[Python-Dev] patch handling (was: Python 1.6 timing)
Tim Peters
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 19:58:07 -0500
[Greg Stein asks ...]
> ...
> It won't reduce his load unless we have actual volunteers that will truly
> do some handling of the patches.
> I'm assuming the current volunteer list is:
> - Guido (he volunteers whether he wants to or not :-)
> - Moshe (??)
> - Greg in April
> Others?
Sure -- but can't make a concrete time commitment. The time I've been able
to make so far amounted to changing three letters in a FAQ <wink/sigh>.
I hope the Jitterbug idea is adopted: clunky as it is, it's public,
searchable, has categories (so supports *some* rudimentary notion of
workflow), and doesn't tie up my 28.8 modem <wink>.