[Python-Dev] {}.popitem() (was Re: {}.first[key,value,item] ...)
Christian Tismer
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 15:49:48 +0200
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> christian wrote:
> > That algorithm is really a gem which you should know,
> > so let me try to explain it.
> I think someone just won the "brain exploder 2000" award ;-)
> to paraphrase Bertrand Russell,
> "Mathematics may be defined as the subject where I never
> know what you are talking about, nor whether what you are
> saying is true"
Well, I was primarily targeting Guido, who said that he
came from math, and one cannot study math without standing
a basic algebra course, I think. I tried my best to explain
it for those who know at least how groups, fields, rings
and automorphisms work. Going into more details of the
theory would be off-topic for python-dev, but I will try
it in an upcoming DDJ article.
As you might have guessed, I didn't do this just for fun.
It is the old game of explaining what is there, convincing
everybody that you at least know what you are talking about,
and then three days later coming up with an improved
application of the theory.
Today is Monday, 2 days left. :-)
ciao - chris
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer@tismer.com>
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