[Python-Dev] Error: syncmail script missing

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 01:16:15 -0500

> I just checked in the documentation for the warnings module.  (Check
> it out!)

Everyone should note that this means Guido will be taking his traditional
post-release vacation almost immediately <wink -- but he is about to

> When I ran "cvs commit" in the Doc directory, it said, amongst other
> things:
>     sh: /cvsroot/python/CVSROOT/syncmail: No such file or directory
> I suppose this may be a side effect of the transition to new hardware
> of the SourceForge CVS archive.

The lack of checkin mail was first noted on a Jython list.  Finn wisely
replied that he'd just sit back and wait for the CPython people to figure
out how to fix it.

> ...
> Could some of the Powers That Be (Fred or Barry :-) check into what
> happened to the syncmail script?

Don't worry, I'll do my part by nagging them in your absence <wink>.  Bon
holiday voyage!