[Python-Dev] urllib.browse() issues
Gordon McMillan
Thu, 6 Jul 2000 18:11:46 -0400
Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> Gordon McMillan writes:
> > That's what "start %s" % url does. The intent is the same as >
> $EDITOR, though the mechanics make Rube Goldberg look > boringly
> practical.
> No, that supports "Whatever the user set as their default
> browser,"
> and is the right default for Windows. It doesn't let me use a
> drop-down box in a GUI to say "This application should Opera for
> help, even though Navigator is the default." *That's* what I'd
> like to be able to do, because then there's a chance of being
> able to separate open() and open_new(). (And just 'cause I'm a
> little anal about allowing this kind of configurability that no
> more than one in a thousand will care about. ;)
No, Fred, you're not one in a thousand, you're *completely*
unique. What 999/1000 Windows users will want is to have
the help in a .chm.
- Gordon