[Python-Dev] Towards 1.6 Final

Vladimir Marangozov Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr
Tue, 13 Jun 2000 04:37:23 +0200 (CEST)

Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> - document more undocumented modules (codes - done; unicodedata -
>   needs work; mmap & pyexpat - Fred to integrate; curses - needs
>   updates; regrtest - push to 1.7, see below)

+ Write missing bits in the extend/embed docs (me)

Also, last time I ran the 1.6 alpha on AIX, test_mmap failed.
I have to take a closer look at this...

> - Fix ./ld_so_aix installation problem on AIX (anybody know more about
>   this???)

Yes, AMK, Greg Ward and I know more. It's more an automation (path) problem
for building C extensions with distutils than an installation problem per se.
Some time ago, I saw a workaround checked in by Greg. If this is still judged
as a problem, I'd like to hear about it. This is a minor thing. I have yet
to install & run the distutil package on AIX, though, and see what happens.

> - enable threads by default if OS supports it

Who's going to champion this? I recall Greg Stein volunteering for it ;)
(or for something related)

> - Test the hell out of SRE.  (waiting for /F's complete implementation)
> As we saw it the most critical things that need to get done are
> testing the GC stuff and the SRE module.  Of those, the most critical
> is SRE since AFAIK, we're still waiting for the final complete code
> from /F.  I could be wrong about that.

It thas been my impression that people are pushing /F for SRE deliveries,
but he feels uncomfortable with a number of Unicode compromises (affecting
the SRE code and/or design???) and has some implementation hesitations.
Add to this the pression of the recent PythonWorks' release. In this context,
if there's something to be finished, it would be nice to stop pushing him
and help him finishing this project. Unfortunately, I can't offer any help
as I don't know much about RE engines.

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr
http://sirac.inrialpes.fr/~marangoz | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252