[Python-Dev] Creating curses package: done

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin@mems-exchange.org
Sat, 10 Jun 2000 19:33:12 -0400

On Sat, Jun 10, 2000 at 01:58:04PM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
>which are hard to get right).  Best thing to do would be to submit a
>SF admin request, which I think since you're a developer you can do.

I've submitted a support request to rename the file, and checked in
the Lib/curses subdirectory, containing only __init__.py and
wrapper.py, along with the required Makefile.in and Setup.in changes.
If you compile the CVS tree right now, you'll need to rename
cursesmodule.c to _cursesmodule.c manually.

The textbox stuff poses two problems.  First, it requires ascii.py,
and wasn't the decision to wait for GvR on adding that module?
Second, Eric, I'm not sure what you want as the module name for the
textbox stuff: textbox.py?  Your call...  (I'll check it in, and if
ascii.py is vetoed, it can be rewritten to not require ascii.py, or
we can have curses.ascii.)
