[Python-Dev] Failing regression tests...
Mark Favas
Tue, 25 Jul 2000 06:36:05 +0800
[Jeremy Hylton just wrote:]
I just proposed some guidelines for contributing code, which probably
cross your message in transit, that included a guideline that no
checked in code should cause the regression test to fail.
I know 64-bit platforms aren't mainstream (yet), but test_ucn has also
been failing (test test_ucn crashed -- exceptions.UnicodeError :
Unicode-Escape decoding error: Invalid Unicode Character Name) for quite
a while now on these beasts. Bill Tutt proposed a patch, which Tim
critiqued, while at the same time /F was producing another way of doing
it <g>, and...
Email - m.favas@per.dem.csiro.au Mark C Favas
Phone - +61 8 9333 6268, 0418 926 074 CSIRO Exploration & Mining
Fax - +61 8 9383 9891 Private Bag No 5, Wembley
WGS84 - 31.95 S, 115.80 E Western Australia 6913