[Python-Dev] package reorg in 1.6 (was: concrete proposal)
Barry A. Warsaw
bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us (Barry A. Warsaw)
Thu, 17 Feb 2000 15:33:47 -0500 (EST)
>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein@lyra.org> writes:
GS> Personally, I'm okay with a partial move. I don't think that
GS> we'll be able to find proper packaging for everything. Let's
GS> shift the modules, review what's left, shift some more,
GS> etc. Lather/rinse/repeat.
GS> Even if we don't "complete the move", then we've still
GS> *improved* the situation.
I agree. There will be some modules which can clearly be grouped
together, and others that'll take some head scratching (or worse,
artificial conglomerificationating). Let's do the ones that make
sense and see how far we get. We'll hold the nice fat `misc' package
for 1.7 :)