[Python-Dev] Adding C ternary select (a?b:c) to Python?

Tim Peters tim_one@email.msn.com
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 02:35:04 -0500

[Tim, makes a huge production over Guido's supposed intractability
 on the issue of new keywords]

> Hm, I was just thinking that 'then' wouldn't be the hardest keyword to
> add...

Man, you *are* Unfathomable <0.9 wink>!  Even if true, you should never have
admitted to it <0.1 wink>.

> But I should probably stick with Tim's suggestion.

Tim would.

>> Another issue with the last suggestion: how do you explain putting a
>> colon after the condition but not after the "else"?

> Whoever proposed that was terribly confused.

That was me.  It was just brainstorming, so you wouldn't have to <wink>.

    all-ideas-take-on-a-hideous-life-of-their-own-ly y'rs  - tim