[Python-Dev] re: syntax - "Aren't tuples redundant?"
Gordon McMillan
Thu, 3 Feb 2000 16:56:19 -0500
David Ascher wrote:
> [*]: I did teach a course at Bank of America where 15 of the 16 people in
> the room were Vice Presidents. Of course, they were just programmers, but
> the pay for a competent programmer is high in the hierarchy of bank
> salaries. =)
From my recollection of the numbers of 10 years ago: if every
man, woman and child in my town were a BofA VP, then you
could still easily pack all BofA VPs into a dumpster without
any two of my fellow residents coming into contact.
ow-careful-with-that-cell-phone-ly y'rs
- Gordon