[Python-Dev] PEP 231, __findattr__()

Barry A. Warsaw barry@digicool.com
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 21:20:40 -0500

>>>>> "FB" == Finn Bock <bckfnn@worldonline.dk> writes:

    FB> Correct. It is also the method to override when making a new
    FB> builtin type and it will be called on such a type subclass
    FB> regardless of the presence of any __getattr__ hook and
    FB> __dict__ content. So I think it have some of the properties
    FB> which Barry wants.

We had a discussion about this PEP at our group meeting today.  Rather
than write it all twice, I'm going to try to update the PEP and patch
tonight.  I think what we came up with will solve most of the problems
raised, and will be implementable in Jython (I'll try to work up a
Jython patch too, if I don't fall asleep first :)
