[Python-Dev] OOps (was: No 1.6! (was Re: A REALLY COOL PYTHON
Moshe Zadka
Moshe Zadka <moshez@math.huji.ac.il>
Thu, 18 May 2000 08:36:09 +0300 (IDT)
[Tim Peters, on sequenceness of strings]
> for ch in string:
> muck w/ the character ch
> is a common idiom.
Hmmmm...if you add a new method,
for ch in string.as_sequence():
muck w/ the character ch
You'd solve this.
But you won't manage to convince me that you haven't used things like
string[3:5]+string[6:] to get all the characters that...
The real problem (as I see it, from my very strange POV) is that Python
uses strings for two distinct uses:
1 -- Symbols
2 -- Arrays of characters
"Symbols" are ``run-time representation of identifiers''. For example,
getattr's "prototype" "should be"
getattr(object, symbol, object=None)
While re's search method should be
Of course, there are symbol->string and string->symbol functions, just as
there are list->tuple and tuple->list functions.
BTW, this would also solve problems if you want to go case-insensitive in
Py3K: == is case-sensitive on strings, but case-insensitive on symbols.
good-opportunity-to-get-it-off-ly y'rs, Z.
Moshe Zadka <moshez@math.huji.ac.il>
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