[Python-Dev] TomC
David Ascher
Fri, 18 Feb 2000 14:27:56 -0800
Seen on perl5-porters:
>...and thus providing a rationale for C<exists $foo[5]>, as opposed
>C<defined $foo[5]> which is merely checking for an array element
>containing a perfectly valid scalar value...
Exacerbating the number of ways you can count the disparate but
indistinguishable sets of angels dancing on the head of a pin serves
no legitimate purpose save to further elevate the priesthood of the
triviamasters above neophyte and acolyte alike by needlessly
the abstruse into the quotidian, thereby reducing the already
debatable accessibility of Perl by those common masses who need it
most--all because of the irrepressible urge by the destructively
clever to continue unfettered these labyrinthine embellishments,
gratuitous nuances of surpassing subletly and dubious utility. Let
your true be true and your false be false, and add not to the
confusing number of falsehoods, lest the resulting eminently
confusable shadings be forever beyond the ken of mortal men trying
to get their jobs done without first subjecting themselves to
of monastic study.