[Python-Dev] Lukewarm about range literals

Ka-Ping Yee ping@lfw.org
Thu, 31 Aug 2000 16:07:32 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Peter Schneider-Kamp <nowonder@nowonder.de>:
> > As far as I know adding a builtin indices() has been
> > rejected as an idea.
> But why? I know it's been suggested, but I don't remember seeing any
> convincing arguments against it. Or much discussion at all.

I submitted a patch to add indices() and irange() previously.  See:


Guido rejected it:

    gvanrossum: 2000-Aug-17 12:16
        I haven't seen the debate! But I'm asked to pronounce
        anyway, and I just don't like this. Learn to write code
        that doesn't need the list index!

    tim_one: 2000-Aug-15 15:08
        Assigned to Guido for Pronouncement.  The debate's been
        debated, close it out one way or the other.

    ping: 2000-Aug-09 03:00
        There ya go.  I have followed the style of the builtin_range()
        function, and docstrings are included.

-- ?!ng