[Python-Dev] Generic notifier module

Fredrik Lundh fredrik@pythonware.com
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 15:55:52 +0200

Moshe Zadka" wrote:
> >     object.denotify(message[, callback]) - Turn off notification.
> You need to be a bit more careful here. What if callback is
> foo().function? It's unique, so I could never denotify it.

if you need a value later, the usual approach is to
bind it to a name.  works in all other situations, so
why not use it here?

> A better way, and more popular (at least in the signal/slot =
> is to return a cookie on connect, and have disconnect requests by a =

in which way is "harder to use in all common cases"


as for the "break" functionality, I'm not sure it really
belongs in a basic observer class (in GOF terms, that's
a "chain of responsibility"). but if it does, I sure prefer
an exception over a magic return value.
