > in these things... could you send me an URL that I can send him ?
> Where have you been?  It's on the homepage, has been
> discussed in, c.l.tcl, even c.l.ada, in lwn, and on /.!  The
> syntax aware editor (a proposed super-version of IDLE) is only a small
> part of it.  See

Nope, haven't heard anything about it -- perhaps I was on
vacation. Sound interesting though. An editor where you can
just type away (and the editor fills in the gaps) would be
great fun.
> > Oh well... I guess they'll have to use 'mex' if they decide to go
> > the reverse domain way ;-)
> Or, in a worse-case scenario, the first Mexican developers using the
> reverse domain will probably not be aware of the mx toplevel package,
> and by the time their software hits the street it will be too late.

Well, I guess then they'll have a good reason to upgrade their
software. Just like all those companies who made extra money
by sticking a "Y2000 + Euro-capable" button on their software.
No, seriously, with the proposed extension (see below) this
shouldn't be much of a problem because my packages all use
capital first letters. The reverse domain name would use lower
case ones, e.g. mx.pythonware.pilios or mx.zopistas...
> > True, perhaps we should lighten this requirement a little when we
> > recode the import mechanism in Python ? E.g. if a local import
> > fails continue the search with the fully qualified name and only
> > if that fails, restart using the local name. This would need some
> > kind of fastpath cache to make the search reasonably fast though.
> Now this is something that I would consider.

Should be easy to add to the imputil based core emulation.
> > Wouldn't it suffice to just put them into one package, e.g.
> > 'python.' ?
> And somehow make all user code live implicitly inside that package?  I
> don't see how that solves anything.

No, to free the top-level namespace and make the origin of the
imports clearer, e.g.

import python.image
import PIL.image
import zope.image


> And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to
> need to rip out your custom importer because it interferes with *his*
> custom importer, and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with
> absolute package names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to
> his importer.

Note that with imputil doing its thing, he won't have to
worry about adding code to his importer. It'll just pass on the
import to my importer. That's the fun part about imputil.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   105 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Fri Sep 17 16:07:19 1999
From: (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:07:19 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <> from "Guido van Rossum" at "Sep 15, 99 02:43:56 pm"
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I hereby withdraw the posted license.  There still is the need for a
> new license, but we need to go back to the drawing board for it.

So, in the end, am I still invited to sign & send the "wet" form or
I'd better wait to let it dry?

BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
wouldn't have been what they are today.

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 17 15:07:50 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:07:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:07:19 BST."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> So, in the end, am I still invited to sign & send the "wet" form or
> I'd better wait to let it dry?

Please send in the form -- the license was a totally separate issue
that I shouldn't have brought up in the same mail (or at all, in this
stage anyway -- we'll work this out with the Python consortium members

> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
> code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> wouldn't have been what they are today.

Unfortunately, that's the price we have to pay.  What we get is legal
protection from CNRI.  In general CNRI has contributed a lot to
Python; probably more than you realize.

In any case, signing the form and including the email paragraphs is
completely voluntary -- if you don't want to do it, just let me know.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Fri Sep 17 16:35:01 1999
From: (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:35:01 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <> from "Guido van Rossum" at "Sep 17, 99 10:07:50 am"
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Please send in the form -- the license was a totally separate issue
> that I shouldn't have brought up in the same mail (or at all, in this
> stage anyway -- we'll work this out with the Python consortium members
> first).


> > BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> > to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
> > code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> > wouldn't have been what they are today.
> Unfortunately, that's the price we have to pay.  What we get is legal
> protection from CNRI.  In general CNRI has contributed a lot to
> Python; probably more than you realize.

I realize that. But I also realize that in case of a problem, the wet
form protects CNRI, not the contributor.

Hm. And what happens if you get hit by a bus? Or in 100 years when
we'll dance with angels in Paradise? Will Python stay bound to CNRI
with little legal possibilities to detach it, in case our successors
(or you) start working in another organization? IANAL and curious.

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From Fred L. Drake, Jr." <  Fri Sep 17 15:41:47 1999
From: Fred L. Drake, Jr." < (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:41:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Vladimir Marangozov writes:
 > BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
 > to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
 > code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
 > wouldn't have been what they are today.

  You shouldn't be; the FSF certainly requires a signed copyright
assignment from contributors.  I had to sign one for a bunch of
patches I made to oleo many years ago.  It was a minor nuissance, but
that's all.
  (The *sad* part is that there hasn't been a new release of oleo that 
could have included the patches for five years! ;)  Just noticed that
there is a release at now; I'll have to take a look!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From  Fri Sep 17 15:45:52 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:45:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Methods and friends
Message-ID: <>

I was just looking into classobject.c again after probably more
than a year and wondered... has anyone tried optimizing the method
lookup and binding process recently ?

It seems that for every method call the following happens:
1. the method is looked up in the instance dict; this fails
2. the method is looked up in the class dict; this succeeds
   and returns a function
3. the class then turns the function into a new unbound method
4. the instance sees the unbound method and creates a new
   bound method (deleting the unbound method) and returns it

Two possible improvements:

· let the instance use a special class_getattr_ex function 
  that does not do the extra unbound method step (3.)


· make methods mutable and have step 4. insert the instance
  object into the method object to turn it into a bound

Has anyone tried this ? Does it produce anything noticeable
w/r to method call speed ?

BTW, why does the new module check for instance objects
for the INSTANCE argument ? Methods can handle any object
in this slot, just as they handle any callable object
as "function". Could be put to some use when wrapping
types into classes or vice versa... which is what motivated
the above ;-)

Just curious,
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   105 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 17 16:09:40 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:09:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Methods and friends
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:45:52 +0200."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> It seems that for every method call the following happens:
> 1. the method is looked up in the instance dict; this fails
> 2. the method is looked up in the class dict; this succeeds
>    and returns a function
> 3. the class then turns the function into a new unbound method
> 4. the instance sees the unbound method and creates a new
>    bound method (deleting the unbound method) and returns it

Are you sure?  As far as I know, steps 3 and 4 are combined when you
do getattr on an instance: instance_getattr() calls
instance_getattr1() which calls class_lookup().  The latter doesn't
create an unbound method.  instance_getattr1() then turns it into a
bound method.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Fri Sep 17 17:30:21 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 12:30:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "VM" == Vladimir Marangozov <> writes:

    VM> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world
    VM> I'm asked to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send
    VM> e-mails for contributed code. If Python or Linux had had such
    VM> constraints from the start, they wouldn't have been what they
    VM> are today.

Note that the FSF has been requiring signatures for a long time.
Actually, their requirements are IMHO more onerous because they
require you to assign your copyrights to the FSF.  Their lawyers have
told them that they cannot defend the copyright of, e.g. Emacs, unless 
they own the copyrights to the entire codebase (or at least, anything
that they couldn't rip out, throw away, and not completely cripple the 

CNRI's viewpoint is less drastic, but still important.  It means that
you retain the copyright on the code (good for you), but you give us
permission to use it as we see fit (good for us /and/ for you :).
Otherwise, it would be possible for a malicious person to contribute
something really vital and useful, wait for it to become
indispensible, and then say, "oops, we really didn't mean to let you
use that code, sorry!"


From  Fri Sep 17 20:20:24 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:20:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <000601bf00e1$072a7d90$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Perhaps you have heard about the East coast US hurricane.  It
really hammered us here in New Jersey.  I had trouble getting
home last night due to high water.  When I went to our usual
Japanese lunch restaurant it had broken windows and was full of tree
branches.  Wow...


Mark Hammond wrote:
> No - the point is that the "1.5" key is "reserved" by a standard
> install.  Changing the string value actually allows you to have your
> own subtree, and you can assume you own that.

OK, now that I know the rules I will think about doing that.
> > And I hate changing any registry entries at all.
> Well, you should learn to get over it!

I will try.

Of course, even if the registry helps ship Python apps
on Windows, it is no help on Unix, and I care about that
almost as much.

> > My current "solution" is to use freeze to create a black-box
> install,
> > and worry about second Python installations and wasted storage when
> it
> > happens.
> well, IMO this is also the correct thing to do.  any install that has
> >100 files is fragile.  So I do both - freeze the app, _and_ a custom
> "sys.winver".

Yes, but this requires a compiler.

> > I was hoping that this thread whould result in a consensis of what
> > to do, but it has not.
> There is a consesus for people with the same problem.  Different
> problems have different optimal solutions.

The problem is that there is no reliable way to ship bullet-proof
Python apps without recompiling and rebuilding Python.  Each of us
has his own pet hack to solve our own problem.  Now there is talk
of custom import hooks, and this is likely to result in each
package requiring its own import hook!  Aren't packages supposed
to be software IC's?

I hate to be a nag, but I will keep pushing for a single solution.
Python is totally cross platform, and with all that machinery,
there must be portable way to do that.

I think this is good for Python.  Please don't think I am
trying to solve my own selfish problems.  I have a compiler,
I am happy using freeze, and I don't have any problems.  Its
just that Python would "sell" better and be more popular
if a developer could read the documentation "How to ship
and install your Python app in five minutes and make
millions".  This documentation currently reads "You can't".

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Fri Sep 17 23:14:04 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:14:04 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
> code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> wouldn't have been what they are today.

Actually, this isn't surprising at all. The Free Software Foundation
*requires* this kind of thing to be filed with them before you
contribute code to the FSF. Essentially, it is a way for the FSF (and
CNRI) to legally state that they own the copyright on the particular
code. Without that, the contributor could come along later and claim a
copyright on the code.

The IBM folks who are working on Apache have provided legal releases to
the Apache Software Foundation that basically states that IBM won't try
to assume any rights under copyright law on the code they contribute to
Apache. In fact, every time that I receive a patch for my mod_dav Apache
module, the IBM guy attaches a release to the email that has the patch.

In a pure, cooperative, world none of this would be necessary. However,
the world simply doesn't work that way and all this stuff (licenses,
copyrights, releases) is there to prevent Bad Things from happening. It
isn't evil in itself, but simply a reflection of the business
environment and the society that we're working within.


Greg Stein,

From  Sat Sep 18 07:38:27 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 02:38:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf01a0$6ae8cca0$022d153f@tim>

[Vladimir Marangozov]
> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for
> contributed code.

[Fred L. Drake, Jr.]
>   You shouldn't be; the FSF certainly requires a signed copyright
> assignment from contributors.  I had to sign one for a bunch of
> patches I made to oleo many years ago.  It was a minor nuissance, but
> that's all.

Except they add up:  year after year, a new batch of stupid little
requirements piles up on top of the last year's, and it's a ratchet
effect -- always more, never less.  The aggregate gets to be a real
weariness on the soul.  I had to laugh when François Pinard happened to post
this on today:

> ...
> Would it be any volunteer, at least for taking care of filling the FSF
> papers, if any are needed?  I filled more than enough of those in my
> life, I prefer to avoid the burden.

Ask Barry how many years we've been trying to sign pymode over to the FSF
<0.5 wink>.

> If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> wouldn't have been what they are today.

I sympathize, but that's really hard to say.  You don't get pig-biting weary
of this crap until you're my age <wink>.  AFAIK, Berkeley has never beed
sued over the BSD license, MIT over the X license, or the U of Arizona over
the Icon license (none, really -- Icon is in the public domain).  All the
legal mumbo jumbo in the "modern" licenses is like wearing garlic around
your neck to ward off vampires:  the threat isn't real, and if it were it
wouldn't do you any good anyway.

a-wooden-stake-thru-the-heart-is-your-only-true-defense-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Sat Sep 18 15:17:28 1999
From: (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 15:17:28 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports)
Message-ID: <>

The relative import thread has hit me with full force. I'm not sure
I understand all of what has been said, but since I know this is
mainly a naming issue, I want to point you to one of the best CS
papers I have had in my hands. It's not really my style to recommend
references, but this one should be of major interest to this audience
(and Python respectively):

Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating
Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.

It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be
happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private
mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).

It's simply a jewel. This guy has understood everything (and I suspect
Guido has read this one before implementing Python ;-)

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From  Sun Sep 19 00:44:49 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 19:44:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf022f$cc11cba0$072d153f@tim>

> ...
> In the Java world, the right solution exist: a better top-level naming
> scheme.  I forget what the exact rules are, but I seem to recall that
> Java has something of the same relative import rules af Python
> currently has: you can import a class from the same leaf package by
> its simple name, or you can import a class by its full name.

You can import only by the full name.  There are no shortcuts for anyone
ever in explicit Java imports.  The dodge is that to reference classes in
exactly the same package, you don't need an import statement at all (you
*can* have one, but then you need to use the fully qualified name).

The other twist is that all Java code is in *some* package, and code that
(wisely) doesn't want to live in the ill-defined unnamed package must
contain a package statement declaring which package it's a part of, like

package COM.dragonsys.justanexample;

The periods there actually have no semantic significance, and package
COM.dragonsys.notanexample has no more in common with the above than does
package ORG.python.guido.hitmeagain.  It's purely a conceptual thing that
justanexample and notanexample are *called* "subpackages" of package
COM.dragonsys in Java; although implementations are free (but not required)
to make up mappings between dotted package names and directory trees.

Anyway, the Java rules work fine wrt the issues that have been argued in
this thread.  Things that are worse than Python:

+ Magical implied import of same-package names is a PITA for readability and

+ Since subpackages are an illusion, and even packages aren't objects in
their own right, there's no possibility to create a shorthand local name for
the first M chunks of an N-chunk dotted access path (with M < N).  For
example, you may use java.awt.Font and java.awt.TextArea a lot.  You either
spell those out in full all the time, or do

import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.TextArea;

and use just "Font" and "TextArea" later.  Making up a local name for just
the "java.awt" part isn't an option.  Which leads to gross overuse of the

+ "import package.*" is Java's way of spelling "from package import *", and
because of the preceding is the only way to get convenient local names for
classes imported from other packages (note that can you can never import a
package/module in Java; you can only import a type name).  So most Java code
will do the above as

import java.awt.*;

and end up importing a gazillion names.  This sucks for the same reasons
"import *" sucks in Python, although Java catches the name conflicts at
compile time.

Things that are better than Python:

+ Name conflicts are caught at compile time.

+ At least in theory, the names of packages aren't constrained by platform
file name limitations or directory quirks.

+ Relatedly, explicitly naming the package a compilation unit belongs can be
a Good Thing.

+ They have *an* effective scheme for preventing package-name collisions.

> ...
> Note that I still resist the urge to start renaming all the existing
> standard modules -- too much breakage.  This will happen in 2.0.

At home, I dropped an empty into the std Lib directory, so that
I can do e.g.

from Lib.random import randrange

in my own packages with their own random modules.  Works fine.  For 1.6 you
should pick some explicit way to *allow* explicit import of at least the std
library modules.  I suggest taking the name "Lib" <wink>.  Java is very cute
with its java.util.etc stuff, but longwindedness is not a virtue here --
"util" would have worked just as well and been just as clear.  Nobody should
write a package with a generic short name like "util" (or "Lib") anyway, so
rather than waste this pleasant little corner of the namespace the language
may as well reserve it for its own use.

heck-it-already-stole-"and"-and-"or"<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Sun Sep 19 04:18:43 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:18:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf024d$ae271f00$f72d153f@tim>

> ...
> Of course there are other ways to make this work (and I want
> to thank everybody who contributed to the sys.path ideas), but
> they just add complexity to a whole different area.

The complexity is already in that area, and for all of us.  It can be dealt
with.  Adding new complexity elsewhere doesn't decrease the complexity
that's already there, it just adds more and new kinds of stuff to worry

>> ...
>> And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to need to rip out
>> your custom importer because it interferes with *his* custom importer,
>> and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with absolute package
>> names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to his importer.

> Note that with imputil doing its thing, he won't have to
> worry about adding code to his importer. It'll just pass on the
> import to my importer. That's the fun part about imputil.

As I recall, the old ni took the initial "__" as referring to the *current*
package.  So where you intend to write

    import __.sibling.func

it was written under ni as

    import __.__.sibling.func

Since ni is semi-blessed prior art, some other joker is going to slam in an
Importer to use those rules.  I mix your packages with theirs, and then the
meaning of "__" depends on whose Importer sees the damn thing first.  Again
complexity spreads.  If Jim is wary of top-level name collisions now, wait
until he thinks about naming-gimmick collisions <wink>.

Guido is telling the truth:  no package is going into Dragon's products
unless it's rewritten to purge dicey name tricks.  I think we're all in
favor of Greg's imputil approach, but where it adds real value (primarily in
allowing imports to get satisfied from sources other than direct file

if-it's-in-a-file-you-just-import-it-by-name-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Sun Sep 19 04:18:52 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:18:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000201bf024d$b3213ae0$f72d153f@tim>

> ...
> Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
> i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments.

The odds of a change making it into Python radically decreased when 1.0 hit
the net, and have continued to decline (although slowly) since then.  In
recent years, Guido appears to me to have gotten ever more reluctant to
entertain even 100% compatible changes to the internals, if they affect a
delicate area of the implementation (ceval.c is the most obvious one there).

But that's "normal & healthy" <wink> too.  Languages & implementations get
brittle with age, and it's eventually better to start over -- if Guido
didn't have Python2 plans in mind, he'd be the first language designer ever
to stop where he started!

> Just think of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience
> shows that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.

Unfortunately, circumstances piled up and Chris got distracted from that,
while nobody else made time to push it in his absence.  Large changes have
gone in, and even more may make it into the Python1 line, but it generally
takes a large or "strategic" user base, and much persistence.  GregS
mentioned his massive work on threads (still not all in), and I'll add the
NumPy extensions (which I wouldn't be surprised to see "mainstreamed"),
BarryW's string methods, and DavidA's rich comparisons.

> Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
> pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
> untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
> strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?

Don't tell, but I've always been surprised at how few people have tried to
release a variant Python!  The Alice version (case-insensitive names, and
1/2==0.5) is the only one that comes to mind, and the primary effect that
had on today's Python is that raw expressions no longer print their value in
non-interactive mode (before Alice,

    1 + 2

on a line by itself caused "3" to get printed even in batch scripts; this
interfered with the Alice team's favored


coding style, and Guido endured much pain to change "the real" Python to
avoid a code split at that early stage of Python's life; ultimately futile,
but then Alice Python didn't catch on anyway).

So there's very little Python-related history to go on here.  I don't mind
seeing variants, but have to predict they won't get very far.  Just picture
what Python 1.6V would look like if its feature set were drawn from a
consensus among you, me, Christian, Greg Ewing, John Skaller and Tom
Christiansen <wink>.

the-value-of-a-benevolent-dictator-is-easy-to-underestimate-ly y'rs - tim

From  Sun Sep 19 04:18:47 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:18:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101bf024d$af986240$f72d153f@tim>

> I know that this sounds politically incorrect in a radical free
> software world, but often in the end I find it more convenient to
> conform to the rest of the world and "fit in" than to be different in
> every little way.  Note that my hair isn't blue :-); I've also
> replaced my "signature" glasses with a more conventional model.

!!!  No wonder you tried to slam a conventional license down our throats.
My advice is to get back the old glasses, and walk around the halls at CNRI
counting backwards from 1000 by seventeens loudly and incessantly.

you'd-be-amazed-at-how-few-lawyers-talk-to-me<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Sun Sep 19 08:01:29 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 03:01:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <> writes:

    TP> + "import package.*" is Java's way of spelling "from package
    TP> import *", and because of the preceding is the only way to get
    TP> convenient local names for classes imported from other
    TP> packages (note that can you can never import a package/module
    TP> in Java; you can only import a type name).  So most Java code
    TP> will do the above as

    TP> import java.awt.*;

    TP> and end up importing a gazillion names.  This sucks for the
    TP> same reasons "import *" sucks in Python, although Java catches
    TP> the name conflicts at compile time.

The interesting this is that, while the Java developers did this at
the language level, at the VM level, every class is "fully qualified";
you see the absolute path for every class name.

import pkg.pkg.* is the reason why you still have to have unique named 
classes like PyThinging or JWiggie, and yup it sucks.


From  Fri Sep 17 16:53:38 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:53:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Methods and friends
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > It seems that for every method call the following happens:
> > 1. the method is looked up in the instance dict; this fails
> > 2. the method is looked up in the class dict; this succeeds
> >    and returns a function
> > 3. the class then turns the function into a new unbound method
> > 4. the instance sees the unbound method and creates a new
> >    bound method (deleting the unbound method) and returns it
> Are you sure?  As far as I know, steps 3 and 4 are combined when you
> do getattr on an instance: instance_getattr() calls
> instance_getattr1() which calls class_lookup().  The latter doesn't
> create an unbound method.  instance_getattr1() then turns it into a
> bound method.
Oops. Correct. I should have looked a little closer. So it
already works in the first way I mentioned as improvement... your
time machine again ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   105 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 20 09:59:58 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:59:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000201bf024d$b3213ae0$f72d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [MAL]
> > ...
> > Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
> > i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments.
> The odds of a change making it into Python radically decreased when 1.0 hit
> the net, and have continued to decline (although slowly) since then.  In
> recent years, Guido appears to me to have gotten ever more reluctant to
> entertain even 100% compatible changes to the internals, if they affect a
> delicate area of the implementation (ceval.c is the most obvious one there).
> But that's "normal & healthy" <wink> too.  Languages & implementations get
> brittle with age, and it's eventually better to start over -- if Guido
> didn't have Python2 plans in mind, he'd be the first language designer ever
> to stop where he started!
> > Just think of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience
> > shows that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.
> Unfortunately, circumstances piled up and Chris got distracted from that,
> while nobody else made time to push it in his absence.  Large changes have
> gone in, and even more may make it into the Python1 line, but it generally
> takes a large or "strategic" user base, and much persistence.  GregS
> mentioned his massive work on threads (still not all in), and I'll add the
> NumPy extensions (which I wouldn't be surprised to see "mainstreamed"),
> BarryW's string methods, and DavidA's rich comparisons.

Plus the coercion stuff that's still sleeping in one of my project 
subdirs (I'll have to get this done *before* 1.6 hits the shelves).
> > Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
> > pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
> > untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
> > strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?
> Don't tell, but I've always been surprised at how few people have tried to
> release a variant Python!  The Alice version (case-insensitive names, and
> 1/2==0.5) is the only one that comes to mind, and the primary effect that
> had on today's Python is that raw expressions no longer print their value in
> non-interactive mode (before Alice,
>     1 + 2
> on a line by itself caused "3" to get printed even in batch scripts; this
> interfered with the Alice team's favored
>     object.method1().method2().method3()
> coding style, and Guido endured much pain to change "the real" Python to
> avoid a code split at that early stage of Python's life; ultimately futile,
> but then Alice Python didn't catch on anyway).
> So there's very little Python-related history to go on here.  I don't mind
> seeing variants, but have to predict they won't get very far.  Just picture
> what Python 1.6V would look like if its feature set were drawn from a
> consensus among you, me, Christian, Greg Ewing, John Skaller and Tom
> Christiansen <wink>.

Actually, what I was thinking about here was a Python 2.0 branch
starting now rather than in a year or so and thus leaving much
room for experiments etc. The intention was the same as with egcs
and gcc: to fold the enhancements back into the main branch in a few

E.g. if Guido points us in the right direction, we could start
hacking on that piece of revolutionary work now. 

BTW, I'd suggest using C++ with namespaces but without templates as target
language. By the time Python 2.0 will hit the shelves this setup
should have reached the same portability as C has now. Perhaps we
could even use RTTI (run time type information) to implement optional type
safety... ok, just dreaming a little ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   102 days left
Python Pages:                 

From (Skip Montanaro)  Mon Sep 20 16:29:55 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:29:55 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
Message-ID: <>

I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to reclaim circular
dependencies without the programmer explicitly having to do something like
implement a destroy() method and requiring other programmers to (remember
to) call it.  I forget what the current state of affairs is w.r.t. future
memory management in Python.  Not knowing anything much about memory
management, would it be possible to have a sort of mixed ref count/garbage
collection system where you only use the gc stuff as a last resort?  My
thought is that it would be useful to use gc to find and reclaim circular

can-you-tell-I-just-got-bitten-by-a-circular-reference?-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro | |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From  Mon Sep 20 18:44:57 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 19:44:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
> I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to reclaim circular
> dependencies without the programmer explicitly having to do something like
> implement a destroy() method and requiring other programmers to (remember
> to) call it.  I forget what the current state of affairs is w.r.t. future
> memory management in Python.  Not knowing anything much about memory
> management, would it be possible to have a sort of mixed ref count/garbage
> collection system where you only use the gc stuff as a last resort?  My
> thought is that it would be useful to use gc to find and reclaim circular
> garbage.
> can-you-tell-I-just-got-bitten-by-a-circular-reference?-ly y'rs

If you don't want to wait until 2.0 becomes GA, you could try weak

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   102 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 20 18:53:03 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:53:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>; from Skip Montanaro on Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 10:29:55AM -0500
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Not knowing anything much about memory
> management, would it be possible to have a sort of mixed ref count/garbage
> collection system where you only use the gc stuff as a last resort?  My
> thought is that it would be useful to use gc to find and reclaim circular
> garbage.

That's *sorta* what Perl does, 'though you can still be bitten by
circular refs in a long-running process.  Err, long-running thread.  You 
see, Perl has a mark-and-sweep garbage collector which is run only on
thread shutdown.

From the "perlobj" man page:

     [code sample omitted because I'm sure many python-dev readers
     automatically filter out any message that matches /[\$\@\%]\w+/
     it's just a constructor that creates objects for a recursive data

     If you create nodes like that, they (currently) won't go
     away unless you break their self reference yourself.  (In
     other words, this is not to be construed as a feature, and
     you shouldn't depend on it.)


     When an interpreter thread finally shuts down (usually when
     your program exits), then a rather costly but complete
     mark-and-sweep style of garbage collection is performed, and
     everything allocated by that thread gets destroyed.  This is
     essential to support Perl as an embedded or a
     multithreadable language.  For example, this program
     demonstrates Perl's two-phased garbage collection:

     [more interesting code omitted]

Interesting idea, but I don't think it's what Skip had in mind.

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From  Mon Sep 20 18:57:51 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:57:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Preview of some distutils news
Message-ID: <>

Judging by the recent traffic on python-dev, lots of people here are
interested in the problems of distributing and installing Python
modules.  So I thought y'all might want to know that I've finally got
some interesting news to report on the distutils-sig, and will shortly
be reporting it, soliciting feedback, testers, etc.  If you're not
already on that list, this might be a good time to join.

(Oh, the news?  Distutils can now compile and install NumPy, PIL, and
mxDateTime (just because I happened to have those three distributions
sitting around on my home PC).  Of course there are all sorts of caveats 
and limitations, so c'mon over to the distutils-sig if you want to hear
what they are and discuss how to fix them.  Later this week, of course,
after I've checked in all the relevant code.)

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Mon Sep 20 19:07:03 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:07:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] wet signature form clarification
Message-ID: <>

Several of you have asked me a clarification of the "contribution
description" required on the wet signature form; given that you are
all very prolific contributors with a weak memory, it would be nice if
you could write something like "everything I've contributed until
Sept. 18, 1999" in the space there rather than dig out all the
specific module names.

I got a call from CNRI's lawyer today, and she agreed that this was
fine.  Boy am I pleased today!  I think she called it a "group
description" or something like that.

Anyway, if you were waiting for a ruling on this issue, please send in 
your signed form!  (I'd appreciate it if the signature was dry by the
time I got it. :-)

The form is at

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Tue Sep 21 07:11:00 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 02:11:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>

[Skip Montanaro]
> I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to
> reclaim circular dependencies without the programmer explicitly
> having to do something ...

This was debated (again) at great length on just a few months ago.
Guido chimed in with a proposal to keep track of only the dicts that have
been allocated, and now and again mark everything reachable from the root
set and nuke whatever dicts don't end up marked.  Cycles involving dicts
would get reclaimed this way, but not cycles not involving dicts.  The
approach to destructors for objects in cycles was "tough -- they don't get
called".  What to do about destructors for objects that are not themselves
involved in cycles but are reachable only from dead cycles (so are in fact
dead too) wasn't addressed.  Seemed possible that stuff reachable from
ordinary dicts (not in a cycle, and neither reachable from a cycle) would
behave differently than today, since the "list of all dicts" may keep the
stuff artificially alive until the next mark+sweep, even if the refcount on
the stuff fell to zero; there's probably an OK way around that, though.

Anyway, Guido was aiming for the minimal changes that could possibly do real
good.  It didn't pretend to reclaim all cycles, and was (IMO) too eager to
punt on the hard issues (the combo of cycles, destructors and resurrection
is a god-awful mess, even in theory; Scheme uses callbacks to dump the
problems back on the users Java has incredibily elaborate rules that are
both bulletproof and unusable; the Boehm collector lets objects with
destructors that are in cycles simply leak, rather than do a wrong thing;
Stroustrup has flip-flopped and most recently argued for Guido's "reclaim
the memory but don't call the destructors" approach, but a member of the C++
committee told me he's overwhelmingly opposed on this one (I know I would
oppose it)).

In any case, nothing has come of it, and no easy principled solution is in
sight.  OTOH, if Guido balks at explaining what "__" means to 12-year-olds,
wait until he tries to explain immortal cyclic trash <wink>.

Perl scores points for its brute-force end-of-thread M&S, but I believe
complex user-level data structures are much rarer in Perl, simply due to the
clumsiness of the syntax and explicit reference model.  Perl's version of
"nested functions" don't actually nest (all "def"s are floated to the top
level by the compiler, regardless of how deeply they're nested), so Perl's
lexical closures don't create cyclic trash either (well, they do, but in the
same sense there's a cycle between a Python module namespace and the
functions in that module -- Perl also special-cases the snot out of those
and busts those cycles by brute force).

So there you go!  It needs to be solved and nobody has a clue <wink>.

    dumped-it-on-the-jvm-by-now-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Tue Sep 21 10:05:05 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:05:05 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Skip Montanaro]
> > I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to
> > reclaim circular dependencies without the programmer explicitly
> > having to do something ...
> This was debated (again) at great length on just a few months ago.
> Guido chimed in with a proposal to keep track of only the dicts that have
> been allocated, and now and again mark everything reachable from the root
> set and nuke whatever dicts don't end up marked.  Cycles involving dicts
> would get reclaimed this way, but not cycles not involving dicts.  The
> approach to destructors for objects in cycles was "tough -- they don't get
> called".  What to do about destructors for objects that are not themselves
> involved in cycles but are reachable only from dead cycles (so are in fact
> dead too) wasn't addressed.  Seemed possible that stuff reachable from
> ordinary dicts (not in a cycle, and neither reachable from a cycle) would
> behave differently than today, since the "list of all dicts" may keep the
> stuff artificially alive until the next mark+sweep, even if the refcount on
> the stuff fell to zero; there's probably an OK way around that, though.

You could probably tackle the problem by doing local mark&sweep whenever
the ref count on a dictionary falls down to 1 (meaning that it is only
referenced from the list of all dicts). This is what I do in mxProxy's
weak reference implementation and to my surprise it solved all those
strange situations where objects are kept alive longer than they
would have normally.
> Anyway, Guido was aiming for the minimal changes that could possibly do real
> good.  It didn't pretend to reclaim all cycles, and was (IMO) too eager to
> punt on the hard issues (the combo of cycles, destructors and resurrection
> is a god-awful mess, even in theory; Scheme uses callbacks to dump the
> problems back on the users Java has incredibily elaborate rules that are
> both bulletproof and unusable; the Boehm collector lets objects with
> destructors that are in cycles simply leak, rather than do a wrong thing;
> Stroustrup has flip-flopped and most recently argued for Guido's "reclaim
> the memory but don't call the destructors" approach, but a member of the C++
> committee told me he's overwhelmingly opposed on this one (I know I would
> oppose it)).

Not calling the destructor will cause leakage in all objects
allocating extra storage, such as lists, instances and
probably just about any dynamically sized object there is in
Python... solving the problem only half way. Plus you will
definitely run into trouble as soon as external resources
are involved, e.g. open files or connections to databases.

Perhaps we should give more power to the user instead of trying
to give him fuzzy feelings about what's happening underneath
the hood. Builtin weak references or other indirect ways
of accessing objects (e.g. by giving unique names to the
involved objects) can solve many of those circ. ref. problems.

BTW, I usually use an instrumented Python interpreter to track
down circular references: it uses a tracing hook in the 
allocation/deallocation code of Python instances which is used
when Python is run in debugging mode (python -d). The hook
calls a function sys.traceinstances (if present) which allows
me to keep a track record of all allocated instances:

def traceinstances(action,inst):

    """ Tracing hook. This is called whenever an instances is created
        and destroyed. action is either 'create' or 'delete'; inst
	points to the instance object.

If anyone is interested I can post the patch (against Python 1.5).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   101 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 21 14:13:19 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 09:13:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:05:05 +0200."
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

> Not calling the destructor will cause leakage in all objects
> allocating extra storage, such as lists, instances and
> probably just about any dynamically sized object there is in
> Python... solving the problem only half way. Plus you will
> definitely run into trouble as soon as external resources
> are involved, e.g. open files or connections to databases.

If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
course be called.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From (Skip Montanaro)  Tue Sep 21 16:33:31 1999
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 10:33:31 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

    Marc> BTW, I usually use an instrumented Python interpreter to track
    Marc> down circular references: ...

    Marc> If anyone is interested I can post the patch (against Python 1.5).

That would be interesting to look at.  I found my latest circular reference
by building Python with Py_DEBUG defined and trudging through the output at
the end.

Skip Montanaro | |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From  Tue Sep 21 17:23:53 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 18:23:53 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Marc> BTW, I usually use an instrumented Python interpreter to track
>     Marc> down circular references: ...
>     Marc> If anyone is interested I can post the patch (against Python 1.5).
> That would be interesting to look at.  I found my latest circular reference
> by building Python with Py_DEBUG defined and trudging through the output at
> the end.

Here it is:

--- Objects/orig/classobject.c	Thu Jan  1 20:39:04 1998
+++ Objects/classobject.c	Sat Aug  8 21:38:57 1998
@@ -403,10 +588,37 @@ PyInstance_New(class, arg, kw)
 				inst = NULL;
+	/* sys.traceinstances hook */
+	if (Py_DebugFlag && inst) {
+		PyObject *fct;
+		fct = PySys_GetObject("traceinstances");
+		if (fct) {
+			PyObject *v,*arg;
+			PyObject *error_type, *error_value, *error_traceback;
+			/* Save and clear any exception */
+			PyErr_Fetch(&error_type,&error_value, 
+				    &error_traceback);
+			PyErr_Clear();
+			arg = Py_BuildValue("(sO)","create",(PyObject *)inst);
+			v = PyEval_CallObject(fct,arg);
+			Py_DECREF(arg);
+			if (!v) {
+				PyErr_Print();
+				PyErr_Clear();
+			}
+			else
+				Py_DECREF(v);
+			/* Restore exception state */
+			PyErr_Restore(error_type,error_value,
+				      error_traceback);
+		}
+	}
 	return (PyObject *)inst;
 /* Instance methods */
@@ -460,10 +672,31 @@ instance_dealloc(inst)
+	/* sys.traceinstances hook */
+	if (Py_DebugFlag) {
+		PyObject *fct;
+		fct = PySys_GetObject("traceinstances");
+		if (fct) {
+			PyObject *v,*arg;
+			/* Clear any previous exception */
+			PyErr_Clear();
+			arg = Py_BuildValue("(sO)","delete",(PyObject *)inst);
+			v = PyEval_CallObject(fct,arg);
+			Py_DECREF(arg);
+			if (!v) {
+				PyErr_Print();
+				PyErr_Clear();
+			}
+			else
+				Py_DECREF(v);
+		}
+	}
 	/* Restore the saved exception and undo the temporary revival */
 	PyErr_Restore(error_type, error_value, error_traceback);
 	/* Can't use DECREF here, it would cause a recursive call */
 	if (--inst->ob_refcnt > 0) {

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   101 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Tue Sep 21 17:43:22 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 18:43:22 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Not calling the destructor will cause leakage in all objects
> > allocating extra storage, such as lists, instances and
> > probably just about any dynamically sized object there is in
> > Python... solving the problem only half way. Plus you will
> > definitely run into trouble as soon as external resources
> > are involved, e.g. open files or connections to databases.
> If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
> methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
> unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
> course be called.

Ok, so low-stuff will not break. But what about e.g. wrappers
around these low-level (C-level) objects written in Python, e.g.
database abstraction classes ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   101 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep 22 06:56:05 1999
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 01:56:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000801bf04bf$287e6560$342d153f@tim>

[Guido van Rossum]
> If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
> methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
> unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
> course be called.

Seems to me that the dependencies among to-be-deleted arbitrary C objects
are equally unknown to the collector.  Assuming there's a fundamental
difference between objects implemented in Python and objects implemented in
C seems shaky on the face of it.  Or if it's not just a convenient
assumption, on what is it based?

and-what-about-objects-implemented-in-fortran<wink>?-ly y'rs  - tim

From  Wed Sep 22 13:47:03 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 14:47:03 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
Message-ID: <>

Hi everybody,

I'm currently busy converting my code to use mx.DateTime instead
of just DateTime and must say that this is a real pain. Now instead
of reviving the __ discussion I'd like to turn to what could be
a workable compromise (I think Jim proposed something along these
lines already and there was similar code in

The proposal is really only an addition to the lookup scheme
used by the importer. No additional syntax is involved and
best of all, it is backward compatible...

The current lookup does the following if you want to import
a module E from module A.B.C.D:

1. check A.B.C.E
2. check E
3. fail

Now instead of failing we could add a lookup method that
walks up the package structure:

3. check A.B.E
4. check A.E
[5. check E -- already done]
6. fail

so that the complete scheme looks like this:

1. check A.B.C.E
2. check E
3. check A.B.E
4. check A.E
[5. check E -- already done]
6. fail

That way I could leave intra-mx-package imports untouched and still
have the convenience of achieving the goal of making my mx
subpackages work in the mx context *plus* in the top-level
context thus allowing a backward compatible and flexible setup
for mx* users.

Note that the scheme finds exactly the same modules it did
previously, plus perhaps some more (which is intended), and
it does not involve any search path hacks.

How is that for a compromise ? [Ducking for cover ;-)]

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   100 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep 22 14:12:40 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:12:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> The current lookup does the following if you want to import
> a module E from module A.B.C.D:
> 1. check A.B.C.E
> 2. check E
> 3. fail
> Now instead of failing we could add a lookup method that
> walks up the package structure:
> 3. check A.B.E
> 4. check A.E
> [5. check E -- already done]
> 6. fail
> so that the complete scheme looks like this:
> 1. check A.B.C.E
> 2. check E
> 3. check A.B.E
> 4. check A.E
> [5. check E -- already done]
> 6. fail
> That way I could leave intra-mx-package imports untouched and
> still have the convenience of achieving the goal of making my mx
> subpackages work in the mx context *plus* in the top-level
> context thus allowing a backward compatible and flexible setup
> for mx* users.

Comment 1: You're just giving yourself headaches by allowing 
your users to install mx in anything other than the prescribed 

Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for 
consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight 
up the tree, instead of checking the root second.

- Gordon

From  Wed Sep 22 14:19:58 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:19:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
 <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> Skip Montanaro wrote:
> >
> >     Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've
> >     Gordon> got that down to
> >
> > Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
> > verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?

Optional module...  Good idea.

But it is easier to use freeze within the optional module.  So I
wrote a "boot" built in module, where bootmodule.c is
created by the Python program  All this lives in
./Modules.  Boot incorporates exceptions.pyc etc. as frozen modules
without breaking the current freeze feature.  I changed pythonrun.c
to load "boot" after sys but before any other imports, but only if
it exists as a built in module, otherwise no error.  Boot has
methods to turn it on and off, and to print its contents.

Please take a look at

I think this is a good solution for how to build in

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 22 15:53:55 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 10:53:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 22 Sep 1999 01:56:05 EDT."
References: <000801bf04bf$287e6560$342d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

> [Guido van Rossum]
> > If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
> > methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
> > unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
> > course be called.

> Seems to me that the dependencies among to-be-deleted arbitrary C objects
> are equally unknown to the collector.  Assuming there's a fundamental
> difference between objects implemented in Python and objects implemented in
> C seems shaky on the face of it.  Or if it's not just a convenient
> assumption, on what is it based?

My assumption was based on the standard Python objects.  Cycles
necessarily have to include dictionaries or lists (modules, classes
and instances link to each other through dictionaries; ditto for
function objects; i'm crossing my fingers here for stack frame and
traceback objects :-) and I can do things to these to get rid of the
links without getting rid of the objects: del L[:] or D.clear().

Third party C objects might have interdependencies similar to those
found in Python instances, but my gut feeling is that these aren't as
problematic -- e.g. interdependencies between C modules are rare
(because the machinery is cumbersome) while they are common between
Python modules; and C code isn't susceptible to the problems that
Python destructors encounter when the modules they import have already 
been destroyed.

I know, it's an unusual amount of handwaving...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Wed Sep 22 16:13:06 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 17:13:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > The current lookup does the following if you want to import
> > a module E from module A.B.C.D:
> >
> > 1. check A.B.C.E
> > 2. check E
> > 3. fail
> >
> > Now instead of failing we could add a lookup method that
> > walks up the package structure:
> >
> > 3. check A.B.E
> > 4. check A.E
> > [5. check E -- already done]
> > 6. fail
> >
> > so that the complete scheme looks like this:
> >
> > 1. check A.B.C.E
> > 2. check E
> > 3. check A.B.E
> > 4. check A.E
> > [5. check E -- already done]
> > 6. fail
> >
> > That way I could leave intra-mx-package imports untouched and
> > still have the convenience of achieving the goal of making my mx
> > subpackages work in the mx context *plus* in the top-level
> > context thus allowing a backward compatible and flexible setup
> > for mx* users.
> Comment 1: You're just giving yourself headaches by allowing
> your users to install mx in anything other than the prescribed
> manner.

Actually, I'm trying to provide them a way to smoothly switch
from the old setup to the new one. This includes myself, of
course ;-). 

> Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for
> consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight
> up the tree, instead of checking the root second.

That would probably break code because the search could
find some other module having the same name as a top-level
one. OTOH, perhaps that situation is not all the common to
fear too much about it.

Walking up all the way would certainly be easier to explain to
a 12-year old ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   100 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 22 16:51:49 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 11:51:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 22 Sep 1999 17:13:06 +0200."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for
> > consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight
> > up the tree, instead of checking the root second.
> That would probably break code because the search could
> find some other module having the same name as a top-level
> one. OTOH, perhaps that situation is not all the common to
> fear too much about it.
> Walking up all the way would certainly be easier to explain to
> a 12-year old ;-)

Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
pretty safe here!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Wed Sep 22 17:25:25 1999
From: (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 12:25:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > > Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for
> > > consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight
> > > up the tree, instead of checking the root second.
> >
> > That would probably break code because the search could
> > find some other module having the same name as a top-level
> > one. OTOH, perhaps that situation is not all the common to
> > fear too much about it.
> >
> > Walking up all the way would certainly be easier to explain to
> > a 12-year old ;-)
> Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
> not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
> name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
> pretty safe here!

Walking straight up the tree is my preference.  I think it is
very natural.


Jim Fulton    Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From  Wed Sep 22 18:26:12 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:26:12 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>; from Guido van Rossum on Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 11:51:49AM -0400
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
> not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
> name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
> pretty safe here!

Especially since doing so doesn't work: for example, the
distutils.errors module started life as distutils.exceptions.  That
changed pretty quickly, once I realized why putting

   import exceptions

into other distutils modules didn't work -- obviously it didn't find my
distutils.exceptions.  Arguably I should have used an absolute import,
but what the heck.

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From  Fri Sep 24 10:10:59 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 11:10:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 22 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> > Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
> > not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
> > name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
> > pretty safe here!
> Especially since doing so doesn't work: for example, the
> distutils.errors module started life as distutils.exceptions.  That
> changed pretty quickly, once I realized why putting
>    import exceptions
> into other distutils modules didn't work -- obviously it didn't find my
> distutils.exceptions.  Arguably I should have used an absolute import,
> but what the heck.

Wow, so many positive answers -- not bad after that last round of
relative imports ;-)

Ok, then I'll use the walk-me-up approach. That'll be coded
into a PathImporter class I'm writing for imputil which will
try to mimic the standard behaviour as much as possible (to be
released in a few weeks after my vacation).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   100 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Fri Sep 24 13:36:10 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 22:36:10 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501bf0689$63614af0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> try to mimic the standard behaviour as much as possible (to be
> released in a few weeks after my vacation).

no no Marc - you should know the rules by now - you release it mere
hours _before_ your vacation :-)  Enjoy!


From  Sun Sep 26 20:34:15 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 21:34:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <000501bf0689$63614af0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> > try to mimic the standard behaviour as much as possible (to be
> > released in a few weeks after my vacation).
> no no Marc - you should know the rules by now - you release it mere
> hours _before_ your vacation :-)  Enjoy!

Ya, well ;-) I'll try my best... I already have something working
but it doesn't do the win32 + mac magic yet because that'll require
some additions to the builtin imp module. Also, I found that it
is rather slow when compared to the builtin one. Caches can
speed this up a little, but I still haven't achieved the same

BTW, while hacking along I found a few things that might be worth
discussing w/r to a general import hook scheme:

Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining technique.
Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain for already
loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be loaded more than

Also, there are at least two types of hooks:

1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source 

2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched

Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by
the second, the simple chaining method probably won't be
powerful enough to handle it.

I think what we really need is a set of register/deregister
APIs + some framework to differentiate between the two
hook types (and possibly other variants).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 27 11:19:25 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:19:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <000501bf0689$63614af0$0801a8c0@bobcat> <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> BTW, while hacking along I found a few things that might be worth
> discussing w/r to a general import hook scheme:
> Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining technique.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain for already
> loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be loaded more than
> once.
> Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by
> the second, the simple chaining method probably won't be
> powerful enough to handle it.
> I think what we really need is a set of register/deregister
> APIs + some framework to differentiate between the two
> hook types (and possibly other variants).

Another quirk that I think needs fixing:

When I issues an import:

	import mx.DateTime

the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
the start of the import. It is not possible to install a different
importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of the
import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime).
I think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
(this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the
import of subsequent elements in the dotted name.

Aside: Perhaps this is getting too technical for this list... should
I start an egroups mailing list for defining a new and more
flexible import mechanism ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Mon Sep 27 17:53:30 1999
From: (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:53:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
[msg 1]
> Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> loaded more than once.

I was hoping Greg would jump in, but since he hasn't -

You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old 
style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the 
actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the 

> Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> enough to handle it.

The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides 
a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources, 
and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the 
key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when 
appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.
[msg 2]
> Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> When I issues an import:
>  import mx.DateTime
> the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> of subsequent elements in the dotted name.

Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a 
dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it 
puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.

This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie, 
one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be 
careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain, 
(ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path 
search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly 
determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx" 

- Gordon

From  Mon Sep 27 23:59:57 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 00:59:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> [msg 1]
> > Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> > technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> > for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> > loaded more than once.
> I was hoping Greg would jump in, but since he hasn't -
> You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old
> style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the
> actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the
> hook.

I know, but there still is no way to query what kind of hooks
are already loaded and what is worse, you cannot unload or reorder
them. I'd suggest using a list of hooks which are then
traversed in the order they appear in the list, e.g.

__importers__ = [DirectoryImporter('/usr/local/lib/python1.5'),

This also has the advantage of being able to easily query
the importers during debugging and eliminates the need to
have a predefined attribute naming scheme (such as the one imputil

> > Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> >
> > 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> >
> > 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> >
> > Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> > second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> > enough to handle it.
> The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides
> a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources,
> and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the
> key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when
> appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.

It does a good job at this, but doesn't really separate
lookup and loading of code too well. Everything is packaged
into one single method (.get_code()) which is not always
flexible enough, e.g. it wasn't possible to implement the
walk-up-the-dotted-name scheme using modifications to
.get_code() alone.

Also, I can see many uses where you combine a lookup
hook (e.g. for loading modules across the web) with
a filtering hook (e.g. one which checks a module signature).

This should go into the framework as well, IMHO...
e.g. by having two methods .find_code() and .make_module()
(like the builtin importer).

> [msg 2]
> > Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> >
> > When I issues an import:
> >
> >  import mx.DateTime
> >
> > the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> > the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> > different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> > the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> > think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> > (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> > of subsequent elements in the dotted name.
> Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a
> dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it
> puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.

The problem is that the special importer has to be installed
*prior* to doing the mx.DateTime import, because otherwise
the importer will not take control over the DateTime subpackage
(unless I tell it to do so explicitly, which is not really
what I want to have to do).

> This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie,
> one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be
> careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain,
> (ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path
> search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly
> determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx"
> namespace.

Exactly... and this brings us back to the importer list
I mentioned above.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Tue Sep 28 22:57:34 1999
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:57:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Gordon McMillan wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> [msg 1]
> > Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> > technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> > for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> > loaded more than once.
> I was hoping Greg would jump in, but since he hasn't -

I'm in a middle of a move back to CA. Unpacking now...

> You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old 
> style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the 
> actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the 
> hook.

Quite true. The chaining is simply an artifact of what has been installed
as the import hook. I've always envisioned the potential for a "Importer
Manager" that installs just like any other hook, but provides higher-level
functions for importers to install themselves. The manager simply
delegates the get_code() function to the sub-importers. Of course, the
manager could use whatever technique to improve the speed of Importer

With respect to speed, I think the main point is to realize that the
imputil technique is not inherently slow. It just depends on how you
design your Importer subclasses -- do you install one or a hundred

The imputil scheme is more about simplifying how people hook into the
process (implement get_code() rather than a load/import combo). It also
provides a simple capability (chaining) to allow *multiple* hooks to be

> > Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> > 
> > 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> > 
> > 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched

Just one way -- your second is a variant of the first. "other data source"
is a functional superset which includes searching. Importers don't simply
alter searching -- they must perform the actual import (from wherever).

This is the big change in mindset from the "ihooks" method -- find it and
import it on the spot. The net effect is an Importer either imports a
module or it doesn't (and the system can fallback to try another

[ one the examples that people always like to specify was importing via
URL which was actually quite difficult to use in the old scheme -- how do
you separate an HTTP GET into a find/load step? Effectively, you had to
double-fetch, or you had to place the whole module (which you retrieved
during the find step) into your context for passing to the load. The other
issue was the distinct semantics also implied that you could separate the
functions -- I believe that to be quite unnecessary functionality. ]

> > Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> > second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> > enough to handle it.
> The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides 
> a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources, 
> and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the 
> key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when 
> appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.

Very true!

> [msg 2]
> > Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> > 
> > When I issues an import:
> > 
> >  import mx.DateTime
> > 
> > the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> > the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> > different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> > the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> > think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> > (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> > of subsequent elements in the dotted name.
> Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a 
> dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it 
> puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.

Gordon's on top of it here... :-)  Yes, it is simply a matter of
perspective on the import process. An importer does not have to be a
static entity. It also can be much more than a way to search a path... it
can be highly dynamic and flexible. Whatever you like. Just implement
get_code() to map a module "mx.DateTime" to a code/module object. There
are a bazillion ways to do that :-)

> This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie, 
> one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be 
> careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain, 
> (ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path 
> search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly 
> determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx" 
> namespace.

Part of the Importer work was done to satisfy importing modules from the
COM+ namespace. I wanted to be able to say "import". The
importer would handle all "COM." imports and delegate the "" to the
underlying Python/COM framework.

In other words... yes, the Importer scheme should work *very* well for
the "whatever...." type of module namespace.


Greg Stein,

From  Wed Sep 29 01:02:20 1999
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 17:02:20 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package
 Imports) (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating
> Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.
> It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be
> happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private
> mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).

I then asked him for a copy stating:

> If you send it to me, I can OCR it and make it available online.

and he generously sent it to me.  The problem is that I hadn't noticed the
length of the manuscript.  It's over a hundred pages, and the copy is nth
generation, making OCR pretty much useless.

So, if anyone wants a copy, I can make and send copies (which would make
most sense for folks in the US -- sending things from France isn't cheap).

So far, it's good reading.  Funny to see "file name" in quotes in the


From  Wed Sep 29 11:47:08 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 12:47:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > [msg 1]
> > > Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> > > technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> > > for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> > > loaded more than once.
> > You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old
> > style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the
> > actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the
> > hook.
> Quite true. The chaining is simply an artifact of what has been installed
> as the import hook. I've always envisioned the potential for a "Importer
> Manager" that installs just like any other hook, but provides higher-level
> functions for importers to install themselves. The manager simply
> delegates the get_code() function to the sub-importers. Of course, the
> manager could use whatever technique to improve the speed of Importer
> selection.
> With respect to speed, I think the main point is to realize that the
> imputil technique is not inherently slow. It just depends on how you
> design your Importer subclasses -- do you install one or a hundred
> Importers?
> The imputil scheme is more about simplifying how people hook into the
> process (implement get_code() rather than a load/import combo). It also
> provides a simple capability (chaining) to allow *multiple* hooks to be
> installed.

As I wrote in my reply to Gordon, this setup has some drawbacks
which an "Import Manager" could easily solve, e.g. by using a
list of importers.
> > > Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> > >
> > > 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> > >
> > > 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> Just one way -- your second is a variant of the first. "other data source"
> is a functional superset which includes searching. Importers don't simply
> alter searching -- they must perform the actual import (from wherever).

Yes, I was just argueing for two types of functionality, not the
old scheme. E.g. the Import Manager could provide a set of
filters which implement signature checks or know how to un-gzip
code plus a set of lookup functions for scanning directories 
or zip archives.

I would like the importers to take advantage of such functionality.
Of course, all of this could be implemented in form of classes
which the importers then use as mixin classes.
> This is the big change in mindset from the "ihooks" method -- find it and
> import it on the spot. The net effect is an Importer either imports a
> module or it doesn't (and the system can fallback to try another
> Importer).
> [ one the examples that people always like to specify was importing via
> URL which was actually quite difficult to use in the old scheme -- how do
> you separate an HTTP GET into a find/load step? Effectively, you had to
> double-fetch, or you had to place the whole module (which you retrieved
> during the find step) into your context for passing to the load. The other
> issue was the distinct semantics also implied that you could separate the
> functions -- I believe that to be quite unnecessary functionality. ]

.get_code() is fine for these kind of tasks, but there are
some other areas (such as lazy imports) which work better
using the split setup. This is pretty easy to implement btw,
just have the Import Manager check whether the importer provides
.get_code() and then have it revert to using .find_module(),
.load_module() if it doesn't.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of an
Import Manager instead of the chaining approach.

> > > Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> > > second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> > > enough to handle it.
> >
> > The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides
> > a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources,
> > and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the
> > key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when
> > appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.
> Very true!
> > [msg 2]
> > > Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> > >
> > > When I issues an import:
> > >
> > >  import mx.DateTime
> > >
> > > the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> > > the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> > > different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> > > the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> > > think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> > > (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> > > of subsequent elements in the dotted name.
> >
> > Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a
> > dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it
> > puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.
> Gordon's on top of it here... :-)  Yes, it is simply a matter of
> perspective on the import process. An importer does not have to be a
> static entity. It also can be much more than a way to search a path... it
> can be highly dynamic and flexible. Whatever you like. Just implement
> get_code() to map a module "mx.DateTime" to a code/module object. There
> are a bazillion ways to do that :-)

Except that they don't work due to the fact that the
builtin importer is not recursively using __import__ for the imports.
An Import Manager would help with this too :-)
> > This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie,
> > one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be
> > careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain,
> > (ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path
> > search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly
> > determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx"
> > namespace.
> Part of the Importer work was done to satisfy importing modules from the
> COM+ namespace. I wanted to be able to say "import". The
> importer would handle all "COM." imports and delegate the "" to the
> underlying Python/COM framework.
> In other words... yes, the Importer scheme should work *very* well for
> the "whatever...." type of module namespace.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Wed Sep 29 14:59:11 1999
From: (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 09:59:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> I know, but there still is no way to query what kind of hooks
> are already loaded and what is worse, you cannot unload or reorder
> them.

I think this is a valid point.  I am interested in hooks to read
modules from a file archive.  If you are a developer, it is
necessary to turn this hook OFF, so that you can revert to the
usual directory tree where your current source is.

I am solving this by leaving a global variable "Importer" in
sitecustomize, and calling sitecustomize.Importer.enable(0).
This works, but it might be useful if imputil could de-install
a hook as well as install it.

Jim Ahlstrom

From  Thu Sep 30 01:16:44 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:16:44 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
Message-ID: <007d01bf0ad5$14b6cf60$0801a8c0@bobcat>

A little thought I have had a few times now, so it is time to pass it
on for comment.

Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:

	import getopt
		opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:")
	except getopt.error, why:
			print why
			print usage % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0],))

Every single time.  I have never used getopt without this code.

How about we put this functionality into getopt itself?

It could be triggered either by adding a new "usage" param defaulting
to None, or by adding a new entry point.  ie:

	opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)
	opts, args = getopt.getoptex(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)

I know it is fairly trivial, but IMO is such a useful module and the
pattern is used so regularly that is seems to make sense to add it.

Any thoughts?  If it is seen favourably, how should we spell it?


From  Thu Sep 30 08:29:24 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 09:29:24 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <007d01bf0ad5$14b6cf60$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> A little thought I have had a few times now, so it is time to pass it
> on for comment.
> Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:
>         import getopt
>         try:
>                 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:")
>         except getopt.error, why:
>                         print why
>                         print usage % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0],))
>                         sys.exit(1)
> Every single time.  I have never used getopt without this code.
> How about we put this functionality into getopt itself?
> It could be triggered either by adding a new "usage" param defaulting
> to None, or by adding a new entry point.  ie:
>         opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)
> or
>         opts, args = getopt.getoptex(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)
> I know it is fairly trivial, but IMO is such a useful module and the
> pattern is used so regularly that is seems to make sense to add it.
> Any thoughts?  If it is seen favourably, how should we spell it?

Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
like which is included in mxDateTime ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    92 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Thu Sep 30 11:09:53 1999
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:09:53 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:

> Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> like which is included in mxDateTime ?

Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)

A higher level interface would maybe be handy, but it simply occurred
to me that every time I used the module I used that pattern.  I just
got sick of typing it all the time and wondered if it struck a chord
with anyone else (and I dont have or use a general purpose "mhutil"
module :-)  Im really just trying to save myself 10 lines of
boilerplate coding, not introduce a new standard module :-)


From  Thu Sep 30 12:46:48 1999
From: (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 12:46:48 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <> from "David Ascher" at "Sep 28, 99 05:02:20 pm"
Message-ID: <>

David Ascher wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> > 
> > Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating
> > Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.
> > 
> > It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be
> > happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private
> > mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).
> I then asked him for a copy stating:
> > If you send it to me, I can OCR it and make it available online.
> and he generously sent it to me.  The problem is that I hadn't noticed the
> length of the manuscript.  It's over a hundred pages, and the copy is nth
> generation, making OCR pretty much useless.

If I find some spare time, I'll do it. This paper is a classic in Comp Sci
that we kindly invite our students to read. In research language, we say that
Saltzer has made "the turn around the clock" regarding this issue, putting
a period on it (i.e. there's hardly something more to say).

It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and
to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy
proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some
weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope
to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise
which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives
the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).

> So, if anyone wants a copy, I can make and send copies (which would make
> most sense for folks in the US -- sending things from France isn't cheap).

I have 2 more copies lying around, ready to be sent. Give me an adress.
The first 2 adresses win a hard copy, no matter the location (don't worry
about mail costs.)

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From  Thu Sep 30 12:22:27 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:22:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> > > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:
> > Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> > like which is included in mxDateTime ?
> Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)
> A higher level interface would maybe be handy, but it simply occurred
> to me that every time I used the module I used that pattern.  I just
> got sick of typing it all the time and wondered if it struck a chord
> with anyone else (and I dont have or use a general purpose "mhutil"
> module :-)  Im really just trying to save myself 10 lines of
> boilerplate coding, not introduce a new standard module :-)

Just a thought :-)

I wrote the for pretty much the same reason: I
have quite a few command line apps lying in my bin/ dir and
they all did some kind of getopt/sys.argv tricks to handle
the input... way to confusing and not easy to maintain. So I
decided to take an OO-approach to have them use the same
interface with nice help output and to reduce the coding effort.

As an example taken from mxDateTime:

#!/usr/local/bin/python -u

""" Simple Forking Alarm

    Sample Application for DateTime types and CommandLine. Only works
    on OSes which support os.fork().

    Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg,
import time,sys,os
from mx.DateTime import *
from CommandLine import Application,ArgumentOption

class Alarm(Application):

    header = "Simple Forking Alarm"
    options = [ArgumentOption('-s',
                              'set the alarm to now + arg seconds'),
                              'set the alarm to now + arg minutes'),
                              'set the alarm to ring at arg (hh:mm)'),
    version = '0.1'

    def main(self):

        atime = now() + (self.values['-s'] or 
                         self.values['-m'] * 60 or 
                         self.values['-h'] * 3600) * oneSecond
        abs = self.values['-a']
        if abs:
            atime = strptime(abs,'%H:%M',today(second=0))
        if atime < now():
            print 'Alarm time has expired...'
        print 'Alarm will ring at',atime
        if not os.fork():
            time.sleep((atime - now()).seconds)

def alarm():

    """ Ring alarm
    for i in range(10):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here's the help output this produces:

/home/lemburg> alarm -h
Simple Forking Alarm

 alarm [option] files...

Options and default settings:
  -s arg       set the alarm to now + arg seconds
  -m arg       set the alarm to now + arg minutes
  -a arg       set the alarm to ring at arg (hh:mm)
  -h           show this help text
  --help       show this help text
  --copyright  show copyright
  --examples   show examples of usage


Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    92 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 30 13:31:04 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:31:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 30 Sep 1999 12:46:48 BST."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I've started reading the paper and agree that it's very good!

> It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and
> to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy
> proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some
> weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope
> to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise
> which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives
> the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).

I'd like to hear what those weaknesses are in your eyes.  I can think
of two areas myself: (1) sys.path, $PYTHONPATH etc.; (2)
class/instance attributes in the context of subclassing and evolution
of the base class.  (I don't expect the paper to take a stance on
nested scopes.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 30 13:35:23 1999
From: guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:35:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:22:27 +0200."
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

> > > > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:

> > > Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> > > like which is included in mxDateTime ?

> > Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)

> I wrote the for pretty much the same reason:

Marc-Andre, you're not hearing what Mark is saying.  He wants a change
to the standard library, and he knows that small additions to existing
modules there stand a better chance of adoption than new modules.

I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it 
getopt_or_die().  If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).

Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From  Thu Sep 30 14:22:58 1999
From: (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 15:22:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Perl 6, Topaz, and exploding kidneys
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat> <>
Message-ID: <007501bf0b46$eb2f38e0$>

as reported on slashdot:

(topaz is also the code name for our "rewrite
Tkinter in Python", but that's another story ;-)


From  Thu Sep 30 15:15:50 1999
From: (Greg Ward)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:15:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
In-Reply-To: <>; from Guido van Rossum on Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 08:35:23AM -0400
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> Marc-Andre, you're not hearing what Mark is saying.  He wants a change
> to the standard library, and he knows that small additions to existing
> modules there stand a better chance of adoption than new modules.
> I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it 
> getopt_or_die().

Gasp!  Guido hath drunk from the poisoned well of the Great Camel and it 
doth infest his thinking!  "or die" indeed -- not an idiom I've seen
since the last time I wrote some Perl code (umm, last week?).

> If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
> one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
> latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).
> Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
> extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

Whatever we call it, it should be able to take an explicit argument
list, and only default to sys.argv[1:].  What if I want to parse options
from an environment variable or a config file?  I also like the "don't
clobber sys.argv, but return the modified version instead" model -- it's 
nice to keep a pristine copy of the original argument list!

Another problem with getopt is that it doesn't correlate long and short
options.  I wrote distutils.fancy_getopt (download your copy today!
hurry, don't delay -- at this price, it WON'T LAST LONG!) to address
this, and to maybe someday do something with help text.

On the other hand, don't listen to me -- I tend to write mammoth,
bloated, all-singing, all-dancing command-line parsing modules for every 
new language I encounter.  They get more insane with each iteration.  I
have yet to top my Getopt::Tabular for Perl, though; see

if you've ever wondered how far this sort of thing can be taken in a
high-level, dynamically typed language.

Greg Ward - software developer          
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From  Thu Sep 30 15:18:15 1999
From: (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:18:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>             <>  <>
Message-ID: <00b301bf0b4e$a3ac5cc0$>

> I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it 
> getopt_or_die().  If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
> one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
> latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).
> Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
> extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

sounds reasonable.  what are you waiting for ;-)


From  Thu Sep 30 16:28:31 1999
From: (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 17:28:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [Mark]
> > > > > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:
> [Marc-Andre]
> > > > Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> > > > like which is included in mxDateTime ?
> [Mark]
> > > Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)
> [Marc-Andre]
> > I wrote the for pretty much the same reason:
> Marc-Andre, you're not hearing what Mark is saying.  He wants a change
> to the standard library, and he knows that small additions to existing
> modules there stand a better chance of adoption than new modules.

Oh, I did get the idea... just wanted to plug my module here in a
take-it-or-leave-it way ;-) I usually put such things into
my lib/ dir for Python to find -- no need to make them a standard.

> I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it
> getopt_or_die().  If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
> one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
> latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).
> Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
> extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

Better not: it's sometimes very useful to call the main(args) function
of a script in interactive mode which then passes the args list to
getopt(). How about adding something like:

def getoptex(...,args=None,helptext='Read the source, Luke ;-)'):
   if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:]

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    92 days left
Python Pages:                 

From  Thu Sep 30 20:24:53 1999
From: (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:24:53 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Guido van Rossum" at "Sep 30, 99 08:31:04 am"
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I've started reading the paper and agree that it's very good!
> > It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and
> > to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy
> > proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some
> > weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope
> > to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise
> > which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives
> > the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).
> I'd like to hear what those weaknesses are in your eyes.  I can think
> of two areas myself: (1) sys.path, $PYTHONPATH etc.; (2)
> class/instance attributes in the context of subclassing and evolution
> of the base class.

(2) subsumes (1).

> (I don't expect the paper to take a stance on nested scopes.)

But we can.

I can't make the time for this right now and I apologize. This subject
deserves more attention and I can't describe it quickly, so it has to
wait. As I said, in due time ;-). I'm currently overloaded.
(In my defense, and Barry will undesrand me very well, I'll say that among
othger things I'm reworking the Web site, which is actually
a shame -- now that I'm in charge, come and visit it in a month).

Anyway, some quick general notes on what actually exists:

Where Python (Guido) really strikes is that almost everything we have at
the language level is interpreted as a name. Thus, "sharing can occur".
These names are always resolved in some context associated with the
object containing the named object.

Since all we have is names, the risk of name conflicts is real, especially
when half of the contexts against which name resolution occurs are implicit.
Therefore, name resolution has to be done in a controlled way (what Guido
has successfully tried to provide when designing the language).

Simple example:
>>> print o.attr

This says: print the value of an object, whose name "attr" has to be resolved
in the context associated with the object "o", this context being explicitely
pointed out by a dot "."

Another (not so obvious) one:
>>> print 1

This says: print the value of an object, whose name "1" has to be resolved
in the current (implicit) context. And this is exactly what happens inside
the VM in terms of LOAD_CONST <some internal name, bound in another context,
the binding being derived from the resolution of the name "1">,

If you don't grasp this, try the same example:
>>> a = 1
>>> print a

This says: Resolve the name "1" in the current context (thus we reach the
object in question) then assign a new binding ("a" -> the object) in the
current context. Then for "print a", see "This says" of the previous example.

A valuable thing happens in my last example:
>>> print o.__dict__

This resolves the name "__dict__" in the context associated with the object
named "o" (pointed by a dot "."), returning this same context! (or a fraction
of it). Whether we have to get a portion of the context or the full context
is debatable. It has been felt that with the dynamicity of Python, it's useful
to get access to the context, then play with it in a controlled manner.

So from here, I (and you) can deduce what happens in terms of naming and
binding on function/class/... definitions, on module imports, on attr
lookups, on "global" declarations, and so on, and when and where (and
hopefully why) we get name conflicts or strange (implicit) name resolutions
for nested functions.

A last word towards classes: There's no difference between
>>> o = C()  # an instance of the class C
>>> o.__class__


>>> o = 1
>>> o.__class__

I'm prevented to type "1.__class__" only for syntactic reasons, but the
context for the resolution of o.__class__ exists.

What's missing is for a future mail.


       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Thu Sep 30 21:29:55 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:29:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

I can sympathize with Mark, I have nearly the same code in every
script I write.  I once wrote a nice (IMO) class for doing all the
common things I do with c.l. args, but I can't seem to dig it up at
the moment.

The idea was basically to have a base class that had all the
machinery, while derived classes included specially named methods that 
did the app-specific option handling.  It knew whether the method took 
1 or zero arguments (not including self), glommed up the shortarg
string and longarg list (with appropriate `:' and `=' thrown in), then 
parsed the args, dispatching to the handlers, e.g.:

    class MyOptions(getopt.Options):
	def handle_a(self):
	    self.alpha = 1
	handle_alpha = handle_a

	def handle_b(self, arg):
	    self.beta = arg
	handle_beta = handle_b

	def handle_i(self, arg):
		self.integer = int(arg)
	    except ValueError:
	handle_integer = handle_i

and could be used like so:

    #! /usr/bin/env python
    # ...

    opts = MyOptions(sys.argv[1:], usage=__doc__ % globals())
    if opts.alpha:
    if opts.integer = 1:
    for file in opts.leftoverargs:

While I liked this a lot, I seem to remember showing it to Guido,
receiving the expected scoffing.  So now, I just cut and paste the opt
parsing stuff into every script I write :) I think it might be nice to
add such a base class to the standard getopt module.


From (Barry A. Warsaw)  Thu Sep 30 21:42:02 1999
From: (Barry A. Warsaw) (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:42:02 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Perl 6, Topaz, and exploding kidneys
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "FL" == Fredrik Lundh <> writes:

    FL> as reported on slashdot:

    FL> (topaz is also the code name for our "rewrite
    FL> Tkinter in Python", but that's another story ;-)

Here's an interesting quote:

    When I was trying to figure out how to be persuasive on this
    subject, I finally realized that Perl may be competing with Java
    in the problem space, but when you're writing Perl, implementing
    the Perl runtime, really what you're doing is something equivalent
    to writing a JVM. You're writing the equivalent of a Java Virtual
    Machine. Now, would you write a JVM in Eiffel? I don't think
    so. No, so neither would you write the Perl runtime in Java or in

In the context of Python, I disagree that it competes against Java;
Python makes a nice complement to Java.  And I obviously also think it
makes perfect sense to write (a) Python runtime in Java, as JimH has
so effectively proven.

Another interesting tidbit we've addressed here:

    Was the syntax appropriate for declaring variables to give
    appropriate hints to a hypothetical compiler? That is to say MY
    INT $X or MY STR $Y -- and I thought that the INT and the STR and
    the NUM should be suffixes, something like MY $X:NUM-and, in fact,
    that suffix syntax is something that Larry officially has blessed,
    but just not for this purpose.


From  Thu Sep 30 22:30:20 1999
From: (David Ascher)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 14:30:20 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Perl 6, Topaz, and exploding kidneys
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

> Another interesting tidbit we've addressed here:
>     Was the syntax appropriate for declaring variables to give
>     appropriate hints to a hypothetical compiler? That is to say MY
>     INT $X or MY STR $Y -- and I thought that the INT and the STR and
>     the NUM should be suffixes, something like MY $X:NUM-and, in fact,
>     that suffix syntax is something that Larry officially has blessed,
>     but just not for this purpose.

What struck me about that paragraph is that if I understand the comment
correctly, Larry is choosing a mapping from a specific syntax to some
purpose (unspecified in the excerpt) while an otherwise well-informed Perl
user (Chip) 'naturally' wanted to map said syntax to a different
semantics.  When this happens in Python-land, Guido says "nope, neither".


From skip at  Sat Sep  4 23:26:37 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 16:26:37 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
Message-ID: <>

Attached is a context diff against the latest version of Python/compile.c
that checks at compile time for functions that both return expressions or
execute return statements with no expression (or equivalently, fall off the
end of the function).  I figured I'd post it here to get a little friendly
feedback and bug discovery before shooting it off to  I modified
compile.c instead of some preexisting PyLint script because I don't know
what's popular out there.  On the other hand, I'm sure most people who would
be interested in this sort of thing have access to the C source...

The basic idea is that each straight line chunk of code is terminated one of 
four ways:

    1. return with no expression
    2. return an expression
    3. raise an exception
    4. fall off the end of the chunk

Falling off the end of the function is obviously treated like return with no
expression.  (This is, after all, what motivated me to do this. ;-)

This information is recorded in a new bit vector added to the struct
compiling object that's carried around during the compilation.  Compound
statements simply aggregate the bit vectors for their various clauses in
ways appropriate to their semantics.

At the end of a function's compilation, the set of return bits computed up
to that point tells you whether or not to spit out a warning.  Note that it
does nothing to recognize constant expressions.  The following function will
generate a warning:

    def f():
        i = 0
        while 1:
            i = i + 1
            if i > 10: return i

even though the only way to return from the function is the return
statement.  To get the above to shut up the compiler you'd have to do
something like

    class CantGetHere: pass

    def f():
        i = 0
        while 1:
            i = i + 1
            if i > 10: return i
    raise CantGetHere

Raise statements are treated as a valid way to "return" from a function.
Registering them as separate styles of returns serves effectively to turn
off the "no return" bit for a block of code.  Raise is compatible with
either form of return, though they aren't compatible with each other.

The code is run whenever a module is compiled.  I didn't bother to add a new
flag to the python interpreter to enable/disable warnings during
compilation, though a -w switch for Python has been mentioned before.

I ran the modified byte code compiler over a silly test module as well as

    ./python Lib/test/
    ./python Lib/

It uncovered some interesting programming practices and one item I think is
an actual bug.  In Lib/, GzipFile._read returns EOFError at one point
instead of raising it.  At other points in the method it raises EOFError.
There are no other return statements in the function.  (I haven't taken the
time/had the nerve to run it against my own Python code yet. ;-)

I'm firmly of the opinion that more subtle bugs exist in the way people
write functions that return and raise values than in the code that calls
those functions, contrary to a few vocal folks on who may believe


Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

-------------- next part --------------
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Name: compile.diffs
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From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep  7 17:20:47 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 11:20:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sat, 04 Sep 1999 16:26:37 CDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

This is a valuable service!  Even though I'm sure that it will cause
some pain for people who were used to this programming style...

I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has been
diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has been the

I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?

There are also platform problems, e.g. on the Mac, stderr doesn't
always exist, and on Windows, it doesn't exist if pythonw.exe is

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gward at  Tue Sep  7 18:13:27 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 12:13:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>; from Guido van Rossum on Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 11:20:47AM -0400
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> This is a valuable service!  Even though I'm sure that it will cause
> some pain for people who were used to this programming style...
> I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
> traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has been
> diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has been the
> default.
> I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
> warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
> be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?

Yes yes yes!  While adding "-w" is a long way from having a
comprehensive set of compile-time warnings in place, it at least means
that someone is *thinking* about it.

Also, I would suggest that there should be some standard internal
mechanism for reporting errors rather than just calling
'PySys_WriteStderr()'.  Something as simple as this would probably do
the trick:

   void Py_Warning (char *filename, int line, char *msg)
      if (on_a_platform_where_stderr_means_something)
         PySys_WriteStderr ("warning: file %s, line %d: %s",
                            filename, line, msg);

Well, you get the idea.  I make no claim that this is an appropriate
name for this function, nor do I have anything to say about where it
should live.  It should also be smart about unknown filename or line
number (eg. skip filename if filename == NULL, skip line number
if line == -1).

Oh, and of course we'll need to add a global variable $^W so that
programmers can turn run-time warnings on and off as needed.  *duck*
Maybe sys.show_warnings? ;-)  (Of course, that's assuming a run-time
warning system in addition to the compile-time warnings of -t and Skip's

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From gstein at  Tue Sep  7 19:04:14 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 10:04:14 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 07 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> > This is a valuable service!  Even though I'm sure that it will cause
> > some pain for people who were used to this programming style...
> >
> > I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
> > traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has been
> > diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has been the
> > default.
> >
> > I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
> > warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
> > be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?
> Yes yes yes!  While adding "-w" is a long way from having a
> comprehensive set of compile-time warnings in place, it at least means
> that someone is *thinking* about it.

I would recommend no warnings by default, and -Wfeature to add specific
types of warnings. This pattern follows that used by gcc (well, gcc has
*some* warnings by default). Rather than invent a new set of switches,
I'd rather steal an existing semantic :-)

> Also, I would suggest that there should be some standard internal
> mechanism for reporting errors rather than just calling
> 'PySys_WriteStderr()'.  Something as simple as this would probably do

Why? Why not just use PySys_WriteStdErr() as your requested function? It
can easily determine "oops. no stderr. let's do something else."

> Maybe sys.show_warnings? ;-)  (Of course, that's assuming a run-time
> warning system in addition to the compile-time warnings of -t and Skip's
> patch.)

There is no such thing as run-time vs compile-time warnings. You always
have a compiler at run-time, and it can be used at any time. Therefore,
you just have "(compilation) warnings" (I could imagine that people will
come up with other kinds of warnings once the feature is provided).

I would suggest sys.warnings be a dictionary.

python -Wbad-return -Wlines-per-func=50

>>> print sys.warnings
{'bad-return': None, 'lines-per-func': '50'}


Greg Stein,

From gward at  Tue Sep  7 19:33:53 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 13:33:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>; from Greg Stein on Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 10:04:14AM -0700
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07 September 1999, Greg Stein said:
> > Also, I would suggest that there should be some standard internal
> > mechanism for reporting errors rather than just calling
> > 'PySys_WriteStderr()'.  Something as simple as this would probably do
> Why? Why not just use PySys_WriteStdErr() as your requested function? It
> can easily determine "oops. no stderr. let's do something else."

Hmm, that makes sense for the "what's the local equivalent of stderr?"
determination.  Probably that actually belongs in mywrite() (the static
function in Python/sysmodule.c that PySys_WriteStdout() and
PySys_WriteStderr() both invoke), so that the same thing can be done for
stdout and stderr.

However, I still think a separate function for printing
source-code-based warnings is a good idea.  This is mainly so that the
association from

  (filename, line_number, message)


  "warning: file %s, line %s: %s" % (filename, line_number, message)

is done in *one* place, rather than everywhere a warning message is
generated.  For instance, platforms that don't have stderr, but instead
pop up a window with all your compile-time warnings nicely formatted,
could take advantage of knowing the filename and line number separately
to nicely format those warnings.  (Of course, this argues *against*
putting the "what's the local equivalent of stderr?" determination in
the low-level mywrite() function... arg...)

> > Maybe sys.show_warnings? ;-)  (Of course, that's assuming a run-time
> > warning system in addition to the compile-time warnings of -t and Skip's
> > patch.)
> There is no such thing as run-time vs compile-time warnings. You always
> have a compiler at run-time, and it can be used at any time. Therefore,
> you just have "(compilation) warnings" (I could imagine that people will
> come up with other kinds of warnings once the feature is provided).

Well, currently that's true, since currently Python's only warning is
the tab warning from -t -- clearly a compile-time warning.  (Is this
true?  I'm no expert on the internals, but I've certainly not seen any
other warnings from Python, and I've included plenty of bugs in my code
-- umm, just seeing if it would catch them, yeah that's it...)

However, one could certainly envision a world where Python issues
runtime warnings.  If my time machine were working, I'd zip back and
suggest to Guido that mistakes with the % operator should issue warnings
rather than raising exceptions.  (Ignore the language philosophy issue
and presume this would be worthwhile.)

There are probably other situations where, ignoring past history and
language philosophy, it would make sense to issue a warning and march on
ahead rather than blowing up immediately.  Sometimes Python has a bit of 
an itchy trigger finger for that ol' TypeError...

Anyways, the focus should probably be on compile-time warnings: I can't
think of any major runtime errors offhand that Python currently does
*nothing* about, so there's not a great need to go scattering the code
with runtime warnings.  But they *are* a theoretical possibility, and
there *is* a difference with compile-time warnings.

> I would suggest sys.warnings be a dictionary.
> python -Wbad-return -Wlines-per-func=50
> >>> print sys.warnings
> {'bad-return': None, 'lines-per-func': '50'}

Makes sense -- true to warn (possibly giving some extra meaning to
"truth", as in this example), and false to not warn.  Or maybe None to
not warn, not-None to warn.  Of course, if there are only compile-time
warnings, then modifying sys.warnings will only affect future imports,
execs, evals, etc.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From skip at  Tue Sep  7 19:41:27 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue,  7 Sep 1999 12:41:27 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[ ...Lot's of stuff about details of warning implementation snipped... ]

That's why I only provided the code to check for inconsistent use of
returns, not the flag to turn it on and off!

In a message I accidentally sent only to Guido and myself on the subject, I
outlined my take on things, which really does about exhaust my
knowledge/interest on how/when to enable warnings:

    Guido> I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
    Guido> traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has
    Guido> been diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has
    Guido> been the default.

The only reason for not being able to turn it off was that would require
introducing some sort of -w flag, which wasn't the point of the exercise.
We can have the -w/-t/-W discussion now.  I haven't any particular opinion
on the best way to do it, although I would much prefer it be a run-time as
opposed to compile-time option.  One other issue might be whether or not to
ignore an existing .pyc file and always recompile .py's if warnings are
enabled.  Of course, we're still all adults here (I think), so perhaps it's
sufficient to remind people in the docs to delete the desired .pyc files
before running with warnings enabled.

    Guido> I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn
    Guido> on warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there
    Guido> should be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the
    Guido> default?

-w sounds fine to me.

    Guido> There are also platform problems, e.g. on the Mac, stderr doesn't
    Guido> always exist, and on Windows, it doesn't exist if pythonw.exe is
    Guido> used...

Perhaps on those platforms a file could be opened in a standard location to
catch stderr (I presume you can detect the lack of stderr at run-time?).
While that would force some (more) Unix conventions on programmers on those
platforms, it would also provide more cross-platform uniformity.


From bwarsaw at  Tue Sep  7 20:07:01 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:07:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GW" == Greg Ward <gward at> writes:

    GW> However, one could certainly envision a world where Python
    GW> issues runtime warnings.  If my time machine were working, I'd
    GW> zip back and suggest to Guido that mistakes with the %
    GW> operator should issue warnings rather than raising exceptions.
    GW> (Ignore the language philosophy issue and presume this would
    GW> be worthwhile.)

Moderately off-topic, but since you brought it up, here's what I use
in Mailman (since site-admins can make mistakes editing their
templates, which contains %(keys)s... we'd like to make Mailman more
robust so it doesn't totally crap out when that happens).

We (hopefully) always interpolate with a SafeDict instead of a raw
Python dictionary.


class SafeDict(UserDict):
    """Dictionary which returns a default value for unknown keys.

    This is used in maketext so that editing templates is a bit more robust.
    def __init__(self, d):
        # optional initial dictionary is a Python 1.5.2-ism.  Do it this way
        # for portability

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        except KeyError:
            if type(key) == StringType:
                return '%('+key+')s'
                return '<Missing key: %s>' % `key`

From tim_one at  Tue Sep  7 20:26:30 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:26:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim>

> ...
> I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
> warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
> be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?

The latter, if for no other reason than that new users should get bludgeoned
into good practice from their first day.  If something's serious enough to
trigger a warning, and you insist on doing it anyway, then you should at
least know enough about Python to be able to find the -W switch <wink>.

Note that in response to 1,379 distinct complaints about insane Perl
semantics, TomC's stock answer is that every serious Perl programmer runs
with -w and "use strict".  He's right!  Every serious Perl programmer does.
Perl picked the wrong default, letting naive programmers hang themselves
1,379 distinct ways by default.

Besides, warning by default will enhance your enviable reputation as a
ruthless dictator opposed to freedom and creativity <wink>.

> There are also platform problems, e.g. on the Mac, stderr doesn't
> always exist, and on Windows, it doesn't exist if pythonw.exe is
> used...

But this is already a problem for, e.g., reporting fatal syntax errors, yes?
That is, -w/-W isn't creating a new problem here, it's making the lack of a
solution to an old problem more evident.

all's-for-the-best-in-this-best-of-all-possible-worlds-ly y'rs  - tim

From gward at  Tue Sep  7 20:47:40 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:47:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim>; from Tim Peters on Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 02:26:30PM -0400
References: <> <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

On 07 September 1999, Tim Peters said:
> The latter, if for no other reason than that new users should get bludgeoned
> into good practice from their first day.  If something's serious enough to
> trigger a warning, and you insist on doing it anyway, then you should at
> least know enough about Python to be able to find the -W switch <wink>.
> Note that in response to 1,379 distinct complaints about insane Perl
> semantics, TomC's stock answer is that every serious Perl programmer runs
> with -w and "use strict".  He's right!  Every serious Perl programmer does.
> Perl picked the wrong default, letting naive programmers hang themselves
> 1,379 distinct ways by default.

I agree, but I'm only willing to do so publicly because Tim has.  So
does the Perl documentation (ie. Tom C., I assume); from "man perl":

         The -w switch produces some lovely diagnostics.
         Did we mention that you should definitely consider using the
         -w switch?

         The -w switch is not mandatory.

D'you think that's a hint?

Obviously, there *must* be a way to turn off warnings, so we can
continue to run our crufty, bug-ridden old code without too many

Greg S.'s suggestion for being able to customize *which* warnings are
printed is also important.  Much hair was pulled when Perl 5.004 was
released with a whole bunch of new warning messages -- lots of people
had to go back and "fix" working code, or remove the -w switch from
production scripts to clean up the mess on their stderr, etc.  I suspect
most of those people (myself included) were enlightened by the new
warnings, but annoyed by having to go and fix what wasn't necessarily
broken.  A lot of people now recommend using -w only when developing,
and removing it for production use, simply because of the risk of new
warning messages when you upgrade Perl.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From mhammond at  Wed Sep  8 01:01:25 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:01:25 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> Perhaps on those platforms a file could be opened in a
> standard location to
> catch stderr (I presume you can detect the lack of stderr at
> run-time?).

Not really - there are 2 scenarios here.  pythonw.exe, for example, always
has a valid stdout handle - it just goes nowhere.  When Python is embedded
in certain COM servers (such as ASP), the stdout handle is invalid -
operations on it will fail (perversely, this also means a single "print"
statement in your Python code can raise an exception and make your code
fail - and seeing as print statements are the debugging state of the art at
the moment, this is less than ideal - but I digress)

So Im not sure we can check this reasonably at runtime - invalid handles
are easy, but valid handles that go nowhere useful (as in pythonw.exe, and
therefore the majority of cases we care about) is obviously difficult.

OTOH, pythonw.exe doesnt print tracebacks either.  Although not ideal,
people arent loudly complaining about this - they know to develop and debug
using python.exe.  As the warnings we are discussing are compile time
warnings, we could simply document that they should run "compileall" over
their scripts to generate the warnings before attempting to embed it in
some sort of wierd system.

On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool rather
than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the moment, but IMO
is where we should be heading.  Skip's return statement warnings are fine
and a nice addition, but in my experience account for a trivial number of
my errors.  Stuff like warning about a variable name used only once, for
example, will probably never get into core Python but in my opinion is far
more valuable.  So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt give
us the framework we need to actually create a truly useful package of
warnings for the Python developer.

[And I am slowly and painfully starting work in this - a lint tool based on
the Python parser module.  Dont hold your breath though :-]


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep  8 01:05:19 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 19:05:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 08 Sep 1999 09:01:25 +1000."
References: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat> 
Message-ID: <>

> > Perhaps on those platforms a file could be opened in a
> > standard location to
> > catch stderr (I presume you can detect the lack of stderr at
> > run-time?).
> Not really - there are 2 scenarios here.  pythonw.exe, for example, always
> has a valid stdout handle - it just goes nowhere.  When Python is embedded
> in certain COM servers (such as ASP), the stdout handle is invalid -
> operations on it will fail (perversely, this also means a single "print"
> statement in your Python code can raise an exception and make your code
> fail - and seeing as print statements are the debugging state of the art at
> the moment, this is less than ideal - but I digress)
> So Im not sure we can check this reasonably at runtime - invalid handles
> are easy, but valid handles that go nowhere useful (as in pythonw.exe, and
> therefore the majority of cases we care about) is obviously difficult.
> OTOH, pythonw.exe doesnt print tracebacks either.  Although not ideal,
> people arent loudly complaining about this - they know to develop and debug
> using python.exe.  As the warnings we are discussing are compile time
> warnings, we could simply document that they should run "compileall" over
> their scripts to generate the warnings before attempting to embed it in
> some sort of wierd system.

Hmm...  Perhaps pythonw.exe could use freopen() to point stdout and
stderr to a log file in a temp directory?  The wizards will know where 
to look...

> On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool rather
> than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the moment, but IMO
> is where we should be heading.  Skip's return statement warnings are fine
> and a nice addition, but in my experience account for a trivial number of
> my errors.  Stuff like warning about a variable name used only once, for
> example, will probably never get into core Python but in my opinion is far
> more valuable.  So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt give
> us the framework we need to actually create a truly useful package of
> warnings for the Python developer.
> [And I am slowly and painfully starting work in this - a lint tool based on
> the Python parser module.  Dont hold your breath though :-]

Eventually, I also plan to have some kind of lint in IDLE.  If the
CP4E money comes, I'll start working on that for earnest...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Wed Sep  8 13:53:46 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 04:53:46 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> ...
> > I would suggest sys.warnings be a dictionary.
> >
> > python -Wbad-return -Wlines-per-func=50
> >
> > >>> print sys.warnings
> > {'bad-return': None, 'lines-per-func': '50'}
> Makes sense -- true to warn (possibly giving some extra meaning to
> "truth", as in this example), and false to not warn.  Or maybe None to
> not warn, not-None to warn.  Of course, if there are only compile-time
> warnings, then modifying sys.warnings will only affect future imports,
> execs, evals, etc.

Actually, I had intended *presence* in the dictionary to mean "enabled."
I don't think we'd want to pre-populate the dict with all possible flags
ahead of time, then check for each of them on the command line. (startup
time!) However, if we "simply" parsed the command line, extracted all -W
options and dropped them into the dict, then we're set.


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Wed Sep  8 14:41:18 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 08:41:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] More Python command-line features
Message-ID: <>

While we're talking about Python command-line features, I have a couple
of requests that would make life alot easier for us.

1. I'd like the options given before the script name to 
   be accessable to Python scripts. For example, in:

     python -O bar spam

   I'd like to have a sys variable that told me that the arguments
   ['-O'] were included before the arguments ['', 'bar', 'spam']
   (aka sys.argv).  This is needed if I want to fork/exec (or span or
   whatever) Python with the same option.

2. I'd like to be able to supply environment variables to Python
   on the command line, as in:

     python -O -e PYTHONHOME=/Zope bar spam

   This would be very helpful in environment-variable-challenged
   environments like windows 9x, and might be handy elswhere as

If people agree that these would be good ideas, I'd ve happy
to supply a patch.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From gward at  Wed Sep  8 14:48:49 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 08:48:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] More Python command-line features
In-Reply-To: <>; from Jim Fulton on Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 08:41:18AM -0400
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 08 September 1999, Jim Fulton said:
> While we're talking about Python command-line features, I have a couple
> of requests that would make life alot easier for us.
> 1. I'd like the options given before the script name to 
>    be accessable to Python scripts. For example, in:
>      python -O bar spam
>    I'd like to have a sys variable that told me that the arguments
>    ['-O'] were included before the arguments ['', 'bar', 'spam']
>    (aka sys.argv).  This is needed if I want to fork/exec (or span or
>    whatever) Python with the same option.

Regarding -O, it would also be nice to have a higher-level way to find
out what optimization level the current interpreter is running under.
Currently, as I understand it, there's no way to predict whether
py_compile will generate .pyc or .pyo files, which is a minor annoyance
in the Distutils installation code.  However, if Jim's mythical sys
variable is guaranteed to canonicalize Python's command-line options so
that something like

   "-O" in sys.python_argv

would always answer this question, I'd be satisfied.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From fdrake at  Wed Sep  8 15:35:28 1999
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:35:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] More Python command-line features
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward writes:
 > Regarding -O, it would also be nice to have a higher-level way to find
 > out what optimization level the current interpreter is running under.
 > Currently, as I understand it, there's no way to predict whether

  I agree.  In fact, I'd even be willing to add support to compile the 
parse-trees produced by the parser module with or without optimization 
(pick your favorite level); that would be easy with the current
  I didn't add this earlier because Guido objected, saying that the
internal optimization flag could change.  That would require that the
parser module implementation change accordingly.  I don't think that
would be a huge problem, other than for my having to send Guido a
pre-forma gripe that he'd given me more work to do two days before a
release.  ;-)
  So, should <ast-object>.compile() accept an optional optimization
level, with the default being to use the "current" setting?


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From skip at  Wed Sep  8 16:54:20 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Wed,  8 Sep 1999 09:54:20 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Mark> On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool
    Mark> rather than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the
    Mark> moment, but IMO is where we should be heading.  Skip's return
    Mark> statement warnings are fine and a nice addition, but in my
    Mark> experience account for a trivial number of my errors.  Stuff like
    Mark> warning about a variable name used only once, for example, will
    Mark> probably never get into core Python but in my opinion is far more
    Mark> valuable.  So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt
    Mark> give us the framework we need to actually create a truly useful
    Mark> package of warnings for the Python developer.

I'm not sure the stuff I wrote belongs in the core either, certainly not in
C code.  As I mentioned when I posted it though, I wasn't sure where a
PyLint type program already existed that I could simply graft onto.  I've
fiddled around enough with the compile.c code in the past couple of years
that I understand it fairly well already.

I do have some Python code that does peephole optimization on Python
bytecode.  I could have put it in there (it already divides functions into
basic blocks), but again, not many people have it laying about to play with.

Can we start/settle on a Python-based source code framework for this sort of
thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the parser module's
output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason about Python


From skip at  Wed Sep  8 16:58:13 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Wed,  8 Sep 1999 09:58:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

    Guido> Eventually, I also plan to have some kind of lint in IDLE.  If
    Guido> the CP4E money comes, I'll start working on that for earnest...

Speaking of which, just where *is* IDLE?  I get the Python source via CVS,
but I'll be damned if I have anything called or or even
anything that matches "*idle*" or "*IDLE*" glob patterns.  I just executed
"cvs update -A ." from the top of my tree and checked again.  Still nothing.
Is it a separate module from the main Python source?



From fdrake at  Wed Sep  8 17:04:41 1999
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 11:04:41 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro writes:
 > Speaking of which, just where *is* IDLE?  I get the Python source via CVS,
 > but I'll be damned if I have anything called or or even

  Look in Tools/idle/


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From fdrake at  Wed Sep  8 17:09:11 1999
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 11:09:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro writes:
 > thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the parser module's
 > output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason about Python

  This was exactly what I wanted to prevent when I created the parser
module!  ;-)
  I think a wrapper that simplifies the parse tree wouldn't be too
hard to do; you simply have to be sure that the simplified version can 
be re-elaborated to pass back to the byte-code compiler via
parser.sequence2ast(<seq>).compile().  Otherwise you can't modify the
tree without loosing line number information, which would be nice to
keep around!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From mal at  Wed Sep  8 17:08:02 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 17:08:02 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <> <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 07 September 1999, Tim Peters said:
> > The latter, if for no other reason than that new users should get bludgeoned
> > into good practice from their first day.  If something's serious enough to
> > trigger a warning, and you insist on doing it anyway, then you should at
> > least know enough about Python to be able to find the -W switch <wink>.
> >
> > Note that in response to 1,379 distinct complaints about insane Perl
> > semantics, TomC's stock answer is that every serious Perl programmer runs
> > with -w and "use strict".  He's right!  Every serious Perl programmer does.
> > Perl picked the wrong default, letting naive programmers hang themselves
> > 1,379 distinct ways by default.
> I agree, but I'm only willing to do so publicly because Tim has.  So
> does the Perl documentation (ie. Tom C., I assume); from "man perl":
>          The -w switch produces some lovely diagnostics.
>     [...]
>          Did we mention that you should definitely consider using the
>          -w switch?
>     BUGS
>          The -w switch is not mandatory.
> D'you think that's a hint?
> Obviously, there *must* be a way to turn off warnings, so we can
> continue to run our crufty, bug-ridden old code without too many
> problems.
> Greg S.'s suggestion for being able to customize *which* warnings are
> printed is also important.  Much hair was pulled when Perl 5.004 was
> released with a whole bunch of new warning messages -- lots of people
> had to go back and "fix" working code, or remove the -w switch from
> production scripts to clean up the mess on their stderr, etc.  I suspect
> most of those people (myself included) were enlightened by the new
> warnings, but annoyed by having to go and fix what wasn't necessarily
> broken.  A lot of people now recommend using -w only when developing,
> and removing it for production use, simply because of the risk of new
> warning messages when you upgrade Perl.

I'd suggest to use the -W <opt>[=<value>] kind of command line
option interface for warnings and to also add an environment
variable to customize the standard settings, e.g. PYTHONWARNINGS.

About enabling warning per default: you should consider the fact
that much code out there will probably produce such warnings,
even if it is perfectly valid (e.g. consider Skip's example
with while 1:...). Enabling it is definitely not a good idea
for production code -- it is during the development step.

Since production code is likely to run using -O, I suggest
disabling warnings when -O is used and enabling them otherwise.

Also, I'd like to second GregS' idea with the sys.warnings
dict. Together with a generic -W <opt>=<value> interface
this would be great for adding customized warnings to Python
scripts (i.e. not only the ones that the interpreter itself

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   123 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Wed Sep  8 16:57:59 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 16:57:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Accessing internal flag values
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 08 September 1999, Jim Fulton said:
> >
> > While we're talking about Python command-line features, I have a couple
> > of requests that would make life alot easier for us.
> >
> > 1. I'd like the options given before the script name to
> >    be accessable to Python scripts. For example, in:
> >
> >      python -O bar spam
> >
> >    I'd like to have a sys variable that told me that the arguments
> >    ['-O'] were included before the arguments ['', 'bar', 'spam']
> >    (aka sys.argv).  This is needed if I want to fork/exec (or span or
> >    whatever) Python with the same option.
> Regarding -O, it would also be nice to have a higher-level way to find
> out what optimization level the current interpreter is running under.
> Currently, as I understand it, there's no way to predict whether
> py_compile will generate .pyc or .pyo files, which is a minor annoyance
> in the Distutils installation code.

Check out mxTools (from my Python Pages). It has a function which
lets you control the value of the optimization flag:
     The following functions are installed as add-ons to the builtin sys

         If level is given, the value of the interpreter's verbosity flag is set
         to level and the previous value of that flag is returned. Otherwise,
         the current value is returned. 

         You can use this function to e.g. enable verborse lookup output to
         stderr for import statements even when the interpreter was not
         invoked with '-v' or '-vv' switch or to force verbosity to be
         switched off. 

         If level is given, the value of the interpreter's debugging flag is set
         to level and the previous value of that flag is returned. Otherwise,
         the current value is returned. 

         You can use this function to check whether the interpreter was
         called with '-d' flag or not. Some extensions use this flag to
         enable/disable debugging log output (e.g. all the mx Extensions).

         If level is given, the value of the interpreter's optimization flag is
         set to level and the previous value of that flag is returned.
         Otherwise, the current value is returned. 

         You can use this function to e.g. compile Python scripts in
         optimized mode even though the interpreter was not started with

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   123 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gstein at  Wed Sep  8 21:20:32 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 12:20:32 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> Skip Montanaro writes:
>  > thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the parser module's
>  > output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason about Python
>   This was exactly what I wanted to prevent when I created the parser
> module!  ;-)
>   I think a wrapper that simplifies the parse tree wouldn't be too
> hard to do; you simply have to be sure that the simplified version can
> be re-elaborated to pass back to the byte-code compiler via
> parser.sequence2ast(<seq>).compile().  Otherwise you can't modify the
> tree without loosing line number information, which would be nice to
> keep around!

This has already been done. Grab the Python2C distribution from There is a module named
"" which does just what you're thinking -- it converts
Python's deeply-nested trees into something human-readable. Each of the
resulting node types are doc'd at the top of the module.

It is also over a couple years old, so it has had some decent


Greg Stein,

From mhammond at  Thu Sep  9 00:03:07 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 08:03:07 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002801befa45$efed8240$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> Can we start/settle on a Python-based source code framework
> for this sort of
> thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the
> parser module's
> output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason
> about Python
> code.

Actually, I struggled with this a _lot_, then found that P2C has a module
called "transform" which flattens the parse tree down to something I can
understand (which is good :-)

I could simply attach it, but it is grafted to P2C IIRC.  If there is
interest I will rip it out...


From gstein at  Thu Sep  9 00:11:35 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 15:11:35 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <002801befa45$efed8240$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> Actually, I struggled with this a _lot_, then found that P2C has a module
> called "transform" which flattens the parse tree down to something I can
> understand (which is good :-)
> I could simply attach it, but it is grafted to P2C IIRC.  If there is
> interest I will rip it out... operates quite independently.

It is a relatively large module, though (33k), so I would recommend
people just grab the P2C distribution from

I have started to put together a page at that includes the various modules that
I've "published". I'll get transformer over there in the next day or


Greg Stein,

From mhammond at  Thu Sep  9 00:29:47 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 08:29:47 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002c01befa49$a9b74730$0801a8c0@bobcat>

Oops - for some reason I thought we were on Python-help where Greg doesnt
hang out...

> operates quite independently.

It does - however, the only simple way to see what it does is to use P2C.
All I had in mind was a simple "if __name__=='__main__': block to
demonstrate its output.


From tim_one at  Fri Sep 10 08:16:20 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 02:16:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <000001befb54$0095e240$a52d153f@tim>

[Mark Hammond]
> ...
> On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool
> rather than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the
> moment, but IMO is where we should be heading.

Following the lead taken by other modern languages, like javalint, c++lint,
perllint, dylanlint and even vblint <wink>?  C lint was a hack needed due to
the combination of bad language design choices and poor compilers, but C
compilers are smarter now than lint ever was.  Who still uses lint?  It's
dead, and it's not missed.

> Skip's return statement warnings are fine and a nice addition, but in
> my experience account for a trivial number of my errors.  Stuff like
> warning about a variable name used only once, for example, will probably
> never get into core Python but in my opinion is far more valuable.

The notion that a valuable idea will never get into the core is disturbing.
I don't really care how it's implemented, but a *visibly* separate
"checking" tool is bad UI, one that even the C community left behind with

> So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt give us the framework
> we need to actually create a truly useful package of warnings for the
> Python developer.

No, but adding the "-W" <wink> switch does give us the means by which
(perhaps the illusion of) "a" smarter compiler can be invoked & controlled.

> [And I am slowly and painfully starting work in this - a lint tool based
> on the Python parser module.  Dont hold your breath though :-]

Aaron W has had a capable pylint tool for a couple years, & it remains
virtually unknown; and, far as I can tell, Aaron reciprocated the lack of
interest by dropping active development.

So why was C lint successful in its day while every crack at pylint flops
(btw, yours will too <0.5 wink>)?  I think it's two sides of the same coin:
C lint found dozens of deadly problems that infested almost all C code
(remember the pre-prototype days?).  Versions of pylint offer very little
beyond pointing out unique vrbl names, perhaps indentation checking, and
...?  I'm drawing a blank here.  I suppose they should strive to give better
msgs for runaway triple-quoted strings.  What else?  Skip's "return"
checker, and far as I can tell then we're already at the point of
diminishing returns.

My claim is that pylints don't get used both because they're a separate
step, and because the odds of them catching something interesting are
comparatively tiny.  Python simply doesn't have many errors that *can* be
caught at compile-time.  It's like me firing up the spell-checker at this
point to verify "compile-time" -- the expected payoff is negative.

There's little enough useful a pylint could do that a mod to add those few
smarts to the core would be a fraction of the size & effort of yet another
separate tool.  Better, in the core, it would actually do people some good
because it would actually get used.

Which specific problems do you expect your lint tool to uncover?  Perhaps
there's a world of mechanically-checkable Python errors I haven't yet bumped

you-windows-guys-write-strange-code<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From da at  Fri Sep 10 08:28:07 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 23:28:07 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Techniques for scientific C++
Message-ID: <>

In case you haven't seen enough C++ papers, you might find this paper
interesting. It's a good way to learn more about templates without trying
to actually use them, and it's a very good way to decide to stay away from
high-power C++ techniques like expression templates.  Yeeagh!

(I especially like the program shown in section 1.11.1).


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:59:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Todd Veldhuizen <tveldhui at>
Subject: OON: Techniques for scientific C++

I've updated and expanded my slides on "Techniques for Scientific C++"
into a document.  It's available in HTML and Postscript from:


Here's the table of contents.

1.1: About this document
1.2: C++ Compilers
     1.2.1: Placating sub-standard compilers
     1.2.2: The compiler landscape
     1.2.3: C++-specific optimization
1.3: Compile times
     1.3.1: Headers
     1.3.2: Prelinking
     1.3.3: The program database approach -- Visual Age C++
     1.3.4: Quadratic/Cubic template algorithms
1.4: Static Polymorphism
     1.4.1: Are virtual functions evil?
     1.4.2: Solution A: simple engines
     1.4.3: Solution B: the Barton and Nackman Trick
1.5: Callback inlining techniques
     1.5.1: Callbacks: the typical C++ approach Expression templates STL-style function objects Pointer-to-function as a template parameter
1.6: Managing code bloat
     1.6.1: Avoid kitchen-sink template parameters
     1.6.2: Put function bodies outside template classes
     1.6.3: Inlining levels
1.7: Containers
     1.7.1: STL-style containers
     1.7.2: Data/View containers
1.8: Aliasing and restrict
1.9: Traits
     1.9.1: An example: average()
     1.9.2: Type promotion example
1.10: Expression templates
     1.10.1: Performance implications of pairwise evaluation
     1.10.2: Recursive templates
     1.10.3: Expression templates: building parse trees
     1.10.4: A minimal implementation
     1.10.5: Refinements
     1.10.6: Pointers to more information
     1.10.7: References
1.11: Template metaprograms
     1.11.1: Template metaprograms: some history
     1.11.2: The need for specialized algorithms
     1.11.3: Using template metaprograms to specialize algorithms
1.12: Comma overloading
     1.12.1: An example
1.13: Interfacing with Fortran codes
1.14: Some thoughts on performance tuning
     1.14.1: General suggestions
     1.14.2: Know what your compiler can do
     1.14.3: Data structures and algorithms
     1.14.4: Efficient use of the memory hierarchy

- -- 
Todd Veldhuizen               tveldhui at
Indiana Univ. Comp. Sci.
- --------------------- Object Oriented Numerics List --------------------------

From mhammond at  Fri Sep 10 09:36:39 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 17:36:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000001befb54$0095e240$a52d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <003a01befb5f$39f25400$0801a8c0@bobcat>

[Tim laments the death of lint for C :-]

> The notion that a valuable idea will never get into the core
> is disturbing.

Agreed.  I based my assesment simply on my perception of what is likely to
happen, not my opinion of what _should_ happen.  I do agree that it is far
far preferable for Python itself to be capable of issuing these warnings,
and if Guido feels that is the best direction then it would be very cool.
Only Guido can state if he would support such efforts, and probably should
right about now (the funk soul brother - sorry - just got the Fat Boy Slim
CD, and its going around in my head :-)

> Aaron W has had a capable pylint tool for a couple years, & it remains
> virtually unknown; and, far as I can tell, Aaron reciprocated
> the lack of
> interest by dropping active development.

Which tends to be the biggest problem with it.  A number of people have
tried to use it, but often get stymied by the lack of 1.5.?isms - ie,
"raise" (ie re-raise) and "assert".  It bombs at these statements, and
there is some real magic I didnt want to understand.  Aaron agrees that a
parser module based one would be better.

But your original point still remains - I agree having Python do this is a
better solution all round.

> (remember the pre-prototype days?).  Versions of pylint offer
> very little
> beyond pointing out unique vrbl names, perhaps indentation
> checking, and
> ...?  I'm drawing a blank here.  I suppose they should strive
> to give better
> msgs for runaway triple-quoted strings.  What else?  Skip's "return"
> checker, and far as I can tell then we're already at the point of
> diminishing returns.

Agreed.  However, all of these would be very valuable and account for the
vast majority of my errors.

> you-windows-guys-write-strange-code<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

Only cos we use a strange OS <wink>


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 10 16:05:23 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 10:05:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 10 Sep 1999 17:36:39 +1000."
References: <003a01befb5f$39f25400$0801a8c0@bobcat> 
Message-ID: <>

> Agreed.  I based my assesment simply on my perception of what is likely to
> happen, not my opinion of what _should_ happen.  I do agree that it is far
> far preferable for Python itself to be capable of issuing these warnings,
> and if Guido feels that is the best direction then it would be very cool.
> Only Guido can state if he would support such efforts, and probably should
> right about now (the funk soul brother - sorry - just got the Fat Boy Slim
> CD, and its going around in my head :-)

I agree it should happen, and Tim's argument about keeping lint and
compiler together is a convincing one.

What stands in the way?

(a) There's so much else to do...

(b) *Someone* needs to design a good framework for spitting out
warnings, and for giving the programmer a way to control which
warnings to ignore. I've seen plenty of good suggestions here; now
somebody should simply go off and come up with a proposal too good to

(c) I have a different agenda with CP4E -- I think it would be great
if the editor could do syntax checking and beyond *while you type*,
like the spell checker in MS Word.  (I *like* Word's spell checker,
even though I hate the style checker [too stupid], and I gladly put up
with the spell checker's spurious complaints -- it's easy to turn off,
easy to ignore, and it finds lots of good stuff.)

Because the editor has to deal with incomplete and sometimes
ungrammatical things, and because it has to work in real time (staying
out of the way when you're frantically typing, catching up when your
fingers take a rest), it needs a different kind of parser.

But that's another project, and once the Python core has a warning
framework in place, I'm sure we'll find more things that are worth
warning about.

I'm not always in agreement with Tim Peters when he says that Python
is so dynamic that it's impossible to check for certain errors.  It
may be impossible to say *for sure* that something is an error, but
there sure are lots of situations where you're doing something that's
*likely* to be an error.

E.g. if the compiler sees len(1), and there's no local or global
variable named len, it *could* be the case that the user has set up a
parallel universe where the len() built-in accepts an integer
argument, but more likely it's an honest mistake, and I would like to
get a warning about it.

The hard part here is to issue this warning for len(x) where x is some
variable or expression that is likely to have a non-sequence value
(barring alternate universes); this might require global analysis
that's hard or expensive enough that we can't put it in the core
(yet).  This may be seen as an argument for a separate lint...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Fri Sep 10 16:16:52 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:16:52 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Where does lint-like functionality belong?
Message-ID: <>

Okay, if Tim's assertions are correct (and I have no reason to suspect
them), a separate pylint will be doomed, so the only reasonable thing to do
is to place it in the core where it will be rarin' to go all the time.
Perl's experience with -w seems to suggest that it's best to always enable
whatever warnings you can as well.  (More and more I see people using gcc's
-Wall flag as well.)

Now, my return consistency stuff was easy enough to write in C for two
reasons.  One, I'm fairly comfortable with the compile.c code.  Two, adding
my checks required no extra memory management overhead.  Consider a few
other checks you might conceivably add to the byte code compiler:

    * tab nanny stuff (already enabled with -t, right?)
    * variables set but not used
    * variables used before set

If all of this sort of stuff is added to the compiler proper, I predict a
couple major problems will surface:

    * The complexity of the code will increase significantly, making it
      harder to maintain and enhance
    * Fewer and fewer people will be able to approach the code, making it
      less likely that new checks are added
    * Future extensions like pluggable virtual machines will be harder to
      add because their byte code compilers will be harder to integrate into 
      the core

In addition, more global checks probably won't be possible (reasoning about
code across module boundaries for instance) because the compiler's view of
the world is fairly narrow.

I think lint-like tools should be implemented in Python (possibly with the
support of an extension module for performance-critical sections) which is
then called from the compiler proper under appropriate circumstances
(warnings enabled, all necessary modules importable, etc).  I believe the
code would be much more easily maintained and extended.  You'd be able to
swap in a new byte code compiler without risking the loss of your checking


From mal at  Fri Sep 10 21:06:28 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:06:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
Message-ID: <>

Hi everybody,

I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.

Here are the results...

Demo Package Structure: (see the attached


With the attached patch you can do the following:

# Pretty useless...
import a.b.__.ab

# From inside
from __ import ab

# At top-level (also useless, but shows how this situation is handled):
import __.sys
# __ is bound to None since we are at top-level; sys is still
# being loaded though.

Of course, common usage will be of the form:
form __.__ import submodule_at_higher_level

Please tell me what you think and give it a try. It's a first
try and may have some design errors. Especially the way
head and tail are treated in Python/import.c:import_module_ex
may cause trouble -- I need help here.

Note: The patch is against the CVS version. If you run Python
in verbose mode, the patch will produce some verbose output
of what it's doing.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   113 days left
Python Pages:                 
-------------- next part --------------
--- /home/lemburg/orig/Python/Python/import.c	Fri Apr  9 19:00:51 1999
+++ Python/import.c	Fri Sep 10 20:51:02 1999
@@ -1572,10 +1572,14 @@ load_next(mod, altmod, p_name, buf, p_bu
 	char *dot = strchr(name, '.');
 	int len;
 	char *p;
 	PyObject *result;
+	if (Py_VerboseFlag)
+		printf("# load_next: (1) name='%s', buf='%.*s'\n",
+		       name,*p_buflen,buf);
 	if (dot == NULL) {
 		*p_name = NULL;
 		len = strlen(name);
 	else {
@@ -1586,10 +1590,39 @@ load_next(mod, altmod, p_name, buf, p_bu
 				"Empty module name");
 		return NULL;
+	/* Handle "__" indicator telling the import mechanism to
+	   continue the search one level higher in the package
+	   hierarchy */
+	if (strncmp(name,"__",len) == 0) {
+		PyObject *modules = PyImport_GetModuleDict();
+		/* Strip the final dotted name from buf */
+		dot = strrchr(buf, '.');
+		if (dot == NULL)
+			*p_buflen = 0;
+		else
+			*p_buflen = dot - buf;
+		buf[*p_buflen] = '\0';
+		/* Fetch the parent module or revert to a top-level search */
+		if (*p_buflen > 0) {
+			mod = PyDict_GetItemString(modules,buf);
+			if (mod == NULL) {
+				PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,
+						"Parent module missing");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+			mod = Py_None;
+		Py_INCREF(mod);
+		return mod;
+	}
 	p = buf + *p_buflen;
 	if (p != buf)
 		*p++ = '.';
 	if (p+len-buf >= MAXPATHLEN) {
@@ -1597,10 +1630,14 @@ load_next(mod, altmod, p_name, buf, p_bu
 		return NULL;
 	strncpy(p, name, len);
 	p[len] = '\0';
 	*p_buflen = p+len-buf;
+	if (Py_VerboseFlag)
+		printf("# load_next: (2) modname='%s', fullname=buf='%s'\n",
+		       p,buf);
 	result = import_submodule(mod, p, buf);
 	if (result == Py_None && altmod != mod) {
 		/* Here, altmod must be None and mod must not be None */
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Type: application/x-zip-compressed
Size: 851 bytes
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URL: <>

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 10 21:16:28 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 15:16:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:06:28 +0200."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.

I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
the same directory as the current module.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From da at  Sat Sep 11 06:06:54 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:06:54 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] jpythonc: unreachable Python becomes unreachable Java (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward notes on the JPython list:

> Looks like I've found a definite bug in jpythonc -- unreachable Python
> code compiles to unreachable Java code.  Here's a simple example:
> [..]
> Yikes... does this mean that jpythonc will have to analyze Python code
> for reachability?  Is this even possible?  Guess the answer for now is,
> "Don't do that!".

This is another sort of warning that a checker could do in the core which
could catch some errors.  Not sure that it makes sense to try and find all
the cases that an arbitrary Java compiler could find, but presumably
Greg's original code which led him to the jpythonc bug find had a
plain-old python bug in it?  Did Aaron's pylint find any nonreachable


From mal at  Sat Sep 11 12:29:48 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 12:29:48 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> the same directory as the current module.

Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
released) and Mark's win32 stuff.

As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
and more often. Relative imports would greatly reduce the
risk these collisions, because packages could be written
self-contained meaning that they can reach their internal
modules via relative paths only and don't have to know about
the absolute paths by which they are reachable from other parts
of the Python universe.

I could then make all my packages self-contained and
distribute them in two forms without having to change
a single line for the added support:

1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'

Another major advantage is that I could take any other
self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
them manually. 

To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
in the package structures become manageable without user
intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
structures change because they store absolute module names.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   111 days left
Python Pages:                 

From tim_one at  Sat Sep 11 22:29:58 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 16:29:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>

> I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> the same directory as the current module.

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
> is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
> as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
> released) and Mark's win32 stuff.
> As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> and more often.

I never understand package complaints.  Maybe it's the imprecision of the
language people use, or maybe because it's because people don't give fully
fleshed-out examples.  Whatever, in the end, I never have any idea what the
complaint is, or in what way the solution is "solving" anything.

In the above, "absolute" doesn't appear to mean "absolute" in any
OS-sensible sense.  So what does it really mean?  Does it mean the same
things to Guido and MAL?

In MAL's hint of examples, I don't see any problem.  If mxDateTime unpacks
itself into a directory named DateTime, then *of course* it's going to
collide with other packages that want to do likewise.  Install it into
mxDateTime instead, and take "absolute" to mean "any module that wants an
mxDateTime service and does not itself live directly in mxDateTime/ must
import the desired module via a path beginning 'mxDateTime.'", and
everything looks straightforward to me (and that outcome makes me infer that
this is thus probably what Guido has in mind too).  Similarly for
win32.Queue vs mxQueue.Queue vs the Queue in the std library (it *would* be
good to have an explicit way to say "std library" -- "Lib." comes to mind).

> I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> distribute them in two forms without having to change
> a single line for the added support:
> 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'

Ah, so that's what this is about.  I vote screw #2.  Releasing it that way
was a mistake.  Better to live with the brief & finite pain of repairing it
than complicating Python to cover up for it.

> Another major advantage is that I could take any other
> self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
> of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
> org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
> or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
> them manually.

I view that not as an advantage but as harmful complication.  Zope etc add
great value to a Python installation, and when I write a killer app full of
"import zope.this" and "import zope.that", I don't want the possibility that
it's not going to work on my client's machine just because their sysadmin
installed Zope into some silly site-specific path named after his soon-to-be
ex-girlfriend <wink>.  I don't want a way to work around him doing that,
either:  I don't want him to be able to screw me to begin with.

> To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> in the package structures become manageable without user
> intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> structures change because they store absolute module names.

This is a different issue, and may have merits of its own.  WRT the relative
import scheme, its advantage seems to lie in providing a way to partially
recover from the damage the new scheme causes <0.5 wink>.

As is, the package name used by a release is part of its published
interface.  You can't change it without causing pain, any more than you can
make incompatible changes to public class methods or input-output behavior.
In return, package clients are uniform, simple and portable, making life
easiest for the people who know least.  The burden is on package authors to
choose names wisely, and that's where the burden should be.

if-100-pkgs-all-want-their-own-queue-they-already-can-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 12 02:41:16 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 20:41:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Techniques for scientific C++
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101befcb7$85be2b80$4c2d153f@tim>

[David Ascher, concerning]
> In case you haven't seen enough C++ papers, you might find this paper
> interesting. It's a good way to learn more about templates without trying
> to actually use them, and it's a very good way to decide to stay away from
> high-power C++ techniques like expression templates.  Yeeagh!

Didn't these people get to play with m4 in their youth?  Ah, this *is* their
youth <wink>.  As for so much else, this is stuff they could have been doing
with Lisp/Scheme compile-time macros 15 years ago, except the latter are
much clearer, simpler and easier to use.  It's not "a trick" in Scheme, it's
a fundamental approach, and the full power of the language is available at
every step.

If this kind of thing still holds a perverse attraction, check out

These guys produce what are usually the fastest FFT algorithms in the world
across platforms, via a dynamic programming approach that generates
algorithm fragments and times them on the target platform, eventually
"growing" superior platform-specific FFT code for each vector size.  Until
C++ templates can do file I/O at compile-time (to take advantage of timings
from previous runs), they won't even get close <wink>.

    then-so-is-a-skunk's-odor-ly y'rs  - tim

From gmcm at  Sun Sep 12 04:41:44 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 22:41:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > 
> > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not
> > in the same directory as the current module.
> Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which is
> not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such as
> DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be released)
> and Mark's win32 stuff.

I can see your point (although I also believe that authors - Guido 
excepted - should come up with collision-free names, probably in a 
Java-ish scheme).

But I strongly believe that import.c should be left alone, maybe 
even to die. There are too many people doing import hooks to 
make fiddling with its behavior safe.

I'm also a strong proponent of Greg's scheme, which 
makes it a breeze to do import hooks. And my experience 
disproves the notion that the import mechanism needs to be in C. If 
you don't believe me, try the ZlibArchive stuff (which is cross 
platform) from my Win32 installer stuff. You can pack the standard 
library into one 475K file, and get a perceptible performance boost.

OTOH, I could see doing a framework of packages, in which case 
relative imports might be handy. This seems to work fine:

def relimp(nm):
  rpth = string.split(nm, '/')
  tpth = string.split(__name__, '.')[:-1]
  for node in rpth:
    if node == '..':
      del tpth[-1]
    #print `tpth`
  return __import__(string.join(tpth, '.'))

b = relimp('../packageA2.b')

> As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> and more often. Relative imports would greatly reduce the
> risk these collisions, because packages could be written
> self-contained meaning that they can reach their internal
> modules via relative paths only and don't have to know about
> the absolute paths by which they are reachable from other parts
> of the Python universe.
> I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> distribute them in two forms without having to change
> a single line for the added support:
> 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'
> Another major advantage is that I could take any other
> self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
> of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
> org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
> or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
> them manually. 
> To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> in the package structures become manageable without user
> intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> structures change because they store absolute module names.
> -- 
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Y2000:                                   111 days left Business:      
>                    Python Pages:     
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev maillist  -  Python-Dev at

- Gordon

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 12 11:18:16 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 05:18:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001befcff$bf654e20$492d153f@tim>

> ...
> I based my assesment simply on my perception of what is likely to
> happen, not my opinion of what _should_ happen.

I based mine on what Guido was waiting for someone to say <wink>.

We worry too much about disagreeing here; different opinions are great!
Guido will squash the ones he can't stand anyway.

[about Aaron's pylint's lack of 1.5.2 smarts]
> ...
> Aaron agrees that a parser module based one would be better.

You can't beat a real parse, no argument there.  Luckily, the compiler
parses too.

> What stands in the way?
> (a) There's so much else to do...

How did Perl manage to attract 150 people with nothing to do except hack on
Perl internals?  "Wow, that code's such a mess I bet even *I* could get
something into it" <0.6 wink>.

> (b) *Someone* needs to design a good framework for spitting out
> warnings, and for giving the programmer a way to control which
> warnings to ignore. I've seen plenty of good suggestions here; now
> somebody should simply go off and come up with a proposal too good to
> refuse.

The response has been ... absent.  Anyone doing this?  I liked JimF's push
to make cmd-line options available to Python programs too.  Somehow they
seem related to me.

> (c) I have a different agenda with CP4E -- I think it would be great
> if the editor could do syntax checking and beyond *while you type*,
> like the spell checker in MS Word.  (I *like* Word's spell checker,
> even though I hate the style checker [too stupid], and I gladly put up
> with the spell checker's spurious complaints -- it's easy to turn off,
> easy to ignore, and it finds lots of good stuff.)
> Because the editor has to deal with incomplete and sometimes
> ungrammatical things, and because it has to work in real time (staying
> out of the way when you're frantically typing, catching up when your
> fingers take a rest), it needs a different kind of parser.

Different from what?  Python's own parser for sure.  IDLE has at least two
distinct parsers of its own that have nothing in common with Python's parser
and little in common with each other.  Using the horrid tricks in, it may even be possible to write the kind of parser you need in
Python and still have it run fast enough.

For parsing-on-the-fly from random positions, take my word for it and
Barry's as insurance <wink>:  the single most frequent question you need to
have a fast and reliable answer for is "is this character in a string?".
Unfortunately, turns out that's the hardest question to answer too.  The
next one is "am I on a continuation line, and if so where's the start?".
Given rapid & bulletproof ways to answer those, the rest is pretty easy.

> But that's another project, and once the Python core has a warning
> framework in place, I'm sure we'll find more things that are worth
> warning about.

That was frequently predicted for various pylint projects too <wink>.

> I'm not always in agreement with Tim Peters when he says that Python
> is so dynamic that it's impossible to check for certain errors.  It
> may be impossible to say *for sure* that something is an error, but
> there sure are lots of situations where you're doing something that's
> *likely* to be an error.

We have no disagreement there.  What a compiler does must match the
advertised semantics of the language-- or its own advertised deviations from
those --without compromise.  A warning system has no such constraint; to the
contrary, in the case of a semantic mess like Perl, most of its value is in
pointing out *legal* constructs that are unlikely to work the way you

> E.g. if the compiler sees len(1), and there's no local or global
> variable named len, it *could* be the case that the user has set up a
> parallel universe where the len() built-in accepts an integer
> argument, but more likely it's an honest mistake, and I would like to
> get a warning about it.

Me too.  More:  I'd also like to get a warning for *having* a local or
global variable named len!  Masking the builtin names is simply bad
practice, and is also usually an honest mistake.

BTW, I was surprised that the most frequent gotcha among new Python users at
Dragon turned out to be exactly that:  dropping a "len" or a "str" or
whatever (I believe len, str and list were most common) into their
previously working code-- because they just learned about that builtin --and
getting runtime errors as a result.  That is, they already had a local var
of that name, and forgot.  Then they were irked that Python didn't nag them
from the start (with a msg they understood, of course).

> The hard part here is to issue this warning for len(x) where x is some
> variable or expression that is likely to have a non-sequence value
> (barring alternate universes); this might require global analysis
> that's hard or expensive enough that we can't put it in the core
> (yet).  This may be seen as an argument for a separate lint...

Curiously, Haskell is statically type-safe but doesn't require declarations
of any kind -- it does global analysis, and has a 100% reliable type
inference engine (the language was, of course, designed to make this true).
Yet I don't think I've ever seen a Haskell program on the web that didn't
explicitly declare the type of every global anyway.  I think this is
natural, too:  while it's a PITA to declare the type of every stinking local
that lives for two lines and then vanishes, the types of non-local names
aren't self-evident:  type decls really help for them.

So if anyone is thinking of doing the kind of global analysis Guido mentions
here, and is capable of doing it <wink>, I'd much rather they put their
effort into optional static type decls for Python2.  Many of the same
questions need to be answered either way (like "what's a type?", and "how do
we spell a type?" -- the global analysis warnings won't do any good if you
can't communicate the substance of an error <wink>), and optional decls are
likely to have bigger bang for the buck.

[Skip Montanaro]
> ...
> Perl's experience with -w seems to suggest that it's best to always
> enable whatever warnings you can as well.

While that's my position, I don't want to oversell the Perl experience.
That language allows so many goofy constructs, and does so many wild guesses
at runtime, that Perl is flatly unusable without -w for non-trivial
programs.  Not true of Python, although the kinds of warnings people have
suggested so far certainly do seem worthy of loud complaint by default.

> (More and more I see people using gcc's -Wall flag as well.)

If you have to write portable C++ code, and don't enable every warning you
can get on every compiler you have, and don't also turn on "treat warnings
as errors", non-portable code will sneak into the project rapidly.  That's
my experience, over & over.  gcc catches stuff MS doesn't, and vice versa,
and MetroWerks yet another blob, and platform-specific cruft *still* gets
in.  It's irksome.

> Now, my return consistency stuff was easy enough to write in C for two
> reasons.  One, I'm fairly comfortable with the compile.c code.

I don't anticipate dozens of people submitting new warning code.  It would
be unprecendented if even two of us decided this was our thing.  If would be
almost unprecendented if even one of us followed up on it <0.6 wink>.

> Two, adding my checks required no extra memory management overhead.

Really good global analysis likely requires again as much C code as already
exists.  Luckily, I don't think putting in some warnings requires that all
conceivable warnings be implemented at once <wink>.  For stuff that complex,
I'd rather make it optional and write it in Python; I don't believe any law
prevents the compiler from running Python code.

> Consider a few other checks you might conceivably add to the byte code
> compiler:
>     * tab nanny stuff (already enabled with -t, right?)

Very timidly, yes <wink>.  Doesn't complain by default, and you need -tt to
make it an error.  Only catches 4 vs 8 tab size ambiguities, but that's good
enough for almost everyone almost all the time.

>     * variables set but not used
>     * variables used before set

These would be wonderful.  The Perl/pylint "gripe about names unique in a
module" is a cheap approximation that gets a surprising percentage of the
benefit for the cost of a dict and an exception list.

> If all of this sort of stuff is added to the compiler proper, I predict a
> couple major problems will surface:
>     * The complexity of the code will increase significantly, making it
>       harder to maintain and enhance

The complexity of the existing code should be almost entirely unaffected,
because non-trivial semantic analysis belongs in a new subsystem with its
own code.

>     * Fewer and fewer people will be able to approach the code, making it
>       less likely that new checks are added

As opposed to what?  The status quo, with no checks at all?  Somehow, facing
the prospect of *some* checks doesn't frighten me away <wink>.  Besides, I
don't buy the premise:  if someone takes this on as their project, worrying
that they'll decline to add new valuable checks is like MarkH worrying that
I wouldn't finish adding full support for stinking tabs to the common
IDLE/PythonWin editing components.  People take pride in their hackery.

>     * Future extensions like pluggable virtual machines will be harder
>       to add because their byte code compilers will be harder to integrate
>       into the core

If you're picturing adding this stuff sprayed throughout the guts of the
existing com_xxx routines, we've got different pictures in mind.

Semantic analysis is usually a pass between parsing and code generation,
transforming the parse tree and complaining about source it thinks is fishy.
If done in any conventional way, it has no crosstalk at all with either the
parsing work that precedes it or the code generation that follows it.  It's
a pipe stage between them, whose output is of the same type as its input.
That is, it's a "pluggable component" in its own right, and doesn't even
need to be run.  So potential for interference just isn't there.

At present, Python is very unusual both in:

1) Having no identifiable semantic pass at all, parsing directly to byte
code, and enforcing its few semantic constraints (like "'continue' not
properly in loop") lumped in with both of those.


2) Having one trivial optimization pass-- 76 lines of code instead of the
usual 76,000 <wink> --running after the byte code has been generated.
However, the sole transformation made here (distinguishing local from
non-local names) is much more properly viewed as being a part of semantic
analysis than as being "an optimization".  It's deducing trivial info about
what names *mean* (i.e., basic semantics), and is called optimization here
only because Python didn't do it at first.

So relating this to a traditional compiler, I'd say that "optimize()" is
truly Python's semantic analysis pass, and all that comes before it is the
parsing pass -- a parsing pass with output in a form that's unfortunately
clumsy for further semantic analysis, but so it goes.  The byte code is such
a direct reflection of the parse tree that there's really little fundamental
difference between them.

So for minimal disruption, I'd move "optimize" into a new module and call it
the semantic analysis pass, and it would work with the byte code.  Just as
now, you wouldn't *need* to call it at all.  Unlike now, the parsing pass
probably needs to save away some more info (e.g., I don't *think* it keeps
track of what all is in a module now in any usable way).

For Python2, I hope Guido adopts a more traditional structure (i.e., parsing
produces a parse tree, codegen produces bytecode from a parse tree, and
other tree->tree transformers can be plugged in between them).  Almost all
compilers follow this structure, and not because compiler writers are
unimaginative droids <wink>.  Compile-time for Python isn't anywhere near
being a problem now, even on my creaky old 166MHz machine; I suspect the
current structure reflects worry about that on much older & slower machines.

Some of the most useful Perl msgs need to be in com_xxx, though, or even
earlier.  The most glaring example is runaway triple-quoted strings.
Python's "invalid token" pointing at the end of the file is maddeningly
unhelpful; Perl says it looks like you have a runaway string, and gives the
line number it thinks it may have started on.  That guess is usually
correct, or points you to what you *thought* was the end of a different
string.  Either way your recovery work is slashed.  (Of course IDLE is even
better:  the whole tail of the file changes to "string color", and you just
need to look up until the color changes!)

> In addition, more global checks probably won't be possible (reasoning
> code across module boundaries for instance) because the compiler's view of
> the world is fairly narrow.

As above, I don't think there's enough now even to analyze one module in

> I think lint-like tools should be implemented in Python (possibly with the
> support of an extension module for performance-critical sections) which is
> then called from the compiler proper under appropriate circumstances
> (warnings enabled, all necessary modules importable, etc).

I have no objection to that.  I do object to the barely conceivable getting
in the way of the plainly achievable, though -- the pylint tools out there
now, just like your return consistency checker, do a real service already
without any global analysis.  Moving that much into the core (implemented in
Python if possible, recoded in C if not) gets a large chunk of the potential
benefit for maybe 5% of the eventual work.

It's nice that Guido is suddenly keen on global analysis too, but I don't
see him volunteering to do any work either <wink>.

> I believe the code would be much more easily maintained and extended.

If it's written in Python, of course.

> You'd be able to swap in a new byte code compiler without risking the
> loss of your checking code.

I never understood this one; even if there *were* a competing byte code
compiler out there <0.1 wink>, keeping as much as possible out of com_xxx
should render it a non-issue.  If I'm missing your point and there is some
fundamental conflict here, fine, then it's another basis on which bytecode
compilers will compete.

more-concerned-about-things-that-exist-than-things-that-don't-ly y'rs  - tim

From iporres at  Sun Sep 12 11:54:36 1999
From: iporres at (Ivan Porres)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 12:54:36 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Memory usage in Python
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,

I've been reading this list for a while but this is the first time I
post a message. I am interested on using Python as a scripting
language for small embedded systems. One of the limiting factors on a
embedded system is the memory. Memory cost money, uses space and
drains power.

We have released a big patch to selectively disable some features of a
Python interpreter at compile time. With the patch, it is possible to
disable, i.e., complex numbers or file objects, in order to reduce
the memory foot print of the Python interpreter. The patch is
available at

Now, I am interested on studying and reducing the memory consumption of
Python programs. That is all the memory allocated by the interpreter
in order to run a python program. I would like to know if somebody
else has been working on the same direction. Is there any document
explaining how Python uses the memory? I would be nice to know which
structures are most used, their size, how often are accessed,

I have the impression that most people is concerned about optimising
Python for speed, but I still think that some Python users will
also benefit from size optimisations.


Ivan Porres Paltor                    Turku Centre for Computer Science
?bo Akademi, Department of Computer Science  Phone: +358-2-2154033   
Lemmink?inengatan 14A                             
FIN-20520 Turku - Finland          

From skip at  Sun Sep 12 16:20:14 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 09:20:14 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000001befcff$bf654e20$492d153f@tim>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Skip> * Future extensions like pluggable virtual machines will be harder
    Skip> to add because their byte code compilers will be harder to
    Skip> integrate into the core

    Tim> If you're picturing adding this stuff sprayed throughout the guts
    Tim> of the existing com_xxx routines, we've got different pictures in
    Tim> mind.

This was precisely my example, because that's the way I implemented the
return warning stuff, by modifying the com_xxx routines.  I believe that's
the wrong way to go in the long run, and I see by the rest of your message
you feel the same way as well.  To the greatest extent possible, I think
this stuff should be implemented in Python.  (We may disagree on that
point.)  Being able to plug in new parse tree analysis/transformation
modules between parse tree creation and code generation could at least be
controlled from Python.


P.S. Something I just noticed: Since the node typedef (node.h) and the
macros that manipulate nodes are shared across multiple files shouldn't they
be named something slightly less likely to clash with other packages?

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 12:05:46 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:05:46 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Guido]
> > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > the same directory as the current module.
> [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> > the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
> > is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
> > as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
> > released) and Mark's win32 stuff.
> >
> > As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> > and more often.
> I never understand package complaints.  Maybe it's the imprecision of the
> language people use, or maybe because it's because people don't give fully
> fleshed-out examples.  Whatever, in the end, I never have any idea what the
> complaint is, or in what way the solution is "solving" anything.

My original post contained an example package using relative
imports. The example uses intra-package imports across subpackage
levels which currently is only possible using absolute module
names (see below for a definition).

Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the

Think of the '__' as an additional feature that authors can use
at their own will. They don't *have* to, just as you don't have
to use relative file paths in your config files. It's
just a convenience that some authors may want to use in their code.
> In the above, "absolute" doesn't appear to mean "absolute" in any
> OS-sensible sense.  So what does it really mean?  Does it mean the same
> things to Guido and MAL?

"Absolute" means fully qualified name, i.e. the complete path to 
the modules from the top-level root via all subpackage down to the
module name itself, e.g. TextTools.Constants.TagTable.

> In MAL's hint of examples, I don't see any problem.  If mxDateTime unpacks
> itself into a directory named DateTime, then *of course* it's going to
> collide with other packages that want to do likewise.  Install it into
> mxDateTime instead, and take "absolute" to mean "any module that wants an
> mxDateTime service and does not itself live directly in mxDateTime/ must
> import the desired module via a path beginning 'mxDateTime.'", and
> everything looks straightforward to me (and that outcome makes me infer that
> this is thus probably what Guido has in mind too).

This is what I intend to do: move all my stuff under a 'mx'
package and then continue reinventing (faster, different,
doesn't-slip-when-wet) wheels ;-). BTW, the queue thingie is just
a proof of concept fun project.

> Similarly for
> win32.Queue vs mxQueue.Queue vs the Queue in the std library (it *would* be
> good to have an explicit way to say "std library" -- "Lib." comes to mind).

I'd prefer 'org.python.core.' or 'stdlib.' or just simply 'python.'
but that's a different issue.
> > I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> > distribute them in two forms without having to change
> > a single line for the added support:
> >
> > 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> > 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'
> Ah, so that's what this is about.  I vote screw #2.  Releasing it that way
> was a mistake.

Not until Zope went Open Source ;-) ...

>  Better to live with the brief & finite pain of repairing it
> than complicating Python to cover up for it.

Screwing #2 is not possible unless I want all those already
stored DateTime pickles to fail loading... ok, I could probably
provide some kind of compatibility package which then redirects
the import to mx.DateTime.

> > Another major advantage is that I could take any other
> > self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
> > of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
> > org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
> > or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
> > them manually.
> I view that not as an advantage but as harmful complication.  Zope etc add
> great value to a Python installation, and when I write a killer app full of
> "import zope.this" and "import zope.that", I don't want the possibility that
> it's not going to work on my client's machine just because their sysadmin
> installed Zope into some silly site-specific path named after his soon-to-be
> ex-girlfriend <wink>.  I don't want a way to work around him doing that,
> either:  I don't want him to be able to screw me to begin with.

Zope is not a package AFAIK (and probably never will be due to the
pickle complications), so 'import zope.this' won't work anyways
unless you add a Zope wrapping package of your own -- and this will
only work for Zope modules not relying on other Zope modules unless
they use relative imports.

> > To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> > alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> > in the package structures become manageable without user
> > intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> > structures change because they store absolute module names.
> This is a different issue, and may have merits of its own.  WRT the relative
> import scheme, its advantage seems to lie in providing a way to partially
> recover from the damage the new scheme causes <0.5 wink>.

I'm not proposing a new scheme... only a convenience for package
> As is, the package name used by a release is part of its published
> interface.  You can't change it without causing pain, any more than you can
> make incompatible changes to public class methods or input-output behavior.
> In return, package clients are uniform, simple and portable, making life
> easiest for the people who know least.  The burden is on package authors to
> choose names wisely, and that's where the burden should be.

Sure, but we are heading into these kind of problems just now and
have no proper solution at hand. Simply coping out by blaiming the
package authors is not the right way to handle the situation; referring
them to some global name registry (the one at NIST) isn't either.

As the Zope example shows, it's not easy to move from half-packaged
to full packaged (relative imports will ease this move, though) due
to external references using absolute object type/class names. Changes
in the package structure produce the same problems.

It's not so much the burden of the programmer having to adjust his
code to the new layout I'm talking about here: it's the user with
all his data stored in object databases that worries me.

> if-100-pkgs-all-want-their-own-queue-they-already-can-ly y'rs  - tim

Not if just one of them decides to make it top-level... grabbing
the name until eternity ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 12:17:31 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:17:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > >
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not
> > > in the same directory as the current module.
> >
> > Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> > the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which is
> > not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such as
> > DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be released)
> > and Mark's win32 stuff.
> I can see your point (although I also believe that authors - Guido
> excepted - should come up with collision-free names, probably in a
> Java-ish scheme).

> But I strongly believe that import.c should be left alone, maybe
> even to die. There are too many people doing import hooks to
> make fiddling with its behavior safe.
> I'm also a strong proponent of Greg's scheme, which
> makes it a breeze to do import hooks. And my experience
> disproves the notion that the import mechanism needs to be in C. If
> you don't believe me, try the ZlibArchive stuff (which is cross
> platform) from my Win32 installer stuff. You can pack the standard
> library into one 475K file, and get a perceptible performance boost.

You're probably right in saying that we don't need the code in C.
I just wanted to avoid yet another import hook being incompatible
with all the other existing hooks.

Perhaps we should restart the import discussion all over and
come up with a more flexbile 100% compatible framework based
on Greg's imputil scheme. Then I could add my hook for the relative
imports and be happy ;-)
> OTOH, I could see doing a framework of packages, in which case
> relative imports might be handy. This seems to work fine:
> def relimp(nm):
>   rpth = string.split(nm, '/')
>   tpth = string.split(__name__, '.')[:-1]
>   for node in rpth:
>     if node == '..':
>       del tpth[-1]
>     else:
>       tpth.append(node)
>     #print `tpth`
>   return __import__(string.join(tpth, '.'))
> b = relimp('../packageA2.b')

This is pretty much how my patch works... except that I use the style '__' pseudo package instead of '../'.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 12:27:04 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:27:04 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Memory usage in Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ivan Porres wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've been reading this list for a while but this is the first time I
> post a message. I am interested on using Python as a scripting
> language for small embedded systems. One of the limiting factors on a
> embedded system is the memory. Memory cost money, uses space and
> drains power.
> We have released a big patch to selectively disable some features of a
> Python interpreter at compile time. With the patch, it is possible to
> disable, i.e., complex numbers or file objects, in order to reduce
> the memory foot print of the Python interpreter. The patch is
> available at
> Now, I am interested on studying and reducing the memory consumption of
> Python programs. That is all the memory allocated by the interpreter
> in order to run a python program. I would like to know if somebody
> else has been working on the same direction. Is there any document
> explaining how Python uses the memory? I would be nice to know which
> structures are most used, their size, how often are accessed,
> etc...

You should have a look at Vladimir Marangozov's pymalloc (hope this
URL still works):
It has some logging facilities which give detailed reports about
the storage sizes etc.

> I have the impression that most people is concerned about optimising
> Python for speed, but I still think that some Python users will
> also benefit from size optimisations.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 14:44:56 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:44:56 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> the same directory as the current module.

I'll second Marc-Andre here.  

A significant headache occurs when you have a package
that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
reference other sub-packages within the same package without
knowing where the containing package is installed.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Mon Sep 13 15:09:59 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:09:59 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:44:56 EDT."
References: <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> > > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > the same directory as the current module.
> I'll second Marc-Andre here.  
> A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> knowing where the containing package is installed.

You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
package name I meant package name (e.g. not
filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

(On reduced bandwidth here, hence not so subtle.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From mhammond at  Mon Sep 13 15:14:56 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:14:56 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000d01befde9$f9c70690$0801a8c0@bobcat>

[Jim writes]
> I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> knowing where the containing package is installed.

I certainly dont want to know _where_ the package is installed, but do
want to know the package name.  A package name, IMO, is like a module
name - once named, you are largely stuck with it.

I for one use packages quite extensively, but have never lamented the
loss of __ from the ni days.  If someone, for example, wanted to
change the package name of "win32com" or "pywin", then I would expect
lots of code to break, in the same way as changing the name any
standard module would break code.

I see Marc's issue with pickle, but I dont see the problem with
absolute package names any more than I see a problem with explicitely
naming modules in an import statement...


From jim at  Mon Sep 13 15:32:25 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:32:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> As is, the package name used by a release is part of its published
> interface.  You can't change it without causing pain, any more than you can
> make incompatible changes to public class methods or input-output behavior.
> In return, package clients are uniform, simple and portable, making life
> easiest for the people who know least.  The burden is on package authors to
> choose names wisely, and that's where the burden should be.

Not all packages are part of the external interface. In fact, 
all Zope names are essentially internal, since Zope is an application.
The issue is not so much access to access from outside as it is access
between packages within Zope.

Further, the current support for relative imports allows a package
to be moved into another package without breaking the pulic interface wrt 
the containing package.

Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:

Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
and stringtools.  If mx was installed in the Python path
then a module in the mx.DateTime package could get at stringtools

  import mx.stringtools

So far, so good.

Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages
that are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone
wants to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that 
provides access to an external database.  Now the author of the 
NiftyDB product wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is
not a standard part of Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include
it in the NiftyDB product directory.  Becase relative imports are
allowed in the current import scheme, they can use mx as usual.
A NiftyDB module can import DateTime as follows:

  import mx.DateTime

So even though mx is istalled as a sub-package, the public
interface is unchanged, at least wrt the containing package.

Unfortunately, the internal import of stringtools in the DateTime

  import mx.stringtools

will fail, because mx is no longer a top-level module.

Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
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result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 15:32:39 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:32:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
> >
> > [Guido]
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > > the same directory as the current module.
> >
> > [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > > Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> > > the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
> > > is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
> > > as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
> > > released) and Mark's win32 stuff.
> > >
> > > As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> > > and more often.
> >
> > I never understand package complaints.  Maybe it's the imprecision of the
> > language people use, or maybe because it's because people don't give fully
> > fleshed-out examples.  Whatever, in the end, I never have any idea what the
> > complaint is, or in what way the solution is "solving" anything.
> My original post contained an example package using relative
> imports. The example uses intra-package imports across subpackage
> levels which currently is only possible using absolute module
> names (see below for a definition).

I agree that this is a valid complaint about the current scheme.

> Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
> relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
> are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
> had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the
> implementation.

And, in fact, the current scheme does let you use relative paths
to go down.
> > > I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> > > distribute them in two forms without having to change
> > > a single line for the added support:
> > >
> > > 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> > > 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'
> >
> > Ah, so that's what this is about.  I vote screw #2.  Releasing it that way
> > was a mistake.
> Not until Zope went Open Source ;-) ...
> >  Better to live with the brief & finite pain of repairing it
> > than complicating Python to cover up for it.
> Screwing #2 is not possible unless I want all those already
> stored DateTime pickles to fail loading... ok, I could probably
> provide some kind of compatibility package which then redirects
> the import to mx.DateTime.

Regardless of how you spell the import, the pickles 
*must* reflect the absolute path.  Otherwise, pickleability
depends on where you unpickle.  If you rearrange packages, 
or rename modules, there is a pickling issue.  This is clearly
a problem in need of a better solution.
> Zope is not a package AFAIK

Nope. If I had it to do over it would be.  It will be
eventually. (While Zope is not a package, it makes extensive 
use of packges. Zope has a total of about 350 modules and 
packages, of which about 44 are in the top-level namespace.)

> (and probably never will be due to the pickle complications),

The pickling issues are solvable in a number of ways, although
it is a bit painfull.  I considered fixing the package layout
in Zope 2, but I ran out of time. :)

> so 'import zope.this' won't work anyways
> unless you add a Zope wrapping package of your own -- and this will
> only work for Zope modules not relying on other Zope modules unless
> they use relative imports.

This is a good example. It should be possible to make Zope package-
portable but it isn't, at least not without writing import hooks, which
make my head hurt alot more than meta-classes. ;)
> > > To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> > > alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> > > in the package structures become manageable without user
> > > intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> > > structures change because they store absolute module names.
> >
> > This is a different issue, and may have merits of its own.  WRT the relative
> > import scheme, its advantage seems to lie in providing a way to partially
> > recover from the damage the new scheme causes <0.5 wink>.
> I'm not proposing a new scheme... only a convenience for package
> authors.

I think that this is an important convenience that is probably not
appreciated until you write a complex package structure.

Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

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address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
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result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 15:35:21 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:35:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [MAL]
> > > > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > > > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > > > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > > > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> [GvR]
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > > the same directory as the current module.
> [JimF]
> > I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> >
> > A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> > reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> > knowing where the containing package is installed.
> You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
> package name I meant package name (e.g. not
> filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
> toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

I wasn't refering to file path location either, but to 
package name-space location.  See the example I just
posted in reply to Tim.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Mon Sep 13 15:40:10 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:40:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:05:46 +0200."
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>  
Message-ID: <>

> Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
> relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
> are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
> had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the
> implementation.

It was left out of the 1.5 package implementation on purpose, and I
will fight proposals to get it back.  It is an ugly hack that deserves 
to die.  So there!

> "Absolute" means fully qualified name, i.e. the complete path to 
> the modules from the top-level root via all subpackage down to the
> module name itself, e.g. TextTools.Constants.TagTable.

No disagreement there.

BTW, The compatibility issues with class references in object
databases need to be resolved in a different way -- package renamings
are but one of the problems here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 15:57:32 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 15:57:32 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [MAL]
> > > > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > > > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > > > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > > > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> [GvR]
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > > the same directory as the current module.
> [JimF]
> > I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> >
> > A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> > reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> > knowing where the containing package is installed.
> You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
> package name I meant package name (e.g. not
> filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
> toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

I think Jim meant the absolute package name just like you and I

I don't really understand why you and Tim oppose to relative

Tim's argument about sysadmins installing packages
under fantasy names isn't really all that realistic, IMHO,
even though it would work.

The ability to host a subpackage inside another package is a
very attractive feature for large package based applications: you
don't have to edit a single line in the subpackage's source code
and can install/update the subpackage without harming its
functionality within the system.

BTW: The patch I posted does not add a circular reference to the
modules as the old implementation (sometimes) did.
Since the __ handling is done dynamically and on import only there
is no need to add a module attribute __ pointing to the parent module.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 16:08:36 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 16:08:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
> > relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
> > are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
> > had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the
> > implementation.
> It was left out of the 1.5 package implementation on purpose, and I
> will fight proposals to get it back.  It is an ugly hack that deserves
> to die.  So there!

I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
"ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?

Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Mon Sep 13 16:35:16 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:35:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
References: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:44:56 EDT."             <> 
Message-ID: <>

A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: not available
Type: text/enriched
Size: 1587 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <>

From gmcm at  Mon Sep 13 16:56:12 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:56:12 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Jim Fulton]
> Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> and stringtools.  
> Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> directory.  

This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He 
should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", and put error 
handling on the import. Otherwise I might end up with a gazillion 
separate copies of the mx package installed on my system and no 
way to clean it up.

Your notion of "self contained packages" is flawed. Reducto ad 
adsurdum, it leads to downloading the OS with every app you 
install. (Crap, I hope I haven't given Sun any new ideas...).

- Gordon

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 17:16:03 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:16:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [Jim Fulton]
> > Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> >
> > Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> > and stringtools.
> ...
> > Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> > are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> > to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> > access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> > wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> > Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> > directory.
> This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", and put error
> handling on the import.

This is unacceptable. People should not have to hack a 
global namespace to get a local feature.

> Otherwise I might end up with a gazillion
> separate copies of the mx package installed on my system and no
> way to clean it up.

Or you might not.  In any case, the ability to have localized 
references should be there.

Actually, Zope does provide a place to share packages
that multiple products use. This involves putting
shared packages in a sub-package of the 'Shared'
package.  For example, Digital Creations
shared packages go in Shared.DC. 

Putting mx in Shared.ACME runs into the same
problem. Although the product author can:


the import of mx.stringtools in DateTime
will still fail.

Now, maybe ACME will hack mx to change the
internal imports:


but their hacks will get broken when 
we make Zope a package and Shared becomes
a sub-package of Zope.
> Your notion of "self contained packages" is flawed. Reducto ad
> adsurdum, it leads to downloading the OS with every app you
> install. (Crap, I hope I haven't given Sun any new ideas...).

I'm sorry, but relying on existing Python installations for
commercial applications is just not practical. In fact, Zope
binary distributions contain their own Python distributions 
because relying on preinstalled Python distributions is just
way too much of a support burden and a hassle for out customers.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 17:21:15 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:21:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [relative package imports]
> [JimF]
> > > I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> > >
> > > A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> > > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> > > reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> > > knowing where the containing package is installed.
> [GvR]
> > You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
> > package name I meant package name (e.g. not
> > filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
> > toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.
> In between. I can see relative packages as *one* way of handling
> certain problems. Consider:
>  zope.Win32
>  zope.Unix
> with both of these having alternate implementations of  subpackages foo
> and bar. Then for (the current) foo.a to get to (the  current) bar.b,
> using a relative import seems a natural.

I wouldn't use relative imports for this.
> This can, of course, be done in pure Python. So can doing things  in
> that make the appropriate implementations of  foo and
> bar appear to be and On any criteria I  can think of,
> this would be a superior solution. (*)

I agree. This is not a good motivating example for relative imports.
> What I am against is further complicating the already over  complicated
> built in import mechanism.

The current scheme doesn't seem all that complicated to me.
I wouldn't be in favor of making it more complicated if there wasn't
a good reason.  I think that, in working on the Zope framework, 
I've found some pretty good reasons for relative imports.

> (*) such as a that looks like this:
> import sys
> if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
>   nm = __name__ + '.Win32'
> else:
>   nm = __name__ + '.Unix'
> new = __import__(nm)
> sys.modules[__name__] = sys.modules[nm]

Right, this would be silly. This is not a good example.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 17:27:31 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 17:27:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [Jim Fulton]
> > Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> >
> > Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> > and stringtools.
> ...
> > Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> > are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> > to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> > access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> > wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> > Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> > directory.
> This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", and put error
> handling on the import. Otherwise I might end up with a gazillion
> separate copies of the mx package installed on my system and no
> way to clean it up.

The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of
Zope. There's nothing bad about it if you take the POV of a typical
Zope user who doesn't know about the internals too much.

OTOH, if the user does have the skill to install packages
himself, he could install the mx package top-level and then
leave it out of the NiftyDB product dir. Both setups will work
without any source code change... that's the real advantage.

Currently, only the top-level installation of the mx package
will work and this of course introduces other problems like
version control, e.g. the NiftyDB product (relying on mx 1.9)
may not support version 2.0 of mx which the sysadmin installed
at top-level. There would be no way (apart from patching NiftyDB)
to get back to a working setup.
> Your notion of "self contained packages" is flawed. Reducto ad
> adsurdum, it leads to downloading the OS with every app you
> install. (Crap, I hope I haven't given Sun any new ideas...).

While you do of course have a point in that packages should not
be loaded twice (a smarter import mechanism written in Python
could handle these situations along with the relative import),
you should consider that Zope is an application. It could go the
WinXX way and simply hack around in the OS or wrap everything
it needs up in the package itself. Both have their pros and
cons, both are possible using relative imports (I'm starting to
feel like one of those marketing guys ;).

BTW, I really don't care much about this feature being coded
in Python or C. All I would like is to have it enabled and
available per default, so that writing self-contained packages
becomes a standard in the Python world.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jcw at  Mon Sep 13 18:23:35 1999
From: jcw at (Jean-Claude Wippler)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 18:23:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > Jim Fulton wrote:
[deeply nested snippety snip]
> >
> > This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> > should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", [...]


> The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
> scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of Zope.

But why shouldn't it be visible?  The only approach which will not
self-destruct IMO, is to segment on source-of-origin.  Your package in
your namespace, Gordon's in his, and Jim's in yet another.  Given that
there is no ordering relationship, that means three areas next to each
other.  If Jim takes M-A's package and modifies it, then that would be a
reason to put M-A's-modified-by-Jim-package within Jim's area.

> Currently, only the top-level installation of the mx package
> will work and this of course introduces other problems like
> version control, e.g. the NiftyDB product (relying on mx 1.9)
> may not support version 2.0 of mx which the sysadmin installed
> at top-level. There would be no way (apart from patching NiftyDB)
> to get back to a working setup.

Which points to a solution in a completely different direction: version
numbers in package directories, like GNU and Tcl do, to name two.

> [...] have it enabled and available per default, so that writing
> self-contained packages becomes a standard in the Python world.

A noble goal.

Now this may be a silly question, but what's the issue here?  I'm used
to writing things which sort of look like this:
	import myGoobledygook
	utils = myGoobledygook
Couldn't this be applied here as well:
	mxDT = aCoolImporter("Marc-Andre's latest date/time utilities")
In other words: figure out a way to get at the proper modules, then use
an alias in your own code to stay away from naming/access dependencies?

And if a parent wants to tell a submodule how to find it, can't it just
set a variable at module level in that submodule, to reach it?

Aliases, bookmarks, symlinks, shortcuts, env vars, globals, registries,
DNS or LDAP servers, FS mount points - it's all the same issue.

-- Jean-Claude

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 18:56:42 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:56:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> > The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
> > scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of Zope.
> But why shouldn't it be visible? 

Because visibility has a cost.  Making mx a top-level name
means that someone else can't make it a top-level name.
This is why packages are a good idea.

If the need is local, the definition shouldn't be made 
global *just* to get around a limitation in spelling.

> The only approach which will not
> self-destruct IMO, is to segment on source-of-origin.  Your package in
> your namespace, Gordon's in his, and Jim's in yet another.  Given that
> there is no ordering relationship, that means three areas next to each
> other. 

It must be possible to package things together regardless of
point of origin. Otherwise, you have a big obstical to reuse.

BTW, I think that there is ample evidence that relative imports
will not cause anything to self destruct.

> If Jim takes M-A's package and modifies it, then that would be a
> reason to put M-A's-modified-by-Jim-package within Jim's area.

But Jim wants to use M-A's package as a black box. I don't
want to hack all of his imports due to a packaging detail.


> Now this may be a silly question, but what's the issue here?  I'm used
> to writing things which sort of look like this:
>         import myGoobledygook
>         utils = myGoobledygook
>         print
> Couldn't this be applied here as well:
>         mxDT = aCoolImporter("Marc-Andre's latest date/time utilities")
> In other words: figure out a way to get at the proper modules, then use
> an alias in your own code to stay away from naming/access dependencies?
> And if a parent wants to tell a submodule how to find it, can't it just
> set a variable at module level in that submodule, to reach it?
> Aliases, bookmarks, symlinks, shortcuts, env vars, globals, registries,
> DNS or LDAP servers, FS mount points - it's all the same issue.

Yes, these are options, as are import hooks.  While these are possible
alternatives, they are far less attractive than simply making it 
possible to spell relative imports.  Why?  Well, for one, they require
a lot of cooperation among packages that might be written by totally
different authors.  I might come up with a handy relative import function, 
but how do I get M-A to use it? Well, I'm sure I could get him to use
it, but how about all of the other people whose packages I want to reuse.
No problem, we'll come up with a standard mechansism, maybe even a 
standard library module.  Of course, someone is bound to realize sooner 
or later that it's silly to have a standard relative import library module
*and* a standard import statement and add the feature to standard
import. :)


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
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result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 20:21:08 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:21:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > > Jim Fulton wrote:
> [deeply nested snippety snip]
> > >
> > > This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> > > should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", [...]
> Yes.

Of course ;-) ... but that's not the point. Commercial products
have to come with all batteries included, not just some of them.
But you can't include everything known in the Python
universe just to avoid conflicts when someone writes a cool
plugin for your package.
> > The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
> > scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of Zope.
> But why shouldn't it be visible? 

Because it would probably affect other apps using the same
package. Just think of what happens to Win9x if you constantly
update the DLLs...

> The only approach which will not
> self-destruct IMO, is to segment on source-of-origin.  Your package in
> your namespace, Gordon's in his, and Jim's in yet another.  Given that
> there is no ordering relationship, that means three areas next to each
> other.  If Jim takes M-A's package and modifies it, then that would be a
> reason to put M-A's-modified-by-Jim-package within Jim's area.
> > Currently, only the top-level installation of the mx package
> > will work and this of course introduces other problems like
> > version control, e.g. the NiftyDB product (relying on mx 1.9)
> > may not support version 2.0 of mx which the sysadmin installed
> > at top-level. There would be no way (apart from patching NiftyDB)
> > to get back to a working setup.
> Which points to a solution in a completely different direction: version
> numbers in package directories, like GNU and Tcl do, to name two.

A different topic -- an interesting one too :-) How does Java
handle this problem ?

> > [...] have it enabled and available per default, so that writing
> > self-contained packages becomes a standard in the Python world.
> A noble goal.

And one which is only reachable by getting whatever mechanism
is needed to make it work into the standard distribution --
not only a hook for relative imports but the real thing !

> Now this may be a silly question, but what's the issue here?  I'm used
> to writing things which sort of look like this:
>         import myGoobledygook
>         utils = myGoobledygook
>         print
> Couldn't this be applied here as well:
>         mxDT = aCoolImporter("Marc-Andre's latest date/time utilities")
> In other words: figure out a way to get at the proper modules, then use
> an alias in your own code to stay away from naming/access dependencies?
> And if a parent wants to tell a submodule how to find it, can't it just
> set a variable at module level in that submodule, to reach it?
> Aliases, bookmarks, symlinks, shortcuts, env vars, globals, registries,
> DNS or LDAP servers, FS mount points - it's all the same issue.

True, but please remember that we are not talking about adding
some esoteric module storage to the standard mechanism (the one
reachable via the "import" statement). Relative import only adds
a logical notion to imports that opens up new possibilities which
are not easily available using other techniques.

BTW, would you want to miss relative file name paths ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 22:52:57 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 16:52:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> >
> > [Jim Fulton]
> > > Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> > >
> > > Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> > > and stringtools.
> > ...
> > > Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> > > are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> > > to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> > > access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> > > wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> > > Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> > > directory.

First, I am not all that opposed to having a notion of ".."
available in the import statement.  If we can write zope.dir1.mod1
which is a relative import going down, maybe we can write
../dir2/mod2 or something spelled differently.  But I think
there would still be problems.

We would be relying on all package authors to use ".."
or "__" within their package.  But it is more natural to write
zope.this.that or mx.this.that everywhere, and that is what
people have in fact done.  Probably there would be bugs and
at least annoyance.

And it seems unfortunate to need this feature.  A proper
package scheme should really isolate package internals from
the outside world, and if this isn't happening we need a new scheme.

I also don't think there is any escape from needing standard
package names, at least the head name "zope" for example.

Of course all this currently works if (in Jim's example) both
"zope" and "mx" are top-level names.  Then the ".." is not
necessary.  But, as Jim points out:

>> But why shouldn't it be visible? 

>Because visibility has a cost.  Making mx a top-level name
>means that someone else can't make it a top-level name.
>This is why packages are a good idea.

The global shared nature of PYTHONPATH and its name space makes
it difficult to guarantee that all required packages are going
to be present in a complicated installation like zope.  And if
anyone else installs another Python package, it can easily break
the first installation.

One solution is for an application to establish its own
PYTHONPATH which can not be altered.  If this points to "zopedir"
then the installer can freely install mx to the directory
zopedir/mx and be confident that another mx installation
is not damaged, nor used.

The logical extension is to place each package into its own
file using a scheme like Gordon McMillan is using.  If the
package contents is obtained by seeking from the END of the
file, then multiple package files can be concattenated with
  cat package1 package2 zope mx >> bigpackage
and a large installation like zope can be shipped with its
own "bigpackage" library which is essentially a normal
PYTHONPATH archive with everything above the head directory
names thrown away.  The Python library is included under
"Lib" just as it is now.  The bigpackage library implies
its own PYTHONPATH of "Lib;."  If the Python library files are
placed in the root, the implied PYTHONPATH is ".".

Jim Ahlstrom

From jcw at  Mon Sep 13 23:55:43 1999
From: jcw at (Jean-Claude Wippler)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:55:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>


> BTW, would you want to miss relative file name paths ?

Well, that thought did cross my mind while posting that reply...

I'm not sure.  Yes, they are convenient, but "current working directory"
is not always a pleasant concept (yet more global state - think of tree
walks and the inconvenience of having to get, alter, work, restore it -
when using chdir to implement this).  I don't use .. as often as might
be expected.  I use "cd ~/something" a lot more.  While that may look
relative at another level, it really is not (as "echo ~" shows).  It
does illustrate how nearly equivalent the two approaches are.

DOS/Windows has always had a broken relative path: the current drive.

And the "hash/bang" headers of Unix seem to always use absolute paths.

Some of this may seem to point to the need for relative paths.  But I
think it hides a more fundamental issue: you need to find out context.
Once you do, relativeness no longer matters (obviously).  A system which
has a current directory and ".." is equivalent to one which has no such
thing and passes a "starting directory" in the environment, say.

I think a system with less global state is more modular -> preferable.

Another angle: I have built many types of tree structures, still do.
Less and less of those contain a "parent" link.  Instead of storing a
parent you can just as easily keep state while descending into children.

 - Unix file info does not maintain a parent directory, it's redundant.
 - Directories do, and file system mount points are messy because of it.
 - Afaik, it's considered bad style to use "../header.h" in C includes.
 - Upward pointers can introduce cycles (no not here, as has been said).
 - In C++, member objects rarely need pointers to the enclosing object.

It is not for a module to know where it "is" in a hierarchy, it is for a
parent to (sometimes) provide that reference when it uses the module.

If you want want access to a module called mx, and there may be many of
them - then you ask another module to locate it for you.  One which is
able to choose / decide for you.  Proximity may be a good discriminator,
but the decision of proximity was not taken by you - and you won't know
what rule is best.  So you ask an "importer" (which could well always be
the standard Python mechanism).  Given the task to write such as beast,
I'd probably want to implement the following module search as default:
	- look for the module first in the parent (i.e. as sibling)
	- move one level up, look again, etc
	- all the way to the top
That's just one way to do it - proximity is not *always* what you want.
So if Zope chooses a different packaging style, let it override import.
But please don't build ".." into your modules, it doesn't belong there.

Sorry for all the handwaving generalities.  The issues are the same IMO,
whether relativeness is provided or context, and therefore the outcome
of this discussion will never be conclusive - they both work.

-- Jean-Claude

From tim_one at  Tue Sep 14 09:02:24 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 03:02:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>

> I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
> namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
> module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
> "ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?
> Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?

There are two sections on why __ was dropped in

They don't refer to circularity, but to "limited use", "poor readability"
and "awkwardness".  A deeper reason may be hiding in the essay's "most
packages will have a relative shallow substructure":  this is Guido <wink>,
the man who invented two-level scoping, and class inheritance without a
"super" hook back to the (anonymous) parent.  For all Python's dynamicism,
it very much favors shallow, static name hierarchies.  I don't think it's
coincidence that Python's own source code is in a two-level directory
structure either!  The only #include with a ".." is in grammar.h, and there
it's in a comment <wink>:

    #include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */

So if we cut to the core here, I'd bet Guido doesn't object so much to
relative imports as to the idea that anyone would go off and create a
package structure so fractally convoluted that relative imports are strongly
more attractive than naming the target package in full.

Or maybe Guido doesn't care about that at all.  I do regardless.  I know
Python's restrictions can grate, but in all, and in my repeated experience,
they force you to rethink complicated designs and refactor them into simpler
schemes that fit what Python is best at spelling.  Nesting packages 8 deep
is clumsy now?  Damn straight, and I'm thankful for that:  the clumsier it
is, the less gratuitous inherited complexity I'll have to deal with in my
future lives <0.5 wink>.

Things that came up in this thread that are worth fixing include:

+ Problems with persistent class references (incl. pickles).

+ Dealing with incompatible versions of packages.  If someone wants to embed
a copy of (say) mxDateTime in their own package, the only excuses are that
they're afraid of overwriting the user's existing mxDateTime installation
(if any), and/or of having some future installation of something else
overwrite mxDateTime with an incompatible version.  Those are bad problems,
but package embedding is no solution.  You have a much better approach to
that already via the DateTime.__version__ string!  "Something like that"
needs to be formalized and imposed on all public packages.

at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim


> Just think of what happens to Win9x if you constantly update the DLLs...

As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
installers that finally play by the rules.  The mean time between crashes
when I installed Win95 a few years ago was about an hour; now it's at least
days and possibly weeks (don't know -- never leave the puter on that long).
When a version upgrade fails, it's not a mystery, it's a bug <0.9 wink>.

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 10:32:38 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:32:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> First, I am not all that opposed to having a notion of ".."
> available in the import statement.  If we can write zope.dir1.mod1
> which is a relative import going down, maybe we can write
> ../dir2/mod2 or something spelled differently.  But I think
> there would still be problems.
> We would be relying on all package authors to use ".."
> or "__" within their package.  But it is more natural to write
> zope.this.that or mx.this.that everywhere, and that is what
> people have in fact done.  Probably there would be bugs and
> at least annoyance.

Think of it as an opportunity: it makes intra-package imports
very simple without hard-wiring paths to submodules
into the package.

In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
plugin your package if it's self-contained.


I have a feeling that this discussion is loosing its grip
on reality a bit. Jim and I are not argueing to change
Python's face, internal structure or look&feel. The '__' thing
doesn't harm anyone, doesn't break any functionality or
code. It is even now already possible using import hooks and
has been implemented before in using just that technology.

All that we are talking about is reviving relative imports
so that its usage is possible *without* adding yet another
hook. This is not about the pros and cons of deeply nested
packages and neither about advantages of shallow structures.
Its only about adding semantics to the string '__' used
in import statements. Nothing more. People are not forced
to use it. Besides, if used it will be a package internal
technique and not be visible to users of that package.

Now why would anyone want to make life harder for package
authors ? Give the people something to play with so that
they have more fun at what their doing for the benefit
of the community !

> And it seems unfortunate to need this feature.  A proper
> package scheme should really isolate package internals from
> the outside world, and if this isn't happening we need a new scheme.
> I also don't think there is any escape from needing standard
> package names, at least the head name "zope" for example.
> Of course all this currently works if (in Jim's example) both
> "zope" and "mx" are top-level names.  Then the ".." is not
> necessary.  But, as Jim points out:
> >> But why shouldn't it be visible?
> >Because visibility has a cost.  Making mx a top-level name
> >means that someone else can't make it a top-level name.
> >This is why packages are a good idea.
> The global shared nature of PYTHONPATH and its name space makes
> it difficult to guarantee that all required packages are going
> to be present in a complicated installation like zope.  And if
> anyone else installs another Python package, it can easily break
> the first installation.
> One solution is for an application to establish its own
> PYTHONPATH which can not be altered.  If this points to "zopedir"
> then the installer can freely install mx to the directory
> zopedir/mx and be confident that another mx installation
> is not damaged, nor used.
> The logical extension is to place each package into its own
> file using a scheme like Gordon McMillan is using.  If the
> package contents is obtained by seeking from the END of the
> file, then multiple package files can be concattenated with
>   cat package1 package2 zope mx >> bigpackage
> and a large installation like zope can be shipped with its
> own "bigpackage" library which is essentially a normal
> PYTHONPATH archive with everything above the head directory
> names thrown away.  The Python library is included under
> "Lib" just as it is now.  The bigpackage library implies
> its own PYTHONPATH of "Lib;."  If the Python library files are
> placed in the root, the implied PYTHONPATH is ".".

This is a possibility and in fact I'm using such a setup in my
current application. Still it doesn't avoid possible conflicts
due to being top-level, e.g. the user could install an extension
which relies on a specific top-level name already taken by the hosting
package, e.g. the host defines a DateTime package and the
extension comes with its own DateTime package. This is the current
situation with Zope and mxODBC (which needs mxDateTime).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 10:49:52 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:49:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> Marc-Andre,
> > BTW, would you want to miss relative file name paths ?
> Well, that thought did cross my mind while posting that reply...
> I'm not sure.  Yes, they are convenient, but "current working directory"
> is not always a pleasant concept (yet more global state - think of tree
> walks and the inconvenience of having to get, alter, work, restore it -
> when using chdir to implement this).  I don't use .. as often as might
> be expected.  I use "cd ~/something" a lot more.  While that may look
> relative at another level, it really is not (as "echo ~" shows).  It
> does illustrate how nearly equivalent the two approaches are.
> DOS/Windows has always had a broken relative path: the current drive.
> And the "hash/bang" headers of Unix seem to always use absolute paths.

...and people have turned to /usr/bin/env to get around this necessity
> Some of this may seem to point to the need for relative paths.  But I
> think it hides a more fundamental issue: you need to find out context.
> Once you do, relativeness no longer matters (obviously).  A system which
> has a current directory and ".." is equivalent to one which has no such
> thing and passes a "starting directory" in the environment, say.
> I think a system with less global state is more modular -> preferable.

Agreed. I would much prefer to become a standard -- then I
could add my hook into its chain and wouldn't have to argue for
using relative imports ;-) But then, how would I tell if someone
else already has integrated such a hook in the chain ? I sure wouldn't
want to add another one just to make sure...

If the standard mechanism already knows about '__' then I wouldn't
have to worry.
> Another angle: I have built many types of tree structures, still do.
> Less and less of those contain a "parent" link.  Instead of storing a
> parent you can just as easily keep state while descending into children.
>  - Unix file info does not maintain a parent directory, it's redundant.
>  - Directories do, and file system mount points are messy because of it.
>  - Afaik, it's considered bad style to use "../header.h" in C includes.
>  - Upward pointers can introduce cycles (no not here, as has been said).
>  - In C++, member objects rarely need pointers to the enclosing object.

Note that my patch does exactly this: it resolves the __ while
descending into the package structure -- without any explicit
back reference stored in the modules.
> It is not for a module to know where it "is" in a hierarchy, it is for a
> parent to (sometimes) provide that reference when it uses the module.

> If you want want access to a module called mx, and there may be many of
> them - then you ask another module to locate it for you.  One which is
> able to choose / decide for you.  Proximity may be a good discriminator,
> but the decision of proximity was not taken by you - and you won't know
> what rule is best.  So you ask an "importer" (which could well always be
> the standard Python mechanism).  Given the task to write such as beast,
> I'd probably want to implement the following module search as default:
>         - look for the module first in the parent (i.e. as sibling)
>         - move one level up, look again, etc
>         - all the way to the top
> That's just one way to do it - proximity is not *always* what you want.

Now this is an interesting idea... looks like acquisition at the
module import level. Right now the scheme is as follows:

	- look for the module in the import module's dir
	- look for the module on the PYTHONPATH

You would just add a third lookup step in between the two... it
would cause many more module lookups though.

> So if Zope chooses a different packaging style, let it override import.
> But please don't build ".." into your modules, it doesn't belong there.
> Sorry for all the handwaving generalities.  The issues are the same IMO,
> whether relativeness is provided or context, and therefore the outcome
> of this discussion will never be conclusive - they both work.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 11:21:45 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 11:21:45 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [MAL]
> > I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
> > namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
> > module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
> > "ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?
> >
> > Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?
> There are two sections on why __ was dropped in
> They don't refer to circularity, but to "limited use", "poor readability"
> and "awkwardness". 

Ok, so the two underscores look strange... that's arguable. "Limited
use" is not: there clearly is a use for relative imports. Please
remember that we are talking about package internals here -- not
user interfaces of that package. 

> A deeper reason may be hiding in the essay's "most
> packages will have a relative shallow substructure":  this is Guido <wink>,
> the man who invented two-level scoping, and class inheritance without a
> "super" hook back to the (anonymous) parent.  For all Python's dynamicism,
> it very much favors shallow, static name hierarchies.  I don't think it's
> coincidence that Python's own source code is in a two-level directory
> structure either!  The only #include with a ".." is in grammar.h, and there
> it's in a comment <wink>:
>     #include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */
> So if we cut to the core here, I'd bet Guido doesn't object so much to
> relative imports as to the idea that anyone would go off and create a
> package structure so fractally convoluted that relative imports are strongly
> more attractive than naming the target package in full.

This is not the intention of relative imports. Its all about
making packages relocatable. And that's a Good Thing IMHO.

> Or maybe Guido doesn't care about that at all.  I do regardless.  I know
> Python's restrictions can grate, but in all, and in my repeated experience,
> they force you to rethink complicated designs and refactor them into simpler
> schemes that fit what Python is best at spelling.  Nesting packages 8 deep
> is clumsy now?  Damn straight, and I'm thankful for that:  the clumsier it
> is, the less gratuitous inherited complexity I'll have to deal with in my
> future lives <0.5 wink>.

Tim, I promise you not use 8 levels deep ;-) I usually create
my packages using at most two levels (moving to at most three levels
in future mx package releases) and even better: the common
package interfaces are all available at the top-most level while
internal stuff hides in higher levels.

You don't have to think much about the internal structure of
the package while you use it. That's something I have to worry
about and the advantages of relative imports show up in such
a context which is why I posted the patch.

> Things that came up in this thread that are worth fixing include:
> + Problems with persistent class references (incl. pickles).
> + Dealing with incompatible versions of packages.  If someone wants to embed
> a copy of (say) mxDateTime in their own package, the only excuses are that
> they're afraid of overwriting the user's existing mxDateTime installation
> (if any), and/or of having some future installation of something else
> overwrite mxDateTime with an incompatible version.  Those are bad problems,
> but package embedding is no solution.  You have a much better approach to
> that already via the DateTime.__version__ string!  "Something like that"
> needs to be formalized and imposed on all public packages.

So the distutils will have to check for already installed package
versions and warn about conflicts. Right, that's something which 
definitely needs to become a standard (too ;).

> at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim
> PS:
> > Just think of what happens to Win9x if you constantly update the DLLs...
> As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
> get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
> installers that finally play by the rules.  The mean time between crashes
> when I installed Win95 a few years ago was about an hour; now it's at least
> days and possibly weeks (don't know -- never leave the puter on that long).
> When a version upgrade fails, it's not a mystery, it's a bug <0.9 wink>.

My experience is that intra-DLL references simply don't match anymore
and cause the system to become instable. Also, some weird installers
don't care about the version numbers and install older versions at
their will. The outcome is a complete version mess.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Tue Sep 14 14:21:26 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 08:21:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
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From jim at  Tue Sep 14 14:20:53 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:20:53 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [MAL]
> > I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
> > namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
> > module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
> > "ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?
> >
> > Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?
> There are two sections on why __ was dropped in
> They don't refer to circularity, but to "limited use", "poor readability"
> and "awkwardness". 

Which are all quite subjective.

> A deeper reason may be hiding in the essay's "most
> packages will have a relative shallow substructure":  this is Guido <wink>,
> the man who invented two-level scoping, and class inheritance without a
> "super" hook back to the (anonymous) parent.  For all Python's dynamicism,
> it very much favors shallow, static name hierarchies.  I don't think it's
> coincidence that Python's own source code is in a two-level directory
> structure either!  The only #include with a ".." is in grammar.h, and there
> it's in a comment <wink>:
>     #include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */
> So if we cut to the core here, I'd bet Guido doesn't object so much to
> relative imports as to the idea that anyone would go off and create a
> package structure so fractally convoluted that relative imports are strongly
> more attractive than naming the target package in full.
> Or maybe Guido doesn't care about that at all.  I do regardless.  I know
> Python's restrictions can grate, but in all, and in my repeated experience,
> they force you to rethink complicated designs and refactor them into simpler
> schemes that fit what Python is best at spelling.  Nesting packages 8 deep
> is clumsy now?  Damn straight, and I'm thankful for that:  the clumsier it
> is, the less gratuitous inherited complexity I'll have to deal with in my
> future lives <0.5 wink>.

Nobody has suggested building 8-level package hierarchies.  In fact,
the example I gave occured when a two-level package hierarchy was
used in a two-level hierarchy.

I don't think the Package structure of Zope is flawed *except*
for the fact that it is one level too *shallow*. The ability to
do relative imports would be very helpful for the work we're doing.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 15:30:38 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:30:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Still it doesn't avoid possible conflicts
> due to being top-level, e.g. the user could install an extension
> which relies on a specific top-level name already taken by the hosting
> package, e.g. the host defines a DateTime package and the
> extension comes with its own DateTime package. This is the current
> situation with Zope and mxODBC (which needs mxDateTime).

Yes, the name conflict at the global level is exactly the problem.
And to repeat, I don't really mind if "__" is added to imports,
although I don't like the spelling.  But...

Perhaps a better solution is a multiple global name space.  Suppose
there is a command line option (or other mechanism such as a special
file in sys.executable) which specifies sys.path for the application.
To be specific, suppose zope is installed in the "zopehome"
directory and the zope package lives in zopehome/zope.  And suppose
zope needs mx, so it installs it in zopehome/mx.  This really is an
obvious structure, and anyone could see that replacing mx/* would
upgrade the mx package.  The sys.path would be zopehome plus perhaps
some subdirectories of zopehome.  Doesn't this solve the problem?
Why not?  And don't complain about wasted disk space.  The smallest
disk you can buy today is 4 gigs and costs $150.

I find the PYTHONPATH mechanism totally unreliable for commercial
programs anyway.  It is a global object, and an installation of
a second Python program can break the first one.  I don't think
there is any solution to this other than specify sys.path on a
per-application basis.  If this is false, what is the other

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 14:42:10 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:42:10 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> >
> > First, I am not all that opposed to having a notion of ".."
> > available in the import statement.  If we can write zope.dir1.mod1
> > which is a relative import going down, maybe we can write
> > ../dir2/mod2 or something spelled differently.  But I think
> > there would still be problems.
> >
> > We would be relying on all package authors to use ".."
> > or "__" within their package.  But it is more natural to write
> > zope.this.that or mx.this.that everywhere, and that is what
> > people have in fact done.  Probably there would be bugs and
> > at least annoyance.
> Think of it as an opportunity: it makes intra-package imports
> very simple without hard-wiring paths to submodules
> into the package.
> In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
> of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
> plugin your package if it's self-contained.

Well said.  It really should be possible to provide
*self-contained* package hierarchies.

> I have a feeling that this discussion is loosing its grip
> on reality a bit. Jim and I are not argueing to change
> Python's face, internal structure or look&feel. The '__' thing
> doesn't harm anyone, doesn't break any functionality or
> code. It is even now already possible using import hooks and
> has been implemented before in using just that technology.
> All that we are talking about is reviving relative imports
> so that its usage is possible *without* adding yet another
> hook. This is not about the pros and cons of deeply nested
> packages and neither about advantages of shallow structures.
> Its only about adding semantics to the string '__' used
> in import statements. Nothing more. People are not forced
> to use it. Besides, if used it will be a package internal
> technique and not be visible to users of that package.
> Now why would anyone want to make life harder for package
> authors ?

I don't think nearly enough Python code has
been packagized.  Packages are critcal for large projects
and for reuse of code within large projects.  There are at 
least two people in this discussion that are trying hard to
make use of packages and have observed a significant problem.
If we really want to encourage developers of reusable Python
software to use packages, then I think it would be wise to pay
attention to people who are actively using packages and have
encountered problems.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 15:46:23 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:46:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
> > of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
> > plugin your package if it's self-contained.
> Well said.  It really should be possible to provide
> *self-contained* package hierarchies.

> There are at
> least two people in this discussion that are trying hard to
> make use of packages and have observed a significant problem.

OK, just to make sure I understand this.  You are saying that
a ".." operation is needed in imports so that a package author
with a package which looks like this:

can write "import __.sub2.mod2" instead of "import mypackage.sub2.mod2"
within the file  Right?

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 15:24:10 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:24:10 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> >
> > "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > > In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
> > > of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
> > > plugin your package if it's self-contained.
> >
> > Well said.  It really should be possible to provide
> > *self-contained* package hierarchies.
> > There are at
> > least two people in this discussion that are trying hard to
> > make use of packages and have observed a significant problem.
> OK, just to make sure I understand this.  You are saying that
> a ".." operation is needed in imports so that a package author
> with a package which looks like this:
>   mypackage
>   mypackage/sub1/
>   mypackage/sub2/
> can write "import __.sub2.mod2" instead of "import mypackage.sub2.mod2"
> within the file  Right?


Note that sys.modules would still have the absolute paths
for keys.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From gward at  Tue Sep 14 16:17:01 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:17:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>; from Tim Peters on Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 03:02:24AM -0400
References: <> <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 September 1999, Tim Peters said:
> + Dealing with incompatible versions of packages.  If someone wants to embed
> a copy of (say) mxDateTime in their own package, the only excuses are that
> they're afraid of overwriting the user's existing mxDateTime installation
> (if any), and/or of having some future installation of something else
> overwrite mxDateTime with an incompatible version.  Those are bad problems,
> but package embedding is no solution.  You have a much better approach to
> that already via the DateTime.__version__ string!  "Something like that"
> needs to be formalized and imposed on all public packages.
> at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim

Been there, tried that, bought the flame war.  I made the mistake of
kicking off the Distutils SIG back in Decemver with a proposal for a
standard version numbering scheme for Python module distributions.  See

for the kick-off of that "heated discussion".  ;-)

FWIW, if I was posting that message today, I would s/must/should/ and
that's about it.  And I would stress that these are "Proposed
Recommended Guidelines" rather than "Things You Must Do or Distutils
Will Slam the Door in Your Face", which is what it must have sounded
like based on some of the responses.

Folks: please don't reheat this flamewar on python-dev -- if you're
interested in it, it will undoubtedly come up again on distutils-sig in
due course!

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 16:24:06 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:24:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> >
> > Still it doesn't avoid possible conflicts
> > due to being top-level, e.g. the user could install an extension
> > which relies on a specific top-level name already taken by the hosting
> > package, e.g. the host defines a DateTime package and the
> > extension comes with its own DateTime package. This is the current
> > situation with Zope and mxODBC (which needs mxDateTime).
> Yes, the name conflict at the global level is exactly the problem.
> And to repeat, I don't really mind if "__" is added to imports,
> although I don't like the spelling.  But...

Doesn't look nice, but what other syntax would look better ? It will
have to use identifiers and thus is restricted to [a-zA-Z0-9_]+.
> Perhaps a better solution is a multiple global name space.  Suppose
> there is a command line option (or other mechanism such as a special
> file in sys.executable) which specifies sys.path for the application.
> To be specific, suppose zope is installed in the "zopehome"
> directory and the zope package lives in zopehome/zope.  And suppose
> zope needs mx, so it installs it in zopehome/mx.  This really is an
> obvious structure, and anyone could see that replacing mx/* would
> upgrade the mx package.  The sys.path would be zopehome plus perhaps
> some subdirectories of zopehome.  Doesn't this solve the problem?
> Why not?  And don't complain about wasted disk space.  The smallest
> disk you can buy today is 4 gigs and costs $150.

This would solve the problem for Zope (but only after I have
restructured my packages to all go under the mx package -- which
is what started this thread; it wouldn't be needed using relative

But what about other installations or tools like mxCrypto
which plug into existing packages (Andrew's crypto package) ? Today
such plugins only work side-by-side, ie. you have to install one
part which sits in the plugin slot and one part which gets installed
somewhere in a top-level PYTHONPATH dir. The plugin slot part then
imports the Real Thing from outside the host package (this is how
mxCrypto integrates itself with AMK's lib).

> I find the PYTHONPATH mechanism totally unreliable for commercial
> programs anyway.  It is a global object, and an installation of
> a second Python program can break the first one.  I don't think
> there is any solution to this other than specify sys.path on a
> per-application basis.  If this is false, what is the other
> solution?

The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier... 
which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre, 
but people seem to want all those megs.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 16:13:13 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 14:13:13 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
> > As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
> > get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
> > installers that finally play by the rules.  The mean time between crashes
> > when I installed Win95 a few years ago was about an hour; now it's at least
> > days and possibly weeks (don't know -- never leave the puter on that long).
> > When a version upgrade fails, it's not a mystery, it's a bug <0.9 wink>.
> My experience is that intra-DLL references simply don't match anymore
> and cause the system to become instable. Also, some weird installers
> don't care about the version numbers and install older versions at
> their will. The outcome is a complete version mess.

This has been my experince too.  I cringe anytime I see some
installer stuff DLLs in my system areas.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From skip at  Tue Sep 14 17:34:48 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:34:48 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version numbering, yadda yadda
Message-ID: <>

I haven't been paying real close attention to the relative package import
thread on python-dev, but some way or other I strongly believe something has
to be done to improve the situation I now find myself in or more and more
people are going to start getting bitten by the same sort of problem.  Allow
me to 'splain.

I use a web server based on Zope's ZServer (which is itself based on medusa)
sitting behind an Apache web server as a long-running process to handle what
many people traditionally used CGI for.  It's a big performance boost over
CGI.  Unfortunately, I have recently been experiencing frequent server
hangs.  So far I've been unable to figure out what the cause is.  I do
notice occasional tracebacks like:

    Unhandled exception in thread:
    Traceback (innermost last):
      File "ZServer/PubCore/", line 97, in __init__
      File "/home/skip/src/Zope/ZServer/", line 209, in _finish
      File "/home/skip/src/Zope/ZServer/", line 235, in close
      File "/home/skip/src/Zope/ZServer/", line 307, in push
	if send: self.initiate_send()
      File "/usr/lib/python1.5/", line 199, in initiate_send
	_push_mode = 0
      File "/usr/lib/python1.5/", line 191, in refill_buffer
	self.ac_in_buffer = ''
      File "/usr/lib/python1.5/", line 253, in pop
	# this could maybe be made faster with a computed regex?
    IndexError: list index out of range

and also notice that the server can pile up a huge number of connections in
the ESTABLISHED state, at which point the whole mess grinds to a halt with
not much computation or network traffic happening.  A separate shell script
uses netstat to detect when a large number of sockets have piled up and
restarts the server.  Brutal, but crudely effective. (When in doubt, treat
the symptoms...)

Today it just dawned on me looking at the above traceback that ZServer is
getting the wrong version of (and presumably of as
well).  It's using the version delivered with Python 1.5.2 distribution
instead of the version that was delivered with the version of Zope I'm using

So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of  Here's what I found:

    source		version number:date	owner
    Python 1.5.2	1.2:1999/06/18		guido
    Python CVS		1.2:1999/06/18		guido
    Zope 1.?		1.7:1999/04/09		amos
    Zope 2.0		1.9:1999/07/19		amos
    Medusa 990902	2.24:1999/07/07		rushing

What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have
no content differences, only wildly different version numbers.  The Medusa
and Python CVS versions only have one difference:

    if index > 0:
    	# don't bother reporting the empty string (source of subtle bugs)
    	self.collect_incoming_data (self.ac_in_buffer[:index])

which *may* be what's causing my problems (note the IndexError in my

Somewhere along the way I think we need to apply more restraint to our
packaging and numbering of Python modules.  I don't know what form that
restraint will eventually take, but at this point I'm willing to replace
Greg Ward's s/must/should/ with s/should/must/.

a-nightmare-indeed!-i don't think-this-is-what-Sam-meant-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From bwarsaw at  Tue Sep 14 18:19:34 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:19:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Path hacking [Long] (was Re: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Finally, something I can relate to.  Although I have a goal of
packagizing everything I write these days, I haven't experienced any
of the problems that lead others to suggest relative imports.  The
most complicated app that I hack on (continuously) is Mailman, which
has a main package and several subpackages off the main one.  I always
use absolute paths in my import statements, so I don't see what the
fuss is about.  But I'm perfectly willing to admit that I don't have
enough experience.


>>>>> "JCA" == James C Ahlstrom <jim at> writes:

    JCA> I find the PYTHONPATH mechanism totally unreliable for
    JCA> commercial programs anyway.  It is a global object, and an
    JCA> installation of a second Python program can break the first
    JCA> one.  I don't think there is any solution to this other than
    JCA> specify sys.path on a per-application basis.  If this is
    JCA> false, what is the other solution?

I completely agree with JimA here.  It's been a pain with the Knowbot
stuff, a pain with Mailman, and a pain with other packages that I've
installed for shared use within CNRI.  The .pth files solve part of
the problem nicely.  They let me install, say PIL or PCT in a shared
location, for access by all the Python users at my site, without the
users having to individually hack their dot-files, etc.

But this doesn't work so well for apps like Mailman or the Knowbot
stuff because we can't expect that the person installing those
applications will be able to install a .pth file in the right place.
Also, .pth files don't let you tightly control sys.path, e.g. you can
only add paths, not delete or reorder them.

Plus you have a global naming problem.  Mailman's top level package is 
called "Mailman", so I can be fairly confident that I'm not going to
collide, but it means that I have an extra directory level within my
install that contains all the core importable modules.  I don't think
that's a big deal, but it's a convention that other packaged app
writers should follow.

The problem is getting Mailman's (or the Knowbots') top level
directory on sys.path, and in exactly controlling the contents of

Our first approach with Knowbots was to do direct sys.path.insert()s,
which is quite ugly and error prone.  Plus if you're adding many
paths, or adding and deleting, that's a lot of gibberish at the top of 
your entry level executables.  And now let's say that you have a dozen 
or two dozen entry level executables that all have to perform the same 
sys.path magic.  That's a lot of cutting-and-pasting (and /highly/
error prone patching when directory structures change).  It's a lose.

So for Knowbots we wrote a small module called pathhack that all entry
level executables imported.  pathhack was good because it put all that
sys.path munging nonsense in one place so it was manageable from a s/w
engineering standpoint.  But it sucked because those executables had
to /find/!  Bootstrap lossage (we've actually gone back to

With Mailman, I could solve that problem because I added a
configure/make phase.  This let me write a module template called which configure flippered into containing path
hackage based on --prefix.  The next trick was that "make install"
copied that file into all the subdirectories that had top
level entry points into the Mailman system (e.g. the bin directory,
the cron directory, the cgi directory).  So now, an executable need
only do

    import paths
    import Mailman.Utils
    import Mailman.Logging.Utils

and absolute paths work like a charm.  I can even provide a
`pythonlib' directory that contains newer versions of standard modules 
that have fixes for folks running older Pythons.  Thus I do

    from Mailman.pythonlib import rfc822

and the rest of my code uses my special rfc822 module with no changes.

I'm very happy with how this works for Mailman, however we can't use
the same approach (or let's say Guido doesn't want to use this
approach) for the Knowbots stuff because there /is/ no "make install"
step.  You just unpack it and go.  But it still has to play lots of
games searching the file system for various things.

What I've been thinking is that Python needs a registry <shudder>.
JPython's already got such a beast, and it integrates with Java's
system properties, so that things like the PYTHONPATH equivalent are
set in the registry and immediately available.  But it's not very
flexible, and you still need an install step in order to bootstrap the
locating of the registry.

I think we can do a little bit better.  Python already knows how to
find it's sys module.  We can add an object into sys, call it
sys.registry, which would contain things like sys.path definitions,
and all sorts of other application specific keys.  This object would
be tied to a file (or files) which might be human readable, a
marshal/pickle (or both).  Bootstrap location of this file(s) is an
issue, but see below.

This would let you do things like the following at the beginning of
every top level executable:

    import sys
    sys.application = 'zope'

I'm sure all kinds of lengthy discussion will now ensue about the
exact interface of the registry object, but I'll make just a few

- There should be a system wide registry and a user specific
  registry.  This let's an admin install shared applications easily,
  but also lets individual users have their own overrides.

- The system-wide registry can be located in say
  sys.prefix/lib/python<version>/site-packages.  The user registry
  would reside somewhere in $HOME.  This could all be platform
  specific so that on Windows, maybe the Python registry is integrated 
  with the Windows registry, while in JPython it would be integrated
  with the standard JPython registry mechanism.

- You should be able to specify registry entries on the command line.

- There needs to be defined rules for resolving registry keys b/w
  system, user, and command line specifications.  JPython has some
  experience here (although there have been requests to change
  JPython's lookup order), and at the very least, JPython and CPython
  should be as consistent as possible (CPython won't have to merge in
  Java's system properties).

- The sys.registry object should be read/writable.  This would let an
  install script do something like:

  import sys

  which would write either the global system registry or the local
  user registry, depending on permissions (or maybe that's spelled
  explicitly in the API).

- In a sense you're pushing the namespace issue up a level into the
  registry, but at least this is a domain we can completely control
  from Python; it abstracts away the file system, and I don't think
  there's any way to avoid requiring conventions and cooperation for
  registry key naming.  I also don't think it'll be a big problem in
  practice.  When I packagize and re-release my Zarathustra's Ocular
  Python Experience virtual reality system, I'll try to think of a
  non-colliding top level package name.

- (oh darn, I know I had more points, but Guido just popped in and I
  lost my train of thought).

Well, this has gone on long enough so I might as well let you guys
shoot this idea all to hell.  Let me close by saying that while I
think the Windows registry is a mess, I also think that it might be
useful for Python.  Does it solve the same problem that the relative
imports is trying to solve?  I dunno, but that's why I changed the
Subject: line above. :)


From gmcm at  Tue Sep 14 18:47:25 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:47:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[MA Lemburg]
> The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
> complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
> do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier...
> which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre, but
> people seem to want all those megs.

This is fine if you're distributing an app - it's a black box, it's 
standalone, no dependencies outside the app. Cool. I do that 
too. I use imputil to serve modules out of archives - no need to 
tweak the modules at all. In the upcoming version (of my 
installer) sys.path has exactly one entry, and the only python 
that needs to be outside an archive is exceptions.pyc.

(I repeat here: while the pieces of my installer that handle 
binary dependencies are Win32 only, the parts that handle 
pure Python are cross-platform.)

But both you and Jim are aiming for this non-existant in-
between space - in some respects you want a "normal" 
Python installation, but you want to black-box your turf.

I'm sorry, but if you're going to fit into a Python installation, 
you should make public your dependencies. Yes, installation 
becomes more complicated, but you're dealing with *Python 
users*. They're at least as likely to get screwed by having 
multiple different copies of the same thing around as you are 
in having dependencies outside of your personal control.

If you also want to distribute as a standalone, freeze/squeeze/ 
whatever it. Just make sure that what you distribute this 
way won't interfere (or be confounded by) any existing Python 

- Gordon

From gstein at  Tue Sep 14 19:23:36 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:23:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] revised import code (was: Relative Package Imports)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > But I strongly believe that import.c should be left alone, maybe
> > even to die. There are too many people doing import hooks to
> > make fiddling with its behavior safe.
> > 
> > I'm also a strong proponent of Greg's scheme, which
> > makes it a breeze to do import hooks. And my experience
> > disproves the notion that the import mechanism needs to be in C. If
> > you don't believe me, try the ZlibArchive stuff (which is cross
> > platform) from my Win32 installer stuff. You can pack the standard
> > library into one 475K file, and get a perceptible performance boost.
> You're probably right in saying that we don't need the code in C.
> I just wanted to avoid yet another import hook being incompatible
> with all the other existing hooks.
> Perhaps we should restart the import discussion all over and
> come up with a more flexbile 100% compatible framework based
> on Greg's imputil scheme. Then I could add my hook for the relative
> imports and be happy ;-)

I'll code up some patches to strip down import.c and replace with and some bootstrap/support C code -- as soon as 1.6 development
opens up. 



Greg Stein,

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 19:36:03 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:36:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> >
> > Tim Peters wrote:
> (snip)
> > > As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
> > > get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
> >
> > My experience is that intra-DLL references simply don't match anymore
> > and cause the system to become instable. Also, some weird installers
> > don't care about the version numbers and install older versions at
> > their will. The outcome is a complete version mess.
> This has been my experince too.  I cringe anytime I see some
> installer stuff DLLs in my system areas.

My experience has been the same as Tim's.  You should generally
upgrade DLL's as a matter of course, because your system will
be more stable.

Installers are required to check DLL versions before replacing
them.  Not doing this is a major sin, and reason enough to stop
dealing with a vendor.

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 19:49:41 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:49:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Doesn't look nice, but what other syntax would look better ? It will
> have to use identifiers and thus is restricted to [a-zA-Z0-9_]+.

Maybe "__up__" or "__up" following the convention that
double-under names are special?  Just a thought...

> But what about other installations or tools like mxCrypto
> which plug into existing packages (Andrew's crypto package) ? Today
> such plugins only work side-by-side, ie. you have to install one
> part which sits in the plugin slot and one part which gets installed
> somewhere in a top-level PYTHONPATH dir. The plugin slot part then
> imports the Real Thing from outside the host package (this is how
> mxCrypto integrates itself with AMK's lib).

I am not familiar with this.  Dosen't this work?:


> The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
> complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
> do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier...
> which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre,
> but people seem to want all those megs.

For the record, I distribute a hacked main program which
sets its own sys.path.

I think your and zope's solution may break if another
Python program is installed, and such
program changes PYTHONPATH and/or the registry.  That
is why I never change PYTHONPATH nor the registry.

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 19:59:03 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:59:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version numbering, yadda 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
> So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of
> What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
> asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
> without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
> from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
> the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have

Yes, I have had this happen too.  I am unwilling and unable to risk
this sort of problem at a customer's site.  So I ship a complete
app with no external dependencies.  Also crude but effective.

Jim Ahlstrom

From gstein at  Tue Sep 14 20:55:47 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 11:55:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version , numbering, yadda yadda
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> Skip Montanaro wrote:
> > So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of
> >
> >...
> > What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
> > asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
> > without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
> > from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
> > the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have
> Yes, I have had this happen too.  I am unwilling and unable to risk
> this sort of problem at a customer's site.  So I ship a complete
> app with no external dependencies.  Also crude but effective.

We did the same with the Python-based apps/servers at Microsoft.

Merchant Server was a big frozen app (based on the non-sensical
requirement to hide the fact that Python was used). In Site Server 2.0 and
3.0, we used a mini-install -- just the Lib files we needed plus our

In the Site Server (non-frozen) case, we did use the registry, but built
the interpreter with a custom "version". SS20 and SS30. In the registry,
this meant we used Python/PythonCore/SS20 (I think that's the layout).

Worked great, no complaints.

Oh, and the DLLs we put into the system directory (pretty necessary for
COM) were named SS20<whatever>.DLL to prevent conflicts.

I'm not sure who said it, but I agree with the following statement:

* ship your app as a complete black box, or ship your app with
dependencies on modules/packages [at the top level]

This monkeying around with "" working where mx is at the top level
or is embedded is just scary.

That said, personally, I would just do something like the following at the
startup of my app: 


[where ZopeImporter is a imputil.Importer subclass]

The importer would just Do The Right Thing for all imports, and only defer
to the Python library for things that weren't shipped with Zope (the empty


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 21:11:54 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:11:54 -0400
Subject: Path hacking [Long] (was Re: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports)
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> So for Knowbots we wrote a small module called pathhack that all entry
> level executables imported.  pathhack was good because it put all that
> sys.path munging nonsense in one place so it was manageable from a s/w
> engineering standpoint.  But it sucked because those executables had
> to /find/!  Bootstrap lossage (we've actually gone back to
> sys.path.insert).

Yes, exactly the problem I had, bootstraping the import of pathhack.
Actually it gets worse because Python imports,
and during Py_Initialize(), so if you are having a
really bad day, you might pick up the wrong version of those.

AFAIK, the only way to solve that currently is to use freeze
to build pathhack into the binary executable.  That is what I
do anyway.  But it is not an ideal solution.

> What I've been thinking is that Python needs a registry <shudder>.

Yikes!  As you say, Window's registry is a mess.

> [Lots of good ideas omitted...]

> - The system-wide registry can be located in say
>   sys.prefix/lib/python<version>/site-packages.  The user registry
>   would reside somewhere in $HOME.  This could all be platform
>   specific so that on Windows, maybe the Python registry is integrated
>   with the Windows registry, while in JPython it would be integrated
>   with the standard JPython registry mechanism.

Python already has three directories it knows about: sys.executable is
the directory of the interpreter binary, sys.dllfullpath could be
the directory of the interpreter as a shared library (I have a
patch for this), and there is the directory of the main Python program
as given on the command line.  Perhaps we can put the registry
in one of these directories.  That would be consistent on all

> - You should be able to specify registry entries on the command line.

This is vital because I am worried about a bad registry.
> - There needs to be defined rules for resolving registry keys b/w
>   system, user, and command line specifications.  JPython has some
>   experience here (although there have been requests to change

I am not sure a full registry is required.  Once you can control
sys.path and can get an accurate import of, you
can do everything else there.  Maybe just a command line option
is enough.  But I will think about it...

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 21:37:11 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:37:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> But both you and Jim are aiming for this non-existant in-
> between space - in some respects you want a "normal"
> Python installation, but you want to black-box your turf.

I don't really have much choice here.  For some purposes,
PYTHONPATH is better than a black-box.  It is better for
development because it avoids creating the black-box.  And I can
look at and modify Python app and library files directly.
But for a customer install I need a bullet-proof dumb-simple set
of required state which I can explain to customer support staff.
Thus the need for both.

> I'm sorry, but if you're going to fit into a Python installation,
> you should make public your dependencies. Yes, installation
> becomes more complicated, but you're dealing with *Python
> users*. They're at least as likely to get screwed by having
> multiple different copies of the same thing around as you are
> in having dependencies outside of your personal control.

I can't fit into a Python installation because Python installations
do not support commercial software concerns.  I am not dealing
with Python users, my customers are office workers.  They don't
know what Python is, have no other Python apps, and if they did,
my install wouldn't hurt them anyway.

> If you also want to distribute as a standalone, freeze/squeeze/
> whatever it. Just make sure that what you distribute this
> way won't interfere (or be confounded by) any existing Python
> installations.

Yes, exactly my goal.

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 21:57:51 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:57:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:19:34 EDT."
References: <> <> <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

I just had a long discussion with Barry and Fred, in response to his
registry proposal.  We quickly decided that a Python registry is
overkill for the given problem.  We also quickly came up with a nice
variant of Mailman's approach which will work well in a variety of

--> The context:

    You have a large complicated application that contains many modules
    spread over many packages, and which has many "top-level" scripts that
    are invoked by the user (or via CGI, for example).  All the code is
    properly packagized, with sufficiently globally unique package names
    being used all over the place.

--> The problem:

    How to get the root directory of your application (where all your
    packages live) on sys.path.

--> The rules:

    Using $PYTHONPATH is right out.

    You can't install new files in the core Python installation directory
    (nor modify existing ones), so using .pth files is also out.

    You don't want to have to edit each of the top-level scripts of your

    You want a cross-platform solution, in particular it should be
    amenable to Windows.

--> The assumptions:

    You can use a reasonably intelligent installer.

    All your top-level scripts are installed in a single directory (or
    perhaps in a small number of separate bin directories, e.g. bin and

--> The solution:

    Suppose your application (as a whole, not the individual top-level
    script) is called Spam -- this may well also be the name of your
    top-level package.  Then start each top-level script with the single

	import Spam_path

    before importing anything else.

    Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
    application's root directory, crafts a file which
    contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.

    Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
    to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python

    Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
    scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.

--> Notes:

    If you are Spam's developer, you probably want to be able to use its
    top-level scripts without having to install them.  All you need to do
    is create a file pointing to the top of your development
    tree, and set $PYTHONPATH to point to the directory that contains it.

    (Perhaps you already have $PYTHONPATH pointing to a personal directory
    of Python modules you like to have accessible -- then you can just
    drop there, or link to it from there.)

    Note that adding a personal directory of Python goodies is about the
    only use of $PYTHONPATH that I approve of -- this way, you can set
    $PYTHONPATH in your .profile and never have to change it.

    I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
    going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best 
    solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
    following up here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 22:09:07 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:09:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version numbering, yadda yadda
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:34:48 CDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of
>  Here's what I found:
>     source		version number:date	owner
>     Python 1.5.2	1.2:1999/06/18		guido
>     Python CVS		1.2:1999/06/18		guido
>     Zope 1.?		1.7:1999/04/09		amos
>     Zope 2.0		1.9:1999/07/19		amos
>     Medusa 990902	2.24:1999/07/07		rushing
> What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
> asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
> without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
> from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
> the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have
> no content differences, only wildly different version numbers.  The Medusa
> and Python CVS versions only have one difference:
>     if index > 0:
>     	# don't bother reporting the empty string (source of subtle bugs)
>     	self.collect_incoming_data (self.ac_in_buffer[:index])
> which *may* be what's causing my problems (note the IndexError in my
> traceback).

My bad.  I despise putting RCS identifiers in code I release, but I
don't always freeze them before incorporating other people's code in
my CVS tree.  I will fix this if I can and I promise to try not to
repeat this mistake in the future.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 22:57:19 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 22:57:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [MA Lemburg]
> > The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
> > complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
> > do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier...
> > which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre, but
> > people seem to want all those megs.
> This is fine if you're distributing an app - it's a black box, it's
> standalone, no dependencies outside the app. Cool. I do that
> too. I use imputil to serve modules out of archives - no need to
> tweak the modules at all. In the upcoming version (of my
> installer) sys.path has exactly one entry, and the only python
> that needs to be outside an archive is exceptions.pyc.
> (I repeat here: while the pieces of my installer that handle
> binary dependencies are Win32 only, the parts that handle
> pure Python are cross-platform.)
> But both you and Jim are aiming for this non-existant in-
> between space - in some respects you want a "normal"
> Python installation, but you want to black-box your turf.

Actually, I want my stuff to be as flexible as possible. Of
course I'm using it in my product too, but that's a different

I have the unsatisfying impression that this discussion doesn't
lead anywhere. I can't really understand all the evil sides Tim and
Guido seem to see in their views of relative imports. For people
like Jim and me, who have quite some experience in doing
Python packages, this small (! hey, it's only about 20 lines of
code !) additional feature could be of great use.

I'm still waiting for some ultimate argument that blows 
relative imports away. The arguments put forward so far have
all been in the category "evil", "ugly", "I don't like it".
Hey, we can do better than that...

Note that if this doesn't work out, Jim and I could always agree on
some standard import hook that we'd both use, but that's
exactly what we would very much like to avoid in favour of some
established standard hard-wired into the Python distribution.

> I'm sorry, but if you're going to fit into a Python installation,
> you should make public your dependencies. Yes, installation
> becomes more complicated, but you're dealing with *Python
> users*. They're at least as likely to get screwed by having
> multiple different copies of the same thing around as you are
> in having dependencies outside of your personal control.

I am probably going to ship all the mx* stuff in one big
package -- not as separate packages anymore. That way I can
write code which depends on other parts of the mx universe
more easily.
> If you also want to distribute as a standalone, freeze/squeeze/
> whatever it. Just make sure that what you distribute this
> way won't interfere (or be confounded by) any existing Python
> installations.

It won't interfere with anything since the Python interpreter
I use is configured *not* too look in any standard places for
extensions and the like. Plus it's configured to run faster,
but that's a different story ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 23:09:53 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:09:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:21:15 EDT."
References: <>  
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:

> I wouldn't be in favor of making it more complicated if there wasn't
> a good reason.  I think that, in working on the Zope framework, 
> I've found some pretty good reasons for relative imports.

And in a later message:

> I don't think the Package structure of Zope is flawed *except*
> for the fact that it is one level too *shallow*. The ability to
> do relative imports would be very helpful for the work we're doing.

But I haven't seen explained what it is that Zope is doing where
relative packages would be helpful.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 00:47:18 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 18:47:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
Message-ID: <>

After more than four years of living with an out-of-dated license for
Python, CNRI has finally agreed to clean up Python's copyright status.
I expect that this won't have any real effect before Python 1.6 is
released, but I am required to start preparing for the transition now.

We will use a new license (a clone of the JPython license) and we will
require that all contributors explicitly allow us the use of their
contribution: either a few email paragraphs in an email message, or a
longer form with a wet signature, depending on the size of the

I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
quite a while.  The words are all on the web:	[proposed license]	[email release]		[wet signature release]

If you are reading python-dev but you never contributed any code to
Python, you can stop reading now.

If you *did* contribute code to Python, however, I'd love it if you
saved me some work and filled out the wet signature form and mailed it 
to me at the given address.

If you need help jogging your memory what your contributions were,
send me email; I can try grepping the CVS files for your name.

If you believe that special circumstances exist that make it
impossible or difficult for you to sign the form, please send me
email, and we'll discuss the matter.

If you contributed something and I don't hear from you, you will
eventually hear from me again -- but I hope I can save myself the
hassle of writing each of you through this mass mailing.

Thanks in advance!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Wed Sep 15 01:08:32 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:08:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
> quite a while.  The words are all on the web:

Actually, I don't like them all that much :-(
[I don't recall any specific discussion about it, but I may have missed it
and/or simply because I've never used JPython.]

The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause. I might
find other items, but that is from a quick read using Lynx on a tiny

Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely like that
license? Each of those companies uses "Python" significantly in their
marketing and their business. I can certainly state that PPSI will never
do anything in an official capacity to recognize that license.

[there is a separate issue of whether "Python" can be trademarked, but the
license does use the term "trade name" which could easily be argued to
include the term "Python" and thus subject the name to the license.]

> If you *did* contribute code to Python, however, I'd love it if you
> saved me some work and filled out the wet signature form and mailed it 
> to me at the given address.

No problem.

Future contributions and agreemend to abide by that license are a
different issue. It doesn't have the "feels good" feeling that the old
license does. I'm not sure that bodes well, and it doesn't sit well with
me at the moment.


Greg Stein,

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 01:31:47 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 19:31:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:08:32 PDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause. I might
> find other items, but that is from a quick read using Lynx on a tiny
> monitor...

Hm...  We may have to review the regulation of the Python name.  This
made sense in the context of the previous uses of this license
(JPython and Grail) but Python is a different thing -- the name Python 
stands for more than just the implementation.  I'll discuss this with
CNRI's legal team.

I don't see how the other things you mention can be much of a problem
(most Open Source licenses have a revocation clause these days, I
think, and I don't see how discussing the modifications made can be a
problem with open source users).

> Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely like that
> license? Each of those companies uses "Python" significantly in their
> marketing and their business. I can certainly state that PPSI will never
> do anything in an official capacity to recognize that license.

How can you say that without consulting with the board?  And I am *on*
that board!  I despise your attitude.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 01:44:54 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 19:44:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein at> writes:

    GS> Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely
    GS> like that license? Each of those companies uses "Python"
    GS> significantly in their marketing and their business.

Data point: I know that there are a number of companies that have
embedded JPython in their commercial products.  So far I've had zero
complaints from them on the JPython license.


From gstein at  Wed Sep 15 02:11:56 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:11:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Hm...  We may have to review the regulation of the Python name.  This
> made sense in the context of the previous uses of this license
> (JPython and Grail) but Python is a different thing -- the name Python 
> stands for more than just the implementation.  I'll discuss this with
> CNRI's legal team.


> I don't see how the other things you mention can be much of a problem
> (most Open Source licenses have a revocation clause these days, I
> think, and I don't see how discussing the modifications made can be a
> problem with open source users).

I'll do some more reading. As I said: that was my first cut. The
revocation clause doesn't sit well with me. Maybe other OSS packages have
it, but I believe that is usually because the license was developed by a
company and its legal team. I don't think the GPL, BSD, MPL, and Apache
licenses have revocation clauses, and I consider those to be the "most
open" types of licenses (MPL less so). The Python 1.5 license is just as
open, more so than most.

> > Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely like that
> > license? Each of those companies uses "Python" significantly in their
> > marketing and their business. I can certainly state that PPSI will never
> > do anything in an official capacity to recognize that license.
> How can you say that without consulting with the board?  And I am *on*
> that board!  I despise your attitude.

Because the President (me) runs the day-to-day operation and direction of
the company. The Board advises. The Board typically has other duties such
as replacing me :-), handling stock issues, etc, but the Board is
typically not involved with most issues. This is standard practice for
corporate organization.

Therefore, I *can* make that choice, and even do it unilaterally if I
wanted to be an ass about it. Will I refuse to listen to the board or the
shareholders or the employees? Of course I'll listen.
[further PPSI issues should be taken offline]

Regardless: it boils down to the "Python" requirement in that license.
PPSI simply cannot operate under that license. If it gets dropped, then


Greg Stein,

From gstein at  Wed Sep 15 02:16:10 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:16:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> >>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein at> writes:
>     GS> Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely
>     GS> like that license? Each of those companies uses "Python"
>     GS> significantly in their marketing and their business.
> Data point: I know that there are a number of companies that have
> embedded JPython in their commercial products.  So far I've had zero
> complaints from them on the JPython license.

Are they using it in their marketing, or simply as an underlying driving
force for their products?

If they *are* using it in their marketing, then they have exposed
themselves to a liability. According to the license that they are using,
they are not allowed to use JPython in their marketing. If they do, then
they are in breach of the license and it could be terminated on them.
Their products could no longer include JPython and they'd be SOL. 

I would be interested to hear from somebody using JPython and marketing it
and how they interpreted that license. Possibly I'm missing something, but
that language seems pretty darn clear to me.


Greg Stein,

From gstein at  Wed Sep 15 02:24:25 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:24:25 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> I have the unsatisfying impression that this discussion doesn't
> lead anywhere. I can't really understand all the evil sides Tim and
> Guido seem to see in their views of relative imports. For people
> like Jim and me, who have quite some experience in doing
> Python packages, this small (! hey, it's only about 20 lines of
> code !) additional feature could be of great use.

$| was probably a small addition to Perl, but I don't think you could then
argue that it was a good thing to do.

Small doesn't mean good.

Any change "could be of great use" to *somebody*, but does it make it good
for Python as a whole?

Changes imply doc, maintenance, future compatibility, etc.

> I'm still waiting for some ultimate argument that blows 
> relative imports away. The arguments put forward so far have
> all been in the category "evil", "ugly", "I don't like it".
> Hey, we can do better than that...

People seem to be disagreeing with your stated requirement. In other
words, they're saying that you shouldn't be attempting to make your
package "portable across the module-import-space."

I tend to agree. Fix it at one location. If an app doesn't like that, then
they can individually compensate. I don't believe that Python's standard
machinery is required to handle this particular notion of packaging.

> Note that if this doesn't work out, Jim and I could always agree on
> some standard import hook that we'd both use, but that's
> exactly what we would very much like to avoid in favour of some
> established standard hard-wired into the Python distribution.

No reason the standard hook could not go into I believe people
mostly care that it doesn't become *standard* or *default* behavior --
that it only is available when explicitly requested by an app.


Greg Stein,

From mhammond at  Wed Sep 15 02:49:35 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:49:35 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002e01beff14$306e5b00$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython
> quite a while.  The words are all on the web:

Obviously IANAL.  However, this language does make me feel less
comfortable than the existing one.  The ability to terminate would
appear an issue - it would seem to take a braver CEO to base their
technology on Python with this hanging over them.  Sure, it may rarely
be invoked, but I certainly wouldnt want to fight it in court if it
was.  If I was writing in C, I could worst-case grudgingly accept
needing to change compilers - but I dont have that luxury for Python.
If my license was terminated, I have nowhere else to turn.

It is a real shame when lawyers get so involved.  Obviously Guido has
no say in this, but IMO the ideal scenario would be to use the exsting
language, but simply change the names and dates.  Im guessing this
would be unacceptable to CNRI.

Being NAL, I suppose I have no choice other than to trust this
licence.  However, Im not looking forward to showing this licence to
people as they are deciding if Python is the appropriate technology
choice - to date, there has never been an issue - all they need to is
not remove any copyright notice from the code (which is not actually
seen in most apps) and add the copyright notice to the documentation.
This new one seems much scarier to me..

Just my $200.00 worth (remember, we are talking lawyers fees here :-)
I dont have a real concern as I dont understand the legal
implications; just a slight uneasiness about it all...Not being
controversial for the sake of it, just airing my possibly il-informed
opinion - no opinions were solicitied, but that has never stopped me
before :-)

Of course, I will be sending my "wet" signature on the form.  Im not
sure what to put in the "contribution description" - maybe just
"various small changes to the Windows port"??  I can't say Ive added
entire modules, but my name appears against a number of small patches
to a fairly large set of files...


From tim_one at  Wed Sep 15 07:19:48 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 01:19:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000301beff39$ee3015a0$612d153f@tim>

[Tim, speaks of the devil ...]
> "Something like that" [MAL's __version__ string] needs to be formalized
> and imposed on all public packages.
> at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim

[... and Greg Ward of his legions appears!]
> Been there, tried that, bought the flame war.  I made the mistake of
> kicking off the Distutils SIG back in Decemver with a proposal for a
> standard version numbering scheme for Python module distributions.  See
> for the kick-off of that "heated discussion".  ;-)

Greg, if you call that a flame war, your credentials as an ex-Perl'er are in
serious doubt <wink>.  Except for the cowboy contingent, most participants
were moving swiftly to consensus!

> FWIW, if I was posting that message today, I would s/must/should/ and
> that's about it.

No, it's "must" or it's useless.  What wasn't brought up in that thread is
that the Distutil "version number" is an artficial construct created for the
primary benefit of Distutil tools -- it needn't have anything whatsoever to
do with whatever silly string the developer wants to *display* as being
their "version number".  It's instead a coordinate in an abstract but
rigidly defined Distutil space, specifically designed to make programmatic
navigation of that space reliable in a shared and uniform way.  If a
developer chooses, users need never be exposed to it.  I'd use the x.y.z
Distutil version number directly to keep my own life simpler, but if someone
else wants to display a GUID followed by a 3-letter country code and the
number of nanoseconds since the birth of Mohammed, fine -- they still have
to map that to Distutil VN space internally or write their own stinkin'
disttools.  You may have went overboard on the *semantics* of the Distutil
VN, though:  its only real meaning is in what Distutil tools *do* with it.

Fight this battle again.  Without a uniform way for an installer to *know*
when it's thought safe to replace a package with another version of that
package, Python installations will never move beyond the similar hell of
Windows 3.1.

even-herds-of-cats-wear-collars-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Wed Sep 15 07:40:35 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 01:40:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501beff3c$d58a8be0$612d153f@tim>

I dislike the new license.  Selling Python at work wasn't easy, but the
short & straightforward CWI license went a *long* way toward convincing the
suits there was little to worry about.  The new license has several blobs of
lawyer-speak that ensure the next battle will be much harder -- the prospect
of license revocation, some fuzzy concept of derivative works, and vague
"prominent display" requirements?  Boston lawyers charge Really Big Bux to
guess what that gibberish might mean in Virginia.  The only bright side is
that we now get explicit rights to "perform" and "display" Python

> If you believe that special circumstances exist that make it
> impossible or difficult for you to sign the form, please send me
> email, and we'll discuss the matter.

It would less hassle for me if you took all my contributions out <0.9 wink>.

i'll-sign-but-it's-really-really-really-depressing-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Wed Sep 15 08:42:02 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 02:42:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000701beff45$6b51c5a0$612d153f@tim>

Don't tell, but this is getting repetitive.  One more batch of repeats from
me, and I'm done:

+ The notion that Python packages aren't self-contained now is wrong:  a
package module can import other modules in the package without
qualification.  This is good design.

+ Where self-containment breaks down is in going across *sub*-packages.  I
was surprised Guido pretended to cater to them, since Python (wisely, IMO)
stayed away from sub-modules from the start.  Hierarchy is a great tool for
managing complexity, but it also introduces complexity of its own.  And when
a flat package space suffices, hierarchy introduces artificial

+ I agree with Gordon that, if anything, the default "import" behavior is
already too complicated.  By the time you wade thru PYTHONPATH, and
PYTHONSTARTUP, and .pth files, and people mucking with sys.path, and site
config files, and symlinks under Unix, and packages mucking with their own
__path__ attributes, running Python with -v is the only hope of figuring out
why nothing ever works <0.6 wink>.

+ All this dynamicism is in support of a concept that's actually static:
the structure of an installation.  As Barry laments, you can't always know
the structure in advance of installation, but the solution is (I believe)
along the lines he suggests:  invent a way to register/query the structure
once & for all after it is known.

+ JimF and MAL's shared notion that they're the only ones making significant
use of packages is myopic.  Dragon also uses packages, and heavily, although
products using them have not been announced and I can't talk about them yet.
Anything I'm within 10 miles of doesn't use *any* import hooks, or play any
other tricks on the system.  Instead I urge people to write their imports as
explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly as possible (with binding to
a convenient local alias name on the following line).  Do we embed
sub-packages?  Sure.  Do modules move around in the hierarchy over time?  Of
course.  So how do we deal with this supposed nightmare?  Because all
imports are relentlessly straightforward (even intra-package imports are
fully qualified), and none are hiding in dynamic functions, we get into
Emacs and do a global search-and-replace.  Takes 30 seconds, and the new
structure is plain as day to everyone reading the code.

low-tech-it's-not-just-for-breakfast-anymore<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From ping at  Wed Sep 15 09:31:29 1999
From: ping at (ping at
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 00:31:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
> quite a while.  The words are all on the web:
>	[proposed license]
>	[email release]
>	[wet signature release]

Hi all.  I'm sorry i haven't contributed anything to the
relative-import and python-path discussions of late, but
that's because so far i haven't had any ideas that have
crossed my threshold of being sufficiently insightful to
propose.  I will follow the discussion with much interest.

I'm afraid i have to say that the revocation clause makes
me pretty uncomfortable.  I know that it says CNRI will
revoke only on a "material breach", but i still have a
nasty suspicion that it sounds frightening enough to scare
many people away.  I don't think we want that.

I suppose Greg's other points of contention are valid too
but it's really the revocation that bugs me the most.

-- ?!ng

From fredrik at  Wed Sep 15 09:42:28 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 09:42:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <008701beff4d$dcebfb10$>

> The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause.

same here.  reading the new one made me feel very
uneasy, but I cannot really say much about it before
I've discussed it with people who know more about

just a few small notes:

the BSD-ish license used up to now has been a major
selling argument for Python, while this one seems to
really push the bounds of what qualifies as an open
source license...

(it also seems to imply that Python is a trademark,
which is, as far as I can tell, is not true at this time.
and archive corporation/seagate already owns the
trademark wrt. software).

the worst thing is that we will have to run this
by our lawyers before we can decide whether to
continue contributing to 1.6 development :-(


From mal at  Wed Sep 15 11:24:43 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:24:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000701beff45$6b51c5a0$612d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> + The notion that Python packages aren't self-contained now is wrong:  a
> package module can import other modules in the package without
> qualification.  This is good design.

Agreed. And we would like to take that notion one step further --
without breaking the two-scope resolution Python uses now. The
'__' tags are just place holders which could just as well be
handled by a simple Python fuction (like the one Gordon posted)
using perfectly valid technology.

Sticking this technology into the import statement is really only
a more elegant approach. Nothing more. The whole thing already
works using the current Python implementation.

> + JimF and MAL's shared notion that they're the only ones making significant
> use of packages is myopic. 

Oh, c'mon Tim, we never did say that. We only mentioned having used
package for quite a while. This includes having seen all the different
pitfalls they have to offer.

> Dragon also uses packages, and heavily, although
> products using them have not been announced and I can't talk about them yet.
> Anything I'm within 10 miles of doesn't use *any* import hooks, or play any
> other tricks on the system.  Instead I urge people to write their imports as
> explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly as possible (with binding to
> a convenient local alias name on the following line).  Do we embed
> sub-packages?  Sure.  Do modules move around in the hierarchy over time?  Of
> course.  So how do we deal with this supposed nightmare?  Because all
> imports are relentlessly straightforward (even intra-package imports are
> fully qualified), and none are hiding in dynamic functions, we get into
> Emacs and do a global search-and-replace.  Takes 30 seconds, and the new
> structure is plain as day to everyone reading the code.

This is perfectly ok if you're just using your own code, but it
gets a mess when third-party packages are involved simply because
you can't be sure they don't use import hooks, local imports or
hacks to __path__ etc. If you still want them to be useable, you'll
have to go down and dive into their structure. This takes time, is
error prone and not necessarily fun.

Also, I don't know how "explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly"
writing module imports is any different from using relative imports.

An example:


In ODBC.Windows I would write:

	import __.__.DateTime

which is just as explicit as writing

	import mx.DateTime

except that the information about the top-level hierarchy is *not*
included in the import information.

Anyway, I'm not too inclined continuing this discussion anymore.
I would never have thought that such a nifty little patch would
have stirred up so much negative response. I'll just hack up my
very own import mechanism using imputil and be done. So there!

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Wed Sep 15 12:05:27 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:05:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <008701beff4d$dcebfb10$>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> > dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> > prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause.
> same here.  reading the new one made me feel very
> uneasy, but I cannot really say much about it before
> I've discussed it with people who know more about
> this...


Some comments:
4.Licensee may not use CNRI trademarks or trade name, including Python or
     CNRI, in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of
     Licensee, or any third party. Licensee may use the mark Python in
     connection with Licensee's derivative versions that are based on or
     incorporate the Software, but only in the form "Python-based
     ___________________," or equivalent.

Say I want to sell Python 1.6 training, how would I promote this ?
Since I'm not producing a derivative work, I guess I couldn't
use the name 'Python' at all... hmm, I could probably try Pyth*n ;-)

3.In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or
     incorporates the Software or any part thereof, and wants to make the
     derivative work available to the public as provided herein, then Licensee
     hereby agrees to indicate in any such work, in a prominently visible way,
     the nature of the modifications made to CNRI's Software. 

How explicit would that indication have to be ? E.g. do I have
to provide a patch or would a simple run-down of new features
suffice ?

Needless to say, I would not be able to sell products based
on Python 1.6 with the revocation clause in the license. In the
end, I'd probably have to negotiate a separate license with
CNRI not having this clause. Anything else would be unacceptable
in a commercial setting. Is this intended ?

And finally in the "Python Contribution Agreement":
Licensee confirms to CNRI that, to the best of Licensee's
knowledge and belief, the Contribution is free of any claims of
parties other than Licensee under copyright, patent or other
rights or interests ("claims"). 

Best knowledge and belief do not guard against law suit. Why
doesn't this text protect the contributor in some way against
charges forwarded by CNRI to the contributor ? (Note that the
disclaimer in the Python License is not valid everywhere.)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 13:56:48 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 07:56:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein at> writes:

    GS> Are they using it in their marketing, or simply as an
    GS> underlying driving force for their products?

I'm not sure that JPython is much of a marketing advantage right now,
so AFAIK none of them are actively promoting their use of JPython in
their product.  However, my reading of the second half of item 4 would 
allow them to say something like "You can even extend your flapjabs
using our keen JPython-based scripting capabilities".

    GS> If they *are* using it in their marketing, then they have
    GS> exposed themselves to a liability. According to the license
    GS> that they are using, they are not allowed to use JPython in
    GS> their marketing. If they do, then they are in breach of the
    GS> license and it could be terminated on them.  Their products
    GS> could no longer include JPython and they'd be SOL.

I hope that wouldn't really be the case, but it's an interesting
point, so I'm sure we'll bring it up.


From jim at  Wed Sep 15 14:20:54 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 08:20:54 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> > uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
> > quite a while.  The words are all on the web:

Oh boy, this is really going to cause trouble.  Where's my flame suit...

> The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause. I might
> find other items, but that is from a quick read using Lynx on a tiny
> monitor...

I guess I am used to reading license agreements, and I am not very
worried about the new one.  Before we all get upset, lets remember
that Guido works in a large company with lots of lawyers, and he
trapped between a group of Internet geeks (hey, I like Internet
geeks) and his buracracy.

And remember that lawyers respond better to specific proposals
for language changes than philosophical discussion.

First off, the license is not revokable.  It is only revokable
on breach.  If a license can not be revoked on breach it doesn't
really mean anything.  This is totally standard.  Suppose someone
else claims to own Python and starts selling "The True Standard
Python" for $100.  Suppose they change the standard library names
so software only runs on their version.  CNRI should be able to
revoke their license to use Python.  This is something we would
all want CNRI to do.

The protection of the Python name is a necessity.  That is really
all CNRI has, since the license gives away use of the software itself.
If CNRI doesn't own "Python" then it can't object when someone else
claims they own it.  Don't we want them to object?
The license doesn't say you can't use "Python", it sayes you
can't use it in a trademark sense.  I think that means you can say
"I am teaching a course on Python, which is CNRI's software" but not
"I am teaching a course on my Python, all rights reserved".  Actually
this is a little unclear, perhaps (4) could be made a little clearer.

Paragraph (3) is a little troublesome.  I seems to mean that if
you ship a modified Python, you must say it is modified.  I
presume it doesn't mean that you must describe your own code
in the event it incorporates Python.  Really, we need to know what
CNRI wants us to do here.

On the contributions side (wetsign.html) it says you are contributing
software free of third party claims "to the best of your knowledge
and belief" not "represents and warrants" which is different.  CNRI
really has to be told that as far as you know, you didn't steal the
software you are contributing.  This is reasonable.  Actually I
might like to see a warranty disclaimer "NO WARRANTIES etc." like
the license paragraph (5) and (6).  I am not sure I need it since
the contribution is free, but I usually ship free software with
a disclaimer for "fitness for any particular purpose etc.".

This is a pretty weak license agreement.  Remember that if it is
too weak, it prevents CNRI from defending Python against others
who would claim they own it or who claim they are the true source
of the language design (paranoia department: Microsoft's Python++).
We want CNRI to defend Python, right?

Jim Ahlstrom

From gward at  Wed Sep 15 14:30:32 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 08:30:32 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>; from Barry A. Warsaw on Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 07:44:54PM -0400
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 September 1999, Barry A. Warsaw said:
> Data point: I know that there are a number of companies that have
> embedded JPython in their commercial products.  So far I've had zero
> complaints from them on the JPython license.

Just thought I should join the tide of opposition: heck, I *work* for
CNRI and I still don't like the license.  I didn't say much about the
new JPython license because a) I trust Barry's judgement, b) it was
certainly an improvement over the old JPython license, and c) I wasn't
especially worried about one part of CNRI (Guido's group) taking JPython
away from another part (the group that Andrew and I are on).

However, that doesn't change the fact that the "new" license is a nasty
piece of legalistic gibberish.  Making it the license for Python 1.6
would be a major setback -- while it was better than the old JPython
license, it's a damn sight worse than the old Python license.  I have
zero sympathy for the legal beagles here with their narrow corporatist
viewpoint; trying to treat Python as just another potential piece of
intellectual property is wrong-headed in the extreme.  The free software 
world simply does not work that way.

BTW, I suspect that the companies embedding JPython haven't minded the
license because they come from the Java world, a world that seems to me
to be dominated by corporate pin-headed thinking.  The idea of
community, openness, and sharing is utterly alien to these suit-wearing,
smarmy Java frat-boy types, so JPython's licensing terms were probably a
breath of fresh air to them.  ("What?  No $100,000 source license fee?
Wow!")  ("But wait Chip -- it's not BUZZWORD COMPLIANT!  I can't find
enough TLAs!!!")

Hmmm, enough flaming Java weenies.  Please, don't anybody take the last
paragraphy too seriously or personally...

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From fredrik at  Wed Sep 15 14:39:30 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:39:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <003e01beff77$5c87fe40$>

> The license doesn't say you can't use "Python", it sayes you
> can't use it in a trademark sense.

quick check: which of these uses "Python" in a trademark
sense, and thus violates the license:

    pythonware?  professional python services?  pythonworks?
    programming python?  python training?  python powered?
    the viper python implementation?  python imaging library?
    wxpython?  pythonwin?  etc.

all of them?  none of them?


From mal at  Wed Sep 15 15:09:27 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:09:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <> <003e01beff77$5c87fe40$>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > The license doesn't say you can't use "Python", it sayes you
> > can't use it in a trademark sense.
> quick check: which of these uses "Python" in a trademark
> sense, and thus violates the license:
>     pythonware?  professional python services?  pythonworks?
>     programming python?  python training?  python powered?
>     the viper python implementation?  python imaging library?
>     wxpython?  pythonwin?  etc.
> all of them?  none of them?

Using a word in a trademark sense usually simply means using it
in corporate relationships (at least that's how it works in Germany).
If you are a company and talk about, write about or otherwise use
the word in a commercial context then you are using the word in
a trademark sense.

There are several ways to declare a trademark, e.g. there are
word marks, logo marks, sound marks, color marks etc. (don't know if
are the right translations). A word mark, for example, refers
to a specific spelling of the word regardeless of the font, style
or color. Logo marks refer to a specific design including font,
style and color.

Note that a trademark owner can still give you permission to use
the mark in any decent way without paying fees or royalties. So
even if CNRI does own the mark, they could still make it usable
by others. In fact, if done right, this is a Good Thing.

The answer to your question depends on what kind mark CNRI

[There currently is a very strong movement in Germany against
people who are applying what they learned from domain grabbing to
trademarks. Prominent examples include "WWW" and "Webspace". Even
the color violet is trademarked (by a company producing chocolate)]

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 17:43:13 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:43:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
Message-ID: <>

"Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> --> The solution:

Ah, finally a specific proposal...

>     Suppose your application (as a whole, not the individual top-level
>     script) is called Spam -- this may well also be the name of your
>     top-level package.  Then start each top-level script with the single
>     line
>         import Spam_path
>     before importing anything else.

This should not be necessary if you use the name "sitecustomize" instead
of "Spam_path" right?  The file is automatically
Actually all this sounds like all over again.

>     Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
>     application's root directory, crafts a file which
>     contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.

I don't think this is necessary either.  The sys module is available.
So can say:
  import sys
  mydir = sys.path[0]
  if not mydir:
    import os
    mydir = os.getcwd()
  sys.path = [mydir]  # To be really extreme about it
  # Note: inserting mydir as sys.path[0] should be redundant but is not

>     Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
>     to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python
>     scripts*.
>     Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
>     scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.

Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.
>     I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
>     going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best
>     solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
>     following up here.

This is a good idea, but there are a few problems.

It depends on sys.path[0] being the directory of the Python
file being executed as the main program.  I guess I never
really trusted this before.  I think if this is the case it
should never be ''.  A relative path or no path on the command
line (the __main__ program) should be replaced by the full path
in the sys module setup.  Then the "mydir = os.getcwd()" above
is not necessary.  And inserting mydir as sys.path[0] is truly
redundant should the current directory change (as it certainly will).
This is currently a problem with sys.path[0] which should be
fixed no matter what else happens.

The files and must be in all the bin
directories as well as because they are
automatically imported in Py_Initialize().

The above doesn't work when you start the Python command
interpreter (no main).  I know, its a minor point.

It seems to me this totally solves Jim Fulton's and Marc's
problem and makes "__" unnecessary.  You just install zope
and mx in zopedir, perform the above, and presto you have a new
private name space where you can control all your names.  But
there must be some problem here I haven't thought of.

I still worry that this is not powerful enough.  Greg Stein
has volunteered to re-write import.c in Python (using
and this is a Great Idea.  Lots of Python could probably be
written in itself.  I would like to try writing the main
program in Python and eliminating the special freeze main
program.  Once you start on this road (and I think it is a good road)
you have Python code which is more truly part of the binary
interpreter than a library.


Use a special PYTHONPATH on startup to find "special" Python
files which are really part of the interpreter.  There are
three directories Python knows about.  Namely sys.path[0]
(once it is fixed), sys.executable and sys.dllfullpath,
the directory of python15.dll or other shared library (once it is
added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
like the new[c],[c] and[c]
be placed there.

Actually I would prefer sys.dllfullpath if it exists, since that
is where the interpreter is, and I am trying to associate these
special internal Python files exactly with their correct Python

Alternative Proposal:

Py_Initialize() first imports its files from sys.executable + '/' +
PyInternal.pyl (again I prefer sys.dllfullpath).
PyInternal.pyl is a Python library file (like a Java Jar
file) which would contain modules like exceptions, etc.
The PyInternal.pyl file has the standard Python library file
format (whatever that turns out to be).  It is not an error if
this file is absent.

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 18:15:02 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:15:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:43:13 EDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> >         import Spam_path
> > 
> >     before importing anything else.

> This should not be necessary if you use the name "sitecustomize" instead
> of "Spam_path" right?  The file is automatically
> imported.
> Actually all this sounds like all over again.

But the intention here is for the customization to be application
specific (hence the Spam in the name).  sitecustomize doesn't know
whethere I need the Mailman or the Knowbot root added to my path.

Or do you mean to imply that we can do this with zero text added to
the script, by simply dropping an appropriate in the
script dir?  Unfortunately this does currently *not* work, because
sys.path[0] is added after Py_Initialize() is run.

> >     Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
> >     application's root directory, crafts a file which
> >     contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.
> I don't think this is necessary either.  The sys module is available.
> So can say:
>   import sys
>   mydir = sys.path[0]
>   if not mydir:
>     import os
>     mydir = os.getcwd()
>   sys.path = [mydir]  # To be really extreme about it
>   # Note: inserting mydir as sys.path[0] should be redundant but is not

Hm, guessing based on the script directory might work, but seems less
reliable than hardcoding it through the installer.  But you can use
this if it works for your application.

> >     Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
> >     to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python
> >     scripts*.
> > 
> >     Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
> >     scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.
> Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
> change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.

Yes.  (The registry can add module-specific paths, which will be
searched before sys.path is even looked at, but this is only for
specific modules.  It cannot insert a general directory that is
searched.)  The only way this can fail is if an embedding app fails to 
call PySys_SetArgv().

> >     I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
> >     going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best
> >     solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
> >     following up here.
> This is a good idea, but there are a few problems.
> It depends on sys.path[0] being the directory of the Python
> file being executed as the main program.  I guess I never
> really trusted this before.  I think if this is the case it
> should never be ''.  A relative path or no path on the command
> line (the __main__ program) should be replaced by the full path
> in the sys module setup.  Then the "mydir = os.getcwd()" above
> is not necessary.  And inserting mydir as sys.path[0] is truly
> redundant should the current directory change (as it certainly will).
> This is currently a problem with sys.path[0] which should be
> fixed no matter what else happens.

I have always resisted forcing path items to be absolute, although I'm
not sure that my reasons are valid any more (it has to do with the
fact that getcwd() may fail and the fact that portable path
concatenation is a pain).  In any case, that's a separate issue -- I
agree that if sys.path[0] is '' (as it often is) it's better for or or (or whoever) to absolutize
it (and everything else on the path) so that it will still work if the
app does a chdir().

> The files and must be in all the bin
> directories as well as because they are
> automatically imported in Py_Initialize().


> The above doesn't work when you start the Python command
> interpreter (no main).  I know, its a minor point.

You could add the "import Spam_path" to your $PYTHONSTARTUP file.

> It seems to me this totally solves Jim Fulton's and Marc's
> problem and makes "__" unnecessary.  You just install zope
> and mx in zopedir, perform the above, and presto you have a new
> private name space where you can control all your names.  But
> there must be some problem here I haven't thought of.

I think no simple solution that *I* can come up with will satisfy
JimF's and Marc's desire for obscurity :-)

> I still worry that this is not powerful enough.  Greg Stein
> has volunteered to re-write import.c in Python (using
> and this is a Great Idea.  Lots of Python could probably be
> written in itself.  I would like to try writing the main
> program in Python and eliminating the special freeze main
> program.  Once you start on this road (and I think it is a good road)
> you have Python code which is more truly part of the binary
> interpreter than a library.

Yes, this is the plan for Python 2.0, and some of it may be
implemented in Python 1.6.

> Proposal:
> Use a special PYTHONPATH on startup to find "special" Python
> files which are really part of the interpreter.  There are
> three directories Python knows about.  Namely sys.path[0]
> (once it is fixed), sys.executable and sys.dllfullpath,
> the directory of python15.dll or other shared library (once it is
> added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
> to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
> like the new[c],[c] and[c]
> be placed there.

On Unix, this is a bin directory and it is strongly discouraged to put
non-program files there.  Python already does something similar --
it looks around in sys.executable's ancestors for a specific landmark, 
currently lib/python<version>/  Arguably, it should search
for instead.

> Actually I would prefer sys.dllfullpath if it exists, since that
> is where the interpreter is, and I am trying to associate these
> special internal Python files exactly with their correct Python
> interpreter.

Is the full DLL path available at any point?  This would certainly be
a good starting point -- especially when the DLL is loaded implicitly
as the result of some COM operation.

> Alternative Proposal:
> Py_Initialize() first imports its files from sys.executable + '/' +
> PyInternal.pyl (again I prefer sys.dllfullpath).
> PyInternal.pyl is a Python library file (like a Java Jar
> file) which would contain modules like exceptions, etc.
> The PyInternal.pyl file has the standard Python library file
> format (whatever that turns out to be).  It is not an error if
> this file is absent.

I guess this is all up to the redesign of the import mechanism
(something like Greg Stein's for sure).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From da at  Wed Sep 15 19:00:05 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:00:05 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido, maybe it would make sense to explain the need for a license change.
Is my understanding correct that the occasion for the license change is
that the copyright is now clearly shifting to CNRI, and as a result CNRI
has to forge a license?  (BTW, I thought *you* had the copyright transfer 
from CWI, not CNRI).


From jim at  Wed Sep 15 20:10:17 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:10:17 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> > I wouldn't be in favor of making it more complicated if there wasn't
> > a good reason.  I think that, in working on the Zope framework,
> > I've found some pretty good reasons for relative imports.
> And in a later message:
> > I don't think the Package structure of Zope is flawed *except*
> > for the fact that it is one level too *shallow*. The ability to
> > do relative imports would be very helpful for the work we're doing.
> But I haven't seen explained what it is that Zope is doing where
> relative packages would be helpful.

I posted an example in an earlier message.  I'll recast it here, 
hopefully more eloquently. :)  I'll also offer an alternate proposal
that also solves my (and I suspect, Marc-Andre's) problem.

Zope is an application platform.  It provides a mechanism for 
developers to plug their own products into Zope.  The idea is that
someone gets Zope from and installs it.  Then they get
third-party products from other places.

Zope products are python packages installed as sub-packages of the
Zope 'Products' packages.  Products are generally self-contained.  If
they need anything that's not part of standard Python or standard
Zope, they need to include it or install what they need in a
sub-package of another Zope package, 'Shared'.  

Because products come from "third parties", it is important that they
be self contained.  Making assumptions about the Zope or Python
environments or, worse, modifying the Zope or Python environments is a
bad idea.

In this context, consider the following concrete, though fictional

Aaron has written a collection of modules that implement an RDBMS
system for Python, gadfly.  He also has a set of modules for parsing,
kjParsing, which is needed by gadfly.  Currently, these are just a
bunch of top-level modules distributed as a combined collection.  It
would make sense to turn these into two packages, gadfly and
kjParsing.  Now, if this was done, then the gadfly package would need
to use package imports for kjParsing modules, as in:

  import kjParsing.kjParser

So far, so good.  Now, suppose that someone wants to create a Zope
product, ZGadfly, that used gadfly.  The simplest approach would be to
include the gadfly and kjParsing packages in their Zope product.
Of course, this won't work, because the imports, like the one above,
will fail, because kjParsing is no longer a top-level package.

It wouldn't do any good to move gadlfy and kjParsing to the shared
package, although that might be desirable to share these packages
with other products.  They could try to stuff the packages into the
Zope or Python paths, but that would break the rules and lead to
problems in the long term.

Hopefully, this illustrates the problem.  I think that this will be a
common problem in the future, as people build bigger and bigger
systems with Python that reuse other people's packages.

I'd be curious to hear how folks would solve this problem.

Personally, I'd like the problem to go away. :)  I'd like the Python
import rules to change to make this solvable without import hooks or
path hacking.  I can think of two ways to approach this:

  - Relative parent imports:

      import __.kjParsing.kjParser

    Note that Python already supports relative imports for 
    going down.  For example, we use gadfly and kjParsing together
    as a single sub-package of our ZGadflyDA product.

  - Gradually less local searches.

    Currently, when doing an import in a package, two paths are
    searched, the package path and then the Python path.  If there are
    intermediate packages, then perhaps their paths should be searched
    as well.

    For example, suppose we have the directory structure:


    where Products is a top-level package, and we did an import in a
    module in gadfly:

      import kjParsing.kjParser

    Python would search the path of the package
    Products.ZGadfly.gadfly first, as it does now.  This search would
    fail. Then it would search the path of Products.ZGadfly, where it
    would find kjParsing, and the import would succeed.

    This approach has the benefits:

      o It solves the problem. :)

      o It has no impact on un-nested packages,

      o It requires no code changes; it doesn't use the
        ugly __.



Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 15 19:35:57 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:35:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:

> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> > --> The solution:

Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's post.

- Gordon

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 20:17:55 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:17:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:35:57 EDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> From: "Gordon McMillan" <gmcm at>

> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
> > "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> > > --> The solution:
> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's post.

Hm.  We had an email glitch.  Apparently this message got lost:

Subject: Re: Path hacking
From: Guido van Rossum <guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
To: python-dev at
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:57:51 -0400

I just had a long discussion with Barry and Fred, in response to his
registry proposal.  We quickly decided that a Python registry is
overkill for the given problem.  We also quickly came up with a nice
variant of Mailman's approach which will work well in a variety of

--> The context:

    You have a large complicated application that contains many modules
    spread over many packages, and which has many "top-level" scripts that
    are invoked by the user (or via CGI, for example).  All the code is
    properly packagized, with sufficiently globally unique package names
    being used all over the place.

--> The problem:

    How to get the root directory of your application (where all your
    packages live) on sys.path.

--> The rules:

    Using $PYTHONPATH is right out.

    You can't install new files in the core Python installation directory
    (nor modify existing ones), so using .pth files is also out.

    You don't want to have to edit each of the top-level scripts of your

    You want a cross-platform solution, in particular it should be
    amenable to Windows.

--> The assumptions:

    You can use a reasonably intelligent installer.

    All your top-level scripts are installed in a single directory (or
    perhaps in a small number of separate bin directories, e.g. bin and

--> The solution:

    Suppose your application (as a whole, not the individual top-level
    script) is called Spam -- this may well also be the name of your
    top-level package.  Then start each top-level script with the single

	import Spam_path

    before importing anything else.

    Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
    application's root directory, crafts a file which
    contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.

    Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
    to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python

    Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
    scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.

--> Notes:

    If you are Spam's developer, you probably want to be able to use its
    top-level scripts without having to install them.  All you need to do
    is create a file pointing to the top of your development
    tree, and set $PYTHONPATH to point to the directory that contains it.

    (Perhaps you already have $PYTHONPATH pointing to a personal directory
    of Python modules you like to have accessible -- then you can just
    drop there, or link to it from there.)

    Note that adding a personal directory of Python goodies is about the
    only use of $PYTHONPATH that I approve of -- this way, you can set
    $PYTHONPATH in your .profile and never have to change it.

    I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
    going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best 
    solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
    following up here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 20:27:58 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:27:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
> > "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> > > --> The solution:
> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's post.

My mail system is flakey, so I have been reading this list
directly on  I didn't get it by list either, so
I assumed my mailer ate it.  See:

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 20:29:38 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:29:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> But the intention here is for the customization to be application
> specific (hence the Spam in the name).  sitecustomize doesn't know
> whethere I need the Mailman or the Knowbot root added to my path.

Ah, you have multiple scripts in one directory and multiple
Foo_path, Bar_path etc.  I was thinking with my Windows head.
A commercial Windows app generally has its own exclusive
install directory, so I was thinking single directory so a single

> Or do you mean to imply that we can do this with zero text added to
> the script, by simply dropping an appropriate in the
> script dir?

Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking.

> Unfortunately this does currently *not* work, because
> sys.path[0] is added after Py_Initialize() is run.

Yikes!  That kills using  Your Spam_path
still works because it is imported later, but requires an
import in each Python main script just as you said.

Even worse, it means that and can not
be found at all except using the normal PYTHONPATH, and
putting their path in Spam_path will *not* work.

> > >     Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
> > >     scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.
> >
> > Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
> > change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.
> Yes.  (The registry can add module-specific paths, which will be
> searched before sys.path is even looked at, but this is only for
> specific modules.  It cannot insert a general directory that is
> searched.)  The only way this can fail is if an embedding app fails to
> call PySys_SetArgv().

Oh dear, I think I heard no instead of yes. Are you saying that if
someone else installs a Python app on my customer's machine after I do,
and sets a registry entry which sayes to use c:/other/path/to/
for (as he may very well want to do), then if my Python program
depends on getting my copy of from my directory, it will then
use the other copy instead and may very well fail?

> In any case, that's a separate issue -- I
> agree that if sys.path[0] is '' (as it often is) it's better for
> or or (or whoever) to absolutize
> it (and everything else on the path) so that it will still work if the
> app does a chdir().

Point on the curve:  Windows apps generally start from an icon
which contains their path and current working directory, and
these are generally different.  So a Windows app in general will
*never* have had a getcwd() equal to the path of either the
binary interpreter or the Python main script.

> > The files and must be in all the bin
> > directories as well as because they are
> > automatically imported in Py_Initialize().
> Yes.

Well, *no* right?  This fails unless the bin directories are in
fact on PYTHONPATH.  The only way to get is by using
sys.path as it exists within Py_Initialize().  So there is no
hacked sys.path[0] equal to the script dir.  And since the
path hacks in haven't happened yet either, we have
an incomplete sys.path at that point.

> > added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
> > to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
> > like the new[c],[c] and[c]
> > be placed there.
> On Unix, this is a bin directory and it is strongly discouraged to put
> non-program files there.

Ok, point taken.

> Is the full DLL path available at any point?  This would certainly be
> a good starting point -- especially when the DLL is loaded implicitly
> as the result of some COM operation.

I don't know about loading by COM, but if it is a file, its absolute
path is reliably known in sys, the code is identical to that currently
used for sys.executable (on Windows), and I have a patch if you want.

JimA's conjecture:  It is currently impossible to
ship a Python app which can not be damaged by the installation of a
second Python app without using a hacked custom binary.

Jim Ahlstrom

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 20:41:26 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:41:26 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <gmcm at> writes:

    Gordo> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:

    >> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
    >> --> The solution:

    Gordo> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's
    Gordo> post.

I have a suspicion that lost some email yesterday.

We had a period of time where mail simply stopped getting delivered
(thank you Solaris patch manager) and it took me a little while to
realize that things weren't working correctly.  Since there's nothing
unexpected in the mail queue now, all I can say is that if you didn't
get it by now, you ain't gonna.

However, everything seemed to make it into the archives, so Guido's
message is available at:


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 20:43:56 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:43:56 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:00:05 PDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

[David Ascher]
> Guido, maybe it would make sense to explain the need for a license change.
> Is my understanding correct that the occasion for the license change is
> that the copyright is now clearly shifting to CNRI, and as a result CNRI
> has to forge a license?  (BTW, I thought *you* had the copyright transfer 
> from CWI, not CNRI).

Correct on both counts.

CWI owns the copyright on old Python versions through Python 1.2.  I
have personally obtained non-exclusive rights to these from CWI.

CNRI, by nature of my employment contract, has the copyright on newer

CNRI feels the need to protect its intellectual property rights.  It
feels that the old Python license, even with CNRI added, does not
adequately protect CNRI against certain (unlikely) events -- hence the 
desire to draft a new license.

CNRI understands that open source (and now Open Source -- the OSI
board has approved the old Python license!) like Python requires
different licensing terms than a typical product developed solely by

I think that the main problem is that CNRI's understanding of what
truly constritutes open source is limited, and that my own
understanding of legal issues is limited, so that the negotiations
with CNRI's legal department (which is headed by CNRI's director)
often turn in their favor.

I hereby withdraw the posted license.  There still is the need for a
new license, but we need to go back to the drawing board for it.  The
CWI ownership of much of the code probably means that the license as
it stands doesn't hold anyway.

I also think that the Python consortium has a say in the license
discussion -- the consortium agreement actually discusses the
ownership of intellectual property produced by/for the consortium at
some length.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 20:46:44 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:46:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    JF> Zope products are python packages installed as sub-packages of
    JF> the Zope 'Products' packages.  Products are generally
    JF> self-contained.  If they need anything that's not part of
    JF> standard Python or standard Zope, they need to include it or
    JF> install what they need in a sub-package of another Zope
    JF> package, 'Shared'.

Jim, from your description, it sounds like Zope should be putting both
the `Shared' and possibly `Products' directories on sys.path.  Maybe
it does and I'm still missing your point.

However if they are not, then wouldn't this solve your problem?  A
user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then all the
import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.


From mal at  Wed Sep 15 19:02:20 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 19:02:20 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > It seems to me this totally solves Jim Fulton's and Marc's
> > problem and makes "__" unnecessary.  You just install zope
> > and mx in zopedir, perform the above, and presto you have a new
> > private name space where you can control all your names.  But
> > there must be some problem here I haven't thought of.
> I think no simple solution that *I* can come up with will satisfy
> JimF's and Marc's desire for obscurity :-)

Never mind, I'll use an based approach to get relative
imports to work in my packages. That is when I get
to work... it doesn't seem to be quite there yet (or I'm using
an old version).

BTW, I'm 100% behind you guys if you choose to reimplement Python's
import mechanism in Python using a similar approach as the one
Greg implemented in imputil. Should make everybody happy: those
who want obscure syntactic add-ons and others with a taste for
zlib'ed packaged byte code, plus those VMS freaks ;-)

Perhaps we should start a new thread on that topic... 

Still needed are:

? Python level APIs for the platform specific magic on
  Win32 and Macs (OS/2, BeOS ?), e.g. access to the Windows
  registry and the Mac forks

? Patches to make the DirectoryImporter 100% backward compatible

Greg's can be found at:

The trick would then be to install an application specific
importer in the setup module Spam_path or MyAppSetup which
then takes care of all the rest... 

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 15 21:00:41 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:00:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hmm, I'm suspicious of the fact that no message from Barry 
Warsaw ever gets "lost".

Stalin got started by being in charge of the Kremlin's 
telephone system, you know...

> >>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <gmcm at> writes:
>     Gordo> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
>     >> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
>     >> --> The solution:
>     Gordo> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is
>     Barry's Gordo> post.
> I have a suspicion that lost some email yesterday.
> We had a period of time where mail simply stopped getting
> delivered (thank you Solaris patch manager) and it took me a
> little while to realize that things weren't working correctly. 
> Since there's nothing unexpected in the mail queue now, all I can
> say is that if you didn't get it by now, you ain't gonna.
> However, everything seemed to make it into the archives, so
> Guido's message is available at:
> html
> -Barry
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev maillist  -  Python-Dev at

- Gordon

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 21:25:24 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:25:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>  
		            <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> In this context, consider the following concrete, though fictional
> example.
> ............

The classical solution would be to add "Shared" to sys.path.  But
how to do this?  And what if another installation changes it?

> I'd be curious to hear how folks would solve this problem.

1) Ship a custom binary interpreter with critical modules frozen in,
and which sets a custom sys.path before anything else happens.  So
you are not dependent at all on PYTHONPATH.  Currently this works.

2) Add a new command line option which sets sys.path and always use
it to start your app.  It lists only critical zope directories so
zope has its own private name space.

3) Add your own import hooks using and boot it as
in (1).  Better if it were part of Python.

4) Use a new Python.pyl file which has seeking from the end and
thus allows concattenation of multiple *.pyl.  Each package is
a foo.pyl, bar.pyl, and to distribute an app, you concatenate
packages.  The implied PYTHONPATH in each *.pyl file is "."
except perhaps for the Python lib which is "Lib".  Boot it as
in (3).

> Personally, I'd like the problem to go away. :)

I have the same problem, so me too.

> I'd like the Python
> import rules to change to make this solvable without import hooks or
> path hacking.  I can think of two ways to approach this:
>   - Relative parent imports:
>       import __.kjParsing.kjParser

OK by me, but doesn't solve the Grand Problem.
>   - Gradually less local searches.

I am currently bewildered by Python's import mechanism, and
this may push me into brain damage.  Well, *more* brain damage.

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 21:34:08 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:34:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
>     JF> Zope products are python packages installed as sub-packages of
>     JF> the Zope 'Products' packages.  Products are generally
>     JF> self-contained.  If they need anything that's not part of
>     JF> standard Python or standard Zope, they need to include it or
>     JF> install what they need in a sub-package of another Zope
>     JF> package, 'Shared'.
> Jim, from your description, it sounds like Zope should be putting both
> the `Shared' and possibly `Products' directories on sys.path.

It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some future
python distribution has a Products package? Or a

A product is actually a sub-package of Products. Even if Products 
was not a package, the Product would be and gadfly and kjParsong would
be sub-packages.  There is a similar issue with Shared, since Shared
software is organized by organization, as in 'Shared.DC.ZRDB'.

> Maybe
> it does and I'm still missing your point.

The point is that stuffing arbitrary things into a single global
name space is bad. That's why packages were invented.  Unless 
packages can be effectively nested, you haven't gained anything but time.
> However if they are not, then wouldn't this solve your problem? 

No, see above.

> A
> user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then all the
> import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.

But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package namespace.
Eventually, there will be collisions.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 21:59:10 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:59:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>  
			            <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> > In this context, consider the following concrete, though fictional
> > example.
> > ............
> The classical solution would be to add "Shared" to sys.path.  But
> how to do this?  And what if another installation changes it?

This doesn't work, because 'Shared' has sub-packages by organization.

> > I'd be curious to hear how folks would solve this problem.
> 1) Ship a custom binary interpreter with critical modules frozen in,
> and which sets a custom sys.path before anything else happens.  So
> you are not dependent at all on PYTHONPATH.  Currently this works.

This is what we do for our binary distribtions, but it doesn't do
anything for third-party products added to Zope.

> 2) Add a new command line option which sets sys.path and always use
> it to start your app.  It lists only critical zope directories so
> zope has its own private name space.

We have a start script that takes care of this.  This gets Zope's 
top-level names (of which there are too many already) into the
path.  This doesn't help with third-party products added to Zope.
> 3) Add your own import hooks using and boot it as
> in (1).

But imputil has a global effect. I suppose I could implement
what I want with imputil or by otherwise creating my own importer
using the standard import hooks.  I suspect that's what I'll
have to do eventually.

>  Better if it were part of Python. 
> 4) Use a new Python.pyl file which has seeking from the end and
> thus allows concattenation of multiple *.pyl.  Each package is
> a foo.pyl, bar.pyl, and to distribute an app, you concatenate
> packages.  The implied PYTHONPATH in each *.pyl file is "."
> except perhaps for the Python lib which is "Lib".  Boot it as
> in (3).

I'm not looking for a way to replace the current package scheme.
Also, I'm not just looking at an app, but at an app that
contains apps (aka components).
> > Personally, I'd like the problem to go away. :)
> I have the same problem, so me too.
> > I'd like the Python
> > import rules to change to make this solvable without import hooks or
> > path hacking.  I can think of two ways to approach this:
> >
> >   - Relative parent imports:
> >
> >       import __.kjParsing.kjParser
> OK by me, but doesn't solve the Grand Problem.
> >   - Gradually less local searches.
> I am currently bewildered by Python's import mechanism, and
> this may push me into brain damage.  Well, *more* brain damage.

I don't see what's so complicated.  You just use a gradually
widening search, rather than an immediately widening search.
I don't think that this is any more complicated than the current

I actually prefer the second apprach because it doesn't require any
code changes to take advantage of it.  I may implement it for Zope
if nothing is done in standard Python.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From mal at  Wed Sep 15 22:01:01 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 22:01:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
Message-ID: <>

Back again...

To get a little more constructive I've started hacking away 
on Greg Stein's to make it work with my DateTime
package. The DateTime packages does a lot of from...import...
and intra-package imports, plus it loads a shared lib as

The original version of imputil I fetched from Greg's page
did work out of the box (from...import... hassles) and
obviously did not support in-package shared libs. I've added
both features so that the test script in DateTime can run

Things that remain are:
? the win32 registry stuff (needs C code)
? the Mac fork stuff (needs C code)
? a working __path__ implementation (is anyone using this attribute
  which only is available in packages ?)
? probably a whole bunch of other quirks
? some speedups (there currently are too many stat()s)

Please give it a try:

in color:

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 15 22:22:34 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:22:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:

> It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some future
> python distribution has a Products package? Or a

Name it zopeProducts. Or Zope/Products and Zope/Shared.
> A product is actually a sub-package of Products. Even if Products
> was not a package, the Product would be and gadfly and kjParsong
> would be sub-packages.  There is a similar issue with Shared,
> since Shared software is organized by organization, as in
> 'Shared.DC.ZRDB'.

See below.
> The point is that stuffing arbitrary things into a single global
> name space is bad. That's why packages were invented.  Unless
> packages can be effectively nested, you haven't gained anything
> but time.

Packages nest effectively. Subpackages just don't 
masquerade as top level packages.
> > A
> > user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
> > all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
> But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
> namespace. Eventually, there will be collisions.

You are trying to do two incompatible things at once. You are 
trying to be both a standalone application, and a Python 
installation. You can be both, just not at the same time.

To be a standalone application, you can use tricks that Jim 
Ahlstrom pointed out, or tricks from my Installer. The major 
point being that sys.path has nothing to do with the 
PYTHONPATH environment variable. You now have an 
installation where you can be assured of no collisions, 
because you control it completely.

Of course, that will make liars out of the people at your 
company who claim you can mix and match pieces of Zope 
and your own stuff as you please. People who want to mix 
and match need Zope to play by normal Python rules - and 
that means packages are installed at the top level. Collisions 
happen, but your audience is people who *want* to do things 
differently and *want* control of their installations.

By creating "self contained" packages and putting them in a 
normal Python installation, you're just pushing your headache 
off on the user. You're co-opting his installation.

Yeah, now you have two versions, but they're 99% the same. 
Build the normal Python one first and distribute it to the 
hackers. Then install some import and startup hooks, and 
distribute that to your "users".

I, for one, still use Bobo, because Zope doesn't play fair and I 
have no need or desire for yet another Python installation.

- Gordon

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 15 22:43:27 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:43:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Marc-Andre wrote:

> To get a little more constructive I've started hacking away on
> Greg Stein's to make it work with my DateTime package.


You (and Greg) are missing a rather important patch I 
submitted to Greg a long time ago (around line 62):

  def _reload_hook(self, module):
    # gmcm - Hmmm, reloading of a module may or may not 
be impossible,
    # (depending on the importer),  but at least we can
    # look to see if it's ours to reload:
    if hasattr(module, '__importer__'):
      if getattr(module, '__importer__') == self:
        raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
    return self.__chain_reload(module)

- Gordon

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 22:44:31 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:44:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> Packages nest effectively. Subpackages just don't
> masquerade as top level packages.

They do currently when imported from the containing package.

> [Barry]
> > > A
> > > user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
> > > all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
> >
> > But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
> > namespace. Eventually, there will be collisions.
> You are trying to do two incompatible things at once. You are
> trying to be both a standalone application, and a Python
> installation. You can be both, just not at the same time.

We don't try to be a Python installation.  We try to be a
Python application that is a platform for Zope applications.
> To be a standalone application, you can use tricks that Jim
> Ahlstrom pointed out, or tricks from my Installer. The major
> point being that sys.path has nothing to do with the
> PYTHONPATH environment variable. You now have an
> installation where you can be assured of no collisions,
> because you control it completely.
> Of course, that will make liars out of the people at your
> company who claim you can mix and match pieces of Zope
> and your own stuff as you please.

Zope reuses *alot* of code. I think Zope has a pretty
good track record of working with existing code.

> People who want to mix
> and match need Zope to play by normal Python rules - and
> that means packages are installed at the top level.

Sorry, I just don't buy that.

> Collisions
> happen, but your audience is people who *want* to do things
> differently and *want* control of their installations.

Actually, many Zope user's come to Python by way of Zope.
They want to be able to install Zope products without
worrying about what their zope or python installation 
looks like.

Zope developers want to be able to have their products drop
into a Zope installation easily.
> By creating "self contained" packages and putting them in a
> normal Python installation, you're just pushing your headache
> off on the user. You're co-opting his installation.

No, putting packages in the python path coops their installation.
Putting Zope-specific products that happen to include reusable
Python packages in a Zope-specific package leaves their 
installation alone.

> Yeah, now you have two versions, but they're 99% the same.
> Build the normal Python one first and distribute it to the
> hackers. Then install some import and startup hooks, and
> distribute that to your "users".

This is exactly what I want to prevent. I'd like package 
developers to develop their packages once without making them
use esoteric import hooks. OTOH I'd like to be able to *use*
their packages wherever I damn well please. I don't to be forced
to put their packages in the python path.
> I, for one, still use Bobo, because Zope doesn't play fair

In what way does Zope not play fair?

> and I
> have no need or desire for yet another Python installation.

Cool. You don't need to use another Python installation to use Zope.
In fact, for development, we use a totally standard Python distribution.
Developers here are not *allowed* to add anything special to the 
Python installations on the development machines here because we want to
*make sure* that we can run with stock python installations.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 23:55:34 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 17:55:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <gmcm at> writes:

    Gordo> Hmm, I'm suspicious of the fact that no message from Barry 
    Gordo> Warsaw ever gets "lost".

    Gordo> Stalin got started by being in charge of the Kremlin's 
    Gordo> telephone system, you know...

Well, I managed to get rid of Ken so my world domination plan is right 
on schedule!

guido-may-be-benevolent-but-you-can-bet-i-won't-be-ly y'rs,

From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 16 00:07:34 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:07:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <jim at> writes:

    JF> It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some
    JF> future python distribution has a Products package? Or a

Wouldn't collide, because in my scheme, Shared isn't a package, it's a
directory on sys.path.  Everything inside Shared is a top-level
package.  You'd never "import Shared.DC.ZRDB" but instead you would
"import DC.ZRDB".

    >> A user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
    >> all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.

    JF> But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
    JF> namespace.  Eventually, there will be collisions.

Do you really think so?  Someone else is going to write a kjParsing
module?  I think we're safe from this for the forseeable future
through convention and peer pressure.

Or is the concern that there will be two Products which use different
versions of kjParsing?  I'm also not concerned here because if my
product needs a very specific version of kjParsing I can't see any way
around shipping my own version, subpackaging it, and using an absolute
package name to ensure that I'm getting at exactly the one I need.
This is the approach Mailman takes.


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 00:35:20 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:35:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:29:38 EDT."
References: <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> > But the intention here is for the customization to be application
> > specific (hence the Spam in the name).  sitecustomize doesn't know
> > whethere I need the Mailman or the Knowbot root added to my path.

> Ah, you have multiple scripts in one directory and multiple
> Foo_path, Bar_path etc.  I was thinking with my Windows head.
> A commercial Windows app generally has its own exclusive
> install directory, so I was thinking single directory so a single
> > Or do you mean to imply that we can do this with zero text added to
> > the script, by simply dropping an appropriate in the
> > script dir?
> Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking.
> > Unfortunately this does currently *not* work, because
> > sys.path[0] is added after Py_Initialize() is run.
> Yikes!  That kills using  Your Spam_path
> still works because it is imported later, but requires an
> import in each Python main script just as you said.

Not too bad (who cares about one more line of boilerplate...).

> Even worse, it means that and can not
> be found at all except using the normal PYTHONPATH, and
> putting their path in Spam_path will *not* work.

Why would you want your own and

> > > > Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
> > > > scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.
> > >
> > > Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
> > > change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.
> > 
> > Yes.  (The registry can add module-specific paths, which will be
> > searched before sys.path is even looked at, but this is only for
> > specific modules.  It cannot insert a general directory that is
> > searched.)  The only way this can fail is if an embedding app fails to
> > call PySys_SetArgv().
> Oh dear, I think I heard no instead of yes. Are you saying that if
> someone else installs a Python app on my customer's machine after I do,
> and sets a registry entry which sayes to use c:/other/path/to/
> for (as he may very well want to do), then if my Python program
> depends on getting my copy of from my directory, it will then
> use the other copy instead and may very well fail?

Again - why would anyone register their own

> > In any case, that's a separate issue -- I
> > agree that if sys.path[0] is '' (as it often is) it's better for
> > or or (or whoever) to absolutize
> > it (and everything else on the path) so that it will still work if the
> > app does a chdir().
> Point on the curve:  Windows apps generally start from an icon
> which contains their path and current working directory, and
> these are generally different.  So a Windows app in general will
> *never* have had a getcwd() equal to the path of either the
> binary interpreter or the Python main script.

You're lucky.  It turns out that on Windows, under those circumstances
at least, sys.path[0] is the absolute pathname of the directory.  You
only see '' if sys.argv[0] doesn't have any pathname information;
that's only possible if the script *does* live in the current

> > > The files and must be in all the bin
> > > directories as well as because they are
> > > automatically imported in Py_Initialize().
> > 
> > Yes.
> Well, *no* right?  This fails unless the bin directories are in
> fact on PYTHONPATH.  The only way to get is by using
> sys.path as it exists within Py_Initialize().  So there is no
> hacked sys.path[0] equal to the script dir.  And since the
> path hacks in haven't happened yet either, we have
> an incomplete sys.path at that point.

Sorry, I've lost track of what we were after here.  Indeed the
scripts' directory (which I presume you meant by the bin directory)
indeed doesn't occur in sys.path until after Py_Initialize() has run.

> > > added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
> > > to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
> > > like the new[c],[c] and[c]
> > > be placed there.
> > 
> > On Unix, this is a bin directory and it is strongly discouraged to put
> > non-program files there.
> Ok, point taken.
> > Is the full DLL path available at any point?  This would certainly be
> > a good starting point -- especially when the DLL is loaded implicitly
> > as the result of some COM operation.
> I don't know about loading by COM, but if it is a file, its absolute
> path is reliably known in sys, the code is identical to that currently
> used for sys.executable (on Windows), and I have a patch if you want.

I presume using GetModuleFileName()?  Please send me the patch!

> JimA's conjecture:  It is currently impossible to
> ship a Python app which can not be damaged by the installation of a
> second Python app without using a hacked custom binary.

Sounds right.  All tricks to make the app unique require using a
different registry key, which requires a change to the DLL.  However,
you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used is
embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 00:49:38 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:49:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> >>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <jim at> writes:
>     JF> It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some
>     JF> future python distribution has a Products package? Or a
>     JF>
> Wouldn't collide, because in my scheme, Shared isn't a package, it's a
> directory on sys.path.  Everything inside Shared is a top-level
> package.  You'd never "import Shared.DC.ZRDB" but instead you would
> "import DC.ZRDB".

I wasn't talking about your scheme. I was talking about how I thought it should be.

>     >> A user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
>     >> all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
>     JF> But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
>     JF> namespace.  Eventually, there will be collisions.
> Do you really think so? 


> Someone else is going to write a kjParsing
> module? 

No, but sooner or later, two people are going to write two "Parsing" packages, 
or two "Oracle" packages or two ....  

Are you suggesting that package names should begin with some hash
value to assure that they are unique?  (What does kj stand for anyway? :)
I guess we could use some form of GUID to be really safe .....

> I think we're safe from this for the forseeable future
> through convention and peer pressure.


(I feel like I should respond to this in some way but ....
 I just can't understand this kind of argument and don't
 know how to frame a response.)
> Or is the concern that there will be two Products which use different
> versions of kjParsing? 

No, at least not primarily.

> I'm also not concerned here because if my
> product needs a very specific version of kjParsing I can't see any way
> around shipping my own version, subpackaging it, and using an absolute
> package name to ensure that I'm getting at exactly the one I need.

But even in this case, if you used a relative import, you *would*
get the specific version you want.

I give up. I'll just have to write some import hook to get the
behavior I want in Zope. I will probably implement the second
alternative I wrote about in my earlier document. I'll get Python
to look at intermediate package paths before it looks at the main path.
That way, any package that works as a top-level package will also
work as a sub-package without modification.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From mhammond at  Thu Sep 16 03:20:10 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:20:10 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> CNRI understands that open source (and now Open Source -- the OSI
> board has approved the old Python license!) like Python requires
> different licensing terms than a typical product developed solely by

Actually, this is a good point.  I know the issue of payment may get
in the way, but it would make sense to have any future proposed
licenses reviewed by a lawyer "on our side" - eg, someone whose
mandate is to give a legal opinion on the risks and liabilities of the
_user_ of the license.  Obviously the CNRI lawers are protecting their
(ie, CNRI's) interests, and everyone on this group is concerned about
their own (ie, personally, their company, or companies they wish to
introduct Python into) interests.

If the legal jibberish can't be removed (which is likely with lawyers
involved) I know I would personally feel much more comfortable with a
legal opinion covering my interests..

But as I said, who will pay?  If nothing else, we should ensure the
OSI approves of the new license...  Or maybe we can convince CNRI
there is real and serious concern, and they could pay for an external
IP lawyer?


From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 03:37:17 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:37:17 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> Actually, this is a good point.  I know the issue of payment may get
> in the way, but it would make sense to have any future proposed
> licenses reviewed by a lawyer "on our side" - eg, someone whose
> mandate is to give a legal opinion on the risks and liabilities of the
> _user_ of the license.

Interesting thought!

> Obviously the CNRI lawers are protecting their
> (ie, CNRI's) interests, and everyone on this group is concerned about
> their own (ie, personally, their company, or companies they wish to
> introduct Python into) interests.

Because of these varied interests, I don't think a review by a
particular lawyer will be greatly helpful. The question will still
remain: "did the lawyer review it from [my/our/company] perspective?"
This will lead people back into the same review cycle.

> But as I said, who will pay?  If nothing else, we should ensure the
> OSI approves of the new license...  Or maybe we can convince CNRI
> there is real and serious concern, and they could pay for an external
> IP lawyer?

Definitely having an OSI certification will be great (cool stuff on the
cert for the existing license!). Having Bruce Perens review the license
would also be a great boon (see for some of his writings;
also see specifically).

Licenses are a tough issue. I had to go through this entire morass when
deciding what to do with mod_dav. There are a lot of varieties and
issues and stuff to cover. I've read a bunch of license (not to mention
a bazillion legal documents during the eShop/acquisition days). Not
always exciting reading :-), but usually quite interesting.

At this point, I think it is a great thing that CNRI is reviewing the
license. Unfortunately, the license wasn't as non-controversial as it
was thought to be :-(. I'm more than happy to wait and see where they go
with the license.


Greg Stein,

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 05:32:18 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:32:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:10:17 EDT."
References: <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

I don't like the pressure to allow relative imports and I don't like
the solutions that those who insist on having it propose (they are all 
writing their own import hooks).

The reasoning seems to be something like this:

(a) If my package needs non-standard package X, I can't require that X
be installed as a top-level package, because there might be another
unrelated package also called X; therefore I need to install a copy of
package X as a subpackage of my own package.

(b) Because any non-standard package X now may be installed at the
toplevel or as a subpackage of some other package, X must use relative 
imports exclusively to access subparts of itself.

I find (b) unacceptable for a number of reasons, that have all been
explained by others: duplicate installs (and hence possible imports)
of the same package as a subpackage of various other packages, the
requirement to be religious in the use of relative imports, the
ugliness of the __ notation (I do *not* look forward to explaining
that to 12-year-olds in the context of CP4E).

I think that the fear expressed in (a) is an overreaction to some
recent actual top-level name clashes.  This was a real pain, but
notice that it happened because several popular module collections
weren't packagized at all!

In the Java world, the right solution exist: a better top-level naming
scheme.  I forget what the exact rules are, but I seem to recall that
Java has something of the same relative import rules af Python
currently has: you can import a class from the same leaf package by
its simple name, or you can import a class by its full name.  As Tim
explains, the occasional renames are easily handled with a global
substitute in a smart editor.

I don't want to do the same thing as Java and require everybody to use
their reversed domain name as their package name.  Of course you are
free to do so: there are currently no toplevel modules or packages
that I know of named org, com, edu, gov, mil or net.  Two letter
domains are all free except for re=Reunion (and ni=Nicaragua, but ni
is expired).  Oops, mx=Mexico!  Well, Python package semantics are
slightly different than Java semantics in that shared ownership of a
subpackage of (e.g. :-) mx is harder in Python than in Java (Python
requires that they are installed in the same directory; Java doesn't).

In any case the proper thing to do is to pick a good unique toplevel
name.  Aaron Watters did a great job with kj (not a country code
either!); Marc Andre also has the right spirit with mx.  CNRI will
probably use cnri as the toplevel package name for CNRI-developed
packages that aren't distributed together with Python.

If there are still worries about name choices, I volunteer to run a
toplevel name registry.  This has worked well e.g. for Apple where
application developers had to pick a unique 4-letter code; certainly
better than the Windows world where conflicting 3-letter extension
definitions are common.  In the Python world, I would recommend longer 
toplevel names, so it's more likely that you can use your company name 
(e.g. pythonware).

Note that I still resist the urge to start renaming all the existing
standard modules -- too much breakage.  This will happen in 2.0.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From tim_one at  Thu Sep 16 05:38:22 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:38:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim>

Sure is a lot of traffic on this -- can't we go back to hating the new
license <wink>?

> ...
> Sticking this technology into the import statement is really only
> a more elegant approach. Nothing more. The whole thing already
> works using the current Python implementation.

Your point there has been made many times -- I'm not missing it.  My point
has also been made many times, so one more can't hurt <wink>:  it still
looks to me like bad practice, so I don't *want* (more, actively oppose) it
to be made easier to spell.

>> + JimF and MAL's shared notion that they're the only ones making
>>   use of packages is myopic.

> Oh, c'mon Tim, we never did say that. We only mentioned having used
> package for quite a while. This includes having seen all the different
> pitfalls they have to offer.

Well, JimF was laying it on a bit thick in two msgs, and sucked you in as
his implicit conspirator.  My apologies if you feel tarred unfairly.  Yet
you still can't resist implying that only you two are aware of the pitfalls

>> [on Dragon's "relentlessly straightforward" import policies]

> This is perfectly ok if you're just using your own code, but it
> gets a mess when third-party packages are involved simply because
> you can't be sure they don't use import hooks, local imports or
> hacks to __path__ etc. If you still want them to be useable, you'll
> have to go down and dive into their structure. This takes time, is
> error prone and not necessarily fun.

While true, it's much safer to install a "cheating" package at top level,
since the cheats presumably *assume* that's where the package is to be run
from.  If someone distributes a package that does not run correctly from top
level, that's one hopeless package.  Else it does run correctly from top
level, and then the only person with a problem here is one who insists on
running it from some embedded location.  You then buy the need to dive into
their code very carefully indeed -- relative imports don't save you from the
huge variety of "clever tricks" they *may* be playing with hooks and path

But note that, unlike Jim (& perhaps you too), I have almost no fear of
top-level name collisions.  If we do nothing about that, it will be years
before it becomes a real problem; and several months before that <wink>, we
can flock to Java's hokey but effective reverse-domain scheme (which I
suspect you're already in favor of -- fine by me!).

> Also, I don't know how "explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly"
> writing module imports is any different from using relative imports.

Hugely and profoundly different, as your example shows:

> An example:
> mx
> 	.DateTime
> 	.ODBC.Windows
> In ODBC.Windows I would write:
> 	import __.__.DateTime
> which is just as explicit as writing
> 	import mx.DateTime
> except that the information about the top-level hierarchy is *not*
> included in the import information.

Exactly:  now instead of a bulletproof absolute import in a self-contained
importer, whose precise meaning is clear from casual static inspection,
you've got a relative one whose meaning depends vitally on where the
importer happens to live.  As code moves around, the import may fail to work
when you're lucky, or pick up an unintended DateTime package when you're
not.  The semantics of the import are indeed relative now:  you see the
opportunity to type three additional characters <wink> as a strength, and I
see nothing but headaches masquerading as convenience.

As further consequence, simple "search-and-replace" strategies are rendered
at best useless.  That is, a simple grep can no longer find all & only
references to mx's flavor of DateTime:  it picks up all references to all
DateTime guys, with no way short of a structure-aware tree crawler to sort
them out again.  Complexity spreads.

Of course, in the end, I lose no matter what.  If *everyone* used dirt-dumb
fully-qualified imports, all hassles with shifting package structure could
be solved with a text editor in seconds.  But that's not whiz-bang enough,
so people *will* play endlessly dubious tricks with hooks, paths, relative
imports, and metapackages too once Gordon gets around to them <wink>.
Having an explicit way to spell relative imports would make my life easier
because at least those are statically recognizable for what they are.  I
don't want them and won't use them, but it could ease the pain others will
cause by using them.  That's not enough to make me in favor of them, though;
just enough so I won't pout if they do go in.

> Anyway, I'm not too inclined continuing this discussion anymore.
> I would never have thought that such a nifty little patch would
> have stirred up so much negative response. I'll just hack up my
> very own import mechanism using imputil and be done. So there!

Don't feel picked on, M-A!  Opposition is normal and healthy; and the last
idea I got anywhere with was list.pop().

and-even-then-jimf-tried-to-stick-a-default-on-it<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From da at  Thu Sep 16 06:19:32 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:19:32 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Mark Hammond wrote:

> But as I said, who will pay?  If nothing else, we should ensure the
> OSI approves of the new license...  Or maybe we can convince CNRI
> there is real and serious concern, and they could pay for an external
> IP lawyer?

Eric Raymond's wife is a lawyer, I believe =).

From mhammond at  Thu Sep 16 06:28:19 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:28:19 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <004e01befffb$e83a6d90$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> Don't feel picked on, M-A!  Opposition is normal and healthy;

As a (hopefully welcome) tangent to this discussion, I am currently
reading "Dynamics of Software Development" by Jim McCarty.  He has an
interesting section on exactly this.  I will quote it verbatim (typing
it in, so forgive typos).

I present it without comment other than:  It appears we are a healthy


The Problem of Creativity:
Creativity in a group is always limited by the groups defensiveness,
and some amount of defensiveness is healthy.  In the healthy team,
then, no matter how highly valued creativity is ostensibly, change
beyond a certain normative quantity or degree will be resisted.  And
even change within bounds will be accepted only insofar as it can seem
to fall under the rubric of "improvement".  Change must seem to build
on the previously known and accepted reality.  Even if there are only
two steps involved in a change, with the second building on the first,
in a single reality cycle - single product development cycle for us -
the change is likely to be rejected by the healthy team.

What you need for truly creative change, then, is an environment that
transcends good health, an environment that not only accepts a
continuum of change, which is normal, but one that positively
engenders, nurtures and propels forward wholly new dynamics.  The
transcendent organization values radical or revolutionary change and
esteems utterly new modes of thought.  It's possible for a team to be
healthy and not particularly creative, but this state of affairs is
not especially desirable.  What is desirable is team fecundity [MH -
had to look this up - "intellectually productive or inventive to a
marked degree" - synonym of fertile], the radiating of the new and the
original from the normal and the healthy.  This kind of creativity
requires a flexibility and a courage beyond the reach of most of us
most of the time

It's ironic and worth remembering that the healthier the team the more
effective the resistance to revolutionary thought will be.  This is a
natural consequence of the teams overall effectiveness on every
relevant domain.
-- end of quote--

From jcw at  Thu Sep 16 11:48:33 1999
From: jcw at (Jean-Claude Wippler)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:48:33 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I hereby withdraw the posted license.  There still is the need for a
> new license, but we need to go back to the drawing board for it.

One more consideration: some people may compare the "scariness" of the
Python license against, say, the Tcl license - and choose accordingly.
It's not even about content: seeing that new license, or the Perl
licenses for that matter, it sends out a strong message IMO: you are
entering the world of lawyers.  Proceed with caution.  Guard dogs.

-- Jean-Claude

From mal at  Thu Sep 16 12:44:34 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:44:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I don't like the pressure to allow relative imports and I don't like
> the solutions that those who insist on having it propose (they are all
> writing their own import hooks).

I'm wasn't planning to write my own hook until now. I need this
feature to be able to organize my package internal stuff swiftly
and easily, plus to be able to possibly put it under new top-level
packages. Obviously I seem to be more or less alone with this need, so
I'll stop argueing for inclusion of "something like relative imports"
in the distribution.
> The reasoning seems to be something like this:
> (a) If my package needs non-standard package X, I can't require that X
> be installed as a top-level package, because there might be another
> unrelated package also called X; therefore I need to install a copy of
> package X as a subpackage of my own package.
> (b) Because any non-standard package X now may be installed at the
> toplevel or as a subpackage of some other package, X must use relative
> imports exclusively to access subparts of itself.
> I find (b) unacceptable for a number of reasons, that have all been
> explained by others: duplicate installs (and hence possible imports)
> of the same package as a subpackage of various other packages, the
> requirement to be religious in the use of relative imports, the
> ugliness of the __ notation (I do *not* look forward to explaining
> that to 12-year-olds in the context of CP4E).

(b) is (if at all) a problem only to be taken into account by
the author of package X. He may or may not use rel. imports.
A 12-year old probably won't (but then: you never know ;).

BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about. If it's an
syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really interested
in these things... could you send me an URL that I can send him ?
> I think that the fear expressed in (a) is an overreaction to some
> recent actual top-level name clashes.  This was a real pain, but
> notice that it happened because several popular module collections
> weren't packagized at all!
> In the Java world, the right solution exist: a better top-level naming
> scheme.  I forget what the exact rules are, but I seem to recall that
> Java has something of the same relative import rules af Python
> currently has: you can import a class from the same leaf package by
> its simple name, or you can import a class by its full name.  As Tim
> explains, the occasional renames are easily handled with a global
> substitute in a smart editor.
> I don't want to do the same thing as Java and require everybody to use
> their reversed domain name as their package name.  Of course you are
> free to do so: there are currently no toplevel modules or packages
> that I know of named org, com, edu, gov, mil or net.  Two letter
> domains are all free except for re=Reunion (and ni=Nicaragua, but ni
> is expired).  Oops, mx=Mexico! 

Oh well... I guess they'll have to use 'mex' if they decide to go
the reverse domain way ;-)

> Well, Python package semantics are
> slightly different than Java semantics in that shared ownership of a
> subpackage of (e.g. :-) mx is harder in Python than in Java (Python
> requires that they are installed in the same directory; Java doesn't).

True, perhaps we should lighten this requirement a little when we
recode the import mechanism in Python ? E.g. if a local import
fails continue the search with the fully qualified name and only
if that fails, restart using the local name. This would need some
kind of fastpath cache to make the search reasonably fast though.
> In any case the proper thing to do is to pick a good unique toplevel
> name.  Aaron Watters did a great job with kj (not a country code
> either!); Marc Andre also has the right spirit with mx.  CNRI will
> probably use cnri as the toplevel package name for CNRI-developed
> packages that aren't distributed together with Python.
> If there are still worries about name choices, I volunteer to run a
> toplevel name registry.  This has worked well e.g. for Apple where
> application developers had to pick a unique 4-letter code; certainly
> better than the Windows world where conflicting 3-letter extension
> definitions are common.  In the Python world, I would recommend longer
> toplevel names, so it's more likely that you can use your company name
> (e.g. pythonware).
> Note that I still resist the urge to start renaming all the existing
> standard modules -- too much breakage.  This will happen in 2.0.

Wouldn't it suffice to just put them into one package, e.g.
'python.' ?

BTW, as Tim argued: the breakage an easily be leveraged by using
a smart editor... ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   106 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Thu Sep 16 12:56:01 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:56:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> Sure is a lot of traffic on this -- can't we go back to hating the new
> license <wink>?

The license was withdrawn... I would prefer starting to talk about

> [MAL]
> > Also, I don't know how "explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly"
> > writing module imports is any different from using relative imports.
> Hugely and profoundly different, as your example shows:
> > An example:
> >
> > mx
> >       .DateTime
> >       .ODBC.Windows
> >
> > In ODBC.Windows I would write:
> >
> >       import __.__.DateTime
> >
> > which is just as explicit as writing
> >
> >       import mx.DateTime
> >
> > except that the information about the top-level hierarchy is *not*
> > included in the import information.
> Exactly:  now instead of a bulletproof absolute import in a self-contained
> importer, whose precise meaning is clear from casual static inspection,

Ah, that's a new idea ! Package local absolute names... wow, that
sounds weird.

> you've got a relative one whose meaning depends vitally on where the
> importer happens to live.  As code moves around, the import may fail to work
> when you're lucky, or pick up an unintended DateTime package when you're
> not.  The semantics of the import are indeed relative now:  you see the
> opportunity to type three additional characters <wink> as a strength, and I
> see nothing but headaches masquerading as convenience.

Tim, the intention was being able to move the mx level around, e.g.
renaming it, eliminating it by sticking DateTime and ODBC under
some other higher level package (yes, you'll have to watch out
here because the higher level package might define DateTime and ODBC
too -- but it's not all that likely), etc.
The buzz word here is 'relocatable'.

> As further consequence, simple "search-and-replace" strategies are rendered
> at best useless.  That is, a simple grep can no longer find all & only
> references to mx's flavor of DateTime:  it picks up all references to all
> DateTime guys, with no way short of a structure-aware tree crawler to sort
> them out again.  Complexity spreads.
> Of course, in the end, I lose no matter what.  If *everyone* used dirt-dumb
> fully-qualified imports, all hassles with shifting package structure could
> be solved with a text editor in seconds.  But that's not whiz-bang enough,
> so people *will* play endlessly dubious tricks with hooks, paths, relative
> imports, and metapackages too once Gordon gets around to them <wink>.
> Having an explicit way to spell relative imports would make my life easier
> because at least those are statically recognizable for what they are.  I
> don't want them and won't use them, but it could ease the pain others will
> cause by using them.  That's not enough to make me in favor of them, though;
> just enough so I won't pout if they do go in.
> > Anyway, I'm not too inclined continuing this discussion anymore.
> > I would never have thought that such a nifty little patch would
> > have stirred up so much negative response. I'll just hack up my
> > very own import mechanism using imputil and be done. So there!
> Don't feel picked on, M-A!  Opposition is normal and healthy; and the last
> idea I got anywhere with was list.pop().

Yah well. Last thing I succeeded with was making Python methods
wrap any callable type. 

Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments. Just think
of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience shows
that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.
Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   106 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 13:00:50 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 04:00:50 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> ...
> Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
> i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments. Just think
> of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience shows
> that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.

A portion of my threading patches went into 1.5. "Big" things can happen
and they do... it's just a matter of passing muster with The Head
Honcho. That, and the timing (e.g. the thread state changes wouldn't go
into a 1.4.n release, but did go into 1.5).

> Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
> pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
> untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
> strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?



Greg Stein,

From fredrik at  Thu Sep 16 13:32:35 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:32:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] CP4E
References: <> <> <>              <> <> <>
Message-ID: <004101bf0037$2dca30d0$>

> BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about.

also see:
(on second thought, don't).

> If it's an syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really
> interested in these things...

aggressively python-aware editors are fun.  want
braces?  sure, just change the style sheet ;-)


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 13:49:44 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 07:49:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:44:34 +0200."
References: <> <> <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> I'm wasn't planning to write my own hook until now. I need this
> feature to be able to organize my package internal stuff swiftly
> and easily, plus to be able to possibly put it under new top-level
> packages. Obviously I seem to be more or less alone with this need, so
> I'll stop argueing for inclusion of "something like relative imports"
> in the distribution.

I still hope against hoping to convince you not to do this.  I think
this adds lots of complexity for the reader of your package.  I think
of *all* software that I write as something that eventually someone is 
going to read and try to understand.  I also think of it as something
that eventually someone is going to port to a platform that wasn't
even designed when I wrote the software.  Tricks like depending on a
custom import hook make reading a pain.

For example, the reader who is just starting to browse a large package
often needs to follow the thread of execution from one module to the
next.  If the import statements contain magic like
(actually proposed magic renamed for generality :-), this reader will
first need to understand the custom importer -- which is likely one of
the hariest components of the package.

The same thing applies with even more force to tools like package
browsers.  IDLE for example has a class browser which displays the
true module and class name for base classes.  E.g. if you have code
that says

    from Tkinter import Widget

    class MyWidget(Widget): ...

it correctly deduces that MyWidget's base class is Tkinter.Widget.
(And in a future version it will probably allow you to click through
to that class, show you its methods, etc.)

Custom importers break this feature, and thus make the code harder to
analyze for the reader.

(Not all custom importers are bad; there are plenty of reasons to
augment the standard importer.  But, while custom importers make
different interpretations of the namespace possible, I frown upon that 
particular use.)

> (b) is (if at all) a problem only to be taken into account by
> the author of package X. He may or may not use rel. imports.
> A 12-year old probably won't (but then: you never know ;).

Which severely limits your ability to do what you want with packages
you didn't write.

I know that this sounds politically incorrect in a radical free
software world, but often in the end I find it more convenient to
conform to the rest of the world and "fit in" than to be different in
every little way.  Note that my hair isn't blue :-); I've also
replaced my "signature" glasses with a more conventional model.

> BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about. If it's an
> syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really interested
> in these things... could you send me an URL that I can send him ?

Where have you been?  It's on the homepage, has been
discussed in, c.l.tcl, even c.l.ada, in lwn, and on /.!  The
syntax aware editor (a proposed super-version of IDLE) is only a small
part of it.  See

> Oh well... I guess they'll have to use 'mex' if they decide to go
> the reverse domain way ;-)

Or, in a worse-case scenario, the first Mexican developers using the
reverse domain will probably not be aware of the mx toplevel package,
and by the time their software hits the street it will be too late.

> True, perhaps we should lighten this requirement a little when we
> recode the import mechanism in Python ? E.g. if a local import
> fails continue the search with the fully qualified name and only
> if that fails, restart using the local name. This would need some
> kind of fastpath cache to make the search reasonably fast though.

Now this is something that I would consider.

> Wouldn't it suffice to just put them into one package, e.g.
> 'python.' ?

And somehow make all user code live implicitly inside that package?  I 
don't see how that solves anything.

> BTW, as Tim argued: the breakage an easily be leveraged by using
> a smart editor... ;-)

What breakage?  I think __ is a bit too hard to fix easily with a
smart editor.  And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to
need to rip out your custom importer because it interferes with *his*
custom importer, and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with
absolute package names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to
his importer.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 13:57:20 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 04:57:20 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> What breakage?  I think __ is a bit too hard to fix easily with a
> smart editor.  And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to
> need to rip out your custom importer because it interferes with *his*
> custom importer, and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with
> absolute package names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to
> his importer.

This is an aspect of Python's singular import hook. imputil is designed
to allow for multiple Importers to be present and to work in harmony. As
long as each Importer can identify that a particular import is part of
its namespace (e.g. HTTPImporter recognizes _http_... as one of its
own), then no conflicts will arise and everything will be hunky-dory.

btw, it might be nice to allow a string to the import statement. I'd
much rather say: import ""


Greg Stein,

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 14:00:06 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 05:00:06 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
>   def _reload_hook(self, module):
>     # gmcm - Hmmm, reloading of a module may or may not
> be impossible,
>     # (depending on the importer),  but at least we can
>     # look to see if it's ours to reload:
>     if hasattr(module, '__importer__'):
>       if getattr(module, '__importer__') == self:
>         raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
>     return self.__chain_reload(module)

I've folded this in (finally).

New to be published in a bit...


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 14:45:39 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:45:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> >
> > Jim Fulton wrote:
> > [Barry]
> > > > A
> > > > user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
> > > > all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
> >
> > To be a standalone application, you can use tricks that Jim
> > Ahlstrom pointed out, or tricks from my Installer. The major
> > point being that sys.path has nothing to do with the
> > PYTHONPATH environment variable. You now have an
> > installation where you can be assured of no collisions,
> > because you control it completely.

JimF, I am still trying to understand this.  Gordon, Barry and I
think a good solution is to put "Shared" on a private sys.path,
but you object to this and I don't understand.  Specifically
Suppose zope users must use the special binary zope/bin/python.exe.
Suppose further that this binary reliably sets its sys.path to
the directories it needs, namely zope, zope/Package*, zope/Shared.
Suppose further that all user's packages must go into zope/Shared
either as files or package directories and so are at the top
level as package imports have always assumed.

Then it seems that your zope app would absolutely work, and no
other Python installation could damage it by changing PYTHONPATH,
and that your zope installation would not damage any other Python
installation either.

Is the reason this doesn't work the posibility of name collisions
in zope/Shared?  I thought before that you were worried about name
collisions in another co-existing Python installation which may have
unknown packages installed, conflicting packages, or packages with
incompatible versions.

If so, you are trying to solve a problem more severe than I
thought.  I have always assumed packages would have unique
names and so a flat name space suffices.  In particular, trying
to design for conflicting names can not be supported by the
current python *.pyl library file design, and in general
would require a PYTHONPATH mechanism.  Such PYTHONPATH mechanism
would have to be "local" to packages.  That is, PYTHONPATH would
vary depending on the package doing the importing.

Are you sure this problem needs a solution right now?

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 14:57:46 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:57:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Even worse, it means that and can not
> > be found at all except using the normal PYTHONPATH, and
> > putting their path in Spam_path will *not* work.
> Why would you want your own and

I don't.  I never change Python library files.  I am worried
that they won't be found because I don't trust PYTHONPATH.
> > Oh dear, I think I heard no instead of yes. Are you saying that if
> > someone else installs a Python app on my customer's machine after I do,
> > and sets a registry entry which sayes to use c:/other/path/to/
> > for (as he may very well want to do), then if my Python program
> > depends on getting my copy of from my directory, it will then
> > use the other copy instead and may very well fail?
> Again - why would anyone register their own

I wouldn't, I am worried that someone else will break my installation.
Remember that was invented as a site-specific module, although
that function moved to

> I presume using GetModuleFileName()?  Please send me the patch!

Yes, and OK.

> > JimA's conjecture:  It is currently impossible to
> > ship a Python app which can not be damaged by the installation of a
> > second Python app without using a hacked custom binary.
> Sounds right.  All tricks to make the app unique require using a
> different registry key, which requires a change to the DLL.  However,
> you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used is
> embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
> resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!

I don't understand this.  Is there documentation?

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 15:49:16 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:49:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:57:46 EDT."
References: <> <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> > Why would you want your own and
> I don't.  I never change Python library files.  I am worried
> that they won't be found because I don't trust PYTHONPATH.

Hmm...  PYTHONPATH gets inserted in front of the default sys.path.
(Many moons ago that was different.  But it has been like this for a
loooooong time.)  So are you worried that someone put a *different* or on their path?

> > Again - why would anyone register their own
> I wouldn't, I am worried that someone else will break my installation.
> Remember that was invented as a site-specific module, although
> that function moved to

Hm, I dug out the oldest I have (used in Python 1.4), and it
doesn't encourage editing it at all -- it tells you to use  I guess they could break your installation anyway,
but only by messing with the general Python installation.

> > Sounds right.  All tricks to make the app unique require using a
> > different registry key, which requires a change to the DLL.  However,
> > you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used is
> > embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
> > resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!
> I don't understand this.  Is there documentation?

The usual :-)

Python/import.c shows that import calls PyWin_FindRegisteredModule()
to find a registered module before looking in sys.path (but after
checking for builtin and frozen modules).

PC/import_nt.c shows that PyWin_FindRegisteredModule() uses a registry
key of the form
where <modulename> is the module name, <debugstring> is empty or
"\Debug" depending on whether we are compiled with _DEBUG define.  The
resource value points to a file (either .py, .pyc/.pyo, .pyd or .dll;
in fact any of the prefixes returned by imp.get_suffixes()).

PC/dl_nt.c shows that PyWin_DLLVersionString is set to string 1000
loaded from the string resource table.

PC/python_nt.rc shows that there's a stringtable with item 1000 being
the MS_DLL_ID string, set to "1.5" in that file.

Note that this value (PyWin_DLLVersionString) is also to Python code
as sys.winver.

I hope that Mark Hammond can point you to a tool that you can use to
edit a string resource in an executable or DLL.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 15:46:19 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 06:46:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> The original version of imputil I fetched from Greg's page
> did work out of the box (from...import... hassles) and

"did not work", I presume. From my original testing, I thought
from...import worked. With more testing, I found that something of the
form "from xml.dom import builder" did not work.

I discovered why it failed (xml.dom was imported by Importer instance I1
but I2 thought it could handle the from...import, and this barfed a
check). I've fixed this by delegating to the proper importer (I1 in my
example) to complete the import. Your solution to check the __importer__
variable in the globals is probably incorrect. If I read/eval it
correctly, that would mean that a module imported by IMP1 could not use
modules imported by IMP2. In other words, a package module could not
import a top-level module defined by a different importer.
(note also that your globals.get() could fail if globals is None)

> obviously did not support in-package shared libs. I've added

I did not fold this in. Your change isn't "in the spirit" of the
Importer mechanism. The "Right Way" to do this is to create a
BuiltinImporter and add that to the chain of importers. The
DirectoryImporter should only import from directories -- no reason for
it to know about builtin stuff. As a result, I did not accept the new
methods on Importer for handling builtins/special modules -- those would
go in the BuiltinImporter.
[BuiltinImporter should be written and included in; I don't
really have the time at the moment to write the thing... 7am and time
for sleep...]

However, your change here did raise a very important design issue:
get_code() needs to be able to return a loaded module, rather than just
a code object. I've folded in your patches for that.

I also folded in many of your extended doc/comments (at least in
concept; not necessarily verbatim). You and Gordon are recognized in the
header now, and I've added a "proper" author notice and licensing
(public domain).

I did not include the "misses" feature that you added to the
DirectoryImporter. I would hate to see a miss-cache get loaded, a module
dropped into the filesystem, and the user never being able to import the

I didn't fold in your indentation changes or name changes. I liked mine
:-). The __main__ thing at the bottom didn't make much sense to me,
though, since the call to _test_dir() followed by an exit doesn't really
do anything. And yes, I recognize that you can use "python -i" but I'd rather just see "python" followed by "import imputil
; imputil._test_dir()".

Of course, please feel free to generate a new patch if I've missed
something (thinking about it, I missed the OSError thing).

> both features so that the test script in DateTime can run
> successfully.
> Things that remain are:
> ? the win32 registry stuff (needs C code)

And a new Importer to use it.

> ? the Mac fork stuff (needs C code)


> ? a working __path__ implementation (is anyone using this attribute
>   which only is available in packages ?)

Per the private mail that I sent to you: I explicitly punted on the
__path__ attribute. It can lead to *way* too much confusion. It is also
unavailable for frozen packages (boy oh boy did the win32com get some
ugliness in there to compensate for being frozen w.r.t. its use of

The DirectoryImporter can insert the attribute, but it definitely
wouldn't go into the Importer itself. The __path__ attribute is specific
to loading from a filesystem, yet Importer is generic.

> ? probably a whole bunch of other quirks
> ? some speedups (there currently are too many stat()s)

Yes. I recognize that the "misses" feature was intended to remedy this.
I don't have an immediate answer to the stat() issue. Does the Importer
mechanism actually perform more stats on an import than Python itself?
(it looks like it does one for the isdir() plus two for fetching file

And a big thanx: I appreciate the patches to imputil! The new module is
now available in its "official" location at


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 15:56:00 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:56:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> >...
> >   def _reload_hook(self, module):
> >     # gmcm - Hmmm, reloading of a module may or may not
> > be impossible,
> >     # (depending on the importer),  but at least we can
> >     # look to see if it's ours to reload:
> >     if hasattr(module, '__importer__'):
> >       if getattr(module, '__importer__') == self:
> >         raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
> >     return self.__chain_reload(module)
> I've folded this in (finally).
> New to be published in a bit...

As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.
I have always thought in terms of unique top-level names and a
format which supports import of modules and packages.  But this
does not support the full functionality of PYTHONPATH.  For example,
PYTHONPATH can (and is) used to select the correct plat-* directory
files.  And the format may not support Jim Fulton's fancy local
import scheme.  And what if someone invents a third thing to import
besides a module or a package?  PYTHONPATH is not going away nor
should it.

How about if the *.pyl file format is exactly a directory structure?
I mean that the table of contents is limited to paths starting with
a directory name only, and that the seperator is '/' instead of '.'.
So a listing would be identical to the output of 'ls -R'.  So:

The implied PYTHONPATH for this file is ["Lib", "."].  Since the
format is exactly a directory tree, it is guaranteed that whatever
PYTHONPATH or imports can do now or in the future with a directory
tree, it can still do it with a *.pyl file.

Jim Ahlstrom

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 16:05:42 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 07:05:42 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
> the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.

Background for the readers:

.pyl is an extension that I used in my "small" distribution. I think
Gordon uses it, too. In any case, it is effectively a concatenation of
.pyc files along with a TOC mapping fully-qualified dotted module names
to seek-positions within the file.

[speaking of stat() calls: using a .pyl eliminates them quite nicely --
this may be part of Gordon's observed speed increase when using an

The .pyl format was discussed a bit on the distutils-sig list and "sort
of" accepted as an okay format for jamming a bunch of modules into a
single file.
[by "sort of", I mean that the small group who participated in the
discussion were okay with it :-); it is a great, minimalist format, so
it probably won't please people who like a ton of features in a file
format :-) ]

> How about if the *.pyl file format is exactly a directory structure?
> I mean that the table of contents is limited to paths starting with
> a directory name only, and that the seperator is '/' instead of '.'.
> So a listing would be identical to the output of 'ls -R'.  So:
>   Lib/string.pyc
>   Lib/exceptions.pyc
>   Lib/plat-sunos4/...
>   mx/__init__.pyc
>   mx/...
>   package2/...
>   dir3/...
>   ...
> The implied PYTHONPATH for this file is ["Lib", "."].  Since the
> format is exactly a directory tree, it is guaranteed that whatever
> PYTHONPATH or imports can do now or in the future with a directory
> tree, it can still do it with a *.pyl file.

People import things using a dotted name. Therefore, I think it makes
the most sense to map that straight to the resulting .pyc file. No
reason to put directories into the file... they make no sense to the end
user. During construction of the .pyl, you would walk the tree finding
all the available modules (and their corresponding dotted name) and
insert them.

Note that you can distribute multiple .pyl files. There could be the
Python standard lib in one file, the mx package in another, etc. As a
module is searched for, the system just peeks into each .pyl in turn,
looking for the module.

Search order is currently defined by order of install() on the Importer
instances. I believe the Right Way to do things is to create
sys.importers (as a list of Importers) and deprecate the sys.path
variable. Python could start up with an Importer than simply scanned
sys.path as a backwards compat measure; it could also leave sys.path
empty and create DirectoryImporters for each path component (this could
cause problems, though, for some apps that believe sys.path shouldn't be
empty, or that use it for magic-munging). I've search the standard lib
in the past -- there are only a couple real uses of sys.path if I
remember rightly (test package and the traceback module).


Greg Stein,

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 16:19:41 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 07:19:41 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [me]
> > > Why would you want your own and
> [JimA]
> > I don't.  I never change Python library files.  I am worried
> > that they won't be found because I don't trust PYTHONPATH.
> Hmm...  PYTHONPATH gets inserted in front of the default sys.path.
> (Many moons ago that was different.  But it has been like this for a
> loooooong time.)  So are you worried that someone put a *different*
> or on their path?

When you jam every file into a module archive, you still have to leave
these two "outside" so that Python can find them when starting up. The
problem then breaks down into two parts:

1) locating them
2) ensuring they're the right versions

In my "small" distro, I relied on the current-dir always being in the
path, so I could always find these. The two files were distributed as
part of distro.

Anyhow: JimA is saying that he doesn't trust PYTHONPATH. Not so much bad
files/versions, but that he won't be able to find them because
PYTHONPATH has been monkeyed in some way.

> > > Again - why would anyone register their own
> >
> > I wouldn't, I am worried that someone else will break my installation.
> > Remember that was invented as a site-specific module, although
> > that function moved to
> Hm, I dug out the oldest I have (used in Python 1.4), and it
> doesn't encourage editing it at all -- it tells you to use
>  I guess they could break your installation anyway,
> but only by messing with the general Python installation.

If the file exists, then somebody can mess with it. JimA is trying to
create a bulletproof app here. To do this, you can distribute a
python.exe,,, and an archive of your other
modules. is scrapped in favor of installing an Importer to
access the archive (this implies you also distribute These
five files are the exact five in my "small" distro. It's pretty cool...
no need for registry changes and a very small "file count" footprint.
Gordon took this basis and added a bunch of features for bundling an
application in there. JimA has also been mixing in some frozen modules
(I forget exactly why/what).
[oh, my small distro doesn't ship a python15.dll, although it easily

> I hope that Mark Hammond can point you to a tool that you can use to
> edit a string resource in an executable or DLL.

The win32api module has resource manipulation functions such as
BeginUpdateResource, UpdateResource, and EndUpdateResource.

Write a Python script to modify your version string :-)

A demo of resource munging can be seen in <win32


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 16:56:53 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:56:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> ? a working __path__ implementation (is anyone using this attribute
>   which only is available in packages ?)

Yes. I use it for two things:

  - I modify it to allow a (logical) package to be spread over
    multiple physical locations. (In Zope, products can be installed
    in the Zope installation area or in Zope "instance" homes.

  - I use it to determine the location(s) of a package.
    Our packages usually contain many files, such as DTML
    source files, images, data files, etc., that are not Python
    modules.  We have standard utilities for getting at these files
    in packages.  This is extremely useful.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 16:58:48 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:58:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Hmm...  PYTHONPATH gets inserted in front of the default sys.path.
> (Many moons ago that was different.  But it has been like this for a
> loooooong time.)  So are you worried that someone put a *different*
> or on their path?

Yes, and/or  (2) added a with their special
import hook as has been proposed here over and
over, or (3) PYTHONPATH is screwed up and doesn't find anything.

Perhaps this is a prejudice of mine.  I just look at "print sys.path"
and marvel at what I don't understand.  At least I can see it is
not simple.  I hate relying on thing that are not simple.

And I hate custom import hooks.  Unless they are mine of course ;-)

> Hm, I dug out the oldest I have (used in Python 1.4), and it
> doesn't encourage editing it at all -- it tells you to use
>  I guess they could break your installation anyway,
> but only by messing with the general Python installation.

Just adding would do it.  And this is encouraged.

I think Gordon put his finger on the issue.  Either try to co-exist
with other installed Python software and take the risk that everyone
is playing by the rules, or build your own black-box
self-contained Python world and duplicate storage.
> The usual :-)
> [Documentation goes here...]

Thanks.  This is very useful.

But it doesn't help, perhaps as a result of more of my prejudices.
This registry entry is meant to be used by a by-the-rules shared
Python installation, so I must not change it.  And I hate changing
any registry entries at all.  My commercial software keeps all its
settings in a regular .ini file in its install directory, and makes
only minimal and required registry entries.  IMHO the Windows registry
is a software catastrophe which ranks right up there with JCL (anyone
else here old enough to remember that?).  Anyone who doesn't agree
go with me to our money center banking clients, and sit there while they
grill you on every registry entry and why it is required.  Money center
banking clients do not like their registry messed with.

I do however see your point that I could change the version string
to something non-standard and use the registry to control imports.
I will think about this further.  Maybe it would work.

My current "solution" is to use freeze to create a black-box install,
and worry about second Python installations and wasted storage when it
I was hoping that this thread whould result in a consensis of what
to do, but it has not.

So now I am hoping that Python library (jar) files will turn out to
be a practical solution, so I am pestering Greg and Gordon.  We'll see.

Jim Ahlstrom

From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 16 17:16:42 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:16:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <jim at> writes:

    >> I think we're safe from this for the forseeable future through
    >> convention and peer pressure.

    JF> 8^o

    JF> (I feel like I should respond to this in some way but ....
    JF>  I just can't understand this kind of argument and don't
    JF>  know how to frame a response.)
Maybe I should have included half a smiley.  Python may eventually
need package naming rules as strict as Java's.  I think it's a good
idea now for those who are writing packages to consider trying to pick
unique top-level package names.  We might decide to release our stuff
under the `cnri' top level package.  That's probably unique enough.
Or `koe', or if we're really paranoid :-!

Personally, I think `Mailman' as a top-level package name is pretty
unique, so I don't plan to change what I'm doing there.


From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 16 17:37:01 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:37:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein at> writes:

    GS> Definitely having an OSI certification will be great (cool
    GS> stuff on the cert for the existing license!). Having Bruce
    GS> Perens review the license would also be a great boon (see
    GS> for some of his writings; also see
    GS> specifically).

Interesting article, but IBM's termination clause was different than
the JPython one.  I fought hard on para7 because IIRC, RMS complained
that an earlier version /could/ have been used to arbitrarily
terminate.  I think the current JPython para7 is better because /you/
have to materially breach, which seems like a much higher threshold.
But it still may not be perfect.

Aside: don't necessarily think I'm a grinning fan and defender of the
JPython license.  It's a huge win over what we had before, and I think
it's good enough that nearly anybody who wants to do Real Things with
JPython, now can.  I've had only one question about the license since
it was published and that was about the "displayed prominently" clause
(i.e. was it okay to include the alternative handle text in an "about"
menu pulldown?  That seemed prominent enough to my nonlawyerly brain.)

I'm glad to see the Python community push hard for the "other side's
viewpoint" with reasoned and rational arguments.  I think that such
responses from Influential Python Users will provide us with useful
ammunition when we re-evaluate the licenses.  It means that ultimately
we'll have the right license for Python (and JPython).


From skip at  Thu Sep 16 17:54:39 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:54:39 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Jim> As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
    Jim> the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.  

Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I want to remind the folks having this
discussion that there are people reading this thread that while fairly well
versed in Python have little idea what anyone is talking about anymore.  (I
don't know.  Maybe I'm the only one.)

python-dev is clearly the best place to discuss this in the short-term
(anyone for an import SIG?), but whatever is implemented will have to be
understood by lots of people on to be of broad applicability.
Perhaps I'm way off base and there are more than a handful of people who
will ever run into the problems being solved here, but if we can partition
the Python programming community into the package wizards and the mere
import mortals, I worry that the potions concocted by the wizards will send
a few of us import mortals to the hospital...

The Java package scheme, while odious to some perhaps, is extremely easy to
understand for anyone who's ever used Windows Explorer or execute "ls -R".

just-a-cautionary-peanut-thrown-in-from-the-bleachers-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From skip at  Thu Sep 16 19:01:58 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:01:58 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    BAW> Or `koe', or if we're really paranoid :-!

Umm, that would be "Knowbots Over Everything" or "Knowledge Of Everyone"?



From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 19:04:37 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:04:37 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:01:58 CDT."
References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

>     BAW> Or `koe', or if we're really paranoid :-!
Skip> Umm, that would be "Knowbots Over Everything" or "Knowledge Of Everyone"?

Actually, "koe" is dutch for cow.  I like the idea of cows over
everything -- reminds me of the flying pig on an old Pink Floyd cover

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 19:27:49 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:27:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> Interesting article, but IBM's termination clause was different than
> the JPython one.  I fought hard on para7 because IIRC, RMS complained
> that an earlier version /could/ have been used to arbitrarily
> terminate.  I think the current JPython para7 is better because /you/
> have to materially breach, which seems like a much higher threshold.
> But it still may not be perfect.

Yes, I was aware that it was a reactive termination, rather than
arbitrary. That makes it quite acceptable, but it still isn't a
desirable thing. Especially given some of the grey area in the license
("are we sure we aren't in breach of the license?").

Personally, I'd rather see a license without a termination clause. If it
must be there, then I'd like to see it as tight as possible (see the IBM
and Apple licenses: IIRC, they only kick in when the user initiates
patent litigation against IBM/Apple; the termination cuts them off as an
initial response to the suit).

The other elements I raised actually caused me more anxiety than the

If CNRI finds it acceptable, I'd recommend they use an existing OSD
license. They get immediate certfication and, more importantly, a
builtin awareness in the open source community of what the license
really means. Each time a new license arrives in the community, bunches
of people have to go an figure it out; if the new license is the IBM
Public License with a search/replace on the company and product name,
then people go "oh. all righty. no problem." and move on to doing real

Dang. I keep replying to this stuff. :-) I'm hoping that we wrap this up
pending a new release.


Greg Stein,

From gmcm at  Thu Sep 16 19:38:03 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:38:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Ahlstrom wrote:

> As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
> the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.
> I have always thought in terms of unique top-level names and a
> format which supports import of modules and packages.  But this
> does not support the full functionality of PYTHONPATH.  For
> example, PYTHONPATH can (and is) used to select the correct
> plat-* directory files.  And the format may not support Jim
> Fulton's fancy local import scheme.  And what if someone invents
> a third thing to import besides a module or a package? 
> PYTHONPATH is not going away nor should it.

The central idea of imputil is that an importer is responsible for 
one little chunk of turf. If the desired module / package isn't 
"his", he just passes the request on to the next element in the 

So I don't think there's a need for one canonical do-everything 
importer (or archive format). PYTHONPATH is outside any 
particular importer. Effectively, you can use a chain of 
importers to replace PYTHONPATH. So the platform specific 
modules might be found by one particular importer. In other 
words, I think it's more effective to specialize individual 
importers and chain them up than it is to try to create an 
overly-generalized importer.

- Gordon

From gmcm at  Thu Sep 16 19:38:03 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:38:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Greg, replying to Guido's confusion on Jim's interest in and]

> When you jam every file into a module archive, you still have to
> leave these two "outside" so that Python can find them when
> starting up. 

In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've 
got that down to

Background: my (Win32) installer has, as a stated goal, the 
ability to create quasi-frozen Python apps which won't interfere 
with (or be influenced by) existing Python installations (if any). 
And it doesn't require the programmer/user to have a compiler.

Thanks to patches given me by Thomas Heller, my 
python.exe replacement is now a (minimal) embedding app, 
and I do the same things that Greg does in directly 
from C code, (and turn off the SiteFlag, too).

I believe that if I freeze in and tweak the 
resource in python15.dll (which is just the stock python15.dll), 
I can have a completely safe executable.

I think the same techniques can be applied on *nix, (although 
I'm pretty sure programmer/users won't be able to get away 
without a compiler).

This gives me a strong interest in import hooks for two distinct 
 - I rely completely on Greg's imputil to make this work.
 - I rely on freeze's modulefinder to help build these things. 

Bizarre import hooks in a normal Python installation will fool 
modulefinder. Take a look at what Pmw does (fortunately, 
Pmw comes with it's own packager). So I'd like to see import 
hooks follow some sort of pattern that can be followed by a 
tool like modulefinder.

I also want the hooks. Right now I use imputil with archives, 
but wouldn't it be cool if you could add another imputil importer 
that checks for more recent versions at some home site on 
the web and automatically updates the installation?

Summary: I'm very interested in seeing import and import 
hooks get rationalized, and I think Greg's stuff goes a long, 
long way towards that goal.

- Gordon

From gmcm at  Thu Sep 16 19:38:03 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:38:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:

[Guido explains Windows registry usage]
> Thanks.  This is very useful.
> But it doesn't help, perhaps as a result of more of my
> prejudices. This registry entry is meant to be used by a
> by-the-rules shared Python installation, so I must not change it.

Without trying it, I doubt you have to. It looks like you could 
set the resource to something that won't be found in the 
registry, and then just use normal Python mechanisms.

> ... IMHO the Windows registry is a software catastrophe
> which ranks right up there with JCL (anyone else here old enough
> to remember that?).  

Ah. In a rush to get it down to ops, tripping at the head of the 
stairs and sending the card deck flying... Those were the days.

- Gordon

From skip at  Thu Sep 16 19:49:12 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:49:12 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've
    Gordon> got that down to

Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
People wanting to ship self-contained packages could then toss
and build the C version of the exceptions module.

Greg, is there anything in Python2C couldn't handle?

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 19:47:56 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:47:56 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've
>     Gordon> got that down to
> Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
> verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
> People wanting to ship self-contained packages could then toss
> and build the C version of the exceptions module.
> Greg, is there anything in Python2C couldn't handle?

Nah, shouldn't have any problem at all. P2C will even create true class
objects and expose them in the interface.

I think a person might want to consider hand-tuning the output, though


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 20:03:13 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:03:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Why not just run through Python2C,

What is Python2C.  Is it the same as freeze?

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 20:08:01 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:08:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:49:12 CDT."
References: <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
> verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
> People wanting to ship self-contained packages could then toss
> and build the C version of the exceptions module.

Alternatively (and probably easier) it (and could be stored
as frozen modules.  All it takes is some edits to Python/frozen.c.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Thu Sep 16 20:34:47 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:34:47 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Jim> What is Python2C.  Is it the same as freeze?

Nope.  Python in, compilable C out:

Courtesy of Greg Stein and Bill Tutt.

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 20:37:58 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:37:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Alternatively (and probably easier) it (and could be stored
> as frozen modules.  All it takes is some edits to Python/frozen.c.

An excellent design, very simple.  A large list of critical
Python-language modules including a new importer, and
a new main could be reliably linked to their interpreter.  It
would open the door writing a larger part of Python in Python.

But editing Python/frozen.c will kill the current freeze feature
since a user currently replaces this pointer with their own.
We can have a second _PyImport_InternalFrozenModules[] array which is 
searched FIRST, so that the existing frozen modules feature
is retained.  Current logic only allows one frozen module array.
This is easy.

A little harder is turning it off, which may be important to
developers.  They will probably want to use etc. in
PYTHONPATH directories.  I would hate to use another command line
Maybe another method in the imp module, say imp.EnablePyInternalLib(x)
to turn on/off the internal frozen modules.  A method to print
the names in the list wouldn't hurt either.

At one time I had code for multiple frozen modules which I may
be able to find.

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 21:09:57 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 15:09:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:

> So I don't think there's a need for one canonical do-everything
> importer (or archive format). PYTHONPATH is outside any
> particular importer. Effectively, you can use a chain of
> importers to replace PYTHONPATH. So the platform specific
> modules might be found by one particular importer. In other
> words, I think it's more effective to specialize individual
> importers and chain them up than it is to try to create an
> overly-generalized importer.

Greg agrees with you so I defer to the experts on importers.
The feature is meant to support a chain.

Greg wrote:

> The .pyl format was discussed a bit on the distutils-sig list and "sort
> of" accepted as an okay format for jamming a bunch of modules into a
> single file.
> [by "sort of", I mean that the small group who participated in the
> discussion were okay with it :-); it is a great, minimalist format, so
> it probably won't please people who like a ton of features in a file
>format :-) ]

But I still disagree on the .pyl file format.  If there is no Standard
Format and everyone is linking in his own importer, then we will have
exactly the same situation we have now with PYTHONPATH and novel
import hooks.  There should be a Standard Format to fix this
problem.  In particular, package authors should be able to publish
packages as PYL files and expect them to be usable as is with
no further effort.  Sysadmins should be able to manage everything
PYTHONPATH does with a small (one?) number of PYL files and in
a standard way.

Jim Ahlstrom

From fredrik at  Fri Sep 17 09:40:18 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 09:40:18 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <00f801bf00df$e45361c0$>

> Summary: I'm very interested in seeing import and import 
> hooks get rationalized, and I think Greg's stuff goes a long, 
> long way towards that goal.

don't have time to say much more than:

    -- ME TOO!

(we're also doing this in the pythonworks
packager, and Greg's module is essential
for that work.  might as well turn it into
a standard Python feature).


From mhammond at  Fri Sep 17 09:39:51 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:39:51 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501bf00df$d41cafa0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> > you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used
> > embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
> > resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!
> I don't understand this.  Is there documentation?

Vague documentation at

Doesnt explicitely say much about this particular issue, and if I
remember I will update it.

VC will allow you to edit these resources without rebuilding - simply
open the DLL, but select "Resources" as the file type.  I havent
investigated other resource editors as I have MSVC :-)

Greg pointed you to the win32api functions - they do work, as Greg
provided code that uses them (the code he pointed at was done by
him) - although I never actually worked out how to make them work
(  I spent about an hour trying to get code to re-stamp the
Python15.dll with a new sys.winver, and gave up.  Would be cool to get
going tho...


From mhammond at  Fri Sep 17 09:48:26 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:48:26 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000601bf00e1$072a7d90$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> But it doesn't help, perhaps as a result of more of my prejudices.
> This registry entry is meant to be used by a by-the-rules shared
> Python installation, so I must not change it.

No - the point is that the "1.5" key is "reserved" by a standard
install.  Changing the string value actually allows you to have your
own subtree, and you can assume you own that.

For commercial apps I help with, re stick a "AppName" in this string
(doesnt have to be a number) then simply use

> And I hate changing any registry entries at all.

Well, you should learn to get over it!  That is what it is designed
for.  sure, we dont want the users to muck with the registry, but if
you dont like your install scripts working with the registry, I
definately feel you should get over this prejudice of yours.

> only minimal and required registry entries.  IMHO the Windows
> is a software catastrophe which ranks right up there with JCL
> else here old enough to remember that?).  Anyone who doesn't agree
> should
> go with me to our money center banking clients, and sit there
> while they
> grill you on every registry entry and why it is required.
> Money center
> banking clients do not like their registry messed with.

The registry is a huge bucket.  Changing your own, custom kep under
either HKLM\Software\ or HKCU\Software is perfectly reasonable.

Many apps _require_ you to hit the registry - services, event log,
performance monitor, etc.

The fact the registry _also_ contains critical information is a
problem, and sure, we dont want to mess with that.

> My current "solution" is to use freeze to create a black-box
> and worry about second Python installations and wasted storage when
> happens.

well, IMO this is also the correct thing to do.  any install that has
>100 files is fragile.  So I do both - freeze the app, _and_ a custom

> I was hoping that this thread whould result in a consensis of what
> to do, but it has not.

There is a consesus for people with the same problem.  Different
problems have different optimal solutions.


From mal at  Fri Sep 17 11:33:43 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:33:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I'm wasn't planning to write my own hook until now. I need this
> > feature to be able to organize my package internal stuff swiftly
> > and easily, plus to be able to possibly put it under new top-level
> > packages. Obviously I seem to be more or less alone with this need, so
> > I'll stop argueing for inclusion of "something like relative imports"
> > in the distribution.
> I still hope against hoping to convince you not to do this.  I think
> this adds lots of complexity for the reader of your package.  I think
> of *all* software that I write as something that eventually someone is
> going to read and try to understand.  I also think of it as something
> that eventually someone is going to port to a platform that wasn't
> even designed when I wrote the software.  Tricks like depending on a
> custom import hook make reading a pain.
> For example, the reader who is just starting to browse a large package
> often needs to follow the thread of execution from one module to the
> next.  If the import statements contain magic like
> (actually proposed magic renamed for generality :-), this reader will
> first need to understand the custom importer -- which is likely one of
> the hariest components of the package.

While it will perhaps look funny to him at first sight, I'm sure
that a proper name will make the idea clear to him:

from import bar

or just

from import bar

[Super Foo -- sounds like a comic star ... there's even integrated
fun in these names ;-)]

> The same thing applies with even more force to tools like package
> browsers.  IDLE for example has a class browser which displays the
> true module and class name for base classes.  E.g. if you have code
> that says
>     from Tkinter import Widget
>     class MyWidget(Widget): ...
> it correctly deduces that MyWidget's base class is Tkinter.Widget.
> (And in a future version it will probably allow you to click through
> to that class, show you its methods, etc.)
> Custom importers break this feature, and thus make the code harder to
> analyze for the reader.

That's why I tried argue for making it a standard: all tools will
then know about the syntax used and take appropriate action.
> (Not all custom importers are bad; there are plenty of reasons to
> augment the standard importer.  But, while custom importers make
> different interpretations of the namespace possible, I frown upon that
> particular use.)
> > (b) is (if at all) a problem only to be taken into account by
> > the author of package X. He may or may not use rel. imports.
> > A 12-year old probably won't (but then: you never know ;).
> Which severely limits your ability to do what you want with packages
> you didn't write.
> I know that this sounds politically incorrect in a radical free
> software world, but often in the end I find it more convenient to
> conform to the rest of the world and "fit in" than to be different in
> every little way.  Note that my hair isn't blue :-); I've also
> replaced my "signature" glasses with a more conventional model.

Naa, I don't want to be different just to be plain silly different.

The case here is one of maintenance. I have around 12 Python packages
which I maintain, some of them public, others proprietary. Due
to the large number I try to make them all as easy to handle as possible.
Now I can't just go and rename the imports in case I want to put
them under some other common package name for application A and
then do the same with another package name for application B. I would
have to do the same thing for every new release of the packages since
there are also others who use the standard mx-based name. I just
want the packages to work whereever I put them, e.g. I could
link them into the new location using symlinks and be done
with the work.
Of course there are other ways to make this work (and I want
to thank everybody who contributed to the sys.path ideas), but
they just add omplexity to a whole different area.

> > BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about. If it's an
> > syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really interested
> > in these things... could you send me an URL that I can send him ?
> Where have you been?  It's on the homepage, has been
> discussed in, c.l.tcl, even c.l.ada, in lwn, and on /.!  The
> syntax aware editor (a proposed super-version of IDLE) is only a small
> part of it.  See

Nope, haven't heard anything about it -- perhaps I was on
vacation. Sound interesting though. An editor where you can
just type away (and the editor fills in the gaps) would be
great fun.
> > Oh well... I guess they'll have to use 'mex' if they decide to go
> > the reverse domain way ;-)
> Or, in a worse-case scenario, the first Mexican developers using the
> reverse domain will probably not be aware of the mx toplevel package,
> and by the time their software hits the street it will be too late.

Well, I guess then they'll have a good reason to upgrade their
software. Just like all those companies who made extra money
by sticking a "Y2000 + Euro-capable" button on their software.
No, seriously, with the proposed extension (see below) this
shouldn't be much of a problem because my packages all use
capital first letters. The reverse domain name would use lower
case ones, e.g. mx.pythonware.pilios or mx.zopistas...
> > True, perhaps we should lighten this requirement a little when we
> > recode the import mechanism in Python ? E.g. if a local import
> > fails continue the search with the fully qualified name and only
> > if that fails, restart using the local name. This would need some
> > kind of fastpath cache to make the search reasonably fast though.
> Now this is something that I would consider.

Should be easy to add to the imputil based core emulation.
> > Wouldn't it suffice to just put them into one package, e.g.
> > 'python.' ?
> And somehow make all user code live implicitly inside that package?  I
> don't see how that solves anything.

No, to free the top-level namespace and make the origin of the
imports clearer, e.g.

import python.image
import PIL.image
import zope.image


> And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to
> need to rip out your custom importer because it interferes with *his*
> custom importer, and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with
> absolute package names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to
> his importer.

Note that with imputil doing its thing, he won't have to
worry about adding code to his importer. It'll just pass on the
import to my importer. That's the fun part about imputil.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   105 days left
Python Pages:                 

From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Fri Sep 17 17:07:19 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:07:19 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <> from "Guido van Rossum" at "Sep 15, 99 02:43:56 pm"
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I hereby withdraw the posted license.  There still is the need for a
> new license, but we need to go back to the drawing board for it.

So, in the end, am I still invited to sign & send the "wet" form or
I'd better wait to let it dry?

BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
wouldn't have been what they are today.

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 17 16:07:50 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:07:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:07:19 BST."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> So, in the end, am I still invited to sign & send the "wet" form or
> I'd better wait to let it dry?

Please send in the form -- the license was a totally separate issue
that I shouldn't have brought up in the same mail (or at all, in this
stage anyway -- we'll work this out with the Python consortium members

> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
> code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> wouldn't have been what they are today.

Unfortunately, that's the price we have to pay.  What we get is legal
protection from CNRI.  In general CNRI has contributed a lot to
Python; probably more than you realize.

In any case, signing the form and including the email paragraphs is
completely voluntary -- if you don't want to do it, just let me know.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Fri Sep 17 17:35:01 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:35:01 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <> from "Guido van Rossum" at "Sep 17, 99 10:07:50 am"
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Please send in the form -- the license was a totally separate issue
> that I shouldn't have brought up in the same mail (or at all, in this
> stage anyway -- we'll work this out with the Python consortium members
> first).


> > BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> > to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
> > code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> > wouldn't have been what they are today.
> Unfortunately, that's the price we have to pay.  What we get is legal
> protection from CNRI.  In general CNRI has contributed a lot to
> Python; probably more than you realize.

I realize that. But I also realize that in case of a problem, the wet
form protects CNRI, not the contributor.

Hm. And what happens if you get hit by a bus? Or in 100 years when
we'll dance with angels in Paradise? Will Python stay bound to CNRI
with little legal possibilities to detach it, in case our successors
(or you) start working in another organization? IANAL and curious.

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From fdrake at  Fri Sep 17 16:41:47 1999
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:41:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Vladimir Marangozov writes:
 > BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
 > to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
 > code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
 > wouldn't have been what they are today.

  You shouldn't be; the FSF certainly requires a signed copyright
assignment from contributors.  I had to sign one for a bunch of
patches I made to oleo many years ago.  It was a minor nuissance, but
that's all.
  (The *sad* part is that there hasn't been a new release of oleo that 
could have included the patches for five years! ;)  Just noticed that
there is a release at now; I'll have to take a look!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From mal at  Fri Sep 17 16:45:52 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:45:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Methods and friends
Message-ID: <>

I was just looking into classobject.c again after probably more
than a year and wondered... has anyone tried optimizing the method
lookup and binding process recently ?

It seems that for every method call the following happens:
1. the method is looked up in the instance dict; this fails
2. the method is looked up in the class dict; this succeeds
   and returns a function
3. the class then turns the function into a new unbound method
4. the instance sees the unbound method and creates a new
   bound method (deleting the unbound method) and returns it

Two possible improvements:

? let the instance use a special class_getattr_ex function 
  that does not do the extra unbound method step (3.)


? make methods mutable and have step 4. insert the instance
  object into the method object to turn it into a bound

Has anyone tried this ? Does it produce anything noticeable
w/r to method call speed ?

BTW, why does the new module check for instance objects
for the INSTANCE argument ? Methods can handle any object
in this slot, just as they handle any callable object
as "function". Could be put to some use when wrapping
types into classes or vice versa... which is what motivated
the above ;-)

Just curious,
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   105 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 17 17:09:40 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:09:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Methods and friends
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:45:52 +0200."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> It seems that for every method call the following happens:
> 1. the method is looked up in the instance dict; this fails
> 2. the method is looked up in the class dict; this succeeds
>    and returns a function
> 3. the class then turns the function into a new unbound method
> 4. the instance sees the unbound method and creates a new
>    bound method (deleting the unbound method) and returns it

Are you sure?  As far as I know, steps 3 and 4 are combined when you
do getattr on an instance: instance_getattr() calls
instance_getattr1() which calls class_lookup().  The latter doesn't
create an unbound method.  instance_getattr1() then turns it into a
bound method.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From bwarsaw at  Fri Sep 17 18:30:21 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 12:30:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "VM" == Vladimir Marangozov <Vladimir.Marangozov at> writes:

    VM> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world
    VM> I'm asked to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send
    VM> e-mails for contributed code. If Python or Linux had had such
    VM> constraints from the start, they wouldn't have been what they
    VM> are today.

Note that the FSF has been requiring signatures for a long time.
Actually, their requirements are IMHO more onerous because they
require you to assign your copyrights to the FSF.  Their lawyers have
told them that they cannot defend the copyright of, e.g. Emacs, unless 
they own the copyrights to the entire codebase (or at least, anything
that they couldn't rip out, throw away, and not completely cripple the 

CNRI's viewpoint is less drastic, but still important.  It means that
you retain the copyright on the code (good for you), but you give us
permission to use it as we see fit (good for us /and/ for you :).
Otherwise, it would be possible for a malicious person to contribute
something really vital and useful, wait for it to become
indispensible, and then say, "oops, we really didn't mean to let you
use that code, sorry!"


From jim at  Fri Sep 17 21:20:24 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:20:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <000601bf00e1$072a7d90$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Perhaps you have heard about the East coast US hurricane.  It
really hammered us here in New Jersey.  I had trouble getting
home last night due to high water.  When I went to our usual
Japanese lunch restaurant it had broken windows and was full of tree
branches.  Wow...


Mark Hammond wrote:
> No - the point is that the "1.5" key is "reserved" by a standard
> install.  Changing the string value actually allows you to have your
> own subtree, and you can assume you own that.

OK, now that I know the rules I will think about doing that.
> > And I hate changing any registry entries at all.
> Well, you should learn to get over it!

I will try.

Of course, even if the registry helps ship Python apps
on Windows, it is no help on Unix, and I care about that
almost as much.

> > My current "solution" is to use freeze to create a black-box
> install,
> > and worry about second Python installations and wasted storage when
> it
> > happens.
> well, IMO this is also the correct thing to do.  any install that has
> >100 files is fragile.  So I do both - freeze the app, _and_ a custom
> "sys.winver".

Yes, but this requires a compiler.

> > I was hoping that this thread whould result in a consensis of what
> > to do, but it has not.
> There is a consesus for people with the same problem.  Different
> problems have different optimal solutions.

The problem is that there is no reliable way to ship bullet-proof
Python apps without recompiling and rebuilding Python.  Each of us
has his own pet hack to solve our own problem.  Now there is talk
of custom import hooks, and this is likely to result in each
package requiring its own import hook!  Aren't packages supposed
to be software IC's?

I hate to be a nag, but I will keep pushing for a single solution.
Python is totally cross platform, and with all that machinery,
there must be portable way to do that.

I think this is good for Python.  Please don't think I am
trying to solve my own selfish problems.  I have a compiler,
I am happy using freeze, and I don't have any problems.  Its
just that Python would "sell" better and be more popular
if a developer could read the documentation "How to ship
and install your Python app in five minutes and make
millions".  This documentation currently reads "You can't".

Jim Ahlstrom

From gstein at  Sat Sep 18 00:14:04 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:14:04 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
> code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> wouldn't have been what they are today.

Actually, this isn't surprising at all. The Free Software Foundation
*requires* this kind of thing to be filed with them before you
contribute code to the FSF. Essentially, it is a way for the FSF (and
CNRI) to legally state that they own the copyright on the particular
code. Without that, the contributor could come along later and claim a
copyright on the code.

The IBM folks who are working on Apache have provided legal releases to
the Apache Software Foundation that basically states that IBM won't try
to assume any rights under copyright law on the code they contribute to
Apache. In fact, every time that I receive a patch for my mod_dav Apache
module, the IBM guy attaches a release to the email that has the patch.

In a pure, cooperative, world none of this would be necessary. However,
the world simply doesn't work that way and all this stuff (licenses,
copyrights, releases) is there to prevent Bad Things from happening. It
isn't evil in itself, but simply a reflection of the business
environment and the society that we're working within.


Greg Stein,

From tim_one at  Sat Sep 18 08:38:27 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 02:38:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf01a0$6ae8cca0$022d153f@tim>

[Vladimir Marangozov]
> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for
> contributed code.

[Fred L. Drake, Jr.]
>   You shouldn't be; the FSF certainly requires a signed copyright
> assignment from contributors.  I had to sign one for a bunch of
> patches I made to oleo many years ago.  It was a minor nuissance, but
> that's all.

Except they add up:  year after year, a new batch of stupid little
requirements piles up on top of the last year's, and it's a ratchet
effect -- always more, never less.  The aggregate gets to be a real
weariness on the soul.  I had to laugh when Fran?ois Pinard happened to post
this on today:

> ...
> Would it be any volunteer, at least for taking care of filling the FSF
> papers, if any are needed?  I filled more than enough of those in my
> life, I prefer to avoid the burden.

Ask Barry how many years we've been trying to sign pymode over to the FSF
<0.5 wink>.

> If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> wouldn't have been what they are today.

I sympathize, but that's really hard to say.  You don't get pig-biting weary
of this crap until you're my age <wink>.  AFAIK, Berkeley has never beed
sued over the BSD license, MIT over the X license, or the U of Arizona over
the Icon license (none, really -- Icon is in the public domain).  All the
legal mumbo jumbo in the "modern" licenses is like wearing garlic around
your neck to ward off vampires:  the threat isn't real, and if it were it
wouldn't do you any good anyway.

a-wooden-stake-thru-the-heart-is-your-only-true-defense-ly y'rs  - tim

From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Sat Sep 18 16:17:28 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 15:17:28 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports)
Message-ID: <>

The relative import thread has hit me with full force. I'm not sure
I understand all of what has been said, but since I know this is
mainly a naming issue, I want to point you to one of the best CS
papers I have had in my hands. It's not really my style to recommend
references, but this one should be of major interest to this audience
(and Python respectively):

Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating
Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.

It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be
happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private
mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).

It's simply a jewel. This guy has understood everything (and I suspect
Guido has read this one before implementing Python ;-)

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 19 01:44:49 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 19:44:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf022f$cc11cba0$072d153f@tim>

> ...
> In the Java world, the right solution exist: a better top-level naming
> scheme.  I forget what the exact rules are, but I seem to recall that
> Java has something of the same relative import rules af Python
> currently has: you can import a class from the same leaf package by
> its simple name, or you can import a class by its full name.

You can import only by the full name.  There are no shortcuts for anyone
ever in explicit Java imports.  The dodge is that to reference classes in
exactly the same package, you don't need an import statement at all (you
*can* have one, but then you need to use the fully qualified name).

The other twist is that all Java code is in *some* package, and code that
(wisely) doesn't want to live in the ill-defined unnamed package must
contain a package statement declaring which package it's a part of, like

package COM.dragonsys.justanexample;

The periods there actually have no semantic significance, and package
COM.dragonsys.notanexample has no more in common with the above than does
package ORG.python.guido.hitmeagain.  It's purely a conceptual thing that
justanexample and notanexample are *called* "subpackages" of package
COM.dragonsys in Java; although implementations are free (but not required)
to make up mappings between dotted package names and directory trees.

Anyway, the Java rules work fine wrt the issues that have been argued in
this thread.  Things that are worse than Python:

+ Magical implied import of same-package names is a PITA for readability and

+ Since subpackages are an illusion, and even packages aren't objects in
their own right, there's no possibility to create a shorthand local name for
the first M chunks of an N-chunk dotted access path (with M < N).  For
example, you may use java.awt.Font and java.awt.TextArea a lot.  You either
spell those out in full all the time, or do

import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.TextArea;

and use just "Font" and "TextArea" later.  Making up a local name for just
the "java.awt" part isn't an option.  Which leads to gross overuse of the

+ "import package.*" is Java's way of spelling "from package import *", and
because of the preceding is the only way to get convenient local names for
classes imported from other packages (note that can you can never import a
package/module in Java; you can only import a type name).  So most Java code
will do the above as

import java.awt.*;

and end up importing a gazillion names.  This sucks for the same reasons
"import *" sucks in Python, although Java catches the name conflicts at
compile time.

Things that are better than Python:

+ Name conflicts are caught at compile time.

+ At least in theory, the names of packages aren't constrained by platform
file name limitations or directory quirks.

+ Relatedly, explicitly naming the package a compilation unit belongs can be
a Good Thing.

+ They have *an* effective scheme for preventing package-name collisions.

> ...
> Note that I still resist the urge to start renaming all the existing
> standard modules -- too much breakage.  This will happen in 2.0.

At home, I dropped an empty into the std Lib directory, so that
I can do e.g.

from Lib.random import randrange

in my own packages with their own random modules.  Works fine.  For 1.6 you
should pick some explicit way to *allow* explicit import of at least the std
library modules.  I suggest taking the name "Lib" <wink>.  Java is very cute
with its java.util.etc stuff, but longwindedness is not a virtue here --
"util" would have worked just as well and been just as clear.  Nobody should
write a package with a generic short name like "util" (or "Lib") anyway, so
rather than waste this pleasant little corner of the namespace the language
may as well reserve it for its own use.

heck-it-already-stole-"and"-and-"or"<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 19 05:18:43 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:18:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf024d$ae271f00$f72d153f@tim>

> ...
> Of course there are other ways to make this work (and I want
> to thank everybody who contributed to the sys.path ideas), but
> they just add complexity to a whole different area.

The complexity is already in that area, and for all of us.  It can be dealt
with.  Adding new complexity elsewhere doesn't decrease the complexity
that's already there, it just adds more and new kinds of stuff to worry

>> ...
>> And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to need to rip out
>> your custom importer because it interferes with *his* custom importer,
>> and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with absolute package
>> names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to his importer.

> Note that with imputil doing its thing, he won't have to
> worry about adding code to his importer. It'll just pass on the
> import to my importer. That's the fun part about imputil.

As I recall, the old ni took the initial "__" as referring to the *current*
package.  So where you intend to write

    import __.sibling.func

it was written under ni as

    import __.__.sibling.func

Since ni is semi-blessed prior art, some other joker is going to slam in an
Importer to use those rules.  I mix your packages with theirs, and then the
meaning of "__" depends on whose Importer sees the damn thing first.  Again
complexity spreads.  If Jim is wary of top-level name collisions now, wait
until he thinks about naming-gimmick collisions <wink>.

Guido is telling the truth:  no package is going into Dragon's products
unless it's rewritten to purge dicey name tricks.  I think we're all in
favor of Greg's imputil approach, but where it adds real value (primarily in
allowing imports to get satisfied from sources other than direct file

if-it's-in-a-file-you-just-import-it-by-name-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 19 05:18:52 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:18:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000201bf024d$b3213ae0$f72d153f@tim>

> ...
> Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
> i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments.

The odds of a change making it into Python radically decreased when 1.0 hit
the net, and have continued to decline (although slowly) since then.  In
recent years, Guido appears to me to have gotten ever more reluctant to
entertain even 100% compatible changes to the internals, if they affect a
delicate area of the implementation (ceval.c is the most obvious one there).

But that's "normal & healthy" <wink> too.  Languages & implementations get
brittle with age, and it's eventually better to start over -- if Guido
didn't have Python2 plans in mind, he'd be the first language designer ever
to stop where he started!

> Just think of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience
> shows that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.

Unfortunately, circumstances piled up and Chris got distracted from that,
while nobody else made time to push it in his absence.  Large changes have
gone in, and even more may make it into the Python1 line, but it generally
takes a large or "strategic" user base, and much persistence.  GregS
mentioned his massive work on threads (still not all in), and I'll add the
NumPy extensions (which I wouldn't be surprised to see "mainstreamed"),
BarryW's string methods, and DavidA's rich comparisons.

> Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
> pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
> untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
> strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?

Don't tell, but I've always been surprised at how few people have tried to
release a variant Python!  The Alice version (case-insensitive names, and
1/2==0.5) is the only one that comes to mind, and the primary effect that
had on today's Python is that raw expressions no longer print their value in
non-interactive mode (before Alice,

    1 + 2

on a line by itself caused "3" to get printed even in batch scripts; this
interfered with the Alice team's favored


coding style, and Guido endured much pain to change "the real" Python to
avoid a code split at that early stage of Python's life; ultimately futile,
but then Alice Python didn't catch on anyway).

So there's very little Python-related history to go on here.  I don't mind
seeing variants, but have to predict they won't get very far.  Just picture
what Python 1.6V would look like if its feature set were drawn from a
consensus among you, me, Christian, Greg Ewing, John Skaller and Tom
Christiansen <wink>.

the-value-of-a-benevolent-dictator-is-easy-to-underestimate-ly y'rs - tim

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 19 05:18:47 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:18:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101bf024d$af986240$f72d153f@tim>

> I know that this sounds politically incorrect in a radical free
> software world, but often in the end I find it more convenient to
> conform to the rest of the world and "fit in" than to be different in
> every little way.  Note that my hair isn't blue :-); I've also
> replaced my "signature" glasses with a more conventional model.

!!!  No wonder you tried to slam a conventional license down our throats.
My advice is to get back the old glasses, and walk around the halls at CNRI
counting backwards from 1000 by seventeens loudly and incessantly.

you'd-be-amazed-at-how-few-lawyers-talk-to-me<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From bwarsaw at  Sun Sep 19 09:01:29 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 03:01:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim_one at> writes:

    TP> + "import package.*" is Java's way of spelling "from package
    TP> import *", and because of the preceding is the only way to get
    TP> convenient local names for classes imported from other
    TP> packages (note that can you can never import a package/module
    TP> in Java; you can only import a type name).  So most Java code
    TP> will do the above as

    TP> import java.awt.*;

    TP> and end up importing a gazillion names.  This sucks for the
    TP> same reasons "import *" sucks in Python, although Java catches
    TP> the name conflicts at compile time.

The interesting this is that, while the Java developers did this at
the language level, at the VM level, every class is "fully qualified";
you see the absolute path for every class name.

import pkg.pkg.* is the reason why you still have to have unique named 
classes like PyThinging or JWiggie, and yup it sucks.


From mal at  Fri Sep 17 17:53:38 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:53:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Methods and friends
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > It seems that for every method call the following happens:
> > 1. the method is looked up in the instance dict; this fails
> > 2. the method is looked up in the class dict; this succeeds
> >    and returns a function
> > 3. the class then turns the function into a new unbound method
> > 4. the instance sees the unbound method and creates a new
> >    bound method (deleting the unbound method) and returns it
> Are you sure?  As far as I know, steps 3 and 4 are combined when you
> do getattr on an instance: instance_getattr() calls
> instance_getattr1() which calls class_lookup().  The latter doesn't
> create an unbound method.  instance_getattr1() then turns it into a
> bound method.
Oops. Correct. I should have looked a little closer. So it
already works in the first way I mentioned as improvement... your
time machine again ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   105 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 20 10:59:58 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:59:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000201bf024d$b3213ae0$f72d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [MAL]
> > ...
> > Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
> > i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments.
> The odds of a change making it into Python radically decreased when 1.0 hit
> the net, and have continued to decline (although slowly) since then.  In
> recent years, Guido appears to me to have gotten ever more reluctant to
> entertain even 100% compatible changes to the internals, if they affect a
> delicate area of the implementation (ceval.c is the most obvious one there).
> But that's "normal & healthy" <wink> too.  Languages & implementations get
> brittle with age, and it's eventually better to start over -- if Guido
> didn't have Python2 plans in mind, he'd be the first language designer ever
> to stop where he started!
> > Just think of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience
> > shows that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.
> Unfortunately, circumstances piled up and Chris got distracted from that,
> while nobody else made time to push it in his absence.  Large changes have
> gone in, and even more may make it into the Python1 line, but it generally
> takes a large or "strategic" user base, and much persistence.  GregS
> mentioned his massive work on threads (still not all in), and I'll add the
> NumPy extensions (which I wouldn't be surprised to see "mainstreamed"),
> BarryW's string methods, and DavidA's rich comparisons.

Plus the coercion stuff that's still sleeping in one of my project 
subdirs (I'll have to get this done *before* 1.6 hits the shelves).
> > Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
> > pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
> > untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
> > strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?
> Don't tell, but I've always been surprised at how few people have tried to
> release a variant Python!  The Alice version (case-insensitive names, and
> 1/2==0.5) is the only one that comes to mind, and the primary effect that
> had on today's Python is that raw expressions no longer print their value in
> non-interactive mode (before Alice,
>     1 + 2
> on a line by itself caused "3" to get printed even in batch scripts; this
> interfered with the Alice team's favored
>     object.method1().method2().method3()
> coding style, and Guido endured much pain to change "the real" Python to
> avoid a code split at that early stage of Python's life; ultimately futile,
> but then Alice Python didn't catch on anyway).
> So there's very little Python-related history to go on here.  I don't mind
> seeing variants, but have to predict they won't get very far.  Just picture
> what Python 1.6V would look like if its feature set were drawn from a
> consensus among you, me, Christian, Greg Ewing, John Skaller and Tom
> Christiansen <wink>.

Actually, what I was thinking about here was a Python 2.0 branch
starting now rather than in a year or so and thus leaving much
room for experiments etc. The intention was the same as with egcs
and gcc: to fold the enhancements back into the main branch in a few

E.g. if Guido points us in the right direction, we could start
hacking on that piece of revolutionary work now. 

BTW, I'd suggest using C++ with namespaces but without templates as target
language. By the time Python 2.0 will hit the shelves this setup
should have reached the same portability as C has now. Perhaps we
could even use RTTI (run time type information) to implement optional type
safety... ok, just dreaming a little ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   102 days left
Python Pages:                 

From skip at  Mon Sep 20 17:29:55 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:29:55 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
Message-ID: <>

I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to reclaim circular
dependencies without the programmer explicitly having to do something like
implement a destroy() method and requiring other programmers to (remember
to) call it.  I forget what the current state of affairs is w.r.t. future
memory management in Python.  Not knowing anything much about memory
management, would it be possible to have a sort of mixed ref count/garbage
collection system where you only use the gc stuff as a last resort?  My
thought is that it would be useful to use gc to find and reclaim circular

can-you-tell-I-just-got-bitten-by-a-circular-reference?-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From mal at  Mon Sep 20 19:44:57 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 19:44:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
> I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to reclaim circular
> dependencies without the programmer explicitly having to do something like
> implement a destroy() method and requiring other programmers to (remember
> to) call it.  I forget what the current state of affairs is w.r.t. future
> memory management in Python.  Not knowing anything much about memory
> management, would it be possible to have a sort of mixed ref count/garbage
> collection system where you only use the gc stuff as a last resort?  My
> thought is that it would be useful to use gc to find and reclaim circular
> garbage.
> can-you-tell-I-just-got-bitten-by-a-circular-reference?-ly y'rs

If you don't want to wait until 2.0 becomes GA, you could try weak

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   102 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gward at  Mon Sep 20 19:53:03 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:53:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>; from Skip Montanaro on Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 10:29:55AM -0500
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Not knowing anything much about memory
> management, would it be possible to have a sort of mixed ref count/garbage
> collection system where you only use the gc stuff as a last resort?  My
> thought is that it would be useful to use gc to find and reclaim circular
> garbage.

That's *sorta* what Perl does, 'though you can still be bitten by
circular refs in a long-running process.  Err, long-running thread.  You 
see, Perl has a mark-and-sweep garbage collector which is run only on
thread shutdown.

From gward at  Mon Sep 20 19:57:51 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:57:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Preview of some distutils news
Message-ID: <>

Judging by the recent traffic on python-dev, lots of people here are
interested in the problems of distributing and installing Python
modules.  So I thought y'all might want to know that I've finally got
some interesting news to report on the distutils-sig, and will shortly
be reporting it, soliciting feedback, testers, etc.  If you're not
already on that list, this might be a good time to join.

(Oh, the news?  Distutils can now compile and install NumPy, PIL, and
mxDateTime (just because I happened to have those three distributions
sitting around on my home PC).  Of course there are all sorts of caveats 
and limitations, so c'mon over to the distutils-sig if you want to hear
what they are and discuss how to fix them.  Later this week, of course,
after I've checked in all the relevant code.)

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Mon Sep 20 20:07:03 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:07:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] wet signature form clarification
Message-ID: <>

Several of you have asked me a clarification of the "contribution
description" required on the wet signature form; given that you are
all very prolific contributors with a weak memory, it would be nice if
you could write something like "everything I've contributed until
Sept. 18, 1999" in the space there rather than dig out all the
specific module names.

I got a call from CNRI's lawyer today, and she agreed that this was
fine.  Boy am I pleased today!  I think she called it a "group
description" or something like that.

Anyway, if you were waiting for a ruling on this issue, please send in 
your signed form!  (I'd appreciate it if the signature was dry by the
time I got it. :-)

The form is at

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From tim_one at  Tue Sep 21 08:11:00 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 02:11:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>

[Skip Montanaro]
> I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to
> reclaim circular dependencies without the programmer explicitly
> having to do something ...

This was debated (again) at great length on just a few months ago.
Guido chimed in with a proposal to keep track of only the dicts that have
been allocated, and now and again mark everything reachable from the root
set and nuke whatever dicts don't end up marked.  Cycles involving dicts
would get reclaimed this way, but not cycles not involving dicts.  The
approach to destructors for objects in cycles was "tough -- they don't get
called".  What to do about destructors for objects that are not themselves
involved in cycles but are reachable only from dead cycles (so are in fact
dead too) wasn't addressed.  Seemed possible that stuff reachable from
ordinary dicts (not in a cycle, and neither reachable from a cycle) would
behave differently than today, since the "list of all dicts" may keep the
stuff artificially alive until the next mark+sweep, even if the refcount on
the stuff fell to zero; there's probably an OK way around that, though.

Anyway, Guido was aiming for the minimal changes that could possibly do real
good.  It didn't pretend to reclaim all cycles, and was (IMO) too eager to
punt on the hard issues (the combo of cycles, destructors and resurrection
is a god-awful mess, even in theory; Scheme uses callbacks to dump the
problems back on the users Java has incredibily elaborate rules that are
both bulletproof and unusable; the Boehm collector lets objects with
destructors that are in cycles simply leak, rather than do a wrong thing;
Stroustrup has flip-flopped and most recently argued for Guido's "reclaim
the memory but don't call the destructors" approach, but a member of the C++
committee told me he's overwhelmingly opposed on this one (I know I would
oppose it)).

In any case, nothing has come of it, and no easy principled solution is in
sight.  OTOH, if Guido balks at explaining what "__" means to 12-year-olds,
wait until he tries to explain immortal cyclic trash <wink>.

Perl scores points for its brute-force end-of-thread M&S, but I believe
complex user-level data structures are much rarer in Perl, simply due to the
clumsiness of the syntax and explicit reference model.  Perl's version of
"nested functions" don't actually nest (all "def"s are floated to the top
level by the compiler, regardless of how deeply they're nested), so Perl's
lexical closures don't create cyclic trash either (well, they do, but in the
same sense there's a cycle between a Python module namespace and the
functions in that module -- Perl also special-cases the snot out of those
and busts those cycles by brute force).

So there you go!  It needs to be solved and nobody has a clue <wink>.

    dumped-it-on-the-jvm-by-now-ly y'rs  - tim

From mal at  Tue Sep 21 11:05:05 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:05:05 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Skip Montanaro]
> > I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to
> > reclaim circular dependencies without the programmer explicitly
> > having to do something ...
> This was debated (again) at great length on just a few months ago.
> Guido chimed in with a proposal to keep track of only the dicts that have
> been allocated, and now and again mark everything reachable from the root
> set and nuke whatever dicts don't end up marked.  Cycles involving dicts
> would get reclaimed this way, but not cycles not involving dicts.  The
> approach to destructors for objects in cycles was "tough -- they don't get
> called".  What to do about destructors for objects that are not themselves
> involved in cycles but are reachable only from dead cycles (so are in fact
> dead too) wasn't addressed.  Seemed possible that stuff reachable from
> ordinary dicts (not in a cycle, and neither reachable from a cycle) would
> behave differently than today, since the "list of all dicts" may keep the
> stuff artificially alive until the next mark+sweep, even if the refcount on
> the stuff fell to zero; there's probably an OK way around that, though.

You could probably tackle the problem by doing local mark&sweep whenever
the ref count on a dictionary falls down to 1 (meaning that it is only
referenced from the list of all dicts). This is what I do in mxProxy's
weak reference implementation and to my surprise it solved all those
strange situations where objects are kept alive longer than they
would have normally.
> Anyway, Guido was aiming for the minimal changes that could possibly do real
> good.  It didn't pretend to reclaim all cycles, and was (IMO) too eager to
> punt on the hard issues (the combo of cycles, destructors and resurrection
> is a god-awful mess, even in theory; Scheme uses callbacks to dump the
> problems back on the users Java has incredibily elaborate rules that are
> both bulletproof and unusable; the Boehm collector lets objects with
> destructors that are in cycles simply leak, rather than do a wrong thing;
> Stroustrup has flip-flopped and most recently argued for Guido's "reclaim
> the memory but don't call the destructors" approach, but a member of the C++
> committee told me he's overwhelmingly opposed on this one (I know I would
> oppose it)).

Not calling the destructor will cause leakage in all objects
allocating extra storage, such as lists, instances and
probably just about any dynamically sized object there is in
Python... solving the problem only half way. Plus you will
definitely run into trouble as soon as external resources
are involved, e.g. open files or connections to databases.

Perhaps we should give more power to the user instead of trying
to give him fuzzy feelings about what's happening underneath
the hood. Builtin weak references or other indirect ways
of accessing objects (e.g. by giving unique names to the
involved objects) can solve many of those circ. ref. problems.

BTW, I usually use an instrumented Python interpreter to track
down circular references: it uses a tracing hook in the 
allocation/deallocation code of Python instances which is used
when Python is run in debugging mode (python -d). The hook
calls a function sys.traceinstances (if present) which allows
me to keep a track record of all allocated instances:

def traceinstances(action,inst):

    """ Tracing hook. This is called whenever an instances is created
        and destroyed. action is either 'create' or 'delete'; inst
	points to the instance object.

If anyone is interested I can post the patch (against Python 1.5).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   101 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 21 15:13:19 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 09:13:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:05:05 +0200."
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>  
Message-ID: <>

> Not calling the destructor will cause leakage in all objects
> allocating extra storage, such as lists, instances and
> probably just about any dynamically sized object there is in
> Python... solving the problem only half way. Plus you will
> definitely run into trouble as soon as external resources
> are involved, e.g. open files or connections to databases.

If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
course be called.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Tue Sep 21 17:33:31 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 10:33:31 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

    Marc> BTW, I usually use an instrumented Python interpreter to track
    Marc> down circular references: ...

    Marc> If anyone is interested I can post the patch (against Python 1.5).

That would be interesting to look at.  I found my latest circular reference
by building Python with Py_DEBUG defined and trudging through the output at
the end.

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From mal at  Tue Sep 21 18:23:53 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 18:23:53 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Marc> BTW, I usually use an instrumented Python interpreter to track
>     Marc> down circular references: ...
>     Marc> If anyone is interested I can post the patch (against Python 1.5).
> That would be interesting to look at.  I found my latest circular reference
> by building Python with Py_DEBUG defined and trudging through the output at
> the end.

Here it is:

--- Objects/orig/classobject.c	Thu Jan  1 20:39:04 1998
+++ Objects/classobject.c	Sat Aug  8 21:38:57 1998
@@ -403,10 +588,37 @@ PyInstance_New(class, arg, kw)
 				inst = NULL;
+	/* sys.traceinstances hook */
+	if (Py_DebugFlag && inst) {
+		PyObject *fct;
+		fct = PySys_GetObject("traceinstances");
+		if (fct) {
+			PyObject *v,*arg;
+			PyObject *error_type, *error_value, *error_traceback;
+			/* Save and clear any exception */
+			PyErr_Fetch(&error_type,&error_value, 
+				    &error_traceback);
+			PyErr_Clear();
+			arg = Py_BuildValue("(sO)","create",(PyObject *)inst);
+			v = PyEval_CallObject(fct,arg);
+			Py_DECREF(arg);
+			if (!v) {
+				PyErr_Print();
+				PyErr_Clear();
+			}
+			else
+				Py_DECREF(v);
+			/* Restore exception state */
+			PyErr_Restore(error_type,error_value,
+				      error_traceback);
+		}
+	}
 	return (PyObject *)inst;
 /* Instance methods */
@@ -460,10 +672,31 @@ instance_dealloc(inst)
+	/* sys.traceinstances hook */
+	if (Py_DebugFlag) {
+		PyObject *fct;
+		fct = PySys_GetObject("traceinstances");
+		if (fct) {
+			PyObject *v,*arg;
+			/* Clear any previous exception */
+			PyErr_Clear();
+			arg = Py_BuildValue("(sO)","delete",(PyObject *)inst);
+			v = PyEval_CallObject(fct,arg);
+			Py_DECREF(arg);
+			if (!v) {
+				PyErr_Print();
+				PyErr_Clear();
+			}
+			else
+				Py_DECREF(v);
+		}
+	}
 	/* Restore the saved exception and undo the temporary revival */
 	PyErr_Restore(error_type, error_value, error_traceback);
 	/* Can't use DECREF here, it would cause a recursive call */
 	if (--inst->ob_refcnt > 0) {

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   101 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Tue Sep 21 18:43:22 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 18:43:22 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Not calling the destructor will cause leakage in all objects
> > allocating extra storage, such as lists, instances and
> > probably just about any dynamically sized object there is in
> > Python... solving the problem only half way. Plus you will
> > definitely run into trouble as soon as external resources
> > are involved, e.g. open files or connections to databases.
> If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
> methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
> unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
> course be called.

Ok, so low-stuff will not break. But what about e.g. wrappers
around these low-level (C-level) objects written in Python, e.g.
database abstraction classes ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   101 days left
Python Pages:                 

From tim_one at  Wed Sep 22 07:56:05 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 01:56:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000801bf04bf$287e6560$342d153f@tim>

[Guido van Rossum]
> If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
> methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
> unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
> course be called.

Seems to me that the dependencies among to-be-deleted arbitrary C objects
are equally unknown to the collector.  Assuming there's a fundamental
difference between objects implemented in Python and objects implemented in
C seems shaky on the face of it.  Or if it's not just a convenient
assumption, on what is it based?

and-what-about-objects-implemented-in-fortran<wink>?-ly y'rs  - tim

From mal at  Wed Sep 22 14:47:03 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 14:47:03 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
Message-ID: <>

Hi everybody,

I'm currently busy converting my code to use mx.DateTime instead
of just DateTime and must say that this is a real pain. Now instead
of reviving the __ discussion I'd like to turn to what could be
a workable compromise (I think Jim proposed something along these
lines already and there was similar code in

The proposal is really only an addition to the lookup scheme
used by the importer. No additional syntax is involved and
best of all, it is backward compatible...

The current lookup does the following if you want to import
a module E from module A.B.C.D:

1. check A.B.C.E
2. check E
3. fail

Now instead of failing we could add a lookup method that
walks up the package structure:

3. check A.B.E
4. check A.E
[5. check E -- already done]
6. fail

so that the complete scheme looks like this:

1. check A.B.C.E
2. check E
3. check A.B.E
4. check A.E
[5. check E -- already done]
6. fail

That way I could leave intra-mx-package imports untouched and still
have the convenience of achieving the goal of making my mx
subpackages work in the mx context *plus* in the top-level
context thus allowing a backward compatible and flexible setup
for mx* users.

Note that the scheme finds exactly the same modules it did
previously, plus perhaps some more (which is intended), and
it does not involve any search path hacks.

How is that for a compromise ? [Ducking for cover ;-)]

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   100 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 22 15:12:40 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:12:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> The current lookup does the following if you want to import
> a module E from module A.B.C.D:
> 1. check A.B.C.E
> 2. check E
> 3. fail
> Now instead of failing we could add a lookup method that
> walks up the package structure:
> 3. check A.B.E
> 4. check A.E
> [5. check E -- already done]
> 6. fail
> so that the complete scheme looks like this:
> 1. check A.B.C.E
> 2. check E
> 3. check A.B.E
> 4. check A.E
> [5. check E -- already done]
> 6. fail
> That way I could leave intra-mx-package imports untouched and
> still have the convenience of achieving the goal of making my mx
> subpackages work in the mx context *plus* in the top-level
> context thus allowing a backward compatible and flexible setup
> for mx* users.

Comment 1: You're just giving yourself headaches by allowing 
your users to install mx in anything other than the prescribed 

Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for 
consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight 
up the tree, instead of checking the root second.

- Gordon

From jim at  Wed Sep 22 15:19:58 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:19:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
			<> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> Skip Montanaro wrote:
> >
> >     Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've
> >     Gordon> got that down to
> >
> > Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
> > verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?

Optional module...  Good idea.

But it is easier to use freeze within the optional module.  So I
wrote a "boot" built in module, where bootmodule.c is
created by the Python program  All this lives in
./Modules.  Boot incorporates exceptions.pyc etc. as frozen modules
without breaking the current freeze feature.  I changed pythonrun.c
to load "boot" after sys but before any other imports, but only if
it exists as a built in module, otherwise no error.  Boot has
methods to turn it on and off, and to print its contents.

Please take a look at

I think this is a good solution for how to build in

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 22 16:53:55 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 10:53:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 22 Sep 1999 01:56:05 EDT."
References: <000801bf04bf$287e6560$342d153f@tim> 
Message-ID: <>

> [Guido van Rossum]
> > If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
> > methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
> > unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
> > course be called.

> Seems to me that the dependencies among to-be-deleted arbitrary C objects
> are equally unknown to the collector.  Assuming there's a fundamental
> difference between objects implemented in Python and objects implemented in
> C seems shaky on the face of it.  Or if it's not just a convenient
> assumption, on what is it based?

My assumption was based on the standard Python objects.  Cycles
necessarily have to include dictionaries or lists (modules, classes
and instances link to each other through dictionaries; ditto for
function objects; i'm crossing my fingers here for stack frame and
traceback objects :-) and I can do things to these to get rid of the
links without getting rid of the objects: del L[:] or D.clear().

Third party C objects might have interdependencies similar to those
found in Python instances, but my gut feeling is that these aren't as
problematic -- e.g. interdependencies between C modules are rare
(because the machinery is cumbersome) while they are common between
Python modules; and C code isn't susceptible to the problems that
Python destructors encounter when the modules they import have already 
been destroyed.

I know, it's an unusual amount of handwaving...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From mal at  Wed Sep 22 17:13:06 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 17:13:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > The current lookup does the following if you want to import
> > a module E from module A.B.C.D:
> >
> > 1. check A.B.C.E
> > 2. check E
> > 3. fail
> >
> > Now instead of failing we could add a lookup method that
> > walks up the package structure:
> >
> > 3. check A.B.E
> > 4. check A.E
> > [5. check E -- already done]
> > 6. fail
> >
> > so that the complete scheme looks like this:
> >
> > 1. check A.B.C.E
> > 2. check E
> > 3. check A.B.E
> > 4. check A.E
> > [5. check E -- already done]
> > 6. fail
> >
> > That way I could leave intra-mx-package imports untouched and
> > still have the convenience of achieving the goal of making my mx
> > subpackages work in the mx context *plus* in the top-level
> > context thus allowing a backward compatible and flexible setup
> > for mx* users.
> Comment 1: You're just giving yourself headaches by allowing
> your users to install mx in anything other than the prescribed
> manner.

Actually, I'm trying to provide them a way to smoothly switch
from the old setup to the new one. This includes myself, of
course ;-). 

> Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for
> consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight
> up the tree, instead of checking the root second.

That would probably break code because the search could
find some other module having the same name as a top-level
one. OTOH, perhaps that situation is not all the common to
fear too much about it.

Walking up all the way would certainly be easier to explain to
a 12-year old ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   100 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 22 17:51:49 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 11:51:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 22 Sep 1999 17:13:06 +0200."
References: <>  
Message-ID: <>

> > Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for
> > consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight
> > up the tree, instead of checking the root second.
> That would probably break code because the search could
> find some other module having the same name as a top-level
> one. OTOH, perhaps that situation is not all the common to
> fear too much about it.
> Walking up all the way would certainly be easier to explain to
> a 12-year old ;-)

Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
pretty safe here!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jim at  Wed Sep 22 18:25:25 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 12:25:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > > Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for
> > > consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight
> > > up the tree, instead of checking the root second.
> >
> > That would probably break code because the search could
> > find some other module having the same name as a top-level
> > one. OTOH, perhaps that situation is not all the common to
> > fear too much about it.
> >
> > Walking up all the way would certainly be easier to explain to
> > a 12-year old ;-)
> Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
> not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
> name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
> pretty safe here!

Walking straight up the tree is my preference.  I think it is
very natural.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From gward at  Wed Sep 22 19:26:12 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:26:12 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>; from Guido van Rossum on Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 11:51:49AM -0400
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
> not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
> name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
> pretty safe here!

Especially since doing so doesn't work: for example, the
distutils.errors module started life as distutils.exceptions.  That
changed pretty quickly, once I realized why putting

   import exceptions

into other distutils modules didn't work -- obviously it didn't find my
distutils.exceptions.  Arguably I should have used an absolute import,
but what the heck.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From mal at  Fri Sep 24 11:10:59 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 11:10:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 22 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> > Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
> > not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
> > name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
> > pretty safe here!
> Especially since doing so doesn't work: for example, the
> distutils.errors module started life as distutils.exceptions.  That
> changed pretty quickly, once I realized why putting
>    import exceptions
> into other distutils modules didn't work -- obviously it didn't find my
> distutils.exceptions.  Arguably I should have used an absolute import,
> but what the heck.

Wow, so many positive answers -- not bad after that last round of
relative imports ;-)

Ok, then I'll use the walk-me-up approach. That'll be coded
into a PathImporter class I'm writing for imputil which will
try to mimic the standard behaviour as much as possible (to be
released in a few weeks after my vacation).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   100 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mhammond at  Fri Sep 24 14:36:10 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 22:36:10 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501bf0689$63614af0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> try to mimic the standard behaviour as much as possible (to be
> released in a few weeks after my vacation).

no no Marc - you should know the rules by now - you release it mere
hours _before_ your vacation :-)  Enjoy!


From mal at  Sun Sep 26 21:34:15 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 21:34:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <000501bf0689$63614af0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> > try to mimic the standard behaviour as much as possible (to be
> > released in a few weeks after my vacation).
> no no Marc - you should know the rules by now - you release it mere
> hours _before_ your vacation :-)  Enjoy!

Ya, well ;-) I'll try my best... I already have something working
but it doesn't do the win32 + mac magic yet because that'll require
some additions to the builtin imp module. Also, I found that it
is rather slow when compared to the builtin one. Caches can
speed this up a little, but I still haven't achieved the same

BTW, while hacking along I found a few things that might be worth
discussing w/r to a general import hook scheme:

Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining technique.
Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain for already
loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be loaded more than

Also, there are at least two types of hooks:

1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source 

2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched

Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by
the second, the simple chaining method probably won't be
powerful enough to handle it.

I think what we really need is a set of register/deregister
APIs + some framework to differentiate between the two
hook types (and possibly other variants).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 27 12:19:25 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:19:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <000501bf0689$63614af0$0801a8c0@bobcat> <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> BTW, while hacking along I found a few things that might be worth
> discussing w/r to a general import hook scheme:
> Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining technique.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain for already
> loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be loaded more than
> once.
> Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by
> the second, the simple chaining method probably won't be
> powerful enough to handle it.
> I think what we really need is a set of register/deregister
> APIs + some framework to differentiate between the two
> hook types (and possibly other variants).

Another quirk that I think needs fixing:

When I issues an import:

	import mx.DateTime

the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
the start of the import. It is not possible to install a different
importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of the
import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime).
I think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
(this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the
import of subsequent elements in the dotted name.

Aside: Perhaps this is getting too technical for this list... should
I start an egroups mailing list for defining a new and more
flexible import mechanism ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Mon Sep 27 18:53:30 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:53:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
[msg 1]
> Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> loaded more than once.

I was hoping Greg would jump in, but since he hasn't -

You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old 
style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the 
actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the 

> Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> enough to handle it.

The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides 
a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources, 
and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the 
key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when 
appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.
[msg 2]
> Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> When I issues an import:
>  import mx.DateTime
> the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> of subsequent elements in the dotted name.

Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a 
dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it 
puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.

This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie, 
one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be 
careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain, 
(ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path 
search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly 
determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx" 

- Gordon

From mal at  Tue Sep 28 00:59:57 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 00:59:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> [msg 1]
> > Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> > technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> > for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> > loaded more than once.
> I was hoping Greg would jump in, but since he hasn't -
> You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old
> style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the
> actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the
> hook.

I know, but there still is no way to query what kind of hooks
are already loaded and what is worse, you cannot unload or reorder
them. I'd suggest using a list of hooks which are then
traversed in the order they appear in the list, e.g.

__importers__ = [DirectoryImporter('/usr/local/lib/python1.5'),

This also has the advantage of being able to easily query
the importers during debugging and eliminates the need to
have a predefined attribute naming scheme (such as the one imputil

> > Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> >
> > 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> >
> > 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> >
> > Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> > second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> > enough to handle it.
> The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides
> a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources,
> and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the
> key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when
> appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.

It does a good job at this, but doesn't really separate
lookup and loading of code too well. Everything is packaged
into one single method (.get_code()) which is not always
flexible enough, e.g. it wasn't possible to implement the
walk-up-the-dotted-name scheme using modifications to
.get_code() alone.

Also, I can see many uses where you combine a lookup
hook (e.g. for loading modules across the web) with
a filtering hook (e.g. one which checks a module signature).

This should go into the framework as well, IMHO...
e.g. by having two methods .find_code() and .make_module()
(like the builtin importer).

> [msg 2]
> > Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> >
> > When I issues an import:
> >
> >  import mx.DateTime
> >
> > the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> > the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> > different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> > the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> > think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> > (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> > of subsequent elements in the dotted name.
> Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a
> dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it
> puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.

The problem is that the special importer has to be installed
*prior* to doing the mx.DateTime import, because otherwise
the importer will not take control over the DateTime subpackage
(unless I tell it to do so explicitly, which is not really
what I want to have to do).

> This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie,
> one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be
> careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain,
> (ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path
> search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly
> determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx"
> namespace.

Exactly... and this brings us back to the importer list
I mentioned above.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gstein at  Tue Sep 28 23:57:34 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:57:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Gordon McMillan wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> [msg 1]
> > Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> > technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> > for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> > loaded more than once.
> I was hoping Greg would jump in, but since he hasn't -

I'm in a middle of a move back to CA. Unpacking now...

> You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old 
> style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the 
> actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the 
> hook.

Quite true. The chaining is simply an artifact of what has been installed
as the import hook. I've always envisioned the potential for a "Importer
Manager" that installs just like any other hook, but provides higher-level
functions for importers to install themselves. The manager simply
delegates the get_code() function to the sub-importers. Of course, the
manager could use whatever technique to improve the speed of Importer

With respect to speed, I think the main point is to realize that the
imputil technique is not inherently slow. It just depends on how you
design your Importer subclasses -- do you install one or a hundred

The imputil scheme is more about simplifying how people hook into the
process (implement get_code() rather than a load/import combo). It also
provides a simple capability (chaining) to allow *multiple* hooks to be

> > Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> > 
> > 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> > 
> > 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched

Just one way -- your second is a variant of the first. "other data source"
is a functional superset which includes searching. Importers don't simply
alter searching -- they must perform the actual import (from wherever).

This is the big change in mindset from the "ihooks" method -- find it and
import it on the spot. The net effect is an Importer either imports a
module or it doesn't (and the system can fallback to try another

[ one the examples that people always like to specify was importing via
URL which was actually quite difficult to use in the old scheme -- how do
you separate an HTTP GET into a find/load step? Effectively, you had to
double-fetch, or you had to place the whole module (which you retrieved
during the find step) into your context for passing to the load. The other
issue was the distinct semantics also implied that you could separate the
functions -- I believe that to be quite unnecessary functionality. ]

> > Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> > second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> > enough to handle it.
> The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides 
> a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources, 
> and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the 
> key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when 
> appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.

Very true!

> [msg 2]
> > Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> > 
> > When I issues an import:
> > 
> >  import mx.DateTime
> > 
> > the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> > the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> > different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> > the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> > think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> > (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> > of subsequent elements in the dotted name.
> Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a 
> dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it 
> puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.

Gordon's on top of it here... :-)  Yes, it is simply a matter of
perspective on the import process. An importer does not have to be a
static entity. It also can be much more than a way to search a path... it
can be highly dynamic and flexible. Whatever you like. Just implement
get_code() to map a module "mx.DateTime" to a code/module object. There
are a bazillion ways to do that :-)

> This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie, 
> one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be 
> careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain, 
> (ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path 
> search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly 
> determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx" 
> namespace.

Part of the Importer work was done to satisfy importing modules from the
COM+ namespace. I wanted to be able to say "import". The
importer would handle all "COM." imports and delegate the "" to the
underlying Python/COM framework.

In other words... yes, the Importer scheme should work *very* well for
the "whatever...." type of module namespace.


Greg Stein,

From da at  Wed Sep 29 02:02:20 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 17:02:20 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package
 Imports) (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating
> Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.
> It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be
> happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private
> mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).

I then asked him for a copy stating:

> If you send it to me, I can OCR it and make it available online.

and he generously sent it to me.  The problem is that I hadn't noticed the
length of the manuscript.  It's over a hundred pages, and the copy is nth
generation, making OCR pretty much useless.

So, if anyone wants a copy, I can make and send copies (which would make
most sense for folks in the US -- sending things from France isn't cheap).

So far, it's good reading.  Funny to see "file name" in quotes in the


From mal at  Wed Sep 29 12:47:08 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 12:47:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > [msg 1]
> > > Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> > > technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> > > for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> > > loaded more than once.
> > You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old
> > style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the
> > actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the
> > hook.
> Quite true. The chaining is simply an artifact of what has been installed
> as the import hook. I've always envisioned the potential for a "Importer
> Manager" that installs just like any other hook, but provides higher-level
> functions for importers to install themselves. The manager simply
> delegates the get_code() function to the sub-importers. Of course, the
> manager could use whatever technique to improve the speed of Importer
> selection.
> With respect to speed, I think the main point is to realize that the
> imputil technique is not inherently slow. It just depends on how you
> design your Importer subclasses -- do you install one or a hundred
> Importers?
> The imputil scheme is more about simplifying how people hook into the
> process (implement get_code() rather than a load/import combo). It also
> provides a simple capability (chaining) to allow *multiple* hooks to be
> installed.

As I wrote in my reply to Gordon, this setup has some drawbacks
which an "Import Manager" could easily solve, e.g. by using a
list of importers.
> > > Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> > >
> > > 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> > >
> > > 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> Just one way -- your second is a variant of the first. "other data source"
> is a functional superset which includes searching. Importers don't simply
> alter searching -- they must perform the actual import (from wherever).

Yes, I was just argueing for two types of functionality, not the
old scheme. E.g. the Import Manager could provide a set of
filters which implement signature checks or know how to un-gzip
code plus a set of lookup functions for scanning directories 
or zip archives.

I would like the importers to take advantage of such functionality.
Of course, all of this could be implemented in form of classes
which the importers then use as mixin classes.
> This is the big change in mindset from the "ihooks" method -- find it and
> import it on the spot. The net effect is an Importer either imports a
> module or it doesn't (and the system can fallback to try another
> Importer).
> [ one the examples that people always like to specify was importing via
> URL which was actually quite difficult to use in the old scheme -- how do
> you separate an HTTP GET into a find/load step? Effectively, you had to
> double-fetch, or you had to place the whole module (which you retrieved
> during the find step) into your context for passing to the load. The other
> issue was the distinct semantics also implied that you could separate the
> functions -- I believe that to be quite unnecessary functionality. ]

.get_code() is fine for these kind of tasks, but there are
some other areas (such as lazy imports) which work better
using the split setup. This is pretty easy to implement btw,
just have the Import Manager check whether the importer provides
.get_code() and then have it revert to using .find_module(),
.load_module() if it doesn't.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of an
Import Manager instead of the chaining approach.

> > > Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> > > second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> > > enough to handle it.
> >
> > The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides
> > a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources,
> > and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the
> > key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when
> > appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.
> Very true!
> > [msg 2]
> > > Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> > >
> > > When I issues an import:
> > >
> > >  import mx.DateTime
> > >
> > > the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> > > the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> > > different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> > > the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> > > think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> > > (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> > > of subsequent elements in the dotted name.
> >
> > Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a
> > dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it
> > puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.
> Gordon's on top of it here... :-)  Yes, it is simply a matter of
> perspective on the import process. An importer does not have to be a
> static entity. It also can be much more than a way to search a path... it
> can be highly dynamic and flexible. Whatever you like. Just implement
> get_code() to map a module "mx.DateTime" to a code/module object. There
> are a bazillion ways to do that :-)

Except that they don't work due to the fact that the
builtin importer is not recursively using __import__ for the imports.
An Import Manager would help with this too :-)
> > This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie,
> > one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be
> > careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain,
> > (ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path
> > search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly
> > determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx"
> > namespace.
> Part of the Importer work was done to satisfy importing modules from the
> COM+ namespace. I wanted to be able to say "import". The
> importer would handle all "COM." imports and delegate the "" to the
> underlying Python/COM framework.
> In other words... yes, the Importer scheme should work *very* well for
> the "whatever...." type of module namespace.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Wed Sep 29 15:59:11 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 09:59:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> I know, but there still is no way to query what kind of hooks
> are already loaded and what is worse, you cannot unload or reorder
> them.

I think this is a valid point.  I am interested in hooks to read
modules from a file archive.  If you are a developer, it is
necessary to turn this hook OFF, so that you can revert to the
usual directory tree where your current source is.

I am solving this by leaving a global variable "Importer" in
sitecustomize, and calling sitecustomize.Importer.enable(0).
This works, but it might be useful if imputil could de-install
a hook as well as install it.

Jim Ahlstrom

From mhammond at  Thu Sep 30 02:16:44 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:16:44 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
Message-ID: <007d01bf0ad5$14b6cf60$0801a8c0@bobcat>

A little thought I have had a few times now, so it is time to pass it
on for comment.

Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:

	import getopt
		opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:")
	except getopt.error, why:
			print why
			print usage % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0],))

Every single time.  I have never used getopt without this code.

How about we put this functionality into getopt itself?

It could be triggered either by adding a new "usage" param defaulting
to None, or by adding a new entry point.  ie:

	opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)
	opts, args = getopt.getoptex(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)

I know it is fairly trivial, but IMO is such a useful module and the
pattern is used so regularly that is seems to make sense to add it.

Any thoughts?  If it is seen favourably, how should we spell it?


From mal at  Thu Sep 30 09:29:24 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 09:29:24 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <007d01bf0ad5$14b6cf60$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> A little thought I have had a few times now, so it is time to pass it
> on for comment.
> Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:
>         import getopt
>         try:
>                 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:")
>         except getopt.error, why:
>                         print why
>                         print usage % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0],))
>                         sys.exit(1)
> Every single time.  I have never used getopt without this code.
> How about we put this functionality into getopt itself?
> It could be triggered either by adding a new "usage" param defaulting
> to None, or by adding a new entry point.  ie:
>         opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)
> or
>         opts, args = getopt.getoptex(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)
> I know it is fairly trivial, but IMO is such a useful module and the
> pattern is used so regularly that is seems to make sense to add it.
> Any thoughts?  If it is seen favourably, how should we spell it?

Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
like which is included in mxDateTime ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    92 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mhammond at  Thu Sep 30 12:09:53 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:09:53 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:

> Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> like which is included in mxDateTime ?

Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)

A higher level interface would maybe be handy, but it simply occurred
to me that every time I used the module I used that pattern.  I just
got sick of typing it all the time and wondered if it struck a chord
with anyone else (and I dont have or use a general purpose "mhutil"
module :-)  Im really just trying to save myself 10 lines of
boilerplate coding, not introduce a new standard module :-)


From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Thu Sep 30 13:46:48 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 12:46:48 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <> from "David Ascher" at "Sep 28, 99 05:02:20 pm"
Message-ID: <>

David Ascher wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> > 
> > Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating
> > Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.
> > 
> > It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be
> > happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private
> > mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).
> I then asked him for a copy stating:
> > If you send it to me, I can OCR it and make it available online.
> and he generously sent it to me.  The problem is that I hadn't noticed the
> length of the manuscript.  It's over a hundred pages, and the copy is nth
> generation, making OCR pretty much useless.

If I find some spare time, I'll do it. This paper is a classic in Comp Sci
that we kindly invite our students to read. In research language, we say that
Saltzer has made "the turn around the clock" regarding this issue, putting
a period on it (i.e. there's hardly something more to say).

It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and
to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy
proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some
weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope
to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise
which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives
the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).

> So, if anyone wants a copy, I can make and send copies (which would make
> most sense for folks in the US -- sending things from France isn't cheap).

I have 2 more copies lying around, ready to be sent. Give me an adress.
The first 2 adresses win a hard copy, no matter the location (don't worry
about mail costs.)

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From mal at  Thu Sep 30 13:22:27 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:22:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> > > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:
> > Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> > like which is included in mxDateTime ?
> Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)
> A higher level interface would maybe be handy, but it simply occurred
> to me that every time I used the module I used that pattern.  I just
> got sick of typing it all the time and wondered if it struck a chord
> with anyone else (and I dont have or use a general purpose "mhutil"
> module :-)  Im really just trying to save myself 10 lines of
> boilerplate coding, not introduce a new standard module :-)

Just a thought :-)

I wrote the for pretty much the same reason: I
have quite a few command line apps lying in my bin/ dir and
they all did some kind of getopt/sys.argv tricks to handle
the input... way to confusing and not easy to maintain. So I
decided to take an OO-approach to have them use the same
interface with nice help output and to reduce the coding effort.

As an example taken from mxDateTime:

#!/usr/local/bin/python -u

""" Simple Forking Alarm

    Sample Application for DateTime types and CommandLine. Only works
    on OSes which support os.fork().

    Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg, mailto:mal at
import time,sys,os
from mx.DateTime import *
from CommandLine import Application,ArgumentOption

class Alarm(Application):

    header = "Simple Forking Alarm"
    options = [ArgumentOption('-s',
                              'set the alarm to now + arg seconds'),
                              'set the alarm to now + arg minutes'),
                              'set the alarm to ring at arg (hh:mm)'),
    version = '0.1'

    def main(self):

        atime = now() + (self.values['-s'] or 
                         self.values['-m'] * 60 or 
                         self.values['-h'] * 3600) * oneSecond
        abs = self.values['-a']
        if abs:
            atime = strptime(abs,'%H:%M',today(second=0))
        if atime < now():
            print 'Alarm time has expired...'
        print 'Alarm will ring at',atime
        if not os.fork():
            time.sleep((atime - now()).seconds)

def alarm():

    """ Ring alarm
    for i in range(10):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here's the help output this produces:

/home/lemburg> alarm -h
Simple Forking Alarm

 alarm [option] files...

Options and default settings:
  -s arg       set the alarm to now + arg seconds
  -m arg       set the alarm to now + arg minutes
  -a arg       set the alarm to ring at arg (hh:mm)
  -h           show this help text
  --help       show this help text
  --copyright  show copyright
  --examples   show examples of usage


Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    92 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 30 14:31:04 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:31:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 30 Sep 1999 12:46:48 BST."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

I've started reading the paper and agree that it's very good!

> It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and
> to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy
> proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some
> weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope
> to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise
> which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives
> the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).

I'd like to hear what those weaknesses are in your eyes.  I can think
of two areas myself: (1) sys.path, $PYTHONPATH etc.; (2)
class/instance attributes in the context of subclassing and evolution
of the base class.  (I don't expect the paper to take a stance on
nested scopes.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 30 14:35:23 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:35:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:22:27 +0200."
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>  
Message-ID: <>

> > > > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:

> > > Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> > > like which is included in mxDateTime ?

> > Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)

> I wrote the for pretty much the same reason:

Marc-Andre, you're not hearing what Mark is saying.  He wants a change
to the standard library, and he knows that small additions to existing
modules there stand a better chance of adoption than new modules.

I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it 
getopt_or_die().  If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).

Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From fredrik at  Thu Sep 30 15:22:58 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 15:22:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Perl 6, Topaz, and exploding kidneys
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat> <>
Message-ID: <007501bf0b46$eb2f38e0$>

as reported on slashdot:

(topaz is also the code name for our "rewrite
Tkinter in Python", but that's another story ;-)


From gward at  Thu Sep 30 16:15:50 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:15:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
In-Reply-To: <>; from Guido van Rossum on Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 08:35:23AM -0400
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> Marc-Andre, you're not hearing what Mark is saying.  He wants a change
> to the standard library, and he knows that small additions to existing
> modules there stand a better chance of adoption than new modules.
> I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it 
> getopt_or_die().

Gasp!  Guido hath drunk from the poisoned well of the Great Camel and it 
doth infest his thinking!  "or die" indeed -- not an idiom I've seen
since the last time I wrote some Perl code (umm, last week?).

> If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
> one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
> latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).
> Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
> extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

Whatever we call it, it should be able to take an explicit argument
list, and only default to sys.argv[1:].  What if I want to parse options
from an environment variable or a config file?  I also like the "don't
clobber sys.argv, but return the modified version instead" model -- it's 
nice to keep a pristine copy of the original argument list!

Another problem with getopt is that it doesn't correlate long and short
options.  I wrote distutils.fancy_getopt (download your copy today!
hurry, don't delay -- at this price, it WON'T LAST LONG!) to address
this, and to maybe someday do something with help text.

On the other hand, don't listen to me -- I tend to write mammoth,
bloated, all-singing, all-dancing command-line parsing modules for every 
new language I encounter.  They get more insane with each iteration.  I
have yet to top my Getopt::Tabular for Perl, though; see

if you've ever wondered how far this sort of thing can be taken in a
high-level, dynamically typed language.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From fredrik at  Thu Sep 30 16:18:15 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:18:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>             <>  <>
Message-ID: <00b301bf0b4e$a3ac5cc0$>

> I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it 
> getopt_or_die().  If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
> one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
> latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).
> Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
> extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

sounds reasonable.  what are you waiting for ;-)


From mal at  Thu Sep 30 17:28:31 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 17:28:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [Mark]
> > > > > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:
> [Marc-Andre]
> > > > Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> > > > like which is included in mxDateTime ?
> [Mark]
> > > Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)
> [Marc-Andre]
> > I wrote the for pretty much the same reason:
> Marc-Andre, you're not hearing what Mark is saying.  He wants a change
> to the standard library, and he knows that small additions to existing
> modules there stand a better chance of adoption than new modules.

Oh, I did get the idea... just wanted to plug my module here in a
take-it-or-leave-it way ;-) I usually put such things into
my lib/ dir for Python to find -- no need to make them a standard.

> I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it
> getopt_or_die().  If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
> one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
> latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).
> Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
> extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

Better not: it's sometimes very useful to call the main(args) function
of a script in interactive mode which then passes the args list to
getopt(). How about adding something like:

def getoptex(...,args=None,helptext='Read the source, Luke ;-)'):
   if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:]

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    92 days left
Python Pages:                 

From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Thu Sep 30 21:24:53 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:24:53 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Guido van Rossum" at "Sep 30, 99 08:31:04 am"
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I've started reading the paper and agree that it's very good!
> > It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and
> > to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy
> > proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some
> > weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope
> > to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise
> > which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives
> > the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).
> I'd like to hear what those weaknesses are in your eyes.  I can think
> of two areas myself: (1) sys.path, $PYTHONPATH etc.; (2)
> class/instance attributes in the context of subclassing and evolution
> of the base class.

(2) subsumes (1).

> (I don't expect the paper to take a stance on nested scopes.)

But we can.

I can't make the time for this right now and I apologize. This subject
deserves more attention and I can't describe it quickly, so it has to
wait. As I said, in due time ;-). I'm currently overloaded.
(In my defense, and Barry will undesrand me very well, I'll say that among
othger things I'm reworking the Web site, which is actually
a shame -- now that I'm in charge, come and visit it in a month).

Anyway, some quick general notes on what actually exists:

Where Python (Guido) really strikes is that almost everything we have at
the language level is interpreted as a name. Thus, "sharing can occur".
These names are always resolved in some context associated with the
object containing the named object.

Since all we have is names, the risk of name conflicts is real, especially
when half of the contexts against which name resolution occurs are implicit.
Therefore, name resolution has to be done in a controlled way (what Guido
has successfully tried to provide when designing the language).

Simple example:
>>> print o.attr

This says: print the value of an object, whose name "attr" has to be resolved
in the context associated with the object "o", this context being explicitely
pointed out by a dot "."

Another (not so obvious) one:
>>> print 1

This says: print the value of an object, whose name "1" has to be resolved
in the current (implicit) context. And this is exactly what happens inside
the VM in terms of LOAD_CONST <some internal name, bound in another context,
the binding being derived from the resolution of the name "1">,

If you don't grasp this, try the same example:
>>> a = 1
>>> print a

This says: Resolve the name "1" in the current context (thus we reach the
object in question) then assign a new binding ("a" -> the object) in the
current context. Then for "print a", see "This says" of the previous example.

A valuable thing happens in my last example:
>>> print o.__dict__

This resolves the name "__dict__" in the context associated with the object
named "o" (pointed by a dot "."), returning this same context! (or a fraction
of it). Whether we have to get a portion of the context or the full context
is debatable. It has been felt that with the dynamicity of Python, it's useful
to get access to the context, then play with it in a controlled manner.

So from here, I (and you) can deduce what happens in terms of naming and
binding on function/class/... definitions, on module imports, on attr
lookups, on "global" declarations, and so on, and when and where (and
hopefully why) we get name conflicts or strange (implicit) name resolutions
for nested functions.

A last word towards classes: There's no difference between
>>> o = C()  # an instance of the class C
>>> o.__class__


>>> o = 1
>>> o.__class__

I'm prevented to type "1.__class__" only for syntactic reasons, but the
context for the resolution of o.__class__ exists.

What's missing is for a future mail.


       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 30 22:29:55 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:29:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

I can sympathize with Mark, I have nearly the same code in every
script I write.  I once wrote a nice (IMO) class for doing all the
common things I do with c.l. args, but I can't seem to dig it up at
the moment.

The idea was basically to have a base class that had all the
machinery, while derived classes included specially named methods that 
did the app-specific option handling.  It knew whether the method took 
1 or zero arguments (not including self), glommed up the shortarg
string and longarg list (with appropriate `:' and `=' thrown in), then 
parsed the args, dispatching to the handlers, e.g.:

    class MyOptions(getopt.Options):
	def handle_a(self):
	    self.alpha = 1
	handle_alpha = handle_a

	def handle_b(self, arg):
	    self.beta = arg
	handle_beta = handle_b

	def handle_i(self, arg):
		self.integer = int(arg)
	    except ValueError:
	handle_integer = handle_i

and could be used like so:

    #! /usr/bin/env python
    # ...

    opts = MyOptions(sys.argv[1:], usage=__doc__ % globals())
    if opts.alpha:
    if opts.integer = 1:
    for file in opts.leftoverargs:

While I liked this a lot, I seem to remember showing it to Guido,
receiving the expected scoffing.  So now, I just cut and paste the opt
parsing stuff into every script I write :) I think it might be nice to
add such a base class to the standard getopt module.


From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 30 22:42:02 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:42:02 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Perl 6, Topaz, and exploding kidneys
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "FL" == Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at> writes:

    FL> as reported on slashdot:

    FL> (topaz is also the code name for our "rewrite
    FL> Tkinter in Python", but that's another story ;-)

Here's an interesting quote:

    When I was trying to figure out how to be persuasive on this
    subject, I finally realized that Perl may be competing with Java
    in the problem space, but when you're writing Perl, implementing
    the Perl runtime, really what you're doing is something equivalent
    to writing a JVM. You're writing the equivalent of a Java Virtual
    Machine. Now, would you write a JVM in Eiffel? I don't think
    so. No, so neither would you write the Perl runtime in Java or in

In the context of Python, I disagree that it competes against Java;
Python makes a nice complement to Java.  And I obviously also think it
makes perfect sense to write (a) Python runtime in Java, as JimH has
so effectively proven.

Another interesting tidbit we've addressed here:

    Was the syntax appropriate for declaring variables to give
    appropriate hints to a hypothetical compiler? That is to say MY
    INT $X or MY STR $Y -- and I thought that the INT and the STR and
    the NUM should be suffixes, something like MY $X:NUM-and, in fact,
    that suffix syntax is something that Larry officially has blessed,
    but just not for this purpose.


From da at  Thu Sep 30 23:30:20 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 14:30:20 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Perl 6, Topaz, and exploding kidneys
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

> Another interesting tidbit we've addressed here:
>     Was the syntax appropriate for declaring variables to give
>     appropriate hints to a hypothetical compiler? That is to say MY
>     INT $X or MY STR $Y -- and I thought that the INT and the STR and
>     the NUM should be suffixes, something like MY $X:NUM-and, in fact,
>     that suffix syntax is something that Larry officially has blessed,
>     but just not for this purpose.

What struck me about that paragraph is that if I understand the comment
correctly, Larry is choosing a mapping from a specific syntax to some
purpose (unspecified in the excerpt) while an otherwise well-informed Perl
user (Chip) 'naturally' wanted to map said syntax to a different
semantics.  When this happens in Python-land, Guido says "nope, neither".


From skip at  Sat Sep  4 23:26:37 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 16:26:37 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
Message-ID: <>

Attached is a context diff against the latest version of Python/compile.c
that checks at compile time for functions that both return expressions or
execute return statements with no expression (or equivalently, fall off the
end of the function).  I figured I'd post it here to get a little friendly
feedback and bug discovery before shooting it off to  I modified
compile.c instead of some preexisting PyLint script because I don't know
what's popular out there.  On the other hand, I'm sure most people who would
be interested in this sort of thing have access to the C source...

The basic idea is that each straight line chunk of code is terminated one of 
four ways:

    1. return with no expression
    2. return an expression
    3. raise an exception
    4. fall off the end of the chunk

Falling off the end of the function is obviously treated like return with no
expression.  (This is, after all, what motivated me to do this. ;-)

This information is recorded in a new bit vector added to the struct
compiling object that's carried around during the compilation.  Compound
statements simply aggregate the bit vectors for their various clauses in
ways appropriate to their semantics.

At the end of a function's compilation, the set of return bits computed up
to that point tells you whether or not to spit out a warning.  Note that it
does nothing to recognize constant expressions.  The following function will
generate a warning:

    def f():
        i = 0
        while 1:
            i = i + 1
            if i > 10: return i

even though the only way to return from the function is the return
statement.  To get the above to shut up the compiler you'd have to do
something like

    class CantGetHere: pass

    def f():
        i = 0
        while 1:
            i = i + 1
            if i > 10: return i
    raise CantGetHere

Raise statements are treated as a valid way to "return" from a function.
Registering them as separate styles of returns serves effectively to turn
off the "no return" bit for a block of code.  Raise is compatible with
either form of return, though they aren't compatible with each other.

The code is run whenever a module is compiled.  I didn't bother to add a new
flag to the python interpreter to enable/disable warnings during
compilation, though a -w switch for Python has been mentioned before.

I ran the modified byte code compiler over a silly test module as well as

    ./python Lib/test/
    ./python Lib/

It uncovered some interesting programming practices and one item I think is
an actual bug.  In Lib/, GzipFile._read returns EOFError at one point
instead of raising it.  At other points in the method it raises EOFError.
There are no other return statements in the function.  (I haven't taken the
time/had the nerve to run it against my own Python code yet. ;-)

I'm firmly of the opinion that more subtle bugs exist in the way people
write functions that return and raise values than in the code that calls
those functions, contrary to a few vocal folks on who may believe


Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

-------------- next part --------------
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Name: compile.diffs
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From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep  7 17:20:47 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 11:20:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sat, 04 Sep 1999 16:26:37 CDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

This is a valuable service!  Even though I'm sure that it will cause
some pain for people who were used to this programming style...

I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has been
diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has been the

I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?

There are also platform problems, e.g. on the Mac, stderr doesn't
always exist, and on Windows, it doesn't exist if pythonw.exe is

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gward at  Tue Sep  7 18:13:27 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 12:13:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>; from Guido van Rossum on Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 11:20:47AM -0400
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> This is a valuable service!  Even though I'm sure that it will cause
> some pain for people who were used to this programming style...
> I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
> traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has been
> diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has been the
> default.
> I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
> warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
> be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?

Yes yes yes!  While adding "-w" is a long way from having a
comprehensive set of compile-time warnings in place, it at least means
that someone is *thinking* about it.

Also, I would suggest that there should be some standard internal
mechanism for reporting errors rather than just calling
'PySys_WriteStderr()'.  Something as simple as this would probably do
the trick:

   void Py_Warning (char *filename, int line, char *msg)
      if (on_a_platform_where_stderr_means_something)
         PySys_WriteStderr ("warning: file %s, line %d: %s",
                            filename, line, msg);

Well, you get the idea.  I make no claim that this is an appropriate
name for this function, nor do I have anything to say about where it
should live.  It should also be smart about unknown filename or line
number (eg. skip filename if filename == NULL, skip line number
if line == -1).

Oh, and of course we'll need to add a global variable $^W so that
programmers can turn run-time warnings on and off as needed.  *duck*
Maybe sys.show_warnings? ;-)  (Of course, that's assuming a run-time
warning system in addition to the compile-time warnings of -t and Skip's

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From gstein at  Tue Sep  7 19:04:14 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 10:04:14 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 07 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> > This is a valuable service!  Even though I'm sure that it will cause
> > some pain for people who were used to this programming style...
> >
> > I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
> > traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has been
> > diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has been the
> > default.
> >
> > I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
> > warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
> > be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?
> Yes yes yes!  While adding "-w" is a long way from having a
> comprehensive set of compile-time warnings in place, it at least means
> that someone is *thinking* about it.

I would recommend no warnings by default, and -Wfeature to add specific
types of warnings. This pattern follows that used by gcc (well, gcc has
*some* warnings by default). Rather than invent a new set of switches,
I'd rather steal an existing semantic :-)

> Also, I would suggest that there should be some standard internal
> mechanism for reporting errors rather than just calling
> 'PySys_WriteStderr()'.  Something as simple as this would probably do

Why? Why not just use PySys_WriteStdErr() as your requested function? It
can easily determine "oops. no stderr. let's do something else."

> Maybe sys.show_warnings? ;-)  (Of course, that's assuming a run-time
> warning system in addition to the compile-time warnings of -t and Skip's
> patch.)

There is no such thing as run-time vs compile-time warnings. You always
have a compiler at run-time, and it can be used at any time. Therefore,
you just have "(compilation) warnings" (I could imagine that people will
come up with other kinds of warnings once the feature is provided).

I would suggest sys.warnings be a dictionary.

python -Wbad-return -Wlines-per-func=50

>>> print sys.warnings
{'bad-return': None, 'lines-per-func': '50'}


Greg Stein,

From gward at  Tue Sep  7 19:33:53 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 13:33:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>; from Greg Stein on Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 10:04:14AM -0700
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07 September 1999, Greg Stein said:
> > Also, I would suggest that there should be some standard internal
> > mechanism for reporting errors rather than just calling
> > 'PySys_WriteStderr()'.  Something as simple as this would probably do
> Why? Why not just use PySys_WriteStdErr() as your requested function? It
> can easily determine "oops. no stderr. let's do something else."

Hmm, that makes sense for the "what's the local equivalent of stderr?"
determination.  Probably that actually belongs in mywrite() (the static
function in Python/sysmodule.c that PySys_WriteStdout() and
PySys_WriteStderr() both invoke), so that the same thing can be done for
stdout and stderr.

However, I still think a separate function for printing
source-code-based warnings is a good idea.  This is mainly so that the
association from

  (filename, line_number, message)


  "warning: file %s, line %s: %s" % (filename, line_number, message)

is done in *one* place, rather than everywhere a warning message is
generated.  For instance, platforms that don't have stderr, but instead
pop up a window with all your compile-time warnings nicely formatted,
could take advantage of knowing the filename and line number separately
to nicely format those warnings.  (Of course, this argues *against*
putting the "what's the local equivalent of stderr?" determination in
the low-level mywrite() function... arg...)

> > Maybe sys.show_warnings? ;-)  (Of course, that's assuming a run-time
> > warning system in addition to the compile-time warnings of -t and Skip's
> > patch.)
> There is no such thing as run-time vs compile-time warnings. You always
> have a compiler at run-time, and it can be used at any time. Therefore,
> you just have "(compilation) warnings" (I could imagine that people will
> come up with other kinds of warnings once the feature is provided).

Well, currently that's true, since currently Python's only warning is
the tab warning from -t -- clearly a compile-time warning.  (Is this
true?  I'm no expert on the internals, but I've certainly not seen any
other warnings from Python, and I've included plenty of bugs in my code
-- umm, just seeing if it would catch them, yeah that's it...)

However, one could certainly envision a world where Python issues
runtime warnings.  If my time machine were working, I'd zip back and
suggest to Guido that mistakes with the % operator should issue warnings
rather than raising exceptions.  (Ignore the language philosophy issue
and presume this would be worthwhile.)

There are probably other situations where, ignoring past history and
language philosophy, it would make sense to issue a warning and march on
ahead rather than blowing up immediately.  Sometimes Python has a bit of 
an itchy trigger finger for that ol' TypeError...

Anyways, the focus should probably be on compile-time warnings: I can't
think of any major runtime errors offhand that Python currently does
*nothing* about, so there's not a great need to go scattering the code
with runtime warnings.  But they *are* a theoretical possibility, and
there *is* a difference with compile-time warnings.

> I would suggest sys.warnings be a dictionary.
> python -Wbad-return -Wlines-per-func=50
> >>> print sys.warnings
> {'bad-return': None, 'lines-per-func': '50'}

Makes sense -- true to warn (possibly giving some extra meaning to
"truth", as in this example), and false to not warn.  Or maybe None to
not warn, not-None to warn.  Of course, if there are only compile-time
warnings, then modifying sys.warnings will only affect future imports,
execs, evals, etc.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From skip at  Tue Sep  7 19:41:27 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue,  7 Sep 1999 12:41:27 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[ ...Lot's of stuff about details of warning implementation snipped... ]

That's why I only provided the code to check for inconsistent use of
returns, not the flag to turn it on and off!

In a message I accidentally sent only to Guido and myself on the subject, I
outlined my take on things, which really does about exhaust my
knowledge/interest on how/when to enable warnings:

    Guido> I'm not sure I like the fact that you can't turn it off --
    Guido> traditionally, Python has had a "no warnings" policy.  That has
    Guido> been diluted a bit (python -t prints warnings) but so far it has
    Guido> been the default.

The only reason for not being able to turn it off was that would require
introducing some sort of -w flag, which wasn't the point of the exercise.
We can have the -w/-t/-W discussion now.  I haven't any particular opinion
on the best way to do it, although I would much prefer it be a run-time as
opposed to compile-time option.  One other issue might be whether or not to
ignore an existing .pyc file and always recompile .py's if warnings are
enabled.  Of course, we're still all adults here (I think), so perhaps it's
sufficient to remind people in the docs to delete the desired .pyc files
before running with warnings enabled.

    Guido> I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn
    Guido> on warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there
    Guido> should be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the
    Guido> default?

-w sounds fine to me.

    Guido> There are also platform problems, e.g. on the Mac, stderr doesn't
    Guido> always exist, and on Windows, it doesn't exist if pythonw.exe is
    Guido> used...

Perhaps on those platforms a file could be opened in a standard location to
catch stderr (I presume you can detect the lack of stderr at run-time?).
While that would force some (more) Unix conventions on programmers on those
platforms, it would also provide more cross-platform uniformity.


From bwarsaw at  Tue Sep  7 20:07:01 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:07:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GW" == Greg Ward <gward at> writes:

    GW> However, one could certainly envision a world where Python
    GW> issues runtime warnings.  If my time machine were working, I'd
    GW> zip back and suggest to Guido that mistakes with the %
    GW> operator should issue warnings rather than raising exceptions.
    GW> (Ignore the language philosophy issue and presume this would
    GW> be worthwhile.)

Moderately off-topic, but since you brought it up, here's what I use
in Mailman (since site-admins can make mistakes editing their
templates, which contains %(keys)s... we'd like to make Mailman more
robust so it doesn't totally crap out when that happens).

We (hopefully) always interpolate with a SafeDict instead of a raw
Python dictionary.


class SafeDict(UserDict):
    """Dictionary which returns a default value for unknown keys.

    This is used in maketext so that editing templates is a bit more robust.
    def __init__(self, d):
        # optional initial dictionary is a Python 1.5.2-ism.  Do it this way
        # for portability

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        except KeyError:
            if type(key) == StringType:
                return '%('+key+')s'
                return '<Missing key: %s>' % `key`

From tim_one at  Tue Sep  7 20:26:30 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:26:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim>

> ...
> I'm wondering if we should introduce a general '-w' flag to turn on
> warnings like this (which would subsume -t)?  Or perhaps there should
> be a -W flag ("no warnings") and warnings should be the default?

The latter, if for no other reason than that new users should get bludgeoned
into good practice from their first day.  If something's serious enough to
trigger a warning, and you insist on doing it anyway, then you should at
least know enough about Python to be able to find the -W switch <wink>.

Note that in response to 1,379 distinct complaints about insane Perl
semantics, TomC's stock answer is that every serious Perl programmer runs
with -w and "use strict".  He's right!  Every serious Perl programmer does.
Perl picked the wrong default, letting naive programmers hang themselves
1,379 distinct ways by default.

Besides, warning by default will enhance your enviable reputation as a
ruthless dictator opposed to freedom and creativity <wink>.

> There are also platform problems, e.g. on the Mac, stderr doesn't
> always exist, and on Windows, it doesn't exist if pythonw.exe is
> used...

But this is already a problem for, e.g., reporting fatal syntax errors, yes?
That is, -w/-W isn't creating a new problem here, it's making the lack of a
solution to an old problem more evident.

all's-for-the-best-in-this-best-of-all-possible-worlds-ly y'rs  - tim

From gward at  Tue Sep  7 20:47:40 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:47:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim>; from Tim Peters on Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 02:26:30PM -0400
References: <> <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

On 07 September 1999, Tim Peters said:
> The latter, if for no other reason than that new users should get bludgeoned
> into good practice from their first day.  If something's serious enough to
> trigger a warning, and you insist on doing it anyway, then you should at
> least know enough about Python to be able to find the -W switch <wink>.
> Note that in response to 1,379 distinct complaints about insane Perl
> semantics, TomC's stock answer is that every serious Perl programmer runs
> with -w and "use strict".  He's right!  Every serious Perl programmer does.
> Perl picked the wrong default, letting naive programmers hang themselves
> 1,379 distinct ways by default.

I agree, but I'm only willing to do so publicly because Tim has.  So
does the Perl documentation (ie. Tom C., I assume); from "man perl":

         The -w switch produces some lovely diagnostics.
         Did we mention that you should definitely consider using the
         -w switch?

         The -w switch is not mandatory.

D'you think that's a hint?

Obviously, there *must* be a way to turn off warnings, so we can
continue to run our crufty, bug-ridden old code without too many

Greg S.'s suggestion for being able to customize *which* warnings are
printed is also important.  Much hair was pulled when Perl 5.004 was
released with a whole bunch of new warning messages -- lots of people
had to go back and "fix" working code, or remove the -w switch from
production scripts to clean up the mess on their stderr, etc.  I suspect
most of those people (myself included) were enlightened by the new
warnings, but annoyed by having to go and fix what wasn't necessarily
broken.  A lot of people now recommend using -w only when developing,
and removing it for production use, simply because of the risk of new
warning messages when you upgrade Perl.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From mhammond at  Wed Sep  8 01:01:25 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:01:25 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> Perhaps on those platforms a file could be opened in a
> standard location to
> catch stderr (I presume you can detect the lack of stderr at
> run-time?).

Not really - there are 2 scenarios here.  pythonw.exe, for example, always
has a valid stdout handle - it just goes nowhere.  When Python is embedded
in certain COM servers (such as ASP), the stdout handle is invalid -
operations on it will fail (perversely, this also means a single "print"
statement in your Python code can raise an exception and make your code
fail - and seeing as print statements are the debugging state of the art at
the moment, this is less than ideal - but I digress)

So Im not sure we can check this reasonably at runtime - invalid handles
are easy, but valid handles that go nowhere useful (as in pythonw.exe, and
therefore the majority of cases we care about) is obviously difficult.

OTOH, pythonw.exe doesnt print tracebacks either.  Although not ideal,
people arent loudly complaining about this - they know to develop and debug
using python.exe.  As the warnings we are discussing are compile time
warnings, we could simply document that they should run "compileall" over
their scripts to generate the warnings before attempting to embed it in
some sort of wierd system.

On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool rather
than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the moment, but IMO
is where we should be heading.  Skip's return statement warnings are fine
and a nice addition, but in my experience account for a trivial number of
my errors.  Stuff like warning about a variable name used only once, for
example, will probably never get into core Python but in my opinion is far
more valuable.  So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt give
us the framework we need to actually create a truly useful package of
warnings for the Python developer.

[And I am slowly and painfully starting work in this - a lint tool based on
the Python parser module.  Dont hold your breath though :-]


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep  8 01:05:19 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 19:05:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 08 Sep 1999 09:01:25 +1000."
References: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat> 
Message-ID: <>

> > Perhaps on those platforms a file could be opened in a
> > standard location to
> > catch stderr (I presume you can detect the lack of stderr at
> > run-time?).
> Not really - there are 2 scenarios here.  pythonw.exe, for example, always
> has a valid stdout handle - it just goes nowhere.  When Python is embedded
> in certain COM servers (such as ASP), the stdout handle is invalid -
> operations on it will fail (perversely, this also means a single "print"
> statement in your Python code can raise an exception and make your code
> fail - and seeing as print statements are the debugging state of the art at
> the moment, this is less than ideal - but I digress)
> So Im not sure we can check this reasonably at runtime - invalid handles
> are easy, but valid handles that go nowhere useful (as in pythonw.exe, and
> therefore the majority of cases we care about) is obviously difficult.
> OTOH, pythonw.exe doesnt print tracebacks either.  Although not ideal,
> people arent loudly complaining about this - they know to develop and debug
> using python.exe.  As the warnings we are discussing are compile time
> warnings, we could simply document that they should run "compileall" over
> their scripts to generate the warnings before attempting to embed it in
> some sort of wierd system.

Hmm...  Perhaps pythonw.exe could use freopen() to point stdout and
stderr to a log file in a temp directory?  The wizards will know where 
to look...

> On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool rather
> than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the moment, but IMO
> is where we should be heading.  Skip's return statement warnings are fine
> and a nice addition, but in my experience account for a trivial number of
> my errors.  Stuff like warning about a variable name used only once, for
> example, will probably never get into core Python but in my opinion is far
> more valuable.  So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt give
> us the framework we need to actually create a truly useful package of
> warnings for the Python developer.
> [And I am slowly and painfully starting work in this - a lint tool based on
> the Python parser module.  Dont hold your breath though :-]

Eventually, I also plan to have some kind of lint in IDLE.  If the
CP4E money comes, I'll start working on that for earnest...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Wed Sep  8 13:53:46 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 04:53:46 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> ...
> > I would suggest sys.warnings be a dictionary.
> >
> > python -Wbad-return -Wlines-per-func=50
> >
> > >>> print sys.warnings
> > {'bad-return': None, 'lines-per-func': '50'}
> Makes sense -- true to warn (possibly giving some extra meaning to
> "truth", as in this example), and false to not warn.  Or maybe None to
> not warn, not-None to warn.  Of course, if there are only compile-time
> warnings, then modifying sys.warnings will only affect future imports,
> execs, evals, etc.

Actually, I had intended *presence* in the dictionary to mean "enabled."
I don't think we'd want to pre-populate the dict with all possible flags
ahead of time, then check for each of them on the command line. (startup
time!) However, if we "simply" parsed the command line, extracted all -W
options and dropped them into the dict, then we're set.


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Wed Sep  8 14:41:18 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 08:41:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] More Python command-line features
Message-ID: <>

While we're talking about Python command-line features, I have a couple
of requests that would make life alot easier for us.

1. I'd like the options given before the script name to 
   be accessable to Python scripts. For example, in:

     python -O bar spam

   I'd like to have a sys variable that told me that the arguments
   ['-O'] were included before the arguments ['', 'bar', 'spam']
   (aka sys.argv).  This is needed if I want to fork/exec (or span or
   whatever) Python with the same option.

2. I'd like to be able to supply environment variables to Python
   on the command line, as in:

     python -O -e PYTHONHOME=/Zope bar spam

   This would be very helpful in environment-variable-challenged
   environments like windows 9x, and might be handy elswhere as

If people agree that these would be good ideas, I'd ve happy
to supply a patch.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From gward at  Wed Sep  8 14:48:49 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 08:48:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] More Python command-line features
In-Reply-To: <>; from Jim Fulton on Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 08:41:18AM -0400
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 08 September 1999, Jim Fulton said:
> While we're talking about Python command-line features, I have a couple
> of requests that would make life alot easier for us.
> 1. I'd like the options given before the script name to 
>    be accessable to Python scripts. For example, in:
>      python -O bar spam
>    I'd like to have a sys variable that told me that the arguments
>    ['-O'] were included before the arguments ['', 'bar', 'spam']
>    (aka sys.argv).  This is needed if I want to fork/exec (or span or
>    whatever) Python with the same option.

Regarding -O, it would also be nice to have a higher-level way to find
out what optimization level the current interpreter is running under.
Currently, as I understand it, there's no way to predict whether
py_compile will generate .pyc or .pyo files, which is a minor annoyance
in the Distutils installation code.  However, if Jim's mythical sys
variable is guaranteed to canonicalize Python's command-line options so
that something like

   "-O" in sys.python_argv

would always answer this question, I'd be satisfied.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From fdrake at  Wed Sep  8 15:35:28 1999
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:35:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] More Python command-line features
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward writes:
 > Regarding -O, it would also be nice to have a higher-level way to find
 > out what optimization level the current interpreter is running under.
 > Currently, as I understand it, there's no way to predict whether

  I agree.  In fact, I'd even be willing to add support to compile the 
parse-trees produced by the parser module with or without optimization 
(pick your favorite level); that would be easy with the current
  I didn't add this earlier because Guido objected, saying that the
internal optimization flag could change.  That would require that the
parser module implementation change accordingly.  I don't think that
would be a huge problem, other than for my having to send Guido a
pre-forma gripe that he'd given me more work to do two days before a
release.  ;-)
  So, should <ast-object>.compile() accept an optional optimization
level, with the default being to use the "current" setting?


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From skip at  Wed Sep  8 16:54:20 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Wed,  8 Sep 1999 09:54:20 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Mark> On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool
    Mark> rather than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the
    Mark> moment, but IMO is where we should be heading.  Skip's return
    Mark> statement warnings are fine and a nice addition, but in my
    Mark> experience account for a trivial number of my errors.  Stuff like
    Mark> warning about a variable name used only once, for example, will
    Mark> probably never get into core Python but in my opinion is far more
    Mark> valuable.  So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt
    Mark> give us the framework we need to actually create a truly useful
    Mark> package of warnings for the Python developer.

I'm not sure the stuff I wrote belongs in the core either, certainly not in
C code.  As I mentioned when I posted it though, I wasn't sure where a
PyLint type program already existed that I could simply graft onto.  I've
fiddled around enough with the compile.c code in the past couple of years
that I understand it fairly well already.

I do have some Python code that does peephole optimization on Python
bytecode.  I could have put it in there (it already divides functions into
basic blocks), but again, not many people have it laying about to play with.

Can we start/settle on a Python-based source code framework for this sort of
thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the parser module's
output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason about Python


From skip at  Wed Sep  8 16:58:13 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Wed,  8 Sep 1999 09:58:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

    Guido> Eventually, I also plan to have some kind of lint in IDLE.  If
    Guido> the CP4E money comes, I'll start working on that for earnest...

Speaking of which, just where *is* IDLE?  I get the Python source via CVS,
but I'll be damned if I have anything called or or even
anything that matches "*idle*" or "*IDLE*" glob patterns.  I just executed
"cvs update -A ." from the top of my tree and checked again.  Still nothing.
Is it a separate module from the main Python source?



From fdrake at  Wed Sep  8 17:04:41 1999
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 11:04:41 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro writes:
 > Speaking of which, just where *is* IDLE?  I get the Python source via CVS,
 > but I'll be damned if I have anything called or or even

  Look in Tools/idle/


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From fdrake at  Wed Sep  8 17:09:11 1999
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 11:09:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro writes:
 > thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the parser module's
 > output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason about Python

  This was exactly what I wanted to prevent when I created the parser
module!  ;-)
  I think a wrapper that simplifies the parse tree wouldn't be too
hard to do; you simply have to be sure that the simplified version can 
be re-elaborated to pass back to the byte-code compiler via
parser.sequence2ast(<seq>).compile().  Otherwise you can't modify the
tree without loosing line number information, which would be nice to
keep around!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From mal at  Wed Sep  8 17:08:02 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 17:08:02 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <> <002401bef95e$81963720$3f2d153f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 07 September 1999, Tim Peters said:
> > The latter, if for no other reason than that new users should get bludgeoned
> > into good practice from their first day.  If something's serious enough to
> > trigger a warning, and you insist on doing it anyway, then you should at
> > least know enough about Python to be able to find the -W switch <wink>.
> >
> > Note that in response to 1,379 distinct complaints about insane Perl
> > semantics, TomC's stock answer is that every serious Perl programmer runs
> > with -w and "use strict".  He's right!  Every serious Perl programmer does.
> > Perl picked the wrong default, letting naive programmers hang themselves
> > 1,379 distinct ways by default.
> I agree, but I'm only willing to do so publicly because Tim has.  So
> does the Perl documentation (ie. Tom C., I assume); from "man perl":
>          The -w switch produces some lovely diagnostics.
>     [...]
>          Did we mention that you should definitely consider using the
>          -w switch?
>     BUGS
>          The -w switch is not mandatory.
> D'you think that's a hint?
> Obviously, there *must* be a way to turn off warnings, so we can
> continue to run our crufty, bug-ridden old code without too many
> problems.
> Greg S.'s suggestion for being able to customize *which* warnings are
> printed is also important.  Much hair was pulled when Perl 5.004 was
> released with a whole bunch of new warning messages -- lots of people
> had to go back and "fix" working code, or remove the -w switch from
> production scripts to clean up the mess on their stderr, etc.  I suspect
> most of those people (myself included) were enlightened by the new
> warnings, but annoyed by having to go and fix what wasn't necessarily
> broken.  A lot of people now recommend using -w only when developing,
> and removing it for production use, simply because of the risk of new
> warning messages when you upgrade Perl.

I'd suggest to use the -W <opt>[=<value>] kind of command line
option interface for warnings and to also add an environment
variable to customize the standard settings, e.g. PYTHONWARNINGS.

About enabling warning per default: you should consider the fact
that much code out there will probably produce such warnings,
even if it is perfectly valid (e.g. consider Skip's example
with while 1:...). Enabling it is definitely not a good idea
for production code -- it is during the development step.

Since production code is likely to run using -O, I suggest
disabling warnings when -O is used and enabling them otherwise.

Also, I'd like to second GregS' idea with the sys.warnings
dict. Together with a generic -W <opt>=<value> interface
this would be great for adding customized warnings to Python
scripts (i.e. not only the ones that the interpreter itself

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   123 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Wed Sep  8 16:57:59 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 16:57:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Accessing internal flag values
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 08 September 1999, Jim Fulton said:
> >
> > While we're talking about Python command-line features, I have a couple
> > of requests that would make life alot easier for us.
> >
> > 1. I'd like the options given before the script name to
> >    be accessable to Python scripts. For example, in:
> >
> >      python -O bar spam
> >
> >    I'd like to have a sys variable that told me that the arguments
> >    ['-O'] were included before the arguments ['', 'bar', 'spam']
> >    (aka sys.argv).  This is needed if I want to fork/exec (or span or
> >    whatever) Python with the same option.
> Regarding -O, it would also be nice to have a higher-level way to find
> out what optimization level the current interpreter is running under.
> Currently, as I understand it, there's no way to predict whether
> py_compile will generate .pyc or .pyo files, which is a minor annoyance
> in the Distutils installation code.

Check out mxTools (from my Python Pages). It has a function which
lets you control the value of the optimization flag:
     The following functions are installed as add-ons to the builtin sys

         If level is given, the value of the interpreter's verbosity flag is set
         to level and the previous value of that flag is returned. Otherwise,
         the current value is returned. 

         You can use this function to e.g. enable verborse lookup output to
         stderr for import statements even when the interpreter was not
         invoked with '-v' or '-vv' switch or to force verbosity to be
         switched off. 

         If level is given, the value of the interpreter's debugging flag is set
         to level and the previous value of that flag is returned. Otherwise,
         the current value is returned. 

         You can use this function to check whether the interpreter was
         called with '-d' flag or not. Some extensions use this flag to
         enable/disable debugging log output (e.g. all the mx Extensions).

         If level is given, the value of the interpreter's optimization flag is
         set to level and the previous value of that flag is returned.
         Otherwise, the current value is returned. 

         You can use this function to e.g. compile Python scripts in
         optimized mode even though the interpreter was not started with

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   123 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gstein at  Wed Sep  8 21:20:32 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 12:20:32 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> Skip Montanaro writes:
>  > thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the parser module's
>  > output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason about Python
>   This was exactly what I wanted to prevent when I created the parser
> module!  ;-)
>   I think a wrapper that simplifies the parse tree wouldn't be too
> hard to do; you simply have to be sure that the simplified version can
> be re-elaborated to pass back to the byte-code compiler via
> parser.sequence2ast(<seq>).compile().  Otherwise you can't modify the
> tree without loosing line number information, which would be nice to
> keep around!

This has already been done. Grab the Python2C distribution from There is a module named
"" which does just what you're thinking -- it converts
Python's deeply-nested trees into something human-readable. Each of the
resulting node types are doc'd at the top of the module.

It is also over a couple years old, so it has had some decent


Greg Stein,

From mhammond at  Thu Sep  9 00:03:07 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 08:03:07 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002801befa45$efed8240$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> Can we start/settle on a Python-based source code framework
> for this sort of
> thing?  Ideally, I'd like to see a framework that brings the
> parser module's
> output up to a level where mere mortals like me can reason
> about Python
> code.

Actually, I struggled with this a _lot_, then found that P2C has a module
called "transform" which flattens the parse tree down to something I can
understand (which is good :-)

I could simply attach it, but it is grafted to P2C IIRC.  If there is
interest I will rip it out...


From gstein at  Thu Sep  9 00:11:35 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 15:11:35 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
References: <002801befa45$efed8240$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> Actually, I struggled with this a _lot_, then found that P2C has a module
> called "transform" which flattens the parse tree down to something I can
> understand (which is good :-)
> I could simply attach it, but it is grafted to P2C IIRC.  If there is
> interest I will rip it out... operates quite independently.

It is a relatively large module, though (33k), so I would recommend
people just grab the P2C distribution from

I have started to put together a page at that includes the various modules that
I've "published". I'll get transformer over there in the next day or


Greg Stein,

From mhammond at  Thu Sep  9 00:29:47 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 08:29:47 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002c01befa49$a9b74730$0801a8c0@bobcat>

Oops - for some reason I thought we were on Python-help where Greg doesnt
hang out...

> operates quite independently.

It does - however, the only simple way to see what it does is to use P2C.
All I had in mind was a simple "if __name__=='__main__': block to
demonstrate its output.


From tim_one at  Fri Sep 10 08:16:20 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 02:16:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000e01bef984$e975e6d0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <000001befb54$0095e240$a52d153f@tim>

[Mark Hammond]
> ...
> On my third hand, I would _really_ like to see this in a lint tool
> rather than in the core.  I realize there is no such tool at the
> moment, but IMO is where we should be heading.

Following the lead taken by other modern languages, like javalint, c++lint,
perllint, dylanlint and even vblint <wink>?  C lint was a hack needed due to
the combination of bad language design choices and poor compilers, but C
compilers are smarter now than lint ever was.  Who still uses lint?  It's
dead, and it's not missed.

> Skip's return statement warnings are fine and a nice addition, but in
> my experience account for a trivial number of my errors.  Stuff like
> warning about a variable name used only once, for example, will probably
> never get into core Python but in my opinion is far more valuable.

The notion that a valuable idea will never get into the core is disturbing.
I don't really care how it's implemented, but a *visibly* separate
"checking" tool is bad UI, one that even the C community left behind with

> So adding this "-w" switch is fine, but still doesnt give us the framework
> we need to actually create a truly useful package of warnings for the
> Python developer.

No, but adding the "-W" <wink> switch does give us the means by which
(perhaps the illusion of) "a" smarter compiler can be invoked & controlled.

> [And I am slowly and painfully starting work in this - a lint tool based
> on the Python parser module.  Dont hold your breath though :-]

Aaron W has had a capable pylint tool for a couple years, & it remains
virtually unknown; and, far as I can tell, Aaron reciprocated the lack of
interest by dropping active development.

So why was C lint successful in its day while every crack at pylint flops
(btw, yours will too <0.5 wink>)?  I think it's two sides of the same coin:
C lint found dozens of deadly problems that infested almost all C code
(remember the pre-prototype days?).  Versions of pylint offer very little
beyond pointing out unique vrbl names, perhaps indentation checking, and
...?  I'm drawing a blank here.  I suppose they should strive to give better
msgs for runaway triple-quoted strings.  What else?  Skip's "return"
checker, and far as I can tell then we're already at the point of
diminishing returns.

My claim is that pylints don't get used both because they're a separate
step, and because the odds of them catching something interesting are
comparatively tiny.  Python simply doesn't have many errors that *can* be
caught at compile-time.  It's like me firing up the spell-checker at this
point to verify "compile-time" -- the expected payoff is negative.

There's little enough useful a pylint could do that a mod to add those few
smarts to the core would be a fraction of the size & effort of yet another
separate tool.  Better, in the core, it would actually do people some good
because it would actually get used.

Which specific problems do you expect your lint tool to uncover?  Perhaps
there's a world of mechanically-checkable Python errors I haven't yet bumped

you-windows-guys-write-strange-code<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From da at  Fri Sep 10 08:28:07 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 23:28:07 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Techniques for scientific C++
Message-ID: <>

In case you haven't seen enough C++ papers, you might find this paper
interesting. It's a good way to learn more about templates without trying
to actually use them, and it's a very good way to decide to stay away from
high-power C++ techniques like expression templates.  Yeeagh!

(I especially like the program shown in section 1.11.1).


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:59:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Todd Veldhuizen <tveldhui at>
Subject: OON: Techniques for scientific C++

I've updated and expanded my slides on "Techniques for Scientific C++"
into a document.  It's available in HTML and Postscript from:


Here's the table of contents.

1.1: About this document
1.2: C++ Compilers
     1.2.1: Placating sub-standard compilers
     1.2.2: The compiler landscape
     1.2.3: C++-specific optimization
1.3: Compile times
     1.3.1: Headers
     1.3.2: Prelinking
     1.3.3: The program database approach -- Visual Age C++
     1.3.4: Quadratic/Cubic template algorithms
1.4: Static Polymorphism
     1.4.1: Are virtual functions evil?
     1.4.2: Solution A: simple engines
     1.4.3: Solution B: the Barton and Nackman Trick
1.5: Callback inlining techniques
     1.5.1: Callbacks: the typical C++ approach Expression templates STL-style function objects Pointer-to-function as a template parameter
1.6: Managing code bloat
     1.6.1: Avoid kitchen-sink template parameters
     1.6.2: Put function bodies outside template classes
     1.6.3: Inlining levels
1.7: Containers
     1.7.1: STL-style containers
     1.7.2: Data/View containers
1.8: Aliasing and restrict
1.9: Traits
     1.9.1: An example: average()
     1.9.2: Type promotion example
1.10: Expression templates
     1.10.1: Performance implications of pairwise evaluation
     1.10.2: Recursive templates
     1.10.3: Expression templates: building parse trees
     1.10.4: A minimal implementation
     1.10.5: Refinements
     1.10.6: Pointers to more information
     1.10.7: References
1.11: Template metaprograms
     1.11.1: Template metaprograms: some history
     1.11.2: The need for specialized algorithms
     1.11.3: Using template metaprograms to specialize algorithms
1.12: Comma overloading
     1.12.1: An example
1.13: Interfacing with Fortran codes
1.14: Some thoughts on performance tuning
     1.14.1: General suggestions
     1.14.2: Know what your compiler can do
     1.14.3: Data structures and algorithms
     1.14.4: Efficient use of the memory hierarchy

- -- 
Todd Veldhuizen               tveldhui at
Indiana Univ. Comp. Sci.
- --------------------- Object Oriented Numerics List --------------------------

From mhammond at  Fri Sep 10 09:36:39 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 17:36:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000001befb54$0095e240$a52d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <003a01befb5f$39f25400$0801a8c0@bobcat>

[Tim laments the death of lint for C :-]

> The notion that a valuable idea will never get into the core
> is disturbing.

Agreed.  I based my assesment simply on my perception of what is likely to
happen, not my opinion of what _should_ happen.  I do agree that it is far
far preferable for Python itself to be capable of issuing these warnings,
and if Guido feels that is the best direction then it would be very cool.
Only Guido can state if he would support such efforts, and probably should
right about now (the funk soul brother - sorry - just got the Fat Boy Slim
CD, and its going around in my head :-)

> Aaron W has had a capable pylint tool for a couple years, & it remains
> virtually unknown; and, far as I can tell, Aaron reciprocated
> the lack of
> interest by dropping active development.

Which tends to be the biggest problem with it.  A number of people have
tried to use it, but often get stymied by the lack of 1.5.?isms - ie,
"raise" (ie re-raise) and "assert".  It bombs at these statements, and
there is some real magic I didnt want to understand.  Aaron agrees that a
parser module based one would be better.

But your original point still remains - I agree having Python do this is a
better solution all round.

> (remember the pre-prototype days?).  Versions of pylint offer
> very little
> beyond pointing out unique vrbl names, perhaps indentation
> checking, and
> ...?  I'm drawing a blank here.  I suppose they should strive
> to give better
> msgs for runaway triple-quoted strings.  What else?  Skip's "return"
> checker, and far as I can tell then we're already at the point of
> diminishing returns.

Agreed.  However, all of these would be very valuable and account for the
vast majority of my errors.

> you-windows-guys-write-strange-code<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

Only cos we use a strange OS <wink>


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 10 16:05:23 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 10:05:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 10 Sep 1999 17:36:39 +1000."
References: <003a01befb5f$39f25400$0801a8c0@bobcat> 
Message-ID: <>

> Agreed.  I based my assesment simply on my perception of what is likely to
> happen, not my opinion of what _should_ happen.  I do agree that it is far
> far preferable for Python itself to be capable of issuing these warnings,
> and if Guido feels that is the best direction then it would be very cool.
> Only Guido can state if he would support such efforts, and probably should
> right about now (the funk soul brother - sorry - just got the Fat Boy Slim
> CD, and its going around in my head :-)

I agree it should happen, and Tim's argument about keeping lint and
compiler together is a convincing one.

What stands in the way?

(a) There's so much else to do...

(b) *Someone* needs to design a good framework for spitting out
warnings, and for giving the programmer a way to control which
warnings to ignore. I've seen plenty of good suggestions here; now
somebody should simply go off and come up with a proposal too good to

(c) I have a different agenda with CP4E -- I think it would be great
if the editor could do syntax checking and beyond *while you type*,
like the spell checker in MS Word.  (I *like* Word's spell checker,
even though I hate the style checker [too stupid], and I gladly put up
with the spell checker's spurious complaints -- it's easy to turn off,
easy to ignore, and it finds lots of good stuff.)

Because the editor has to deal with incomplete and sometimes
ungrammatical things, and because it has to work in real time (staying
out of the way when you're frantically typing, catching up when your
fingers take a rest), it needs a different kind of parser.

But that's another project, and once the Python core has a warning
framework in place, I'm sure we'll find more things that are worth
warning about.

I'm not always in agreement with Tim Peters when he says that Python
is so dynamic that it's impossible to check for certain errors.  It
may be impossible to say *for sure* that something is an error, but
there sure are lots of situations where you're doing something that's
*likely* to be an error.

E.g. if the compiler sees len(1), and there's no local or global
variable named len, it *could* be the case that the user has set up a
parallel universe where the len() built-in accepts an integer
argument, but more likely it's an honest mistake, and I would like to
get a warning about it.

The hard part here is to issue this warning for len(x) where x is some
variable or expression that is likely to have a non-sequence value
(barring alternate universes); this might require global analysis
that's hard or expensive enough that we can't put it in the core
(yet).  This may be seen as an argument for a separate lint...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Fri Sep 10 16:16:52 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:16:52 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Where does lint-like functionality belong?
Message-ID: <>

Okay, if Tim's assertions are correct (and I have no reason to suspect
them), a separate pylint will be doomed, so the only reasonable thing to do
is to place it in the core where it will be rarin' to go all the time.
Perl's experience with -w seems to suggest that it's best to always enable
whatever warnings you can as well.  (More and more I see people using gcc's
-Wall flag as well.)

Now, my return consistency stuff was easy enough to write in C for two
reasons.  One, I'm fairly comfortable with the compile.c code.  Two, adding
my checks required no extra memory management overhead.  Consider a few
other checks you might conceivably add to the byte code compiler:

    * tab nanny stuff (already enabled with -t, right?)
    * variables set but not used
    * variables used before set

If all of this sort of stuff is added to the compiler proper, I predict a
couple major problems will surface:

    * The complexity of the code will increase significantly, making it
      harder to maintain and enhance
    * Fewer and fewer people will be able to approach the code, making it
      less likely that new checks are added
    * Future extensions like pluggable virtual machines will be harder to
      add because their byte code compilers will be harder to integrate into 
      the core

In addition, more global checks probably won't be possible (reasoning about
code across module boundaries for instance) because the compiler's view of
the world is fairly narrow.

I think lint-like tools should be implemented in Python (possibly with the
support of an extension module for performance-critical sections) which is
then called from the compiler proper under appropriate circumstances
(warnings enabled, all necessary modules importable, etc).  I believe the
code would be much more easily maintained and extended.  You'd be able to
swap in a new byte code compiler without risking the loss of your checking


From mal at  Fri Sep 10 21:06:28 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:06:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
Message-ID: <>

Hi everybody,

I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.

Here are the results...

Demo Package Structure: (see the attached


With the attached patch you can do the following:

# Pretty useless...
import a.b.__.ab

# From inside
from __ import ab

# At top-level (also useless, but shows how this situation is handled):
import __.sys
# __ is bound to None since we are at top-level; sys is still
# being loaded though.

Of course, common usage will be of the form:
form __.__ import submodule_at_higher_level

Please tell me what you think and give it a try. It's a first
try and may have some design errors. Especially the way
head and tail are treated in Python/import.c:import_module_ex
may cause trouble -- I need help here.

Note: The patch is against the CVS version. If you run Python
in verbose mode, the patch will produce some verbose output
of what it's doing.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   113 days left
Python Pages:                 
-------------- next part --------------
--- /home/lemburg/orig/Python/Python/import.c	Fri Apr  9 19:00:51 1999
+++ Python/import.c	Fri Sep 10 20:51:02 1999
@@ -1572,10 +1572,14 @@ load_next(mod, altmod, p_name, buf, p_bu
 	char *dot = strchr(name, '.');
 	int len;
 	char *p;
 	PyObject *result;
+	if (Py_VerboseFlag)
+		printf("# load_next: (1) name='%s', buf='%.*s'\n",
+		       name,*p_buflen,buf);
 	if (dot == NULL) {
 		*p_name = NULL;
 		len = strlen(name);
 	else {
@@ -1586,10 +1590,39 @@ load_next(mod, altmod, p_name, buf, p_bu
 				"Empty module name");
 		return NULL;
+	/* Handle "__" indicator telling the import mechanism to
+	   continue the search one level higher in the package
+	   hierarchy */
+	if (strncmp(name,"__",len) == 0) {
+		PyObject *modules = PyImport_GetModuleDict();
+		/* Strip the final dotted name from buf */
+		dot = strrchr(buf, '.');
+		if (dot == NULL)
+			*p_buflen = 0;
+		else
+			*p_buflen = dot - buf;
+		buf[*p_buflen] = '\0';
+		/* Fetch the parent module or revert to a top-level search */
+		if (*p_buflen > 0) {
+			mod = PyDict_GetItemString(modules,buf);
+			if (mod == NULL) {
+				PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,
+						"Parent module missing");
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+			mod = Py_None;
+		Py_INCREF(mod);
+		return mod;
+	}
 	p = buf + *p_buflen;
 	if (p != buf)
 		*p++ = '.';
 	if (p+len-buf >= MAXPATHLEN) {
@@ -1597,10 +1630,14 @@ load_next(mod, altmod, p_name, buf, p_bu
 		return NULL;
 	strncpy(p, name, len);
 	p[len] = '\0';
 	*p_buflen = p+len-buf;
+	if (Py_VerboseFlag)
+		printf("# load_next: (2) modname='%s', fullname=buf='%s'\n",
+		       p,buf);
 	result = import_submodule(mod, p, buf);
 	if (result == Py_None && altmod != mod) {
 		/* Here, altmod must be None and mod must not be None */
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Type: application/x-zip-compressed
Size: 851 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <>

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 10 21:16:28 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 15:16:28 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:06:28 +0200."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.

I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
the same directory as the current module.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From da at  Sat Sep 11 06:06:54 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:06:54 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] jpythonc: unreachable Python becomes unreachable Java (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward notes on the JPython list:

> Looks like I've found a definite bug in jpythonc -- unreachable Python
> code compiles to unreachable Java code.  Here's a simple example:
> [..]
> Yikes... does this mean that jpythonc will have to analyze Python code
> for reachability?  Is this even possible?  Guess the answer for now is,
> "Don't do that!".

This is another sort of warning that a checker could do in the core which
could catch some errors.  Not sure that it makes sense to try and find all
the cases that an arbitrary Java compiler could find, but presumably
Greg's original code which led him to the jpythonc bug find had a
plain-old python bug in it?  Did Aaron's pylint find any nonreachable


From mal at  Sat Sep 11 12:29:48 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 12:29:48 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> the same directory as the current module.

Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
released) and Mark's win32 stuff.

As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
and more often. Relative imports would greatly reduce the
risk these collisions, because packages could be written
self-contained meaning that they can reach their internal
modules via relative paths only and don't have to know about
the absolute paths by which they are reachable from other parts
of the Python universe.

I could then make all my packages self-contained and
distribute them in two forms without having to change
a single line for the added support:

1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'

Another major advantage is that I could take any other
self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
them manually. 

To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
in the package structures become manageable without user
intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
structures change because they store absolute module names.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   111 days left
Python Pages:                 

From tim_one at  Sat Sep 11 22:29:58 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 16:29:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>

> I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> the same directory as the current module.

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
> is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
> as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
> released) and Mark's win32 stuff.
> As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> and more often.

I never understand package complaints.  Maybe it's the imprecision of the
language people use, or maybe because it's because people don't give fully
fleshed-out examples.  Whatever, in the end, I never have any idea what the
complaint is, or in what way the solution is "solving" anything.

In the above, "absolute" doesn't appear to mean "absolute" in any
OS-sensible sense.  So what does it really mean?  Does it mean the same
things to Guido and MAL?

In MAL's hint of examples, I don't see any problem.  If mxDateTime unpacks
itself into a directory named DateTime, then *of course* it's going to
collide with other packages that want to do likewise.  Install it into
mxDateTime instead, and take "absolute" to mean "any module that wants an
mxDateTime service and does not itself live directly in mxDateTime/ must
import the desired module via a path beginning 'mxDateTime.'", and
everything looks straightforward to me (and that outcome makes me infer that
this is thus probably what Guido has in mind too).  Similarly for
win32.Queue vs mxQueue.Queue vs the Queue in the std library (it *would* be
good to have an explicit way to say "std library" -- "Lib." comes to mind).

> I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> distribute them in two forms without having to change
> a single line for the added support:
> 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'

Ah, so that's what this is about.  I vote screw #2.  Releasing it that way
was a mistake.  Better to live with the brief & finite pain of repairing it
than complicating Python to cover up for it.

> Another major advantage is that I could take any other
> self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
> of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
> org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
> or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
> them manually.

I view that not as an advantage but as harmful complication.  Zope etc add
great value to a Python installation, and when I write a killer app full of
"import zope.this" and "import zope.that", I don't want the possibility that
it's not going to work on my client's machine just because their sysadmin
installed Zope into some silly site-specific path named after his soon-to-be
ex-girlfriend <wink>.  I don't want a way to work around him doing that,
either:  I don't want him to be able to screw me to begin with.

> To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> in the package structures become manageable without user
> intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> structures change because they store absolute module names.

This is a different issue, and may have merits of its own.  WRT the relative
import scheme, its advantage seems to lie in providing a way to partially
recover from the damage the new scheme causes <0.5 wink>.

As is, the package name used by a release is part of its published
interface.  You can't change it without causing pain, any more than you can
make incompatible changes to public class methods or input-output behavior.
In return, package clients are uniform, simple and portable, making life
easiest for the people who know least.  The burden is on package authors to
choose names wisely, and that's where the burden should be.

if-100-pkgs-all-want-their-own-queue-they-already-can-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 12 02:41:16 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 20:41:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Techniques for scientific C++
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101befcb7$85be2b80$4c2d153f@tim>

[David Ascher, concerning]
> In case you haven't seen enough C++ papers, you might find this paper
> interesting. It's a good way to learn more about templates without trying
> to actually use them, and it's a very good way to decide to stay away from
> high-power C++ techniques like expression templates.  Yeeagh!

Didn't these people get to play with m4 in their youth?  Ah, this *is* their
youth <wink>.  As for so much else, this is stuff they could have been doing
with Lisp/Scheme compile-time macros 15 years ago, except the latter are
much clearer, simpler and easier to use.  It's not "a trick" in Scheme, it's
a fundamental approach, and the full power of the language is available at
every step.

If this kind of thing still holds a perverse attraction, check out

These guys produce what are usually the fastest FFT algorithms in the world
across platforms, via a dynamic programming approach that generates
algorithm fragments and times them on the target platform, eventually
"growing" superior platform-specific FFT code for each vector size.  Until
C++ templates can do file I/O at compile-time (to take advantage of timings
from previous runs), they won't even get close <wink>.

    then-so-is-a-skunk's-odor-ly y'rs  - tim

From gmcm at  Sun Sep 12 04:41:44 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 22:41:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > 
> > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not
> > in the same directory as the current module.
> Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which is
> not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such as
> DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be released)
> and Mark's win32 stuff.

I can see your point (although I also believe that authors - Guido 
excepted - should come up with collision-free names, probably in a 
Java-ish scheme).

But I strongly believe that import.c should be left alone, maybe 
even to die. There are too many people doing import hooks to 
make fiddling with its behavior safe.

I'm also a strong proponent of Greg's scheme, which 
makes it a breeze to do import hooks. And my experience 
disproves the notion that the import mechanism needs to be in C. If 
you don't believe me, try the ZlibArchive stuff (which is cross 
platform) from my Win32 installer stuff. You can pack the standard 
library into one 475K file, and get a perceptible performance boost.

OTOH, I could see doing a framework of packages, in which case 
relative imports might be handy. This seems to work fine:

def relimp(nm):
  rpth = string.split(nm, '/')
  tpth = string.split(__name__, '.')[:-1]
  for node in rpth:
    if node == '..':
      del tpth[-1]
    #print `tpth`
  return __import__(string.join(tpth, '.'))

b = relimp('../packageA2.b')

> As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> and more often. Relative imports would greatly reduce the
> risk these collisions, because packages could be written
> self-contained meaning that they can reach their internal
> modules via relative paths only and don't have to know about
> the absolute paths by which they are reachable from other parts
> of the Python universe.
> I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> distribute them in two forms without having to change
> a single line for the added support:
> 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'
> Another major advantage is that I could take any other
> self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
> of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
> org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
> or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
> them manually. 
> To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> in the package structures become manageable without user
> intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> structures change because they store absolute module names.
> -- 
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Y2000:                                   111 days left Business:      
>                    Python Pages:     
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev maillist  -  Python-Dev at

- Gordon

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 12 11:18:16 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 05:18:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001befcff$bf654e20$492d153f@tim>

> ...
> I based my assesment simply on my perception of what is likely to
> happen, not my opinion of what _should_ happen.

I based mine on what Guido was waiting for someone to say <wink>.

We worry too much about disagreeing here; different opinions are great!
Guido will squash the ones he can't stand anyway.

[about Aaron's pylint's lack of 1.5.2 smarts]
> ...
> Aaron agrees that a parser module based one would be better.

You can't beat a real parse, no argument there.  Luckily, the compiler
parses too.

> What stands in the way?
> (a) There's so much else to do...

How did Perl manage to attract 150 people with nothing to do except hack on
Perl internals?  "Wow, that code's such a mess I bet even *I* could get
something into it" <0.6 wink>.

> (b) *Someone* needs to design a good framework for spitting out
> warnings, and for giving the programmer a way to control which
> warnings to ignore. I've seen plenty of good suggestions here; now
> somebody should simply go off and come up with a proposal too good to
> refuse.

The response has been ... absent.  Anyone doing this?  I liked JimF's push
to make cmd-line options available to Python programs too.  Somehow they
seem related to me.

> (c) I have a different agenda with CP4E -- I think it would be great
> if the editor could do syntax checking and beyond *while you type*,
> like the spell checker in MS Word.  (I *like* Word's spell checker,
> even though I hate the style checker [too stupid], and I gladly put up
> with the spell checker's spurious complaints -- it's easy to turn off,
> easy to ignore, and it finds lots of good stuff.)
> Because the editor has to deal with incomplete and sometimes
> ungrammatical things, and because it has to work in real time (staying
> out of the way when you're frantically typing, catching up when your
> fingers take a rest), it needs a different kind of parser.

Different from what?  Python's own parser for sure.  IDLE has at least two
distinct parsers of its own that have nothing in common with Python's parser
and little in common with each other.  Using the horrid tricks in, it may even be possible to write the kind of parser you need in
Python and still have it run fast enough.

For parsing-on-the-fly from random positions, take my word for it and
Barry's as insurance <wink>:  the single most frequent question you need to
have a fast and reliable answer for is "is this character in a string?".
Unfortunately, turns out that's the hardest question to answer too.  The
next one is "am I on a continuation line, and if so where's the start?".
Given rapid & bulletproof ways to answer those, the rest is pretty easy.

> But that's another project, and once the Python core has a warning
> framework in place, I'm sure we'll find more things that are worth
> warning about.

That was frequently predicted for various pylint projects too <wink>.

> I'm not always in agreement with Tim Peters when he says that Python
> is so dynamic that it's impossible to check for certain errors.  It
> may be impossible to say *for sure* that something is an error, but
> there sure are lots of situations where you're doing something that's
> *likely* to be an error.

We have no disagreement there.  What a compiler does must match the
advertised semantics of the language-- or its own advertised deviations from
those --without compromise.  A warning system has no such constraint; to the
contrary, in the case of a semantic mess like Perl, most of its value is in
pointing out *legal* constructs that are unlikely to work the way you

> E.g. if the compiler sees len(1), and there's no local or global
> variable named len, it *could* be the case that the user has set up a
> parallel universe where the len() built-in accepts an integer
> argument, but more likely it's an honest mistake, and I would like to
> get a warning about it.

Me too.  More:  I'd also like to get a warning for *having* a local or
global variable named len!  Masking the builtin names is simply bad
practice, and is also usually an honest mistake.

BTW, I was surprised that the most frequent gotcha among new Python users at
Dragon turned out to be exactly that:  dropping a "len" or a "str" or
whatever (I believe len, str and list were most common) into their
previously working code-- because they just learned about that builtin --and
getting runtime errors as a result.  That is, they already had a local var
of that name, and forgot.  Then they were irked that Python didn't nag them
from the start (with a msg they understood, of course).

> The hard part here is to issue this warning for len(x) where x is some
> variable or expression that is likely to have a non-sequence value
> (barring alternate universes); this might require global analysis
> that's hard or expensive enough that we can't put it in the core
> (yet).  This may be seen as an argument for a separate lint...

Curiously, Haskell is statically type-safe but doesn't require declarations
of any kind -- it does global analysis, and has a 100% reliable type
inference engine (the language was, of course, designed to make this true).
Yet I don't think I've ever seen a Haskell program on the web that didn't
explicitly declare the type of every global anyway.  I think this is
natural, too:  while it's a PITA to declare the type of every stinking local
that lives for two lines and then vanishes, the types of non-local names
aren't self-evident:  type decls really help for them.

So if anyone is thinking of doing the kind of global analysis Guido mentions
here, and is capable of doing it <wink>, I'd much rather they put their
effort into optional static type decls for Python2.  Many of the same
questions need to be answered either way (like "what's a type?", and "how do
we spell a type?" -- the global analysis warnings won't do any good if you
can't communicate the substance of an error <wink>), and optional decls are
likely to have bigger bang for the buck.

[Skip Montanaro]
> ...
> Perl's experience with -w seems to suggest that it's best to always
> enable whatever warnings you can as well.

While that's my position, I don't want to oversell the Perl experience.
That language allows so many goofy constructs, and does so many wild guesses
at runtime, that Perl is flatly unusable without -w for non-trivial
programs.  Not true of Python, although the kinds of warnings people have
suggested so far certainly do seem worthy of loud complaint by default.

> (More and more I see people using gcc's -Wall flag as well.)

If you have to write portable C++ code, and don't enable every warning you
can get on every compiler you have, and don't also turn on "treat warnings
as errors", non-portable code will sneak into the project rapidly.  That's
my experience, over & over.  gcc catches stuff MS doesn't, and vice versa,
and MetroWerks yet another blob, and platform-specific cruft *still* gets
in.  It's irksome.

> Now, my return consistency stuff was easy enough to write in C for two
> reasons.  One, I'm fairly comfortable with the compile.c code.

I don't anticipate dozens of people submitting new warning code.  It would
be unprecendented if even two of us decided this was our thing.  If would be
almost unprecendented if even one of us followed up on it <0.6 wink>.

> Two, adding my checks required no extra memory management overhead.

Really good global analysis likely requires again as much C code as already
exists.  Luckily, I don't think putting in some warnings requires that all
conceivable warnings be implemented at once <wink>.  For stuff that complex,
I'd rather make it optional and write it in Python; I don't believe any law
prevents the compiler from running Python code.

> Consider a few other checks you might conceivably add to the byte code
> compiler:
>     * tab nanny stuff (already enabled with -t, right?)

Very timidly, yes <wink>.  Doesn't complain by default, and you need -tt to
make it an error.  Only catches 4 vs 8 tab size ambiguities, but that's good
enough for almost everyone almost all the time.

>     * variables set but not used
>     * variables used before set

These would be wonderful.  The Perl/pylint "gripe about names unique in a
module" is a cheap approximation that gets a surprising percentage of the
benefit for the cost of a dict and an exception list.

> If all of this sort of stuff is added to the compiler proper, I predict a
> couple major problems will surface:
>     * The complexity of the code will increase significantly, making it
>       harder to maintain and enhance

The complexity of the existing code should be almost entirely unaffected,
because non-trivial semantic analysis belongs in a new subsystem with its
own code.

>     * Fewer and fewer people will be able to approach the code, making it
>       less likely that new checks are added

As opposed to what?  The status quo, with no checks at all?  Somehow, facing
the prospect of *some* checks doesn't frighten me away <wink>.  Besides, I
don't buy the premise:  if someone takes this on as their project, worrying
that they'll decline to add new valuable checks is like MarkH worrying that
I wouldn't finish adding full support for stinking tabs to the common
IDLE/PythonWin editing components.  People take pride in their hackery.

>     * Future extensions like pluggable virtual machines will be harder
>       to add because their byte code compilers will be harder to integrate
>       into the core

If you're picturing adding this stuff sprayed throughout the guts of the
existing com_xxx routines, we've got different pictures in mind.

Semantic analysis is usually a pass between parsing and code generation,
transforming the parse tree and complaining about source it thinks is fishy.
If done in any conventional way, it has no crosstalk at all with either the
parsing work that precedes it or the code generation that follows it.  It's
a pipe stage between them, whose output is of the same type as its input.
That is, it's a "pluggable component" in its own right, and doesn't even
need to be run.  So potential for interference just isn't there.

At present, Python is very unusual both in:

1) Having no identifiable semantic pass at all, parsing directly to byte
code, and enforcing its few semantic constraints (like "'continue' not
properly in loop") lumped in with both of those.


2) Having one trivial optimization pass-- 76 lines of code instead of the
usual 76,000 <wink> --running after the byte code has been generated.
However, the sole transformation made here (distinguishing local from
non-local names) is much more properly viewed as being a part of semantic
analysis than as being "an optimization".  It's deducing trivial info about
what names *mean* (i.e., basic semantics), and is called optimization here
only because Python didn't do it at first.

So relating this to a traditional compiler, I'd say that "optimize()" is
truly Python's semantic analysis pass, and all that comes before it is the
parsing pass -- a parsing pass with output in a form that's unfortunately
clumsy for further semantic analysis, but so it goes.  The byte code is such
a direct reflection of the parse tree that there's really little fundamental
difference between them.

So for minimal disruption, I'd move "optimize" into a new module and call it
the semantic analysis pass, and it would work with the byte code.  Just as
now, you wouldn't *need* to call it at all.  Unlike now, the parsing pass
probably needs to save away some more info (e.g., I don't *think* it keeps
track of what all is in a module now in any usable way).

For Python2, I hope Guido adopts a more traditional structure (i.e., parsing
produces a parse tree, codegen produces bytecode from a parse tree, and
other tree->tree transformers can be plugged in between them).  Almost all
compilers follow this structure, and not because compiler writers are
unimaginative droids <wink>.  Compile-time for Python isn't anywhere near
being a problem now, even on my creaky old 166MHz machine; I suspect the
current structure reflects worry about that on much older & slower machines.

Some of the most useful Perl msgs need to be in com_xxx, though, or even
earlier.  The most glaring example is runaway triple-quoted strings.
Python's "invalid token" pointing at the end of the file is maddeningly
unhelpful; Perl says it looks like you have a runaway string, and gives the
line number it thinks it may have started on.  That guess is usually
correct, or points you to what you *thought* was the end of a different
string.  Either way your recovery work is slashed.  (Of course IDLE is even
better:  the whole tail of the file changes to "string color", and you just
need to look up until the color changes!)

> In addition, more global checks probably won't be possible (reasoning
> code across module boundaries for instance) because the compiler's view of
> the world is fairly narrow.

As above, I don't think there's enough now even to analyze one module in

> I think lint-like tools should be implemented in Python (possibly with the
> support of an extension module for performance-critical sections) which is
> then called from the compiler proper under appropriate circumstances
> (warnings enabled, all necessary modules importable, etc).

I have no objection to that.  I do object to the barely conceivable getting
in the way of the plainly achievable, though -- the pylint tools out there
now, just like your return consistency checker, do a real service already
without any global analysis.  Moving that much into the core (implemented in
Python if possible, recoded in C if not) gets a large chunk of the potential
benefit for maybe 5% of the eventual work.

It's nice that Guido is suddenly keen on global analysis too, but I don't
see him volunteering to do any work either <wink>.

> I believe the code would be much more easily maintained and extended.

If it's written in Python, of course.

> You'd be able to swap in a new byte code compiler without risking the
> loss of your checking code.

I never understood this one; even if there *were* a competing byte code
compiler out there <0.1 wink>, keeping as much as possible out of com_xxx
should render it a non-issue.  If I'm missing your point and there is some
fundamental conflict here, fine, then it's another basis on which bytecode
compilers will compete.

more-concerned-about-things-that-exist-than-things-that-don't-ly y'rs  - tim

From iporres at  Sun Sep 12 11:54:36 1999
From: iporres at (Ivan Porres)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 12:54:36 +0300
Subject: [Python-Dev] Memory usage in Python
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,

I've been reading this list for a while but this is the first time I
post a message. I am interested on using Python as a scripting
language for small embedded systems. One of the limiting factors on a
embedded system is the memory. Memory cost money, uses space and
drains power.

We have released a big patch to selectively disable some features of a
Python interpreter at compile time. With the patch, it is possible to
disable, i.e., complex numbers or file objects, in order to reduce
the memory foot print of the Python interpreter. The patch is
available at

Now, I am interested on studying and reducing the memory consumption of
Python programs. That is all the memory allocated by the interpreter
in order to run a python program. I would like to know if somebody
else has been working on the same direction. Is there any document
explaining how Python uses the memory? I would be nice to know which
structures are most used, their size, how often are accessed,

I have the impression that most people is concerned about optimising
Python for speed, but I still think that some Python users will
also benefit from size optimisations.


Ivan Porres Paltor                    Turku Centre for Computer Science
?bo Akademi, Department of Computer Science  Phone: +358-2-2154033   
Lemmink?inengatan 14A                             
FIN-20520 Turku - Finland          

From skip at  Sun Sep 12 16:20:14 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 09:20:14 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Catching "return" and "return expr" at compile time
In-Reply-To: <000001befcff$bf654e20$492d153f@tim>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Skip> * Future extensions like pluggable virtual machines will be harder
    Skip> to add because their byte code compilers will be harder to
    Skip> integrate into the core

    Tim> If you're picturing adding this stuff sprayed throughout the guts
    Tim> of the existing com_xxx routines, we've got different pictures in
    Tim> mind.

This was precisely my example, because that's the way I implemented the
return warning stuff, by modifying the com_xxx routines.  I believe that's
the wrong way to go in the long run, and I see by the rest of your message
you feel the same way as well.  To the greatest extent possible, I think
this stuff should be implemented in Python.  (We may disagree on that
point.)  Being able to plug in new parse tree analysis/transformation
modules between parse tree creation and code generation could at least be
controlled from Python.


P.S. Something I just noticed: Since the node typedef (node.h) and the
macros that manipulate nodes are shared across multiple files shouldn't they
be named something slightly less likely to clash with other packages?

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 12:05:46 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:05:46 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Guido]
> > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > the same directory as the current module.
> [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> > the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
> > is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
> > as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
> > released) and Mark's win32 stuff.
> >
> > As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> > and more often.
> I never understand package complaints.  Maybe it's the imprecision of the
> language people use, or maybe because it's because people don't give fully
> fleshed-out examples.  Whatever, in the end, I never have any idea what the
> complaint is, or in what way the solution is "solving" anything.

My original post contained an example package using relative
imports. The example uses intra-package imports across subpackage
levels which currently is only possible using absolute module
names (see below for a definition).

Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the

Think of the '__' as an additional feature that authors can use
at their own will. They don't *have* to, just as you don't have
to use relative file paths in your config files. It's
just a convenience that some authors may want to use in their code.
> In the above, "absolute" doesn't appear to mean "absolute" in any
> OS-sensible sense.  So what does it really mean?  Does it mean the same
> things to Guido and MAL?

"Absolute" means fully qualified name, i.e. the complete path to 
the modules from the top-level root via all subpackage down to the
module name itself, e.g. TextTools.Constants.TagTable.

> In MAL's hint of examples, I don't see any problem.  If mxDateTime unpacks
> itself into a directory named DateTime, then *of course* it's going to
> collide with other packages that want to do likewise.  Install it into
> mxDateTime instead, and take "absolute" to mean "any module that wants an
> mxDateTime service and does not itself live directly in mxDateTime/ must
> import the desired module via a path beginning 'mxDateTime.'", and
> everything looks straightforward to me (and that outcome makes me infer that
> this is thus probably what Guido has in mind too).

This is what I intend to do: move all my stuff under a 'mx'
package and then continue reinventing (faster, different,
doesn't-slip-when-wet) wheels ;-). BTW, the queue thingie is just
a proof of concept fun project.

> Similarly for
> win32.Queue vs mxQueue.Queue vs the Queue in the std library (it *would* be
> good to have an explicit way to say "std library" -- "Lib." comes to mind).

I'd prefer 'org.python.core.' or 'stdlib.' or just simply 'python.'
but that's a different issue.
> > I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> > distribute them in two forms without having to change
> > a single line for the added support:
> >
> > 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> > 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'
> Ah, so that's what this is about.  I vote screw #2.  Releasing it that way
> was a mistake.

Not until Zope went Open Source ;-) ...

>  Better to live with the brief & finite pain of repairing it
> than complicating Python to cover up for it.

Screwing #2 is not possible unless I want all those already
stored DateTime pickles to fail loading... ok, I could probably
provide some kind of compatibility package which then redirects
the import to mx.DateTime.

> > Another major advantage is that I could take any other
> > self-contained package and install it under absolute paths
> > of my choice, e.g. put Zope under org.zope.core, Python under
> > org.python.core etc., without harming their functionality
> > or having to dive deep into their import structures to fix
> > them manually.
> I view that not as an advantage but as harmful complication.  Zope etc add
> great value to a Python installation, and when I write a killer app full of
> "import zope.this" and "import zope.that", I don't want the possibility that
> it's not going to work on my client's machine just because their sysadmin
> installed Zope into some silly site-specific path named after his soon-to-be
> ex-girlfriend <wink>.  I don't want a way to work around him doing that,
> either:  I don't want him to be able to screw me to begin with.

Zope is not a package AFAIK (and probably never will be due to the
pickle complications), so 'import zope.this' won't work anyways
unless you add a Zope wrapping package of your own -- and this will
only work for Zope modules not relying on other Zope modules unless
they use relative imports.

> > To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> > alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> > in the package structures become manageable without user
> > intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> > structures change because they store absolute module names.
> This is a different issue, and may have merits of its own.  WRT the relative
> import scheme, its advantage seems to lie in providing a way to partially
> recover from the damage the new scheme causes <0.5 wink>.

I'm not proposing a new scheme... only a convenience for package
> As is, the package name used by a release is part of its published
> interface.  You can't change it without causing pain, any more than you can
> make incompatible changes to public class methods or input-output behavior.
> In return, package clients are uniform, simple and portable, making life
> easiest for the people who know least.  The burden is on package authors to
> choose names wisely, and that's where the burden should be.

Sure, but we are heading into these kind of problems just now and
have no proper solution at hand. Simply coping out by blaiming the
package authors is not the right way to handle the situation; referring
them to some global name registry (the one at NIST) isn't either.

As the Zope example shows, it's not easy to move from half-packaged
to full packaged (relative imports will ease this move, though) due
to external references using absolute object type/class names. Changes
in the package structure produce the same problems.

It's not so much the burden of the programmer having to adjust his
code to the new layout I'm talking about here: it's the user with
all his data stored in object databases that worries me.

> if-100-pkgs-all-want-their-own-queue-they-already-can-ly y'rs  - tim

Not if just one of them decides to make it top-level... grabbing
the name until eternity ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 12:17:31 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:17:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > >
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not
> > > in the same directory as the current module.
> >
> > Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> > the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which is
> > not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such as
> > DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be released)
> > and Mark's win32 stuff.
> I can see your point (although I also believe that authors - Guido
> excepted - should come up with collision-free names, probably in a
> Java-ish scheme).

> But I strongly believe that import.c should be left alone, maybe
> even to die. There are too many people doing import hooks to
> make fiddling with its behavior safe.
> I'm also a strong proponent of Greg's scheme, which
> makes it a breeze to do import hooks. And my experience
> disproves the notion that the import mechanism needs to be in C. If
> you don't believe me, try the ZlibArchive stuff (which is cross
> platform) from my Win32 installer stuff. You can pack the standard
> library into one 475K file, and get a perceptible performance boost.

You're probably right in saying that we don't need the code in C.
I just wanted to avoid yet another import hook being incompatible
with all the other existing hooks.

Perhaps we should restart the import discussion all over and
come up with a more flexbile 100% compatible framework based
on Greg's imputil scheme. Then I could add my hook for the relative
imports and be happy ;-)
> OTOH, I could see doing a framework of packages, in which case
> relative imports might be handy. This seems to work fine:
> def relimp(nm):
>   rpth = string.split(nm, '/')
>   tpth = string.split(__name__, '.')[:-1]
>   for node in rpth:
>     if node == '..':
>       del tpth[-1]
>     else:
>       tpth.append(node)
>     #print `tpth`
>   return __import__(string.join(tpth, '.'))
> b = relimp('../packageA2.b')

This is pretty much how my patch works... except that I use the style '__' pseudo package instead of '../'.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 12:27:04 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:27:04 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Memory usage in Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ivan Porres wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've been reading this list for a while but this is the first time I
> post a message. I am interested on using Python as a scripting
> language for small embedded systems. One of the limiting factors on a
> embedded system is the memory. Memory cost money, uses space and
> drains power.
> We have released a big patch to selectively disable some features of a
> Python interpreter at compile time. With the patch, it is possible to
> disable, i.e., complex numbers or file objects, in order to reduce
> the memory foot print of the Python interpreter. The patch is
> available at
> Now, I am interested on studying and reducing the memory consumption of
> Python programs. That is all the memory allocated by the interpreter
> in order to run a python program. I would like to know if somebody
> else has been working on the same direction. Is there any document
> explaining how Python uses the memory? I would be nice to know which
> structures are most used, their size, how often are accessed,
> etc...

You should have a look at Vladimir Marangozov's pymalloc (hope this
URL still works):
It has some logging facilities which give detailed reports about
the storage sizes etc.

> I have the impression that most people is concerned about optimising
> Python for speed, but I still think that some Python users will
> also benefit from size optimisations.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 14:44:56 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:44:56 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> the same directory as the current module.

I'll second Marc-Andre here.  

A significant headache occurs when you have a package
that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
reference other sub-packages within the same package without
knowing where the containing package is installed.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Mon Sep 13 15:09:59 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:09:59 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:44:56 EDT."
References: <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> > > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > the same directory as the current module.
> I'll second Marc-Andre here.  
> A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> knowing where the containing package is installed.

You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
package name I meant package name (e.g. not
filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

(On reduced bandwidth here, hence not so subtle.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From mhammond at  Mon Sep 13 15:14:56 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:14:56 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000d01befde9$f9c70690$0801a8c0@bobcat>

[Jim writes]
> I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> knowing where the containing package is installed.

I certainly dont want to know _where_ the package is installed, but do
want to know the package name.  A package name, IMO, is like a module
name - once named, you are largely stuck with it.

I for one use packages quite extensively, but have never lamented the
loss of __ from the ni days.  If someone, for example, wanted to
change the package name of "win32com" or "pywin", then I would expect
lots of code to break, in the same way as changing the name any
standard module would break code.

I see Marc's issue with pickle, but I dont see the problem with
absolute package names any more than I see a problem with explicitely
naming modules in an import statement...


From jim at  Mon Sep 13 15:32:25 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:32:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> As is, the package name used by a release is part of its published
> interface.  You can't change it without causing pain, any more than you can
> make incompatible changes to public class methods or input-output behavior.
> In return, package clients are uniform, simple and portable, making life
> easiest for the people who know least.  The burden is on package authors to
> choose names wisely, and that's where the burden should be.

Not all packages are part of the external interface. In fact, 
all Zope names are essentially internal, since Zope is an application.
The issue is not so much access to access from outside as it is access
between packages within Zope.

Further, the current support for relative imports allows a package
to be moved into another package without breaking the pulic interface wrt 
the containing package.

Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:

Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
and stringtools.  If mx was installed in the Python path
then a module in the mx.DateTime package could get at stringtools

  import mx.stringtools

So far, so good.

Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages
that are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone
wants to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that 
provides access to an external database.  Now the author of the 
NiftyDB product wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is
not a standard part of Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include
it in the NiftyDB product directory.  Becase relative imports are
allowed in the current import scheme, they can use mx as usual.
A NiftyDB module can import DateTime as follows:

  import mx.DateTime

So even though mx is istalled as a sub-package, the public
interface is unchanged, at least wrt the containing package.

Unfortunately, the internal import of stringtools in the DateTime

  import mx.stringtools

will fail, because mx is no longer a top-level module.

Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

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From jim at  Mon Sep 13 15:32:39 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:32:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
> >
> > [Guido]
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > > the same directory as the current module.
> >
> > [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > > Of course, you could do everything with absolute names, but then
> > > the package author would dictate the complete absolute path which
> > > is not always desirable since it can cause name collisions such
> > > as DateTime in mxDateTime and Zope or Queue in mxQueue (to be
> > > released) and Mark's win32 stuff.
> > >
> > > As more and more packages appear, we run into this problem more
> > > and more often.
> >
> > I never understand package complaints.  Maybe it's the imprecision of the
> > language people use, or maybe because it's because people don't give fully
> > fleshed-out examples.  Whatever, in the end, I never have any idea what the
> > complaint is, or in what way the solution is "solving" anything.
> My original post contained an example package using relative
> imports. The example uses intra-package imports across subpackage
> levels which currently is only possible using absolute module
> names (see below for a definition).

I agree that this is a valid complaint about the current scheme.

> Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
> relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
> are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
> had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the
> implementation.

And, in fact, the current scheme does let you use relative paths
to go down.
> > > I could then make all my packages self-contained and
> > > distribute them in two forms without having to change
> > > a single line for the added support:
> > >
> > > 1. under the new 'mx' package, e.g. mx.DateTime
> > > 2. for backward compatibility under 'DateTime'
> >
> > Ah, so that's what this is about.  I vote screw #2.  Releasing it that way
> > was a mistake.
> Not until Zope went Open Source ;-) ...
> >  Better to live with the brief & finite pain of repairing it
> > than complicating Python to cover up for it.
> Screwing #2 is not possible unless I want all those already
> stored DateTime pickles to fail loading... ok, I could probably
> provide some kind of compatibility package which then redirects
> the import to mx.DateTime.

Regardless of how you spell the import, the pickles 
*must* reflect the absolute path.  Otherwise, pickleability
depends on where you unpickle.  If you rearrange packages, 
or rename modules, there is a pickling issue.  This is clearly
a problem in need of a better solution.
> Zope is not a package AFAIK

Nope. If I had it to do over it would be.  It will be
eventually. (While Zope is not a package, it makes extensive 
use of packges. Zope has a total of about 350 modules and 
packages, of which about 44 are in the top-level namespace.)

> (and probably never will be due to the pickle complications),

The pickling issues are solvable in a number of ways, although
it is a bit painfull.  I considered fixing the package layout
in Zope 2, but I ran out of time. :)

> so 'import zope.this' won't work anyways
> unless you add a Zope wrapping package of your own -- and this will
> only work for Zope modules not relying on other Zope modules unless
> they use relative imports.

This is a good example. It should be possible to make Zope package-
portable but it isn't, at least not without writing import hooks, which
make my head hurt alot more than meta-classes. ;)
> > > To further enhance this mechanism I would like to have an
> > > alias mechanism in import, pickle et al. so that changes
> > > in the package structures become manageable without user
> > > intervention: pickles are a major problem whenever import
> > > structures change because they store absolute module names.
> >
> > This is a different issue, and may have merits of its own.  WRT the relative
> > import scheme, its advantage seems to lie in providing a way to partially
> > recover from the damage the new scheme causes <0.5 wink>.
> I'm not proposing a new scheme... only a convenience for package
> authors.

I think that this is an important convenience that is probably not
appreciated until you write a complex package structure.

Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

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result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 15:35:21 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:35:21 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [MAL]
> > > > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > > > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > > > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > > > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> [GvR]
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > > the same directory as the current module.
> [JimF]
> > I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> >
> > A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> > reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> > knowing where the containing package is installed.
> You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
> package name I meant package name (e.g. not
> filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
> toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

I wasn't refering to file path location either, but to 
package name-space location.  See the example I just
posted in reply to Tim.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Mon Sep 13 15:40:10 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:40:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:05:46 +0200."
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>  
Message-ID: <>

> Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
> relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
> are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
> had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the
> implementation.

It was left out of the 1.5 package implementation on purpose, and I
will fight proposals to get it back.  It is an ugly hack that deserves 
to die.  So there!

> "Absolute" means fully qualified name, i.e. the complete path to 
> the modules from the top-level root via all subpackage down to the
> module name itself, e.g. TextTools.Constants.TagTable.

No disagreement there.

BTW, The compatibility issues with class references in object
databases need to be resolved in a different way -- package renamings
are but one of the problems here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 15:57:32 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 15:57:32 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [MAL]
> > > > I've spent the last two hours trying to get relative package
> > > > imports to work because I need them for my extension packages
> > > > which will soon all move under a new top-level package name
> > > > to overcome the conflicts with PIL and Zope.
> [GvR]
> > > I'd much rather use absolute package names for anything that's not in
> > > the same directory as the current module.
> [JimF]
> > I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> >
> > A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> > reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> > knowing where the containing package is installed.
> You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
> package name I meant package name (e.g. not
> filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
> toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.

I think Jim meant the absolute package name just like you and I

I don't really understand why you and Tim oppose to relative

Tim's argument about sysadmins installing packages
under fantasy names isn't really all that realistic, IMHO,
even though it would work.

The ability to host a subpackage inside another package is a
very attractive feature for large package based applications: you
don't have to edit a single line in the subpackage's source code
and can install/update the subpackage without harming its
functionality within the system.

BTW: The patch I posted does not add a circular reference to the
modules as the old implementation (sometimes) did.
Since the __ handling is done dynamically and on import only there
is no need to add a module attribute __ pointing to the parent module.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 16:08:36 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 16:08:36 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000901befc94$6a463d20$6aa2143f@tim>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Note that I did not want to start a discussion about absolute vs.
> > relative names (I believe everybody agrees that realtive file names
> > are a Good Thing). The 'import __.module' thing is not new:
> > had support for this and my patch simply adds it back to the
> > implementation.
> It was left out of the 1.5 package implementation on purpose, and I
> will fight proposals to get it back.  It is an ugly hack that deserves
> to die.  So there!

I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
"ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?

Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Mon Sep 13 16:35:16 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:35:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
References: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 08:44:56 EDT."             <> 
Message-ID: <>

A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: not available
Type: text/enriched
Size: 1587 bytes
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URL: <>

From gmcm at  Mon Sep 13 16:56:12 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:56:12 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Jim Fulton]
> Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> and stringtools.  
> Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> directory.  

This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He 
should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", and put error 
handling on the import. Otherwise I might end up with a gazillion 
separate copies of the mx package installed on my system and no 
way to clean it up.

Your notion of "self contained packages" is flawed. Reducto ad 
adsurdum, it leads to downloading the OS with every app you 
install. (Crap, I hope I haven't given Sun any new ideas...).

- Gordon

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 17:16:03 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:16:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [Jim Fulton]
> > Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> >
> > Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> > and stringtools.
> ...
> > Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> > are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> > to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> > access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> > wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> > Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> > directory.
> This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", and put error
> handling on the import.

This is unacceptable. People should not have to hack a 
global namespace to get a local feature.

> Otherwise I might end up with a gazillion
> separate copies of the mx package installed on my system and no
> way to clean it up.

Or you might not.  In any case, the ability to have localized 
references should be there.

Actually, Zope does provide a place to share packages
that multiple products use. This involves putting
shared packages in a sub-package of the 'Shared'
package.  For example, Digital Creations
shared packages go in Shared.DC. 

Putting mx in Shared.ACME runs into the same
problem. Although the product author can:


the import of mx.stringtools in DateTime
will still fail.

Now, maybe ACME will hack mx to change the
internal imports:


but their hacks will get broken when 
we make Zope a package and Shared becomes
a sub-package of Zope.
> Your notion of "self contained packages" is flawed. Reducto ad
> adsurdum, it leads to downloading the OS with every app you
> install. (Crap, I hope I haven't given Sun any new ideas...).

I'm sorry, but relying on existing Python installations for
commercial applications is just not practical. In fact, Zope
binary distributions contain their own Python distributions 
because relying on preinstalled Python distributions is just
way too much of a support burden and a hassle for out customers.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 17:21:15 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:21:15 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [relative package imports]
> [JimF]
> > > I'll second Marc-Andre here.
> > >
> > > A significant headache occurs when you have a package
> > > that has sub-packages.  Sub-packages need to be able to
> > > reference other sub-packages within the same package without
> > > knowing where the containing package is installed.
> [GvR]
> > You never need to know where it is installed.  When I said absolute
> > package name I meant package name (e.g. not
> > filename.  As Tim has argued, the ability to change the name of the
> > toplevel here is a liability, not a feature.
> In between. I can see relative packages as *one* way of handling
> certain problems. Consider:
>  zope.Win32
>  zope.Unix
> with both of these having alternate implementations of  subpackages foo
> and bar. Then for (the current) foo.a to get to (the  current) bar.b,
> using a relative import seems a natural.

I wouldn't use relative imports for this.
> This can, of course, be done in pure Python. So can doing things  in
> that make the appropriate implementations of  foo and
> bar appear to be and On any criteria I  can think of,
> this would be a superior solution. (*)

I agree. This is not a good motivating example for relative imports.
> What I am against is further complicating the already over  complicated
> built in import mechanism.

The current scheme doesn't seem all that complicated to me.
I wouldn't be in favor of making it more complicated if there wasn't
a good reason.  I think that, in working on the Zope framework, 
I've found some pretty good reasons for relative imports.

> (*) such as a that looks like this:
> import sys
> if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
>   nm = __name__ + '.Win32'
> else:
>   nm = __name__ + '.Unix'
> new = __import__(nm)
> sys.modules[__name__] = sys.modules[nm]

Right, this would be silly. This is not a good example.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From mal at  Mon Sep 13 17:27:31 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 17:27:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [Jim Fulton]
> > Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> >
> > Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> > and stringtools.
> ...
> > Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> > are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> > to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> > access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> > wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> > Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> > directory.
> This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", and put error
> handling on the import. Otherwise I might end up with a gazillion
> separate copies of the mx package installed on my system and no
> way to clean it up.

The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of
Zope. There's nothing bad about it if you take the POV of a typical
Zope user who doesn't know about the internals too much.

OTOH, if the user does have the skill to install packages
himself, he could install the mx package top-level and then
leave it out of the NiftyDB product dir. Both setups will work
without any source code change... that's the real advantage.

Currently, only the top-level installation of the mx package
will work and this of course introduces other problems like
version control, e.g. the NiftyDB product (relying on mx 1.9)
may not support version 2.0 of mx which the sysadmin installed
at top-level. There would be no way (apart from patching NiftyDB)
to get back to a working setup.
> Your notion of "self contained packages" is flawed. Reducto ad
> adsurdum, it leads to downloading the OS with every app you
> install. (Crap, I hope I haven't given Sun any new ideas...).

While you do of course have a point in that packages should not
be loaded twice (a smarter import mechanism written in Python
could handle these situations along with the relative import),
you should consider that Zope is an application. It could go the
WinXX way and simply hack around in the OS or wrap everything
it needs up in the package itself. Both have their pros and
cons, both are possible using relative imports (I'm starting to
feel like one of those marketing guys ;).

BTW, I really don't care much about this feature being coded
in Python or C. All I would like is to have it enabled and
available per default, so that writing self-contained packages
becomes a standard in the Python world.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jcw at  Mon Sep 13 18:23:35 1999
From: jcw at (Jean-Claude Wippler)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 18:23:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > Jim Fulton wrote:
[deeply nested snippety snip]
> >
> > This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> > should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", [...]


> The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
> scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of Zope.

But why shouldn't it be visible?  The only approach which will not
self-destruct IMO, is to segment on source-of-origin.  Your package in
your namespace, Gordon's in his, and Jim's in yet another.  Given that
there is no ordering relationship, that means three areas next to each
other.  If Jim takes M-A's package and modifies it, then that would be a
reason to put M-A's-modified-by-Jim-package within Jim's area.

> Currently, only the top-level installation of the mx package
> will work and this of course introduces other problems like
> version control, e.g. the NiftyDB product (relying on mx 1.9)
> may not support version 2.0 of mx which the sysadmin installed
> at top-level. There would be no way (apart from patching NiftyDB)
> to get back to a working setup.

Which points to a solution in a completely different direction: version
numbers in package directories, like GNU and Tcl do, to name two.

> [...] have it enabled and available per default, so that writing
> self-contained packages becomes a standard in the Python world.

A noble goal.

Now this may be a silly question, but what's the issue here?  I'm used
to writing things which sort of look like this:
	import myGoobledygook
	utils = myGoobledygook
Couldn't this be applied here as well:
	mxDT = aCoolImporter("Marc-Andre's latest date/time utilities")
In other words: figure out a way to get at the proper modules, then use
an alias in your own code to stay away from naming/access dependencies?

And if a parent wants to tell a submodule how to find it, can't it just
set a variable at module level in that submodule, to reach it?

Aliases, bookmarks, symlinks, shortcuts, env vars, globals, registries,
DNS or LDAP servers, FS mount points - it's all the same issue.

-- Jean-Claude

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 18:56:42 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:56:42 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> > The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
> > scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of Zope.
> But why shouldn't it be visible? 

Because visibility has a cost.  Making mx a top-level name
means that someone else can't make it a top-level name.
This is why packages are a good idea.

If the need is local, the definition shouldn't be made 
global *just* to get around a limitation in spelling.

> The only approach which will not
> self-destruct IMO, is to segment on source-of-origin.  Your package in
> your namespace, Gordon's in his, and Jim's in yet another.  Given that
> there is no ordering relationship, that means three areas next to each
> other. 

It must be possible to package things together regardless of
point of origin. Otherwise, you have a big obstical to reuse.

BTW, I think that there is ample evidence that relative imports
will not cause anything to self destruct.

> If Jim takes M-A's package and modifies it, then that would be a
> reason to put M-A's-modified-by-Jim-package within Jim's area.

But Jim wants to use M-A's package as a black box. I don't
want to hack all of his imports due to a packaging detail.


> Now this may be a silly question, but what's the issue here?  I'm used
> to writing things which sort of look like this:
>         import myGoobledygook
>         utils = myGoobledygook
>         print
> Couldn't this be applied here as well:
>         mxDT = aCoolImporter("Marc-Andre's latest date/time utilities")
> In other words: figure out a way to get at the proper modules, then use
> an alias in your own code to stay away from naming/access dependencies?
> And if a parent wants to tell a submodule how to find it, can't it just
> set a variable at module level in that submodule, to reach it?
> Aliases, bookmarks, symlinks, shortcuts, env vars, globals, registries,
> DNS or LDAP servers, FS mount points - it's all the same issue.

Yes, these are options, as are import hooks.  While these are possible
alternatives, they are far less attractive than simply making it 
possible to spell relative imports.  Why?  Well, for one, they require
a lot of cooperation among packages that might be written by totally
different authors.  I might come up with a handy relative import function, 
but how do I get M-A to use it? Well, I'm sure I could get him to use
it, but how about all of the other people whose packages I want to reuse.
No problem, we'll come up with a standard mechansism, maybe even a 
standard library module.  Of course, someone is bound to realize sooner 
or later that it's silly to have a standard relative import library module
*and* a standard import statement and add the feature to standard
import. :)


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
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From mal at  Mon Sep 13 20:21:08 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:21:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > > Jim Fulton wrote:
> [deeply nested snippety snip]
> > >
> > > This would motivate me to strangle the author of NiftyDB. He
> > > should say "This requires Marc-Andre's mx package", [...]
> Yes.

Of course ;-) ... but that's not the point. Commercial products
have to come with all batteries included, not just some of them.
But you can't include everything known in the Python
universe just to avoid conflicts when someone writes a cool
plugin for your package.
> > The mx package installed in product dir won't be visible to outside
> > scripts: it is self-contained and only works in the context of Zope.
> But why shouldn't it be visible? 

Because it would probably affect other apps using the same
package. Just think of what happens to Win9x if you constantly
update the DLLs...

> The only approach which will not
> self-destruct IMO, is to segment on source-of-origin.  Your package in
> your namespace, Gordon's in his, and Jim's in yet another.  Given that
> there is no ordering relationship, that means three areas next to each
> other.  If Jim takes M-A's package and modifies it, then that would be a
> reason to put M-A's-modified-by-Jim-package within Jim's area.
> > Currently, only the top-level installation of the mx package
> > will work and this of course introduces other problems like
> > version control, e.g. the NiftyDB product (relying on mx 1.9)
> > may not support version 2.0 of mx which the sysadmin installed
> > at top-level. There would be no way (apart from patching NiftyDB)
> > to get back to a working setup.
> Which points to a solution in a completely different direction: version
> numbers in package directories, like GNU and Tcl do, to name two.

A different topic -- an interesting one too :-) How does Java
handle this problem ?

> > [...] have it enabled and available per default, so that writing
> > self-contained packages becomes a standard in the Python world.
> A noble goal.

And one which is only reachable by getting whatever mechanism
is needed to make it work into the standard distribution --
not only a hook for relative imports but the real thing !

> Now this may be a silly question, but what's the issue here?  I'm used
> to writing things which sort of look like this:
>         import myGoobledygook
>         utils = myGoobledygook
>         print
> Couldn't this be applied here as well:
>         mxDT = aCoolImporter("Marc-Andre's latest date/time utilities")
> In other words: figure out a way to get at the proper modules, then use
> an alias in your own code to stay away from naming/access dependencies?
> And if a parent wants to tell a submodule how to find it, can't it just
> set a variable at module level in that submodule, to reach it?
> Aliases, bookmarks, symlinks, shortcuts, env vars, globals, registries,
> DNS or LDAP servers, FS mount points - it's all the same issue.

True, but please remember that we are not talking about adding
some esoteric module storage to the standard mechanism (the one
reachable via the "import" statement). Relative import only adds
a logical notion to imports that opens up new possibilities which
are not easily available using other techniques.

BTW, would you want to miss relative file name paths ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   109 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Mon Sep 13 22:52:57 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 16:52:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> >
> > [Jim Fulton]
> > > Here's an example that I hope will be motivating:
> > >
> > > Suppose Marc-Andre has a package mx with subpackages DateTime
> > > and stringtools.
> > ...
> > > Zope has a notion of products which are *self contained* packages that
> > > are sub-packages of the Products package.  So, suppose someone wants
> > > to write a NiftyDB product, which is a Zope product that provides
> > > access to an external database.  Now the author of the NiftyDB product
> > > wants to use the mx package.  The mx package is not a standard part of
> > > Zope, or of Python, so they simpley include it in the NiftyDB product
> > > directory.

First, I am not all that opposed to having a notion of ".."
available in the import statement.  If we can write zope.dir1.mod1
which is a relative import going down, maybe we can write
../dir2/mod2 or something spelled differently.  But I think
there would still be problems.

We would be relying on all package authors to use ".."
or "__" within their package.  But it is more natural to write
zope.this.that or mx.this.that everywhere, and that is what
people have in fact done.  Probably there would be bugs and
at least annoyance.

And it seems unfortunate to need this feature.  A proper
package scheme should really isolate package internals from
the outside world, and if this isn't happening we need a new scheme.

I also don't think there is any escape from needing standard
package names, at least the head name "zope" for example.

Of course all this currently works if (in Jim's example) both
"zope" and "mx" are top-level names.  Then the ".." is not
necessary.  But, as Jim points out:

>> But why shouldn't it be visible? 

>Because visibility has a cost.  Making mx a top-level name
>means that someone else can't make it a top-level name.
>This is why packages are a good idea.

The global shared nature of PYTHONPATH and its name space makes
it difficult to guarantee that all required packages are going
to be present in a complicated installation like zope.  And if
anyone else installs another Python package, it can easily break
the first installation.

One solution is for an application to establish its own
PYTHONPATH which can not be altered.  If this points to "zopedir"
then the installer can freely install mx to the directory
zopedir/mx and be confident that another mx installation
is not damaged, nor used.

The logical extension is to place each package into its own
file using a scheme like Gordon McMillan is using.  If the
package contents is obtained by seeking from the END of the
file, then multiple package files can be concattenated with
  cat package1 package2 zope mx >> bigpackage
and a large installation like zope can be shipped with its
own "bigpackage" library which is essentially a normal
PYTHONPATH archive with everything above the head directory
names thrown away.  The Python library is included under
"Lib" just as it is now.  The bigpackage library implies
its own PYTHONPATH of "Lib;."  If the Python library files are
placed in the root, the implied PYTHONPATH is ".".

Jim Ahlstrom

From jcw at  Mon Sep 13 23:55:43 1999
From: jcw at (Jean-Claude Wippler)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:55:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>


> BTW, would you want to miss relative file name paths ?

Well, that thought did cross my mind while posting that reply...

I'm not sure.  Yes, they are convenient, but "current working directory"
is not always a pleasant concept (yet more global state - think of tree
walks and the inconvenience of having to get, alter, work, restore it -
when using chdir to implement this).  I don't use .. as often as might
be expected.  I use "cd ~/something" a lot more.  While that may look
relative at another level, it really is not (as "echo ~" shows).  It
does illustrate how nearly equivalent the two approaches are.

DOS/Windows has always had a broken relative path: the current drive.

And the "hash/bang" headers of Unix seem to always use absolute paths.

Some of this may seem to point to the need for relative paths.  But I
think it hides a more fundamental issue: you need to find out context.
Once you do, relativeness no longer matters (obviously).  A system which
has a current directory and ".." is equivalent to one which has no such
thing and passes a "starting directory" in the environment, say.

I think a system with less global state is more modular -> preferable.

Another angle: I have built many types of tree structures, still do.
Less and less of those contain a "parent" link.  Instead of storing a
parent you can just as easily keep state while descending into children.

 - Unix file info does not maintain a parent directory, it's redundant.
 - Directories do, and file system mount points are messy because of it.
 - Afaik, it's considered bad style to use "../header.h" in C includes.
 - Upward pointers can introduce cycles (no not here, as has been said).
 - In C++, member objects rarely need pointers to the enclosing object.

It is not for a module to know where it "is" in a hierarchy, it is for a
parent to (sometimes) provide that reference when it uses the module.

If you want want access to a module called mx, and there may be many of
them - then you ask another module to locate it for you.  One which is
able to choose / decide for you.  Proximity may be a good discriminator,
but the decision of proximity was not taken by you - and you won't know
what rule is best.  So you ask an "importer" (which could well always be
the standard Python mechanism).  Given the task to write such as beast,
I'd probably want to implement the following module search as default:
	- look for the module first in the parent (i.e. as sibling)
	- move one level up, look again, etc
	- all the way to the top
That's just one way to do it - proximity is not *always* what you want.
So if Zope chooses a different packaging style, let it override import.
But please don't build ".." into your modules, it doesn't belong there.

Sorry for all the handwaving generalities.  The issues are the same IMO,
whether relativeness is provided or context, and therefore the outcome
of this discussion will never be conclusive - they both work.

-- Jean-Claude

From tim_one at  Tue Sep 14 09:02:24 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 03:02:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>

> I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
> namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
> module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
> "ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?
> Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?

There are two sections on why __ was dropped in

They don't refer to circularity, but to "limited use", "poor readability"
and "awkwardness".  A deeper reason may be hiding in the essay's "most
packages will have a relative shallow substructure":  this is Guido <wink>,
the man who invented two-level scoping, and class inheritance without a
"super" hook back to the (anonymous) parent.  For all Python's dynamicism,
it very much favors shallow, static name hierarchies.  I don't think it's
coincidence that Python's own source code is in a two-level directory
structure either!  The only #include with a ".." is in grammar.h, and there
it's in a comment <wink>:

    #include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */

So if we cut to the core here, I'd bet Guido doesn't object so much to
relative imports as to the idea that anyone would go off and create a
package structure so fractally convoluted that relative imports are strongly
more attractive than naming the target package in full.

Or maybe Guido doesn't care about that at all.  I do regardless.  I know
Python's restrictions can grate, but in all, and in my repeated experience,
they force you to rethink complicated designs and refactor them into simpler
schemes that fit what Python is best at spelling.  Nesting packages 8 deep
is clumsy now?  Damn straight, and I'm thankful for that:  the clumsier it
is, the less gratuitous inherited complexity I'll have to deal with in my
future lives <0.5 wink>.

Things that came up in this thread that are worth fixing include:

+ Problems with persistent class references (incl. pickles).

+ Dealing with incompatible versions of packages.  If someone wants to embed
a copy of (say) mxDateTime in their own package, the only excuses are that
they're afraid of overwriting the user's existing mxDateTime installation
(if any), and/or of having some future installation of something else
overwrite mxDateTime with an incompatible version.  Those are bad problems,
but package embedding is no solution.  You have a much better approach to
that already via the DateTime.__version__ string!  "Something like that"
needs to be formalized and imposed on all public packages.

at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim


> Just think of what happens to Win9x if you constantly update the DLLs...

As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
installers that finally play by the rules.  The mean time between crashes
when I installed Win95 a few years ago was about an hour; now it's at least
days and possibly weeks (don't know -- never leave the puter on that long).
When a version upgrade fails, it's not a mystery, it's a bug <0.9 wink>.

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 10:32:38 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:32:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> First, I am not all that opposed to having a notion of ".."
> available in the import statement.  If we can write zope.dir1.mod1
> which is a relative import going down, maybe we can write
> ../dir2/mod2 or something spelled differently.  But I think
> there would still be problems.
> We would be relying on all package authors to use ".."
> or "__" within their package.  But it is more natural to write
> zope.this.that or mx.this.that everywhere, and that is what
> people have in fact done.  Probably there would be bugs and
> at least annoyance.

Think of it as an opportunity: it makes intra-package imports
very simple without hard-wiring paths to submodules
into the package.

In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
plugin your package if it's self-contained.


I have a feeling that this discussion is loosing its grip
on reality a bit. Jim and I are not argueing to change
Python's face, internal structure or look&feel. The '__' thing
doesn't harm anyone, doesn't break any functionality or
code. It is even now already possible using import hooks and
has been implemented before in using just that technology.

All that we are talking about is reviving relative imports
so that its usage is possible *without* adding yet another
hook. This is not about the pros and cons of deeply nested
packages and neither about advantages of shallow structures.
Its only about adding semantics to the string '__' used
in import statements. Nothing more. People are not forced
to use it. Besides, if used it will be a package internal
technique and not be visible to users of that package.

Now why would anyone want to make life harder for package
authors ? Give the people something to play with so that
they have more fun at what their doing for the benefit
of the community !

> And it seems unfortunate to need this feature.  A proper
> package scheme should really isolate package internals from
> the outside world, and if this isn't happening we need a new scheme.
> I also don't think there is any escape from needing standard
> package names, at least the head name "zope" for example.
> Of course all this currently works if (in Jim's example) both
> "zope" and "mx" are top-level names.  Then the ".." is not
> necessary.  But, as Jim points out:
> >> But why shouldn't it be visible?
> >Because visibility has a cost.  Making mx a top-level name
> >means that someone else can't make it a top-level name.
> >This is why packages are a good idea.
> The global shared nature of PYTHONPATH and its name space makes
> it difficult to guarantee that all required packages are going
> to be present in a complicated installation like zope.  And if
> anyone else installs another Python package, it can easily break
> the first installation.
> One solution is for an application to establish its own
> PYTHONPATH which can not be altered.  If this points to "zopedir"
> then the installer can freely install mx to the directory
> zopedir/mx and be confident that another mx installation
> is not damaged, nor used.
> The logical extension is to place each package into its own
> file using a scheme like Gordon McMillan is using.  If the
> package contents is obtained by seeking from the END of the
> file, then multiple package files can be concattenated with
>   cat package1 package2 zope mx >> bigpackage
> and a large installation like zope can be shipped with its
> own "bigpackage" library which is essentially a normal
> PYTHONPATH archive with everything above the head directory
> names thrown away.  The Python library is included under
> "Lib" just as it is now.  The bigpackage library implies
> its own PYTHONPATH of "Lib;."  If the Python library files are
> placed in the root, the implied PYTHONPATH is ".".

This is a possibility and in fact I'm using such a setup in my
current application. Still it doesn't avoid possible conflicts
due to being top-level, e.g. the user could install an extension
which relies on a specific top-level name already taken by the hosting
package, e.g. the host defines a DateTime package and the
extension comes with its own DateTime package. This is the current
situation with Zope and mxODBC (which needs mxDateTime).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 10:49:52 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:49:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> Marc-Andre,
> > BTW, would you want to miss relative file name paths ?
> Well, that thought did cross my mind while posting that reply...
> I'm not sure.  Yes, they are convenient, but "current working directory"
> is not always a pleasant concept (yet more global state - think of tree
> walks and the inconvenience of having to get, alter, work, restore it -
> when using chdir to implement this).  I don't use .. as often as might
> be expected.  I use "cd ~/something" a lot more.  While that may look
> relative at another level, it really is not (as "echo ~" shows).  It
> does illustrate how nearly equivalent the two approaches are.
> DOS/Windows has always had a broken relative path: the current drive.
> And the "hash/bang" headers of Unix seem to always use absolute paths.

...and people have turned to /usr/bin/env to get around this necessity
> Some of this may seem to point to the need for relative paths.  But I
> think it hides a more fundamental issue: you need to find out context.
> Once you do, relativeness no longer matters (obviously).  A system which
> has a current directory and ".." is equivalent to one which has no such
> thing and passes a "starting directory" in the environment, say.
> I think a system with less global state is more modular -> preferable.

Agreed. I would much prefer to become a standard -- then I
could add my hook into its chain and wouldn't have to argue for
using relative imports ;-) But then, how would I tell if someone
else already has integrated such a hook in the chain ? I sure wouldn't
want to add another one just to make sure...

If the standard mechanism already knows about '__' then I wouldn't
have to worry.
> Another angle: I have built many types of tree structures, still do.
> Less and less of those contain a "parent" link.  Instead of storing a
> parent you can just as easily keep state while descending into children.
>  - Unix file info does not maintain a parent directory, it's redundant.
>  - Directories do, and file system mount points are messy because of it.
>  - Afaik, it's considered bad style to use "../header.h" in C includes.
>  - Upward pointers can introduce cycles (no not here, as has been said).
>  - In C++, member objects rarely need pointers to the enclosing object.

Note that my patch does exactly this: it resolves the __ while
descending into the package structure -- without any explicit
back reference stored in the modules.
> It is not for a module to know where it "is" in a hierarchy, it is for a
> parent to (sometimes) provide that reference when it uses the module.

> If you want want access to a module called mx, and there may be many of
> them - then you ask another module to locate it for you.  One which is
> able to choose / decide for you.  Proximity may be a good discriminator,
> but the decision of proximity was not taken by you - and you won't know
> what rule is best.  So you ask an "importer" (which could well always be
> the standard Python mechanism).  Given the task to write such as beast,
> I'd probably want to implement the following module search as default:
>         - look for the module first in the parent (i.e. as sibling)
>         - move one level up, look again, etc
>         - all the way to the top
> That's just one way to do it - proximity is not *always* what you want.

Now this is an interesting idea... looks like acquisition at the
module import level. Right now the scheme is as follows:

	- look for the module in the import module's dir
	- look for the module on the PYTHONPATH

You would just add a third lookup step in between the two... it
would cause many more module lookups though.

> So if Zope chooses a different packaging style, let it override import.
> But please don't build ".." into your modules, it doesn't belong there.
> Sorry for all the handwaving generalities.  The issues are the same IMO,
> whether relativeness is provided or context, and therefore the outcome
> of this discussion will never be conclusive - they both work.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 11:21:45 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 11:21:45 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [MAL]
> > I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
> > namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
> > module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
> > "ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?
> >
> > Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?
> There are two sections on why __ was dropped in
> They don't refer to circularity, but to "limited use", "poor readability"
> and "awkwardness". 

Ok, so the two underscores look strange... that's arguable. "Limited
use" is not: there clearly is a use for relative imports. Please
remember that we are talking about package internals here -- not
user interfaces of that package. 

> A deeper reason may be hiding in the essay's "most
> packages will have a relative shallow substructure":  this is Guido <wink>,
> the man who invented two-level scoping, and class inheritance without a
> "super" hook back to the (anonymous) parent.  For all Python's dynamicism,
> it very much favors shallow, static name hierarchies.  I don't think it's
> coincidence that Python's own source code is in a two-level directory
> structure either!  The only #include with a ".." is in grammar.h, and there
> it's in a comment <wink>:
>     #include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */
> So if we cut to the core here, I'd bet Guido doesn't object so much to
> relative imports as to the idea that anyone would go off and create a
> package structure so fractally convoluted that relative imports are strongly
> more attractive than naming the target package in full.

This is not the intention of relative imports. Its all about
making packages relocatable. And that's a Good Thing IMHO.

> Or maybe Guido doesn't care about that at all.  I do regardless.  I know
> Python's restrictions can grate, but in all, and in my repeated experience,
> they force you to rethink complicated designs and refactor them into simpler
> schemes that fit what Python is best at spelling.  Nesting packages 8 deep
> is clumsy now?  Damn straight, and I'm thankful for that:  the clumsier it
> is, the less gratuitous inherited complexity I'll have to deal with in my
> future lives <0.5 wink>.

Tim, I promise you not use 8 levels deep ;-) I usually create
my packages using at most two levels (moving to at most three levels
in future mx package releases) and even better: the common
package interfaces are all available at the top-most level while
internal stuff hides in higher levels.

You don't have to think much about the internal structure of
the package while you use it. That's something I have to worry
about and the advantages of relative imports show up in such
a context which is why I posted the patch.

> Things that came up in this thread that are worth fixing include:
> + Problems with persistent class references (incl. pickles).
> + Dealing with incompatible versions of packages.  If someone wants to embed
> a copy of (say) mxDateTime in their own package, the only excuses are that
> they're afraid of overwriting the user's existing mxDateTime installation
> (if any), and/or of having some future installation of something else
> overwrite mxDateTime with an incompatible version.  Those are bad problems,
> but package embedding is no solution.  You have a much better approach to
> that already via the DateTime.__version__ string!  "Something like that"
> needs to be formalized and imposed on all public packages.

So the distutils will have to check for already installed package
versions and warn about conflicts. Right, that's something which 
definitely needs to become a standard (too ;).

> at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim
> PS:
> > Just think of what happens to Win9x if you constantly update the DLLs...
> As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
> get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
> installers that finally play by the rules.  The mean time between crashes
> when I installed Win95 a few years ago was about an hour; now it's at least
> days and possibly weeks (don't know -- never leave the puter on that long).
> When a version upgrade fails, it's not a mystery, it's a bug <0.9 wink>.

My experience is that intra-DLL references simply don't match anymore
and cause the system to become instable. Also, some weird installers
don't care about the version numbers and install older versions at
their will. The outcome is a complete version mess.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Tue Sep 14 14:21:26 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 08:21:26 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: not available
Type: text/enriched
Size: 892 bytes
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URL: <>

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 14:20:53 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:20:53 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [MAL]
> > I agree that it's ugly to include the __ attribute in the module
> > namespace due to the possible circular reference (parent->module,
> > module->parent), but the patch I sent doesn't do this... or was
> > "ugly" referring to the two underscores looking strange ?
> >
> > Could you elaborate a bit on the reasons for dropping __ support ?
> There are two sections on why __ was dropped in
> They don't refer to circularity, but to "limited use", "poor readability"
> and "awkwardness". 

Which are all quite subjective.

> A deeper reason may be hiding in the essay's "most
> packages will have a relative shallow substructure":  this is Guido <wink>,
> the man who invented two-level scoping, and class inheritance without a
> "super" hook back to the (anonymous) parent.  For all Python's dynamicism,
> it very much favors shallow, static name hierarchies.  I don't think it's
> coincidence that Python's own source code is in a two-level directory
> structure either!  The only #include with a ".." is in grammar.h, and there
> it's in a comment <wink>:
>     #include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */
> So if we cut to the core here, I'd bet Guido doesn't object so much to
> relative imports as to the idea that anyone would go off and create a
> package structure so fractally convoluted that relative imports are strongly
> more attractive than naming the target package in full.
> Or maybe Guido doesn't care about that at all.  I do regardless.  I know
> Python's restrictions can grate, but in all, and in my repeated experience,
> they force you to rethink complicated designs and refactor them into simpler
> schemes that fit what Python is best at spelling.  Nesting packages 8 deep
> is clumsy now?  Damn straight, and I'm thankful for that:  the clumsier it
> is, the less gratuitous inherited complexity I'll have to deal with in my
> future lives <0.5 wink>.

Nobody has suggested building 8-level package hierarchies.  In fact,
the example I gave occured when a two-level package hierarchy was
used in a two-level hierarchy.

I don't think the Package structure of Zope is flawed *except*
for the fact that it is one level too *shallow*. The ability to
do relative imports would be very helpful for the work we're doing.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

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From jim at  Tue Sep 14 15:30:38 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:30:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Still it doesn't avoid possible conflicts
> due to being top-level, e.g. the user could install an extension
> which relies on a specific top-level name already taken by the hosting
> package, e.g. the host defines a DateTime package and the
> extension comes with its own DateTime package. This is the current
> situation with Zope and mxODBC (which needs mxDateTime).

Yes, the name conflict at the global level is exactly the problem.
And to repeat, I don't really mind if "__" is added to imports,
although I don't like the spelling.  But...

Perhaps a better solution is a multiple global name space.  Suppose
there is a command line option (or other mechanism such as a special
file in sys.executable) which specifies sys.path for the application.
To be specific, suppose zope is installed in the "zopehome"
directory and the zope package lives in zopehome/zope.  And suppose
zope needs mx, so it installs it in zopehome/mx.  This really is an
obvious structure, and anyone could see that replacing mx/* would
upgrade the mx package.  The sys.path would be zopehome plus perhaps
some subdirectories of zopehome.  Doesn't this solve the problem?
Why not?  And don't complain about wasted disk space.  The smallest
disk you can buy today is 4 gigs and costs $150.

I find the PYTHONPATH mechanism totally unreliable for commercial
programs anyway.  It is a global object, and an installation of
a second Python program can break the first one.  I don't think
there is any solution to this other than specify sys.path on a
per-application basis.  If this is false, what is the other

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 14:42:10 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:42:10 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> >
> > First, I am not all that opposed to having a notion of ".."
> > available in the import statement.  If we can write zope.dir1.mod1
> > which is a relative import going down, maybe we can write
> > ../dir2/mod2 or something spelled differently.  But I think
> > there would still be problems.
> >
> > We would be relying on all package authors to use ".."
> > or "__" within their package.  But it is more natural to write
> > zope.this.that or mx.this.that everywhere, and that is what
> > people have in fact done.  Probably there would be bugs and
> > at least annoyance.
> Think of it as an opportunity: it makes intra-package imports
> very simple without hard-wiring paths to submodules
> into the package.
> In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
> of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
> plugin your package if it's self-contained.

Well said.  It really should be possible to provide
*self-contained* package hierarchies.

> I have a feeling that this discussion is loosing its grip
> on reality a bit. Jim and I are not argueing to change
> Python's face, internal structure or look&feel. The '__' thing
> doesn't harm anyone, doesn't break any functionality or
> code. It is even now already possible using import hooks and
> has been implemented before in using just that technology.
> All that we are talking about is reviving relative imports
> so that its usage is possible *without* adding yet another
> hook. This is not about the pros and cons of deeply nested
> packages and neither about advantages of shallow structures.
> Its only about adding semantics to the string '__' used
> in import statements. Nothing more. People are not forced
> to use it. Besides, if used it will be a package internal
> technique and not be visible to users of that package.
> Now why would anyone want to make life harder for package
> authors ?

I don't think nearly enough Python code has
been packagized.  Packages are critcal for large projects
and for reuse of code within large projects.  There are at 
least two people in this discussion that are trying hard to
make use of packages and have observed a significant problem.
If we really want to encourage developers of reusable Python
software to use packages, then I think it would be wise to pay
attention to people who are actively using packages and have
encountered problems.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 15:46:23 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:46:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
> > of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
> > plugin your package if it's self-contained.
> Well said.  It really should be possible to provide
> *self-contained* package hierarchies.

> There are at
> least two people in this discussion that are trying hard to
> make use of packages and have observed a significant problem.

OK, just to make sure I understand this.  You are saying that
a ".." operation is needed in imports so that a package author
with a package which looks like this:

can write "import __.sub2.mod2" instead of "import mypackage.sub2.mod2"
within the file  Right?

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 15:24:10 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:24:10 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> >
> > "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> > > In the end, having written a self-contained package is a "feature"
> > > of that package. Other authors can then say: ok, I can
> > > plugin your package if it's self-contained.
> >
> > Well said.  It really should be possible to provide
> > *self-contained* package hierarchies.
> > There are at
> > least two people in this discussion that are trying hard to
> > make use of packages and have observed a significant problem.
> OK, just to make sure I understand this.  You are saying that
> a ".." operation is needed in imports so that a package author
> with a package which looks like this:
>   mypackage
>   mypackage/sub1/
>   mypackage/sub2/
> can write "import __.sub2.mod2" instead of "import mypackage.sub2.mod2"
> within the file  Right?


Note that sys.modules would still have the absolute paths
for keys.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From gward at  Tue Sep 14 16:17:01 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:17:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>; from Tim Peters on Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 03:02:24AM -0400
References: <> <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 September 1999, Tim Peters said:
> + Dealing with incompatible versions of packages.  If someone wants to embed
> a copy of (say) mxDateTime in their own package, the only excuses are that
> they're afraid of overwriting the user's existing mxDateTime installation
> (if any), and/or of having some future installation of something else
> overwrite mxDateTime with an incompatible version.  Those are bad problems,
> but package embedding is no solution.  You have a much better approach to
> that already via the DateTime.__version__ string!  "Something like that"
> needs to be formalized and imposed on all public packages.
> at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim

Been there, tried that, bought the flame war.  I made the mistake of
kicking off the Distutils SIG back in Decemver with a proposal for a
standard version numbering scheme for Python module distributions.  See

for the kick-off of that "heated discussion".  ;-)

FWIW, if I was posting that message today, I would s/must/should/ and
that's about it.  And I would stress that these are "Proposed
Recommended Guidelines" rather than "Things You Must Do or Distutils
Will Slam the Door in Your Face", which is what it must have sounded
like based on some of the responses.

Folks: please don't reheat this flamewar on python-dev -- if you're
interested in it, it will undoubtedly come up again on distutils-sig in
due course!

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 16:24:06 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:24:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> >
> > Still it doesn't avoid possible conflicts
> > due to being top-level, e.g. the user could install an extension
> > which relies on a specific top-level name already taken by the hosting
> > package, e.g. the host defines a DateTime package and the
> > extension comes with its own DateTime package. This is the current
> > situation with Zope and mxODBC (which needs mxDateTime).
> Yes, the name conflict at the global level is exactly the problem.
> And to repeat, I don't really mind if "__" is added to imports,
> although I don't like the spelling.  But...

Doesn't look nice, but what other syntax would look better ? It will
have to use identifiers and thus is restricted to [a-zA-Z0-9_]+.
> Perhaps a better solution is a multiple global name space.  Suppose
> there is a command line option (or other mechanism such as a special
> file in sys.executable) which specifies sys.path for the application.
> To be specific, suppose zope is installed in the "zopehome"
> directory and the zope package lives in zopehome/zope.  And suppose
> zope needs mx, so it installs it in zopehome/mx.  This really is an
> obvious structure, and anyone could see that replacing mx/* would
> upgrade the mx package.  The sys.path would be zopehome plus perhaps
> some subdirectories of zopehome.  Doesn't this solve the problem?
> Why not?  And don't complain about wasted disk space.  The smallest
> disk you can buy today is 4 gigs and costs $150.

This would solve the problem for Zope (but only after I have
restructured my packages to all go under the mx package -- which
is what started this thread; it wouldn't be needed using relative

But what about other installations or tools like mxCrypto
which plug into existing packages (Andrew's crypto package) ? Today
such plugins only work side-by-side, ie. you have to install one
part which sits in the plugin slot and one part which gets installed
somewhere in a top-level PYTHONPATH dir. The plugin slot part then
imports the Real Thing from outside the host package (this is how
mxCrypto integrates itself with AMK's lib).

> I find the PYTHONPATH mechanism totally unreliable for commercial
> programs anyway.  It is a global object, and an installation of
> a second Python program can break the first one.  I don't think
> there is any solution to this other than specify sys.path on a
> per-application basis.  If this is false, what is the other
> solution?

The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier... 
which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre, 
but people seem to want all those megs.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 16:13:13 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 14:13:13 +0000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
> > As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
> > get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
> > installers that finally play by the rules.  The mean time between crashes
> > when I installed Win95 a few years ago was about an hour; now it's at least
> > days and possibly weeks (don't know -- never leave the puter on that long).
> > When a version upgrade fails, it's not a mystery, it's a bug <0.9 wink>.
> My experience is that intra-DLL references simply don't match anymore
> and cause the system to become instable. Also, some weird installers
> don't care about the version numbers and install older versions at
> their will. The outcome is a complete version mess.

This has been my experince too.  I cringe anytime I see some
installer stuff DLLs in my system areas.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332              Python Powered!
Digital Creations

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From skip at  Tue Sep 14 17:34:48 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:34:48 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version numbering, yadda yadda
Message-ID: <>

I haven't been paying real close attention to the relative package import
thread on python-dev, but some way or other I strongly believe something has
to be done to improve the situation I now find myself in or more and more
people are going to start getting bitten by the same sort of problem.  Allow
me to 'splain.

I use a web server based on Zope's ZServer (which is itself based on medusa)
sitting behind an Apache web server as a long-running process to handle what
many people traditionally used CGI for.  It's a big performance boost over
CGI.  Unfortunately, I have recently been experiencing frequent server
hangs.  So far I've been unable to figure out what the cause is.  I do
notice occasional tracebacks like:

    Unhandled exception in thread:
    Traceback (innermost last):
      File "ZServer/PubCore/", line 97, in __init__
      File "/home/skip/src/Zope/ZServer/", line 209, in _finish
      File "/home/skip/src/Zope/ZServer/", line 235, in close
      File "/home/skip/src/Zope/ZServer/", line 307, in push
	if send: self.initiate_send()
      File "/usr/lib/python1.5/", line 199, in initiate_send
	_push_mode = 0
      File "/usr/lib/python1.5/", line 191, in refill_buffer
	self.ac_in_buffer = ''
      File "/usr/lib/python1.5/", line 253, in pop
	# this could maybe be made faster with a computed regex?
    IndexError: list index out of range

and also notice that the server can pile up a huge number of connections in
the ESTABLISHED state, at which point the whole mess grinds to a halt with
not much computation or network traffic happening.  A separate shell script
uses netstat to detect when a large number of sockets have piled up and
restarts the server.  Brutal, but crudely effective. (When in doubt, treat
the symptoms...)

Today it just dawned on me looking at the above traceback that ZServer is
getting the wrong version of (and presumably of as
well).  It's using the version delivered with Python 1.5.2 distribution
instead of the version that was delivered with the version of Zope I'm using

So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of  Here's what I found:

    source		version number:date	owner
    Python 1.5.2	1.2:1999/06/18		guido
    Python CVS		1.2:1999/06/18		guido
    Zope 1.?		1.7:1999/04/09		amos
    Zope 2.0		1.9:1999/07/19		amos
    Medusa 990902	2.24:1999/07/07		rushing

What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have
no content differences, only wildly different version numbers.  The Medusa
and Python CVS versions only have one difference:

    if index > 0:
    	# don't bother reporting the empty string (source of subtle bugs)
    	self.collect_incoming_data (self.ac_in_buffer[:index])

which *may* be what's causing my problems (note the IndexError in my

Somewhere along the way I think we need to apply more restraint to our
packaging and numbering of Python modules.  I don't know what form that
restraint will eventually take, but at this point I'm willing to replace
Greg Ward's s/must/should/ with s/should/must/.

a-nightmare-indeed!-i don't think-this-is-what-Sam-meant-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From bwarsaw at  Tue Sep 14 18:19:34 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:19:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Path hacking [Long] (was Re: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Finally, something I can relate to.  Although I have a goal of
packagizing everything I write these days, I haven't experienced any
of the problems that lead others to suggest relative imports.  The
most complicated app that I hack on (continuously) is Mailman, which
has a main package and several subpackages off the main one.  I always
use absolute paths in my import statements, so I don't see what the
fuss is about.  But I'm perfectly willing to admit that I don't have
enough experience.


>>>>> "JCA" == James C Ahlstrom <jim at> writes:

    JCA> I find the PYTHONPATH mechanism totally unreliable for
    JCA> commercial programs anyway.  It is a global object, and an
    JCA> installation of a second Python program can break the first
    JCA> one.  I don't think there is any solution to this other than
    JCA> specify sys.path on a per-application basis.  If this is
    JCA> false, what is the other solution?

I completely agree with JimA here.  It's been a pain with the Knowbot
stuff, a pain with Mailman, and a pain with other packages that I've
installed for shared use within CNRI.  The .pth files solve part of
the problem nicely.  They let me install, say PIL or PCT in a shared
location, for access by all the Python users at my site, without the
users having to individually hack their dot-files, etc.

But this doesn't work so well for apps like Mailman or the Knowbot
stuff because we can't expect that the person installing those
applications will be able to install a .pth file in the right place.
Also, .pth files don't let you tightly control sys.path, e.g. you can
only add paths, not delete or reorder them.

Plus you have a global naming problem.  Mailman's top level package is 
called "Mailman", so I can be fairly confident that I'm not going to
collide, but it means that I have an extra directory level within my
install that contains all the core importable modules.  I don't think
that's a big deal, but it's a convention that other packaged app
writers should follow.

The problem is getting Mailman's (or the Knowbots') top level
directory on sys.path, and in exactly controlling the contents of

Our first approach with Knowbots was to do direct sys.path.insert()s,
which is quite ugly and error prone.  Plus if you're adding many
paths, or adding and deleting, that's a lot of gibberish at the top of 
your entry level executables.  And now let's say that you have a dozen 
or two dozen entry level executables that all have to perform the same 
sys.path magic.  That's a lot of cutting-and-pasting (and /highly/
error prone patching when directory structures change).  It's a lose.

So for Knowbots we wrote a small module called pathhack that all entry
level executables imported.  pathhack was good because it put all that
sys.path munging nonsense in one place so it was manageable from a s/w
engineering standpoint.  But it sucked because those executables had
to /find/!  Bootstrap lossage (we've actually gone back to

With Mailman, I could solve that problem because I added a
configure/make phase.  This let me write a module template called which configure flippered into containing path
hackage based on --prefix.  The next trick was that "make install"
copied that file into all the subdirectories that had top
level entry points into the Mailman system (e.g. the bin directory,
the cron directory, the cgi directory).  So now, an executable need
only do

    import paths
    import Mailman.Utils
    import Mailman.Logging.Utils

and absolute paths work like a charm.  I can even provide a
`pythonlib' directory that contains newer versions of standard modules 
that have fixes for folks running older Pythons.  Thus I do

    from Mailman.pythonlib import rfc822

and the rest of my code uses my special rfc822 module with no changes.

I'm very happy with how this works for Mailman, however we can't use
the same approach (or let's say Guido doesn't want to use this
approach) for the Knowbots stuff because there /is/ no "make install"
step.  You just unpack it and go.  But it still has to play lots of
games searching the file system for various things.

What I've been thinking is that Python needs a registry <shudder>.
JPython's already got such a beast, and it integrates with Java's
system properties, so that things like the PYTHONPATH equivalent are
set in the registry and immediately available.  But it's not very
flexible, and you still need an install step in order to bootstrap the
locating of the registry.

I think we can do a little bit better.  Python already knows how to
find it's sys module.  We can add an object into sys, call it
sys.registry, which would contain things like sys.path definitions,
and all sorts of other application specific keys.  This object would
be tied to a file (or files) which might be human readable, a
marshal/pickle (or both).  Bootstrap location of this file(s) is an
issue, but see below.

This would let you do things like the following at the beginning of
every top level executable:

    import sys
    sys.application = 'zope'

I'm sure all kinds of lengthy discussion will now ensue about the
exact interface of the registry object, but I'll make just a few

- There should be a system wide registry and a user specific
  registry.  This let's an admin install shared applications easily,
  but also lets individual users have their own overrides.

- The system-wide registry can be located in say
  sys.prefix/lib/python<version>/site-packages.  The user registry
  would reside somewhere in $HOME.  This could all be platform
  specific so that on Windows, maybe the Python registry is integrated 
  with the Windows registry, while in JPython it would be integrated
  with the standard JPython registry mechanism.

- You should be able to specify registry entries on the command line.

- There needs to be defined rules for resolving registry keys b/w
  system, user, and command line specifications.  JPython has some
  experience here (although there have been requests to change
  JPython's lookup order), and at the very least, JPython and CPython
  should be as consistent as possible (CPython won't have to merge in
  Java's system properties).

- The sys.registry object should be read/writable.  This would let an
  install script do something like:

  import sys

  which would write either the global system registry or the local
  user registry, depending on permissions (or maybe that's spelled
  explicitly in the API).

- In a sense you're pushing the namespace issue up a level into the
  registry, but at least this is a domain we can completely control
  from Python; it abstracts away the file system, and I don't think
  there's any way to avoid requiring conventions and cooperation for
  registry key naming.  I also don't think it'll be a big problem in
  practice.  When I packagize and re-release my Zarathustra's Ocular
  Python Experience virtual reality system, I'll try to think of a
  non-colliding top level package name.

- (oh darn, I know I had more points, but Guido just popped in and I
  lost my train of thought).

Well, this has gone on long enough so I might as well let you guys
shoot this idea all to hell.  Let me close by saying that while I
think the Windows registry is a mess, I also think that it might be
useful for Python.  Does it solve the same problem that the relative
imports is trying to solve?  I dunno, but that's why I changed the
Subject: line above. :)


From gmcm at  Tue Sep 14 18:47:25 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:47:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[MA Lemburg]
> The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
> complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
> do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier...
> which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre, but
> people seem to want all those megs.

This is fine if you're distributing an app - it's a black box, it's 
standalone, no dependencies outside the app. Cool. I do that 
too. I use imputil to serve modules out of archives - no need to 
tweak the modules at all. In the upcoming version (of my 
installer) sys.path has exactly one entry, and the only python 
that needs to be outside an archive is exceptions.pyc.

(I repeat here: while the pieces of my installer that handle 
binary dependencies are Win32 only, the parts that handle 
pure Python are cross-platform.)

But both you and Jim are aiming for this non-existant in-
between space - in some respects you want a "normal" 
Python installation, but you want to black-box your turf.

I'm sorry, but if you're going to fit into a Python installation, 
you should make public your dependencies. Yes, installation 
becomes more complicated, but you're dealing with *Python 
users*. They're at least as likely to get screwed by having 
multiple different copies of the same thing around as you are 
in having dependencies outside of your personal control.

If you also want to distribute as a standalone, freeze/squeeze/ 
whatever it. Just make sure that what you distribute this 
way won't interfere (or be confounded by) any existing Python 

- Gordon

From gstein at  Tue Sep 14 19:23:36 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:23:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] revised import code (was: Relative Package Imports)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > But I strongly believe that import.c should be left alone, maybe
> > even to die. There are too many people doing import hooks to
> > make fiddling with its behavior safe.
> > 
> > I'm also a strong proponent of Greg's scheme, which
> > makes it a breeze to do import hooks. And my experience
> > disproves the notion that the import mechanism needs to be in C. If
> > you don't believe me, try the ZlibArchive stuff (which is cross
> > platform) from my Win32 installer stuff. You can pack the standard
> > library into one 475K file, and get a perceptible performance boost.
> You're probably right in saying that we don't need the code in C.
> I just wanted to avoid yet another import hook being incompatible
> with all the other existing hooks.
> Perhaps we should restart the import discussion all over and
> come up with a more flexbile 100% compatible framework based
> on Greg's imputil scheme. Then I could add my hook for the relative
> imports and be happy ;-)

I'll code up some patches to strip down import.c and replace with and some bootstrap/support C code -- as soon as 1.6 development
opens up. 



Greg Stein,

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 19:36:03 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:36:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000001befe7f$191104c0$fe2d153f@tim> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> >
> > Tim Peters wrote:
> (snip)
> > > As a matter of personal experience, it gets much stabler!  The older DLLs
> > > get replaced by less-buggy newer ones, thanks to version numbers, rules, and
> >
> > My experience is that intra-DLL references simply don't match anymore
> > and cause the system to become instable. Also, some weird installers
> > don't care about the version numbers and install older versions at
> > their will. The outcome is a complete version mess.
> This has been my experince too.  I cringe anytime I see some
> installer stuff DLLs in my system areas.

My experience has been the same as Tim's.  You should generally
upgrade DLL's as a matter of course, because your system will
be more stable.

Installers are required to check DLL versions before replacing
them.  Not doing this is a major sin, and reason enough to stop
dealing with a vendor.

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 19:49:41 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:49:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> Doesn't look nice, but what other syntax would look better ? It will
> have to use identifiers and thus is restricted to [a-zA-Z0-9_]+.

Maybe "__up__" or "__up" following the convention that
double-under names are special?  Just a thought...

> But what about other installations or tools like mxCrypto
> which plug into existing packages (Andrew's crypto package) ? Today
> such plugins only work side-by-side, ie. you have to install one
> part which sits in the plugin slot and one part which gets installed
> somewhere in a top-level PYTHONPATH dir. The plugin slot part then
> imports the Real Thing from outside the host package (this is how
> mxCrypto integrates itself with AMK's lib).

I am not familiar with this.  Dosen't this work?:


> The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
> complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
> do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier...
> which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre,
> but people seem to want all those megs.

For the record, I distribute a hacked main program which
sets its own sys.path.

I think your and zope's solution may break if another
Python program is installed, and such
program changes PYTHONPATH and/or the registry.  That
is why I never change PYTHONPATH nor the registry.

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 19:59:03 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:59:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version numbering, yadda 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
> So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of
> What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
> asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
> without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
> from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
> the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have

Yes, I have had this happen too.  I am unwilling and unable to risk
this sort of problem at a customer's site.  So I ship a complete
app with no external dependencies.  Also crude but effective.

Jim Ahlstrom

From gstein at  Tue Sep 14 20:55:47 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 11:55:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version , numbering, yadda yadda
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> Skip Montanaro wrote:
> > So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of
> >
> >...
> > What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
> > asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
> > without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
> > from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
> > the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have
> Yes, I have had this happen too.  I am unwilling and unable to risk
> this sort of problem at a customer's site.  So I ship a complete
> app with no external dependencies.  Also crude but effective.

We did the same with the Python-based apps/servers at Microsoft.

Merchant Server was a big frozen app (based on the non-sensical
requirement to hide the fact that Python was used). In Site Server 2.0 and
3.0, we used a mini-install -- just the Lib files we needed plus our

In the Site Server (non-frozen) case, we did use the registry, but built
the interpreter with a custom "version". SS20 and SS30. In the registry,
this meant we used Python/PythonCore/SS20 (I think that's the layout).

Worked great, no complaints.

Oh, and the DLLs we put into the system directory (pretty necessary for
COM) were named SS20<whatever>.DLL to prevent conflicts.

I'm not sure who said it, but I agree with the following statement:

* ship your app as a complete black box, or ship your app with
dependencies on modules/packages [at the top level]

This monkeying around with "" working where mx is at the top level
or is embedded is just scary.

That said, personally, I would just do something like the following at the
startup of my app: 


[where ZopeImporter is a imputil.Importer subclass]

The importer would just Do The Right Thing for all imports, and only defer
to the Python library for things that weren't shipped with Zope (the empty


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 21:11:54 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:11:54 -0400
Subject: Path hacking [Long] (was Re: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports)
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> So for Knowbots we wrote a small module called pathhack that all entry
> level executables imported.  pathhack was good because it put all that
> sys.path munging nonsense in one place so it was manageable from a s/w
> engineering standpoint.  But it sucked because those executables had
> to /find/!  Bootstrap lossage (we've actually gone back to
> sys.path.insert).

Yes, exactly the problem I had, bootstraping the import of pathhack.
Actually it gets worse because Python imports,
and during Py_Initialize(), so if you are having a
really bad day, you might pick up the wrong version of those.

AFAIK, the only way to solve that currently is to use freeze
to build pathhack into the binary executable.  That is what I
do anyway.  But it is not an ideal solution.

> What I've been thinking is that Python needs a registry <shudder>.

Yikes!  As you say, Window's registry is a mess.

> [Lots of good ideas omitted...]

> - The system-wide registry can be located in say
>   sys.prefix/lib/python<version>/site-packages.  The user registry
>   would reside somewhere in $HOME.  This could all be platform
>   specific so that on Windows, maybe the Python registry is integrated
>   with the Windows registry, while in JPython it would be integrated
>   with the standard JPython registry mechanism.

Python already has three directories it knows about: sys.executable is
the directory of the interpreter binary, sys.dllfullpath could be
the directory of the interpreter as a shared library (I have a
patch for this), and there is the directory of the main Python program
as given on the command line.  Perhaps we can put the registry
in one of these directories.  That would be consistent on all

> - You should be able to specify registry entries on the command line.

This is vital because I am worried about a bad registry.
> - There needs to be defined rules for resolving registry keys b/w
>   system, user, and command line specifications.  JPython has some
>   experience here (although there have been requests to change

I am not sure a full registry is required.  Once you can control
sys.path and can get an accurate import of, you
can do everything else there.  Maybe just a command line option
is enough.  But I will think about it...

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Tue Sep 14 21:37:11 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:37:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> But both you and Jim are aiming for this non-existant in-
> between space - in some respects you want a "normal"
> Python installation, but you want to black-box your turf.

I don't really have much choice here.  For some purposes,
PYTHONPATH is better than a black-box.  It is better for
development because it avoids creating the black-box.  And I can
look at and modify Python app and library files directly.
But for a customer install I need a bullet-proof dumb-simple set
of required state which I can explain to customer support staff.
Thus the need for both.

> I'm sorry, but if you're going to fit into a Python installation,
> you should make public your dependencies. Yes, installation
> becomes more complicated, but you're dealing with *Python
> users*. They're at least as likely to get screwed by having
> multiple different copies of the same thing around as you are
> in having dependencies outside of your personal control.

I can't fit into a Python installation because Python installations
do not support commercial software concerns.  I am not dealing
with Python users, my customers are office workers.  They don't
know what Python is, have no other Python apps, and if they did,
my install wouldn't hurt them anyway.

> If you also want to distribute as a standalone, freeze/squeeze/
> whatever it. Just make sure that what you distribute this
> way won't interfere (or be confounded by) any existing Python
> installations.

Yes, exactly my goal.

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 21:57:51 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:57:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:19:34 EDT."
References: <> <> <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

I just had a long discussion with Barry and Fred, in response to his
registry proposal.  We quickly decided that a Python registry is
overkill for the given problem.  We also quickly came up with a nice
variant of Mailman's approach which will work well in a variety of

--> The context:

    You have a large complicated application that contains many modules
    spread over many packages, and which has many "top-level" scripts that
    are invoked by the user (or via CGI, for example).  All the code is
    properly packagized, with sufficiently globally unique package names
    being used all over the place.

--> The problem:

    How to get the root directory of your application (where all your
    packages live) on sys.path.

--> The rules:

    Using $PYTHONPATH is right out.

    You can't install new files in the core Python installation directory
    (nor modify existing ones), so using .pth files is also out.

    You don't want to have to edit each of the top-level scripts of your

    You want a cross-platform solution, in particular it should be
    amenable to Windows.

--> The assumptions:

    You can use a reasonably intelligent installer.

    All your top-level scripts are installed in a single directory (or
    perhaps in a small number of separate bin directories, e.g. bin and

--> The solution:

    Suppose your application (as a whole, not the individual top-level
    script) is called Spam -- this may well also be the name of your
    top-level package.  Then start each top-level script with the single

	import Spam_path

    before importing anything else.

    Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
    application's root directory, crafts a file which
    contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.

    Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
    to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python

    Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
    scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.

--> Notes:

    If you are Spam's developer, you probably want to be able to use its
    top-level scripts without having to install them.  All you need to do
    is create a file pointing to the top of your development
    tree, and set $PYTHONPATH to point to the directory that contains it.

    (Perhaps you already have $PYTHONPATH pointing to a personal directory
    of Python modules you like to have accessible -- then you can just
    drop there, or link to it from there.)

    Note that adding a personal directory of Python goodies is about the
    only use of $PYTHONPATH that I approve of -- this way, you can set
    $PYTHONPATH in your .profile and never have to change it.

    I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
    going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best 
    solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
    following up here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 22:09:07 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:09:07 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] relative package imports, version numbering, yadda yadda
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:34:48 CDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> So I started looking around at the versions and dates of various copies of
>  Here's what I found:
>     source		version number:date	owner
>     Python 1.5.2	1.2:1999/06/18		guido
>     Python CVS		1.2:1999/06/18		guido
>     Zope 1.?		1.7:1999/04/09		amos
>     Zope 2.0		1.9:1999/07/19		amos
>     Medusa 990902	2.24:1999/07/07		rushing
> What's apparently been happening is that people have picked up asyncore and
> asynchat at various time and stuck them in their own CVS repositories
> without somehow freezing the Id string of the version they originally got
> from Sam Rushing.  It's not clear what the differences are until you compare
> the actual files.  It turns out that the Zope 2.0 and Medusa versions have
> no content differences, only wildly different version numbers.  The Medusa
> and Python CVS versions only have one difference:
>     if index > 0:
>     	# don't bother reporting the empty string (source of subtle bugs)
>     	self.collect_incoming_data (self.ac_in_buffer[:index])
> which *may* be what's causing my problems (note the IndexError in my
> traceback).

My bad.  I despise putting RCS identifiers in code I release, but I
don't always freeze them before incorporating other people's code in
my CVS tree.  I will fix this if I can and I promise to try not to
repeat this mistake in the future.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From mal at  Tue Sep 14 22:57:19 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 22:57:19 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [MA Lemburg]
> > The solution I'm using (and Zope is too) is to wrap a
> > complete Python installation into the product, all setup to
> > do the right thing. It makes the archive a little heavier...
> > which is actually not so bad from a marketing POV. Bizarre, but
> > people seem to want all those megs.
> This is fine if you're distributing an app - it's a black box, it's
> standalone, no dependencies outside the app. Cool. I do that
> too. I use imputil to serve modules out of archives - no need to
> tweak the modules at all. In the upcoming version (of my
> installer) sys.path has exactly one entry, and the only python
> that needs to be outside an archive is exceptions.pyc.
> (I repeat here: while the pieces of my installer that handle
> binary dependencies are Win32 only, the parts that handle
> pure Python are cross-platform.)
> But both you and Jim are aiming for this non-existant in-
> between space - in some respects you want a "normal"
> Python installation, but you want to black-box your turf.

Actually, I want my stuff to be as flexible as possible. Of
course I'm using it in my product too, but that's a different

I have the unsatisfying impression that this discussion doesn't
lead anywhere. I can't really understand all the evil sides Tim and
Guido seem to see in their views of relative imports. For people
like Jim and me, who have quite some experience in doing
Python packages, this small (! hey, it's only about 20 lines of
code !) additional feature could be of great use.

I'm still waiting for some ultimate argument that blows 
relative imports away. The arguments put forward so far have
all been in the category "evil", "ugly", "I don't like it".
Hey, we can do better than that...

Note that if this doesn't work out, Jim and I could always agree on
some standard import hook that we'd both use, but that's
exactly what we would very much like to avoid in favour of some
established standard hard-wired into the Python distribution.

> I'm sorry, but if you're going to fit into a Python installation,
> you should make public your dependencies. Yes, installation
> becomes more complicated, but you're dealing with *Python
> users*. They're at least as likely to get screwed by having
> multiple different copies of the same thing around as you are
> in having dependencies outside of your personal control.

I am probably going to ship all the mx* stuff in one big
package -- not as separate packages anymore. That way I can
write code which depends on other parts of the mx universe
more easily.
> If you also want to distribute as a standalone, freeze/squeeze/
> whatever it. Just make sure that what you distribute this
> way won't interfere (or be confounded by) any existing Python
> installations.

It won't interfere with anything since the Python interpreter
I use is configured *not* too look in any standard places for
extensions and the like. Plus it's configured to run faster,
but that's a different story ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   108 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 14 23:09:53 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:09:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 13 Sep 1999 11:21:15 EDT."
References: <>  
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:

> I wouldn't be in favor of making it more complicated if there wasn't
> a good reason.  I think that, in working on the Zope framework, 
> I've found some pretty good reasons for relative imports.

And in a later message:

> I don't think the Package structure of Zope is flawed *except*
> for the fact that it is one level too *shallow*. The ability to
> do relative imports would be very helpful for the work we're doing.

But I haven't seen explained what it is that Zope is doing where
relative packages would be helpful.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 00:47:18 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 18:47:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
Message-ID: <>

After more than four years of living with an out-of-dated license for
Python, CNRI has finally agreed to clean up Python's copyright status.
I expect that this won't have any real effect before Python 1.6 is
released, but I am required to start preparing for the transition now.

We will use a new license (a clone of the JPython license) and we will
require that all contributors explicitly allow us the use of their
contribution: either a few email paragraphs in an email message, or a
longer form with a wet signature, depending on the size of the

I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
quite a while.  The words are all on the web:	[proposed license]	[email release]		[wet signature release]

If you are reading python-dev but you never contributed any code to
Python, you can stop reading now.

If you *did* contribute code to Python, however, I'd love it if you
saved me some work and filled out the wet signature form and mailed it 
to me at the given address.

If you need help jogging your memory what your contributions were,
send me email; I can try grepping the CVS files for your name.

If you believe that special circumstances exist that make it
impossible or difficult for you to sign the form, please send me
email, and we'll discuss the matter.

If you contributed something and I don't hear from you, you will
eventually hear from me again -- but I hope I can save myself the
hassle of writing each of you through this mass mailing.

Thanks in advance!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Wed Sep 15 01:08:32 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:08:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
> quite a while.  The words are all on the web:

Actually, I don't like them all that much :-(
[I don't recall any specific discussion about it, but I may have missed it
and/or simply because I've never used JPython.]

The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause. I might
find other items, but that is from a quick read using Lynx on a tiny

Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely like that
license? Each of those companies uses "Python" significantly in their
marketing and their business. I can certainly state that PPSI will never
do anything in an official capacity to recognize that license.

[there is a separate issue of whether "Python" can be trademarked, but the
license does use the term "trade name" which could easily be argued to
include the term "Python" and thus subject the name to the license.]

> If you *did* contribute code to Python, however, I'd love it if you
> saved me some work and filled out the wet signature form and mailed it 
> to me at the given address.

No problem.

Future contributions and agreemend to abide by that license are a
different issue. It doesn't have the "feels good" feeling that the old
license does. I'm not sure that bodes well, and it doesn't sit well with
me at the moment.


Greg Stein,

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 01:31:47 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 19:31:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:08:32 PDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause. I might
> find other items, but that is from a quick read using Lynx on a tiny
> monitor...

Hm...  We may have to review the regulation of the Python name.  This
made sense in the context of the previous uses of this license
(JPython and Grail) but Python is a different thing -- the name Python 
stands for more than just the implementation.  I'll discuss this with
CNRI's legal team.

I don't see how the other things you mention can be much of a problem
(most Open Source licenses have a revocation clause these days, I
think, and I don't see how discussing the modifications made can be a
problem with open source users).

> Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely like that
> license? Each of those companies uses "Python" significantly in their
> marketing and their business. I can certainly state that PPSI will never
> do anything in an official capacity to recognize that license.

How can you say that without consulting with the board?  And I am *on*
that board!  I despise your attitude.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 01:44:54 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 19:44:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein at> writes:

    GS> Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely
    GS> like that license? Each of those companies uses "Python"
    GS> significantly in their marketing and their business.

Data point: I know that there are a number of companies that have
embedded JPython in their commercial products.  So far I've had zero
complaints from them on the JPython license.


From gstein at  Wed Sep 15 02:11:56 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:11:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Hm...  We may have to review the regulation of the Python name.  This
> made sense in the context of the previous uses of this license
> (JPython and Grail) but Python is a different thing -- the name Python 
> stands for more than just the implementation.  I'll discuss this with
> CNRI's legal team.


> I don't see how the other things you mention can be much of a problem
> (most Open Source licenses have a revocation clause these days, I
> think, and I don't see how discussing the modifications made can be a
> problem with open source users).

I'll do some more reading. As I said: that was my first cut. The
revocation clause doesn't sit well with me. Maybe other OSS packages have
it, but I believe that is usually because the license was developed by a
company and its legal team. I don't think the GPL, BSD, MPL, and Apache
licenses have revocation clauses, and I consider those to be the "most
open" types of licenses (MPL less so). The Python 1.5 license is just as
open, more so than most.

> > Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely like that
> > license? Each of those companies uses "Python" significantly in their
> > marketing and their business. I can certainly state that PPSI will never
> > do anything in an official capacity to recognize that license.
> How can you say that without consulting with the board?  And I am *on*
> that board!  I despise your attitude.

Because the President (me) runs the day-to-day operation and direction of
the company. The Board advises. The Board typically has other duties such
as replacing me :-), handling stock issues, etc, but the Board is
typically not involved with most issues. This is standard practice for
corporate organization.

Therefore, I *can* make that choice, and even do it unilaterally if I
wanted to be an ass about it. Will I refuse to listen to the board or the
shareholders or the employees? Of course I'll listen.
[further PPSI issues should be taken offline]

Regardless: it boils down to the "Python" requirement in that license.
PPSI simply cannot operate under that license. If it gets dropped, then


Greg Stein,

From gstein at  Wed Sep 15 02:16:10 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:16:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> >>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein at> writes:
>     GS> Heck, how could people like PPSI, PythonWare, or D.C. truely
>     GS> like that license? Each of those companies uses "Python"
>     GS> significantly in their marketing and their business.
> Data point: I know that there are a number of companies that have
> embedded JPython in their commercial products.  So far I've had zero
> complaints from them on the JPython license.

Are they using it in their marketing, or simply as an underlying driving
force for their products?

If they *are* using it in their marketing, then they have exposed
themselves to a liability. According to the license that they are using,
they are not allowed to use JPython in their marketing. If they do, then
they are in breach of the license and it could be terminated on them.
Their products could no longer include JPython and they'd be SOL. 

I would be interested to hear from somebody using JPython and marketing it
and how they interpreted that license. Possibly I'm missing something, but
that language seems pretty darn clear to me.


Greg Stein,

From gstein at  Wed Sep 15 02:24:25 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:24:25 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> I have the unsatisfying impression that this discussion doesn't
> lead anywhere. I can't really understand all the evil sides Tim and
> Guido seem to see in their views of relative imports. For people
> like Jim and me, who have quite some experience in doing
> Python packages, this small (! hey, it's only about 20 lines of
> code !) additional feature could be of great use.

$| was probably a small addition to Perl, but I don't think you could then
argue that it was a good thing to do.

Small doesn't mean good.

Any change "could be of great use" to *somebody*, but does it make it good
for Python as a whole?

Changes imply doc, maintenance, future compatibility, etc.

> I'm still waiting for some ultimate argument that blows 
> relative imports away. The arguments put forward so far have
> all been in the category "evil", "ugly", "I don't like it".
> Hey, we can do better than that...

People seem to be disagreeing with your stated requirement. In other
words, they're saying that you shouldn't be attempting to make your
package "portable across the module-import-space."

I tend to agree. Fix it at one location. If an app doesn't like that, then
they can individually compensate. I don't believe that Python's standard
machinery is required to handle this particular notion of packaging.

> Note that if this doesn't work out, Jim and I could always agree on
> some standard import hook that we'd both use, but that's
> exactly what we would very much like to avoid in favour of some
> established standard hard-wired into the Python distribution.

No reason the standard hook could not go into I believe people
mostly care that it doesn't become *standard* or *default* behavior --
that it only is available when explicitly requested by an app.


Greg Stein,

From mhammond at  Wed Sep 15 02:49:35 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:49:35 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002e01beff14$306e5b00$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython
> quite a while.  The words are all on the web:

Obviously IANAL.  However, this language does make me feel less
comfortable than the existing one.  The ability to terminate would
appear an issue - it would seem to take a braver CEO to base their
technology on Python with this hanging over them.  Sure, it may rarely
be invoked, but I certainly wouldnt want to fight it in court if it
was.  If I was writing in C, I could worst-case grudgingly accept
needing to change compilers - but I dont have that luxury for Python.
If my license was terminated, I have nowhere else to turn.

It is a real shame when lawyers get so involved.  Obviously Guido has
no say in this, but IMO the ideal scenario would be to use the exsting
language, but simply change the names and dates.  Im guessing this
would be unacceptable to CNRI.

Being NAL, I suppose I have no choice other than to trust this
licence.  However, Im not looking forward to showing this licence to
people as they are deciding if Python is the appropriate technology
choice - to date, there has never been an issue - all they need to is
not remove any copyright notice from the code (which is not actually
seen in most apps) and add the copyright notice to the documentation.
This new one seems much scarier to me..

Just my $200.00 worth (remember, we are talking lawyers fees here :-)
I dont have a real concern as I dont understand the legal
implications; just a slight uneasiness about it all...Not being
controversial for the sake of it, just airing my possibly il-informed
opinion - no opinions were solicitied, but that has never stopped me
before :-)

Of course, I will be sending my "wet" signature on the form.  Im not
sure what to put in the "contribution description" - maybe just
"various small changes to the Windows port"??  I can't say Ive added
entire modules, but my name appears against a number of small patches
to a fairly large set of files...


From tim_one at  Wed Sep 15 07:19:48 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 01:19:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000301beff39$ee3015a0$612d153f@tim>

[Tim, speaks of the devil ...]
> "Something like that" [MAL's __version__ string] needs to be formalized
> and imposed on all public packages.
> at-which-point-the-distutils-sig-jumps-in-and-saves-the-day-ly y'rs  - tim

[... and Greg Ward of his legions appears!]
> Been there, tried that, bought the flame war.  I made the mistake of
> kicking off the Distutils SIG back in Decemver with a proposal for a
> standard version numbering scheme for Python module distributions.  See
> for the kick-off of that "heated discussion".  ;-)

Greg, if you call that a flame war, your credentials as an ex-Perl'er are in
serious doubt <wink>.  Except for the cowboy contingent, most participants
were moving swiftly to consensus!

> FWIW, if I was posting that message today, I would s/must/should/ and
> that's about it.

No, it's "must" or it's useless.  What wasn't brought up in that thread is
that the Distutil "version number" is an artficial construct created for the
primary benefit of Distutil tools -- it needn't have anything whatsoever to
do with whatever silly string the developer wants to *display* as being
their "version number".  It's instead a coordinate in an abstract but
rigidly defined Distutil space, specifically designed to make programmatic
navigation of that space reliable in a shared and uniform way.  If a
developer chooses, users need never be exposed to it.  I'd use the x.y.z
Distutil version number directly to keep my own life simpler, but if someone
else wants to display a GUID followed by a 3-letter country code and the
number of nanoseconds since the birth of Mohammed, fine -- they still have
to map that to Distutil VN space internally or write their own stinkin'
disttools.  You may have went overboard on the *semantics* of the Distutil
VN, though:  its only real meaning is in what Distutil tools *do* with it.

Fight this battle again.  Without a uniform way for an installer to *know*
when it's thought safe to replace a package with another version of that
package, Python installations will never move beyond the similar hell of
Windows 3.1.

even-herds-of-cats-wear-collars-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Wed Sep 15 07:40:35 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 01:40:35 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501beff3c$d58a8be0$612d153f@tim>

I dislike the new license.  Selling Python at work wasn't easy, but the
short & straightforward CWI license went a *long* way toward convincing the
suits there was little to worry about.  The new license has several blobs of
lawyer-speak that ensure the next battle will be much harder -- the prospect
of license revocation, some fuzzy concept of derivative works, and vague
"prominent display" requirements?  Boston lawyers charge Really Big Bux to
guess what that gibberish might mean in Virginia.  The only bright side is
that we now get explicit rights to "perform" and "display" Python

> If you believe that special circumstances exist that make it
> impossible or difficult for you to sign the form, please send me
> email, and we'll discuss the matter.

It would less hassle for me if you took all my contributions out <0.9 wink>.

i'll-sign-but-it's-really-really-really-depressing-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Wed Sep 15 08:42:02 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 02:42:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000701beff45$6b51c5a0$612d153f@tim>

Don't tell, but this is getting repetitive.  One more batch of repeats from
me, and I'm done:

+ The notion that Python packages aren't self-contained now is wrong:  a
package module can import other modules in the package without
qualification.  This is good design.

+ Where self-containment breaks down is in going across *sub*-packages.  I
was surprised Guido pretended to cater to them, since Python (wisely, IMO)
stayed away from sub-modules from the start.  Hierarchy is a great tool for
managing complexity, but it also introduces complexity of its own.  And when
a flat package space suffices, hierarchy introduces artificial

+ I agree with Gordon that, if anything, the default "import" behavior is
already too complicated.  By the time you wade thru PYTHONPATH, and
PYTHONSTARTUP, and .pth files, and people mucking with sys.path, and site
config files, and symlinks under Unix, and packages mucking with their own
__path__ attributes, running Python with -v is the only hope of figuring out
why nothing ever works <0.6 wink>.

+ All this dynamicism is in support of a concept that's actually static:
the structure of an installation.  As Barry laments, you can't always know
the structure in advance of installation, but the solution is (I believe)
along the lines he suggests:  invent a way to register/query the structure
once & for all after it is known.

+ JimF and MAL's shared notion that they're the only ones making significant
use of packages is myopic.  Dragon also uses packages, and heavily, although
products using them have not been announced and I can't talk about them yet.
Anything I'm within 10 miles of doesn't use *any* import hooks, or play any
other tricks on the system.  Instead I urge people to write their imports as
explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly as possible (with binding to
a convenient local alias name on the following line).  Do we embed
sub-packages?  Sure.  Do modules move around in the hierarchy over time?  Of
course.  So how do we deal with this supposed nightmare?  Because all
imports are relentlessly straightforward (even intra-package imports are
fully qualified), and none are hiding in dynamic functions, we get into
Emacs and do a global search-and-replace.  Takes 30 seconds, and the new
structure is plain as day to everyone reading the code.

low-tech-it's-not-just-for-breakfast-anymore<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From ping at  Wed Sep 15 09:31:29 1999
From: ping at (ping at
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 00:31:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
> quite a while.  The words are all on the web:
>	[proposed license]
>	[email release]
>	[wet signature release]

Hi all.  I'm sorry i haven't contributed anything to the
relative-import and python-path discussions of late, but
that's because so far i haven't had any ideas that have
crossed my threshold of being sufficiently insightful to
propose.  I will follow the discussion with much interest.

I'm afraid i have to say that the revocation clause makes
me pretty uncomfortable.  I know that it says CNRI will
revoke only on a "material breach", but i still have a
nasty suspicion that it sounds frightening enough to scare
many people away.  I don't think we want that.

I suppose Greg's other points of contention are valid too
but it's really the revocation that bugs me the most.

-- ?!ng

From fredrik at  Wed Sep 15 09:42:28 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 09:42:28 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <008701beff4d$dcebfb10$>

> The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause.

same here.  reading the new one made me feel very
uneasy, but I cannot really say much about it before
I've discussed it with people who know more about

just a few small notes:

the BSD-ish license used up to now has been a major
selling argument for Python, while this one seems to
really push the bounds of what qualifies as an open
source license...

(it also seems to imply that Python is a trademark,
which is, as far as I can tell, is not true at this time.
and archive corporation/seagate already owns the
trademark wrt. software).

the worst thing is that we will have to run this
by our lawyers before we can decide whether to
continue contributing to 1.6 development :-(


From mal at  Wed Sep 15 11:24:43 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:24:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000701beff45$6b51c5a0$612d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> + The notion that Python packages aren't self-contained now is wrong:  a
> package module can import other modules in the package without
> qualification.  This is good design.

Agreed. And we would like to take that notion one step further --
without breaking the two-scope resolution Python uses now. The
'__' tags are just place holders which could just as well be
handled by a simple Python fuction (like the one Gordon posted)
using perfectly valid technology.

Sticking this technology into the import statement is really only
a more elegant approach. Nothing more. The whole thing already
works using the current Python implementation.

> + JimF and MAL's shared notion that they're the only ones making significant
> use of packages is myopic. 

Oh, c'mon Tim, we never did say that. We only mentioned having used
package for quite a while. This includes having seen all the different
pitfalls they have to offer.

> Dragon also uses packages, and heavily, although
> products using them have not been announced and I can't talk about them yet.
> Anything I'm within 10 miles of doesn't use *any* import hooks, or play any
> other tricks on the system.  Instead I urge people to write their imports as
> explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly as possible (with binding to
> a convenient local alias name on the following line).  Do we embed
> sub-packages?  Sure.  Do modules move around in the hierarchy over time?  Of
> course.  So how do we deal with this supposed nightmare?  Because all
> imports are relentlessly straightforward (even intra-package imports are
> fully qualified), and none are hiding in dynamic functions, we get into
> Emacs and do a global search-and-replace.  Takes 30 seconds, and the new
> structure is plain as day to everyone reading the code.

This is perfectly ok if you're just using your own code, but it
gets a mess when third-party packages are involved simply because
you can't be sure they don't use import hooks, local imports or
hacks to __path__ etc. If you still want them to be useable, you'll
have to go down and dive into their structure. This takes time, is
error prone and not necessarily fun.

Also, I don't know how "explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly"
writing module imports is any different from using relative imports.

An example:


In ODBC.Windows I would write:

	import __.__.DateTime

which is just as explicit as writing

	import mx.DateTime

except that the information about the top-level hierarchy is *not*
included in the import information.

Anyway, I'm not too inclined continuing this discussion anymore.
I would never have thought that such a nifty little patch would
have stirred up so much negative response. I'll just hack up my
very own import mechanism using imputil and be done. So there!

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Wed Sep 15 12:05:27 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:05:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <008701beff4d$dcebfb10$>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> > dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> > prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause.
> same here.  reading the new one made me feel very
> uneasy, but I cannot really say much about it before
> I've discussed it with people who know more about
> this...


Some comments:
4.Licensee may not use CNRI trademarks or trade name, including Python or
     CNRI, in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of
     Licensee, or any third party. Licensee may use the mark Python in
     connection with Licensee's derivative versions that are based on or
     incorporate the Software, but only in the form "Python-based
     ___________________," or equivalent.

Say I want to sell Python 1.6 training, how would I promote this ?
Since I'm not producing a derivative work, I guess I couldn't
use the name 'Python' at all... hmm, I could probably try Pyth*n ;-)

3.In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or
     incorporates the Software or any part thereof, and wants to make the
     derivative work available to the public as provided herein, then Licensee
     hereby agrees to indicate in any such work, in a prominently visible way,
     the nature of the modifications made to CNRI's Software. 

How explicit would that indication have to be ? E.g. do I have
to provide a patch or would a simple run-down of new features
suffice ?

Needless to say, I would not be able to sell products based
on Python 1.6 with the revocation clause in the license. In the
end, I'd probably have to negotiate a separate license with
CNRI not having this clause. Anything else would be unacceptable
in a commercial setting. Is this intended ?

And finally in the "Python Contribution Agreement":
Licensee confirms to CNRI that, to the best of Licensee's
knowledge and belief, the Contribution is free of any claims of
parties other than Licensee under copyright, patent or other
rights or interests ("claims"). 

Best knowledge and belief do not guard against law suit. Why
doesn't this text protect the contributor in some way against
charges forwarded by CNRI to the contributor ? (Note that the
disclaimer in the Python License is not valid everywhere.)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 13:56:48 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 07:56:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein at> writes:

    GS> Are they using it in their marketing, or simply as an
    GS> underlying driving force for their products?

I'm not sure that JPython is much of a marketing advantage right now,
so AFAIK none of them are actively promoting their use of JPython in
their product.  However, my reading of the second half of item 4 would 
allow them to say something like "You can even extend your flapjabs
using our keen JPython-based scripting capabilities".

    GS> If they *are* using it in their marketing, then they have
    GS> exposed themselves to a liability. According to the license
    GS> that they are using, they are not allowed to use JPython in
    GS> their marketing. If they do, then they are in breach of the
    GS> license and it could be terminated on them.  Their products
    GS> could no longer include JPython and they'd be SOL.

I hope that wouldn't really be the case, but it's an interesting
point, so I'm sure we'll bring it up.


From jim at  Wed Sep 15 14:20:54 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 08:20:54 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I believe the text of the license and forms we use is quite
> > uncontroversial; these very same words have been used for JPython for
> > quite a while.  The words are all on the web:

Oh boy, this is really going to cause trouble.  Where's my flame suit...

> The BSD-ish license that Python has always used is much more preferable. I
> dislike the regulation of the "Python" name, the requirement to
> prominently discuss modifications made, and the revocation clause. I might
> find other items, but that is from a quick read using Lynx on a tiny
> monitor...

I guess I am used to reading license agreements, and I am not very
worried about the new one.  Before we all get upset, lets remember
that Guido works in a large company with lots of lawyers, and he
trapped between a group of Internet geeks (hey, I like Internet
geeks) and his buracracy.

And remember that lawyers respond better to specific proposals
for language changes than philosophical discussion.

First off, the license is not revokable.  It is only revokable
on breach.  If a license can not be revoked on breach it doesn't
really mean anything.  This is totally standard.  Suppose someone
else claims to own Python and starts selling "The True Standard
Python" for $100.  Suppose they change the standard library names
so software only runs on their version.  CNRI should be able to
revoke their license to use Python.  This is something we would
all want CNRI to do.

The protection of the Python name is a necessity.  That is really
all CNRI has, since the license gives away use of the software itself.
If CNRI doesn't own "Python" then it can't object when someone else
claims they own it.  Don't we want them to object?
The license doesn't say you can't use "Python", it sayes you
can't use it in a trademark sense.  I think that means you can say
"I am teaching a course on Python, which is CNRI's software" but not
"I am teaching a course on my Python, all rights reserved".  Actually
this is a little unclear, perhaps (4) could be made a little clearer.

Paragraph (3) is a little troublesome.  I seems to mean that if
you ship a modified Python, you must say it is modified.  I
presume it doesn't mean that you must describe your own code
in the event it incorporates Python.  Really, we need to know what
CNRI wants us to do here.

On the contributions side (wetsign.html) it says you are contributing
software free of third party claims "to the best of your knowledge
and belief" not "represents and warrants" which is different.  CNRI
really has to be told that as far as you know, you didn't steal the
software you are contributing.  This is reasonable.  Actually I
might like to see a warranty disclaimer "NO WARRANTIES etc." like
the license paragraph (5) and (6).  I am not sure I need it since
the contribution is free, but I usually ship free software with
a disclaimer for "fitness for any particular purpose etc.".

This is a pretty weak license agreement.  Remember that if it is
too weak, it prevents CNRI from defending Python against others
who would claim they own it or who claim they are the true source
of the language design (paranoia department: Microsoft's Python++).
We want CNRI to defend Python, right?

Jim Ahlstrom

From gward at  Wed Sep 15 14:30:32 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 08:30:32 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>; from Barry A. Warsaw on Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 07:44:54PM -0400
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 September 1999, Barry A. Warsaw said:
> Data point: I know that there are a number of companies that have
> embedded JPython in their commercial products.  So far I've had zero
> complaints from them on the JPython license.

Just thought I should join the tide of opposition: heck, I *work* for
CNRI and I still don't like the license.  I didn't say much about the
new JPython license because a) I trust Barry's judgement, b) it was
certainly an improvement over the old JPython license, and c) I wasn't
especially worried about one part of CNRI (Guido's group) taking JPython
away from another part (the group that Andrew and I are on).

However, that doesn't change the fact that the "new" license is a nasty
piece of legalistic gibberish.  Making it the license for Python 1.6
would be a major setback -- while it was better than the old JPython
license, it's a damn sight worse than the old Python license.  I have
zero sympathy for the legal beagles here with their narrow corporatist
viewpoint; trying to treat Python as just another potential piece of
intellectual property is wrong-headed in the extreme.  The free software 
world simply does not work that way.

BTW, I suspect that the companies embedding JPython haven't minded the
license because they come from the Java world, a world that seems to me
to be dominated by corporate pin-headed thinking.  The idea of
community, openness, and sharing is utterly alien to these suit-wearing,
smarmy Java frat-boy types, so JPython's licensing terms were probably a
breath of fresh air to them.  ("What?  No $100,000 source license fee?
Wow!")  ("But wait Chip -- it's not BUZZWORD COMPLIANT!  I can't find
enough TLAs!!!")

Hmmm, enough flaming Java weenies.  Please, don't anybody take the last
paragraphy too seriously or personally...

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From fredrik at  Wed Sep 15 14:39:30 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:39:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <003e01beff77$5c87fe40$>

> The license doesn't say you can't use "Python", it sayes you
> can't use it in a trademark sense.

quick check: which of these uses "Python" in a trademark
sense, and thus violates the license:

    pythonware?  professional python services?  pythonworks?
    programming python?  python training?  python powered?
    the viper python implementation?  python imaging library?
    wxpython?  pythonwin?  etc.

all of them?  none of them?


From mal at  Wed Sep 15 15:09:27 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:09:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <> <003e01beff77$5c87fe40$>
Message-ID: <>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > The license doesn't say you can't use "Python", it sayes you
> > can't use it in a trademark sense.
> quick check: which of these uses "Python" in a trademark
> sense, and thus violates the license:
>     pythonware?  professional python services?  pythonworks?
>     programming python?  python training?  python powered?
>     the viper python implementation?  python imaging library?
>     wxpython?  pythonwin?  etc.
> all of them?  none of them?

Using a word in a trademark sense usually simply means using it
in corporate relationships (at least that's how it works in Germany).
If you are a company and talk about, write about or otherwise use
the word in a commercial context then you are using the word in
a trademark sense.

There are several ways to declare a trademark, e.g. there are
word marks, logo marks, sound marks, color marks etc. (don't know if
are the right translations). A word mark, for example, refers
to a specific spelling of the word regardeless of the font, style
or color. Logo marks refer to a specific design including font,
style and color.

Note that a trademark owner can still give you permission to use
the mark in any decent way without paying fees or royalties. So
even if CNRI does own the mark, they could still make it usable
by others. In fact, if done right, this is a Good Thing.

The answer to your question depends on what kind mark CNRI

[There currently is a very strong movement in Germany against
people who are applying what they learned from domain grabbing to
trademarks. Prominent examples include "WWW" and "Webspace". Even
the color violet is trademarked (by a company producing chocolate)]

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 17:43:13 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:43:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
Message-ID: <>

"Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> --> The solution:

Ah, finally a specific proposal...

>     Suppose your application (as a whole, not the individual top-level
>     script) is called Spam -- this may well also be the name of your
>     top-level package.  Then start each top-level script with the single
>     line
>         import Spam_path
>     before importing anything else.

This should not be necessary if you use the name "sitecustomize" instead
of "Spam_path" right?  The file is automatically
Actually all this sounds like all over again.

>     Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
>     application's root directory, crafts a file which
>     contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.

I don't think this is necessary either.  The sys module is available.
So can say:
  import sys
  mydir = sys.path[0]
  if not mydir:
    import os
    mydir = os.getcwd()
  sys.path = [mydir]  # To be really extreme about it
  # Note: inserting mydir as sys.path[0] should be redundant but is not

>     Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
>     to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python
>     scripts*.
>     Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
>     scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.

Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.
>     I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
>     going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best
>     solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
>     following up here.

This is a good idea, but there are a few problems.

It depends on sys.path[0] being the directory of the Python
file being executed as the main program.  I guess I never
really trusted this before.  I think if this is the case it
should never be ''.  A relative path or no path on the command
line (the __main__ program) should be replaced by the full path
in the sys module setup.  Then the "mydir = os.getcwd()" above
is not necessary.  And inserting mydir as sys.path[0] is truly
redundant should the current directory change (as it certainly will).
This is currently a problem with sys.path[0] which should be
fixed no matter what else happens.

The files and must be in all the bin
directories as well as because they are
automatically imported in Py_Initialize().

The above doesn't work when you start the Python command
interpreter (no main).  I know, its a minor point.

It seems to me this totally solves Jim Fulton's and Marc's
problem and makes "__" unnecessary.  You just install zope
and mx in zopedir, perform the above, and presto you have a new
private name space where you can control all your names.  But
there must be some problem here I haven't thought of.

I still worry that this is not powerful enough.  Greg Stein
has volunteered to re-write import.c in Python (using
and this is a Great Idea.  Lots of Python could probably be
written in itself.  I would like to try writing the main
program in Python and eliminating the special freeze main
program.  Once you start on this road (and I think it is a good road)
you have Python code which is more truly part of the binary
interpreter than a library.


Use a special PYTHONPATH on startup to find "special" Python
files which are really part of the interpreter.  There are
three directories Python knows about.  Namely sys.path[0]
(once it is fixed), sys.executable and sys.dllfullpath,
the directory of python15.dll or other shared library (once it is
added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
like the new[c],[c] and[c]
be placed there.

Actually I would prefer sys.dllfullpath if it exists, since that
is where the interpreter is, and I am trying to associate these
special internal Python files exactly with their correct Python

Alternative Proposal:

Py_Initialize() first imports its files from sys.executable + '/' +
PyInternal.pyl (again I prefer sys.dllfullpath).
PyInternal.pyl is a Python library file (like a Java Jar
file) which would contain modules like exceptions, etc.
The PyInternal.pyl file has the standard Python library file
format (whatever that turns out to be).  It is not an error if
this file is absent.

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 18:15:02 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:15:02 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:43:13 EDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> >         import Spam_path
> > 
> >     before importing anything else.

> This should not be necessary if you use the name "sitecustomize" instead
> of "Spam_path" right?  The file is automatically
> imported.
> Actually all this sounds like all over again.

But the intention here is for the customization to be application
specific (hence the Spam in the name).  sitecustomize doesn't know
whethere I need the Mailman or the Knowbot root added to my path.

Or do you mean to imply that we can do this with zero text added to
the script, by simply dropping an appropriate in the
script dir?  Unfortunately this does currently *not* work, because
sys.path[0] is added after Py_Initialize() is run.

> >     Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
> >     application's root directory, crafts a file which
> >     contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.
> I don't think this is necessary either.  The sys module is available.
> So can say:
>   import sys
>   mydir = sys.path[0]
>   if not mydir:
>     import os
>     mydir = os.getcwd()
>   sys.path = [mydir]  # To be really extreme about it
>   # Note: inserting mydir as sys.path[0] should be redundant but is not

Hm, guessing based on the script directory might work, but seems less
reliable than hardcoding it through the installer.  But you can use
this if it works for your application.

> >     Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
> >     to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python
> >     scripts*.
> > 
> >     Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
> >     scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.
> Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
> change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.

Yes.  (The registry can add module-specific paths, which will be
searched before sys.path is even looked at, but this is only for
specific modules.  It cannot insert a general directory that is
searched.)  The only way this can fail is if an embedding app fails to 
call PySys_SetArgv().

> >     I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
> >     going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best
> >     solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
> >     following up here.
> This is a good idea, but there are a few problems.
> It depends on sys.path[0] being the directory of the Python
> file being executed as the main program.  I guess I never
> really trusted this before.  I think if this is the case it
> should never be ''.  A relative path or no path on the command
> line (the __main__ program) should be replaced by the full path
> in the sys module setup.  Then the "mydir = os.getcwd()" above
> is not necessary.  And inserting mydir as sys.path[0] is truly
> redundant should the current directory change (as it certainly will).
> This is currently a problem with sys.path[0] which should be
> fixed no matter what else happens.

I have always resisted forcing path items to be absolute, although I'm
not sure that my reasons are valid any more (it has to do with the
fact that getcwd() may fail and the fact that portable path
concatenation is a pain).  In any case, that's a separate issue -- I
agree that if sys.path[0] is '' (as it often is) it's better for or or (or whoever) to absolutize
it (and everything else on the path) so that it will still work if the
app does a chdir().

> The files and must be in all the bin
> directories as well as because they are
> automatically imported in Py_Initialize().


> The above doesn't work when you start the Python command
> interpreter (no main).  I know, its a minor point.

You could add the "import Spam_path" to your $PYTHONSTARTUP file.

> It seems to me this totally solves Jim Fulton's and Marc's
> problem and makes "__" unnecessary.  You just install zope
> and mx in zopedir, perform the above, and presto you have a new
> private name space where you can control all your names.  But
> there must be some problem here I haven't thought of.

I think no simple solution that *I* can come up with will satisfy
JimF's and Marc's desire for obscurity :-)

> I still worry that this is not powerful enough.  Greg Stein
> has volunteered to re-write import.c in Python (using
> and this is a Great Idea.  Lots of Python could probably be
> written in itself.  I would like to try writing the main
> program in Python and eliminating the special freeze main
> program.  Once you start on this road (and I think it is a good road)
> you have Python code which is more truly part of the binary
> interpreter than a library.

Yes, this is the plan for Python 2.0, and some of it may be
implemented in Python 1.6.

> Proposal:
> Use a special PYTHONPATH on startup to find "special" Python
> files which are really part of the interpreter.  There are
> three directories Python knows about.  Namely sys.path[0]
> (once it is fixed), sys.executable and sys.dllfullpath,
> the directory of python15.dll or other shared library (once it is
> added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
> to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
> like the new[c],[c] and[c]
> be placed there.

On Unix, this is a bin directory and it is strongly discouraged to put
non-program files there.  Python already does something similar --
it looks around in sys.executable's ancestors for a specific landmark, 
currently lib/python<version>/  Arguably, it should search
for instead.

> Actually I would prefer sys.dllfullpath if it exists, since that
> is where the interpreter is, and I am trying to associate these
> special internal Python files exactly with their correct Python
> interpreter.

Is the full DLL path available at any point?  This would certainly be
a good starting point -- especially when the DLL is loaded implicitly
as the result of some COM operation.

> Alternative Proposal:
> Py_Initialize() first imports its files from sys.executable + '/' +
> PyInternal.pyl (again I prefer sys.dllfullpath).
> PyInternal.pyl is a Python library file (like a Java Jar
> file) which would contain modules like exceptions, etc.
> The PyInternal.pyl file has the standard Python library file
> format (whatever that turns out to be).  It is not an error if
> this file is absent.

I guess this is all up to the redesign of the import mechanism
(something like Greg Stein's for sure).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From da at  Wed Sep 15 19:00:05 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:00:05 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido, maybe it would make sense to explain the need for a license change.
Is my understanding correct that the occasion for the license change is
that the copyright is now clearly shifting to CNRI, and as a result CNRI
has to forge a license?  (BTW, I thought *you* had the copyright transfer 
from CWI, not CNRI).


From jim at  Wed Sep 15 20:10:17 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:10:17 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> > I wouldn't be in favor of making it more complicated if there wasn't
> > a good reason.  I think that, in working on the Zope framework,
> > I've found some pretty good reasons for relative imports.
> And in a later message:
> > I don't think the Package structure of Zope is flawed *except*
> > for the fact that it is one level too *shallow*. The ability to
> > do relative imports would be very helpful for the work we're doing.
> But I haven't seen explained what it is that Zope is doing where
> relative packages would be helpful.

I posted an example in an earlier message.  I'll recast it here, 
hopefully more eloquently. :)  I'll also offer an alternate proposal
that also solves my (and I suspect, Marc-Andre's) problem.

Zope is an application platform.  It provides a mechanism for 
developers to plug their own products into Zope.  The idea is that
someone gets Zope from and installs it.  Then they get
third-party products from other places.

Zope products are python packages installed as sub-packages of the
Zope 'Products' packages.  Products are generally self-contained.  If
they need anything that's not part of standard Python or standard
Zope, they need to include it or install what they need in a
sub-package of another Zope package, 'Shared'.  

Because products come from "third parties", it is important that they
be self contained.  Making assumptions about the Zope or Python
environments or, worse, modifying the Zope or Python environments is a
bad idea.

In this context, consider the following concrete, though fictional

Aaron has written a collection of modules that implement an RDBMS
system for Python, gadfly.  He also has a set of modules for parsing,
kjParsing, which is needed by gadfly.  Currently, these are just a
bunch of top-level modules distributed as a combined collection.  It
would make sense to turn these into two packages, gadfly and
kjParsing.  Now, if this was done, then the gadfly package would need
to use package imports for kjParsing modules, as in:

  import kjParsing.kjParser

So far, so good.  Now, suppose that someone wants to create a Zope
product, ZGadfly, that used gadfly.  The simplest approach would be to
include the gadfly and kjParsing packages in their Zope product.
Of course, this won't work, because the imports, like the one above,
will fail, because kjParsing is no longer a top-level package.

It wouldn't do any good to move gadlfy and kjParsing to the shared
package, although that might be desirable to share these packages
with other products.  They could try to stuff the packages into the
Zope or Python paths, but that would break the rules and lead to
problems in the long term.

Hopefully, this illustrates the problem.  I think that this will be a
common problem in the future, as people build bigger and bigger
systems with Python that reuse other people's packages.

I'd be curious to hear how folks would solve this problem.

Personally, I'd like the problem to go away. :)  I'd like the Python
import rules to change to make this solvable without import hooks or
path hacking.  I can think of two ways to approach this:

  - Relative parent imports:

      import __.kjParsing.kjParser

    Note that Python already supports relative imports for 
    going down.  For example, we use gadfly and kjParsing together
    as a single sub-package of our ZGadflyDA product.

  - Gradually less local searches.

    Currently, when doing an import in a package, two paths are
    searched, the package path and then the Python path.  If there are
    intermediate packages, then perhaps their paths should be searched
    as well.

    For example, suppose we have the directory structure:


    where Products is a top-level package, and we did an import in a
    module in gadfly:

      import kjParsing.kjParser

    Python would search the path of the package
    Products.ZGadfly.gadfly first, as it does now.  This search would
    fail. Then it would search the path of Products.ZGadfly, where it
    would find kjParsing, and the import would succeed.

    This approach has the benefits:

      o It solves the problem. :)

      o It has no impact on un-nested packages,

      o It requires no code changes; it doesn't use the
        ugly __.



Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 15 19:35:57 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:35:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:

> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> > --> The solution:

Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's post.

- Gordon

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 20:17:55 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:17:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:35:57 EDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> From: "Gordon McMillan" <gmcm at>

> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
> > "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> > > --> The solution:
> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's post.

Hm.  We had an email glitch.  Apparently this message got lost:

Subject: Re: Path hacking
From: Guido van Rossum <guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
To: python-dev at
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:57:51 -0400

I just had a long discussion with Barry and Fred, in response to his
registry proposal.  We quickly decided that a Python registry is
overkill for the given problem.  We also quickly came up with a nice
variant of Mailman's approach which will work well in a variety of

--> The context:

    You have a large complicated application that contains many modules
    spread over many packages, and which has many "top-level" scripts that
    are invoked by the user (or via CGI, for example).  All the code is
    properly packagized, with sufficiently globally unique package names
    being used all over the place.

--> The problem:

    How to get the root directory of your application (where all your
    packages live) on sys.path.

--> The rules:

    Using $PYTHONPATH is right out.

    You can't install new files in the core Python installation directory
    (nor modify existing ones), so using .pth files is also out.

    You don't want to have to edit each of the top-level scripts of your

    You want a cross-platform solution, in particular it should be
    amenable to Windows.

--> The assumptions:

    You can use a reasonably intelligent installer.

    All your top-level scripts are installed in a single directory (or
    perhaps in a small number of separate bin directories, e.g. bin and

--> The solution:

    Suppose your application (as a whole, not the individual top-level
    script) is called Spam -- this may well also be the name of your
    top-level package.  Then start each top-level script with the single

	import Spam_path

    before importing anything else.

    Your installer, once it knows the absolute pathname of your
    application's root directory, crafts a file which
    contains code that inserts the right absolute pathname into sys.path.

    Your installer then installs a copy of this file (or a symbolic link
    to it) *in each bin directory where it installs top-level Python

    Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
    scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.

--> Notes:

    If you are Spam's developer, you probably want to be able to use its
    top-level scripts without having to install them.  All you need to do
    is create a file pointing to the top of your development
    tree, and set $PYTHONPATH to point to the directory that contains it.

    (Perhaps you already have $PYTHONPATH pointing to a personal directory
    of Python modules you like to have accessible -- then you can just
    drop there, or link to it from there.)

    Note that adding a personal directory of Python goodies is about the
    only use of $PYTHONPATH that I approve of -- this way, you can set
    $PYTHONPATH in your .profile and never have to change it.

    I know this doesn't resolve the relative import thread (how's that
    going by the way? :-) but Barry & Fred & I agree that this is the best 
    solution to the problem stated in Barry's message to which I am
    following up here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 20:27:58 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:27:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
> > "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
> > > --> The solution:
> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's post.

My mail system is flakey, so I have been reading this list
directly on  I didn't get it by list either, so
I assumed my mailer ate it.  See:

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 20:29:38 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:29:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> But the intention here is for the customization to be application
> specific (hence the Spam in the name).  sitecustomize doesn't know
> whethere I need the Mailman or the Knowbot root added to my path.

Ah, you have multiple scripts in one directory and multiple
Foo_path, Bar_path etc.  I was thinking with my Windows head.
A commercial Windows app generally has its own exclusive
install directory, so I was thinking single directory so a single

> Or do you mean to imply that we can do this with zero text added to
> the script, by simply dropping an appropriate in the
> script dir?

Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking.

> Unfortunately this does currently *not* work, because
> sys.path[0] is added after Py_Initialize() is run.

Yikes!  That kills using  Your Spam_path
still works because it is imported later, but requires an
import in each Python main script just as you said.

Even worse, it means that and can not
be found at all except using the normal PYTHONPATH, and
putting their path in Spam_path will *not* work.

> > >     Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
> > >     scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.
> >
> > Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
> > change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.
> Yes.  (The registry can add module-specific paths, which will be
> searched before sys.path is even looked at, but this is only for
> specific modules.  It cannot insert a general directory that is
> searched.)  The only way this can fail is if an embedding app fails to
> call PySys_SetArgv().

Oh dear, I think I heard no instead of yes. Are you saying that if
someone else installs a Python app on my customer's machine after I do,
and sets a registry entry which sayes to use c:/other/path/to/
for (as he may very well want to do), then if my Python program
depends on getting my copy of from my directory, it will then
use the other copy instead and may very well fail?

> In any case, that's a separate issue -- I
> agree that if sys.path[0] is '' (as it often is) it's better for
> or or (or whoever) to absolutize
> it (and everything else on the path) so that it will still work if the
> app does a chdir().

Point on the curve:  Windows apps generally start from an icon
which contains their path and current working directory, and
these are generally different.  So a Windows app in general will
*never* have had a getcwd() equal to the path of either the
binary interpreter or the Python main script.

> > The files and must be in all the bin
> > directories as well as because they are
> > automatically imported in Py_Initialize().
> Yes.

Well, *no* right?  This fails unless the bin directories are in
fact on PYTHONPATH.  The only way to get is by using
sys.path as it exists within Py_Initialize().  So there is no
hacked sys.path[0] equal to the script dir.  And since the
path hacks in haven't happened yet either, we have
an incomplete sys.path at that point.

> > added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
> > to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
> > like the new[c],[c] and[c]
> > be placed there.
> On Unix, this is a bin directory and it is strongly discouraged to put
> non-program files there.

Ok, point taken.

> Is the full DLL path available at any point?  This would certainly be
> a good starting point -- especially when the DLL is loaded implicitly
> as the result of some COM operation.

I don't know about loading by COM, but if it is a file, its absolute
path is reliably known in sys, the code is identical to that currently
used for sys.executable (on Windows), and I have a patch if you want.

JimA's conjecture:  It is currently impossible to
ship a Python app which can not be damaged by the installation of a
second Python app without using a hacked custom binary.

Jim Ahlstrom

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 20:41:26 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:41:26 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <gmcm at> writes:

    Gordo> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:

    >> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
    >> --> The solution:

    Gordo> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is Barry's
    Gordo> post.

I have a suspicion that lost some email yesterday.

We had a period of time where mail simply stopped getting delivered
(thank you Solaris patch manager) and it took me a little while to
realize that things weren't working correctly.  Since there's nothing
unexpected in the mail queue now, all I can say is that if you didn't
get it by now, you ain't gonna.

However, everything seemed to make it into the archives, so Guido's
message is available at:


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 15 20:43:56 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:43:56 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:00:05 PDT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

[David Ascher]
> Guido, maybe it would make sense to explain the need for a license change.
> Is my understanding correct that the occasion for the license change is
> that the copyright is now clearly shifting to CNRI, and as a result CNRI
> has to forge a license?  (BTW, I thought *you* had the copyright transfer 
> from CWI, not CNRI).

Correct on both counts.

CWI owns the copyright on old Python versions through Python 1.2.  I
have personally obtained non-exclusive rights to these from CWI.

CNRI, by nature of my employment contract, has the copyright on newer

CNRI feels the need to protect its intellectual property rights.  It
feels that the old Python license, even with CNRI added, does not
adequately protect CNRI against certain (unlikely) events -- hence the 
desire to draft a new license.

CNRI understands that open source (and now Open Source -- the OSI
board has approved the old Python license!) like Python requires
different licensing terms than a typical product developed solely by

I think that the main problem is that CNRI's understanding of what
truly constritutes open source is limited, and that my own
understanding of legal issues is limited, so that the negotiations
with CNRI's legal department (which is headed by CNRI's director)
often turn in their favor.

I hereby withdraw the posted license.  There still is the need for a
new license, but we need to go back to the drawing board for it.  The
CWI ownership of much of the code probably means that the license as
it stands doesn't hold anyway.

I also think that the Python consortium has a say in the license
discussion -- the consortium agreement actually discusses the
ownership of intellectual property produced by/for the consortium at
some length.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 20:46:44 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:46:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    JF> Zope products are python packages installed as sub-packages of
    JF> the Zope 'Products' packages.  Products are generally
    JF> self-contained.  If they need anything that's not part of
    JF> standard Python or standard Zope, they need to include it or
    JF> install what they need in a sub-package of another Zope
    JF> package, 'Shared'.

Jim, from your description, it sounds like Zope should be putting both
the `Shared' and possibly `Products' directories on sys.path.  Maybe
it does and I'm still missing your point.

However if they are not, then wouldn't this solve your problem?  A
user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then all the
import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.


From mal at  Wed Sep 15 19:02:20 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 19:02:20 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > It seems to me this totally solves Jim Fulton's and Marc's
> > problem and makes "__" unnecessary.  You just install zope
> > and mx in zopedir, perform the above, and presto you have a new
> > private name space where you can control all your names.  But
> > there must be some problem here I haven't thought of.
> I think no simple solution that *I* can come up with will satisfy
> JimF's and Marc's desire for obscurity :-)

Never mind, I'll use an based approach to get relative
imports to work in my packages. That is when I get
to work... it doesn't seem to be quite there yet (or I'm using
an old version).

BTW, I'm 100% behind you guys if you choose to reimplement Python's
import mechanism in Python using a similar approach as the one
Greg implemented in imputil. Should make everybody happy: those
who want obscure syntactic add-ons and others with a taste for
zlib'ed packaged byte code, plus those VMS freaks ;-)

Perhaps we should start a new thread on that topic... 

Still needed are:

? Python level APIs for the platform specific magic on
  Win32 and Macs (OS/2, BeOS ?), e.g. access to the Windows
  registry and the Mac forks

? Patches to make the DirectoryImporter 100% backward compatible

Greg's can be found at:

The trick would then be to install an application specific
importer in the setup module Spam_path or MyAppSetup which
then takes care of all the rest... 

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 15 21:00:41 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:00:41 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hmm, I'm suspicious of the fact that no message from Barry 
Warsaw ever gets "lost".

Stalin got started by being in charge of the Kremlin's 
telephone system, you know...

> >>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <gmcm at> writes:
>     Gordo> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
>     >> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
>     >> --> The solution:
>     Gordo> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is
>     Barry's Gordo> post.
> I have a suspicion that lost some email yesterday.
> We had a period of time where mail simply stopped getting
> delivered (thank you Solaris patch manager) and it took me a
> little while to realize that things weren't working correctly. 
> Since there's nothing unexpected in the mail queue now, all I can
> say is that if you didn't get it by now, you ain't gonna.
> However, everything seemed to make it into the archives, so
> Guido's message is available at:
> html
> -Barry
> _______________________________________________
> Python-Dev maillist  -  Python-Dev at

- Gordon

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 21:25:24 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:25:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>  
		            <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> In this context, consider the following concrete, though fictional
> example.
> ............

The classical solution would be to add "Shared" to sys.path.  But
how to do this?  And what if another installation changes it?

> I'd be curious to hear how folks would solve this problem.

1) Ship a custom binary interpreter with critical modules frozen in,
and which sets a custom sys.path before anything else happens.  So
you are not dependent at all on PYTHONPATH.  Currently this works.

2) Add a new command line option which sets sys.path and always use
it to start your app.  It lists only critical zope directories so
zope has its own private name space.

3) Add your own import hooks using and boot it as
in (1).  Better if it were part of Python.

4) Use a new Python.pyl file which has seeking from the end and
thus allows concattenation of multiple *.pyl.  Each package is
a foo.pyl, bar.pyl, and to distribute an app, you concatenate
packages.  The implied PYTHONPATH in each *.pyl file is "."
except perhaps for the Python lib which is "Lib".  Boot it as
in (3).

> Personally, I'd like the problem to go away. :)

I have the same problem, so me too.

> I'd like the Python
> import rules to change to make this solvable without import hooks or
> path hacking.  I can think of two ways to approach this:
>   - Relative parent imports:
>       import __.kjParsing.kjParser

OK by me, but doesn't solve the Grand Problem.
>   - Gradually less local searches.

I am currently bewildered by Python's import mechanism, and
this may push me into brain damage.  Well, *more* brain damage.

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 21:34:08 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:34:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
>     JF> Zope products are python packages installed as sub-packages of
>     JF> the Zope 'Products' packages.  Products are generally
>     JF> self-contained.  If they need anything that's not part of
>     JF> standard Python or standard Zope, they need to include it or
>     JF> install what they need in a sub-package of another Zope
>     JF> package, 'Shared'.
> Jim, from your description, it sounds like Zope should be putting both
> the `Shared' and possibly `Products' directories on sys.path.

It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some future
python distribution has a Products package? Or a

A product is actually a sub-package of Products. Even if Products 
was not a package, the Product would be and gadfly and kjParsong would
be sub-packages.  There is a similar issue with Shared, since Shared
software is organized by organization, as in 'Shared.DC.ZRDB'.

> Maybe
> it does and I'm still missing your point.

The point is that stuffing arbitrary things into a single global
name space is bad. That's why packages were invented.  Unless 
packages can be effectively nested, you haven't gained anything but time.
> However if they are not, then wouldn't this solve your problem? 

No, see above.

> A
> user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then all the
> import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.

But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package namespace.
Eventually, there will be collisions.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 21:59:10 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:59:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>  
			            <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> > In this context, consider the following concrete, though fictional
> > example.
> > ............
> The classical solution would be to add "Shared" to sys.path.  But
> how to do this?  And what if another installation changes it?

This doesn't work, because 'Shared' has sub-packages by organization.

> > I'd be curious to hear how folks would solve this problem.
> 1) Ship a custom binary interpreter with critical modules frozen in,
> and which sets a custom sys.path before anything else happens.  So
> you are not dependent at all on PYTHONPATH.  Currently this works.

This is what we do for our binary distribtions, but it doesn't do
anything for third-party products added to Zope.

> 2) Add a new command line option which sets sys.path and always use
> it to start your app.  It lists only critical zope directories so
> zope has its own private name space.

We have a start script that takes care of this.  This gets Zope's 
top-level names (of which there are too many already) into the
path.  This doesn't help with third-party products added to Zope.
> 3) Add your own import hooks using and boot it as
> in (1).

But imputil has a global effect. I suppose I could implement
what I want with imputil or by otherwise creating my own importer
using the standard import hooks.  I suspect that's what I'll
have to do eventually.

>  Better if it were part of Python. 
> 4) Use a new Python.pyl file which has seeking from the end and
> thus allows concattenation of multiple *.pyl.  Each package is
> a foo.pyl, bar.pyl, and to distribute an app, you concatenate
> packages.  The implied PYTHONPATH in each *.pyl file is "."
> except perhaps for the Python lib which is "Lib".  Boot it as
> in (3).

I'm not looking for a way to replace the current package scheme.
Also, I'm not just looking at an app, but at an app that
contains apps (aka components).
> > Personally, I'd like the problem to go away. :)
> I have the same problem, so me too.
> > I'd like the Python
> > import rules to change to make this solvable without import hooks or
> > path hacking.  I can think of two ways to approach this:
> >
> >   - Relative parent imports:
> >
> >       import __.kjParsing.kjParser
> OK by me, but doesn't solve the Grand Problem.
> >   - Gradually less local searches.
> I am currently bewildered by Python's import mechanism, and
> this may push me into brain damage.  Well, *more* brain damage.

I don't see what's so complicated.  You just use a gradually
widening search, rather than an immediately widening search.
I don't think that this is any more complicated than the current

I actually prefer the second apprach because it doesn't require any
code changes to take advantage of it.  I may implement it for Zope
if nothing is done in standard Python.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From mal at  Wed Sep 15 22:01:01 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 22:01:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
Message-ID: <>

Back again...

To get a little more constructive I've started hacking away 
on Greg Stein's to make it work with my DateTime
package. The DateTime packages does a lot of from...import...
and intra-package imports, plus it loads a shared lib as

The original version of imputil I fetched from Greg's page
did work out of the box (from...import... hassles) and
obviously did not support in-package shared libs. I've added
both features so that the test script in DateTime can run

Things that remain are:
? the win32 registry stuff (needs C code)
? the Mac fork stuff (needs C code)
? a working __path__ implementation (is anyone using this attribute
  which only is available in packages ?)
? probably a whole bunch of other quirks
? some speedups (there currently are too many stat()s)

Please give it a try:

in color:

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   107 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 15 22:22:34 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:22:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:

> It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some future
> python distribution has a Products package? Or a

Name it zopeProducts. Or Zope/Products and Zope/Shared.
> A product is actually a sub-package of Products. Even if Products
> was not a package, the Product would be and gadfly and kjParsong
> would be sub-packages.  There is a similar issue with Shared,
> since Shared software is organized by organization, as in
> 'Shared.DC.ZRDB'.

See below.
> The point is that stuffing arbitrary things into a single global
> name space is bad. That's why packages were invented.  Unless
> packages can be effectively nested, you haven't gained anything
> but time.

Packages nest effectively. Subpackages just don't 
masquerade as top level packages.
> > A
> > user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
> > all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
> But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
> namespace. Eventually, there will be collisions.

You are trying to do two incompatible things at once. You are 
trying to be both a standalone application, and a Python 
installation. You can be both, just not at the same time.

To be a standalone application, you can use tricks that Jim 
Ahlstrom pointed out, or tricks from my Installer. The major 
point being that sys.path has nothing to do with the 
PYTHONPATH environment variable. You now have an 
installation where you can be assured of no collisions, 
because you control it completely.

Of course, that will make liars out of the people at your 
company who claim you can mix and match pieces of Zope 
and your own stuff as you please. People who want to mix 
and match need Zope to play by normal Python rules - and 
that means packages are installed at the top level. Collisions 
happen, but your audience is people who *want* to do things 
differently and *want* control of their installations.

By creating "self contained" packages and putting them in a 
normal Python installation, you're just pushing your headache 
off on the user. You're co-opting his installation.

Yeah, now you have two versions, but they're 99% the same. 
Build the normal Python one first and distribute it to the 
hackers. Then install some import and startup hooks, and 
distribute that to your "users".

I, for one, still use Bobo, because Zope doesn't play fair and I 
have no need or desire for yet another Python installation.

- Gordon

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 15 22:43:27 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:43:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Marc-Andre wrote:

> To get a little more constructive I've started hacking away on
> Greg Stein's to make it work with my DateTime package.


You (and Greg) are missing a rather important patch I 
submitted to Greg a long time ago (around line 62):

  def _reload_hook(self, module):
    # gmcm - Hmmm, reloading of a module may or may not 
be impossible,
    # (depending on the importer),  but at least we can
    # look to see if it's ours to reload:
    if hasattr(module, '__importer__'):
      if getattr(module, '__importer__') == self:
        raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
    return self.__chain_reload(module)

- Gordon

From jim at  Wed Sep 15 22:44:31 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 16:44:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> Packages nest effectively. Subpackages just don't
> masquerade as top level packages.

They do currently when imported from the containing package.

> [Barry]
> > > A
> > > user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
> > > all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
> >
> > But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
> > namespace. Eventually, there will be collisions.
> You are trying to do two incompatible things at once. You are
> trying to be both a standalone application, and a Python
> installation. You can be both, just not at the same time.

We don't try to be a Python installation.  We try to be a
Python application that is a platform for Zope applications.
> To be a standalone application, you can use tricks that Jim
> Ahlstrom pointed out, or tricks from my Installer. The major
> point being that sys.path has nothing to do with the
> PYTHONPATH environment variable. You now have an
> installation where you can be assured of no collisions,
> because you control it completely.
> Of course, that will make liars out of the people at your
> company who claim you can mix and match pieces of Zope
> and your own stuff as you please.

Zope reuses *alot* of code. I think Zope has a pretty
good track record of working with existing code.

> People who want to mix
> and match need Zope to play by normal Python rules - and
> that means packages are installed at the top level.

Sorry, I just don't buy that.

> Collisions
> happen, but your audience is people who *want* to do things
> differently and *want* control of their installations.

Actually, many Zope user's come to Python by way of Zope.
They want to be able to install Zope products without
worrying about what their zope or python installation 
looks like.

Zope developers want to be able to have their products drop
into a Zope installation easily.
> By creating "self contained" packages and putting them in a
> normal Python installation, you're just pushing your headache
> off on the user. You're co-opting his installation.

No, putting packages in the python path coops their installation.
Putting Zope-specific products that happen to include reusable
Python packages in a Zope-specific package leaves their 
installation alone.

> Yeah, now you have two versions, but they're 99% the same.
> Build the normal Python one first and distribute it to the
> hackers. Then install some import and startup hooks, and
> distribute that to your "users".

This is exactly what I want to prevent. I'd like package 
developers to develop their packages once without making them
use esoteric import hooks. OTOH I'd like to be able to *use*
their packages wherever I damn well please. I don't to be forced
to put their packages in the python path.
> I, for one, still use Bobo, because Zope doesn't play fair

In what way does Zope not play fair?

> and I
> have no need or desire for yet another Python installation.

Cool. You don't need to use another Python installation to use Zope.
In fact, for development, we use a totally standard Python distribution.
Developers here are not *allowed* to add anything special to the 
Python installations on the development machines here because we want to
*make sure* that we can run with stock python installations.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From bwarsaw at  Wed Sep 15 23:55:34 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 17:55:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <gmcm at> writes:

    Gordo> Hmm, I'm suspicious of the fact that no message from Barry 
    Gordo> Warsaw ever gets "lost".

    Gordo> Stalin got started by being in charge of the Kremlin's 
    Gordo> telephone system, you know...

Well, I managed to get rid of Ken so my world domination plan is right 
on schedule!

guido-may-be-benevolent-but-you-can-bet-i-won't-be-ly y'rs,

From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 16 00:07:34 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:07:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <jim at> writes:

    JF> It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some
    JF> future python distribution has a Products package? Or a

Wouldn't collide, because in my scheme, Shared isn't a package, it's a
directory on sys.path.  Everything inside Shared is a top-level
package.  You'd never "import Shared.DC.ZRDB" but instead you would
"import DC.ZRDB".

    >> A user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
    >> all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.

    JF> But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
    JF> namespace.  Eventually, there will be collisions.

Do you really think so?  Someone else is going to write a kjParsing
module?  I think we're safe from this for the forseeable future
through convention and peer pressure.

Or is the concern that there will be two Products which use different
versions of kjParsing?  I'm also not concerned here because if my
product needs a very specific version of kjParsing I can't see any way
around shipping my own version, subpackaging it, and using an absolute
package name to ensure that I'm getting at exactly the one I need.
This is the approach Mailman takes.


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 00:35:20 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:35:20 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:29:38 EDT."
References: <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> > But the intention here is for the customization to be application
> > specific (hence the Spam in the name).  sitecustomize doesn't know
> > whethere I need the Mailman or the Knowbot root added to my path.

> Ah, you have multiple scripts in one directory and multiple
> Foo_path, Bar_path etc.  I was thinking with my Windows head.
> A commercial Windows app generally has its own exclusive
> install directory, so I was thinking single directory so a single
> > Or do you mean to imply that we can do this with zero text added to
> > the script, by simply dropping an appropriate in the
> > script dir?
> Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking.
> > Unfortunately this does currently *not* work, because
> > sys.path[0] is added after Py_Initialize() is run.
> Yikes!  That kills using  Your Spam_path
> still works because it is imported later, but requires an
> import in each Python main script just as you said.

Not too bad (who cares about one more line of boilerplate...).

> Even worse, it means that and can not
> be found at all except using the normal PYTHONPATH, and
> putting their path in Spam_path will *not* work.

Why would you want your own and

> > > > Because the script's directory is first on the default path, the Spam
> > > > scripts will pick up Spam_path without any help from $PYTHONPATH.
> > >
> > > Hmmm.  Is this really true?  Nothing else, for example the registry, can
> > > change sys.path[0]?  Ever?  Please say yes.
> > 
> > Yes.  (The registry can add module-specific paths, which will be
> > searched before sys.path is even looked at, but this is only for
> > specific modules.  It cannot insert a general directory that is
> > searched.)  The only way this can fail is if an embedding app fails to
> > call PySys_SetArgv().
> Oh dear, I think I heard no instead of yes. Are you saying that if
> someone else installs a Python app on my customer's machine after I do,
> and sets a registry entry which sayes to use c:/other/path/to/
> for (as he may very well want to do), then if my Python program
> depends on getting my copy of from my directory, it will then
> use the other copy instead and may very well fail?

Again - why would anyone register their own

> > In any case, that's a separate issue -- I
> > agree that if sys.path[0] is '' (as it often is) it's better for
> > or or (or whoever) to absolutize
> > it (and everything else on the path) so that it will still work if the
> > app does a chdir().
> Point on the curve:  Windows apps generally start from an icon
> which contains their path and current working directory, and
> these are generally different.  So a Windows app in general will
> *never* have had a getcwd() equal to the path of either the
> binary interpreter or the Python main script.

You're lucky.  It turns out that on Windows, under those circumstances
at least, sys.path[0] is the absolute pathname of the directory.  You
only see '' if sys.argv[0] doesn't have any pathname information;
that's only possible if the script *does* live in the current

> > > The files and must be in all the bin
> > > directories as well as because they are
> > > automatically imported in Py_Initialize().
> > 
> > Yes.
> Well, *no* right?  This fails unless the bin directories are in
> fact on PYTHONPATH.  The only way to get is by using
> sys.path as it exists within Py_Initialize().  So there is no
> hacked sys.path[0] equal to the script dir.  And since the
> path hacks in haven't happened yet either, we have
> an incomplete sys.path at that point.

Sorry, I've lost track of what we were after here.  Indeed the
scripts' directory (which I presume you meant by the bin directory)
indeed doesn't occur in sys.path until after Py_Initialize() has run.

> > > added to sys).  How about prepending the single directory sys.executable
> > > to sys.path during Py_Initialize()?  And demanding that modules
> > > like the new[c],[c] and[c]
> > > be placed there.
> > 
> > On Unix, this is a bin directory and it is strongly discouraged to put
> > non-program files there.
> Ok, point taken.
> > Is the full DLL path available at any point?  This would certainly be
> > a good starting point -- especially when the DLL is loaded implicitly
> > as the result of some COM operation.
> I don't know about loading by COM, but if it is a file, its absolute
> path is reliably known in sys, the code is identical to that currently
> used for sys.executable (on Windows), and I have a patch if you want.

I presume using GetModuleFileName()?  Please send me the patch!

> JimA's conjecture:  It is currently impossible to
> ship a Python app which can not be damaged by the installation of a
> second Python app without using a hacked custom binary.

Sounds right.  All tricks to make the app unique require using a
different registry key, which requires a change to the DLL.  However,
you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used is
embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 00:49:38 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:49:38 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> >>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <jim at> writes:
>     JF> It actually does now, although that is bad.  What if some
>     JF> future python distribution has a Products package? Or a
>     JF>
> Wouldn't collide, because in my scheme, Shared isn't a package, it's a
> directory on sys.path.  Everything inside Shared is a top-level
> package.  You'd never "import Shared.DC.ZRDB" but instead you would
> "import DC.ZRDB".

I wasn't talking about your scheme. I was talking about how I thought it should be.

>     >> A user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
>     >> all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
>     JF> But then they'd be dumping kjParsing into the global package
>     JF> namespace.  Eventually, there will be collisions.
> Do you really think so? 


> Someone else is going to write a kjParsing
> module? 

No, but sooner or later, two people are going to write two "Parsing" packages, 
or two "Oracle" packages or two ....  

Are you suggesting that package names should begin with some hash
value to assure that they are unique?  (What does kj stand for anyway? :)
I guess we could use some form of GUID to be really safe .....

> I think we're safe from this for the forseeable future
> through convention and peer pressure.


(I feel like I should respond to this in some way but ....
 I just can't understand this kind of argument and don't
 know how to frame a response.)
> Or is the concern that there will be two Products which use different
> versions of kjParsing? 

No, at least not primarily.

> I'm also not concerned here because if my
> product needs a very specific version of kjParsing I can't see any way
> around shipping my own version, subpackaging it, and using an absolute
> package name to ensure that I'm getting at exactly the one I need.

But even in this case, if you used a relative import, you *would*
get the specific version you want.

I give up. I'll just have to write some import hook to get the
behavior I want in Zope. I will probably implement the second
alternative I wrote about in my earlier document. I'll get Python
to look at intermediate package paths before it looks at the main path.
That way, any package that works as a top-level package will also
work as a sub-package without modification.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From mhammond at  Thu Sep 16 03:20:10 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:20:10 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> CNRI understands that open source (and now Open Source -- the OSI
> board has approved the old Python license!) like Python requires
> different licensing terms than a typical product developed solely by

Actually, this is a good point.  I know the issue of payment may get
in the way, but it would make sense to have any future proposed
licenses reviewed by a lawyer "on our side" - eg, someone whose
mandate is to give a legal opinion on the risks and liabilities of the
_user_ of the license.  Obviously the CNRI lawers are protecting their
(ie, CNRI's) interests, and everyone on this group is concerned about
their own (ie, personally, their company, or companies they wish to
introduct Python into) interests.

If the legal jibberish can't be removed (which is likely with lawyers
involved) I know I would personally feel much more comfortable with a
legal opinion covering my interests..

But as I said, who will pay?  If nothing else, we should ensure the
OSI approves of the new license...  Or maybe we can convince CNRI
there is real and serious concern, and they could pay for an external
IP lawyer?


From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 03:37:17 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:37:17 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> Actually, this is a good point.  I know the issue of payment may get
> in the way, but it would make sense to have any future proposed
> licenses reviewed by a lawyer "on our side" - eg, someone whose
> mandate is to give a legal opinion on the risks and liabilities of the
> _user_ of the license.

Interesting thought!

> Obviously the CNRI lawers are protecting their
> (ie, CNRI's) interests, and everyone on this group is concerned about
> their own (ie, personally, their company, or companies they wish to
> introduct Python into) interests.

Because of these varied interests, I don't think a review by a
particular lawyer will be greatly helpful. The question will still
remain: "did the lawyer review it from [my/our/company] perspective?"
This will lead people back into the same review cycle.

> But as I said, who will pay?  If nothing else, we should ensure the
> OSI approves of the new license...  Or maybe we can convince CNRI
> there is real and serious concern, and they could pay for an external
> IP lawyer?

Definitely having an OSI certification will be great (cool stuff on the
cert for the existing license!). Having Bruce Perens review the license
would also be a great boon (see for some of his writings;
also see specifically).

Licenses are a tough issue. I had to go through this entire morass when
deciding what to do with mod_dav. There are a lot of varieties and
issues and stuff to cover. I've read a bunch of license (not to mention
a bazillion legal documents during the eShop/acquisition days). Not
always exciting reading :-), but usually quite interesting.

At this point, I think it is a great thing that CNRI is reviewing the
license. Unfortunately, the license wasn't as non-controversial as it
was thought to be :-(. I'm more than happy to wait and see where they go
with the license.


Greg Stein,

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 05:32:18 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:32:18 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:10:17 EDT."
References: <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

I don't like the pressure to allow relative imports and I don't like
the solutions that those who insist on having it propose (they are all 
writing their own import hooks).

The reasoning seems to be something like this:

(a) If my package needs non-standard package X, I can't require that X
be installed as a top-level package, because there might be another
unrelated package also called X; therefore I need to install a copy of
package X as a subpackage of my own package.

(b) Because any non-standard package X now may be installed at the
toplevel or as a subpackage of some other package, X must use relative 
imports exclusively to access subparts of itself.

I find (b) unacceptable for a number of reasons, that have all been
explained by others: duplicate installs (and hence possible imports)
of the same package as a subpackage of various other packages, the
requirement to be religious in the use of relative imports, the
ugliness of the __ notation (I do *not* look forward to explaining
that to 12-year-olds in the context of CP4E).

I think that the fear expressed in (a) is an overreaction to some
recent actual top-level name clashes.  This was a real pain, but
notice that it happened because several popular module collections
weren't packagized at all!

In the Java world, the right solution exist: a better top-level naming
scheme.  I forget what the exact rules are, but I seem to recall that
Java has something of the same relative import rules af Python
currently has: you can import a class from the same leaf package by
its simple name, or you can import a class by its full name.  As Tim
explains, the occasional renames are easily handled with a global
substitute in a smart editor.

I don't want to do the same thing as Java and require everybody to use
their reversed domain name as their package name.  Of course you are
free to do so: there are currently no toplevel modules or packages
that I know of named org, com, edu, gov, mil or net.  Two letter
domains are all free except for re=Reunion (and ni=Nicaragua, but ni
is expired).  Oops, mx=Mexico!  Well, Python package semantics are
slightly different than Java semantics in that shared ownership of a
subpackage of (e.g. :-) mx is harder in Python than in Java (Python
requires that they are installed in the same directory; Java doesn't).

In any case the proper thing to do is to pick a good unique toplevel
name.  Aaron Watters did a great job with kj (not a country code
either!); Marc Andre also has the right spirit with mx.  CNRI will
probably use cnri as the toplevel package name for CNRI-developed
packages that aren't distributed together with Python.

If there are still worries about name choices, I volunteer to run a
toplevel name registry.  This has worked well e.g. for Apple where
application developers had to pick a unique 4-letter code; certainly
better than the Windows world where conflicting 3-letter extension
definitions are common.  In the Python world, I would recommend longer 
toplevel names, so it's more likely that you can use your company name 
(e.g. pythonware).

Note that I still resist the urge to start renaming all the existing
standard modules -- too much breakage.  This will happen in 2.0.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From tim_one at  Thu Sep 16 05:38:22 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:38:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim>

Sure is a lot of traffic on this -- can't we go back to hating the new
license <wink>?

> ...
> Sticking this technology into the import statement is really only
> a more elegant approach. Nothing more. The whole thing already
> works using the current Python implementation.

Your point there has been made many times -- I'm not missing it.  My point
has also been made many times, so one more can't hurt <wink>:  it still
looks to me like bad practice, so I don't *want* (more, actively oppose) it
to be made easier to spell.

>> + JimF and MAL's shared notion that they're the only ones making
>>   use of packages is myopic.

> Oh, c'mon Tim, we never did say that. We only mentioned having used
> package for quite a while. This includes having seen all the different
> pitfalls they have to offer.

Well, JimF was laying it on a bit thick in two msgs, and sucked you in as
his implicit conspirator.  My apologies if you feel tarred unfairly.  Yet
you still can't resist implying that only you two are aware of the pitfalls

>> [on Dragon's "relentlessly straightforward" import policies]

> This is perfectly ok if you're just using your own code, but it
> gets a mess when third-party packages are involved simply because
> you can't be sure they don't use import hooks, local imports or
> hacks to __path__ etc. If you still want them to be useable, you'll
> have to go down and dive into their structure. This takes time, is
> error prone and not necessarily fun.

While true, it's much safer to install a "cheating" package at top level,
since the cheats presumably *assume* that's where the package is to be run
from.  If someone distributes a package that does not run correctly from top
level, that's one hopeless package.  Else it does run correctly from top
level, and then the only person with a problem here is one who insists on
running it from some embedded location.  You then buy the need to dive into
their code very carefully indeed -- relative imports don't save you from the
huge variety of "clever tricks" they *may* be playing with hooks and path

But note that, unlike Jim (& perhaps you too), I have almost no fear of
top-level name collisions.  If we do nothing about that, it will be years
before it becomes a real problem; and several months before that <wink>, we
can flock to Java's hokey but effective reverse-domain scheme (which I
suspect you're already in favor of -- fine by me!).

> Also, I don't know how "explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly"
> writing module imports is any different from using relative imports.

Hugely and profoundly different, as your example shows:

> An example:
> mx
> 	.DateTime
> 	.ODBC.Windows
> In ODBC.Windows I would write:
> 	import __.__.DateTime
> which is just as explicit as writing
> 	import mx.DateTime
> except that the information about the top-level hierarchy is *not*
> included in the import information.

Exactly:  now instead of a bulletproof absolute import in a self-contained
importer, whose precise meaning is clear from casual static inspection,
you've got a relative one whose meaning depends vitally on where the
importer happens to live.  As code moves around, the import may fail to work
when you're lucky, or pick up an unintended DateTime package when you're
not.  The semantics of the import are indeed relative now:  you see the
opportunity to type three additional characters <wink> as a strength, and I
see nothing but headaches masquerading as convenience.

As further consequence, simple "search-and-replace" strategies are rendered
at best useless.  That is, a simple grep can no longer find all & only
references to mx's flavor of DateTime:  it picks up all references to all
DateTime guys, with no way short of a structure-aware tree crawler to sort
them out again.  Complexity spreads.

Of course, in the end, I lose no matter what.  If *everyone* used dirt-dumb
fully-qualified imports, all hassles with shifting package structure could
be solved with a text editor in seconds.  But that's not whiz-bang enough,
so people *will* play endlessly dubious tricks with hooks, paths, relative
imports, and metapackages too once Gordon gets around to them <wink>.
Having an explicit way to spell relative imports would make my life easier
because at least those are statically recognizable for what they are.  I
don't want them and won't use them, but it could ease the pain others will
cause by using them.  That's not enough to make me in favor of them, though;
just enough so I won't pout if they do go in.

> Anyway, I'm not too inclined continuing this discussion anymore.
> I would never have thought that such a nifty little patch would
> have stirred up so much negative response. I'll just hack up my
> very own import mechanism using imputil and be done. So there!

Don't feel picked on, M-A!  Opposition is normal and healthy; and the last
idea I got anywhere with was list.pop().

and-even-then-jimf-tried-to-stick-a-default-on-it<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From da at  Thu Sep 16 06:19:32 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:19:32 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Mark Hammond wrote:

> But as I said, who will pay?  If nothing else, we should ensure the
> OSI approves of the new license...  Or maybe we can convince CNRI
> there is real and serious concern, and they could pay for an external
> IP lawyer?

Eric Raymond's wife is a lawyer, I believe =).

From mhammond at  Thu Sep 16 06:28:19 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:28:19 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <004e01befffb$e83a6d90$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> Don't feel picked on, M-A!  Opposition is normal and healthy;

As a (hopefully welcome) tangent to this discussion, I am currently
reading "Dynamics of Software Development" by Jim McCarty.  He has an
interesting section on exactly this.  I will quote it verbatim (typing
it in, so forgive typos).

I present it without comment other than:  It appears we are a healthy


The Problem of Creativity:
Creativity in a group is always limited by the groups defensiveness,
and some amount of defensiveness is healthy.  In the healthy team,
then, no matter how highly valued creativity is ostensibly, change
beyond a certain normative quantity or degree will be resisted.  And
even change within bounds will be accepted only insofar as it can seem
to fall under the rubric of "improvement".  Change must seem to build
on the previously known and accepted reality.  Even if there are only
two steps involved in a change, with the second building on the first,
in a single reality cycle - single product development cycle for us -
the change is likely to be rejected by the healthy team.

What you need for truly creative change, then, is an environment that
transcends good health, an environment that not only accepts a
continuum of change, which is normal, but one that positively
engenders, nurtures and propels forward wholly new dynamics.  The
transcendent organization values radical or revolutionary change and
esteems utterly new modes of thought.  It's possible for a team to be
healthy and not particularly creative, but this state of affairs is
not especially desirable.  What is desirable is team fecundity [MH -
had to look this up - "intellectually productive or inventive to a
marked degree" - synonym of fertile], the radiating of the new and the
original from the normal and the healthy.  This kind of creativity
requires a flexibility and a courage beyond the reach of most of us
most of the time

It's ironic and worth remembering that the healthier the team the more
effective the resistance to revolutionary thought will be.  This is a
natural consequence of the teams overall effectiveness on every
relevant domain.
-- end of quote--

From jcw at  Thu Sep 16 11:48:33 1999
From: jcw at (Jean-Claude Wippler)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:48:33 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I hereby withdraw the posted license.  There still is the need for a
> new license, but we need to go back to the drawing board for it.

One more consideration: some people may compare the "scariness" of the
Python license against, say, the Tcl license - and choose accordingly.
It's not even about content: seeing that new license, or the Perl
licenses for that matter, it sends out a strong message IMO: you are
entering the world of lawyers.  Proceed with caution.  Guard dogs.

-- Jean-Claude

From mal at  Thu Sep 16 12:44:34 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:44:34 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I don't like the pressure to allow relative imports and I don't like
> the solutions that those who insist on having it propose (they are all
> writing their own import hooks).

I'm wasn't planning to write my own hook until now. I need this
feature to be able to organize my package internal stuff swiftly
and easily, plus to be able to possibly put it under new top-level
packages. Obviously I seem to be more or less alone with this need, so
I'll stop argueing for inclusion of "something like relative imports"
in the distribution.
> The reasoning seems to be something like this:
> (a) If my package needs non-standard package X, I can't require that X
> be installed as a top-level package, because there might be another
> unrelated package also called X; therefore I need to install a copy of
> package X as a subpackage of my own package.
> (b) Because any non-standard package X now may be installed at the
> toplevel or as a subpackage of some other package, X must use relative
> imports exclusively to access subparts of itself.
> I find (b) unacceptable for a number of reasons, that have all been
> explained by others: duplicate installs (and hence possible imports)
> of the same package as a subpackage of various other packages, the
> requirement to be religious in the use of relative imports, the
> ugliness of the __ notation (I do *not* look forward to explaining
> that to 12-year-olds in the context of CP4E).

(b) is (if at all) a problem only to be taken into account by
the author of package X. He may or may not use rel. imports.
A 12-year old probably won't (but then: you never know ;).

BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about. If it's an
syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really interested
in these things... could you send me an URL that I can send him ?
> I think that the fear expressed in (a) is an overreaction to some
> recent actual top-level name clashes.  This was a real pain, but
> notice that it happened because several popular module collections
> weren't packagized at all!
> In the Java world, the right solution exist: a better top-level naming
> scheme.  I forget what the exact rules are, but I seem to recall that
> Java has something of the same relative import rules af Python
> currently has: you can import a class from the same leaf package by
> its simple name, or you can import a class by its full name.  As Tim
> explains, the occasional renames are easily handled with a global
> substitute in a smart editor.
> I don't want to do the same thing as Java and require everybody to use
> their reversed domain name as their package name.  Of course you are
> free to do so: there are currently no toplevel modules or packages
> that I know of named org, com, edu, gov, mil or net.  Two letter
> domains are all free except for re=Reunion (and ni=Nicaragua, but ni
> is expired).  Oops, mx=Mexico! 

Oh well... I guess they'll have to use 'mex' if they decide to go
the reverse domain way ;-)

> Well, Python package semantics are
> slightly different than Java semantics in that shared ownership of a
> subpackage of (e.g. :-) mx is harder in Python than in Java (Python
> requires that they are installed in the same directory; Java doesn't).

True, perhaps we should lighten this requirement a little when we
recode the import mechanism in Python ? E.g. if a local import
fails continue the search with the fully qualified name and only
if that fails, restart using the local name. This would need some
kind of fastpath cache to make the search reasonably fast though.
> In any case the proper thing to do is to pick a good unique toplevel
> name.  Aaron Watters did a great job with kj (not a country code
> either!); Marc Andre also has the right spirit with mx.  CNRI will
> probably use cnri as the toplevel package name for CNRI-developed
> packages that aren't distributed together with Python.
> If there are still worries about name choices, I volunteer to run a
> toplevel name registry.  This has worked well e.g. for Apple where
> application developers had to pick a unique 4-letter code; certainly
> better than the Windows world where conflicting 3-letter extension
> definitions are common.  In the Python world, I would recommend longer
> toplevel names, so it's more likely that you can use your company name
> (e.g. pythonware).
> Note that I still resist the urge to start renaming all the existing
> standard modules -- too much breakage.  This will happen in 2.0.

Wouldn't it suffice to just put them into one package, e.g.
'python.' ?

BTW, as Tim argued: the breakage an easily be leveraged by using
a smart editor... ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   106 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Thu Sep 16 12:56:01 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:56:01 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> Sure is a lot of traffic on this -- can't we go back to hating the new
> license <wink>?

The license was withdrawn... I would prefer starting to talk about

> [MAL]
> > Also, I don't know how "explicitly, long-windedly and straightforwardly"
> > writing module imports is any different from using relative imports.
> Hugely and profoundly different, as your example shows:
> > An example:
> >
> > mx
> >       .DateTime
> >       .ODBC.Windows
> >
> > In ODBC.Windows I would write:
> >
> >       import __.__.DateTime
> >
> > which is just as explicit as writing
> >
> >       import mx.DateTime
> >
> > except that the information about the top-level hierarchy is *not*
> > included in the import information.
> Exactly:  now instead of a bulletproof absolute import in a self-contained
> importer, whose precise meaning is clear from casual static inspection,

Ah, that's a new idea ! Package local absolute names... wow, that
sounds weird.

> you've got a relative one whose meaning depends vitally on where the
> importer happens to live.  As code moves around, the import may fail to work
> when you're lucky, or pick up an unintended DateTime package when you're
> not.  The semantics of the import are indeed relative now:  you see the
> opportunity to type three additional characters <wink> as a strength, and I
> see nothing but headaches masquerading as convenience.

Tim, the intention was being able to move the mx level around, e.g.
renaming it, eliminating it by sticking DateTime and ODBC under
some other higher level package (yes, you'll have to watch out
here because the higher level package might define DateTime and ODBC
too -- but it's not all that likely), etc.
The buzz word here is 'relocatable'.

> As further consequence, simple "search-and-replace" strategies are rendered
> at best useless.  That is, a simple grep can no longer find all & only
> references to mx's flavor of DateTime:  it picks up all references to all
> DateTime guys, with no way short of a structure-aware tree crawler to sort
> them out again.  Complexity spreads.
> Of course, in the end, I lose no matter what.  If *everyone* used dirt-dumb
> fully-qualified imports, all hassles with shifting package structure could
> be solved with a text editor in seconds.  But that's not whiz-bang enough,
> so people *will* play endlessly dubious tricks with hooks, paths, relative
> imports, and metapackages too once Gordon gets around to them <wink>.
> Having an explicit way to spell relative imports would make my life easier
> because at least those are statically recognizable for what they are.  I
> don't want them and won't use them, but it could ease the pain others will
> cause by using them.  That's not enough to make me in favor of them, though;
> just enough so I won't pout if they do go in.
> > Anyway, I'm not too inclined continuing this discussion anymore.
> > I would never have thought that such a nifty little patch would
> > have stirred up so much negative response. I'll just hack up my
> > very own import mechanism using imputil and be done. So there!
> Don't feel picked on, M-A!  Opposition is normal and healthy; and the last
> idea I got anywhere with was list.pop().

Yah well. Last thing I succeeded with was making Python methods
wrap any callable type. 

Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments. Just think
of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience shows
that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.
Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   106 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 13:00:50 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 04:00:50 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000101befff4$ecc9bde0$712d153f@tim> <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> ...
> Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
> i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments. Just think
> of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience shows
> that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.

A portion of my threading patches went into 1.5. "Big" things can happen
and they do... it's just a matter of passing muster with The Head
Honcho. That, and the timing (e.g. the thread state changes wouldn't go
into a 1.4.n release, but did go into 1.5).

> Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
> pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
> untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
> strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?



Greg Stein,

From fredrik at  Thu Sep 16 13:32:35 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:32:35 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] CP4E
References: <> <> <>              <> <> <>
Message-ID: <004101bf0037$2dca30d0$>

> BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about.

also see:
(on second thought, don't).

> If it's an syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really
> interested in these things...

aggressively python-aware editors are fun.  want
braces?  sure, just change the style sheet ;-)


From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 13:49:44 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 07:49:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:44:34 +0200."
References: <> <> <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> I'm wasn't planning to write my own hook until now. I need this
> feature to be able to organize my package internal stuff swiftly
> and easily, plus to be able to possibly put it under new top-level
> packages. Obviously I seem to be more or less alone with this need, so
> I'll stop argueing for inclusion of "something like relative imports"
> in the distribution.

I still hope against hoping to convince you not to do this.  I think
this adds lots of complexity for the reader of your package.  I think
of *all* software that I write as something that eventually someone is 
going to read and try to understand.  I also think of it as something
that eventually someone is going to port to a platform that wasn't
even designed when I wrote the software.  Tricks like depending on a
custom import hook make reading a pain.

For example, the reader who is just starting to browse a large package
often needs to follow the thread of execution from one module to the
next.  If the import statements contain magic like
(actually proposed magic renamed for generality :-), this reader will
first need to understand the custom importer -- which is likely one of
the hariest components of the package.

The same thing applies with even more force to tools like package
browsers.  IDLE for example has a class browser which displays the
true module and class name for base classes.  E.g. if you have code
that says

    from Tkinter import Widget

    class MyWidget(Widget): ...

it correctly deduces that MyWidget's base class is Tkinter.Widget.
(And in a future version it will probably allow you to click through
to that class, show you its methods, etc.)

Custom importers break this feature, and thus make the code harder to
analyze for the reader.

(Not all custom importers are bad; there are plenty of reasons to
augment the standard importer.  But, while custom importers make
different interpretations of the namespace possible, I frown upon that 
particular use.)

> (b) is (if at all) a problem only to be taken into account by
> the author of package X. He may or may not use rel. imports.
> A 12-year old probably won't (but then: you never know ;).

Which severely limits your ability to do what you want with packages
you didn't write.

I know that this sounds politically incorrect in a radical free
software world, but often in the end I find it more convenient to
conform to the rest of the world and "fit in" than to be different in
every little way.  Note that my hair isn't blue :-); I've also
replaced my "signature" glasses with a more conventional model.

> BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about. If it's an
> syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really interested
> in these things... could you send me an URL that I can send him ?

Where have you been?  It's on the homepage, has been
discussed in, c.l.tcl, even c.l.ada, in lwn, and on /.!  The
syntax aware editor (a proposed super-version of IDLE) is only a small
part of it.  See

> Oh well... I guess they'll have to use 'mex' if they decide to go
> the reverse domain way ;-)

Or, in a worse-case scenario, the first Mexican developers using the
reverse domain will probably not be aware of the mx toplevel package,
and by the time their software hits the street it will be too late.

> True, perhaps we should lighten this requirement a little when we
> recode the import mechanism in Python ? E.g. if a local import
> fails continue the search with the fully qualified name and only
> if that fails, restart using the local name. This would need some
> kind of fastpath cache to make the search reasonably fast though.

Now this is something that I would consider.

> Wouldn't it suffice to just put them into one package, e.g.
> 'python.' ?

And somehow make all user code live implicitly inside that package?  I 
don't see how that solves anything.

> BTW, as Tim argued: the breakage an easily be leveraged by using
> a smart editor... ;-)

What breakage?  I think __ is a bit too hard to fix easily with a
smart editor.  And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to
need to rip out your custom importer because it interferes with *his*
custom importer, and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with
absolute package names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to
his importer.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 13:57:20 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 04:57:20 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> What breakage?  I think __ is a bit too hard to fix easily with a
> smart editor.  And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to
> need to rip out your custom importer because it interferes with *his*
> custom importer, and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with
> absolute package names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to
> his importer.

This is an aspect of Python's singular import hook. imputil is designed
to allow for multiple Importers to be present and to work in harmony. As
long as each Importer can identify that a particular import is part of
its namespace (e.g. HTTPImporter recognizes _http_... as one of its
own), then no conflicts will arise and everything will be hunky-dory.

btw, it might be nice to allow a string to the import statement. I'd
much rather say: import ""


Greg Stein,

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 14:00:06 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 05:00:06 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
>   def _reload_hook(self, module):
>     # gmcm - Hmmm, reloading of a module may or may not
> be impossible,
>     # (depending on the importer),  but at least we can
>     # look to see if it's ours to reload:
>     if hasattr(module, '__importer__'):
>       if getattr(module, '__importer__') == self:
>         raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
>     return self.__chain_reload(module)

I've folded this in (finally).

New to be published in a bit...


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 14:45:39 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:45:39 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> >
> > Jim Fulton wrote:
> > [Barry]
> > > > A
> > > > user would drop the kjParsing directory into Shared, and then
> > > > all the import kjParsing.kjParser statements would Just Work.
> >
> > To be a standalone application, you can use tricks that Jim
> > Ahlstrom pointed out, or tricks from my Installer. The major
> > point being that sys.path has nothing to do with the
> > PYTHONPATH environment variable. You now have an
> > installation where you can be assured of no collisions,
> > because you control it completely.

JimF, I am still trying to understand this.  Gordon, Barry and I
think a good solution is to put "Shared" on a private sys.path,
but you object to this and I don't understand.  Specifically
Suppose zope users must use the special binary zope/bin/python.exe.
Suppose further that this binary reliably sets its sys.path to
the directories it needs, namely zope, zope/Package*, zope/Shared.
Suppose further that all user's packages must go into zope/Shared
either as files or package directories and so are at the top
level as package imports have always assumed.

Then it seems that your zope app would absolutely work, and no
other Python installation could damage it by changing PYTHONPATH,
and that your zope installation would not damage any other Python
installation either.

Is the reason this doesn't work the posibility of name collisions
in zope/Shared?  I thought before that you were worried about name
collisions in another co-existing Python installation which may have
unknown packages installed, conflicting packages, or packages with
incompatible versions.

If so, you are trying to solve a problem more severe than I
thought.  I have always assumed packages would have unique
names and so a flat name space suffices.  In particular, trying
to design for conflicting names can not be supported by the
current python *.pyl library file design, and in general
would require a PYTHONPATH mechanism.  Such PYTHONPATH mechanism
would have to be "local" to packages.  That is, PYTHONPATH would
vary depending on the package doing the importing.

Are you sure this problem needs a solution right now?

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 14:57:46 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:57:46 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Even worse, it means that and can not
> > be found at all except using the normal PYTHONPATH, and
> > putting their path in Spam_path will *not* work.
> Why would you want your own and

I don't.  I never change Python library files.  I am worried
that they won't be found because I don't trust PYTHONPATH.
> > Oh dear, I think I heard no instead of yes. Are you saying that if
> > someone else installs a Python app on my customer's machine after I do,
> > and sets a registry entry which sayes to use c:/other/path/to/
> > for (as he may very well want to do), then if my Python program
> > depends on getting my copy of from my directory, it will then
> > use the other copy instead and may very well fail?
> Again - why would anyone register their own

I wouldn't, I am worried that someone else will break my installation.
Remember that was invented as a site-specific module, although
that function moved to

> I presume using GetModuleFileName()?  Please send me the patch!

Yes, and OK.

> > JimA's conjecture:  It is currently impossible to
> > ship a Python app which can not be damaged by the installation of a
> > second Python app without using a hacked custom binary.
> Sounds right.  All tricks to make the app unique require using a
> different registry key, which requires a change to the DLL.  However,
> you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used is
> embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
> resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!

I don't understand this.  Is there documentation?

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 15:49:16 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:49:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:57:46 EDT."
References: <> <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> > Why would you want your own and
> I don't.  I never change Python library files.  I am worried
> that they won't be found because I don't trust PYTHONPATH.

Hmm...  PYTHONPATH gets inserted in front of the default sys.path.
(Many moons ago that was different.  But it has been like this for a
loooooong time.)  So are you worried that someone put a *different* or on their path?

> > Again - why would anyone register their own
> I wouldn't, I am worried that someone else will break my installation.
> Remember that was invented as a site-specific module, although
> that function moved to

Hm, I dug out the oldest I have (used in Python 1.4), and it
doesn't encourage editing it at all -- it tells you to use  I guess they could break your installation anyway,
but only by messing with the general Python installation.

> > Sounds right.  All tricks to make the app unique require using a
> > different registry key, which requires a change to the DLL.  However,
> > you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used is
> > embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
> > resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!
> I don't understand this.  Is there documentation?

The usual :-)

Python/import.c shows that import calls PyWin_FindRegisteredModule()
to find a registered module before looking in sys.path (but after
checking for builtin and frozen modules).

PC/import_nt.c shows that PyWin_FindRegisteredModule() uses a registry
key of the form
where <modulename> is the module name, <debugstring> is empty or
"\Debug" depending on whether we are compiled with _DEBUG define.  The
resource value points to a file (either .py, .pyc/.pyo, .pyd or .dll;
in fact any of the prefixes returned by imp.get_suffixes()).

PC/dl_nt.c shows that PyWin_DLLVersionString is set to string 1000
loaded from the string resource table.

PC/python_nt.rc shows that there's a stringtable with item 1000 being
the MS_DLL_ID string, set to "1.5" in that file.

Note that this value (PyWin_DLLVersionString) is also to Python code
as sys.winver.

I hope that Mark Hammond can point you to a tool that you can use to
edit a string resource in an executable or DLL.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 15:46:19 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 06:46:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> The original version of imputil I fetched from Greg's page
> did work out of the box (from...import... hassles) and

"did not work", I presume. From my original testing, I thought
from...import worked. With more testing, I found that something of the
form "from xml.dom import builder" did not work.

I discovered why it failed (xml.dom was imported by Importer instance I1
but I2 thought it could handle the from...import, and this barfed a
check). I've fixed this by delegating to the proper importer (I1 in my
example) to complete the import. Your solution to check the __importer__
variable in the globals is probably incorrect. If I read/eval it
correctly, that would mean that a module imported by IMP1 could not use
modules imported by IMP2. In other words, a package module could not
import a top-level module defined by a different importer.
(note also that your globals.get() could fail if globals is None)

> obviously did not support in-package shared libs. I've added

I did not fold this in. Your change isn't "in the spirit" of the
Importer mechanism. The "Right Way" to do this is to create a
BuiltinImporter and add that to the chain of importers. The
DirectoryImporter should only import from directories -- no reason for
it to know about builtin stuff. As a result, I did not accept the new
methods on Importer for handling builtins/special modules -- those would
go in the BuiltinImporter.
[BuiltinImporter should be written and included in; I don't
really have the time at the moment to write the thing... 7am and time
for sleep...]

However, your change here did raise a very important design issue:
get_code() needs to be able to return a loaded module, rather than just
a code object. I've folded in your patches for that.

I also folded in many of your extended doc/comments (at least in
concept; not necessarily verbatim). You and Gordon are recognized in the
header now, and I've added a "proper" author notice and licensing
(public domain).

I did not include the "misses" feature that you added to the
DirectoryImporter. I would hate to see a miss-cache get loaded, a module
dropped into the filesystem, and the user never being able to import the

I didn't fold in your indentation changes or name changes. I liked mine
:-). The __main__ thing at the bottom didn't make much sense to me,
though, since the call to _test_dir() followed by an exit doesn't really
do anything. And yes, I recognize that you can use "python -i" but I'd rather just see "python" followed by "import imputil
; imputil._test_dir()".

Of course, please feel free to generate a new patch if I've missed
something (thinking about it, I missed the OSError thing).

> both features so that the test script in DateTime can run
> successfully.
> Things that remain are:
> ? the win32 registry stuff (needs C code)

And a new Importer to use it.

> ? the Mac fork stuff (needs C code)


> ? a working __path__ implementation (is anyone using this attribute
>   which only is available in packages ?)

Per the private mail that I sent to you: I explicitly punted on the
__path__ attribute. It can lead to *way* too much confusion. It is also
unavailable for frozen packages (boy oh boy did the win32com get some
ugliness in there to compensate for being frozen w.r.t. its use of

The DirectoryImporter can insert the attribute, but it definitely
wouldn't go into the Importer itself. The __path__ attribute is specific
to loading from a filesystem, yet Importer is generic.

> ? probably a whole bunch of other quirks
> ? some speedups (there currently are too many stat()s)

Yes. I recognize that the "misses" feature was intended to remedy this.
I don't have an immediate answer to the stat() issue. Does the Importer
mechanism actually perform more stats on an import than Python itself?
(it looks like it does one for the isdir() plus two for fetching file

And a big thanx: I appreciate the patches to imputil! The new module is
now available in its "official" location at


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 15:56:00 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:56:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> Gordon McMillan wrote:
> >...
> >   def _reload_hook(self, module):
> >     # gmcm - Hmmm, reloading of a module may or may not
> > be impossible,
> >     # (depending on the importer),  but at least we can
> >     # look to see if it's ours to reload:
> >     if hasattr(module, '__importer__'):
> >       if getattr(module, '__importer__') == self:
> >         raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
> >     return self.__chain_reload(module)
> I've folded this in (finally).
> New to be published in a bit...

As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.
I have always thought in terms of unique top-level names and a
format which supports import of modules and packages.  But this
does not support the full functionality of PYTHONPATH.  For example,
PYTHONPATH can (and is) used to select the correct plat-* directory
files.  And the format may not support Jim Fulton's fancy local
import scheme.  And what if someone invents a third thing to import
besides a module or a package?  PYTHONPATH is not going away nor
should it.

How about if the *.pyl file format is exactly a directory structure?
I mean that the table of contents is limited to paths starting with
a directory name only, and that the seperator is '/' instead of '.'.
So a listing would be identical to the output of 'ls -R'.  So:

The implied PYTHONPATH for this file is ["Lib", "."].  Since the
format is exactly a directory tree, it is guaranteed that whatever
PYTHONPATH or imports can do now or in the future with a directory
tree, it can still do it with a *.pyl file.

Jim Ahlstrom

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 16:05:42 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 07:05:42 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
> As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
> the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.

Background for the readers:

.pyl is an extension that I used in my "small" distribution. I think
Gordon uses it, too. In any case, it is effectively a concatenation of
.pyc files along with a TOC mapping fully-qualified dotted module names
to seek-positions within the file.

[speaking of stat() calls: using a .pyl eliminates them quite nicely --
this may be part of Gordon's observed speed increase when using an

The .pyl format was discussed a bit on the distutils-sig list and "sort
of" accepted as an okay format for jamming a bunch of modules into a
single file.
[by "sort of", I mean that the small group who participated in the
discussion were okay with it :-); it is a great, minimalist format, so
it probably won't please people who like a ton of features in a file
format :-) ]

> How about if the *.pyl file format is exactly a directory structure?
> I mean that the table of contents is limited to paths starting with
> a directory name only, and that the seperator is '/' instead of '.'.
> So a listing would be identical to the output of 'ls -R'.  So:
>   Lib/string.pyc
>   Lib/exceptions.pyc
>   Lib/plat-sunos4/...
>   mx/__init__.pyc
>   mx/...
>   package2/...
>   dir3/...
>   ...
> The implied PYTHONPATH for this file is ["Lib", "."].  Since the
> format is exactly a directory tree, it is guaranteed that whatever
> PYTHONPATH or imports can do now or in the future with a directory
> tree, it can still do it with a *.pyl file.

People import things using a dotted name. Therefore, I think it makes
the most sense to map that straight to the resulting .pyc file. No
reason to put directories into the file... they make no sense to the end
user. During construction of the .pyl, you would walk the tree finding
all the available modules (and their corresponding dotted name) and
insert them.

Note that you can distribute multiple .pyl files. There could be the
Python standard lib in one file, the mx package in another, etc. As a
module is searched for, the system just peeks into each .pyl in turn,
looking for the module.

Search order is currently defined by order of install() on the Importer
instances. I believe the Right Way to do things is to create
sys.importers (as a list of Importers) and deprecate the sys.path
variable. Python could start up with an Importer than simply scanned
sys.path as a backwards compat measure; it could also leave sys.path
empty and create DirectoryImporters for each path component (this could
cause problems, though, for some apps that believe sys.path shouldn't be
empty, or that use it for magic-munging). I've search the standard lib
in the past -- there are only a couple real uses of sys.path if I
remember rightly (test package and the traceback module).


Greg Stein,

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 16:19:41 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 07:19:41 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [me]
> > > Why would you want your own and
> [JimA]
> > I don't.  I never change Python library files.  I am worried
> > that they won't be found because I don't trust PYTHONPATH.
> Hmm...  PYTHONPATH gets inserted in front of the default sys.path.
> (Many moons ago that was different.  But it has been like this for a
> loooooong time.)  So are you worried that someone put a *different*
> or on their path?

When you jam every file into a module archive, you still have to leave
these two "outside" so that Python can find them when starting up. The
problem then breaks down into two parts:

1) locating them
2) ensuring they're the right versions

In my "small" distro, I relied on the current-dir always being in the
path, so I could always find these. The two files were distributed as
part of distro.

Anyhow: JimA is saying that he doesn't trust PYTHONPATH. Not so much bad
files/versions, but that he won't be able to find them because
PYTHONPATH has been monkeyed in some way.

> > > Again - why would anyone register their own
> >
> > I wouldn't, I am worried that someone else will break my installation.
> > Remember that was invented as a site-specific module, although
> > that function moved to
> Hm, I dug out the oldest I have (used in Python 1.4), and it
> doesn't encourage editing it at all -- it tells you to use
>  I guess they could break your installation anyway,
> but only by messing with the general Python installation.

If the file exists, then somebody can mess with it. JimA is trying to
create a bulletproof app here. To do this, you can distribute a
python.exe,,, and an archive of your other
modules. is scrapped in favor of installing an Importer to
access the archive (this implies you also distribute These
five files are the exact five in my "small" distro. It's pretty cool...
no need for registry changes and a very small "file count" footprint.
Gordon took this basis and added a bunch of features for bundling an
application in there. JimA has also been mixing in some frozen modules
(I forget exactly why/what).
[oh, my small distro doesn't ship a python15.dll, although it easily

> I hope that Mark Hammond can point you to a tool that you can use to
> edit a string resource in an executable or DLL.

The win32api module has resource manipulation functions such as
BeginUpdateResource, UpdateResource, and EndUpdateResource.

Write a Python script to modify your version string :-)

A demo of resource munging can be seen in <win32


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 16:56:53 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:56:53 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> ? a working __path__ implementation (is anyone using this attribute
>   which only is available in packages ?)

Yes. I use it for two things:

  - I modify it to allow a (logical) package to be spread over
    multiple physical locations. (In Zope, products can be installed
    in the Zope installation area or in Zope "instance" homes.

  - I use it to determine the location(s) of a package.
    Our packages usually contain many files, such as DTML
    source files, images, data files, etc., that are not Python
    modules.  We have standard utilities for getting at these files
    in packages.  This is extremely useful.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 16:58:48 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:58:48 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Hmm...  PYTHONPATH gets inserted in front of the default sys.path.
> (Many moons ago that was different.  But it has been like this for a
> loooooong time.)  So are you worried that someone put a *different*
> or on their path?

Yes, and/or  (2) added a with their special
import hook as has been proposed here over and
over, or (3) PYTHONPATH is screwed up and doesn't find anything.

Perhaps this is a prejudice of mine.  I just look at "print sys.path"
and marvel at what I don't understand.  At least I can see it is
not simple.  I hate relying on thing that are not simple.

And I hate custom import hooks.  Unless they are mine of course ;-)

> Hm, I dug out the oldest I have (used in Python 1.4), and it
> doesn't encourage editing it at all -- it tells you to use
>  I guess they could break your installation anyway,
> but only by messing with the general Python installation.

Just adding would do it.  And this is encouraged.

I think Gordon put his finger on the issue.  Either try to co-exist
with other installed Python software and take the risk that everyone
is playing by the rules, or build your own black-box
self-contained Python world and duplicate storage.
> The usual :-)
> [Documentation goes here...]

Thanks.  This is very useful.

But it doesn't help, perhaps as a result of more of my prejudices.
This registry entry is meant to be used by a by-the-rules shared
Python installation, so I must not change it.  And I hate changing
any registry entries at all.  My commercial software keeps all its
settings in a regular .ini file in its install directory, and makes
only minimal and required registry entries.  IMHO the Windows registry
is a software catastrophe which ranks right up there with JCL (anyone
else here old enough to remember that?).  Anyone who doesn't agree
go with me to our money center banking clients, and sit there while they
grill you on every registry entry and why it is required.  Money center
banking clients do not like their registry messed with.

I do however see your point that I could change the version string
to something non-standard and use the registry to control imports.
I will think about this further.  Maybe it would work.

My current "solution" is to use freeze to create a black-box install,
and worry about second Python installations and wasted storage when it
I was hoping that this thread whould result in a consensis of what
to do, but it has not.

So now I am hoping that Python library (jar) files will turn out to
be a practical solution, so I am pestering Greg and Gordon.  We'll see.

Jim Ahlstrom

From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 16 17:16:42 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:16:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <jim at> writes:

    >> I think we're safe from this for the forseeable future through
    >> convention and peer pressure.

    JF> 8^o

    JF> (I feel like I should respond to this in some way but ....
    JF>  I just can't understand this kind of argument and don't
    JF>  know how to frame a response.)
Maybe I should have included half a smiley.  Python may eventually
need package naming rules as strict as Java's.  I think it's a good
idea now for those who are writing packages to consider trying to pick
unique top-level package names.  We might decide to release our stuff
under the `cnri' top level package.  That's probably unique enough.
Or `koe', or if we're really paranoid :-!

Personally, I think `Mailman' as a top-level package name is pretty
unique, so I don't plan to change what I'm doing there.


From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 16 17:37:01 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:37:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein at> writes:

    GS> Definitely having an OSI certification will be great (cool
    GS> stuff on the cert for the existing license!). Having Bruce
    GS> Perens review the license would also be a great boon (see
    GS> for some of his writings; also see
    GS> specifically).

Interesting article, but IBM's termination clause was different than
the JPython one.  I fought hard on para7 because IIRC, RMS complained
that an earlier version /could/ have been used to arbitrarily
terminate.  I think the current JPython para7 is better because /you/
have to materially breach, which seems like a much higher threshold.
But it still may not be perfect.

Aside: don't necessarily think I'm a grinning fan and defender of the
JPython license.  It's a huge win over what we had before, and I think
it's good enough that nearly anybody who wants to do Real Things with
JPython, now can.  I've had only one question about the license since
it was published and that was about the "displayed prominently" clause
(i.e. was it okay to include the alternative handle text in an "about"
menu pulldown?  That seemed prominent enough to my nonlawyerly brain.)

I'm glad to see the Python community push hard for the "other side's
viewpoint" with reasoned and rational arguments.  I think that such
responses from Influential Python Users will provide us with useful
ammunition when we re-evaluate the licenses.  It means that ultimately
we'll have the right license for Python (and JPython).


From skip at  Thu Sep 16 17:54:39 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:54:39 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Jim> As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
    Jim> the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.  

Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I want to remind the folks having this
discussion that there are people reading this thread that while fairly well
versed in Python have little idea what anyone is talking about anymore.  (I
don't know.  Maybe I'm the only one.)

python-dev is clearly the best place to discuss this in the short-term
(anyone for an import SIG?), but whatever is implemented will have to be
understood by lots of people on to be of broad applicability.
Perhaps I'm way off base and there are more than a handful of people who
will ever run into the problems being solved here, but if we can partition
the Python programming community into the package wizards and the mere
import mortals, I worry that the potions concocted by the wizards will send
a few of us import mortals to the hospital...

The Java package scheme, while odious to some perhaps, is extremely easy to
understand for anyone who's ever used Windows Explorer or execute "ls -R".

just-a-cautionary-peanut-thrown-in-from-the-bleachers-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From skip at  Thu Sep 16 19:01:58 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:01:58 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    BAW> Or `koe', or if we're really paranoid :-!

Umm, that would be "Knowbots Over Everything" or "Knowledge Of Everyone"?



From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 19:04:37 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:04:37 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:01:58 CDT."
References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

>     BAW> Or `koe', or if we're really paranoid :-!
Skip> Umm, that would be "Knowbots Over Everything" or "Knowledge Of Everyone"?

Actually, "koe" is dutch for cow.  I like the idea of cows over
everything -- reminds me of the flying pig on an old Pink Floyd cover

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 19:27:49 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:27:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <004601beffe1$9edb01b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> Interesting article, but IBM's termination clause was different than
> the JPython one.  I fought hard on para7 because IIRC, RMS complained
> that an earlier version /could/ have been used to arbitrarily
> terminate.  I think the current JPython para7 is better because /you/
> have to materially breach, which seems like a much higher threshold.
> But it still may not be perfect.

Yes, I was aware that it was a reactive termination, rather than
arbitrary. That makes it quite acceptable, but it still isn't a
desirable thing. Especially given some of the grey area in the license
("are we sure we aren't in breach of the license?").

Personally, I'd rather see a license without a termination clause. If it
must be there, then I'd like to see it as tight as possible (see the IBM
and Apple licenses: IIRC, they only kick in when the user initiates
patent litigation against IBM/Apple; the termination cuts them off as an
initial response to the suit).

The other elements I raised actually caused me more anxiety than the

If CNRI finds it acceptable, I'd recommend they use an existing OSD
license. They get immediate certfication and, more importantly, a
builtin awareness in the open source community of what the license
really means. Each time a new license arrives in the community, bunches
of people have to go an figure it out; if the new license is the IBM
Public License with a search/replace on the company and product name,
then people go "oh. all righty. no problem." and move on to doing real

Dang. I keep replying to this stuff. :-) I'm hoping that we wrap this up
pending a new release.


Greg Stein,

From gmcm at  Thu Sep 16 19:38:03 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:38:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Ahlstrom wrote:

> As a result of all this import discussion I am a bit worried that
> the python library *.pyl file format may not be powerful enough.
> I have always thought in terms of unique top-level names and a
> format which supports import of modules and packages.  But this
> does not support the full functionality of PYTHONPATH.  For
> example, PYTHONPATH can (and is) used to select the correct
> plat-* directory files.  And the format may not support Jim
> Fulton's fancy local import scheme.  And what if someone invents
> a third thing to import besides a module or a package? 
> PYTHONPATH is not going away nor should it.

The central idea of imputil is that an importer is responsible for 
one little chunk of turf. If the desired module / package isn't 
"his", he just passes the request on to the next element in the 

So I don't think there's a need for one canonical do-everything 
importer (or archive format). PYTHONPATH is outside any 
particular importer. Effectively, you can use a chain of 
importers to replace PYTHONPATH. So the platform specific 
modules might be found by one particular importer. In other 
words, I think it's more effective to specialize individual 
importers and chain them up than it is to try to create an 
overly-generalized importer.

- Gordon

From gmcm at  Thu Sep 16 19:38:03 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:38:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Greg, replying to Guido's confusion on Jim's interest in and]

> When you jam every file into a module archive, you still have to
> leave these two "outside" so that Python can find them when
> starting up. 

In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've 
got that down to

Background: my (Win32) installer has, as a stated goal, the 
ability to create quasi-frozen Python apps which won't interfere 
with (or be influenced by) existing Python installations (if any). 
And it doesn't require the programmer/user to have a compiler.

Thanks to patches given me by Thomas Heller, my 
python.exe replacement is now a (minimal) embedding app, 
and I do the same things that Greg does in directly 
from C code, (and turn off the SiteFlag, too).

I believe that if I freeze in and tweak the 
resource in python15.dll (which is just the stock python15.dll), 
I can have a completely safe executable.

I think the same techniques can be applied on *nix, (although 
I'm pretty sure programmer/users won't be able to get away 
without a compiler).

This gives me a strong interest in import hooks for two distinct 
 - I rely completely on Greg's imputil to make this work.
 - I rely on freeze's modulefinder to help build these things. 

Bizarre import hooks in a normal Python installation will fool 
modulefinder. Take a look at what Pmw does (fortunately, 
Pmw comes with it's own packager). So I'd like to see import 
hooks follow some sort of pattern that can be followed by a 
tool like modulefinder.

I also want the hooks. Right now I use imputil with archives, 
but wouldn't it be cool if you could add another imputil importer 
that checks for more recent versions at some home site on 
the web and automatically updates the installation?

Summary: I'm very interested in seeing import and import 
hooks get rationalized, and I think Greg's stuff goes a long, 
long way towards that goal.

- Gordon

From gmcm at  Thu Sep 16 19:38:03 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:38:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

James C. Ahlstrom wrote:

[Guido explains Windows registry usage]
> Thanks.  This is very useful.
> But it doesn't help, perhaps as a result of more of my
> prejudices. This registry entry is meant to be used by a
> by-the-rules shared Python installation, so I must not change it.

Without trying it, I doubt you have to. It looks like you could 
set the resource to something that won't be found in the 
registry, and then just use normal Python mechanisms.

> ... IMHO the Windows registry is a software catastrophe
> which ranks right up there with JCL (anyone else here old enough
> to remember that?).  

Ah. In a rush to get it down to ops, tripping at the head of the 
stairs and sending the card deck flying... Those were the days.

- Gordon

From skip at  Thu Sep 16 19:49:12 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:49:12 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've
    Gordon> got that down to

Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
People wanting to ship self-contained packages could then toss
and build the C version of the exceptions module.

Greg, is there anything in Python2C couldn't handle?

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From gstein at  Thu Sep 16 19:47:56 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 10:47:56 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've
>     Gordon> got that down to
> Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
> verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
> People wanting to ship self-contained packages could then toss
> and build the C version of the exceptions module.
> Greg, is there anything in Python2C couldn't handle?

Nah, shouldn't have any problem at all. P2C will even create true class
objects and expose them in the interface.

I think a person might want to consider hand-tuning the output, though


Greg Stein,

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 20:03:13 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:03:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Why not just run through Python2C,

What is Python2C.  Is it the same as freeze?

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 16 20:08:01 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:08:01 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:49:12 CDT."
References: <> <>  
Message-ID: <>

> Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
> verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
> People wanting to ship self-contained packages could then toss
> and build the C version of the exceptions module.

Alternatively (and probably easier) it (and could be stored
as frozen modules.  All it takes is some edits to Python/frozen.c.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Thu Sep 16 20:34:47 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:34:47 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Jim> What is Python2C.  Is it the same as freeze?

Nope.  Python in, compilable C out:

Courtesy of Greg Stein and Bill Tutt.

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 20:37:58 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:37:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Alternatively (and probably easier) it (and could be stored
> as frozen modules.  All it takes is some edits to Python/frozen.c.

An excellent design, very simple.  A large list of critical
Python-language modules including a new importer, and
a new main could be reliably linked to their interpreter.  It
would open the door writing a larger part of Python in Python.

But editing Python/frozen.c will kill the current freeze feature
since a user currently replaces this pointer with their own.
We can have a second _PyImport_InternalFrozenModules[] array which is 
searched FIRST, so that the existing frozen modules feature
is retained.  Current logic only allows one frozen module array.
This is easy.

A little harder is turning it off, which may be important to
developers.  They will probably want to use etc. in
PYTHONPATH directories.  I would hate to use another command line
Maybe another method in the imp module, say imp.EnablePyInternalLib(x)
to turn on/off the internal frozen modules.  A method to print
the names in the list wouldn't hurt either.

At one time I had code for multiple frozen modules which I may
be able to find.

Jim Ahlstrom

From jim at  Thu Sep 16 21:09:57 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 15:09:57 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Towards a Python based import scheme
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:

> So I don't think there's a need for one canonical do-everything
> importer (or archive format). PYTHONPATH is outside any
> particular importer. Effectively, you can use a chain of
> importers to replace PYTHONPATH. So the platform specific
> modules might be found by one particular importer. In other
> words, I think it's more effective to specialize individual
> importers and chain them up than it is to try to create an
> overly-generalized importer.

Greg agrees with you so I defer to the experts on importers.
The feature is meant to support a chain.

Greg wrote:

> The .pyl format was discussed a bit on the distutils-sig list and "sort
> of" accepted as an okay format for jamming a bunch of modules into a
> single file.
> [by "sort of", I mean that the small group who participated in the
> discussion were okay with it :-); it is a great, minimalist format, so
> it probably won't please people who like a ton of features in a file
>format :-) ]

But I still disagree on the .pyl file format.  If there is no Standard
Format and everyone is linking in his own importer, then we will have
exactly the same situation we have now with PYTHONPATH and novel
import hooks.  There should be a Standard Format to fix this
problem.  In particular, package authors should be able to publish
packages as PYL files and expect them to be usable as is with
no further effort.  Sysadmins should be able to manage everything
PYTHONPATH does with a small (one?) number of PYL files and in
a standard way.

Jim Ahlstrom

From fredrik at  Fri Sep 17 09:40:18 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 09:40:18 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
Message-ID: <00f801bf00df$e45361c0$>

> Summary: I'm very interested in seeing import and import 
> hooks get rationalized, and I think Greg's stuff goes a long, 
> long way towards that goal.

don't have time to say much more than:

    -- ME TOO!

(we're also doing this in the pythonworks
packager, and Greg's module is essential
for that work.  might as well turn it into
a standard Python feature).


From mhammond at  Fri Sep 17 09:39:51 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:39:51 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501bf00df$d41cafa0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> > you can do this without recompiling!  The version string is used
> > embedded in a resource, so you can patch it using some kind of
> > resource editor.  Mark Hammond planned it this way!
> I don't understand this.  Is there documentation?

Vague documentation at

Doesnt explicitely say much about this particular issue, and if I
remember I will update it.

VC will allow you to edit these resources without rebuilding - simply
open the DLL, but select "Resources" as the file type.  I havent
investigated other resource editors as I have MSVC :-)

Greg pointed you to the win32api functions - they do work, as Greg
provided code that uses them (the code he pointed at was done by
him) - although I never actually worked out how to make them work
(  I spent about an hour trying to get code to re-stamp the
Python15.dll with a new sys.winver, and gave up.  Would be cool to get
going tho...


From mhammond at  Fri Sep 17 09:48:26 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:48:26 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000601bf00e1$072a7d90$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> But it doesn't help, perhaps as a result of more of my prejudices.
> This registry entry is meant to be used by a by-the-rules shared
> Python installation, so I must not change it.

No - the point is that the "1.5" key is "reserved" by a standard
install.  Changing the string value actually allows you to have your
own subtree, and you can assume you own that.

For commercial apps I help with, re stick a "AppName" in this string
(doesnt have to be a number) then simply use

> And I hate changing any registry entries at all.

Well, you should learn to get over it!  That is what it is designed
for.  sure, we dont want the users to muck with the registry, but if
you dont like your install scripts working with the registry, I
definately feel you should get over this prejudice of yours.

> only minimal and required registry entries.  IMHO the Windows
> is a software catastrophe which ranks right up there with JCL
> else here old enough to remember that?).  Anyone who doesn't agree
> should
> go with me to our money center banking clients, and sit there
> while they
> grill you on every registry entry and why it is required.
> Money center
> banking clients do not like their registry messed with.

The registry is a huge bucket.  Changing your own, custom kep under
either HKLM\Software\ or HKCU\Software is perfectly reasonable.

Many apps _require_ you to hit the registry - services, event log,
performance monitor, etc.

The fact the registry _also_ contains critical information is a
problem, and sure, we dont want to mess with that.

> My current "solution" is to use freeze to create a black-box
> and worry about second Python installations and wasted storage when
> happens.

well, IMO this is also the correct thing to do.  any install that has
>100 files is fragile.  So I do both - freeze the app, _and_ a custom

> I was hoping that this thread whould result in a consensis of what
> to do, but it has not.

There is a consesus for people with the same problem.  Different
problems have different optimal solutions.


From mal at  Fri Sep 17 11:33:43 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:33:43 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <> <> <> <> <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I'm wasn't planning to write my own hook until now. I need this
> > feature to be able to organize my package internal stuff swiftly
> > and easily, plus to be able to possibly put it under new top-level
> > packages. Obviously I seem to be more or less alone with this need, so
> > I'll stop argueing for inclusion of "something like relative imports"
> > in the distribution.
> I still hope against hoping to convince you not to do this.  I think
> this adds lots of complexity for the reader of your package.  I think
> of *all* software that I write as something that eventually someone is
> going to read and try to understand.  I also think of it as something
> that eventually someone is going to port to a platform that wasn't
> even designed when I wrote the software.  Tricks like depending on a
> custom import hook make reading a pain.
> For example, the reader who is just starting to browse a large package
> often needs to follow the thread of execution from one module to the
> next.  If the import statements contain magic like
> (actually proposed magic renamed for generality :-), this reader will
> first need to understand the custom importer -- which is likely one of
> the hariest components of the package.

While it will perhaps look funny to him at first sight, I'm sure
that a proper name will make the idea clear to him:

from import bar

or just

from import bar

[Super Foo -- sounds like a comic star ... there's even integrated
fun in these names ;-)]

> The same thing applies with even more force to tools like package
> browsers.  IDLE for example has a class browser which displays the
> true module and class name for base classes.  E.g. if you have code
> that says
>     from Tkinter import Widget
>     class MyWidget(Widget): ...
> it correctly deduces that MyWidget's base class is Tkinter.Widget.
> (And in a future version it will probably allow you to click through
> to that class, show you its methods, etc.)
> Custom importers break this feature, and thus make the code harder to
> analyze for the reader.

That's why I tried argue for making it a standard: all tools will
then know about the syntax used and take appropriate action.
> (Not all custom importers are bad; there are plenty of reasons to
> augment the standard importer.  But, while custom importers make
> different interpretations of the namespace possible, I frown upon that
> particular use.)
> > (b) is (if at all) a problem only to be taken into account by
> > the author of package X. He may or may not use rel. imports.
> > A 12-year old probably won't (but then: you never know ;).
> Which severely limits your ability to do what you want with packages
> you didn't write.
> I know that this sounds politically incorrect in a radical free
> software world, but often in the end I find it more convenient to
> conform to the rest of the world and "fit in" than to be different in
> every little way.  Note that my hair isn't blue :-); I've also
> replaced my "signature" glasses with a more conventional model.

Naa, I don't want to be different just to be plain silly different.

The case here is one of maintenance. I have around 12 Python packages
which I maintain, some of them public, others proprietary. Due
to the large number I try to make them all as easy to handle as possible.
Now I can't just go and rename the imports in case I want to put
them under some other common package name for application A and
then do the same with another package name for application B. I would
have to do the same thing for every new release of the packages since
there are also others who use the standard mx-based name. I just
want the packages to work whereever I put them, e.g. I could
link them into the new location using symlinks and be done
with the work.
Of course there are other ways to make this work (and I want
to thank everybody who contributed to the sys.path ideas), but
they just add omplexity to a whole different area.

> > BTW, what is this CP4E thing you're talking about. If it's an
> > syntax aware editor, I have a friend who is really interested
> > in these things... could you send me an URL that I can send him ?
> Where have you been?  It's on the homepage, has been
> discussed in, c.l.tcl, even c.l.ada, in lwn, and on /.!  The
> syntax aware editor (a proposed super-version of IDLE) is only a small
> part of it.  See

Nope, haven't heard anything about it -- perhaps I was on
vacation. Sound interesting though. An editor where you can
just type away (and the editor fills in the gaps) would be
great fun.
> > Oh well... I guess they'll have to use 'mex' if they decide to go
> > the reverse domain way ;-)
> Or, in a worse-case scenario, the first Mexican developers using the
> reverse domain will probably not be aware of the mx toplevel package,
> and by the time their software hits the street it will be too late.

Well, I guess then they'll have a good reason to upgrade their
software. Just like all those companies who made extra money
by sticking a "Y2000 + Euro-capable" button on their software.
No, seriously, with the proposed extension (see below) this
shouldn't be much of a problem because my packages all use
capital first letters. The reverse domain name would use lower
case ones, e.g. mx.pythonware.pilios or mx.zopistas...
> > True, perhaps we should lighten this requirement a little when we
> > recode the import mechanism in Python ? E.g. if a local import
> > fails continue the search with the fully qualified name and only
> > if that fails, restart using the local name. This would need some
> > kind of fastpath cache to make the search reasonably fast though.
> Now this is something that I would consider.

Should be easy to add to the imputil based core emulation.
> > Wouldn't it suffice to just put them into one package, e.g.
> > 'python.' ?
> And somehow make all user code live implicitly inside that package?  I
> don't see how that solves anything.

No, to free the top-level namespace and make the origin of the
imports clearer, e.g.

import python.image
import PIL.image
import zope.image


> And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to
> need to rip out your custom importer because it interferes with *his*
> custom importer, and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with
> absolute package names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to
> his importer.

Note that with imputil doing its thing, he won't have to
worry about adding code to his importer. It'll just pass on the
import to my importer. That's the fun part about imputil.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   105 days left
Python Pages:                 

From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Fri Sep 17 17:07:19 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:07:19 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <> from "Guido van Rossum" at "Sep 15, 99 02:43:56 pm"
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I hereby withdraw the posted license.  There still is the need for a
> new license, but we need to go back to the drawing board for it.

So, in the end, am I still invited to sign & send the "wet" form or
I'd better wait to let it dry?

BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
wouldn't have been what they are today.

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 17 16:07:50 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:07:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:07:19 BST."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> So, in the end, am I still invited to sign & send the "wet" form or
> I'd better wait to let it dry?

Please send in the form -- the license was a totally separate issue
that I shouldn't have brought up in the same mail (or at all, in this
stage anyway -- we'll work this out with the Python consortium members

> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
> code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> wouldn't have been what they are today.

Unfortunately, that's the price we have to pay.  What we get is legal
protection from CNRI.  In general CNRI has contributed a lot to
Python; probably more than you realize.

In any case, signing the form and including the email paragraphs is
completely voluntary -- if you don't want to do it, just let me know.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Fri Sep 17 17:35:01 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:35:01 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <> from "Guido van Rossum" at "Sep 17, 99 10:07:50 am"
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Please send in the form -- the license was a totally separate issue
> that I shouldn't have brought up in the same mail (or at all, in this
> stage anyway -- we'll work this out with the Python consortium members
> first).


> > BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> > to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
> > code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> > wouldn't have been what they are today.
> Unfortunately, that's the price we have to pay.  What we get is legal
> protection from CNRI.  In general CNRI has contributed a lot to
> Python; probably more than you realize.

I realize that. But I also realize that in case of a problem, the wet
form protects CNRI, not the contributor.

Hm. And what happens if you get hit by a bus? Or in 100 years when
we'll dance with angels in Paradise? Will Python stay bound to CNRI
with little legal possibilities to detach it, in case our successors
(or you) start working in another organization? IANAL and curious.

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From fdrake at  Fri Sep 17 16:41:47 1999
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:41:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Vladimir Marangozov writes:
 > BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
 > to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
 > code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
 > wouldn't have been what they are today.

  You shouldn't be; the FSF certainly requires a signed copyright
assignment from contributors.  I had to sign one for a bunch of
patches I made to oleo many years ago.  It was a minor nuissance, but
that's all.
  (The *sad* part is that there hasn't been a new release of oleo that 
could have included the patches for five years! ;)  Just noticed that
there is a release at now; I'll have to take a look!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From mal at  Fri Sep 17 16:45:52 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:45:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Methods and friends
Message-ID: <>

I was just looking into classobject.c again after probably more
than a year and wondered... has anyone tried optimizing the method
lookup and binding process recently ?

It seems that for every method call the following happens:
1. the method is looked up in the instance dict; this fails
2. the method is looked up in the class dict; this succeeds
   and returns a function
3. the class then turns the function into a new unbound method
4. the instance sees the unbound method and creates a new
   bound method (deleting the unbound method) and returns it

Two possible improvements:

? let the instance use a special class_getattr_ex function 
  that does not do the extra unbound method step (3.)


? make methods mutable and have step 4. insert the instance
  object into the method object to turn it into a bound

Has anyone tried this ? Does it produce anything noticeable
w/r to method call speed ?

BTW, why does the new module check for instance objects
for the INSTANCE argument ? Methods can handle any object
in this slot, just as they handle any callable object
as "function". Could be put to some use when wrapping
types into classes or vice versa... which is what motivated
the above ;-)

Just curious,
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   105 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Fri Sep 17 17:09:40 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:09:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Methods and friends
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:45:52 +0200."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> It seems that for every method call the following happens:
> 1. the method is looked up in the instance dict; this fails
> 2. the method is looked up in the class dict; this succeeds
>    and returns a function
> 3. the class then turns the function into a new unbound method
> 4. the instance sees the unbound method and creates a new
>    bound method (deleting the unbound method) and returns it

Are you sure?  As far as I know, steps 3 and 4 are combined when you
do getattr on an instance: instance_getattr() calls
instance_getattr1() which calls class_lookup().  The latter doesn't
create an unbound method.  instance_getattr1() then turns it into a
bound method.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From bwarsaw at  Fri Sep 17 18:30:21 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 12:30:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "VM" == Vladimir Marangozov <Vladimir.Marangozov at> writes:

    VM> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world
    VM> I'm asked to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send
    VM> e-mails for contributed code. If Python or Linux had had such
    VM> constraints from the start, they wouldn't have been what they
    VM> are today.

Note that the FSF has been requiring signatures for a long time.
Actually, their requirements are IMHO more onerous because they
require you to assign your copyrights to the FSF.  Their lawyers have
told them that they cannot defend the copyright of, e.g. Emacs, unless 
they own the copyrights to the entire codebase (or at least, anything
that they couldn't rip out, throw away, and not completely cripple the 

CNRI's viewpoint is less drastic, but still important.  It means that
you retain the copyright on the code (good for you), but you give us
permission to use it as we see fit (good for us /and/ for you :).
Otherwise, it would be possible for a malicious person to contribute
something really vital and useful, wait for it to become
indispensible, and then say, "oops, we really didn't mean to let you
use that code, sorry!"


From jim at  Fri Sep 17 21:20:24 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:20:24 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <000601bf00e1$072a7d90$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Perhaps you have heard about the East coast US hurricane.  It
really hammered us here in New Jersey.  I had trouble getting
home last night due to high water.  When I went to our usual
Japanese lunch restaurant it had broken windows and was full of tree
branches.  Wow...


Mark Hammond wrote:
> No - the point is that the "1.5" key is "reserved" by a standard
> install.  Changing the string value actually allows you to have your
> own subtree, and you can assume you own that.

OK, now that I know the rules I will think about doing that.
> > And I hate changing any registry entries at all.
> Well, you should learn to get over it!

I will try.

Of course, even if the registry helps ship Python apps
on Windows, it is no help on Unix, and I care about that
almost as much.

> > My current "solution" is to use freeze to create a black-box
> install,
> > and worry about second Python installations and wasted storage when
> it
> > happens.
> well, IMO this is also the correct thing to do.  any install that has
> >100 files is fragile.  So I do both - freeze the app, _and_ a custom
> "sys.winver".

Yes, but this requires a compiler.

> > I was hoping that this thread whould result in a consensis of what
> > to do, but it has not.
> There is a consesus for people with the same problem.  Different
> problems have different optimal solutions.

The problem is that there is no reliable way to ship bullet-proof
Python apps without recompiling and rebuilding Python.  Each of us
has his own pet hack to solve our own problem.  Now there is talk
of custom import hooks, and this is likely to result in each
package requiring its own import hook!  Aren't packages supposed
to be software IC's?

I hate to be a nag, but I will keep pushing for a single solution.
Python is totally cross platform, and with all that machinery,
there must be portable way to do that.

I think this is good for Python.  Please don't think I am
trying to solve my own selfish problems.  I have a compiler,
I am happy using freeze, and I don't have any problems.  Its
just that Python would "sell" better and be more popular
if a developer could read the documentation "How to ship
and install your Python app in five minutes and make
millions".  This documentation currently reads "You can't".

Jim Ahlstrom

From gstein at  Sat Sep 18 00:14:04 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:14:04 -0700
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for contributed
> code. If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> wouldn't have been what they are today.

Actually, this isn't surprising at all. The Free Software Foundation
*requires* this kind of thing to be filed with them before you
contribute code to the FSF. Essentially, it is a way for the FSF (and
CNRI) to legally state that they own the copyright on the particular
code. Without that, the contributor could come along later and claim a
copyright on the code.

The IBM folks who are working on Apache have provided legal releases to
the Apache Software Foundation that basically states that IBM won't try
to assume any rights under copyright law on the code they contribute to
Apache. In fact, every time that I receive a patch for my mod_dav Apache
module, the IBM guy attaches a release to the email that has the patch.

In a pure, cooperative, world none of this would be necessary. However,
the world simply doesn't work that way and all this stuff (licenses,
copyrights, releases) is there to prevent Bad Things from happening. It
isn't evil in itself, but simply a reflection of the business
environment and the society that we're working within.


Greg Stein,

From tim_one at  Sat Sep 18 08:38:27 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 02:38:27 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] License cleanup
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf01a0$6ae8cca0$022d153f@tim>

[Vladimir Marangozov]
> BTW, I'm surprised by the fact that in an Open Source world I'm asked
> to sign a licence agreement with CNRI or to send e-mails for
> contributed code.

[Fred L. Drake, Jr.]
>   You shouldn't be; the FSF certainly requires a signed copyright
> assignment from contributors.  I had to sign one for a bunch of
> patches I made to oleo many years ago.  It was a minor nuissance, but
> that's all.

Except they add up:  year after year, a new batch of stupid little
requirements piles up on top of the last year's, and it's a ratchet
effect -- always more, never less.  The aggregate gets to be a real
weariness on the soul.  I had to laugh when Fran?ois Pinard happened to post
this on today:

> ...
> Would it be any volunteer, at least for taking care of filling the FSF
> papers, if any are needed?  I filled more than enough of those in my
> life, I prefer to avoid the burden.

Ask Barry how many years we've been trying to sign pymode over to the FSF
<0.5 wink>.

> If Python or Linux had had such constraints from the start, they
> wouldn't have been what they are today.

I sympathize, but that's really hard to say.  You don't get pig-biting weary
of this crap until you're my age <wink>.  AFAIK, Berkeley has never beed
sued over the BSD license, MIT over the X license, or the U of Arizona over
the Icon license (none, really -- Icon is in the public domain).  All the
legal mumbo jumbo in the "modern" licenses is like wearing garlic around
your neck to ward off vampires:  the threat isn't real, and if it were it
wouldn't do you any good anyway.

a-wooden-stake-thru-the-heart-is-your-only-true-defense-ly y'rs  - tim

From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Sat Sep 18 16:17:28 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 15:17:28 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports)
Message-ID: <>

The relative import thread has hit me with full force. I'm not sure
I understand all of what has been said, but since I know this is
mainly a naming issue, I want to point you to one of the best CS
papers I have had in my hands. It's not really my style to recommend
references, but this one should be of major interest to this audience
(and Python respectively):

Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating
Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.

It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be
happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private
mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).

It's simply a jewel. This guy has understood everything (and I suspect
Guido has read this one before implementing Python ;-)

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 19 01:44:49 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 19:44:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf022f$cc11cba0$072d153f@tim>

> ...
> In the Java world, the right solution exist: a better top-level naming
> scheme.  I forget what the exact rules are, but I seem to recall that
> Java has something of the same relative import rules af Python
> currently has: you can import a class from the same leaf package by
> its simple name, or you can import a class by its full name.

You can import only by the full name.  There are no shortcuts for anyone
ever in explicit Java imports.  The dodge is that to reference classes in
exactly the same package, you don't need an import statement at all (you
*can* have one, but then you need to use the fully qualified name).

The other twist is that all Java code is in *some* package, and code that
(wisely) doesn't want to live in the ill-defined unnamed package must
contain a package statement declaring which package it's a part of, like

package COM.dragonsys.justanexample;

The periods there actually have no semantic significance, and package
COM.dragonsys.notanexample has no more in common with the above than does
package ORG.python.guido.hitmeagain.  It's purely a conceptual thing that
justanexample and notanexample are *called* "subpackages" of package
COM.dragonsys in Java; although implementations are free (but not required)
to make up mappings between dotted package names and directory trees.

Anyway, the Java rules work fine wrt the issues that have been argued in
this thread.  Things that are worse than Python:

+ Magical implied import of same-package names is a PITA for readability and

+ Since subpackages are an illusion, and even packages aren't objects in
their own right, there's no possibility to create a shorthand local name for
the first M chunks of an N-chunk dotted access path (with M < N).  For
example, you may use java.awt.Font and java.awt.TextArea a lot.  You either
spell those out in full all the time, or do

import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.TextArea;

and use just "Font" and "TextArea" later.  Making up a local name for just
the "java.awt" part isn't an option.  Which leads to gross overuse of the

+ "import package.*" is Java's way of spelling "from package import *", and
because of the preceding is the only way to get convenient local names for
classes imported from other packages (note that can you can never import a
package/module in Java; you can only import a type name).  So most Java code
will do the above as

import java.awt.*;

and end up importing a gazillion names.  This sucks for the same reasons
"import *" sucks in Python, although Java catches the name conflicts at
compile time.

Things that are better than Python:

+ Name conflicts are caught at compile time.

+ At least in theory, the names of packages aren't constrained by platform
file name limitations or directory quirks.

+ Relatedly, explicitly naming the package a compilation unit belongs can be
a Good Thing.

+ They have *an* effective scheme for preventing package-name collisions.

> ...
> Note that I still resist the urge to start renaming all the existing
> standard modules -- too much breakage.  This will happen in 2.0.

At home, I dropped an empty into the std Lib directory, so that
I can do e.g.

from Lib.random import randrange

in my own packages with their own random modules.  Works fine.  For 1.6 you
should pick some explicit way to *allow* explicit import of at least the std
library modules.  I suggest taking the name "Lib" <wink>.  Java is very cute
with its java.util.etc stuff, but longwindedness is not a virtue here --
"util" would have worked just as well and been just as clear.  Nobody should
write a package with a generic short name like "util" (or "Lib") anyway, so
rather than waste this pleasant little corner of the namespace the language
may as well reserve it for its own use.

heck-it-already-stole-"and"-and-"or"<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 19 05:18:43 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:18:43 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf024d$ae271f00$f72d153f@tim>

> ...
> Of course there are other ways to make this work (and I want
> to thank everybody who contributed to the sys.path ideas), but
> they just add complexity to a whole different area.

The complexity is already in that area, and for all of us.  It can be dealt
with.  Adding new complexity elsewhere doesn't decrease the complexity
that's already there, it just adds more and new kinds of stuff to worry

>> ...
>> And believe me, at some point *someone* is going to need to rip out
>> your custom importer because it interferes with *his* custom importer,
>> and he'll choose to replace all your __ imports with absolute package
>> names, rather than trying to add the __ feature to his importer.

> Note that with imputil doing its thing, he won't have to
> worry about adding code to his importer. It'll just pass on the
> import to my importer. That's the fun part about imputil.

As I recall, the old ni took the initial "__" as referring to the *current*
package.  So where you intend to write

    import __.sibling.func

it was written under ni as

    import __.__.sibling.func

Since ni is semi-blessed prior art, some other joker is going to slam in an
Importer to use those rules.  I mix your packages with theirs, and then the
meaning of "__" depends on whose Importer sees the damn thing first.  Again
complexity spreads.  If Jim is wary of top-level name collisions now, wait
until he thinks about naming-gimmick collisions <wink>.

Guido is telling the truth:  no package is going into Dragon's products
unless it's rewritten to purge dicey name tricks.  I think we're all in
favor of Greg's imputil approach, but where it adds real value (primarily in
allowing imports to get satisfied from sources other than direct file

if-it's-in-a-file-you-just-import-it-by-name-ly y'rs  - tim

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 19 05:18:52 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:18:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000201bf024d$b3213ae0$f72d153f@tim>

> ...
> Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
> i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments.

The odds of a change making it into Python radically decreased when 1.0 hit
the net, and have continued to decline (although slowly) since then.  In
recent years, Guido appears to me to have gotten ever more reluctant to
entertain even 100% compatible changes to the internals, if they affect a
delicate area of the implementation (ceval.c is the most obvious one there).

But that's "normal & healthy" <wink> too.  Languages & implementations get
brittle with age, and it's eventually better to start over -- if Guido
didn't have Python2 plans in mind, he'd be the first language designer ever
to stop where he started!

> Just think of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience
> shows that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.

Unfortunately, circumstances piled up and Chris got distracted from that,
while nobody else made time to push it in his absence.  Large changes have
gone in, and even more may make it into the Python1 line, but it generally
takes a large or "strategic" user base, and much persistence.  GregS
mentioned his massive work on threads (still not all in), and I'll add the
NumPy extensions (which I wouldn't be surprised to see "mainstreamed"),
BarryW's string methods, and DavidA's rich comparisons.

> Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
> pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
> untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
> strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?

Don't tell, but I've always been surprised at how few people have tried to
release a variant Python!  The Alice version (case-insensitive names, and
1/2==0.5) is the only one that comes to mind, and the primary effect that
had on today's Python is that raw expressions no longer print their value in
non-interactive mode (before Alice,

    1 + 2

on a line by itself caused "3" to get printed even in batch scripts; this
interfered with the Alice team's favored


coding style, and Guido endured much pain to change "the real" Python to
avoid a code split at that early stage of Python's life; ultimately futile,
but then Alice Python didn't catch on anyway).

So there's very little Python-related history to go on here.  I don't mind
seeing variants, but have to predict they won't get very far.  Just picture
what Python 1.6V would look like if its feature set were drawn from a
consensus among you, me, Christian, Greg Ewing, John Skaller and Tom
Christiansen <wink>.

the-value-of-a-benevolent-dictator-is-easy-to-underestimate-ly y'rs - tim

From tim_one at  Sun Sep 19 05:18:47 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:18:47 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101bf024d$af986240$f72d153f@tim>

> I know that this sounds politically incorrect in a radical free
> software world, but often in the end I find it more convenient to
> conform to the rest of the world and "fit in" than to be different in
> every little way.  Note that my hair isn't blue :-); I've also
> replaced my "signature" glasses with a more conventional model.

!!!  No wonder you tried to slam a conventional license down our throats.
My advice is to get back the old glasses, and walk around the halls at CNRI
counting backwards from 1000 by seventeens loudly and incessantly.

you'd-be-amazed-at-how-few-lawyers-talk-to-me<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

From bwarsaw at  Sun Sep 19 09:01:29 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 03:01:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim_one at> writes:

    TP> + "import package.*" is Java's way of spelling "from package
    TP> import *", and because of the preceding is the only way to get
    TP> convenient local names for classes imported from other
    TP> packages (note that can you can never import a package/module
    TP> in Java; you can only import a type name).  So most Java code
    TP> will do the above as

    TP> import java.awt.*;

    TP> and end up importing a gazillion names.  This sucks for the
    TP> same reasons "import *" sucks in Python, although Java catches
    TP> the name conflicts at compile time.

The interesting this is that, while the Java developers did this at
the language level, at the VM level, every class is "fully qualified";
you see the absolute path for every class name.

import pkg.pkg.* is the reason why you still have to have unique named 
classes like PyThinging or JWiggie, and yup it sucks.


From mal at  Fri Sep 17 17:53:38 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:53:38 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Methods and friends
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > It seems that for every method call the following happens:
> > 1. the method is looked up in the instance dict; this fails
> > 2. the method is looked up in the class dict; this succeeds
> >    and returns a function
> > 3. the class then turns the function into a new unbound method
> > 4. the instance sees the unbound method and creates a new
> >    bound method (deleting the unbound method) and returns it
> Are you sure?  As far as I know, steps 3 and 4 are combined when you
> do getattr on an instance: instance_getattr() calls
> instance_getattr1() which calls class_lookup().  The latter doesn't
> create an unbound method.  instance_getattr1() then turns it into a
> bound method.
Oops. Correct. I should have looked a little closer. So it
already works in the first way I mentioned as improvement... your
time machine again ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   105 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 20 10:59:58 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:59:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Relative Package Imports
References: <000201bf024d$b3213ae0$f72d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [MAL]
> > ...
> > Seems that we're a bit too healthy (see MarkH's post) sometimes,
> > i.e. there isn't all that much room for experiments.
> The odds of a change making it into Python radically decreased when 1.0 hit
> the net, and have continued to decline (although slowly) since then.  In
> recent years, Guido appears to me to have gotten ever more reluctant to
> entertain even 100% compatible changes to the internals, if they affect a
> delicate area of the implementation (ceval.c is the most obvious one there).
> But that's "normal & healthy" <wink> too.  Languages & implementations get
> brittle with age, and it's eventually better to start over -- if Guido
> didn't have Python2 plans in mind, he'd be the first language designer ever
> to stop where he started!
> > Just think of cool developments like Chris' stackless python. Experience
> > shows that these kind of things will never make it into the distribution.
> Unfortunately, circumstances piled up and Chris got distracted from that,
> while nobody else made time to push it in his absence.  Large changes have
> gone in, and even more may make it into the Python1 line, but it generally
> takes a large or "strategic" user base, and much persistence.  GregS
> mentioned his massive work on threads (still not all in), and I'll add the
> NumPy extensions (which I wouldn't be surprised to see "mainstreamed"),
> BarryW's string methods, and DavidA's rich comparisons.

Plus the coercion stuff that's still sleeping in one of my project 
subdirs (I'll have to get this done *before* 1.6 hits the shelves).
> > Unfortunately, maintaing patches to the dist across releases a real
> > pain and much work, so these ideas will just sit there unused and
> > untested. Much the same happened to gcc ... in the end corporate
> > strength made egcs possible. Perhaps we need such a branch too ?
> Don't tell, but I've always been surprised at how few people have tried to
> release a variant Python!  The Alice version (case-insensitive names, and
> 1/2==0.5) is the only one that comes to mind, and the primary effect that
> had on today's Python is that raw expressions no longer print their value in
> non-interactive mode (before Alice,
>     1 + 2
> on a line by itself caused "3" to get printed even in batch scripts; this
> interfered with the Alice team's favored
>     object.method1().method2().method3()
> coding style, and Guido endured much pain to change "the real" Python to
> avoid a code split at that early stage of Python's life; ultimately futile,
> but then Alice Python didn't catch on anyway).
> So there's very little Python-related history to go on here.  I don't mind
> seeing variants, but have to predict they won't get very far.  Just picture
> what Python 1.6V would look like if its feature set were drawn from a
> consensus among you, me, Christian, Greg Ewing, John Skaller and Tom
> Christiansen <wink>.

Actually, what I was thinking about here was a Python 2.0 branch
starting now rather than in a year or so and thus leaving much
room for experiments etc. The intention was the same as with egcs
and gcc: to fold the enhancements back into the main branch in a few

E.g. if Guido points us in the right direction, we could start
hacking on that piece of revolutionary work now. 

BTW, I'd suggest using C++ with namespaces but without templates as target
language. By the time Python 2.0 will hit the shelves this setup
should have reached the same portability as C has now. Perhaps we
could even use RTTI (run time type information) to implement optional type
safety... ok, just dreaming a little ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   102 days left
Python Pages:                 

From skip at  Mon Sep 20 17:29:55 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:29:55 -0500
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
Message-ID: <>

I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to reclaim circular
dependencies without the programmer explicitly having to do something like
implement a destroy() method and requiring other programmers to (remember
to) call it.  I forget what the current state of affairs is w.r.t. future
memory management in Python.  Not knowing anything much about memory
management, would it be possible to have a sort of mixed ref count/garbage
collection system where you only use the gc stuff as a last resort?  My
thought is that it would be useful to use gc to find and reclaim circular

can-you-tell-I-just-got-bitten-by-a-circular-reference?-ly y'rs

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From mal at  Mon Sep 20 19:44:57 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 19:44:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
> I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to reclaim circular
> dependencies without the programmer explicitly having to do something like
> implement a destroy() method and requiring other programmers to (remember
> to) call it.  I forget what the current state of affairs is w.r.t. future
> memory management in Python.  Not knowing anything much about memory
> management, would it be possible to have a sort of mixed ref count/garbage
> collection system where you only use the gc stuff as a last resort?  My
> thought is that it would be useful to use gc to find and reclaim circular
> garbage.
> can-you-tell-I-just-got-bitten-by-a-circular-reference?-ly y'rs

If you don't want to wait until 2.0 becomes GA, you could try weak

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   102 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gward at  Mon Sep 20 19:53:03 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:53:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>; from Skip Montanaro on Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 10:29:55AM -0500
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Not knowing anything much about memory
> management, would it be possible to have a sort of mixed ref count/garbage
> collection system where you only use the gc stuff as a last resort?  My
> thought is that it would be useful to use gc to find and reclaim circular
> garbage.

That's *sorta* what Perl does, 'though you can still be bitten by
circular refs in a long-running process.  Err, long-running thread.  You 
see, Perl has a mark-and-sweep garbage collector which is run only on
thread shutdown.

From gward at  Mon Sep 20 19:57:51 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:57:51 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Preview of some distutils news
Message-ID: <>

Judging by the recent traffic on python-dev, lots of people here are
interested in the problems of distributing and installing Python
modules.  So I thought y'all might want to know that I've finally got
some interesting news to report on the distutils-sig, and will shortly
be reporting it, soliciting feedback, testers, etc.  If you're not
already on that list, this might be a good time to join.

(Oh, the news?  Distutils can now compile and install NumPy, PIL, and
mxDateTime (just because I happened to have those three distributions
sitting around on my home PC).  Of course there are all sorts of caveats 
and limitations, so c'mon over to the distutils-sig if you want to hear
what they are and discuss how to fix them.  Later this week, of course,
after I've checked in all the relevant code.)

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Mon Sep 20 20:07:03 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:07:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] wet signature form clarification
Message-ID: <>

Several of you have asked me a clarification of the "contribution
description" required on the wet signature form; given that you are
all very prolific contributors with a weak memory, it would be nice if
you could write something like "everything I've contributed until
Sept. 18, 1999" in the space there rather than dig out all the
specific module names.

I got a call from CNRI's lawyer today, and she agreed that this was
fine.  Boy am I pleased today!  I think she called it a "group
description" or something like that.

Anyway, if you were waiting for a ruling on this issue, please send in 
your signed form!  (I'd appreciate it if the signature was dry by the
time I got it. :-)

The form is at

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From tim_one at  Tue Sep 21 08:11:00 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 02:11:00 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>

[Skip Montanaro]
> I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to
> reclaim circular dependencies without the programmer explicitly
> having to do something ...

This was debated (again) at great length on just a few months ago.
Guido chimed in with a proposal to keep track of only the dicts that have
been allocated, and now and again mark everything reachable from the root
set and nuke whatever dicts don't end up marked.  Cycles involving dicts
would get reclaimed this way, but not cycles not involving dicts.  The
approach to destructors for objects in cycles was "tough -- they don't get
called".  What to do about destructors for objects that are not themselves
involved in cycles but are reachable only from dead cycles (so are in fact
dead too) wasn't addressed.  Seemed possible that stuff reachable from
ordinary dicts (not in a cycle, and neither reachable from a cycle) would
behave differently than today, since the "list of all dicts" may keep the
stuff artificially alive until the next mark+sweep, even if the refcount on
the stuff fell to zero; there's probably an OK way around that, though.

Anyway, Guido was aiming for the minimal changes that could possibly do real
good.  It didn't pretend to reclaim all cycles, and was (IMO) too eager to
punt on the hard issues (the combo of cycles, destructors and resurrection
is a god-awful mess, even in theory; Scheme uses callbacks to dump the
problems back on the users Java has incredibily elaborate rules that are
both bulletproof and unusable; the Boehm collector lets objects with
destructors that are in cycles simply leak, rather than do a wrong thing;
Stroustrup has flip-flopped and most recently argued for Guido's "reclaim
the memory but don't call the destructors" approach, but a member of the C++
committee told me he's overwhelmingly opposed on this one (I know I would
oppose it)).

In any case, nothing has come of it, and no easy principled solution is in
sight.  OTOH, if Guido balks at explaining what "__" means to 12-year-olds,
wait until he tries to explain immortal cyclic trash <wink>.

Perl scores points for its brute-force end-of-thread M&S, but I believe
complex user-level data structures are much rarer in Perl, simply due to the
clumsiness of the syntax and explicit reference model.  Perl's version of
"nested functions" don't actually nest (all "def"s are floated to the top
level by the compiler, regardless of how deeply they're nested), so Perl's
lexical closures don't create cyclic trash either (well, they do, but in the
same sense there's a cycle between a Python module namespace and the
functions in that module -- Perl also special-cases the snot out of those
and busts those cycles by brute force).

So there you go!  It needs to be solved and nobody has a clue <wink>.

    dumped-it-on-the-jvm-by-now-ly y'rs  - tim

From mal at  Tue Sep 21 11:05:05 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:05:05 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Skip Montanaro]
> > I think in Python 2.0 it would be nice to have some way to
> > reclaim circular dependencies without the programmer explicitly
> > having to do something ...
> This was debated (again) at great length on just a few months ago.
> Guido chimed in with a proposal to keep track of only the dicts that have
> been allocated, and now and again mark everything reachable from the root
> set and nuke whatever dicts don't end up marked.  Cycles involving dicts
> would get reclaimed this way, but not cycles not involving dicts.  The
> approach to destructors for objects in cycles was "tough -- they don't get
> called".  What to do about destructors for objects that are not themselves
> involved in cycles but are reachable only from dead cycles (so are in fact
> dead too) wasn't addressed.  Seemed possible that stuff reachable from
> ordinary dicts (not in a cycle, and neither reachable from a cycle) would
> behave differently than today, since the "list of all dicts" may keep the
> stuff artificially alive until the next mark+sweep, even if the refcount on
> the stuff fell to zero; there's probably an OK way around that, though.

You could probably tackle the problem by doing local mark&sweep whenever
the ref count on a dictionary falls down to 1 (meaning that it is only
referenced from the list of all dicts). This is what I do in mxProxy's
weak reference implementation and to my surprise it solved all those
strange situations where objects are kept alive longer than they
would have normally.
> Anyway, Guido was aiming for the minimal changes that could possibly do real
> good.  It didn't pretend to reclaim all cycles, and was (IMO) too eager to
> punt on the hard issues (the combo of cycles, destructors and resurrection
> is a god-awful mess, even in theory; Scheme uses callbacks to dump the
> problems back on the users Java has incredibily elaborate rules that are
> both bulletproof and unusable; the Boehm collector lets objects with
> destructors that are in cycles simply leak, rather than do a wrong thing;
> Stroustrup has flip-flopped and most recently argued for Guido's "reclaim
> the memory but don't call the destructors" approach, but a member of the C++
> committee told me he's overwhelmingly opposed on this one (I know I would
> oppose it)).

Not calling the destructor will cause leakage in all objects
allocating extra storage, such as lists, instances and
probably just about any dynamically sized object there is in
Python... solving the problem only half way. Plus you will
definitely run into trouble as soon as external resources
are involved, e.g. open files or connections to databases.

Perhaps we should give more power to the user instead of trying
to give him fuzzy feelings about what's happening underneath
the hood. Builtin weak references or other indirect ways
of accessing objects (e.g. by giving unique names to the
involved objects) can solve many of those circ. ref. problems.

BTW, I usually use an instrumented Python interpreter to track
down circular references: it uses a tracing hook in the 
allocation/deallocation code of Python instances which is used
when Python is run in debugging mode (python -d). The hook
calls a function sys.traceinstances (if present) which allows
me to keep a track record of all allocated instances:

def traceinstances(action,inst):

    """ Tracing hook. This is called whenever an instances is created
        and destroyed. action is either 'create' or 'delete'; inst
	points to the instance object.

If anyone is interested I can post the patch (against Python 1.5).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   101 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Tue Sep 21 15:13:19 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 09:13:19 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:05:05 +0200."
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>  
Message-ID: <>

> Not calling the destructor will cause leakage in all objects
> allocating extra storage, such as lists, instances and
> probably just about any dynamically sized object there is in
> Python... solving the problem only half way. Plus you will
> definitely run into trouble as soon as external resources
> are involved, e.g. open files or connections to databases.

If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
course be called.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From skip at  Tue Sep 21 17:33:31 1999
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 10:33:31 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
Message-ID: <>

    Marc> BTW, I usually use an instrumented Python interpreter to track
    Marc> down circular references: ...

    Marc> If anyone is interested I can post the patch (against Python 1.5).

That would be interesting to look at.  I found my latest circular reference
by building Python with Py_DEBUG defined and trudging through the output at
the end.

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

From mal at  Tue Sep 21 18:23:53 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 18:23:53 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>
		<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Marc> BTW, I usually use an instrumented Python interpreter to track
>     Marc> down circular references: ...
>     Marc> If anyone is interested I can post the patch (against Python 1.5).
> That would be interesting to look at.  I found my latest circular reference
> by building Python with Py_DEBUG defined and trudging through the output at
> the end.

Here it is:

--- Objects/orig/classobject.c	Thu Jan  1 20:39:04 1998
+++ Objects/classobject.c	Sat Aug  8 21:38:57 1998
@@ -403,10 +588,37 @@ PyInstance_New(class, arg, kw)
 				inst = NULL;
+	/* sys.traceinstances hook */
+	if (Py_DebugFlag && inst) {
+		PyObject *fct;
+		fct = PySys_GetObject("traceinstances");
+		if (fct) {
+			PyObject *v,*arg;
+			PyObject *error_type, *error_value, *error_traceback;
+			/* Save and clear any exception */
+			PyErr_Fetch(&error_type,&error_value, 
+				    &error_traceback);
+			PyErr_Clear();
+			arg = Py_BuildValue("(sO)","create",(PyObject *)inst);
+			v = PyEval_CallObject(fct,arg);
+			Py_DECREF(arg);
+			if (!v) {
+				PyErr_Print();
+				PyErr_Clear();
+			}
+			else
+				Py_DECREF(v);
+			/* Restore exception state */
+			PyErr_Restore(error_type,error_value,
+				      error_traceback);
+		}
+	}
 	return (PyObject *)inst;
 /* Instance methods */
@@ -460,10 +672,31 @@ instance_dealloc(inst)
+	/* sys.traceinstances hook */
+	if (Py_DebugFlag) {
+		PyObject *fct;
+		fct = PySys_GetObject("traceinstances");
+		if (fct) {
+			PyObject *v,*arg;
+			/* Clear any previous exception */
+			PyErr_Clear();
+			arg = Py_BuildValue("(sO)","delete",(PyObject *)inst);
+			v = PyEval_CallObject(fct,arg);
+			Py_DECREF(arg);
+			if (!v) {
+				PyErr_Print();
+				PyErr_Clear();
+			}
+			else
+				Py_DECREF(v);
+		}
+	}
 	/* Restore the saved exception and undo the temporary revival */
 	PyErr_Restore(error_type, error_value, error_traceback);
 	/* Can't use DECREF here, it would cause a recursive call */
 	if (--inst->ob_refcnt > 0) {

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   101 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Tue Sep 21 18:43:22 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 18:43:22 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
References: <000101bf03f8$13ade740$ae2d153f@tim>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Not calling the destructor will cause leakage in all objects
> > allocating extra storage, such as lists, instances and
> > probably just about any dynamically sized object there is in
> > Python... solving the problem only half way. Plus you will
> > definitely run into trouble as soon as external resources
> > are involved, e.g. open files or connections to databases.
> If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
> methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
> unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
> course be called.

Ok, so low-stuff will not break. But what about e.g. wrappers
around these low-level (C-level) objects written in Python, e.g.
database abstraction classes ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   101 days left
Python Pages:                 

From tim_one at  Wed Sep 22 07:56:05 1999
From: tim_one at (Tim Peters)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 01:56:05 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000801bf04bf$287e6560$342d153f@tim>

[Guido van Rossum]
> If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
> methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
> unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
> course be called.

Seems to me that the dependencies among to-be-deleted arbitrary C objects
are equally unknown to the collector.  Assuming there's a fundamental
difference between objects implemented in Python and objects implemented in
C seems shaky on the face of it.  Or if it's not just a convenient
assumption, on what is it based?

and-what-about-objects-implemented-in-fortran<wink>?-ly y'rs  - tim

From mal at  Wed Sep 22 14:47:03 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 14:47:03 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
Message-ID: <>

Hi everybody,

I'm currently busy converting my code to use mx.DateTime instead
of just DateTime and must say that this is a real pain. Now instead
of reviving the __ discussion I'd like to turn to what could be
a workable compromise (I think Jim proposed something along these
lines already and there was similar code in

The proposal is really only an addition to the lookup scheme
used by the importer. No additional syntax is involved and
best of all, it is backward compatible...

The current lookup does the following if you want to import
a module E from module A.B.C.D:

1. check A.B.C.E
2. check E
3. fail

Now instead of failing we could add a lookup method that
walks up the package structure:

3. check A.B.E
4. check A.E
[5. check E -- already done]
6. fail

so that the complete scheme looks like this:

1. check A.B.C.E
2. check E
3. check A.B.E
4. check A.E
[5. check E -- already done]
6. fail

That way I could leave intra-mx-package imports untouched and still
have the convenience of achieving the goal of making my mx
subpackages work in the mx context *plus* in the top-level
context thus allowing a backward compatible and flexible setup
for mx* users.

Note that the scheme finds exactly the same modules it did
previously, plus perhaps some more (which is intended), and
it does not involve any search path hacks.

How is that for a compromise ? [Ducking for cover ;-)]

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   100 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Wed Sep 22 15:12:40 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:12:40 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> The current lookup does the following if you want to import
> a module E from module A.B.C.D:
> 1. check A.B.C.E
> 2. check E
> 3. fail
> Now instead of failing we could add a lookup method that
> walks up the package structure:
> 3. check A.B.E
> 4. check A.E
> [5. check E -- already done]
> 6. fail
> so that the complete scheme looks like this:
> 1. check A.B.C.E
> 2. check E
> 3. check A.B.E
> 4. check A.E
> [5. check E -- already done]
> 6. fail
> That way I could leave intra-mx-package imports untouched and
> still have the convenience of achieving the goal of making my mx
> subpackages work in the mx context *plus* in the top-level
> context thus allowing a backward compatible and flexible setup
> for mx* users.

Comment 1: You're just giving yourself headaches by allowing 
your users to install mx in anything other than the prescribed 

Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for 
consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight 
up the tree, instead of checking the root second.

- Gordon

From jim at  Wed Sep 22 15:19:58 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:19:58 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking
References: <>
			<> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> Skip Montanaro wrote:
> >
> >     Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've
> >     Gordon> got that down to
> >
> > Why not just run through Python2C, visually and experimentally
> > verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?

Optional module...  Good idea.

But it is easier to use freeze within the optional module.  So I
wrote a "boot" built in module, where bootmodule.c is
created by the Python program  All this lives in
./Modules.  Boot incorporates exceptions.pyc etc. as frozen modules
without breaking the current freeze feature.  I changed pythonrun.c
to load "boot" after sys but before any other imports, but only if
it exists as a built in module, otherwise no error.  Boot has
methods to turn it on and off, and to print its contents.

Please take a look at

I think this is a good solution for how to build in

Jim Ahlstrom

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 22 16:53:55 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 10:53:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Tackling circular dependencies in 2.0?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 22 Sep 1999 01:56:05 EDT."
References: <000801bf04bf$287e6560$342d153f@tim> 
Message-ID: <>

> [Guido van Rossum]
> > If I remember well, the only destructors not called would be __del__
> > methods, since the dependencies between to-be-deleted instances are
> > unknown to the collector.  Regular (C-level) destructors would of
> > course be called.

> Seems to me that the dependencies among to-be-deleted arbitrary C objects
> are equally unknown to the collector.  Assuming there's a fundamental
> difference between objects implemented in Python and objects implemented in
> C seems shaky on the face of it.  Or if it's not just a convenient
> assumption, on what is it based?

My assumption was based on the standard Python objects.  Cycles
necessarily have to include dictionaries or lists (modules, classes
and instances link to each other through dictionaries; ditto for
function objects; i'm crossing my fingers here for stack frame and
traceback objects :-) and I can do things to these to get rid of the
links without getting rid of the objects: del L[:] or D.clear().

Third party C objects might have interdependencies similar to those
found in Python instances, but my gut feeling is that these aren't as
problematic -- e.g. interdependencies between C modules are rare
(because the machinery is cumbersome) while they are common between
Python modules; and C code isn't susceptible to the problems that
Python destructors encounter when the modules they import have already 
been destroyed.

I know, it's an unusual amount of handwaving...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From mal at  Wed Sep 22 17:13:06 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 17:13:06 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > The current lookup does the following if you want to import
> > a module E from module A.B.C.D:
> >
> > 1. check A.B.C.E
> > 2. check E
> > 3. fail
> >
> > Now instead of failing we could add a lookup method that
> > walks up the package structure:
> >
> > 3. check A.B.E
> > 4. check A.E
> > [5. check E -- already done]
> > 6. fail
> >
> > so that the complete scheme looks like this:
> >
> > 1. check A.B.C.E
> > 2. check E
> > 3. check A.B.E
> > 4. check A.E
> > [5. check E -- already done]
> > 6. fail
> >
> > That way I could leave intra-mx-package imports untouched and
> > still have the convenience of achieving the goal of making my mx
> > subpackages work in the mx context *plus* in the top-level
> > context thus allowing a backward compatible and flexible setup
> > for mx* users.
> Comment 1: You're just giving yourself headaches by allowing
> your users to install mx in anything other than the prescribed
> manner.

Actually, I'm trying to provide them a way to smoothly switch
from the old setup to the new one. This includes myself, of
course ;-). 

> Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for
> consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight
> up the tree, instead of checking the root second.

That would probably break code because the search could
find some other module having the same name as a top-level
one. OTOH, perhaps that situation is not all the common to
fear too much about it.

Walking up all the way would certainly be easier to explain to
a 12-year old ;-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   100 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Wed Sep 22 17:51:49 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 11:51:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 22 Sep 1999 17:13:06 +0200."
References: <>  
Message-ID: <>

> > Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for
> > consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight
> > up the tree, instead of checking the root second.
> That would probably break code because the search could
> find some other module having the same name as a top-level
> one. OTOH, perhaps that situation is not all the common to
> fear too much about it.
> Walking up all the way would certainly be easier to explain to
> a 12-year old ;-)

Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
pretty safe here!

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From jim at  Wed Sep 22 18:25:25 1999
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 12:25:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > > Comment 2: I generally like this scheme, but think (for
> > > consistency and confusion-reduction) that it should go straight
> > > up the tree, instead of checking the root second.
> >
> > That would probably break code because the search could
> > find some other module having the same name as a top-level
> > one. OTOH, perhaps that situation is not all the common to
> > fear too much about it.
> >
> > Walking up all the way would certainly be easier to explain to
> > a 12-year old ;-)
> Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
> not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
> name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
> pretty safe here!

Walking straight up the tree is my preference.  I think it is
very natural.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at   Python Powered!        
Technical Director   (888) 344-4332    
Digital Creations    

Under US Code Title 47, Sec.227(b)(1)(C), Sec.227(a)(2)(B) This email
address may not be added to any commercial mail list with out my
permission.  Violation of my privacy with advertising or SPAM will
result in a suit for a MINIMUM of $500 damages/incident, $1500 for

From gward at  Wed Sep 22 19:26:12 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:26:12 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>; from Guido van Rossum on Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 11:51:49AM -0400
References: <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
> not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
> name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
> pretty safe here!

Especially since doing so doesn't work: for example, the
distutils.errors module started life as distutils.exceptions.  That
changed pretty quickly, once I realized why putting

   import exceptions

into other distutils modules didn't work -- obviously it didn't find my
distutils.exceptions.  Arguably I should have used an absolute import,
but what the heck.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From mal at  Fri Sep 24 11:10:59 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 11:10:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Ward wrote:
> On 22 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> > Yes, please.  Do the long-term understandable thing here.  I expect
> > not too many packages have defined subpackages (or submodules) whose
> > name conflicts with a standard library module, so you ought to be
> > pretty safe here!
> Especially since doing so doesn't work: for example, the
> distutils.errors module started life as distutils.exceptions.  That
> changed pretty quickly, once I realized why putting
>    import exceptions
> into other distutils modules didn't work -- obviously it didn't find my
> distutils.exceptions.  Arguably I should have used an absolute import,
> but what the heck.

Wow, so many positive answers -- not bad after that last round of
relative imports ;-)

Ok, then I'll use the walk-me-up approach. That'll be coded
into a PathImporter class I'm writing for imputil which will
try to mimic the standard behaviour as much as possible (to be
released in a few weeks after my vacation).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                   100 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mhammond at  Fri Sep 24 14:36:10 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 22:36:10 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000501bf0689$63614af0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> try to mimic the standard behaviour as much as possible (to be
> released in a few weeks after my vacation).

no no Marc - you should know the rules by now - you release it mere
hours _before_ your vacation :-)  Enjoy!


From mal at  Sun Sep 26 21:34:15 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 21:34:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <000501bf0689$63614af0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> > try to mimic the standard behaviour as much as possible (to be
> > released in a few weeks after my vacation).
> no no Marc - you should know the rules by now - you release it mere
> hours _before_ your vacation :-)  Enjoy!

Ya, well ;-) I'll try my best... I already have something working
but it doesn't do the win32 + mac magic yet because that'll require
some additions to the builtin imp module. Also, I found that it
is rather slow when compared to the builtin one. Caches can
speed this up a little, but I still haven't achieved the same

BTW, while hacking along I found a few things that might be worth
discussing w/r to a general import hook scheme:

Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining technique.
Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain for already
loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be loaded more than

Also, there are at least two types of hooks:

1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source 

2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched

Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by
the second, the simple chaining method probably won't be
powerful enough to handle it.

I think what we really need is a set of register/deregister
APIs + some framework to differentiate between the two
hook types (and possibly other variants).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mal at  Mon Sep 27 12:19:25 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:19:25 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <000501bf0689$63614af0$0801a8c0@bobcat> <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> BTW, while hacking along I found a few things that might be worth
> discussing w/r to a general import hook scheme:
> Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining technique.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain for already
> loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be loaded more than
> once.
> Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by
> the second, the simple chaining method probably won't be
> powerful enough to handle it.
> I think what we really need is a set of register/deregister
> APIs + some framework to differentiate between the two
> hook types (and possibly other variants).

Another quirk that I think needs fixing:

When I issues an import:

	import mx.DateTime

the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
the start of the import. It is not possible to install a different
importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of the
import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime).
I think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
(this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the
import of subsequent elements in the dotted name.

Aside: Perhaps this is getting too technical for this list... should
I start an egroups mailing list for defining a new and more
flexible import mechanism ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gmcm at  Mon Sep 27 18:53:30 1999
From: gmcm at (Gordon McMillan)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:53:30 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
[msg 1]
> Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> loaded more than once.

I was hoping Greg would jump in, but since he hasn't -

You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old 
style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the 
actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the 

> Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> enough to handle it.

The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides 
a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources, 
and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the 
key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when 
appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.
[msg 2]
> Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> When I issues an import:
>  import mx.DateTime
> the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> of subsequent elements in the dotted name.

Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a 
dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it 
puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.

This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie, 
one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be 
careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain, 
(ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path 
search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly 
determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx" 

- Gordon

From mal at  Tue Sep 28 00:59:57 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 00:59:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> [msg 1]
> > Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> > technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> > for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> > loaded more than once.
> I was hoping Greg would jump in, but since he hasn't -
> You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old
> style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the
> actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the
> hook.

I know, but there still is no way to query what kind of hooks
are already loaded and what is worse, you cannot unload or reorder
them. I'd suggest using a list of hooks which are then
traversed in the order they appear in the list, e.g.

__importers__ = [DirectoryImporter('/usr/local/lib/python1.5'),

This also has the advantage of being able to easily query
the importers during debugging and eliminates the need to
have a predefined attribute naming scheme (such as the one imputil

> > Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> >
> > 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> >
> > 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> >
> > Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> > second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> > enough to handle it.
> The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides
> a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources,
> and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the
> key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when
> appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.

It does a good job at this, but doesn't really separate
lookup and loading of code too well. Everything is packaged
into one single method (.get_code()) which is not always
flexible enough, e.g. it wasn't possible to implement the
walk-up-the-dotted-name scheme using modifications to
.get_code() alone.

Also, I can see many uses where you combine a lookup
hook (e.g. for loading modules across the web) with
a filtering hook (e.g. one which checks a module signature).

This should go into the framework as well, IMHO...
e.g. by having two methods .find_code() and .make_module()
(like the builtin importer).

> [msg 2]
> > Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> >
> > When I issues an import:
> >
> >  import mx.DateTime
> >
> > the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> > the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> > different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> > the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> > think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> > (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> > of subsequent elements in the dotted name.
> Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a
> dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it
> puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.

The problem is that the special importer has to be installed
*prior* to doing the mx.DateTime import, because otherwise
the importer will not take control over the DateTime subpackage
(unless I tell it to do so explicitly, which is not really
what I want to have to do).

> This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie,
> one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be
> careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain,
> (ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path
> search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly
> determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx"
> namespace.

Exactly... and this brings us back to the importer list
I mentioned above.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From gstein at  Tue Sep 28 23:57:34 1999
From: gstein at (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:57:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Gordon McMillan wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> [msg 1]
> > Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> > technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> > for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> > loaded more than once.
> I was hoping Greg would jump in, but since he hasn't -

I'm in a middle of a move back to CA. Unpacking now...

> You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old 
> style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the 
> actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the 
> hook.

Quite true. The chaining is simply an artifact of what has been installed
as the import hook. I've always envisioned the potential for a "Importer
Manager" that installs just like any other hook, but provides higher-level
functions for importers to install themselves. The manager simply
delegates the get_code() function to the sub-importers. Of course, the
manager could use whatever technique to improve the speed of Importer

With respect to speed, I think the main point is to realize that the
imputil technique is not inherently slow. It just depends on how you
design your Importer subclasses -- do you install one or a hundred

The imputil scheme is more about simplifying how people hook into the
process (implement get_code() rather than a load/import combo). It also
provides a simple capability (chaining) to allow *multiple* hooks to be

> > Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> > 
> > 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> > 
> > 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched

Just one way -- your second is a variant of the first. "other data source"
is a functional superset which includes searching. Importers don't simply
alter searching -- they must perform the actual import (from wherever).

This is the big change in mindset from the "ihooks" method -- find it and
import it on the spot. The net effect is an Importer either imports a
module or it doesn't (and the system can fallback to try another

[ one the examples that people always like to specify was importing via
URL which was actually quite difficult to use in the old scheme -- how do
you separate an HTTP GET into a find/load step? Effectively, you had to
double-fetch, or you had to place the whole module (which you retrieved
during the find step) into your context for passing to the load. The other
issue was the distinct semantics also implied that you could separate the
functions -- I believe that to be quite unnecessary functionality. ]

> > Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> > second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> > enough to handle it.
> The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides 
> a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources, 
> and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the 
> key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when 
> appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.

Very true!

> [msg 2]
> > Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> > 
> > When I issues an import:
> > 
> >  import mx.DateTime
> > 
> > the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> > the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> > different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> > the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> > think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> > (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> > of subsequent elements in the dotted name.
> Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a 
> dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it 
> puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.

Gordon's on top of it here... :-)  Yes, it is simply a matter of
perspective on the import process. An importer does not have to be a
static entity. It also can be much more than a way to search a path... it
can be highly dynamic and flexible. Whatever you like. Just implement
get_code() to map a module "mx.DateTime" to a code/module object. There
are a bazillion ways to do that :-)

> This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie, 
> one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be 
> careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain, 
> (ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path 
> search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly 
> determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx" 
> namespace.

Part of the Importer work was done to satisfy importing modules from the
COM+ namespace. I wanted to be able to say "import". The
importer would handle all "COM." imports and delegate the "" to the
underlying Python/COM framework.

In other words... yes, the Importer scheme should work *very* well for
the "whatever...." type of module namespace.


Greg Stein,

From da at  Wed Sep 29 02:02:20 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 17:02:20 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package
 Imports) (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating
> Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.
> It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be
> happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private
> mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).

I then asked him for a copy stating:

> If you send it to me, I can OCR it and make it available online.

and he generously sent it to me.  The problem is that I hadn't noticed the
length of the manuscript.  It's over a hundred pages, and the copy is nth
generation, making OCR pretty much useless.

So, if anyone wants a copy, I can make and send copies (which would make
most sense for folks in the US -- sending things from France isn't cheap).

So far, it's good reading.  Funny to see "file name" in quotes in the


From mal at  Wed Sep 29 12:47:08 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 12:47:08 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Gordon McMillan wrote:
> > M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> > [msg 1]
> > > Currently, the imputil apporach uses a simple chaining
> > > technique. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow inspecting the chain
> > > for already loaded hooks, so the same type of hook could be
> > > loaded more than once.
> > You're associating the hook with the strategy. That's the old
> > style. The imputil style is to associate the hook with the
> > actual stuff being managed. The strategy is a property of the
> > hook.
> Quite true. The chaining is simply an artifact of what has been installed
> as the import hook. I've always envisioned the potential for a "Importer
> Manager" that installs just like any other hook, but provides higher-level
> functions for importers to install themselves. The manager simply
> delegates the get_code() function to the sub-importers. Of course, the
> manager could use whatever technique to improve the speed of Importer
> selection.
> With respect to speed, I think the main point is to realize that the
> imputil technique is not inherently slow. It just depends on how you
> design your Importer subclasses -- do you install one or a hundred
> Importers?
> The imputil scheme is more about simplifying how people hook into the
> process (implement get_code() rather than a load/import combo). It also
> provides a simple capability (chaining) to allow *multiple* hooks to be
> installed.

As I wrote in my reply to Gordon, this setup has some drawbacks
which an "Import Manager" could easily solve, e.g. by using a
list of importers.
> > > Also, there are at least two types of hooks:
> > >
> > > 1. hooks that redirect the import to some other data source
> > >
> > > 2. hooks that modify the way modules are searched
> Just one way -- your second is a variant of the first. "other data source"
> is a functional superset which includes searching. Importers don't simply
> alter searching -- they must perform the actual import (from wherever).

Yes, I was just argueing for two types of functionality, not the
old scheme. E.g. the Import Manager could provide a set of
filters which implement signature checks or know how to un-gzip
code plus a set of lookup functions for scanning directories 
or zip archives.

I would like the importers to take advantage of such functionality.
Of course, all of this could be implemented in form of classes
which the importers then use as mixin classes.
> This is the big change in mindset from the "ihooks" method -- find it and
> import it on the spot. The net effect is an Importer either imports a
> module or it doesn't (and the system can fallback to try another
> Importer).
> [ one the examples that people always like to specify was importing via
> URL which was actually quite difficult to use in the old scheme -- how do
> you separate an HTTP GET into a find/load step? Effectively, you had to
> double-fetch, or you had to place the whole module (which you retrieved
> during the find step) into your context for passing to the load. The other
> issue was the distinct semantics also implied that you could separate the
> functions -- I believe that to be quite unnecessary functionality. ]

.get_code() is fine for these kind of tasks, but there are
some other areas (such as lazy imports) which work better
using the split setup. This is pretty easy to implement btw,
just have the Import Manager check whether the importer provides
.get_code() and then have it revert to using .find_module(),
.load_module() if it doesn't.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of an
Import Manager instead of the chaining approach.

> > > Since the first variant may well also be suited to used by the
> > > second, the simple chaining method probably won't be powerful
> > > enough to handle it.
> >
> > The top level question is "is it mine to import?". Greg provides
> > a framework that makes it easy to use alternate data sources,
> > and alternate ways of finding things but that's not really the
> > key thing. You're a "good" importer if you can (when
> > appropriate) way "no it's not mine" efficiently.
> Very true!
> > [msg 2]
> > > Another quirk that I think needs fixing:
> > >
> > > When I issues an import:
> > >
> > >  import mx.DateTime
> > >
> > > the whole import is handled by the importer installed at
> > > the start of the import. It is not possible to install a
> > > different importer e.g. in mx/ to handle the rest of
> > > the import (in this case the import of subpackage DateTime). I
> > > think that the importer should honor the __importer__ function
> > > (this is set by imputil) if present to let it continue the import
> > > of subsequent elements in the dotted name.
> >
> > Sure you can. Your first importer is the "mx" importer. It has a
> > dict of sub-importers. When mx/DateTime/ runs, it
> > puts itself into that dict. The importer chain is now a tree.
> Gordon's on top of it here... :-)  Yes, it is simply a matter of
> perspective on the import process. An importer does not have to be a
> static entity. It also can be much more than a way to search a path... it
> can be highly dynamic and flexible. Whatever you like. Just implement
> get_code() to map a module "mx.DateTime" to a code/module object. There
> are a bazillion ways to do that :-)

Except that they don't work due to the fact that the
builtin importer is not recursively using __import__ for the imports.
An Import Manager would help with this too :-)
> > This means, I think, that a "general" relative-path importer (ie,
> > one that uses the default PYTHONPATH strategy), should be
> > careful to install itself as the penultimate importer in the chain,
> > (ie, the last before __builtin__.imp). But putting a relative-path
> > search strategy into the "mx" importer is fine if it can quickly
> > determine that the target is / is not a valid name in the "mx"
> > namespace.
> Part of the Importer work was done to satisfy importing modules from the
> COM+ namespace. I wanted to be able to say "import". The
> importer would handle all "COM." imports and delegate the "" to the
> underlying Python/COM framework.
> In other words... yes, the Importer scheme should work *very* well for
> the "whatever...." type of module namespace.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    98 days left
Python Pages:                 

From jim at  Wed Sep 29 15:59:11 1999
From: jim at (James C. Ahlstrom)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 09:59:11 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Alternative Approach to Relative Imports
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> I know, but there still is no way to query what kind of hooks
> are already loaded and what is worse, you cannot unload or reorder
> them.

I think this is a valid point.  I am interested in hooks to read
modules from a file archive.  If you are a developer, it is
necessary to turn this hook OFF, so that you can revert to the
usual directory tree where your current source is.

I am solving this by leaving a global variable "Importer" in
sitecustomize, and calling sitecustomize.Importer.enable(0).
This works, but it might be useful if imputil could de-install
a hook as well as install it.

Jim Ahlstrom

From mhammond at  Thu Sep 30 02:16:44 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:16:44 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
Message-ID: <007d01bf0ad5$14b6cf60$0801a8c0@bobcat>

A little thought I have had a few times now, so it is time to pass it
on for comment.

Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:

	import getopt
		opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:")
	except getopt.error, why:
			print why
			print usage % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0],))

Every single time.  I have never used getopt without this code.

How about we put this functionality into getopt itself?

It could be triggered either by adding a new "usage" param defaulting
to None, or by adding a new entry point.  ie:

	opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)
	opts, args = getopt.getoptex(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)

I know it is fairly trivial, but IMO is such a useful module and the
pattern is used so regularly that is seems to make sense to add it.

Any thoughts?  If it is seen favourably, how should we spell it?


From mal at  Thu Sep 30 09:29:24 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 09:29:24 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <007d01bf0ad5$14b6cf60$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> A little thought I have had a few times now, so it is time to pass it
> on for comment.
> Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:
>         import getopt
>         try:
>                 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:")
>         except getopt.error, why:
>                         print why
>                         print usage % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0],))
>                         sys.exit(1)
> Every single time.  I have never used getopt without this code.
> How about we put this functionality into getopt itself?
> It could be triggered either by adding a new "usage" param defaulting
> to None, or by adding a new entry point.  ie:
>         opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)
> or
>         opts, args = getopt.getoptex(sys.argv[1:], "slc:d:e:", usage=usage)
> I know it is fairly trivial, but IMO is such a useful module and the
> pattern is used so regularly that is seems to make sense to add it.
> Any thoughts?  If it is seen favourably, how should we spell it?

Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
like which is included in mxDateTime ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    92 days left
Python Pages:                 

From mhammond at  Thu Sep 30 12:09:53 1999
From: mhammond at (Mark Hammond)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:09:53 +1000
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>

> > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:

> Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> like which is included in mxDateTime ?

Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)

A higher level interface would maybe be handy, but it simply occurred
to me that every time I used the module I used that pattern.  I just
got sick of typing it all the time and wondered if it struck a chord
with anyone else (and I dont have or use a general purpose "mhutil"
module :-)  Im really just trying to save myself 10 lines of
boilerplate coding, not introduce a new standard module :-)


From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Thu Sep 30 13:46:48 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 12:46:48 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <> from "David Ascher" at "Sep 28, 99 05:02:20 pm"
Message-ID: <>

David Ascher wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
> > 
> > Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating
> > Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.
> > 
> > It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be
> > happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private
> > mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).
> I then asked him for a copy stating:
> > If you send it to me, I can OCR it and make it available online.
> and he generously sent it to me.  The problem is that I hadn't noticed the
> length of the manuscript.  It's over a hundred pages, and the copy is nth
> generation, making OCR pretty much useless.

If I find some spare time, I'll do it. This paper is a classic in Comp Sci
that we kindly invite our students to read. In research language, we say that
Saltzer has made "the turn around the clock" regarding this issue, putting
a period on it (i.e. there's hardly something more to say).

It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and
to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy
proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some
weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope
to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise
which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives
the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).

> So, if anyone wants a copy, I can make and send copies (which would make
> most sense for folks in the US -- sending things from France isn't cheap).

I have 2 more copies lying around, ready to be sent. Give me an adress.
The first 2 adresses win a hard copy, no matter the location (don't worry
about mail costs.)

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From mal at  Thu Sep 30 13:22:27 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:22:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Hammond wrote:
> > > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:
> > Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> > like which is included in mxDateTime ?
> Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)
> A higher level interface would maybe be handy, but it simply occurred
> to me that every time I used the module I used that pattern.  I just
> got sick of typing it all the time and wondered if it struck a chord
> with anyone else (and I dont have or use a general purpose "mhutil"
> module :-)  Im really just trying to save myself 10 lines of
> boilerplate coding, not introduce a new standard module :-)

Just a thought :-)

I wrote the for pretty much the same reason: I
have quite a few command line apps lying in my bin/ dir and
they all did some kind of getopt/sys.argv tricks to handle
the input... way to confusing and not easy to maintain. So I
decided to take an OO-approach to have them use the same
interface with nice help output and to reduce the coding effort.

As an example taken from mxDateTime:

#!/usr/local/bin/python -u

""" Simple Forking Alarm

    Sample Application for DateTime types and CommandLine. Only works
    on OSes which support os.fork().

    Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg, mailto:mal at
import time,sys,os
from mx.DateTime import *
from CommandLine import Application,ArgumentOption

class Alarm(Application):

    header = "Simple Forking Alarm"
    options = [ArgumentOption('-s',
                              'set the alarm to now + arg seconds'),
                              'set the alarm to now + arg minutes'),
                              'set the alarm to ring at arg (hh:mm)'),
    version = '0.1'

    def main(self):

        atime = now() + (self.values['-s'] or 
                         self.values['-m'] * 60 or 
                         self.values['-h'] * 3600) * oneSecond
        abs = self.values['-a']
        if abs:
            atime = strptime(abs,'%H:%M',today(second=0))
        if atime < now():
            print 'Alarm time has expired...'
        print 'Alarm will ring at',atime
        if not os.fork():
            time.sleep((atime - now()).seconds)

def alarm():

    """ Ring alarm
    for i in range(10):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here's the help output this produces:

/home/lemburg> alarm -h
Simple Forking Alarm

 alarm [option] files...

Options and default settings:
  -s arg       set the alarm to now + arg seconds
  -m arg       set the alarm to now + arg minutes
  -a arg       set the alarm to ring at arg (hh:mm)
  -h           show this help text
  --help       show this help text
  --copyright  show copyright
  --examples   show examples of usage


Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    92 days left
Python Pages:                 

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 30 14:31:04 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:31:04 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 30 Sep 1999 12:46:48 BST."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

I've started reading the paper and agree that it's very good!

> It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and
> to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy
> proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some
> weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope
> to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise
> which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives
> the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).

I'd like to hear what those weaknesses are in your eyes.  I can think
of two areas myself: (1) sys.path, $PYTHONPATH etc.; (2)
class/instance attributes in the context of subclassing and evolution
of the base class.  (I don't expect the paper to take a stance on
nested scopes.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US  Thu Sep 30 14:35:23 1999
From: guido at CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:35:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:22:27 +0200."
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>  
Message-ID: <>

> > > > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:

> > > Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> > > like which is included in mxDateTime ?

> > Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)

> I wrote the for pretty much the same reason:

Marc-Andre, you're not hearing what Mark is saying.  He wants a change
to the standard library, and he knows that small additions to existing
modules there stand a better chance of adoption than new modules.

I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it 
getopt_or_die().  If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).

Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

From fredrik at  Thu Sep 30 15:22:58 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 15:22:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Perl 6, Topaz, and exploding kidneys
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat> <>
Message-ID: <007501bf0b46$eb2f38e0$>

as reported on slashdot:

(topaz is also the code name for our "rewrite
Tkinter in Python", but that's another story ;-)


From gward at  Thu Sep 30 16:15:50 1999
From: gward at (Greg Ward)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:15:50 -0400
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
In-Reply-To: <>; from Guido van Rossum on Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 08:35:23AM -0400
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat> <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30 September 1999, Guido van Rossum said:
> Marc-Andre, you're not hearing what Mark is saying.  He wants a change
> to the standard library, and he knows that small additions to existing
> modules there stand a better chance of adoption than new modules.
> I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it 
> getopt_or_die().

Gasp!  Guido hath drunk from the poisoned well of the Great Camel and it 
doth infest his thinking!  "or die" indeed -- not an idiom I've seen
since the last time I wrote some Perl code (umm, last week?).

> If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
> one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
> latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).
> Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
> extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

Whatever we call it, it should be able to take an explicit argument
list, and only default to sys.argv[1:].  What if I want to parse options
from an environment variable or a config file?  I also like the "don't
clobber sys.argv, but return the modified version instead" model -- it's 
nice to keep a pristine copy of the original argument list!

Another problem with getopt is that it doesn't correlate long and short
options.  I wrote distutils.fancy_getopt (download your copy today!
hurry, don't delay -- at this price, it WON'T LAST LONG!) to address
this, and to maybe someday do something with help text.

On the other hand, don't listen to me -- I tend to write mammoth,
bloated, all-singing, all-dancing command-line parsing modules for every 
new language I encounter.  They get more insane with each iteration.  I
have yet to top my Getopt::Tabular for Perl, though; see

if you've ever wondered how far this sort of thing can be taken in a
high-level, dynamically typed language.

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward at
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913

From fredrik at  Thu Sep 30 16:18:15 1999
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:18:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>             <>  <>
Message-ID: <00b301bf0b4e$a3ac5cc0$>

> I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it 
> getopt_or_die().  If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
> one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
> latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).
> Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
> extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

sounds reasonable.  what are you waiting for ;-)


From mal at  Thu Sep 30 17:28:31 1999
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 17:28:31 +0200
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>  
	            <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [Mark]
> > > > > Basically _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like this:
> [Marc-Andre]
> > > > Why not just add a higher level interface ? Something
> > > > like which is included in mxDateTime ?
> [Mark]
> > > Because _every_ time I use getopt, I write code like that :-)
> [Marc-Andre]
> > I wrote the for pretty much the same reason:
> Marc-Andre, you're not hearing what Mark is saying.  He wants a change
> to the standard library, and he knows that small additions to existing
> modules there stand a better chance of adoption than new modules.

Oh, I did get the idea... just wanted to plug my module here in a
take-it-or-leave-it way ;-) I usually put such things into
my lib/ dir for Python to find -- no need to make them a standard.

> I personally liked the idea of getoptex() best, except I would call it
> getopt_or_die().  If the usage message is omitted it can synthesize
> one from the (short and long) options arguments and sys.argv[0] (the
> latter being a bit controversial, but it's just a default).
> Hmm...  Perhaps getopt_or_die() shouldn't take the args argument but
> extract sys.argv[1:] itself?

Better not: it's sometimes very useful to call the main(args) function
of a script in interactive mode which then passes the args list to
getopt(). How about adding something like:

def getoptex(...,args=None,helptext='Read the source, Luke ;-)'):
   if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:]

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Y2000:                                                    92 days left
Python Pages:                 

From Vladimir.Marangozov at  Thu Sep 30 21:24:53 1999
From: Vladimir.Marangozov at (Vladimir Marangozov)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:24:53 +0100 (NFT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] Naming and Binding of Objects (was: Relative Package Imports) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Guido van Rossum" at "Sep 30, 99 08:31:04 am"
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I've started reading the paper and agree that it's very good!
> > It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and
> > to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy
> > proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some
> > weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope
> > to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise
> > which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives
> > the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).
> I'd like to hear what those weaknesses are in your eyes.  I can think
> of two areas myself: (1) sys.path, $PYTHONPATH etc.; (2)
> class/instance attributes in the context of subclassing and evolution
> of the base class.

(2) subsumes (1).

> (I don't expect the paper to take a stance on nested scopes.)

But we can.

I can't make the time for this right now and I apologize. This subject
deserves more attention and I can't describe it quickly, so it has to
wait. As I said, in due time ;-). I'm currently overloaded.
(In my defense, and Barry will undesrand me very well, I'll say that among
othger things I'm reworking the Web site, which is actually
a shame -- now that I'm in charge, come and visit it in a month).

Anyway, some quick general notes on what actually exists:

Where Python (Guido) really strikes is that almost everything we have at
the language level is interpreted as a name. Thus, "sharing can occur".
These names are always resolved in some context associated with the
object containing the named object.

Since all we have is names, the risk of name conflicts is real, especially
when half of the contexts against which name resolution occurs are implicit.
Therefore, name resolution has to be done in a controlled way (what Guido
has successfully tried to provide when designing the language).

Simple example:
>>> print o.attr

This says: print the value of an object, whose name "attr" has to be resolved
in the context associated with the object "o", this context being explicitely
pointed out by a dot "."

Another (not so obvious) one:
>>> print 1

This says: print the value of an object, whose name "1" has to be resolved
in the current (implicit) context. And this is exactly what happens inside
the VM in terms of LOAD_CONST <some internal name, bound in another context,
the binding being derived from the resolution of the name "1">,

If you don't grasp this, try the same example:
>>> a = 1
>>> print a

This says: Resolve the name "1" in the current context (thus we reach the
object in question) then assign a new binding ("a" -> the object) in the
current context. Then for "print a", see "This says" of the previous example.

A valuable thing happens in my last example:
>>> print o.__dict__

This resolves the name "__dict__" in the context associated with the object
named "o" (pointed by a dot "."), returning this same context! (or a fraction
of it). Whether we have to get a portion of the context or the full context
is debatable. It has been felt that with the dynamicity of Python, it's useful
to get access to the context, then play with it in a controlled manner.

So from here, I (and you) can deduce what happens in terms of naming and
binding on function/class/... definitions, on module imports, on attr
lookups, on "global" declarations, and so on, and when and where (and
hopefully why) we get name conflicts or strange (implicit) name resolutions
for nested functions.

A last word towards classes: There's no difference between
>>> o = C()  # an instance of the class C
>>> o.__class__


>>> o = 1
>>> o.__class__

I'm prevented to type "1.__class__" only for syntactic reasons, but the
context for the resolution of o.__class__ exists.

What's missing is for a future mail.


       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 30 22:29:55 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:29:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] getopt helper?
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

I can sympathize with Mark, I have nearly the same code in every
script I write.  I once wrote a nice (IMO) class for doing all the
common things I do with c.l. args, but I can't seem to dig it up at
the moment.

The idea was basically to have a base class that had all the
machinery, while derived classes included specially named methods that 
did the app-specific option handling.  It knew whether the method took 
1 or zero arguments (not including self), glommed up the shortarg
string and longarg list (with appropriate `:' and `=' thrown in), then 
parsed the args, dispatching to the handlers, e.g.:

    class MyOptions(getopt.Options):
	def handle_a(self):
	    self.alpha = 1
	handle_alpha = handle_a

	def handle_b(self, arg):
	    self.beta = arg
	handle_beta = handle_b

	def handle_i(self, arg):
		self.integer = int(arg)
	    except ValueError:
	handle_integer = handle_i

and could be used like so:

    #! /usr/bin/env python
    # ...

    opts = MyOptions(sys.argv[1:], usage=__doc__ % globals())
    if opts.alpha:
    if opts.integer = 1:
    for file in opts.leftoverargs:

While I liked this a lot, I seem to remember showing it to Guido,
receiving the expected scoffing.  So now, I just cut and paste the opt
parsing stuff into every script I write :) I think it might be nice to
add such a base class to the standard getopt module.


From bwarsaw at  Thu Sep 30 22:42:02 1999
From: bwarsaw at (Barry A. Warsaw)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:42:02 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Perl 6, Topaz, and exploding kidneys
References: <000001bf0b2b$f165e7b0$0801a8c0@bobcat>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "FL" == Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at> writes:

    FL> as reported on slashdot:

    FL> (topaz is also the code name for our "rewrite
    FL> Tkinter in Python", but that's another story ;-)

Here's an interesting quote:

    When I was trying to figure out how to be persuasive on this
    subject, I finally realized that Perl may be competing with Java
    in the problem space, but when you're writing Perl, implementing
    the Perl runtime, really what you're doing is something equivalent
    to writing a JVM. You're writing the equivalent of a Java Virtual
    Machine. Now, would you write a JVM in Eiffel? I don't think
    so. No, so neither would you write the Perl runtime in Java or in

In the context of Python, I disagree that it competes against Java;
Python makes a nice complement to Java.  And I obviously also think it
makes perfect sense to write (a) Python runtime in Java, as JimH has
so effectively proven.

Another interesting tidbit we've addressed here:

    Was the syntax appropriate for declaring variables to give
    appropriate hints to a hypothetical compiler? That is to say MY
    INT $X or MY STR $Y -- and I thought that the INT and the STR and
    the NUM should be suffixes, something like MY $X:NUM-and, in fact,
    that suffix syntax is something that Larry officially has blessed,
    but just not for this purpose.


From da at  Thu Sep 30 23:30:20 1999
From: da at (David Ascher)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 14:30:20 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Subject: [Python-Dev] FYI: Perl 6, Topaz, and exploding kidneys
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

> Another interesting tidbit we've addressed here:
>     Was the syntax appropriate for declaring variables to give
>     appropriate hints to a hypothetical compiler? That is to say MY
>     INT $X or MY STR $Y -- and I thought that the INT and the STR and
>     the NUM should be suffixes, something like MY $X:NUM-and, in fact,
>     that suffix syntax is something that Larry officially has blessed,
>     but just not for this purpose.

What struck me about that paragraph is that if I understand the comment
correctly, Larry is choosing a mapping from a specific syntax to some
purpose (unspecified in the excerpt) while an otherwise well-informed Perl
user (Chip) 'naturally' wanted to map said syntax to a different
semantics.  When this happens in Python-land, Guido says "nope, neither".
