[Python-Dev] Great Renaming - Straw Man 0.2
Moshe Zadka
Moshe Zadka <mzadka@geocities.com>
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 11:24:14 +0200 (IST)
On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Jack Jansen wrote:
> These I don't like, I think image and sound should be either at toplevel, or
> otherwise in a separate package (mm?). I know images and sounds are
> customarily stored in binary files, but so are databases and other things.
Hmmm...I think of "bin" as "interface to binary files". Agreed that I
don't have a good reason for seperating gdbm from zlib.
> Hmm, the bin group in general seems to be a bit of a catch-all. gzip, zlib and
> chunk definitely belong together, but struct is a wholly different beast.
I think Ping and I decided to move struct to toplevel.
Ping, would you like to take your last proposal and fold into it the
consensual changes,, or should I?
Moshe Zadka <mzadka@geocities.com>.
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