[Python-Dev] FW: Fixing os.popen on Win32 => is the win32pipe stuff going to be adopted?

Trent Mick trentm@ActiveState.com
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 14:42:06 -0000

>     architecture(executable='/usr/local/bin/python', bits='',
> linkage='') :
>         Values that cannot be determined are returned as given by the
>         parameter presets. If bits is given as '', the sizeof(long) is
>         used as indicator for the supported pointer size.

Just a heads up, using sizeof(long) will not work on forthcoming WIN64
(LLP64 data model) to determine the supported pointer size. You would want
to use the 'P' struct format specifier instead, I think (I am speaking in
relative ignorance). However, the docs say that a PyInt is used to store 'P'
specified value, which as a C long, will not hold a pointer on LLP64. Hmmmm.
The keyword perhaps is "forthcoming".

This is the code in question in platform.py:

    # Use the sizeof(long) as default number of bits if nothing
    # else is given as default.
    if not bits:
        import struct
        bits = str(struct.calcsize('l')*8) + 'bit'

> > No concrete plans -- except that I think the registry access is
> > supposed to go in.  Haven't seen the code on patches@python.org yet
> > though.
Mark Hammond:
> FYI, that is off with Trent who is supposed to be testing it on the Alpha.

My Alpha is in pieces right now! I will get to it soon. I will try it on
Win64 as well, if I can.


Trent Mick