[Python-Dev] patch handling (was: Python 1.6 timing)

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us (Barry A. Warsaw)
Thu, 3 Feb 2000 12:07:19 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "MZ" == Moshe Zadka <moshez@math.huji.ac.il> writes:

    MZ> 2. mailman (what fun to me! I'm dumping work on Barry) could
    MZ> be hacked (or hooked) into doing that:

Not a good strategy right now :)

Here's my proposal, from short term/easy to long term:

1. Create patches@python.org which will be the official advertised
   address to send patches.  This will be a Mailman mailing list to
   which anybody can post, but to which subscriptions are closed.
   Amount of work: trivial.

2. Create patches-discuss@python.org which will be the address to
   discuss patches@python.org postings.  We make Reply-To: for
   patches@ be patches-discuss@
   Amount of work: relatively small (for me to hack Mailman)

3. If someone will write a Python function to scan a string, returning
   true or false as to whether it contains a patch, I will integrate
   this into Mailman so that if a patch is found, it will be forwarded
   to the Jitterbug database address.  Ideally this filter would check
   to be sure that the disclaimer text is included, but that's not
   necessary.  Guido (or someone) is still going to have to decide
   whether the small text or a wet signature is necessary.
   Amount of work: Fairly non-trivial for someone other than Barry
      Not too bad for Barry to hack this into Mailman

4. When !?ng frees Roundup we look at adopting it.  From everything
   that I heard about it, it's OHS (official hot shit).  I want, I
   want! :)
   Amount of work: none now, except for !?ng :)
      Later, some for one of us CNRI'ers

5. Move the whole kit-and-kaboodle to SourceForge (or
   server51.freshmeat.net which looks to provide many of the same
   services).  We cannot be the only project facing these same issues,
   so let's leverage off of what others have done.
   Amount of work: unknown, but I'm looking into it for Mailman
