[Python-Dev] davlib.py

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Thu, 17 Feb 2000 14:11:48 -0500 (EST)

Moshe Zadka writes:
 > While I do enjoy having all this stuff with the core distribution, I have
 > one nit to pick. (Relevant more to 1.7 then 1.6, but worth keeping in
 > mind). Can we please, pretty please with cream on top, start using

  I think this is really a matter for Py3K; the 1.x series has a lot
of backward-compatibility issues.  There's no need to move things to
packages if the old names are still supported; that just increases the 
clutter (all the old names *plus* the new packages).
  Until the library is reorganized into packages, there's no need to
change the structural approach, since the re-organization will break
lots of code anyway.

 > packages in the standard distribution? We can do it backwards compatibly,
 > with something like
 > internet/
 >     protocol/
 >         httplib.py

  I wouldn't make it so deep; perhaps internet/httplib, but that's it.

 > Put new stuff only in packages, and that way we could have a large
 > distribution, without a lot of top-level name clutter.

  The XML stuff will be in the xml package; this matches what the
XML-SIG has been doing all along.
  And please don't confuse distribution clutter with module namespace
clutter; the first is merely annoying, while the latter is actually
the important issue.

 > Anyone for? Against? Going to add me to their kill-files<wink>?

  Remember, the PSU reads names from my kill-file; be careful where
you suggest we put yours.  ;)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	  <fdrake at acm.org>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives