[Python-Dev] Revised 1.6 jobs list
Peter Funk
Wed, 7 Jun 2000 16:44:30 +0200 (MEST)
Greg Ward:
> But yeah, remote CVS still bites the big one. Very painful over a 28.8k
> modem line. (It sucks being a cheap bastard!)
Certainly you know about 'rsync'? Would this help here?
Let me quote a small section from the 'rsync' man page:
""" To synchronize my samba source trees I use the following
Makefile targets:
rsync -avuzb --exclude ´*~´ samba:samba/ .
rsync -Cavuzb . samba:samba/
sync: get put
this allows me to sync with a CVS directory at the other
end of the link. I then do cvs operations on the remote
machine, which saves a lot of time as the remote cvs pro
tocol isn´t very efficient. """
I can't access CVS because of our restrictive HTTP/UUCP only firewall,
but in our company we use 'rsync' a lot.
Regards, Peter