Python 2 namespace change? (was Re: [Python-Dev] Changing existing class instances)

Jim Fulton
Thu, 03 Feb 2000 15:21:45 -0500

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > No.  The idea is to have "association" objects. We can create
> > these directly if we want:
> >
> >   a=Association('limit',100)
> >   print a.key, a.value # whatever
> >
> > The association value is mutable, but the key is not.
> >
> > A namespace object is a collection of association objects
> > such that no two items have the same key. Internally, this
> > would be very much like the current dictionary except that
> > instead of an array of dictentries, you'd have an array of
> > association object pointers.  Effectively, associations
> > are exposed dictentries.
> >
> > Externally, a namspace acts more or less like any
> > mapping object. For example, when someone does a getitem,
> > the namespace object will find the association with the
> > desired key and return it's value.  In addition, a namspace
> > object would provide methods along the lines of:
> >
> >   associations()
> >
> >     Return a sequence of the associations in the namespace
> >
> >   addAssociation(assoc)
> >
> >     Add the given association to the namsspace.  This
> >     creates another reference to the association.
> >     Changing the association's value also changes the value
> >     in the namespace.
> >
> >   getAssociation(key)
> >
> >     Get the association associated with the key.
> >
> > A setitem on a namespace modifies an existing association
> > if there is already an association for the given key.
> I presume __setitem__() creates a new association if there isn't one.


> I also presume that if an association's value is NULL, it doesn't show
> up in keys(), values() and items() and it doesn't exist for has_key()
> or __getitem__().

> What does a delitem do?  Delete the association or set the value to
> NULL?  I suppose the latter.

Good question.  I'm inclined to think the former.
That is, deleting an item from the namespace would
delete the name association.  I can see arguments both ways.

> > For example:
> >
> >   n1=namespace()
> >   n1['limit']=100
> >   n2=namespace()
> >   n2.addAssociation(n1.getAssociation('limit'))
> >   print n2['limit'] # prints 100
> >   n1['limit']=200
> >   print n2['limit'] # prints 200
> >
> > When a function is compiled that refers to a global
> > variable, we get the association from the global namespace
> > and store it. The function doesn't need to store the global
> > namespace itself, so we don't create a circular reference.
> For this to work we would have to have to change the division of labor
> between the function object and the code object.  The code object is
> immutable and contains no references to mutable objects; this means
> that it can easily be marshalled and unmarshalled.  (Also, when a code
> object is compiled or unmarshalled, the globals in which its function
> will be defined may not exist yet.)  The function object currently
> contains a pointer to the code object and a pointer to the dictionary
> with the globals.  (It also contains the default arg values.)
> It seems that for associations to work, they need to be placed in the
> function object, and the code object somehow needs to reference them
> through the function object.  To make this concrete: if a function
> references globals a, b, and c, these need to be numbered, and the
> bytecodes should look like this:
>         LOAD_GLOBAL     0       # a
>         STORE_GLOBAL    1       # b
>         DEL_GLOBAL      2       # c
> (This could be compiled from ``b = a; del c''.)
> The code object should also contains a list of global names, ordered
> by their ordinals, e.g. ("a", "b", "c").
> Then when the function object is created, it looks in that list and
> creates a corresponding list of associations, e.g.:
>         L = []
>         for name in code.co_global_names:
>             L.append(globals.getAssociation(name))
> The VM then sticks a pointer to this list into the frame, whenever the
> function is called (instead of the globals dict which it sticks there
> now), and the LOAD/STORE/DEL_GLOBAL opcodes reference the associations
> through this list.

Looks good to me. :)
> Some complications left as exercises:
> - The built-in functions (and exceptions, etc.) should also be
> referenced via associations; the loop above would become a bit
> trickier since it needs to look in two dicts.  (We're assuming that
> the code generator doesn't know which names are globals and which are
> built-ins.)
> - If the association for a name doesn't yet exist, it should be
> created.

> Note that the semantics are slightly different than currently: the
> decision whether a name refers to a global or to a built-in is made
> when the function is defined rather than each time when the name is
> referenced.  This is a bit cleaner -- in the type-sig we're making
> similar assumptions but the decision is made even earlier.
> But, overall the necessary changes to the implementation and to the
> semantics (e.g. of the 'for' statement) seem prohibitive to me.

Really? Even for Py3K?

> I also think that the namespace implementation will be quite a bit
> less efficient than a regular dictionary:

Spacewise yes.  They'd me much faster in use. This is a space/speed 

> currently, a dictionary
> entry is a struct of 12 bytes, and the dictionary has an array of
> these tightly packed.  Your association objects will be "real"
> objects, which means they have a reference count, a type pointer, a
> key, and a value, i.e. 16 bytes, without counting the malloc overhead;
> this probably comes in addition to the 12 bytes in the dict entry.

Why not replace the key and value pointers with the association pointer.
Then you'd get back a little of the space.

> (If you want to have the association objects directly in the hash
> table, they can't be shared between namespaces, and a namespace
> couldn't grow -- when a dict grows its hash table is reallocated.)
> > Note that circular references are bad even if we have
> > a more powerful gc.
> I don't understand or believe this statement.

This was discussed at length a year or two ago. You added code
to print to stderr when an error occured in a destructor.
People noticed that they were getting errors when Python
exited. The problem occured when a destructor was called after
it's globals had been deallocated.  

You subsequently added alot of extra rules on shutdown
to make this much less likely. I don't think you made the problem
go away completely.

I find circular references to be bad in other ways.
For example, they are a pain with deep copy. You can make
deep copy do something in the presense of circular references, 
but the things it does can be quite surprising.
> > For example, by not storing the global
> > namespace in a function, we don't have to worry about the
> > global namespace being blown away before a destructor is run
> > during process exit.
> If we had more powerful gc the global namespace wouldn't have to be
> blown away at all (it would gently dissolve when __main__ was deleted
> from the interpreter).

Uh, OK, then we wouldn't have to worry about the
global namespace being gently dissolved before a destructor is run
during process exit.

> > When we use the global variable
> > in the function, we simply get the current value from the
> > association. We don't have to look it up.
> >
> > Namespaces would have other benefits:
> >
> >   - improve the semantics of:
> >
> >       from spam import foo
> >
> >     in that you'd be importing a name binding, not a value
> But its semantics will be harder to explain, because they will no
> longer be equivalent to
>         import spam     # assume there's no spam already
>         foo =
>         del spam

Will they really be harder to explain?  Why not explain them 
a different way?

  "The statement:

     from spam import foo

   copies a name binding for foo from module spam to the current

Eh, I guess I can see why someone would find this 
> Also, we currently *explain* that only objects are shared and name
> bindings are unique per namespace; this would no longer be true so we
> would have to explain a much harder rule.  ("If you got your foo
> through an import from another module, assigning to it will affect foo
> in that other module too; but if you got it through a local
> assignment, the effect will be local.")

Good point. Perhaps assinging in the client module
should break the connection to the other module. This would
require some extra magic.

> All in all, I think these semantics are messy and unacceptable.  True,
> object sharing is hard to explain too (see diagram on Larning Python
> page 60), but you'll still have to explain that anyway because it
> still exists within a namespace; but now in addition we'd have to
> explain that there is an exception to object sharing...  Messy, messy.

Well, I don't have a problem with object sharing, so the notion
of sharing namespaces doesn't bother me. I undertand that
some folks have a problem with object sharing and I agree
that they'd have problems with name sharing. OTOH, I don't
think you'd consider the fact that some people have difficulty
with object sharing to be sufficient justification for removing
the feature from the language.
> >   - Be useful in any application where it's desireable to
> >     share a name binding.
> I think it's better to explicitly share the namespace -- " = 1"
> makes it clear that whoever else has a reference to foo will see bar
> similarly changed.
> > > > Again, it would also make function global variable access
> > > > faster and cleaner in some ways.
> > >
> > > But I have other plans for that (if the optional static typing stuff
> > > ever gets implemented).
> >
> > Well, OK, but I argue that the namespace idea is much simpler
> > and more foolproof.
> I claim that it's not foolproof at all -- on the contrary, it creates
> something that hides in the dark and will bite us in the behind by
> surprise,

How so?

> long after we thought we knew there were no monsters under
> the bed.  (Yes, I've been re-reading Calvin and Hobbes. :-)
> > > > > however it would break a considerable amount of old code,
> > > > > I think.
> > > >
> > > > Really? I wonder. I bet it would break alot less old
> > > > code that other recent changes.
> > >
> > > Oh?  Name some changes that broke a lot of code?
> >
> > The move to class-based exceptions broke alot of our code.
> It must have been very traumatic that you're still sore over that;
> it was introduced in 1.5, over two years ago.

I'm not sore. But it was a bigger (IMO) backward incompatibility.


Jim Fulton 
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