[Python-Dev] [patch #100927] Fix for broken gethostbyname("0")
Fredrik Lundh
Fredrik Lundh" <effbot@telia.com
Fri, 21 Jul 2000 00:21:08 +0200
this patch by Pekka Pessi adds support for "0" and "-1"
to gethostbyname:
"0" (a string, not an integer) is the same thing as ""
"-1" is the same thing as "<broadcast>".
Pekka hasn't followed up on my comments on the patch
page, so I thought I'd take the question to this forum in-
-- why is gethostbyname "broken" if it doesn't
support the magic strings "0" and "-1"?
I'm tempted to reject the patch, but I'm probably missing
something here...