[Python-Dev] Re: The Dictionary Gem is polished!
Christian Tismer
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 19:34:14 +0200
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Tim Peters wrote:
> Sounds good to me! It's a very cheap way to get the high bits into play.
> [Christian]
> > - The bits used from the string hash are not well distributed
> > - using a "warmup wheel" on the hash to suck all bits in
> > gives the same quality of hashes like random numbers.
> See above and be very cautious: none of Python's hash functions produce
> well-distributed bits, and-- in effect --that's why Python dicts often
> perform "better than random" on common data. Even what you've done so far
> appears to provide marginally worse statistics for Guido's favorite kind of
> test case ("worse" in two senses: total number of collisions (a measure of
> amortized lookup cost), and maximum collision chain length (a measure of
> worst-case lookup cost)):
> d = {}
> for i in range(N):
> d[repr(i)] = i
I will look into this.
> check-in-one-thing-then-let-it-simmer-ly y'rs - tim
Are you saying I should check the thing in? Really?
In another reply to this message I was saying
This is why I think to be even more conservative:
Try to use a division wheel, but with the inverses
of the original primitive roots, just in order to
get at Guido's results :-)
This was a religious desire, but such an inverse cannot exist.
Well, all inverses exists, but it is an error to think
that they can produce similar bit patterns. Changing the
root means changing the whole system, since we have just
a *representation* of a goup, via polynomial coefficients.
A simple example which renders my thought useless is this:
There is no general pattern that can turn a physical right
shift into a left shift, for all bit combinations.
Anyway, how can I produce a nearly complete scheme like today
with the same "cheaper than random" properties?
Ok, we have to stick with the given polymomials to stay
compatible, and we also have to shift left.
How do we then rotate the random bits in?
Well, we can in fact do a rotation of the whole index, moving
the highest bit into the lowest.
Too bad that this isn't supported in C. It is a native
machine instruction on X86 machines.
We would then have:
incr = ROTATE_LEFT(incr, 1)
if (incr > mask):
incr = incr ^ mp.ma_poly
The effect is similar to the "old" algorithm, bits are shiftet
left. Only if the hash happens to have hight bits, they appear
in the modulus.
On the current "faster than random" cases, I assume that
high bits in the hash are less likely than low bits, so it is
more likely that an entry finds its good place in the dict,
before bits are rotated in. hence the "good" cases would be kept.
I did all tests again, now including maximum trip length, and
added a "rotate-left" version as well:
D:\crml_doc\platf\py>python dictest.py
trips for strings old=293/9 new=302/7 new2=221/7 rot=278/5
trips for bad integers old=499500/999 new=13187/31 new2=999/1 rot=16754/31
trips for random integers old=360/8 new=369/8 new2=358/6 rot=356/7
trips for windows names old=230/5 new=207/7 new2=200/5 rot=225/5
trips for strings old=1093/11 new=1109/10 new2=786/6 rot=1082/8
trips for bad integers old=0/0 new=26455/32 new2=1999/1 rot=33524/34
trips for random integers old=704/7 new=686/8 new2=685/7 rot=693/7
trips for windows names old=503/8 new=542/9 new2=564/6 rot=529/7
trips for strings old=810/5 new=839/6 new2=609/5 rot=796/5
trips for bad integers old=0/0 new=38681/36 new2=2999/1 rot=49828/38
trips for random integers old=708/5 new=723/7 new2=724/5 rot=722/6
trips for windows names old=712/6 new=711/5 new2=691/5 rot=738/9
trips for strings old=1850/9 new=1843/8 new2=1375/11 rot=1848/10
trips for bad integers old=0/0 new=52994/39 new2=3999/1 rot=66356/38
trips for random integers old=1395/9 new=1397/8 new2=1435/9 rot=1394/13
trips for windows names old=1449/8 new=1434/8 new2=1457/11 rot=1513/9
Concerning trip length, rotate is better than old in most cases.
Random integers seem to withstand any of these procedures.
For bad integers, rot takes naturally more trips than new, since
the path to the bits is longer.
All in all I don't see more than marginal differences between
the approaches, and I tent to stick with "new", since it is
theapest to implement.
(it does not cost anything and might instead be a little cheaper
for some compilers, since it does not reference the mask variable).
I'd say let's do the patch -- ciao - chris
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer@tismer.com>
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## dictest.py
## Test of a new rehash algorithm
## Chris Tismer
## 2000-12-17
## Mission Impossible 5oftware Team
# The following is a partial re-implementation of
# Python dictionaries in Python.
# The original algorithm was literally turned
# into Python code.
##Table of irreducible polynomials to efficiently cycle through
##GF(2^n)-{0}, 2<=n<=30.
polys = [
4 + 3,
8 + 3,
16 + 3,
32 + 5,
64 + 3,
128 + 3,
256 + 29,
512 + 17,
1024 + 9,
2048 + 5,
4096 + 83,
8192 + 27,
16384 + 43,
32768 + 3,
65536 + 45,
131072 + 9,
262144 + 39,
524288 + 39,
1048576 + 9,
2097152 + 5,
4194304 + 3,
8388608 + 33,
16777216 + 27,
33554432 + 9,
67108864 + 71,
134217728 + 39,
268435456 + 9,
536870912 + 5,
1073741824 + 83,
polys = map(long, polys)
class NULL: pass
class Dictionary:
dummy = "<dummy key>"
def __init__(mp, newalg=0):
mp.ma_size = 0
mp.ma_poly = 0
mp.ma_table = []
mp.ma_fill = 0
mp.ma_used = 0
mp.oldalg = not newalg
mp.warmup = newalg==2
mp.rotleft = newalg==3
mp.trips = 0
mp.tripmax = 0
def getTrips(self):
trips, tripmax = self.trips, self.tripmax
self.trips = self.tripmax = 0
return trips, tripmax
def lookdict(mp, key, _hash):
me_hash, me_key, me_value = range(3) # rec slots
dummy = mp.dummy
mask = mp.ma_size-1
ep0 = mp.ma_table
i = (~_hash) & mask
ep = ep0[i]
if ep[me_key] is NULL or ep[me_key] == key:
return ep
if ep[me_key] == dummy:
freeslot = ep
if (ep[me_hash] == _hash and
cmp(ep[me_key], key) == 0) :
return ep
freeslot = NULL
###### FROM HERE
if mp.oldalg:
incr = (_hash ^ (_hash >> 3)) & mask
# note that we do not mask!
# the shifting is worth it in the incremental case.
## added after posting to python-dev:
uhash = _hash & 0xffffffffl
if mp.warmup:
incr = uhash
mask2 = 0xffffffffl ^ mask
while mask2 > mask:
if (incr & 1):
incr = incr ^ mp.ma_poly
incr = incr >> 1
mask2 = mask2>>1
# this loop *can* be sped up by tables
# with precomputed multiple shifts.
# But I'm not sure if it is worth it at all.
incr = uhash ^ (uhash >> 3)
###### TO HERE
if (not incr):
incr = mask
triplen = 0
while 1:
mp.trips = mp.trips+1
triplen = triplen+1
if triplen > mp.tripmax:
mp.tripmax = triplen
ep = ep0[int((i+incr)&mask)]
if (ep[me_key] is NULL) :
if (freeslot is not NULL) :
return freeslot
return ep
if (ep[me_key] == dummy) :
if (freeslot == NULL):
freeslot = ep
elif (ep[me_key] == key or
(ep[me_hash] == _hash and
cmp(ep[me_key], key) == 0)) :
return ep
# Cycle through GF(2^n)-{0}
###### FROM HERE
if mp.oldalg:
incr = incr << 1
if (incr > mask):
incr = incr ^ mp.ma_poly
elif mp.rotleft:
if incr &0x80000000L:
incr = (incr << 1) | 1
incr = incr << 1
if (incr > mask):
incr = incr ^ mp.ma_poly
# new algorithm: do a division
if (incr & 1):
incr = incr ^ mp.ma_poly
incr = incr >> 1
###### TO HERE
def insertdict(mp, key, _hash, value):
me_hash, me_key, me_value = range(3) # rec slots
ep = mp.lookdict(key, _hash)
if (ep[me_value] is not NULL) :
old_value = ep[me_value]
ep[me_value] = value
else :
if (ep[me_key] is NULL):
ep[me_key] = key
ep[me_hash] = _hash
ep[me_value] = value
mp.ma_used = mp.ma_used+1
def dictresize(mp, minused):
me_hash, me_key, me_value = range(3) # rec slots
oldsize = mp.ma_size
oldtable = mp.ma_table
newsize = MINSIZE
for i in range(len(polys)):
if (newsize > minused) :
newpoly = polys[i]
newsize = newsize << 1
return -1
_nullentry = range(3)
_nullentry[me_hash] = 0
_nullentry[me_key] = NULL
_nullentry[me_value] = NULL
newtable = map(lambda x,y=_nullentry:y[:], range(newsize))
mp.ma_size = newsize
mp.ma_poly = newpoly
mp.ma_table = newtable
mp.ma_fill = 0
mp.ma_used = 0
for ep in oldtable:
if (ep[me_value] is not NULL):
return 0
# PyDict_GetItem
def __getitem__(op, key):
me_hash, me_key, me_value = range(3) # rec slots
if not op.ma_table:
raise KeyError, key
_hash = hash(key)
return op.lookdict(key, _hash)[me_value]
# PyDict_SetItem
def __setitem__(op, key, value):
mp = op
_hash = hash(key)
## /* if fill >= 2/3 size, double in size */
if (mp.ma_fill*3 >= mp.ma_size*2) :
if (mp.dictresize(mp.ma_used*2) != 0):
if (mp.ma_fill+1 > mp.ma_size):
raise MemoryError
mp.insertdict(key, _hash, value)
# more interface functions
def keys(self):
me_hash, me_key, me_value = range(3) # rec slots
res = []
for _hash, _key, _value in self.ma_table:
if _value is not NULL:
res.append( _key)
return res
def values(self):
me_hash, me_key, me_value = range(3) # rec slots
res = []
for _hash, _key, _value in self.ma_table:
if _value is not NULL:
res.append( _value)
return res
def items(self):
me_hash, me_key, me_value = range(3) # rec slots
res = []
for _hash, _key, _value in self.ma_table:
if _value is not NULL:
res.append( (_key, _value) )
return res
def __cmp__(self, other):
mine = self.items()
others = other.items()
return cmp(mine, others)
## tests
def test(lis, dic):
for key in lis: dic[key]
def nulltest(lis, dic):
for key in lis: dic
def string_dicts(n):
d1 = Dictionary() # original
d2 = Dictionary(1) # other rehash
d3 = Dictionary(2) # with warmup
d4 = Dictionary(3) # rotleft
for i in range(n):
s = str(i) #* 5
#s = chr(i%256) + chr(i>>8)##
d1[s] = d2[s] = d3[s] = d4[s] = i
return d1, d2, d3, d4
def istring_dicts(n):
d1 = Dictionary() # original
d2 = Dictionary(1) # other rehash
d3 = Dictionary(2) # with warmup
d4 = Dictionary(3) # rotleft
for i in range(n):
s = chr(i%256) + chr(i>>8)
d1[s] = d2[s] = d3[s] = d4[s] = i
return d1, d2, d3, d4
def random_dicts(n):
d1 = Dictionary() # original
d2 = Dictionary(1) # other rehash
d3 = Dictionary(2) # with warmup
d4 = Dictionary(3) # rotleft
from whrandom import randint
import sys
keys = []
for i in range(n):
keys.append(randint(0, sys.maxint-1))
for i in keys:
d1[i] = d2[i] = d3[i] = d4[i] = i
return d1, d2, d3, d4
def badnum_dicts(n):
d1 = Dictionary() # original
d2 = Dictionary(1) # other rehash
d3 = Dictionary(2) # with warmup
d4 = Dictionary(3) # rotleft
shift = 10
shift = 16
for i in range(n):
bad = i << 16
d2[bad] = d3[bad] = d4[bad] = i
if n <= 1000: d1[bad] = i
return d1, d2, d3, d4
def names_dicts(n):
d1 = Dictionary() # original
d2 = Dictionary(1) # other rehash
d3 = Dictionary(2) # with warmup
d4 = Dictionary(3) # rotleft
import win32con
keys = win32con.__dict__.keys()
if len(keys) < n:
keys = []
for s in keys[:n]:
d1[s] = d2[s] = d3[s] = d4[s] = s
return d1, d2, d3, d4
def do_test(dict):
keys = dict.keys()
dict.getTrips() # reset
test(keys, dict)
return "%d/%d" % dict.getTrips()
if __name__ == "__main__":
for N in (1000,2000,3000,4000):
sdold, sdnew, sdnew2, sdrot = string_dicts(N)
#idold, idnew, idnew2, idrot = istring_dicts(N)
bdold, bdnew, bdnew2, bdrot = badnum_dicts(N)
rdold, rdnew, rdnew2, rdrot = random_dicts(N)
ndold, ndnew, ndnew2, ndrot = names_dicts(N)
fmt = "old=%s new=%s new2=%s rot=%s"
print "N=%d" %N
print ("trips for strings "+fmt) % tuple(
map(do_test, (sdold, sdnew, sdnew2, sdrot)) )
#print ("trips for bin strings "+fmt) % tuple(
# map(do_test, (idold, idnew, idnew2, idrot)) )
print ("trips for bad integers "+fmt) % tuple(
map(do_test, (bdold, bdnew, bdnew2, bdrot)))
print ("trips for random integers "+fmt) % tuple(
map(do_test, (rdold, rdnew, rdnew2, rdrot)))
print ("trips for windows names "+fmt) % tuple(
map(do_test, (ndold, ndnew, ndnew2, ndrot)))
Results with a shift of 10 (EXTREME=0):
D:\crml_doc\platf\py>python dictest.py
timing for strings old=5.097 new=5.088
timing for bad integers old=101.540 new=12.610
Results with a shift of 16 (EXTREME=1):
D:\crml_doc\platf\py>python dictest.py
timing for strings old=5.218 new=5.147
timing for bad integers old=571.210 new=19.220