[Python-Dev] Memory usage in Python
M.-A. Lemburg
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:27:04 +0200
Ivan Porres wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've been reading this list for a while but this is the first time I
> post a message. I am interested on using Python as a scripting
> language for small embedded systems. One of the limiting factors on a
> embedded system is the memory. Memory cost money, uses space and
> drains power.
> We have released a big patch to selectively disable some features of a
> Python interpreter at compile time. With the patch, it is possible to
> disable, i.e., complex numbers or file objects, in order to reduce
> the memory foot print of the Python interpreter. The patch is
> available at http://www.abo.fi/~iporres/python
> Now, I am interested on studying and reducing the memory consumption of
> Python programs. That is all the memory allocated by the interpreter
> in order to run a python program. I would like to know if somebody
> else has been working on the same direction. Is there any document
> explaining how Python uses the memory? I would be nice to know which
> structures are most used, their size, how often are accessed,
> etc...
You should have a look at Vladimir Marangozov's pymalloc (hope this
URL still works):
It has some logging facilities which give detailed reports about
the storage sizes etc.
> I have the impression that most people is concerned about optimising
> Python for speed, but I still think that some Python users will
> also benefit from size optimisations.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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