[Python-Dev] License cleanup
Barry A. Warsaw
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 07:56:48 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein@lyra.org> writes:
GS> Are they using it in their marketing, or simply as an
GS> underlying driving force for their products?
I'm not sure that JPython is much of a marketing advantage right now,
so AFAIK none of them are actively promoting their use of JPython in
their product. However, my reading of the second half of item 4 would
allow them to say something like "You can even extend your flapjabs
using our keen JPython-based scripting capabilities".
GS> If they *are* using it in their marketing, then they have
GS> exposed themselves to a liability. According to the license
GS> that they are using, they are not allowed to use JPython in
GS> their marketing. If they do, then they are in breach of the
GS> license and it could be terminated on them. Their products
GS> could no longer include JPython and they'd be SOL.
I hope that wouldn't really be the case, but it's an interesting
point, so I'm sure we'll bring it up.